Ejemplo n.º 1
def _transact(graph: nx.MultiGraph, src: int, tgt: int, amount: int, new_node: int, info: dict):
    from more_itertools import pairwise

    path, weights, fees = find_route(graph, src, tgt, amount)

    # no path found
    if path is None:
        info['no_path'] += 1

    for (node, neighbour) in pairwise(path):
        channel_trans_amt = weights[neighbour]
        channel_policy = graph.get_policy(node, neighbour)

        # channel cannot handle transaction
        if channel_policy.balance < channel_trans_amt:
            info['channel_imbalance'] += 1
            if node == new_node or neighbour == new_node:
                info['failure'][node, neighbour] += 1
                raise Exception('Adversary channel imbalance')

    # record successful transaction
    info['total_success'] += 1

    total_amt = 0
    # move amount between nodes in path
    for (node, neighbour) in pairwise(path):
        if neighbour is None:
            # remove total amount from src
            graph.nodes[path[0]]['data'].capacity -= total_amt
            # add amount to tgt
            graph.nodes[node]['data'].capacity += weights[node]

        channel_trans_amt = weights[neighbour]
        channel_policy = graph.get_policy(node, neighbour)

        # pay channel fees to node
        graph.nodes[node]['data'].capacity += fees[node]
        total_amt += fees[node]

        # shift channel balance
        channel_policy.balance -= channel_trans_amt
        graph.get_policy(neighbour, node).balance += channel_trans_amt

        # record profit for adversary
        if node == new_node or neighbour == new_node:
            info['success'][node, neighbour] += 1
            info['profit'][node, neighbour] += fees[node]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reward(g: nx.MultiGraph, edge: Tuple[int, int], const_amt: int, fee_type: str, fee: int = None) -> int:
    # debugging
    # print_flag = fee is not None

    u, v = edge
    if fee is not None:
        g.update_fee(u, v, fee, fee_type)
        fee = getattr(g.get_policy(u, v), fee_type)

    ebc = edge_betweenness(g, const_amt)[edge]

    # debugging
    # if print_flag:
    #     print('({:>3d}, {:>3d})  fee {:>9d}  ebc {:>9f}  '.format(
    #         u, v, fee, ebc), end='')

    return fee * ebc