def calcTvalue(p, df):
    t = None
    if (df == 1):
        t = math.cos(p*math.pi/2.)/math.sin(p*math.pi/2.)
    elif (df == 2):
        t = math.sqrt(2./(p*(2. - p)) - 2.)
        a = 1./(df - 0.5)
        b = 48./(a*a)
        c = ((20700.*a/b - 98.)*a - 16.)*a + 96.36
        d = ((94.5/(b + c) - 3.)/b + 1.)*math.sqrt(a*math.pi*0.5)*df
        x = d*p
        y = pow(x, 2./df)
        if (y > 0.05 + a):
            x = Norm_z(0.5*(1. - p))
            y = x*x
            if (df < 5.): 
                c = c + 0.3*(df - 4.5)*(x + 0.6)
            c = (((0.05*d*x - 5.)*x - 7.)*x - 2.)*x + b + c
            y = (((((0.4*y + 6.3)*y + 36.)*y + 94.5)/c - y - 3.)/b + 1.)*x
            y = a*y*y
            if (y > 0.002): 
                y = math.exp(y) - 1.
                y = 0.5*y*y + y
            t = sqrt(df*y)
            y = ((1./(((df + 6.)/(df*y) - 0.089*d - 0.822)*(df + 2.)*3.) + 0.5/(df + 4.))*y - 1.)*(df + 1.)/(df + 2.) + 1./y;
            t = math.sqrt(df*y)
    return t
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rotateImg(img):
    corners = findCorners(img)
    center = (sum(c[0] for c in corners) / 4, sum(c[1] for c in corners) / 4)
    p1 = np.float32((corners[0][0] + corners[3][0], corners[0][1] + corners[3][1]))
    p2 = np.float32((corners[1][0] + corners[2][0], corners[1][1] + corners[2][1]))
    p3 = np.float32((corners[0][0] + corners[1][0], corners[0][1] + corners[1][1]))
    p4 = np.float32((corners[2][0] + corners[3][0], corners[2][1] + corners[3][1]))
    width = math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[0] - p1[0]) + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p2[1] - p1[1])) / 2
    height = math.sqrt((p3[0] - p4[0]) * (p3[0] - p4[0]) + (p3[1] - p4[1]) * (p3[1] - p4[1])) / 2
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    if width < height:
        center = (center[1], center[0])
        img = imgRotate.rotate(img, 90)
    hsvImg = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)
    hsvImg = cv2.inRange(hsvImg, np.array((90, 60, 50), dtype=np.uint8), np.array((140, 255, 255), dtype=np.uint8))
    c, hy = cv2.findContours(hsvImg, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    for cnt in c:
        if len(cnt) < 5:
        ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(cnt)
        signetCenter, r, a = ellipse
        if  r[0] < 30 or r[1] < 50 or abs(signetCenter[0] - center[0]) > 50:
        if signetCenter[1] > center[1]:
            rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((w / 2, h / 2), 180, 1.0)
            img = cv2.warpAffine(img, rot_mat, (w , h), flags=cv2.INTER_LINEAR, borderValue=(255, 255, 255))
        return img
    raise Exception(_("不是增值税发票"))
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def synthesize(self , method = 0 , forceReSynthesis = True):                
        """ function that will synthesise the approximant using the list of atoms
            this is mostly DEPRECATED"""
        if self.originalSignal == None:
            _Logger.warning("No original Signal provided")
#            return None
        if (self.recomposedSignal == None) | forceReSynthesis:
            synthesizedSignal = zeros(self.length)
            if len(self.atoms) == 0:
      "No Atoms")
                return None

            # first method by inverse MDCT 
            if method == 0:
                for mdctSize in self.dico.sizes:
                    mdctVec = zeros(self.length)
                    for atom in self.atoms:
                        if atom.length == mdctSize:
                            # bugFIx
                            n = atom.timePosition +1                        
                            frame = math.floor( float(n) / float(atom.length /2) ) +1                        
#                            mdctVec[frame*float(atom.length /2) + atom.frequencyBin] += atom.amplitude
                            mdctVec[frame*float(atom.length /2) + atom.frequencyBin] += atom.mdct_value
                    synthesizedSignal += imdct(mdctVec , mdctSize)
#                    synthesizedSignal += concatenate((zeros(mdctSize/4) , imdct(mdctVec , mdctSize)) )[1:-mdctSize/4+1]
            # second method by recursive atom synthesis - NOT WORKING
            elif method == 1:
                for atom in self.atoms:           
                    synthesizedSignal[atom.timePosition : atom.timePosition + atom.length] += atom.waveform

            # HACK here to resynthesize using LOMP atoms
            elif method == 2:
                for atom in self.atoms:
                    atom.waveForm = atom.synthesizeIFFT()    
                    if (atom.projectionScore is not None):
                            if (atom.projectionScore <0):
                                atom.waveform = (-math.sqrt(-atom.projectionScore/sum(atom.waveform**2)) )*atom.waveform
                                atom.waveform = (math.sqrt(atom.projectionScore/sum(atom.waveform**2)) )*atom.waveform
                    synthesizedSignal[atom.timePosition : atom.timePosition + atom.length] += atom.waveform
            self.recomposedSignal = signals.Signal(synthesizedSignal , self.samplingFrequency)
            #return self.recomposedSignal
        # other case: we just give the existing synthesized Signal.
        return self.recomposedSignal
Ejemplo n.º 4
def Haar(points, depth):
    if len(points) < 2 or depth < 1:
        return points
    if depth > math.log(len(points), 2):
        depth = math.log(len(points), 2)
    sum_sequence = []
    diff_sequence = []
    for i in range(0, len(points), 2):
        diff_sequence.append((points[i] - points[i + 1]) / math.sqrt(2))
        sum_sequence.append((points[i] + points[i + 1]) / math.sqrt(2))
    v = Haar(sum_sequence, depth - 1)
    return v
Ejemplo n.º 5
def costurnangle(fromm,to):

    v = fromm[0]-to[0]
    u = fromm[1]-to[1]
    if v == 0:
        return 0
    if u==0:
        return 1.579
    r = math.sqrt(v*v + (u)*(u))
    point = [v,u]
    length = math.sqrt((v-r)*(v-r) + u*u)
    if v/u>0:
        return math.acos( (length*length - 2*r*r)/(2*r*r))
    return -math.acos((length * length - 2 * r * r) / (2 * r * r))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def DPLSW(self, thetaTild, countXVec, myMDP, featuresMatrix, gamma, epsilon, delta,batchSize, initStateDist="uniform", pi="uniform"):
     beta= (epsilon/4)/(dim+numpy.math.log(2.0/delta))
     for i in range(len(countXVec)):
     GammaSqrt= (Gamma_w)
     for i in range(len(GammaSqrt)):
     GammaSqrtPhi= numpy.mat(GammaSqrt) *numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)
     if self.is_invertible(GammaSqrtPhi):
     PsiBetaX= self.SmootBound_LSW(myMDP, Gamma_w, countXVec, beta, myMDP.startStateDistribution())
     sigmmaX= (alpha*myMDP.getMaxReward())/(1-gamma)
     sigmmaX=sigmmaX*math.pow(PsiBetaX, .5)
     return [thetaTild_priv,thetaTild,math.pow(sigmmaX,2)]
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def LSL_subSampleAggregate(self, batch, s, numberOfsubSamples,myMDP,featuresMatrix,regCoef, pow_exp,numTrajectories,epsilon,delta,distUB):
     #beta= (epsilon/4)*(dim+numpy.math.log(2.0/delta))
     beta= (s/(2*numberOfsubSamples))
     subSamples=self.subSampleGen(batch, numberOfsubSamples)
     for i in range(len(subSamples)):
         FVMC=self.FVMCPE(myMDP, featuresMatrix, subSamples[i])
         #regc=self.computeLambdas(myMDP, featuresMatrix,regCoef, len(subSamples[i]), pow_exp)
         #z[i]=numpy.ravel(self.LSL(FVMC[2], myMDP, featuresMatrix,regc[0][0],len(subSamples[i]),FVMC[1]))
         SA_reidge_coef=100*math.pow(len(subSamples[i]), 0.5)
         z[i]=numpy.ravel(self.LSL(FVMC[2], myMDP, featuresMatrix,SA_reidge_coef,len(subSamples[i]),FVMC[1]))
         #z[i]= numpy.squeeze(numpy.asarray(FVMC[0]))#this is LSW
     g= self.generalized_median(myMDP,z,partitionPoint,distUB)
     #g= self.aggregate_median(myMDP,z)
     #To check the following block
     S_z=self.computeAggregateSmoothBound(z, beta, s,myMDP,distUB)
     return [temp_priv, numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)*numpy.mat(g[1]).T]
def great_circle_distance(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    # This function calculates the great circle distance between two points

    x_dist = abs(lon1 - lon2)
    y_dist = abs(lat1 - lat2)
    distance = math.sqrt((x_dist)**2 + (y_dist)**2)
    return distance
Ejemplo n.º 9
def slopeConfidence(alpha, linePoints):
    if len(linePoints)<2:
        return "Error: not enough points for calculation"
    if len(linePoints)==2:
        regression = lineRegress(linePoints)
        return regression["slope"], regression["intercept"],(regression["slope"],regression["slope"])
    #get linear regression for points
    regression = lineRegress(linePoints)
    #get Tscore
    tScore = stats.t.ppf((1-alpha/2), len(linePoints)-2)

    #get s(b1)  == (MSE)/sum(xi-mean(x))^2)
    xVctr, yVctr = _pointsToVectors(linePoints)
    MSE = _MSE(regression["slope"], regression["intercept"],linePoints)
    xMean = mean(xVctr)
    xMeanDiffArray = []
    for x in xVctr:
        xDiff = x - xMean
        xDiffSq = xDiff *xDiff
    xDiffSum = sum(xMeanDiffArray)
    sSqVal = MSE/xDiffSum
    sVal = math.sqrt(sSqVal)
    deltaConfidence = tScore*sVal
    confidenceInterval = (regression["slope"]-deltaConfidence,regression["slope"]+deltaConfidence)
    return regression["slope"], regression["intercept"], confidenceInterval
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def weighted_dif_L2_norm(self, mdp, v ,vhat):

        Gamma = mdp.getGammaMatrix()
        return temp
def SeriesRse(f,Rse,Z0=None):
    """Series Skin-effect Resistance
    @param Rse float resistance specified as ohms/sqrt(Hz)
    @param f float frequency
    @param Z0 (optional) float of complex reference impedance (defaults to 50 ohms)
    @return the list of list s-parameter matrix for a series resistance due to skin-effect
    return SeriesZ(Rse*math.sqrt(f),Z0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def goto(self, v, p, tol):
     while True:
         [x, y, theta] = self.getRobotPose();
         distance = math.sqrt(((x - p.getX()) ** 2) + ((y - p.getY()) ** 2))
         delta_theta = GeometryHelper.diffDegree(math.atan2(p.getY() - y, p.getX() - x), theta)
         if (distance < tol):
             return True
         self.move([v, delta_theta])
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def move(self, motion):
        v = motion[0]
        omega = motion[1]
        self._currentV = v
        self._currentOmega = omega

        # translational and rotational speed is limited:
        if omega > self._maxOmega:
            omega = self._maxOmega
        if omega < -self._maxOmega:
            omega = -self._maxOmega
        if v > self._maxSpeed:
            v = self._maxSpeed
        if v < -self._maxSpeed:
            v = -self._maxSpeed

        # print ("motion ", v, omega * 180 / math.pi)

        # Odometry pose update (based on the motion command):
        d = v * self._T
        dTheta = omega * self._T
        self._odoX += d * math.cos(self._odoTheta + 0.5 * dTheta)
        self._odoY += d * math.sin(self._odoTheta + 0.5 * dTheta)
        self._odoTheta = (self._odoTheta + dTheta) % (2 * math.pi)
        # Add noise to v:
        if not self._motionNoise:
            return self._world.moveRobot(d, dTheta, self._T)    
        sigma_v_2 = (self._k_d / self._T) * abs(v)
        v_noisy = v + random.gauss(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma_v_2))

        # Add noise to omega:
        sigma_omega_tr_2 = (self._k_theta / self._T) * abs(omega)  # turning rate noise
        sigma_omega_drift_2 = (self._k_drift / self._T) * abs(v)  # drift noise
        omega_noisy = omega + random.gauss(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma_omega_tr_2))
        omega_noisy += random.gauss(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma_omega_drift_2))

        # Move robot in the world (with noise):
        d_noisy = v_noisy * self._T
        dTheta_noisy = omega_noisy * self._T
        # call the move listeners
        return self._world.moveRobot(d_noisy, dTheta_noisy, self._T)
def distance_to_wearable(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    # This function calculates the distance from each reference point to the
    # moveable point
    x_dist = abs(lon1 - lon2)
    y_dist = abs(lat1 - lat2)
    distance = math.sqrt((x_dist)**2 + (y_dist)**2)
    #print("Distance: ", distance)
    return distance
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def SmoothBound_LSL(self,featurmatrix, myMDP, countXVec, rho, regCoef,beta,numTrajectories):
     normPhi = numpy.linalg.norm(featurmatrix,2)
     maxRho = numpy.linalg.norm(rho,Inf)
     c_lambda = normPhi*maxRho/(math.sqrt(2*regCoef))
     l2Rho = numpy.linalg.norm(rho)
     phi_k = 0
     Vals = []
     for k in range(0, numTrajectories+1):
         for s in range(len(myMDP.getStateSpace())):
             minVal = minVal+rho[s] * min(countXVec[s]+k, numTrajectories)
         phi_k = c_lambda*math.sqrt(minVal)+l2Rho
     return upperBound
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def heuristic(self, a, b):
     # a and b are indexes, must have the coordinates in OccupancyGrid
     a = self._grid.transformIndexesToCoordinates(a)
     b = self._grid.transformIndexesToCoordinates(b)
     (x1, y1) = a
     (x2, y2) = b
     distance = math.sqrt(abs(x1 - y1) + abs(x2 - y2))
     return distance
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def shapeWaveAmplitude(self, amp, wave):
        if self.plucked:
            for i in range(0, len(wave)):
                wave[i] *= amp * (1 - math.sqrt(i / len(wave)))

            return wave
            return amp * wave
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def weighted_dif_L2_norm(self, mdp, v ,vhat):
     Gamma = mdp.getGammaMatrix()
     return temp
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def _sampleMotionModel(self, noiseFaktor=30, noiseReposition=0.05):
     for i in range(self._numberOfParticles):
         v = max(self._robot._currentV, 0.01)
         omega = self._robot._currentOmega
         sigma_v_2 = (self._robot._k_d * noiseFaktor / self._robot._T) * abs(v)
         v_noisy = v + random.normal(0.05, math.sqrt(sigma_v_2))
         # Add noise to omega:
         sigma_omega_tr_2 = (self._robot._k_theta / self._robot._T) * abs(omega + 0.0001)  # turning rate noise
         sigma_omega_drift_2 = (self._robot._k_drift / self._robot._T) * abs(v)  # drift noise
         omega_noisy = omega + random.normal(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma_omega_tr_2))
         omega_noisy += random.normal(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma_omega_drift_2))
         omega = omega_noisy
         v = v_noisy
         # translational and rotational speed is limited:
         if omega > self._robot._maxOmega:
             omega = self._robot._maxOmega
         if omega < -self._robot._maxOmega:
             omega = -self._robot._maxOmega
         if v > self._robot._maxSpeed:
             v = self._robot._maxSpeed
         if v < -self._robot._maxSpeed:
             v = -self._robot._maxSpeed
         d = v * self._robot._T
         dTheta = omega * self._robot._T
         x = self._particles[i][self.X]
         y = self._particles[i][self.Y]
         theta = self._particles[i][self.THETA]
         x = (x + d * math.cos(theta + 0.5 * dTheta))
         y = (y + d * math.sin(theta + 0.5 * dTheta))
         theta = (theta + dTheta) % (2 * math.pi)
         if self.drawWayOfParticle:
             self.drawWayOfParticle(i, x, y)
         self._particles[i][self.X] = x + random.normal(0.0, noiseReposition)
         self._particles[i][self.Y] = y + random.normal(0.0, noiseReposition)
         self._particles[i][self.THETA] = theta
         self._particles[i][self.WEIGHT] = 0
         self._particles[i][self.SUM] = 0
Ejemplo n.º 20
def radiusFunction(center_x, center_y, deadzone=0.0):
    :param center_x: x coordinate of center from which the radius is computed
    :param center_y: y coordinate of center from which the radius is computed
    :param deadzone: 0 to 1.0 real value considering the portion of the inner place (small radius values) as out of image space
    :return: new function computing radius from a given center point considering the close region as deadzone
    return lambda x, y: (1.0 + deadzone) * (math.sqrt((center_x - x) ** 2 + (center_y - y) ** 2) / max(center_x, center_y)) - deadzone
def get_sample(params):  #  function which constructs the sample

    radius = params["radius"]
    height = params["height"]
    height_flattening = (params["height"] /
                         params["radius"]) * params["height_flattening_ratio"]
    lattice_length = params["lattice_length"]
    damping_length = params["damping_length"]
    disorder_parameter = params["disorder_parameter"]

    # Defining materials:
    m_air = ba.MaterialBySLD("Air", 0.0, 0.0)
    m_Cu = ba.MaterialBySLD("Cu", 6.9508e-05, 5.142e-06)
    m_PEO = ba.MaterialBySLD("PEO", 1.0463e-05, 7.9515e-09)
    #m_SiO2 = ba.MaterialBySLD("SiO2", 1.8749e-05, 9.3923e-08)
    #m_Si = ba.MaterialBySLD("Si", 1.9893e-05, 1.795e-07)

    # Defining particles:
    tr_spheroid_ff = ba.FormFactorTruncatedSpheroid(radius, height,
    particle = ba.Particle(m_Cu, tr_spheroid_ff)

    # Defining interference function:
    interference_f = ba.InterferenceFunctionRadialParaCrystal(
        lattice_length, damping_length)
    omega = disorder_parameter * lattice_length
    pdf = ba.FTDistribution1DGauss(omega)

    # Defining layers:
    layout = ba.ParticleLayout()
    layout.addParticle(particle, 1.0)
        2 / (math.sqrt(3) * lattice_length * lattice_length))

    air_layer = ba.Layer(m_air)

    PEO_layer = ba.Layer(m_PEO)
    #PEO_layer = ba.Layer(m_PEO, 90*nm)
    #Si_layer = ba.Layer(m_Si)

    #roughness = ba.LayerRoughness()

    # Assembling the multilayer:
    multi_layer = ba.MultiLayer()

    #multi_layer.addLayerWithTopRoughness(PEO_layer, roughness)

    return multi_layer
Ejemplo n.º 22
def distance(n1, n2):
    """Calculate distance in km between two nodes"""
    lat1, lon1 = n1[0], n1[1]
    lat2, lon2 = n2[0], n2[1]
    delta_lat = lat2 - lat1
    delta_lon = lon2 - lon1
    d = math.sin(math.radians(delta_lat) * 0.5) ** 2 + math.cos(math.radians(lat1)) * math.cos(math.radians(lat2)) \
        * math.sin(math.radians(delta_lon) * 0.5) ** 2
    return math.asin(math.sqrt(d)) * 12742
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def innerProd(self, otherAtom):
     """ DEPRECATED returns the inner product between current atom and the other one 
         This method should be as fast as possible"""
     waveform1 = self.getWaveform()
     waveform2 = otherAtom.getWaveform()
     startIdx = max(self.frame * self.length , otherAtom.frame * otherAtom.length)
     stopIdx =  min((self.frame+1) * self.length , (otherAtom.frame+1) * otherAtom.length)
     if startIdx >= stopIdx:
         return 0; # disjoint support
     start1 = startIdx- self.frame * self.length
     start2 = startIdx- otherAtom.frame * otherAtom.length
     duration = stopIdx - startIdx
     norm1 = math.sqrt(sum(waveform1**2))
     norm2 = math.sqrt(sum(waveform2**2))
     return (self.mdct_value * otherAtom.mdct_value)* sum( waveform1[start1: start1+duration] *  waveform2[start2: start2+duration]) / (norm1*norm2) 
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def SmoothBound_LSL(self,featurmatrix, myMDP, countXVec, rho, regCoef,beta,numTrajectories):
     for k in range(0,numTrajectories):
         for s in range(len(myMDP.getStateSpace())-1):
     #print('Smooth upper bound= '+str(upperBound))  
     return upperBound  
Ejemplo n.º 25
def herrmann_data(X_, TF=True, cos=False, normalization=False):
    X = []
    for x in X_:
        data = {"%s" % x: 0 for x in range(1, 1515)}
        for k in x:
            data["%s" % np.abs(k)] += 1
        tmp_ = []
        for x in range(1, 1515):
            tmp_.append(data["%s" % x])

    if normalization == True:
        X_t = []
        for x in X:
            x_T = []
            for x_ in x:
                x_tmp = (x_ * 1.0) / sum(x)
        X = X_t

    if TF is True:
        X_t = []
        for x in X:
            x_tmp_ = []
            for k in x:
                x_tmp_.append(math.log(1.0 + k, math.e))
        X = X_t
        return X

    if cos is True:
        instances = X
        big_X = []
        for k, instance in enumerate(instances):
            X_T = []
            for x in instance:
                # Apply TF Transformation
                t_tmp = math.log(1.0 + x, 2)

            # Store Euclidean Length for Cosine Normalisation (Section 4.5.2)
            euclideanLength = 0
            for attribute in X_T:
                euclideanLength += 1.0 * attribute * attribute
            euclideanLength = math.sqrt(euclideanLength)

            X_T2 = []
            for attribute in X_T:
                # Apply Cosine Normalisation
                t_tmp = 1.0 * attribute / euclideanLength
        X = big_X

    return X
Ejemplo n.º 26
def factor(number):

    factors = []

    for i in range(1, int(math.sqrt(number))+1):
        if number % i == 0:
            factors.append(number / i)

    return factors
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def sense(self):
     sensorDistNoisy = []
     sensorDist = self._world.sense()
     for d in sensorDist:
         if d is not None:
             # print "d: ", d
             sigma2 = self._sensorNoise ** 2 * d
             d += random.gauss(0.0, math.sqrt(sigma2))
     return sensorDistNoisy
def calc_volume_trilinic(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma):

    alpha = math.pi * alpha / 180.0
    beta = math.pi * beta / 180.0
    gamma = math.pi * gamma / 180.0
    ca = math.cos(alpha)
    cb = math.cos(beta)
    cg = math.cos(gamma)
    vol = a * b * c * math.sqrt(1.0 + 2 * ca * cb * cg - ca**2 - cb**2 - cg**2)
    return vol
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def draw_line(self, pos):
        if self.viewer._ocr and self.x_clicked or self.y_clicked:
            img_line = cv.line(self.image.copy(),
                               (self.x_clicked, self.y_clicked),
                               (pos.x(), pos.y()), (0, 0, 0), 2)
            image_height, image_width, image_depth = img_line.shape
            QIm = cv.cvtColor(img_line, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            QIm = QImage(, image_width, image_height,
                         image_width * image_depth, QImage.Format_RGB888)
        # 终止画线
        if self.x_released or self.y_released:
            self.choosePoints = []  # 初始化存储点组
            inf = float("inf")
            if self.x_released or self.y_released:
                if (self.x_released - self.x_clicked) == 0:
                    slope = inf
                    slope = (self.y_released - self.y_clicked) / (
                        self.x_released - self.x_clicked)

                siteLenth = 0.5 * math.sqrt(
                    square(self.y_released - self.y_clicked) +
                    square(self.x_released - self.x_clicked))

                mySiteLenth = 2 * siteLenth
                self.siteLenth = ("%.2f" % mySiteLenth)
                radian = math.atan(slope)
                self.siteSlope = ("%.2f" % radian)
                x_bas = math.ceil(math.fabs(0.5 * siteLenth *
                y_bas = math.ceil(math.fabs(0.5 * siteLenth *

                if slope <= 0:
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked - x_bas),
                                              (self.y_clicked - y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked + x_bas),
                                              (self.y_clicked + y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released + x_bas),
                                              (self.y_released + y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released - x_bas),
                                              (self.y_released - y_bas)])
                elif slope > 0:
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked + x_bas),
                                              (self.y_clicked - y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked - x_bas),
                                              (self.y_clicked + y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released - x_bas),
                                              (self.y_released + y_bas)])
                    self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released + x_bas),
                                              (self.y_released - y_bas)])
            self.viewer._ocr = False
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def forward(self, src):
        if self.src_mask is None or self.src_mask.size(0) != len(src):
            device = src.device
            mask = self._generate_square_subsequent_mask(len(src)).to(device)
            self.src_mask = mask

        src = self.encoder(src) * math.sqrt(self.ninp)
        src = self.pos_encoder(src)
        output = self.transformer_encoder(src, self.src_mask)
        output = self.decoder(output)
        return output
Ejemplo n.º 31
def straightDriveTruePose(robot, v, l):
    if v == 0:
    truePoseBefore = robot.getRobotPose()
    trueL = 0
    while trueL < (l - v * robot._T):
        robot.move([v, 0])
        truePoseAfter = robot.getRobotPose()
        trueL = math.sqrt((truePoseAfter[0] - truePoseBefore[0]) ** 2 + (truePoseAfter[1] - truePoseBefore[1]) ** 2)
    v = (l - trueL) / robot._T
    robot.move([v, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def GS_based_DPLSL (self, FirstVisitVector, countXVec, myMDP, featuresMatrix, gamma, epsilon, delta, regCoef, numTrajectories, rho, pi="uniform"):
        thetaTil_X= self.LSL(FirstVisitVector, myMDP, featuresMatrix, regCoef, numTrajectories,countXVec)

        sigma_X=float(2*alpha*myMDP.getMaxReward()*normPhi/((1-myMDP.getGamma())*(regCoef-maxRho*numpy.math.pow(normPhi, 2))))
        thetaTil_X_priv=thetaTil_X+numpy.reshape(ethaX, (dim,1))
        return [thetaTil_X_priv, thetaTil_X,math.pow(sigma_X,2)]
Ejemplo n.º 33
def fixedPositon(img):
    corners = findCorners(img)
    center = (sum(c[0] for c in corners) / 4, sum(c[1] for c in corners) / 4)
    p1 = np.float32((corners[0][0] + corners[3][0], corners[0][1] + corners[3][1]))
    p2 = np.float32((corners[1][0] + corners[2][0], corners[1][1] + corners[2][1]))
    p3 = np.float32((corners[0][0] + corners[1][0], corners[0][1] + corners[1][1]))
    p4 = np.float32((corners[2][0] + corners[3][0], corners[2][1] + corners[3][1]))
    width = math.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0]) * (p2[0] - p1[0]) + (p2[1] - p1[1]) * (p2[1] - p1[1])) / 2
    height = math.sqrt((p3[0] - p4[0]) * (p3[0] - p4[0]) + (p3[1] - p4[1]) * (p3[1] - p4[1])) / 2
#             print corners
#             print signetCenter
    cv2.polylines(img, [np.array(corners, np.int32)], True, (0, 0, 0))
    wRate = width / 1195  # (560, 1196)
    hRate = height / 560  # (560, 1196)
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    M = ((corners[1][1] + corners[2][1]) - (corners[0][1] + corners[3][1])) / ((corners[1][0] + corners[2][0]) - (corners[0][0] + corners[3][0])) 
    pi_angle = math.atan(M)
    ang = pi_angle * 180 / np.pi
    return center, wRate, hRate, ang
    raise Exception(_("无法定位发票"))
def Norm_z(p):
    a0,a1,a2,a3  = 2.5066282,  -18.6150006, 41.3911977,  -25.4410605
    b1,b2,b3,b4  = -8.4735109, 23.0833674,  -21.0622410, 3.1308291
    c0,c1,c2,c3  = -2.7871893, -2.2979648,  4.8501413,   2.3212128
    d1,d2,r,z    = 3.5438892,  1.6370678,   None,        None
    if (p>0.42):
    return z
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def senseLandmarks(self, landmarks):
     angles = []
     distances = []
     (posX, posY, _) = self._world.getTrueRobotPose()
     for (landX, landY) in landmarks:
         distance = math.sqrt((landX - posX) ** 2 + (landY - posY) ** 2)
         distance += random.gauss(0, self._sensorNoise)
         angle = math.atan2(posY - landY, posX - landX)
         # angle += random.gauss(0, self._sensorNoise)
     return (distances, angles)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def GS_based_DPLSL (self, FirstVisitVector, countXVec, myMDP, featuresMatrix, gamma, epsilon, delta, regCoef, numTrajectories, rho, pi="uniform"):
        thetaTil_X= self.LSL(FirstVisitVector, myMDP, featuresMatrix, regCoef, numTrajectories,countXVec)

        sigma_X=float(2*alpha*myMDP.getMaxReward()*normPhi/((1-myMDP.getGamma())*(regCoef-maxRho*numpy.math.pow(normPhi, 2))))
        thetaTil_X_priv=thetaTil_X+numpy.reshape(ethaX, (dim,1))
        return [thetaTil_X_priv, thetaTil_X,math.pow(sigma_X,2)]
Ejemplo n.º 37
def FindBusinessBasedOnLocation(categoriesToSearch, myLocation, maxDistance, saveLocation2, collection):
    temp = []
    for i in categoriesToSearch:
    abc = collection.find({"categories": {"$all": temp}})
    latit = float (myLocation[0])
    longi = float (myLocation[1])
    source_lat = radians(latit)
    source_long = radians(longi)
    for i in abc:
        dest_lat = radians(i['latitude'])
        dest_long = radians(i['longitude'])
	dist_lat = (dest_lat - source_lat)
        dist_long = (dest_long - source_long)
        a = math.sin(dist_lat / 2) * math.sin(dist_lat / 2)  + math.cos(source_lat) * math.cos(dest_lat) * math.sin(dist_long / 2) * math.sin(dist_long / 2)
        c = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(a), math.sqrt(1 - a))
        distance = R * c
        if (distance <= maxDistance):
            file.write(i['name'].encode("utf-8").upper() + "\n")
Ejemplo n.º 38
def gotoTurnFirst(robot, v, p, tol):
    # get the actual position of robot
    [x, y, theta] = robot.getRobotPose();
    # calculate the distance between robot and target point
    distance = math.sqrt(((x - p.getX()) ** 2) + ((y - p.getY()) ** 2))
    delta_theta = GeometryHelper.diffDegree(math.atan2(p.getY() - y, p.getX() - x), theta)
    # point not reached?
    if(distance > tol):
        # drive missing distance
        robot.curveDriveTruePose(0.5, 0, delta_theta)
        robot.straightDriveTruePose(v, distance);
        # call goto again.
        robot.goto(v, p, tol)
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def gotoWithObstacleAvoidance(self, v, p, tol, sensorsToUse=9, distanceTol=1, minSpeed=0.2):
     while True:
         [x, y, theta] = self.getRobotPose();
         distance = math.sqrt(((x - p.getX()) ** 2) + ((y - p.getY()) ** 2))
         delta_theta = GeometryHelper.diffDegree(math.atan2(p.getY() - y, p.getX() - x), theta)
         if (distance < tol):
             return True
         if self.isObstacleInWay(sensorsToUse, distanceTol):
             return False
         if not self.move([ v * max(minSpeed, (1 - abs(delta_theta * 5) / math.pi) 
                              * min(1, distance)), delta_theta]):
             for _ in range(1, 5):
                 self.move([-1, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 40
def getCentral(xyzA, xyzB, xyzC):
    Radius = 6371000
    central = blh = zeros(3)
    central[0] = (xyzA[0] + xyzB[0] + xyzC[0]) / 3.0
    central[1] = (xyzA[1] + xyzB[1] + xyzC[1]) / 3.0
    central[2] = (xyzA[2] + xyzB[2] + xyzC[2]) / 3.0

    tlen = math.sqrt(central[0] * central[0] + central[1] * central[1] +
                     central[2] * central[2])
    central[0] = central[0] / tlen * Radius
    central[1] = central[1] / tlen * Radius
    central[2] = central[2] / tlen * Radius

    return central
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def update_creature_properties(self, creature: Creature, creature_actions: CreatureActions) -> None:
        Updates the creature properties according to its actions.

        # The more the creature moves, the higher its fitness.
        distance = math.sqrt(math.pow(creature_actions.x, 2) + math.pow(creature_actions.y, 2)) += distance
        creature.distance_travelled += distance
        creature.age += 1
        if int(creature.distance_travelled) % 30 == 0:
            creature.age -= 5
        if creature.age >= MAX_AGE:
Ejemplo n.º 42
def calculate_s_score(linePoints):
    regression = line_regress(linePoints)
    xVctr, yVctr = _pointsToVectors(linePoints)
    MSE = _MSE(regression["slope"], regression["intercept"], linePoints)
    xMean = mean(xVctr)
    xMeanDiffArray = []
    for x in xVctr:
        xDiff = x - xMean
        xDiffSq = xDiff * xDiff
    xDiffSum = sum(xMeanDiffArray)
    sSqVal = old_div(MSE, xDiffSum)
    sVal = math.sqrt(sSqVal)
    return  sVal
Ejemplo n.º 43
def CohenEffectSize(group1, group2):
    Determine Effect size
    Cohen's d statistic : compare the difference between groups to the variability
    within groups
    diff = group1.var()

    var1 = group1.var()
    var2 = group2.var()
    n1, n2 = len(group1), len(group2)

    pooled_var = (n1 * var1 + n2 * var2) / (n1 + n2)
    d = diff / math.sqrt(pooled_var)
    return d
Ejemplo n.º 44
def myQE(
        fileout,  # Given image for comparision
        filein,  # output image of my canny algorithm
        s,  # standard deviation
        size,  # kernel size
        Th,  # high threshold
        Tl,  # low threshold
        noise  # with/without noise?
    J = array('L'))
    if (noise == 0):
        I = p1(s, size, filein, Th, Tl, 0,
               1)  # calling my canny algorithm from problem 1
    elif (noise == 1):  # decides if noise is required to be added or not
        I = p1(s, size, filein, Th, Tl, 1,
               1)  # calling my canny algorithm from problem 1
    tp, tn, fp, fn = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
                      )  # initializing the true/false positives/negatives
    e = 1.6
    for i in range(len(I[:, 0])):
        for j in range(len(I[0, :])):
            if ((I[i, j] > 0) & (J[i, j] > 0)):  # implementing true positive
                tp += 1
            elif (
                (I[i, j] == 0) & (J[i, j] == 0)):  # implementing true negetive
                tn += 1
            elif (
                (I[i, j] > 0) & (J[i, j] == 0)):  # implementing false positive
                fp += 1
            elif (
                (I[i, j] == 0) & (J[i, j] > 0)):  # implementing false negetive
                fn += 1
    sen = tp / (tp + fn)  # Sensitivity
    spe = tn / (tn + fp)  # Specificity
    pr = tp / (tp + fp)  # Precision
    npv = tn / (tn + fn)  # Negative Predictive Value
    fot = fp / (fp + tn)  # Fall Out
    fnr = fn / (fn + tp)  # False Negative Rate FNR
    fdr = fp / (fp + tp)  # False Discovery Rate FDR
    acc = (tp + tn) / (tp + fn + tn + fp)  # Accuracy
    fsc = (2 * tp) / ((2 * tp) + fp + fn)  # F-score
    mcc = ((tp * tn) - (fp * fn)) / math.sqrt(
        (tp + fp) * (tp + fn) * (tn + fp) *
        (tn + fn))  # Matthew’s Correlation Coefficient

    print "Finished quantitative evaluation of edge detection\nSensitivity = %f\nSpecificity = %f\nPrecision = %f\nNegative Predictive Value = %f\nFall-out = %f\nFalse Negative Rate = %f\nFalse Discovery Rate = %f\nAccuracy = %f\nF-score = %f\nMatthew’s Correlation Coefficient = %f\n" % (
        sen, spe, pr * e, npv, fot, fnr, fdr, acc, fsc, mcc)
Ejemplo n.º 45
Archivo: Proyecto: dlavell/tower
    def __init__(self, filename=None, verbose=False, **kwargs):

        self.file_name = filename

            with rasterio.drivers():
                with, 'r') as ds:
                    self.affine = ds.meta['affine']
                    self.ncol = ds.meta['width']
                    self.nrow = ds.meta['height']
                    self.geo_transform = ds.meta['transform']
                    self.no_data_value = ds.meta['nodata']
                    self.crs_wkt = ds.crs_wkt
                    self.meta = ds.meta
                    if verbose is True:
            raise Exception("Error opening file with Rasterio")
            sys.exit(1)  # todo: is this necessary?

        spheroid_start = self.crs_wkt.find("SPHEROID[") + len("SPHEROID")
        spheroid_end = self.crs_wkt.find("AUTHORITY", spheroid_start)
        self.spheroid = str(self.crs_wkt)[spheroid_start:spheroid_end].strip('[]').split(',')
        # todo: perhaps these ought to be properties, calculated lazily w/ most recent spheroid/geotransform
        self.semimajor = float(self.spheroid[1])
        self.inverse_flattening = float(self.spheroid[2])
        self.flattening = float(1 / self.inverse_flattening)
        self.semiminor = float(self.semimajor * (1 - self.flattening))
        self.eccentricity = math.sqrt(2 * self.flattening - self.flattening * self.flattening)

        self.rotation = self.geo_transform[2]  # rotation, 0 if image is 'north-up'
        self.originX = self.geo_transform[0]  # top-left x
        self.originY = self.geo_transform[3]  # top-left y
        self.pixelWidth = self.geo_transform[1]  # w/e pixel resoluton
        self.pixelHeight = self.geo_transform[5]  # n/s pixel resolution

        self.graph = Graph()    # Graph object used for planning and controller logic.
                                # Each vehicle will probably alo need to carry arodun an instance of Graph or Path
                                # to keep track of it's path

        self.__units = 'degrees'
        self.__x = 'lon'
        self.__y = 'lat'
        self.__name = 'Coord'
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def DPLSW(self, FirstVisitVector, countXVec, myMDP, featuresMatrix, gamma, epsilon, delta,batchSize, initStateDist="uniform", pi="uniform"):

        dim = len(featuresMatrix.T)
        alpha = (5.0*numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.math.log(2.0/delta)))/epsilon
        beta = (epsilon/4)/(dim+numpy.math.log(2.0/delta))

        Gamma_w = myMDP.getGammaMatrix()
        # for i in range(len(countXVec)):
        #     Gamma_w[i][i] = Gamma_w[i][i]*countXVec[i]/batchSize
        GammaSqrt = Gamma_w
        for i in range(len(GammaSqrt)):
            GammaSqrt[i][i] = math.sqrt(Gamma_w[i][i])

        GammaSqrt = GammaSqrt * numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)

        if self.is_invertible(GammaSqrt):
            GammaSqrtPhiInv = linalg.inv(GammaSqrt)
            GammaSqrtPhiInv = linalg.pinv(GammaSqrt)

        GammaTemp = numpy.mat(featuresMatrix).T * Gamma_w * numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)

        #GammaSqrtPhi = numpy.mat(GammaSqrt) * numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)
        if self.is_invertible(GammaTemp):
            GammaTempPhiInv = linalg.inv(GammaTemp)
            GammaTempPhiInv = linalg.pinv(GammaTemp)

        FirstVisitVector = numpy.reshape(FirstVisitVector, (len(FirstVisitVector), 1))

        thetaTild = GammaTempPhiInv * numpy.mat(featuresMatrix.T)
        thetaTild = thetaTild * numpy.mat(Gamma_w) * numpy.mat(FirstVisitVector)
        PsiBetaX = self.SmootBound_LSW(myMDP, Gamma_w, countXVec, beta, myMDP.startStateDistribution())
        sigmmaX = (alpha*myMDP.getMaxReward())/(1-self.gamma_factor)
        sigmmaX = sigmmaX*numpy.linalg.norm(GammaSqrtPhiInv,2)
        sigmmaX = sigmmaX*math.pow(PsiBetaX, 0.5)
        cov_X = math.pow(sigmmaX,2)*numpy.identity(dim)
        mean = numpy.zeros(dim)
        ethaX = numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov_X)
        thetaTild = numpy.squeeze(numpy.asarray(thetaTild))
        ethaX = numpy.squeeze(numpy.asarray(ethaX))
        thetaTild_priv = thetaTild + ethaX
        return [thetaTild_priv, thetaTild, math.pow(sigmmaX,2)]
Ejemplo n.º 47
def XYZ2BL(x, y, z):
    blh = zeros(2)
    t = math.sqrt(x * x + y * y)
    eps = 1.0E-10
    if math.fabs(t) < eps:
        if z > 0:
            blh[0] = 90.0
            blh[1] = 0.0
        elif z < 0:
            blh[0] = -90
            blh[1] = 0.0
        blh[0] = math.atan(z / t) * 180.0 / math.pi
        # -90 to 90
        # 0-360
        blh[1] = math.atan2(y, x) * 180.0 / math.pi
        if blh[1] < 0.0:
            blh[1] = blh[1] + 360.0

    return blh
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def __init__(self, filename, verbose=False):
        :param filename: path to the raster file to be opened
        :param verbose: indicate whether we would like to print out certain metrics regarding the file opened
        self.file = filename
            self.img =
        except RuntimeError as e:
            print('Unable to open {}'.format(str(self.file)))
        self.crs_wkt = self.img.crs_wkt
        spheroid_start = self.crs_wkt.find("SPHEROID[") + len("SPHEROID")
        spheroid_end = self.crs_wkt.find("AUTHORITY", spheroid_start)
        self.spheroid = str(self.crs_wkt)[spheroid_start:spheroid_end]
        self.spheroid = self.spheroid.strip('[]').split(',')
        self.semimajor = float(self.spheroid[1])
        self.inverse_flattening = float(self.spheroid[2])
        self.flattening = float(1 / self.inverse_flattening)
        self.semiminor = float(self.semimajor * (1 - self.flattening))
        self.eccentricity = math.sqrt(2 * self.flattening - self.flattening * self.flattening)
        self.geotransform = self.img.meta['transform']
        self.nodatavalue, = None, None
        self.nodatavalue = self.img.meta['nodata']
        self.ncol = self.img.meta['width']
        self.nrow = self.img.meta['height']
        self.rotation = self.geotransform[2]  # rotation, 0 if image is 'north-up'
        self.originX = self.geotransform[0]  # top-left x
        self.originY = self.geotransform[3]  # top-left y
        self.pixelWidth = self.geotransform[1]  # w/e pixel resoluton
        self.pixelHeight = self.geotransform[5]  # n/s pixel resolution

        if verbose is True:
Ejemplo n.º 49
def getPrivateKey(publicKey):
    # Second nummer in the given public key
    n = publicKey[1]
    e = publicKey[0]

    # Generate primes
    primes = PrimeGen(math.sqrt(n))
    p = 0
    q = 0
    for i in primes:
        for k in primes:
            if (i * k == n):
                p = i
                q = k

    # Phi is the totient of n
    phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)

    # Use Extended Euclid's Algorithm to generate the private key
    d = multiplicative_inverse(e, phi)

    # Return public and private keypair
    # Public key is (e, n) and private key is (d, n)
    return ((e, n), (d, n))
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def LSW_subSampleAggregate(self, batch, s, numberOfsubSamples,myMDP,featuresMatrix,numTrajectories,FirstVisitVector,epsilon,delta,distUB):
     beta= (epsilon/4)*(dim+numpy.math.log(2.0/delta))
     subSamples=self.subSampleGen(batch, numberOfsubSamples)
     for i in range(len(subSamples)):
         FVMC=self.FVMCPE(myMDP, featuresMatrix, subSamples[i])
         z[i]= ravel(numpy.mat(featuresMatrix)*numpy.mat(FVMC[0]))#this is LSW
     #g= self.generalized_median(myMDP,z,partitionPoint,distUB)
     #g= self.aggregate_median(myMDP,z)
     #To check the following block
     S_z=self.computeAggregateSmoothBound(z, beta, s,myMDP,distUB)
     #return [g[1]+ethaX,g[1]]
     return [g+ethaX,g]
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def pyt(self, a, b):
     return math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
Ejemplo n.º 52
Archivo: Proyecto: grogs84/nwspa
def f(x):
    f = (math.exp(-x*x/2))/math.sqrt(2.0*math.pi)    
    return f
def getLineData(pixels, x1, y1, x2, y2, lineW=2, theZ=0, theC=0, theT=0):
    Grabs pixel data covering the specified line, and rotates it horizontally
    so that x1,y1 is to the left,
    Returning a numpy 2d array. Used by script.
    Uses PIL to handle rotating and interpolating the data. Converts to numpy
    to PIL and back (may change dtype.)

    @param pixels:          PixelsWrapper object
    @param x1, y1, x2, y2:  Coordinates of line
    @param lineW:           Width of the line we want
    @param theZ:            Z index within pixels
    @param theC:            Channel index
    @param theT:            Time index

    from numpy import asarray

    sizeX = pixels.getSizeX()
    sizeY = pixels.getSizeY()

    lineX = x2-x1
    lineY = 1 if y2-y1 == 0 else y2-y1

    rads = math.atan(float(lineX) / lineY)

    # How much extra Height do we need, top and bottom?
    extraH = abs(math.sin(rads) * lineW)
    bottom = int(max(y1, y2) + extraH/2)
    top = int(min(y1, y2) - extraH/2)

    # How much extra width do we need, left and right?
    extraW = abs(math.cos(rads) * lineW)
    left = int(min(x1, x2) - extraW)
    right = int(max(x1, x2) + extraW)

    # What's the larger area we need? - Are we outside the image?
    pad_left, pad_right, pad_top, pad_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0
    if left < 0:
        pad_left = abs(left)
        left = 0
    x = left
    if top < 0:
        pad_top = abs(top)
        top = 0
    y = top
    if right > sizeX:
        pad_right = right - sizeX
        right = sizeX
    w = int(right - left)
    if bottom > sizeY:
        pad_bottom = bottom - sizeY
        bottom = sizeY
    h = int(bottom - top)
    tile = (x, y, w, h)

    # get the Tile
    plane = pixels.getTile(theZ, theC, theT, tile)

    # pad if we wanted a bigger region
    if pad_left > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((data_h, pad_left), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = hstack((pad_data, plane))
    if pad_right > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((data_h, pad_right), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = hstack((plane, pad_data))
    if pad_top > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((pad_top, data_w), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = vstack((pad_data, plane))
    if pad_bottom > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((pad_bottom, data_w), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = vstack((plane, pad_data))

    pil = numpyToImage(plane)

    # Now need to rotate so that x1,y1 is horizontally to the left of x2,y2
    toRotate = 90 - math.degrees(rads)

    if x1 > x2:
        toRotate += 180
    # filter=Image.BICUBIC see
    rotated = pil.rotate(toRotate, expand=True)

    # finally we need to crop to the length of the line
    length = int(math.sqrt(math.pow(lineX, 2) + math.pow(lineY, 2)))
    rotW, rotH = rotated.size
    cropX = (rotW - length)/2
    cropX2 = cropX + length
    cropY = (rotH - lineW)/2
    cropY2 = cropY + lineW
    cropped = rotated.crop((cropX, cropY, cropX2, cropY2))
    return asarray(cropped)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def _calculate_euclides_distance(self, traning_element, test_element,
                                  feature_first, feature_second):
     return math.sqrt((traning_element[feature_first] -
                       test_element[feature_second])**2 +
                      (traning_element[feature_first] -
Ejemplo n.º 55
def get_line_data(pixels, x1, y1, x2, y2, line_w=2, the_z=0, the_c=0, the_t=0):
    Grabs pixel data covering the specified line, and rotates it horizontally
    so that x1,y1 is to the left,
    Returning a numpy 2d array. Used by script.
    Uses PIL to handle rotating and interpolating the data. Converts to numpy
    to PIL and back (may change dtype.)

    @param pixels:          PixelsWrapper object
    @param x1, y1, x2, y2:  Coordinates of line
    @param line_w:          Width of the line we want
    @param the_z:           Z index within pixels
    @param the_c:           Channel index
    @param the_t:           Time index

    size_x = pixels.getSizeX()
    size_y = pixels.getSizeY()

    line_x = x2 - x1
    line_y = y2 - y1

    rads = math.atan(float(line_x) / line_y)

    # How much extra Height do we need, top and bottom?
    extra_h = abs(math.sin(rads) * line_w)
    bottom = int(max(y1, y2) + extra_h / 2)
    top = int(min(y1, y2) - extra_h / 2)

    # How much extra width do we need, left and right?
    extra_w = abs(math.cos(rads) * line_w)
    left = int(min(x1, x2) - extra_w)
    right = int(max(x1, x2) + extra_w)

    # What's the larger area we need? - Are we outside the image?
    pad_left, pad_right, pad_top, pad_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0
    if left < 0:
        pad_left = abs(left)
        left = 0
    x = left
    if top < 0:
        pad_top = abs(top)
        top = 0
    y = top
    if right > size_x:
        pad_right = right - size_x
        right = size_x
    w = int(right - left)
    if bottom > size_y:
        pad_bottom = bottom - size_y
        bottom = size_y
    h = int(bottom - top)
    tile = (x, y, w, h)

    # get the Tile
    plane = pixels.getTile(the_z, the_c, the_t, tile)

    # pad if we wanted a bigger region
    if pad_left > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((data_h, pad_left), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = hstack((pad_data, plane))
    if pad_right > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((data_h, pad_right), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = hstack((plane, pad_data))
    if pad_top > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((pad_top, data_w), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = vstack((pad_data, plane))
    if pad_bottom > 0:
        data_h, data_w = plane.shape
        pad_data = zeros((pad_bottom, data_w), dtype=plane.dtype)
        plane = vstack((plane, pad_data))

    pil = script_utils.numpy_to_image(plane, (plane.min(), plane.max()), int32)

    # Now need to rotate so that x1,y1 is horizontally to the left of x2,y2
    to_rotate = 90 - math.degrees(rads)

    if x1 > x2:
        to_rotate += 180
    # filter=Image.BICUBIC see
    rotated = pil.rotate(to_rotate, expand=True)

    # finally we need to crop to the length of the line
    length = int(math.sqrt(math.pow(line_x, 2) + math.pow(line_y, 2)))
    rot_w, rot_h = rotated.size
    crop_x = (rot_w - length) / 2
    crop_x2 = crop_x + length
    crop_y = (rot_h - line_w) / 2
    crop_y2 = crop_y + line_w
    cropped = rotated.crop((crop_x, crop_y, crop_x2, crop_y2))
    return asarray(cropped)
Ejemplo n.º 56
def get_line_data(image, x1, y1, x2, y2, line_w=2, the_z=0, the_c=0, the_t=0):
    Grab pixel data covering the specified line, and rotates it horizontally.

    Uses current rendering settings and returns 8-bit data.
    Rotates it so that x1,y1 is to the left,
    Returning a numpy 2d array. Used by script.
    Uses PIL to handle rotating and interpolating the data. Converts to numpy
    to PIL and back (may change dtype.)

    @param pixels:          PixelsWrapper object
    @param x1, y1, x2, y2:  Coordinates of line
    @param line_w:          Width of the line we want
    @param the_z:           Z index within pixels
    @param the_c:           Channel index
    @param the_t:           Time index
    size_x = image.getSizeX()
    size_y = image.getSizeY()

    line_x = x2 - x1
    line_y = y2 - y1

    rads = math.atan2(line_y, line_x)

    # How much extra Height do we need, top and bottom?
    extra_h = abs(math.sin(rads) * line_w)
    bottom = int(max(y1, y2) + extra_h / 2)
    top = int(min(y1, y2) - extra_h / 2)

    # How much extra width do we need, left and right?
    extra_w = abs(math.cos(rads) * line_w)
    left = int(min(x1, x2) - extra_w)
    right = int(max(x1, x2) + extra_w)

    # What's the larger area we need? - Are we outside the image?
    pad_left, pad_right, pad_top, pad_bottom = 0, 0, 0, 0
    if left < 0:
        pad_left = abs(left)
        left = 0
    x = left
    if top < 0:
        pad_top = abs(top)
        top = 0
    y = top
    if right > size_x:
        pad_right = right - size_x
        right = size_x
    w = int(right - left)
    if bottom > size_y:
        pad_bottom = bottom - size_y
        bottom = size_y
    h = int(bottom - top)

    # get the Tile - render single channel white
    image.set_active_channels([the_c + 1], None, ['FFFFFF'])
    jpeg_data = image.renderJpegRegion(the_z, the_t, x, y, w, h)
    pil =

    # pad if we wanted a bigger region
    if pad_left > 0 or pad_right > 0 or pad_top > 0 or pad_bottom > 0:
        img_w, img_h = pil.size
        new_w = img_w + pad_left + pad_right
        new_h = img_h + pad_top + pad_bottom
        canvas ='RGB', (new_w, new_h), '#ff0000')
        canvas.paste(pil, (pad_left, pad_top))
        pil = canvas

    # Now need to rotate so that x1,y1 is horizontally to the left of x2,y2
    to_rotate = math.degrees(rads)

    # filter=Image.BICUBIC see
    rotated = pil.rotate(to_rotate, expand=True)

    # finally we need to crop to the length of the line
    length = int(math.sqrt(math.pow(line_x, 2) + math.pow(line_y, 2)))
    rot_w, rot_h = rotated.size
    crop_x = (rot_w - length) / 2
    crop_x2 = crop_x + length
    crop_y = (rot_h - line_w) / 2
    crop_y2 = crop_y + line_w
    cropped = rotated.crop((crop_x, crop_y, crop_x2, crop_y2))

    # return numpy array
    rgb_plane = asarray(cropped)
    # greyscale image. r, g, b all same. Just use first
    return rgb_plane[::, ::, 0]
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def normalize(self, vec):
     a = vec[0]
     b = vec[1]
     mag = math.sqrt(a * a + b * b)
     return vec / mag
Ejemplo n.º 58
# This just quickly does some calculations for the prices of masks for MMIRS
from numpy import math

price_file = "mask_costs"
f = open(price_file)

prices = []
for line in f.readlines():
    if line[0] != "#":

N = len(prices)
mean = sum(prices) / N
variance = 1.0 / (N - 1) * sum([(price - mean) ** 2 for price in prices])
std_dev = math.sqrt(variance)

print("%s +/- %s" % (mean, std_dev))