Ejemplo n.º 1
def rem(g: nx.MultiGraph) -> None:
    node_attributes = nx.get_node_attributes(G, 'elderly')
    nodes = list(g.nodes)
    for node in nodes:
        neigh = list(g.neighbors(node))

        if len(neigh) == 2 and (g.degree(node) % 2) == 0:
                set1 = {
                    for edge in g.get_edge_data(node, neigh[0]).values()
                print(g.get_edge_data(node, neigh[0]))
            set2 = {
                for edge in g.get_edge_data(node, neigh[1]).values()
            if set1 == set2:
                succ = node_attributes[neigh[1]] + 0.001
                node_attr = node_attributes[node] + 0.001
                # if (abs((node_attr-prec))<1000) and (abs((node_attr-succ))<1000):
                if (abs((node_attr - succ)) < 1000):
                    for edge_label in set1:
                        g.add_edge(neigh[0], neigh[1], label=edge_label)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def reduction2(g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
	for v in h.nodes():
		# Check if G[W ∪ {v}] contains a cycle.
		if not is_forest(g.subgraph(w.union({v}))):
			return (k - 1, v, True)
	return (k, None, False)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def reduction1(g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
	changed = False
	for v in g.nodes():
		if g.degree(v) <= 1:
			changed = True
	return (k, None, changed)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def reduction3(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
     If there is a vertex v of degree at most 1, delete v.
     changed = False
     for v in g.nodes():
         if g.degree(v) <= 1:
             changed = True
     return k, None, changed
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def reduction3(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
     If there is a vertex v of degree at most 1, delete v.
     changed = False
     for v in g.nodes():
         if g.degree(v) <= 1:
             changed = True
     return k, None, changed
 def reduction1(self, g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
     Delete all nodes of degree 0 or 1 as they can't be part of any cycles.
     changed = False
     for v in g.nodes():
         if g.degree(v) <= 1:
             changed = True
     return k, None, changed
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def reduction1(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
     If there is a loop at a vertex v, delete v from the graph and decrease k by 1.
     changed = False
     vs = g.nodes_with_selfloops()
     for v in vs:
         k -= 1
         changed = True
     return k, vs, changed
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def reduction1(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
     If there is a loop at a vertex v, delete v from the graph and decrease k by 1.
     changed = False
     vs = g.nodes_with_selfloops()
     for v in vs:
         k -= 1
         changed = True
     return k, vs, changed
Ejemplo n.º 9
def reduction3(g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
	for v in h.nodes():
		if g.degree(v) == 2:
			# If v has a neighbour in H, short-curcuit it.
			if len(h[v]) >= 1:
				# Delete v and make its neighbors adjacent.
				[n1, n2] = g.neighbors(v)
				g.add_edge(n1, n2)
				# Update H accordingly.
				if n1 not in w and n2 not in w:
					h.add_edge(n1, n2)
				return (k, None, True)
	return (k, None, False)
    def reduction2(self, g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
        If there exists a node v in H such that G[W ∪ {v}]
        contains a cycle, then include v in the solution, delete v and decrease the
        parameter by 1. That is, the new instance is (G - {v}, W, k - 1).

        If v introduces a cycle, it must be part of X as none of the vertices in W
        will be available to neutralise this cycle.
        for v in h.nodes():
            # Check if G[W ∪ {v}] contains a cycle.
            if not is_acyclic(g.subgraph(w.union({v}))):
                return k - 1, v, True
        return k, None, False
 def reduction3(self, g: MultiGraph, w: set, h: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, int, bool):
     If there is a node v ∈ V(H) of degree 2 in G such
     that at least one neighbor of v in G is from V (H), then delete this node
     and make its neighbors adjacent (even if they were adjacent before; the graph
     could become a multigraph now).
     for v in h.nodes():
         if g.degree(v) == 2:
             # If v has a neighbour in H, short-curcuit it.
             if len(h[v]) >= 1:
                 # Delete v and make its neighbors adjacent.
                 [n1, n2] = g.neighbors(v)
                 g.add_edge(n1, n2)
                 # Update H accordingly.
                 if n1 not in w and n2 not in w:
                     h.add_edge(n1, n2)
                 return k, None, True
     return k, None, False
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def reduction4(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
         If there is a vertex v of degree 2, delete v and connect its two neighbors by a new edge.
        for v in g.nodes():
            if g.degree(v) == 2:
                # Delete v and make its neighbors adjacent.
                ne = g.neighbors(v)

                # We must check whether v has 2 neighbors, or just one but connected to v by multiple edges
                if len(ne) == 2:
                    [n1, n2] = ne
                    [n1] = ne
                    n2 = n1

                # Only add the edge if there are currently less than 2 edges between these two nodes
                es = g[n1].get(n2, {})
                if len(es) < 2:
                    g.add_edge(n1, n2)
                return k, None, True
        return k, None, False
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def reduction4(self, g: MultiGraph, k: int) -> (int, List[int], bool):
         If there is a vertex v of degree 2, delete v and connect its two neighbors by a new edge.
        for v in g.nodes():
            if g.degree(v) == 2:
                # Delete v and make its neighbors adjacent.
                ne = g.neighbors(v)

                # We must check whether v has 2 neighbors, or just one but connected to v by multiple edges
                if len(ne) == 2:
                    [n1, n2] = ne
                    [n1] = ne
                    n2 = n1

                # Only add the edge if there are currently less than 2 edges between these two nodes
                es = g[n1].get(n2, {})
                if len(es) < 2:
                    g.add_edge(n1, n2)
                return k, None, True
        return k, None, False
Ejemplo n.º 14
class ShuttlingGraph(list):
    def __init__(self, shuttlingEdges=list() ):
        super(ShuttlingGraph, self).__init__(shuttlingEdges) 
        self.currentPosition = None
        self.currentPositionName = None
        self.nodeLookup = dict()
        self.currentPositionObservable = Observable()
        self.graphChangedObservable = Observable()
        self._hasChanged = True
    def initGraph(self):
        self.shuttlingGraph = MultiGraph()
        for edge in self:
            self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge,
            self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName
            self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName

    def rgenerateNodeLookup(self):
        for edge in self:
            self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName
            self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName

    def hasChanged(self):
        return self._hasChanged
    def hasChanged(self, value):
        self._hasChanged = value
    def position(self, line):
        return self.nodeLookup.get(line)
    def setPosition(self, line):
        if self.currentPosition!=line:
            self.currentPosition = line
            self.currentPositionName = self.position(line)
            self.currentPositionObservable.fire( line=line, text=firstNotNone(self.currentPositionName, "") )

    def getMatchingPosition(self,graph):
        """Try to match node name/position to the current settings in the provided ShuttlingGraph."""
        if not graph:
            return self.currentPosition # no change
        # Matching node name. Need to set the corresponding position
        for edge in self:
            if edge.startName == graph.currentPositionName:
                return edge.startLine
            if edge.stopName == graph.currentPositionName:
                return edge.stopLine
        #if graph.currentPosition:
        #    return graph.currentPosition #just use the graph's position
        return self.currentPosition

    def addEdge(self, edge):
        self._hasChanged = True
        self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge, weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine))
        self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] = edge.startName
        self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] = edge.stopName
    def isValidEdge(self, edge):
        return ((edge.startLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[edge.startLine] == edge.startName)
                and (edge.stopLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[edge.stopLine] == edge.stopName))
    def getValidEdge(self):
        index = 0
        while self.shuttlingGraph.has_node("Start_{0}".format(index)):
            index += 1
        startName = "Start_{0}".format(index)
        index = 0
        while self.shuttlingGraph.has_node("Stop_{0}".format(index)):
            index += 1
        stopName = "Stop_{0}".format(index)
        index = 0
        startLine = (max( self.nodeLookup.keys() )+1) if self.nodeLookup else 1
        stopLine = startLine + 1
        return ShuttleEdge(startName, stopName, startLine, stopLine, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    def removeEdge(self, edgeno):
        self._hasChanged = True
        edge = self.pop(edgeno)
        self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, hash(edge))
        if self.shuttlingGraph.degree(edge.startName) == 0:
        if self.shuttlingGraph.degree(edge.stopName) == 0:
    def setStartName(self, edgeno, startName):
        self._hasChanged = True
        startName = str(startName)
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if edge.startName != startName:
            self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge))
            if self.shuttlingGraph.degree(edge.startName) == 0:
            edge.startName = startName
            self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge,
                                         weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) )
        return True
    def setStopName(self, edgeno, stopName):
        self._hasChanged = True
        stopName = str(stopName)
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if edge.stopName != stopName:
            self.shuttlingGraph.remove_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge))
            if self.shuttlingGraph.degree(edge.stopName) == 0:
            edge.stopName = stopName
            self.shuttlingGraph.add_edge(edge.startName, edge.stopName, key=hash(edge), edge=edge,
                                         weight=abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine) )
        return True
    def setStartLine(self, edgeno, startLine):
        self._hasChanged = True
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if startLine != edge.startLine and (startLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[startLine] == edge.startName):
            edge.startLine = startLine
            self.shuttlingGraph.edge[edge.startName][edge.stopName][hash(edge)]['weight'] = abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine)
            return True    
        return False  
    def setStopLine(self, edgeno, stopLine):
        self._hasChanged = True
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if stopLine != edge.stopLine and (stopLine not in self.nodeLookup or self.nodeLookup[stopLine] == edge.stopName):
            edge.stopLine = stopLine
            self.shuttlingGraph.edge[edge.startName][edge.stopName][hash(edge)]['weight'] = abs(edge.stopLine-edge.startLine)
            return True  
        return False
    def setIdleCount(self, edgeno, idleCount):
        self._hasChanged = True
        self[edgeno].idleCount = idleCount
        return True      

    def setSteps(self, edgeno, steps):
        self._hasChanged = True
        self[edgeno].steps = steps
        return True      
    def shuttlePath(self, fromName, toName ):
        fromName = firstNotNone(fromName, self.currentPositionName)
        fromName = fromName if fromName else self.position(float(self.currentPosition))
        if fromName not in self.shuttlingGraph:
            raise ShuttlingGraphException("Shuttling failed, origin '{0}' is not a valid shuttling node".format(fromName))
        if toName not in self.shuttlingGraph:
            raise ShuttlingGraphException("Shuttling failed, target '{0}' is not a valid shuttling node".format(toName))
        sp = shortest_path(self.shuttlingGraph, fromName, toName)
        path = list()
        for a, b in pairs_iter(sp):
            edge = sorted(self.shuttlingGraph.edge[a][b].values(), key=itemgetter('weight'))[0]['edge']
            path.append((a, b, edge, self.index(edge)))
        return path
    def nodes(self):
        return self.shuttlingGraph.nodes()
    def toXmlElement(self, root):
        mydict = dict( ( (key, str(getattr(self, key))) for key in ('currentPosition', 'currentPositionName') if getattr(self, key) is not None  ) ) 
        myElement = ElementTree.SubElement(root, "ShuttlingGraph", attrib=mydict )
        for edge in self:
            edge.toXmlElement( myElement )
        return myElement
    def setStartType(self, edgeno, Type):
        self._hasChanged = True
        self[edgeno].startType = str(Type)
        return True
    def setStopType(self, edgeno, Type):
        self._hasChanged = True
        self[edgeno].stopType = str(Type)
        return True
    def setStartLength(self, edgeno, length):
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if length!=edge.startLength:
            if length+edge.stopLength<edge.sampleCount:
                self._hasChanged = True
                edge.startLength = int(length)
                return False
        return True
    def setStopLength(self, edgeno, length):
        edge = self[edgeno]
        if length!=edge.stopLength:
            if edge.startLength+length<edge.sampleCount:
                self._hasChanged = True
                edge.stopLength = int(length)
                return False
        return True
    def fromXmlElement( element ):
        edgeElementList = element.findall("ShuttleEdge")
        edgeList = [ ShuttleEdge.fromXmlElement(e) for e in edgeElementList ]
        return ShuttlingGraph(edgeList)