예제 #1
def iter_random_dSS(number,
                    n=(5, 10),
                    p=(1, 5),
                    q=(1, 5),
	Generate some n-th order random (stable or not) state-spaces, with q inputs and p outputs
	copy/Adapted from control-python library (thanks guys): https://sourceforge.net/projects/python-control/
	possibly already adpated from Mathworks or Octave

		- number: number of state-space to generate
		- stable: indicate if the state-spaces are stable or not
		- n: tuple (mini,maxi) number of states (default:  random between 5 and 10)
		- p: 1 or a tuple (mini,maxi) number of outputs (default: 1)
		- q: 1 or a tuple (mini,maxi) number of inputs (default: 1)

		- pRepeat: Probability of repeating a previous root (default: 0.01)
		- pReal: Probability of choosing a real root (default: 0.5). Note that when choosing a complex root,
		the conjugate gets chosen as well. So the expected proportion of real roots is pReal / (pReal + 2 * (1 - pReal))
		- pBCmask: Probability that an element in B or C will not be masked out (default: 0.9)
		- pDmask: Probability that an element in D will not be masked out (default: 0.8)
		- pDzero: Probability that D = 0 (default: 0.5)

		- returns a generator of dSS objects (to use in a for loop for example)

		>>> sys = list( iter_random_dSS( 12, True, (10,20)) )
		>>> for S in iter_random_dSS( 12, True, (10,20)):
		>>>		print( S )

    for i in range(number):
        if stable:
            yield random_dSS(randint(*n), randint(*p), randint(*q), pRepeat,
                             pReal, pBCmask, pDmask, pDzero)
            nn = randint(*n)
            if p == 1 and q == 1:
                pp = 1
                qq = 1
                pp = randint(*p)
                qq = randint(*q)
            A = mat(rand(nn, nn))
            B = mat(rand(nn, qq))
            C = mat(rand(pp, nn))
            D = mat(rand(pp, qq))

            yield dSS(A, B, C, D)
예제 #2
def random_augmentation(imageBatch):
    imageBatch = imageBatch.clone()
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = random_rotate(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = random_shift(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.1):
        imageBatch = gaussian_noise(imageBatch)
    return imageBatch
예제 #3
def random_augmentation(imageBatch):
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = random_rotate(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = random_shift(imageBatch)
    if (rand() >= 0.0):
        imageBatch = gaussian_noise(imageBatch)
    # if(rand()>=0.5):
    #     imageBatch = invert_colors(imageBatch)
    return imageBatch
예제 #4
파일: dTFmp.py 프로젝트: fixif/fixif
def random_dTFmp(order=(5, 10)):
		Generate a n-th order random transfer function (not necessary stable)
			- order: tuple (mini,maxi) order of the filter (default:  random between 5 and 10)
	if order[0] == order[1]:
		n = order[0]
		n = randint(*order)
	num = numpy.matrix(rand(1, n))
	den = numpy.matrix(rand(1, n))
	return dTFmp(num, den)
    def test_source(source_encoder, source_decoder, size):
        from numpy.random import mtrand
        import scipy
        from scipy import misc
        import time
        test_picture = mtrand.rand(size, size) * 255

        encode_start = time.clock()

        enc = source_encoder(test_picture)
        encoded_picture, aux = enc.encode(False)

        encode_end = time.clock()

        decode_start = time.clock()

        dec = source_decoder(encoded_picture, aux)
        decoded_picture = dec.decode()

        decode_end = time.clock()

        if not PseudorandomnessSourceTestSuite.compare(
                scipy.misc.imresize(test_picture, numpy.array(
                     aux[PseudorandomnessSourceConfig.AUX_SQUARE_MATRIX_SHAPE][1]]), interp='bicubic'),
            return 'Test failed'

        return '\n --- \nTest passed' + '\nEncode time: ' + repr(encode_end - encode_start) + '\nDecode time: ' + repr(
            decode_end - decode_start) + '\n --- \n'
예제 #6
def generate_global_variable_consensus_ilp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars = params['nb_vars']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents, nb_vars * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents, 1))

    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(nb_vars, 1) + 0.5  # np.random.randint(1, 10000, size=(nb_vars, 1)) # + rand(nb_vars, 1) * 1e-2
        A = np.ones((1, nb_vars))
        b = np.ones((1, 1))
        A_cent[i, range(i * nb_vars, (i + 1) * nb_vars)] = A
        c_cent[range(i * nb_vars, (i + 1) * nb_vars), :] = c

    for j in range(nb_vars):
        for (i, k) in itertools.combinations(range(nb_agents), r=2):
            if i != k:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars * nb_agents))
                line[0, i * nb_vars + j] = 1
                line[0, k * nb_vars + j] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent
예제 #7
def nSidedDie(p):
    N = 1000
    n = np.size(p)
    s = np.zeros((N, 1))
    # print(s)
    for x in range(0, N):
        r = rand()
        s[x] = nDieSingleRoll(r, p)
    print("Die outcomes for", N, "rolls", "\n", s)

    # Plotting
    b = range(1, n + 2)
    sb = np.size(b)
    h1, bin_edges = np.histogram(s, bins=b)
    b1 = bin_edges[0:sb - 1]

    prob = h1 / N
    plt.stem(b1, prob)
    # Graph labels
    plt.title('PMF for n-sided die')
    plt.xlabel('Number on the face of the die')
예제 #8
파일: Utils.py 프로젝트: Yairz1/NN_impl
def create_C_W_X_d(bias=True):
    C_train, C_val, X_train, X_val = data_factory(
        'GMMData')  # options: 'swiss','PeaksData','GMMData'
    W = randn(X_val.shape[0], C_val.shape[0])
    d_w = rand(*W.shape)
    d_x = randn(*X_val.shape)
    return C_val, W, X_val, d_w, d_x
예제 #9
파일: tg.py 프로젝트: andrewbuss/surreal
def terrain(res, lin, exp):
    print "Creating noise"
    realnoise = rand(res, res)
    imagnoise = rand(res, res)
    print "Normalizing noise"
    realnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in realnoise]
    imagnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in imagnoise]
    complexnoise = [[complex(0) for _ in range(res)] for __ in range(res)]
    for i in range(res):
        for j in range(res):
            complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j], imagnoise[i][j])
            x = (i+0.5)/res-0.5
            y = (j+0.5)/res-0.5
            dist = x*x+y*y
            nf = (lin*dist+0.1)**(-exp)
            complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j]*nf, imagnoise[i][j]*nf)
    print "Performing backwards FFT2"
    fourier = ifft2(complexnoise)
    fourier = absolute(fourier)
    fourier -= fourier.min()
    fourier /= fourier.max()
    return fourier.tolist()
예제 #10
def generate_general_form_consensus_ilp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars_per_agent = params['nb_vars_per_agent']
    nb_shared_vars = params['nb_shared_vars']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents, nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents, 1))

    mapping = {i: [] for i in range(0, nb_shared_vars)}

    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(nb_vars_per_agent, 1) + 0.5  # np.random.randint(1, 10000, size=(nb_vars, 1)) # + rand(nb_vars, 1) * 1e-2
        A = np.ones((1, nb_vars_per_agent))
        b = np.ones((1, 1))
        A_cent[i, range(i * nb_vars_per_agent, (i + 1) * nb_vars_per_agent)] = A
        c_cent[range(i * nb_vars_per_agent, (i + 1) * nb_vars_per_agent), :] = c
        indexes = list(range(nb_vars_per_agent))
        for v, j in zip(range(nb_shared_vars), indexes[0:nb_shared_vars]):
            mapping[v].append((i, j))

    for g in mapping:
        for (xi, xj) in itertools.combinations(mapping[g], r=2):
            if xi != xj:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars_per_agent * nb_agents))
                line[0, xi[0] * nb_vars_per_agent + xi[1]] = 1
                line[0, xj[0] * nb_vars_per_agent + xj[1]] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent, mapping
예제 #11
def generate_global_variable_consensus_lp(params):
    nb_agents = params['nb_agents']
    nb_vars = params['nb_vars']
    nb_constraints_per_agent = params['nb_constraints_per_agent']
    seed = params['seed']

    if seed is not None:

    cs = []
    As = []
    bs = []
    c_cent = np.zeros((nb_vars * nb_agents, 1))
    A_cent = np.zeros((nb_agents * nb_constraints_per_agent, nb_vars * nb_agents))
    b_cent = np.ones((nb_agents * nb_constraints_per_agent, 1))
    n = nb_vars
    m = nb_constraints_per_agent
    for i in range(nb_agents):
        c = rand(n, 1) + 0.5
        x0 = abs(randn(n, 1))
        A = abs(randn(m, n))
        b = A @ x0
        A_cent[i * nb_constraints_per_agent:(i + 1) * nb_constraints_per_agent, i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars] = A
        c_cent[i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars, :] = c
        b_cent[i * nb_vars:(i + 1) * nb_vars, :] = b

    # consensus constraints
    for j in range(nb_vars):
        for (i, k) in itertools.combinations(range(nb_agents), r=2):
            if i != k:
                line = np.zeros((1, nb_vars * nb_agents))
                line[0, i * nb_vars + j] = 1
                line[0, k * nb_vars + j] = -1
                A_cent = np.concatenate([A_cent, line])
                b_cent = np.concatenate([b_cent, np.zeros((1, 1))])
    return cs, As, bs, c_cent, A_cent, b_cent
예제 #12
from numpy import ndarray, array
import numpy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from numpy.random.mtrand import rand
from scipy.spatial.qhull import ConvexHull
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__author__ = 'basir'

points = rand(10, 2)
print type(points)
print points.shape
hull = ConvexHull(points)
plt.plot(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], 'o')
# for simplex in hull.simplices:
# plt.plot(points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], 'k-')

plt.plot(points[hull.vertices, 0], points[hull.vertices, 1], 'r--', lw=2)
# plt.plot(points[hull.vertices[0], 0], points[hull.vertices[0], 1], 'ro')
boundary = array(points[hull.vertices, :])
print boundary
print numpy.max(cdist(boundary, boundary))
print numpy.max(cdist(points, points))
예제 #13
파일: tg.py 프로젝트: andrewbuss/tgcompute
from matplotlib.pyplot import contour, show, contourf, pcolor
from numpy.fft.fftpack import ifft2
from numpy.ma.core import absolute
from numpy.random.mtrand import rand

res = 128

print "Creating noise"
realnoise = rand(res, res)
imagnoise = rand(res, res)
print "Normalizing noise"
realnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in realnoise]
imagnoise = [[2*_-1 for _ in __] for __ in imagnoise]
complexnoise = [[complex(0) for _ in range(res)] for __ in range(res)]
for i in range(res):
    for j in range(res):
        complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j], imagnoise[i][j])

for i in range(res):
    for j in range(res):
        x = (i+0.5)/res-0.5
        y = (j+0.5)/res-0.5
        dist = x*x+y*y
        nf = (10000*dist+0.1)**(-1.2)
        complexnoise[i][j] = complex(realnoise[i][j]*nf, imagnoise[i][j]*nf)

print "Performing backwards FFT2"
fourier = ifft2(complexnoise)
예제 #14
 def random_merged(values1: ndarray,
                   values2: ndarray,
                   values1_share: float = .5):
     return np.where(rand(len(values1)) < values1_share, values1, values2)
예제 #15
        vertex_array, index_array = divide_all(vertex_array, index_array)
    return vertex_array, index_array

def vertex_array_only_unit_sphere(recursion_level=2):
    vertex_array, index_array = create_unit_sphere(recursion_level)
    if recursion_level > 1:
        return vertex_array.reshape((-1))
        return vertex_array[index_array].reshape((-1))

# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spherical_coordinate_system

# def main():
n = 1000
r = 1+0 * rand(n)
theta_0 = 0
theta = np.pi
# theta_0 = np.pi/20
# theta = 9*np.pi/10
phi_0 = 0
phi = np.pi

# thetas = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
thetas = theta * rand(n) + theta_0
# phis = list(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, np.sqrt(n))) * int(np.sqrt(n))
phis = phi * rand(n) + phi_0
print np.mean(phis)
print np.std(phis)
예제 #16
def random_ABCD(n,
	Generate ONE n-th order random  stable state-spaces, with q inputs and p outputs
	copy/adapted from control-python library (Richard Murray): https://sourceforge.net/projects/python-control/
	(thanks guys!)
	possibly already adpated/copied from Mathworks or Octave

	- n: number of states (default:  random between 5 and 10)
	- p: number of outputs (default: 1)
	- q: number of inputs (default: 1)

	- pRepeat: Probability of repeating a previous root (default: 0.01)
	- pReal: Probability of choosing a real root (default: 0.5). Note that when choosing a complex root,
		the conjugate gets chosen as well. So the expected proportion of real roots is pReal / (pReal + 2 * (1 - pReal))
	- pBCmask: Probability that an element in B or C will not be masked out (default: 0.90)
	- pDmask: Probability that an element in D will not be masked out (default: 0.8)
	- pDzero: Probability that D = 0 (default: 0.5)

	Returns a four numpy matrices A,B,C,D

    # Make some poles for A.  Preallocate a complex array.
    poles = zeros(n) + zeros(n) * 0.j
    i = 0

    while i < n:

        if rand() < pRepeat and i != 0 and i != n - 1:
            # Small chance of copying poles, if we're not at the first or last  element.
            if poles[i - 1].imag == 0:
                poles[i] = poles[i - 1]  # Copy previous real pole.
                i += 1

                poles[i:i + 2] = poles[
                    i - 2:i]  # Copy previous complex conjugate pair of poles.
                i += 2

        elif rand() < pReal or i == n - 1:
            poles[i] = 2. * rand() - 1.  # No-oscillation pole.
            i += 1

            mag = rand()  # Complex conjugate pair of oscillating poles.
            phase = 2. * pi * rand()
            poles[i] = complex(mag * cos(phase), mag * sin(phase))
            poles[i + 1] = complex(poles[i].real, -poles[i].imag)
            i += 2

    # Now put the poles in A as real blocks on the diagonal.

    A = zeros((n, n))
    i = 0

    while i < n:

        if poles[i].imag == 0:
            A[i, i] = poles[i].real
            i += 1

            A[i, i] = A[i + 1, i + 1] = poles[i].real
            A[i, i + 1] = poles[i].imag
            A[i + 1, i] = -poles[i].imag
            i += 2

    while True:  # Finally, apply a transformation so that A is not block-diagonal.
        T = randn(n, n)

            A = dot(solve(T, A), T)  # A = T \ A * T

        except LinAlgError:
            # In the unlikely event that T is rank-deficient, iterate again.

    # Make the remaining matrices.
    B = randn(n, q)
    C = randn(p, n)
    D = randn(p, q)

    # Make masks to zero out some of the elements.
    while True:
        Bmask = rand(n, q) < pBCmask
        if not Bmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    while True:
        Cmask = rand(p, n) < pBCmask
        if not Cmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    if rand() < pDzero:
        Dmask = zeros((p, q))
        while True:
            Dmask = rand(p, q) < pDmask
            if not Dmask.all():  # Retry if we get all zeros.

    # Apply masks.
    B *= Bmask
    C *= Cmask
    # D *= Dmask

    return A, B, C, D
def rand():
	return r.rand()
예제 #18
def bernoulli(p):
    return rand() < p