Ejemplo n.º 1
def iter_random_dSS(number,
                    n=(5, 10),
                    p=(1, 5),
                    q=(1, 5),
	Generate some n-th order random (stable or not) state-spaces, with q inputs and p outputs
	copy/Adapted from control-python library (thanks guys): https://sourceforge.net/projects/python-control/
	possibly already adpated from Mathworks or Octave

		- number: number of state-space to generate
		- stable: indicate if the state-spaces are stable or not
		- n: tuple (mini,maxi) number of states (default:  random between 5 and 10)
		- p: 1 or a tuple (mini,maxi) number of outputs (default: 1)
		- q: 1 or a tuple (mini,maxi) number of inputs (default: 1)

		- pRepeat: Probability of repeating a previous root (default: 0.01)
		- pReal: Probability of choosing a real root (default: 0.5). Note that when choosing a complex root,
		the conjugate gets chosen as well. So the expected proportion of real roots is pReal / (pReal + 2 * (1 - pReal))
		- pBCmask: Probability that an element in B or C will not be masked out (default: 0.9)
		- pDmask: Probability that an element in D will not be masked out (default: 0.8)
		- pDzero: Probability that D = 0 (default: 0.5)

		- returns a generator of dSS objects (to use in a for loop for example)

		>>> sys = list( iter_random_dSS( 12, True, (10,20)) )
		>>> for S in iter_random_dSS( 12, True, (10,20)):
		>>>		print( S )

    for i in range(number):
        if stable:
            yield random_dSS(randint(*n), randint(*p), randint(*q), pRepeat,
                             pReal, pBCmask, pDmask, pDzero)
            nn = randint(*n)
            if p == 1 and q == 1:
                pp = 1
                qq = 1
                pp = randint(*p)
                qq = randint(*q)
            A = mat(rand(nn, nn))
            B = mat(rand(nn, qq))
            C = mat(rand(pp, nn))
            D = mat(rand(pp, qq))

            yield dSS(A, B, C, D)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def random_augmentation(imageBatch):
    imageBatch = imageBatch.clone()
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = random_rotate(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = random_shift(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = gaussian_noise(imageBatch)
    return imageBatch
Ejemplo n.º 3
def random_augmentation(imageBatch):
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = random_rotate(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = random_shift(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = gaussian_noise(imageBatch)
    # if(rand()>=0.5):
    #     imageBatch = invert_colors(imageBatch)
    return imageBatch
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: dTFmp.py Proyecto: fixif/fixif
def random_dTFmp(order=(5, 10)):
		Generate a n-th order random transfer function (not necessary stable)
			- order: tuple (mini,maxi) order of the filter (default:  random between 5 and 10)
	if order[0] == order[1]:
		n = order[0]
		n = randint(*order)
	num = numpy.matrix(rand(1, n))
	den = numpy.matrix(rand(1, n))
	return dTFmp(num, den)
    def test_source(source_encoder, source_decoder, size):
        from numpy.random import mtrand
        import scipy
        from scipy import misc
        import time
        test_picture = mtrand.rand(size, size) * 255

        encode_start = time.clock()

        enc = source_encoder(test_picture)
        encoded_picture, aux = enc.encode(False)

        encode_end = time.clock()

        decode_start = time.clock()

        dec = source_decoder(encoded_picture, aux)
        decoded_picture = dec.decode()

        decode_end = time.clock()

        if not PseudorandomnessSourceTestSuite.compare(
                scipy.misc.imresize(test_picture, numpy.array(
                     aux[PseudorandomnessSourceConfig.AUX_SQUARE_MATRIX_SHAPE][1]]), interp='bicubic'),
            return 'Test failed'

        return '\n --- \nTest passed' + '\nEncode time: ' + repr(encode_end - encode_start) + '\nDecode time: ' + repr(
            decode_end - decode_start) + '\n --- \n'
Ejemplo n.º 6
def generate_global_variable_consensus_ilp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars = params['nb_vars']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents, nb_vars * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents, 1))

    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(nb_vars, 1) + 0.5  # np.random.randint(1, 10000, size=(nb_vars, 1)) # + rand(nb_vars, 1) * 1e-2
        A = np.ones((1, nb_vars))
        b = np.ones((1, 1))
        A_cent[i, range(i * nb_vars, (i + 1) * nb_vars)] = A
        c_cent[range(i * nb_vars, (i + 1) * nb_vars), :] = c

    for j in range(nb_vars):
        for (i, k) in itertools.combinations(range(nb_agents), r=2):
            if i != k:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars * nb_agents))
                line[0, i * nb_vars + j] = 1
                line[0, k * nb_vars + j] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent
Ejemplo n.º 7
def nSidedDie(p):
    N = 1000
    n = np.size(p)
    s = np.zeros((N, 1))
    # print(s)
    for x in range(0, N):
        r = rand()
        s[x] = nDieSingleRoll(r, p)
    print("Die outcomes for", N, "rolls", "\n", s)

    # Plotting
    b = range(1, n + 2)
    sb = np.size(b)
    h1, bin_edges = np.histogram(s, bins=b)
    b1 = bin_edges[0:sb - 1]

    prob = h1 / N
    plt.stem(b1, prob)
    # Graph labels
    plt.title('PMF for n-sided die')
    plt.xlabel('Number on the face of the die')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def create_C_W_X_d(bias=True):
    C_train, C_val, X_train, X_val = data_factory(
        'GMMData')  # options: 'swiss','PeaksData','GMMData'
    W = randn(X_val.shape[0], C_val.shape[0])
    d_w = rand(*W.shape)
    d_x = randn(*X_val.shape)
    return C_val, W, X_val, d_w, d_x
Ejemplo n.º 9
def terrain(res, lin, exp):
    print "Creating noise"
    realnoise = rand(res, res)
    imagnoise = rand(res, res)
    print "Normalizing noise"
    realnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in realnoise]
    imagnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in imagnoise]
    complexnoise = [[complex(0) for _ in range(res)] for __ in range(res)]
    for i in range(res):
        for j in range(res):
            complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j], imagnoise[i][j])
            x = (i+0.5)/res-0.5
            y = (j+0.5)/res-0.5
            dist = x*x+y*y
            nf = (lin*dist+0.1)**(-exp)
            complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j]*nf, imagnoise[i][j]*nf)
    print "Performing backwards FFT2"
    fourier = ifft2(complexnoise)
    fourier = absolute(fourier)
    fourier -= fourier.min()
    fourier /= fourier.max()
    return fourier.tolist()
Ejemplo n.º 10
def generate_general_form_consensus_ilp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars_per_agent = params['nb_vars_per_agent']
    nb_shared_vars = params['nb_shared_vars']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents, nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents, 1))

    mapping = {i: [] for i in range(0, nb_shared_vars)}

    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(nb_vars_per_agent, 1) + 0.5  # np.random.randint(1, 10000, size=(nb_vars, 1)) # + rand(nb_vars, 1) * 1e-2
        A = np.ones((1, nb_vars_per_agent))
        b = np.ones((1, 1))
        A_cent[i, range(i * nb_vars_per_agent, (i + 1) * nb_vars_per_agent)] = A
        c_cent[range(i * nb_vars_per_agent, (i + 1) * nb_vars_per_agent), :] = c
        indexes = list(range(nb_vars_per_agent))
        for v, j in zip(range(nb_shared_vars), indexes[0:nb_shared_vars]):
            mapping[v].append((i, j))

    for g in mapping:
        for (xi, xj) in itertools.combinations(mapping[g], r=2):
            if xi != xj:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents))
                line[0, xi[0] * nb_vars_per_agent + xi[1]] = 1
                line[0, xj[0] * nb_vars_per_agent + xj[1]] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent, mapping
Ejemplo n.º 11
def generate_global_variable_consensus_lp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars = params['nb_vars']
    nb_constraints_per_agent = params['nb_constraints_per_agent']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents * nb_constraints_per_agent, nb_vars * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents * nb_constraints_per_agent, 1))
    n = nb_vars
    m = nb_constraints_per_agent
    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(n, 1) + 0.5
        x0 = abs(randn(n, 1))
        A = abs(randn(m, n))
        b = A @ x0
        A_cent[i * nb_constraints_per_agent:(i + 1) * nb_constraints_per_agent, i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars] = A
        c_cent[i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars, :] = c
        b_cent[i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars, :] = b

    # consensus constraints
    for j in range(nb_vars):
        for (i, k) in itertools.combinations(range(nb_agents), r=2):
            if i != k:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars * nb_agents))
                line[0, i * nb_vars + j] = 1
                line[0, k * nb_vars + j] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent
Ejemplo n.º 12
from numpy import ndarray, array
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from numpy.random.mtrand import rand
from scipy.spatial.qhull import ConvexHull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__author__ = 'basir'

points = rand(10, 2)
print type(points)
print points.shape
hull = ConvexHull(points)
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')
# for simplex in hull.simplices:
# plt.plot(points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], 'k-')

plt.plot(points[hull.vertices, 0], points[hull.vertices, 1], 'r--', lw=2)
# plt.plot(points[hull.vertices[0], 0], points[hull.vertices[0], 1], 'ro')
boundary = array(points[hull.vertices, :])
print boundary
print numpy.max(cdist(boundary, boundary))
print numpy.max(cdist(points, points))
Ejemplo n.º 13
from matplotlib.pyplot import contour, show, contourf, pcolor
from numpy.fft.fftpack import ifft2
from numpy.ma.core import absolute
from numpy.random.mtrand import rand

res = 128

print "Creating noise"
realnoise = rand(res, res)
imagnoise = rand(res, res)
print "Normalizing noise"
realnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in realnoise]
imagnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in imagnoise]
complexnoise = [[complex(0) for _ in range(res)] for __ in range(res)]
for i in range(res):
    for j in range(res):
        complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j], imagnoise[i][j])

for i in range(res):
    for j in range(res):
        x = (i+0.5)/res-0.5
        y = (j+0.5)/res-0.5
        dist = x*x+y*y
        nf = (10000*dist+0.1)**(-1.2)
        complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j]*nf, imagnoise[i][j]*nf)

print "Performing backwards FFT2"
fourier = ifft2(complexnoise)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def random_merged(values1: ndarray,
                   values2: ndarray,
                   values1_share: float = .5):
     return np.where(rand(len(values1)) < values1_share, values1, values2)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        vertex_array, index_array = divide_all(vertex_array, index_array)
    return vertex_array, index_array

def vertex_array_only_unit_sphere(recursion_level=2):
    vertex_array, index_array = create_unit_sphere(recursion_level)
    if recursion_level > 1:
        return vertex_array.reshape((-1))
        return vertex_array[index_array].reshape((-1))

# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system

# def main():
n = 1000
r = 1+0 * rand(n)
theta_0 = 0
theta = np.pi
# theta_0 = np.pi/20
# theta = 9*np.pi/10
phi_0 = 0
phi = np.pi

# thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
thetas = theta * rand(n) + theta_0
# phis = list(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, np.sqrt(n))) * int(np.sqrt(n))
phis = phi * rand(n) + phi_0
print np.mean(phis)
print np.std(phis)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def random_ABCD(n,
	Generate ONE n-th order random  stable state-spaces, with q inputs and p outputs
	copy/adapted from control-python library (Richard Murray): https://sourceforge.net/projects/python-control/
	(thanks guys!)
	possibly already adpated/copied from Mathworks or Octave

	- n: number of states (default:  random between 5 and 10)
	- p: number of outputs (default: 1)
	- q: number of inputs (default: 1)

	- pRepeat: Probability of repeating a previous root (default: 0.01)
	- pReal: Probability of choosing a real root (default: 0.5). Note that when choosing a complex root,
		the conjugate gets chosen as well. So the expected proportion of real roots is pReal / (pReal + 2 * (1 - pReal))
	- pBCmask: Probability that an element in B or C will not be masked out (default: 0.90)
	- pDmask: Probability that an element in D will not be masked out (default: 0.8)
	- pDzero: Probability that D = 0 (default: 0.5)

	Returns a four numpy matrices A,B,C,D

    # Make some poles for A.  Preallocate a complex array.
    poles = zeros(n) + zeros(n) * 0.j
    i = 0

    while i < n:

        if rand() < pRepeat and i != 0 and i != n - 1:
            # Small chance of copying poles, if we're not at the first or last  element.
            if poles[i - 1].imag == 0:
                poles[i] = poles[i - 1]  # Copy previous real pole.
                i += 1

                poles[i:i + 2] = poles[
                    i - 2:i]  # Copy previous complex conjugate pair of poles.
                i += 2

        elif rand() < pReal or i == n - 1:
            poles[i] = 2. * rand() - 1.  # No-oscillation pole.
            i += 1

            mag = rand()  # Complex conjugate pair of oscillating poles.
            phase = 2. * pi * rand()
            poles[i] = complex(mag * cos(phase), mag * sin(phase))
            poles[i + 1] = complex(poles[i].real, -poles[i].imag)
            i += 2

    # Now put the poles in A as real blocks on the diagonal.

    A = zeros((n, n))
    i = 0

    while i < n:

        if poles[i].imag == 0:
            A[i, i] = poles[i].real
            i += 1

            A[i, i] = A[i + 1, i + 1] = poles[i].real
            A[i, i + 1] = poles[i].imag
            A[i + 1, i] = -poles[i].imag
            i += 2

    while True:  # Finally, apply a transformation so that A is not block-diagonal.
        T = randn(n, n)

            A = dot(solve(T, A), T)  # A = T \ A * T

        except LinAlgError:
            # In the unlikely event that T is rank-deficient, iterate again.

    # Make the remaining matrices.
    B = randn(n, q)
    C = randn(p, n)
    D = randn(p, q)

    # Make masks to zero out some of the elements.
    while True:
        Bmask = rand(n, q) < pBCmask
        if not Bmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    while True:
        Cmask = rand(p, n) < pBCmask
        if not Cmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    if rand() < pDzero:
        Dmask = zeros((p, q))
        while True:
            Dmask = rand(p, q) < pDmask
            if not Dmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    # Apply masks.
    B *= Bmask
    C *= Cmask
    # D *= Dmask

    return A, B, C, D
def rand():
	return r.rand()
Ejemplo n.º 18
def bernoulli(p):
    return rand() < p