Ejemplo n.º 1
def write_properties_app(workbook):
    """Write the properties xml."""
    worksheets_count = len(workbook.worksheets)
    root = Element('Properties', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties',
            'xmlns:vt': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes'})
    SubElement(root, 'Application').text = 'Microsoft Excel'
    SubElement(root, 'DocSecurity').text = '0'
    SubElement(root, 'ScaleCrop').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'Company')
    SubElement(root, 'LinksUpToDate').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'SharedDoc').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'HyperlinksChanged').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'AppVersion').text = '12.0000'

    # heading pairs part
    heading_pairs = SubElement(root, 'HeadingPairs')
    vector = SubElement(heading_pairs, 'vt:vector',
            {'size': '2', 'baseType': 'variant'})
    variant = SubElement(vector, 'vt:variant')
    SubElement(variant, 'vt:lpstr').text = 'Worksheets'
    variant = SubElement(vector, 'vt:variant')
    SubElement(variant, 'vt:i4').text = '%d' % worksheets_count

    # title of parts
    title_of_parts = SubElement(root, 'TitlesOfParts')
    vector = SubElement(title_of_parts, 'vt:vector',
            {'size': '%d' % worksheets_count, 'baseType': 'lpstr'})
    for ws in workbook.worksheets:
        SubElement(vector, 'vt:lpstr').text = '%s' % ws.title
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, drawing_id, comments_id):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {'Id': rel.id, 'Type': rel.type, 'Target': rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs['TargetMode'] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        attrs = {
            'Id': 'rId1',
            'Type': '%s/drawing' % REL_NS,
            'Target': '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % drawing_id
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        # there's only one comments sheet per worksheet,
        # so there's no reason to call the Id rIdx
        attrs = {
            'Id': 'comments',
            'Type': COMMENTS_NS,
            'Target': '../comments%s.xml' % comments_id
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        attrs = {
            'Id': 'commentsvml',
            'Type': VML_NS,
            'Target': '../drawings/commentsDrawing%s.vml' % comments_id
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, drawing_id, comments_id):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {'Id': rel.id, 'Type': rel.type, 'Target': rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs['TargetMode'] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : '%s/drawing' % REL_NS,
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % drawing_id }
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    if worksheet._comment_count > 0:
        # there's only one comments sheet per worksheet,
        # so there's no reason to call the Id rIdx
        attrs = {'Id': 'comments',
            'Type': COMMENTS_NS,
            'Target' : '../comments%s.xml' % comments_id}
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        attrs = {'Id': 'commentsvml',
            'Type': VML_NS,
            'Target': '../drawings/commentsDrawing%s.vml' % comments_id}
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def write_properties_app(workbook):
    """Write the properties xml."""
    worksheets_count = len(workbook.worksheets)
    root = Element('{%s}Properties' % XPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}Application' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'Microsoft Excel'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}DocSecurity' % XPROPS_NS).text = '0'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}ScaleCrop' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}Company' % XPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}LinksUpToDate' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}SharedDoc' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}HyperlinksChanged' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}AppVersion' % XPROPS_NS).text = '12.0000'

    # heading pairs part
    heading_pairs = SubElement(root, '{%s}HeadingPairs' % XPROPS_NS)
    vector = SubElement(heading_pairs, '{%s}vector' % VTYPES_NS, {
        'size': '2',
        'baseType': 'variant'
    variant = SubElement(vector, '{%s}variant' % VTYPES_NS)
    SubElement(variant, '{%s}lpstr' % VTYPES_NS).text = 'Worksheets'
    variant = SubElement(vector, '{%s}variant' % VTYPES_NS)
    SubElement(variant, '{%s}i4' % VTYPES_NS).text = '%d' % worksheets_count

    # title of parts
    title_of_parts = SubElement(root, '{%s}TitlesOfParts' % XPROPS_NS)
    vector = SubElement(title_of_parts, '{%s}vector' % VTYPES_NS, {
        'size': '%d' % worksheets_count,
        'baseType': 'lpstr'
    for ws in workbook.worksheets:
        SubElement(vector, '{%s}lpstr' % VTYPES_NS).text = '%s' % ws.title
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def write(self, shape_id):

        root = Element('c:userShapes', {

        for shape in self._shapes:
            anchor = SubElement(
                root, 'cdr:relSizeAnchor', {

            xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.get_coordinates()

            _from = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:from')
            SubElement(_from, 'cdr:x').text = str(xstart)
            SubElement(_from, 'cdr:y').text = str(ystart)

            _to = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:to')
            SubElement(_to, 'cdr:x').text = str(xend)
            SubElement(_to, 'cdr:y').text = str(yend)

            sp = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:sp', {'macro': '', 'textlink': ''})
            nvspr = SubElement(sp, 'cdr:nvSpPr')
            SubElement(nvspr, 'cdr:cNvPr', {
                'id': str(shape_id),
                'name': 'shape %s' % shape_id
            SubElement(nvspr, 'cdr:cNvSpPr')

            sppr = SubElement(sp, 'cdr:spPr')
            frm = SubElement(sppr, 'a:xfrm', {'xmlns:a': self.schema})
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x': '0', 'y': '0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx': '0', 'cy': '0'})

            prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, 'a:prstGeom', {
                'xmlns:a': self.schema,
                'prst': str(shape.style)
            SubElement(prstgeom, 'a:avLst')

            fill = SubElement(sppr, 'a:solidFill', {'xmlns:a': self.schema})
            SubElement(fill, 'a:srgbClr', {'val': shape.color})

            border = SubElement(sppr, 'a:ln', {
                'xmlns:a': self.schema,
                'w': str(shape._border_width)
            sf = SubElement(border, 'a:solidFill')
            SubElement(sf, 'a:srgbClr', {'val': shape.border_color})

            self._write_text(sp, shape)

            shape_id += 1

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def write_rels(self, chart_id, image_id):

        root = Element(
            'Relationships', {
        i = 0
        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            attrs = {
                'Id': 'rId%s' % (i + 1),
                'Target': '../charts/chart%s.xml' % (chart_id + i)
            SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
        for j, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            attrs = {
                'Id': 'rId%s' % (i + j + 1),
                'Target': '../media/image%s.png' % (image_id + j)
            SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def write_workbook(workbook):
    """Write the core workbook xml."""
    root = Element('workbook', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
            'xml:space': 'preserve', 'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
    SubElement(root, 'fileVersion', {'appName': 'xl', 'lastEdited': '4',
            'lowestEdited': '4', 'rupBuild': '4505'})
    SubElement(root, 'workbookPr', {'defaultThemeVersion': '124226',
            'codeName': 'ThisWorkbook'})
    book_views = SubElement(root, 'bookViews')
    SubElement(book_views, 'workbookView', {'activeTab': '%d' % workbook.get_index(workbook.get_active_sheet()),
            'autoFilterDateGrouping': '1', 'firstSheet': '0', 'minimized': '0',
            'showHorizontalScroll': '1', 'showSheetTabs': '1',
            'showVerticalScroll': '1', 'tabRatio': '600',
            'visibility': 'visible'})
    # worksheets
    sheets = SubElement(root, 'sheets')
    for i, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        sheet_node = SubElement(sheets, 'sheet', {'name': sheet.title,
                'sheetId': '%d' % (i + 1), 'r:id': 'rId%d' % (i + 1)})
        if not sheet.sheet_state == sheet.SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE:
            sheet_node.set('state', sheet.sheet_state)

    # Defined names
    defined_names = SubElement(root, 'definedNames')
    # named ranges
    for named_range in workbook.get_named_ranges():
        name = SubElement(defined_names, 'definedName',
                {'name': named_range.name})
        if named_range.scope:
            name.set('localSheetId', '%s' % workbook.get_index(named_range.scope))

        if isinstance(named_range, NamedRange):
            # as there can be many cells in one range, generate the list of ranges
            dest_cells = []
            for worksheet, range_name in named_range.destinations:
                dest_cells.append("'%s'!%s" % (worksheet.title.replace("'", "''"),

            # finally write the cells list
            name.text = ','.join(dest_cells)
            assert isinstance(named_range, NamedRangeContainingValue)
            name.text = named_range.value

    # autoFilter
    for i, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        auto_filter = sheet.auto_filter
        if not auto_filter:
        name = SubElement(defined_names, 'definedName',
        name.text = "'%s'!%s" % (sheet.title.replace("'", "''"),

    SubElement(root, 'calcPr', {'calcId': '124519', 'calcMode': 'auto',
            'fullCalcOnLoad': '1'})
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def write_properties_app(workbook):
    """Write the properties xml."""
    worksheets_count = len(workbook.worksheets)
    root = Element('{%s}Properties' % XPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}Application' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'Microsoft Excel'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}DocSecurity' % XPROPS_NS).text = '0'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}ScaleCrop' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}Company' % XPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}LinksUpToDate' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}SharedDoc' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}HyperlinksChanged' % XPROPS_NS).text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, '{%s}AppVersion' % XPROPS_NS).text = '12.0000'

    # heading pairs part
    heading_pairs = SubElement(root, '{%s}HeadingPairs' % XPROPS_NS)
    vector = SubElement(heading_pairs, '{%s}vector' % VTYPES_NS,
            {'size': '2', 'baseType': 'variant'})
    variant = SubElement(vector, '{%s}variant' % VTYPES_NS)
    SubElement(variant, '{%s}lpstr' % VTYPES_NS).text = 'Worksheets'
    variant = SubElement(vector, '{%s}variant' % VTYPES_NS)
    SubElement(variant, '{%s}i4' % VTYPES_NS).text = '%d' % worksheets_count

    # title of parts
    title_of_parts = SubElement(root, '{%s}TitlesOfParts' % XPROPS_NS)
    vector = SubElement(title_of_parts, '{%s}vector' % VTYPES_NS,
            {'size': '%d' % worksheets_count, 'baseType': 'lpstr'})
    for ws in workbook.worksheets:
        SubElement(vector, '{%s}lpstr' % VTYPES_NS).text = '%s' % ws.title
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def write_root_rels(workbook):
    """Write the relationships xml."""
    root = Element('Relationships', {
        root, 'Relationship', {
        root, 'Relationship', {
        root, 'Relationship', {
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def write_properties_app(workbook):
    """Write the properties xml."""
    worksheets_count = len(workbook.worksheets)
    root = Element('Properties', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/extended-properties',
            'xmlns:vt': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/docPropsVTypes'})
    SubElement(root, 'Application').text = 'Microsoft Excel'
    SubElement(root, 'DocSecurity').text = '0'
    SubElement(root, 'ScaleCrop').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'Company')
    SubElement(root, 'LinksUpToDate').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'SharedDoc').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'HyperlinksChanged').text = 'false'
    SubElement(root, 'AppVersion').text = '12.0000'

    # heading pairs part
    heading_pairs = SubElement(root, 'HeadingPairs')
    vector = SubElement(heading_pairs, 'vt:vector',
            {'size': '2', 'baseType': 'variant'})
    variant = SubElement(vector, 'vt:variant')
    SubElement(variant, 'vt:lpstr').text = 'Worksheets'
    variant = SubElement(vector, 'vt:variant')
    SubElement(variant, 'vt:i4').text = '%d' % worksheets_count

    # title of parts
    title_of_parts = SubElement(root, 'TitlesOfParts')
    vector = SubElement(title_of_parts, 'vt:vector',
            {'size': '%d' % worksheets_count, 'baseType': 'lpstr'})
    for ws in workbook.worksheets:
        SubElement(vector, 'vt:lpstr').text = '%s' % ws.title
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def write_workbook(workbook):
    """Write the core workbook xml."""
    root = Element('workbook', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
            'xml:space': 'preserve', 'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
    SubElement(root, 'fileVersion', {'appName': 'xl', 'lastEdited': '4',
            'lowestEdited': '4', 'rupBuild': '4505'})
    SubElement(root, 'workbookPr', {'defaultThemeVersion': '124226',
            'codeName': 'ThisWorkbook'})
    book_views = SubElement(root, 'bookViews')
    SubElement(book_views, 'workbookView', {'activeTab': '%d' % workbook.get_index(workbook.get_active_sheet()),
            'autoFilterDateGrouping': '1', 'firstSheet': '0', 'minimized': '0',
            'showHorizontalScroll': '1', 'showSheetTabs': '1',
            'showVerticalScroll': '1', 'tabRatio': '600',
            'visibility': 'visible'})
    # worksheets
    sheets = SubElement(root, 'sheets')
    for i, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        sheet_node = SubElement(sheets, 'sheet', {'name': sheet.title,
                'sheetId': '%d' % (i + 1), 'r:id': 'rId%d' % (i + 1)})
        if not sheet.sheet_state == sheet.SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE:
            sheet_node.set('state', sheet.sheet_state)

    # Defined names
    defined_names = SubElement(root, 'definedNames')
    # named ranges
    for named_range in workbook.get_named_ranges():
        name = SubElement(defined_names, 'definedName',
                {'name': named_range.name})
        if named_range.scope:
            name.set('localSheetId', '%s' % workbook.get_index(named_range.scope))

        if isinstance(named_range, NamedRange):
            # as there can be many cells in one range, generate the list of ranges
            dest_cells = []
            for worksheet, range_name in named_range.destinations:
                dest_cells.append("'%s'!%s" % (worksheet.title.replace("'", "''"),

            # finally write the cells list
            name.text = ','.join(dest_cells)
            assert isinstance(named_range, NamedRangeContainingValue)
            name.text = named_range.value

    # autoFilter
    for i, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        auto_filter = sheet.auto_filter
        if not auto_filter:
        name = SubElement(defined_names, 'definedName',
        name.text = "'%s'!%s" % (sheet.title.replace("'", "''"),

    SubElement(root, 'calcPr', {'calcId': '124519', 'calcMode': 'auto',
            'fullCalcOnLoad': '1'})
    return get_document_content(root)
def test_write_comments_vml():
    ws = _create_ws()[0]
    cw = CommentWriter(ws)
    reference_file = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'writer', 'expected',
    content = cw.write_comments_vml()
    with open(reference_file) as expected:
        correct = fromstring(expected.read())
        check = fromstring(content)
        correct_ids = []
        correct_coords = []
        check_ids = []
        check_coords = []

        for i in correct.findall("{%s}shape" % vmlns):
            row = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" %
            col = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" %
            correct_coords.append((row, col))
            # blank the data we are checking separately
            i.attrib["id"] = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" %
                                                    excelns).text = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" %
                                                    excelns).text = "0"

        for i in check.findall("{%s}shape" % vmlns):
            row = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" %
            col = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" %
            check_coords.append((row, col))
            # blank the data we are checking separately
            i.attrib["id"] = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" %
                                                    excelns).text = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" %
                                                    excelns).text = "0"

        assert set(correct_coords) == set(check_coords)
        assert set(correct_ids) == set(check_ids)
        diff = compare_xml(get_document_content(correct),
        assert diff is None, diff
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def write(self, shape_id):

        root = Element('{%s}userShapes' % CHART_NS)

        for shape in self._shapes:
            anchor = SubElement(root, '{%s}relSizeAnchor' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)

            xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.coordinates

            _from = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}from' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(_from, '{%s}x' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xstart)
            SubElement(_from, '{%s}y' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(ystart)

            _to = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}to' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(_to, '{%s}x' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xend)
            SubElement(_to, '{%s}y' % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(yend)

            sp = SubElement(anchor, '{%s}sp' % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {
                'macro': '',
                'textlink': ''
            nvspr = SubElement(sp, '{%s}nvSpPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(nvspr, '{%s}cNvPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {
                'id': str(shape_id),
                'name': 'shape %s' % shape_id
            SubElement(nvspr, '{%s}cNvSpPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)

            sppr = SubElement(sp, '{%s}spPr' % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            frm = SubElement(
                '{%s}xfrm' % DRAWING_NS,
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, '{%s}off' % DRAWING_NS, {'x': '0', 'y': '0'})
            SubElement(frm, '{%s}ext' % DRAWING_NS, {'cx': '0', 'cy': '0'})

            prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}prstGeom' % DRAWING_NS,
                                  {'prst': str(shape.style)})
            SubElement(prstgeom, '{%s}avLst' % DRAWING_NS)

            fill = SubElement(
                '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS,
            SubElement(fill, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS, {'val': shape.color})

            border = SubElement(sppr, '{%s}ln' % DRAWING_NS,
                                {'w': str(shape._border_width)})
            sf = SubElement(border, '{%s}solidFill' % DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(sf, '{%s}srgbClr' % DRAWING_NS,
                       {'val': shape.border_color})

            self._write_text(sp, shape)

            shape_id += 1

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def write_rels(self, drawing_id):
        root = Element("{%s}Relationships" % PKG_REL_NS)

        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : '%s/chartUserShapes' % REL_NS,
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % drawing_id }
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def write(self):
        """ write a chart """
        SubElement(self.root, '{%s}lang' % CHART_NS, {'val':self.chart.lang})

        return get_document_content(self.root)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def write_rels(self, drawing_id):
        root = Element("{%s}Relationships" % PKG_REL_NS)

        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : '%s/chartUserShapes' % REL_NS,
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % drawing_id }
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def write_rels(self, drawing_id):

        root = Element('Relationships', {'xmlns' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships'})
        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chartUserShapes',
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % drawing_id }
        SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def write(self):
        """ write a chart """
        SubElement(self.root, '{%s}lang' % CHART_NS, {'val':self.chart.lang})

        return get_document_content(self.root)
def test_write_comments():
    ws = _create_ws()[0]

    reference_file = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'writer', 'expected',
    cw = CommentWriter(ws)
    content = cw.write_comments()
    with open(reference_file) as expected:
        correct = fromstring(expected.read())
        check = fromstring(content)
        # check top-level elements have the same name
        for i, j in zip(correct.getchildren(), check.getchildren()):
            assert i.tag == j.tag

        correct_comments = correct.find('{%s}commentList' %
        check_comments = check.find('{%s}commentList' %
        correct_authors = correct.find('{%s}authors' %
        check_authors = check.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).getchildren()

        # replace author ids with author names
        for i in correct_comments:
            i.attrib["authorId"] = correct_authors[int(
        for i in check_comments:
            i.attrib["authorId"] = check_authors[int(

        # sort the comment list
        correct_comments.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.attrib["ref"])
        check_comments.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.attrib["ref"])
        correct.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = correct_comments
        check.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = check_comments

        # sort the author list
        correct_authors.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.text)
        check_authors.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.text)
        correct.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = correct_authors
        check.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = check_authors

        diff = compare_xml(get_document_content(correct),
        assert diff is None, diff
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def write(self):
        """ write a chart """
        root = Element("{%s}chartSpace" % CHART_NS)

        SubElement(root, '{%s}lang' % CHART_NS, {'val':self.chart.lang})

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def write_rels(self, chart_id):

        root = Element('Relationships',
            {'xmlns' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships'})
        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            attrs = {'Id' : 'rId%s' % (i + 1),
                'Type' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart',
                'Target' : '../charts/chart%s.xml' % (chart_id + i) }
            SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def write(self):
        """ write drawings for one sheet in one file """

        root = Element('xdr:wsDr',
            {'xmlns:xdr' : "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing",
            'xmlns:a' : "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"})

        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):

            drawing = chart.drawing

#            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:twoCellAnchor')
#            (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col) = drawing.coordinates
#            # anchor coordinates
#            _from = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:from')
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:col').text = str(start_col)
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:row').text = str(start_row)
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

#            _to = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:to')
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:col').text = str(end_col)
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:row').text = str(end_row)
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

            # we only support absolute anchor atm (TODO: oneCellAnchor, twoCellAnchor
            x, y, w, h = drawing.get_emu_dimensions()
            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:absoluteAnchor')
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:pos', {'x':str(x), 'y':str(y)})
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:ext', {'cx':str(w), 'cy':str(h)})

            # graph frame
            frame = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:graphicFrame', {'macro':''})

            name = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:nvGraphicFramePr')
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvPr', {'id':'%s' % i, 'name':'Graphique %s' % i})
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr')

            frm = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:xfrm')
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x':'0', 'y':'0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0'})

            graph = SubElement(frame, 'a:graphic')
            data = SubElement(graph, 'a:graphicData',
            SubElement(data, 'c:chart',
                {   'xmlns:c':'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart',
                    'r:id':'rId%s' % (i + 1)})

            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:clientData')

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def write(self):
        """ write drawings for one sheet in one file """

        root = Element('xdr:wsDr',
            {'xmlns:xdr' : "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/spreadsheetDrawing",
            'xmlns:a' : "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main"})

        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):

            drawing = chart.drawing

#            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:twoCellAnchor')
#            (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col) = drawing.coordinates
#            # anchor coordinates
#            _from = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:from')
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:col').text = str(start_col)
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:row').text = str(start_row)
#            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

#            _to = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:to')
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:col').text = str(end_col)
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:row').text = str(end_row)
#            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

            # we only support absolute anchor atm (TODO: oneCellAnchor, twoCellAnchor
            x, y, w, h = drawing.get_emu_dimensions()
            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:absoluteAnchor')
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:pos', {'x':str(x), 'y':str(y)})
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:ext', {'cx':str(w), 'cy':str(h)})

            # graph frame
            frame = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:graphicFrame', {'macro':''})

            name = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:nvGraphicFramePr')
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvPr', {'id':'%s' % i, 'name':'Graphique %s' % i})
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr')

            frm = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:xfrm')
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x':'0', 'y':'0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0'})

            graph = SubElement(frame, 'a:graphic')
            data = SubElement(graph, 'a:graphicData',
            SubElement(data, 'c:chart',
                {   'xmlns:c':'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart',
                    'r:id':'rId%s' % (i + 1)})

            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:clientData')

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 24
def write_root_rels(workbook):
    """Write the relationships xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    relation_tag = '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS
    SubElement(root, relation_tag, {'Id': 'rId1', 'Target': ARC_WORKBOOK,
            'Type': '%s/officeDocument' % REL_NS})
    SubElement(root, relation_tag, {'Id': 'rId2', 'Target': ARC_CORE,
            'Type': '%s/metadata/core-properties' % PKG_REL_NS})
    SubElement(root, relation_tag, {'Id': 'rId3', 'Target': ARC_APP,
            'Type': '%s/extended-properties' % REL_NS})
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def write_content_types(workbook):
    """Write the content-types xml."""
    seen = set()
    if workbook.vba_archive:
        root = fromstring(workbook.vba_archive.read(ARC_CONTENT_TYPES))
        for elem in root.findall('{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS):
        root = Element('{%s}Types' % CONTYPES_NS)
        for setting_type, name, content_type in static_content_types_config:
            if setting_type == 'Override':
                tag = '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS
                attrib = {'PartName': '/' + name}
                tag = '{%s}Default' % CONTYPES_NS
                attrib = {'Extension': name}
            attrib['ContentType'] = content_type
            SubElement(root, tag, attrib)

    drawing_id = 1
    chart_id = 1
    comments_id = 1

    for sheet_id, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        name = '/xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml' % (sheet_id + 1)
        if name not in seen:
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS, {'PartName': name,
                'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml'})
        if sheet._charts or sheet._images:
            name = '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % drawing_id
            if name not in seen:
                SubElement(root, '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS, {'PartName' : name,
                'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml'})
            drawing_id += 1

            for chart in sheet._charts:
                name = '/xl/charts/chart%d.xml' % chart_id
                if name not in seen:
                    SubElement(root, '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS, {'PartName' : name,
                    'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml'})
                chart_id += 1
                if chart._shapes:
                    name = '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % drawing_id
                    if name not in seen:
                        SubElement(root, '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS, {'PartName' : name,
                        'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml'})
                    drawing_id += 1
        if sheet._comment_count > 0:
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Override' % CONTYPES_NS,
                {'PartName': '/xl/comments%d.xml' % comments_id,
                 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.comments+xml'})
            comments_id += 1

    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def write_root_rels(workbook):
    """Write the relationships xml."""
    root = Element('Relationships', {'xmlns':
    SubElement(root, 'Relationship', {'Id': 'rId1', 'Target': ARC_WORKBOOK,
            'Type': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/officeDocument'})
    SubElement(root, 'Relationship', {'Id': 'rId2', 'Target': ARC_CORE,
            'Type': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships/metadata/core-properties'})
    SubElement(root, 'Relationship', {'Id': 'rId3', 'Target': ARC_APP,
            'Type': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/extended-properties'})
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def write_content_types(workbook):
    """Write the content-types xml."""
    seen = set()
    if workbook.vba_archive:
        root = fromstring(workbook.vba_archive.read(ARC_CONTENT_TYPES))
        register_namespace('', 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types')
        for elem in root.findall('{http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types}Override'):
        root = Element('Types', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_THEME, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_STYLE, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Default', {'Extension': 'rels', 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Default', {'Extension': 'xml', 'ContentType': 'application/xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Default', {'Extension': 'png', 'ContentType': 'image/png'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_WORKBOOK, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_APP, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_CORE, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml'})
        SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_SHARED_STRINGS, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml'})

    drawing_id = 1
    chart_id = 1

    for sheet_id, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        part_name = '/xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml' % (sheet_id + 1)
        if part_name not in seen:
            SubElement(root, 'Override',
                       {'PartName': part_name,
                        'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml'})
        if sheet._charts or sheet._images:
            part_name = '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % drawing_id
            if part_name not in seen:
                SubElement(root, 'Override',
                           {'PartName': part_name,
                            'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml'})
            drawing_id += 1

            for chart in sheet._charts:
                part_name = '/xl/charts/chart%d.xml' % chart_id

                if part_name not in seen:
                    SubElement(root, 'Override',
                               {'PartName': part_name,
                                'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml'})
                    chart_id += 1
                    if chart._shapes:
                        part_name = '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % drawing_id
                        if part_name not in seen:
                            SubElement(root, 'Override',
                                       {'PartName': part_name,
                                        'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml'})
                        drawing_id += 1

    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def write_rels(self, chart_id):

        root = Element("Relationships", {"xmlns": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"})
        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            attrs = {
                "Id": "rId%s" % (i + 1),
                "Type": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart",
                "Target": "../charts/chart%s.xml" % (chart_id + i),
            SubElement(root, "Relationship", attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def write(self):
        """ write drawings for one sheet in one file """

        root = Element("{%s}wsDr" % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)

        for idx, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            self._write_chart(root, chart, idx + 1)

        for idx, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            self._write_image(root, img, idx + 1)

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def write(self):
        """ write drawings for one sheet in one file """

        root = Element("{%s}wsDr" % SHEET_DRAWING_NS)

        for idx, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            self._write_chart(root, chart, idx + 1)

        for idx, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            self._write_image(root, img, idx + 1)

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def write_table(self):
        number_format_table = self._write_number_formats()
        fonts_table = self._write_fonts()
        fills_table = self._write_fills()
        borders_table = self._write_borders()
        self._write_cell_xfs(number_format_table, fonts_table, fills_table, borders_table)

        return get_document_content(xml_node=self._root)
Ejemplo n.º 32
def write_workbook_rels(workbook):
    """Write the workbook relationships xml."""
    root = Element('Relationships', {
    for i in range(len(workbook.worksheets)):
            root, 'Relationship', {
                'Id': 'rId%d' % (i + 1),
                'Target': 'worksheets/sheet%s.xml' % (i + 1)
    rid = len(workbook.worksheets) + 1
        root, 'Relationship', {
            'rId%d' % rid,
        root, 'Relationship', {
            'rId%d' % (rid + 1),
        root, 'Relationship', {
            'rId%d' % (rid + 2),
    if workbook.vba_archive:
            root, 'Relationship', {
                'rId%d' % (rid + 3),
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 33
def test_write_comments():
    ws = _create_ws()[0]

    reference_file = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'writer', 'expected',
    cw = CommentWriter(ws)
    content = cw.write_comments()
    with open(reference_file) as expected:
        correct = fromstring(expected.read())
        check = fromstring(content)
        # check top-level elements have the same name
        for i, j in zip(correct.getchildren(), check.getchildren()):
            assert i.tag == j.tag

        correct_comments = correct.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).getchildren()
        check_comments = check.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).getchildren()
        correct_authors = correct.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).getchildren()
        check_authors = check.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS).getchildren()

        # replace author ids with author names
        for i in correct_comments:
            i.attrib["authorId"] = correct_authors[int(i.attrib["authorId"])].text
        for i in check_comments:
            i.attrib["authorId"] = check_authors[int(i.attrib["authorId"])].text

        # sort the comment list
        correct_comments.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.attrib["ref"])
        check_comments.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.attrib["ref"])
        correct.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = correct_comments
        check.find('{%s}commentList' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = check_comments

        # sort the author list
        correct_authors.sort(key=lambda tag: tag.text)
        check_authors.sort(key=lambda tag:tag.text)
        correct.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = correct_authors
        check.find('{%s}authors' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)[:] = check_authors

        diff = compare_xml(get_document_content(correct), get_document_content(check))
        assert diff is None, diff
Ejemplo n.º 34
def test_write_comments_vml():
    ws = _create_ws()[0]
    cw = CommentWriter(ws)
    reference_file = os.path.join(DATADIR, 'writer', 'expected',
    content = cw.write_comments_vml()
    with open(reference_file) as expected:
        correct = fromstring(expected.read())
        check = fromstring(content)
        correct_ids = []
        correct_coords = []
        check_ids = []
        check_coords = []

        for i in correct.findall("{%s}shape" % vmlns):
            row = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" % excelns).text
            col = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" % excelns).text
            # blank the data we are checking separately
            i.attrib["id"] = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" % excelns).text="0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" % excelns).text="0"

        for i in check.findall("{%s}shape" % vmlns):
            row = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" % excelns).text
            col = i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" % excelns).text
            # blank the data we are checking separately
            i.attrib["id"] = "0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Row" % excelns).text="0"
            i.find("{%s}ClientData" % excelns).find("{%s}Column" % excelns).text="0"

        assert set(correct_coords) == set(check_coords)
        assert set(correct_ids) == set(check_ids)
        diff = compare_xml(get_document_content(correct), get_document_content(check))
        assert diff is None, diff
Ejemplo n.º 35
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, idx):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element('Relationships', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships'})
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {'Id': rel.id, 'Type': rel.type, 'Target': rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs['TargetMode'] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
    if worksheet._charts:
        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing',
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % idx }
        SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 36
    def write(self):
        """ write a chart """

        root = Element('c:chartSpace',

        SubElement(root, 'c:lang', {'val':self.chart.lang})

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 37
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, idx):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {'Id': rel.id, 'Type': rel.type, 'Target': rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs['TargetMode'] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    if worksheet._charts or worksheet._images:
        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : '%s/drawing' % REL_NS,
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % idx }
        SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def write_rels(self, chart_id, image_id):

        root = Element("{%s}Relationships" % PKG_REL_NS)
        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            attrs = {'Id' : 'rId%s' % (i + 1),
                'Type' : '%s/chart' % REL_NS,
                'Target' : '../charts/chart%s.xml' % (chart_id + i) }
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        for j, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            attrs = {'Id' : 'rId%s' % (i + 1 + j + 1),
                'Type' : '%s/image' % REL_NS,
                'Target' : '../media/image%s.png' % (image_id + j) }
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 39
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, idx):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element('Relationships', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships'})
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {'Id': rel.id, 'Type': rel.type, 'Target': rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs['TargetMode'] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
    if worksheet._charts:
        attrs = {'Id' : 'rId1',
            'Type' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing',
            'Target' : '../drawings/drawing%s.xml' % idx }
        SubElement(root, 'Relationship', attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 40
def write_properties_core(properties):
    """Write the core properties to xml."""
    root = Element('cp:coreProperties', {'xmlns:cp': NAMESPACES['cp'],
            'xmlns:xsi': NAMESPACES['xsi'], 'xmlns:dc': NAMESPACES['dc'],
            'xmlns:dcterms': NAMESPACES['dcterms'],
            'xmlns:dcmitype': NAMESPACES['dcmitype'], })
    SubElement(root, 'dc:creator').text = properties.creator
    SubElement(root, 'cp:lastModifiedBy').text = properties.last_modified_by
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:created', \
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:modified',
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def write_properties_core(properties):
    """Write the core properties to xml."""
    root = Element('cp:coreProperties', {'xmlns:cp': NAMESPACES['cp'],
            'xmlns:xsi': NAMESPACES['xsi'], 'xmlns:dc': NAMESPACES['dc'],
            'xmlns:dcterms': NAMESPACES['dcterms'],
            'xmlns:dcmitype': NAMESPACES['dcmitype'], })
    SubElement(root, 'dc:creator').text = properties.creator
    SubElement(root, 'cp:lastModifiedBy').text = properties.last_modified_by
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:created', \
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:modified',
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def write(self, shape_id):

        root = Element("c:userShapes", {"xmlns:c": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart"})

        for shape in self._shapes:
            anchor = SubElement(
                {"xmlns:cdr": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chartDrawing"},

            xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.get_coordinates()

            _from = SubElement(anchor, "cdr:from")
            SubElement(_from, "cdr:x").text = str(xstart)
            SubElement(_from, "cdr:y").text = str(ystart)

            _to = SubElement(anchor, "cdr:to")
            SubElement(_to, "cdr:x").text = str(xend)
            SubElement(_to, "cdr:y").text = str(yend)

            sp = SubElement(anchor, "cdr:sp", {"macro": "", "textlink": ""})
            nvspr = SubElement(sp, "cdr:nvSpPr")
            SubElement(nvspr, "cdr:cNvPr", {"id": str(shape_id), "name": "shape %s" % shape_id})
            SubElement(nvspr, "cdr:cNvSpPr")

            sppr = SubElement(sp, "cdr:spPr")
            frm = SubElement(sppr, "a:xfrm", {"xmlns:a": self.schema})
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, "a:off", {"x": "0", "y": "0"})
            SubElement(frm, "a:ext", {"cx": "0", "cy": "0"})

            prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, "a:prstGeom", {"xmlns:a": self.schema, "prst": str(shape.style)})
            SubElement(prstgeom, "a:avLst")

            fill = SubElement(sppr, "a:solidFill", {"xmlns:a": self.schema})
            SubElement(fill, "a:srgbClr", {"val": shape.color})

            border = SubElement(sppr, "a:ln", {"xmlns:a": self.schema, "w": str(shape._border_width)})
            sf = SubElement(border, "a:solidFill")
            SubElement(sf, "a:srgbClr", {"val": shape.border_color})

            self._write_text(sp, shape)

            shape_id += 1

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def write_worksheet_rels(worksheet, idx):
    """Write relationships for the worksheet to xml."""
    root = Element("Relationships", {"xmlns": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/relationships"})
    for rel in worksheet.relationships:
        attrs = {"Id": rel.id, "Type": rel.type, "Target": rel.target}
        if rel.target_mode:
            attrs["TargetMode"] = rel.target_mode
        SubElement(root, "Relationship", attrs)
    if worksheet._charts:
        attrs = {
            "Id": "rId1",
            "Type": "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/drawing",
            "Target": "../drawings/drawing%s.xml" % idx,
        SubElement(root, "Relationship", attrs)
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 44
    def write_comments_vml(self):
        root = Element("xml")
        shape_layout = SubElement(root, "{%s}shapelayout" % officens, {"{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit"})
        SubElement(shape_layout, "{%s}idmap" % officens, {"{%s}ext" % vmlns: "edit", "data": "1"})
        shape_type=SubElement(root, "{%s}shapetype" % vmlns, {"id": "_x0000_t202",
                                                              "coordsize": "21600,21600",
                                                              "{%s}spt" % officens: "202",
                                                              "path": "m,l,21600r21600,l21600,xe"})
        SubElement(shape_type, "{%s}stroke" % vmlns, {"joinstyle": "miter"})
        SubElement(shape_type, "{%s}path" % vmlns, {"gradientshapeok": "t",
                                                    "{%s}connecttype" % officens: "rect"})

        for i, comment in enumerate(self.comments):
            self._write_comment_shape(root, comment, i)

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 45
def write_properties_core(properties):
    """Write the core properties to xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}coreProperties' % COREPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}creator' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.creator
    SubElement(root, '{%s}lastModifiedBy' % COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.last_modified_by
    SubElement(root, '{%s}created' % DCTERMS_NS,
               {'{%s}type' % XSI_NS: '%s:W3CDTF' % DCTERMS_PREFIX}).text = \
    SubElement(root, '{%s}modified' % DCTERMS_NS,
               {'{%s}type' % XSI_NS: '%s:W3CDTF' % DCTERMS_PREFIX}).text = \
    SubElement(root, '{%s}title' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.title
    SubElement(root, '{%s}description' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.description
    SubElement(root, '{%s}subject' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.subject
    SubElement(root, '{%s}keywords' % COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.keywords
    SubElement(root, '{%s}category' % COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.category
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 46
def write_workbook(workbook):
    """Write the core workbook xml."""
    root = Element('workbook', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main',
            'xml:space': 'preserve', 'xmlns:r': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships'})
    SubElement(root, 'fileVersion', {'appName': 'xl', 'lastEdited': '4',
            'lowestEdited': '4', 'rupBuild': '4505'})
    SubElement(root, 'workbookPr', {'defaultThemeVersion': '124226',
            'codeName': 'ThisWorkbook'})
    book_views = SubElement(root, 'bookViews')
    SubElement(book_views, 'workbookView', {'activeTab': '%d' % workbook.get_index(workbook.get_active_sheet()),
            'autoFilterDateGrouping': '1', 'firstSheet': '0', 'minimized': '0',
            'showHorizontalScroll': '1', 'showSheetTabs': '1',
            'showVerticalScroll': '1', 'tabRatio': '600',
            'visibility': 'visible'})
    # worksheets
    sheets = SubElement(root, 'sheets')
    for i, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        sheet_node = SubElement(sheets, 'sheet', {'name': sheet.title,
                'sheetId': '%d' % (i + 1), 'r:id': 'rId%d' % (i + 1)})
        if not sheet.sheet_state == sheet.SHEETSTATE_VISIBLE:
            sheet_node.set('state', sheet.sheet_state)
    # named ranges
    defined_names = SubElement(root, 'definedNames')
    for named_range in workbook.get_named_ranges():
        name = SubElement(defined_names, 'definedName',
                {'name': named_range.name})

        # as there can be many cells in one range, generate the list of ranges
        dest_cells = []
        cell_ids = []
        for worksheet, range_name in named_range.destinations:
            dest_cells.append("'%s'!%s" % (worksheet.title.replace("'", "''"),

        # for local ranges, we must check all the cells belong to the same sheet
        base_id = cell_ids[0]
        if named_range.local_only and all([x == base_id for x in cell_ids]):
            name.set('localSheetId', '%s' % base_id)

        # finally write the cells list
        name.text = ','.join(dest_cells)

    SubElement(root, 'calcPr', {'calcId': '124519', 'calcMode': 'auto',
            'fullCalcOnLoad': '1'})
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 47
    def write(self, shape_id):

        root = Element('c:userShapes', {'xmlns:c' : 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart'})

        for shape in self._shapes:
            anchor = SubElement(root, 'cdr:relSizeAnchor',
                {'xmlns:cdr' : "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chartDrawing"})

            xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.get_coordinates()

            _from = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:from')
            SubElement(_from, 'cdr:x').text = str(xstart)
            SubElement(_from, 'cdr:y').text = str(ystart)

            _to = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:to')
            SubElement(_to, 'cdr:x').text = str(xend)
            SubElement(_to, 'cdr:y').text = str(yend)

            sp = SubElement(anchor, 'cdr:sp', {'macro':'', 'textlink':''})
            nvspr = SubElement(sp, 'cdr:nvSpPr')
            SubElement(nvspr, 'cdr:cNvPr', {'id':str(shape_id), 'name':'shape %s' % shape_id})
            SubElement(nvspr, 'cdr:cNvSpPr')

            sppr = SubElement(sp, 'cdr:spPr')
            frm = SubElement(sppr, 'a:xfrm', {'xmlns:a':self.schema})
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x':'0', 'y':'0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx':'0', 'cy':'0'})

            prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, 'a:prstGeom', {'xmlns:a':self.schema, 'prst':str(shape.style)})
            SubElement(prstgeom, 'a:avLst')

            fill = SubElement(sppr, 'a:solidFill', {'xmlns:a':self.schema})
            SubElement(fill, 'a:srgbClr', {'val':shape.color})

            border = SubElement(sppr, 'a:ln', {'xmlns:a':self.schema, 'w':str(shape._border_width)})
            sf = SubElement(border, 'a:solidFill')
            SubElement(sf, 'a:srgbClr', {'val':shape.border_color})

            self._write_text(sp, shape)

            shape_id += 1

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def write(self, shape_id):

        root = Element("{%s}userShapes" % CHART_NS)

        for shape in self._shapes:
            anchor = SubElement(root, "{%s}relSizeAnchor" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)

            xstart, ystart, xend, yend = shape.coordinates

            _from = SubElement(anchor, "{%s}from" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(_from, "{%s}x" % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xstart)
            SubElement(_from, "{%s}y" % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(ystart)

            _to = SubElement(anchor, "{%s}to" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(_to, "{%s}x" % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(xend)
            SubElement(_to, "{%s}y" % CHART_DRAWING_NS).text = str(yend)

            sp = SubElement(anchor, "{%s}sp" % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {"macro": "", "textlink": ""})
            nvspr = SubElement(sp, "{%s}nvSpPr" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(nvspr, "{%s}cNvPr" % CHART_DRAWING_NS, {"id": str(shape_id), "name": "shape %s" % shape_id})
            SubElement(nvspr, "{%s}cNvSpPr" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)

            sppr = SubElement(sp, "{%s}spPr" % CHART_DRAWING_NS)
            frm = SubElement(sppr, "{%s}xfrm" % DRAWING_NS)
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, "{%s}off" % DRAWING_NS, {"x": "0", "y": "0"})
            SubElement(frm, "{%s}ext" % DRAWING_NS, {"cx": "0", "cy": "0"})

            prstgeom = SubElement(sppr, "{%s}prstGeom" % DRAWING_NS, {"prst": str(shape.style)})
            SubElement(prstgeom, "{%s}avLst" % DRAWING_NS)

            fill = SubElement(sppr, "{%s}solidFill" % DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(fill, "{%s}srgbClr" % DRAWING_NS, {"val": shape.color})

            border = SubElement(sppr, "{%s}ln" % DRAWING_NS, {"w": str(shape._border_width)})
            sf = SubElement(border, "{%s}solidFill" % DRAWING_NS)
            SubElement(sf, "{%s}srgbClr" % DRAWING_NS, {"val": shape.border_color})

            self._write_text(sp, shape)

            shape_id += 1

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 49
    def write_rels(self, chart_id, image_id):

        root = Element("{%s}Relationships" % PKG_REL_NS)
        i = 0
        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):
            attrs = {
                'Id': 'rId%s' % (i + 1),
                'Type': '%s/chart' % REL_NS,
                'Target': '../charts/chart%s.xml' % (chart_id + i)
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        for j, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            attrs = {
                'Id': 'rId%s' % (i + j + 1),
                'Type': '%s/image' % REL_NS,
                'Target': '../media/image%s.png' % (image_id + j)
            SubElement(root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, attrs)
        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def write_properties_core(properties):
    """Write the core properties to xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}coreProperties' % COREPROPS_NS)
    SubElement(root, '{%s}creator' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.creator
    SubElement(root, '{%s}lastModifiedBy' %
               COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.last_modified_by
    SubElement(root, '{%s}created' % DCTERMS_NS,
               {'{%s}type' % XSI_NS: '%s:W3CDTF' % DCTERMS_PREFIX}).text = \
    SubElement(root, '{%s}modified' % DCTERMS_NS,
               {'{%s}type' % XSI_NS: '%s:W3CDTF' % DCTERMS_PREFIX}).text = \
    SubElement(root, '{%s}title' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.title
               '{%s}description' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.description
    SubElement(root, '{%s}subject' % DCORE_NS).text = properties.subject
    SubElement(root, '{%s}keywords' % COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.keywords
    SubElement(root, '{%s}category' % COREPROPS_NS).text = properties.category
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 51
def write_workbook_rels(workbook):
    """Write the workbook relationships xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    for i in range(1, len(workbook.worksheets) + 1):
            root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, {
                'Id': 'rId%d' % i,
                'Target': 'worksheets/sheet%s.xml' % i,
                'Type': '%s/worksheet' % REL_NS
    rid = len(workbook.worksheets) + 1
        root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, {
            'Id': 'rId%d' % rid,
            'Target': 'sharedStrings.xml',
            'Type': '%s/sharedStrings' % REL_NS
        root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, {
            'Id': 'rId%d' % (rid + 1),
            'Target': 'styles.xml',
            'Type': '%s/styles' % REL_NS
        root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, {
            'Id': 'rId%d' % (rid + 2),
            'Target': 'theme/theme1.xml',
            'Type': '%s/theme' % REL_NS
    if workbook.vba_archive:
            root, '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS, {
                'rId%d' % (rid + 3),
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 52
    def write_comments(self):
        # produce xml
        root = Element("{%s}comments" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        authorlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}authors" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for author in self.authors:
            leaf = SubElement(authorlist_tag, "{%s}author" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            leaf.text = author

        commentlist_tag = SubElement(root, "{%s}commentList" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for comment in self.comments:
            attrs = {'ref': comment._parent.get_coordinate(),
                     'authorId': self.author_to_id[comment.author],
                     'shapeId': '0'}
            comment_tag = SubElement(commentlist_tag, "{%s}comment" % SHEET_MAIN_NS, attrs)

            text_tag = SubElement(comment_tag, "{%s}text" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            run_tag = SubElement(text_tag, "{%s}r" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}rPr" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag = SubElement(run_tag, "{%s}t" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            t_tag.text = comment.text

        return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 53
def write_content_types(workbook):
    """Write the content-types xml."""
    root = Element('Types', {'xmlns': 'http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/package/2006/content-types'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_THEME, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.theme+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_STYLE, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.styles+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Default', {'Extension': 'rels', 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.relationships+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Default', {'Extension': 'xml', 'ContentType': 'application/xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_WORKBOOK, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet.main+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_APP, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.extended-properties+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_CORE, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-package.core-properties+xml'})
    SubElement(root, 'Override', {'PartName': '/' + ARC_SHARED_STRINGS, 'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sharedStrings+xml'})

    drawing_id = 1
    chart_id = 1

    for sheet_id, sheet in enumerate(workbook.worksheets):
        SubElement(root, 'Override',
                {'PartName': '/xl/worksheets/sheet%d.xml' % (sheet_id + 1),
                'ContentType': 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.worksheet+xml'})
        if sheet._charts:
            SubElement(root, 'Override',
                {'PartName' : '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % (sheet_id + 1),
                'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawing+xml'})
            drawing_id += 1

            for chart in sheet._charts:
                SubElement(root, 'Override',
                    {'PartName' : '/xl/charts/chart%d.xml' % chart_id,
                    'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml'})
                chart_id += 1
                if chart._shapes:
                    SubElement(root, 'Override',
                        {'PartName' : '/xl/drawings/drawing%d.xml' % drawing_id,
                        'ContentType' : 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chartshapes+xml'})
                    drawing_id += 1

    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 54
def write_root_rels(workbook):
    """Write the relationships xml."""
    root = Element('{%s}Relationships' % PKG_REL_NS)
    relation_tag = '{%s}Relationship' % PKG_REL_NS
    SubElement(root, relation_tag, {
        'Id': 'rId1',
        'Target': ARC_WORKBOOK,
        'Type': '%s/officeDocument' % REL_NS
        root, relation_tag, {
            'Id': 'rId2',
            'Target': ARC_CORE,
            'Type': '%s/metadata/core-properties' % PKG_REL_NS
    SubElement(root, relation_tag, {
        'Id': 'rId3',
        'Target': ARC_APP,
        'Type': '%s/extended-properties' % REL_NS
    if workbook.vba_archive is not None:
        # See if there was a customUI relation and reuse its id
        arc = fromstring(workbook.vba_archive.read(ARC_ROOT_RELS))
        rels = arc.findall(relation_tag)
        rId = None
        for rel in rels:
            if rel.get('Target') == ARC_CUSTOM_UI:
                rId = rel.get('Id')
        if rId is not None:
            SubElement(root, relation_tag, {
                'Id': rId,
                'Target': ARC_CUSTOM_UI,
                'Type': '%s' % CUSTOMUI_NS
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 55
def write_properties_core(properties):
    """Write the core properties to xml."""
    root = Element(
        'cp:coreProperties', {
            'xmlns:cp': NAMESPACES['cp'],
            'xmlns:xsi': NAMESPACES['xsi'],
            'xmlns:dc': NAMESPACES['dc'],
            'xmlns:dcterms': NAMESPACES['dcterms'],
            'xmlns:dcmitype': NAMESPACES['dcmitype'],
    SubElement(root, 'dc:creator').text = properties.creator
    SubElement(root, 'cp:lastModifiedBy').text = properties.last_modified_by
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:created', \
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    SubElement(root, 'dcterms:modified',
            {'xsi:type': 'dcterms:W3CDTF'}).text = \
    SubElement(root, 'dc:title').text = properties.title
    SubElement(root, 'dc:description').text = properties.description
    SubElement(root, 'dc:subject').text = properties.subject
    SubElement(root, 'cp:keywords').text = properties.keywords
    SubElement(root, 'cp:category').text = properties.category
    return get_document_content(root)
Ejemplo n.º 56
    def write(self):
        """ write drawings for one sheet in one file """

        root = Element(
            'xdr:wsDr', {

        for i, chart in enumerate(self._sheet._charts):

            drawing = chart.drawing

            #            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:twoCellAnchor')
            #            (start_row, start_col), (end_row, end_col) = drawing.coordinates
            #            # anchor coordinates
            #            _from = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:from')
            #            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:col').text = str(start_col)
            #            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
            #            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:row').text = str(start_row)
            #            x = SubElement(_from, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

            #            _to = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:to')
            #            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:col').text = str(end_col)
            #            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:colOff').text = '0'
            #            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:row').text = str(end_row)
            #            x = SubElement(_to, 'xdr:rowOff').text = '0'

            # we only support absolute anchor atm (TODO: oneCellAnchor, twoCellAnchor
            x, y, w, h = drawing.get_emu_dimensions()
            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:absoluteAnchor')
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:pos', {'x': str(x), 'y': str(y)})
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:ext', {'cx': str(w), 'cy': str(h)})

            # graph frame
            frame = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:graphicFrame', {'macro': ''})

            name = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:nvGraphicFramePr')
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvPr', {
                'id': '%s' % i,
                'name': 'Graphique %s' % i
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvGraphicFramePr')

            frm = SubElement(frame, 'xdr:xfrm')
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x': '0', 'y': '0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx': '0', 'cy': '0'})

            graph = SubElement(frame, 'a:graphic')
            data = SubElement(graph, 'a:graphicData', {
                data, 'c:chart', {
                    'r:id': 'rId%s' % (i + 1)

            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:clientData')

        for i, img in enumerate(self._sheet._images):
            drawing = img.drawing

            x, y, w, h = drawing.get_emu_dimensions()
            anchor = SubElement(root, 'xdr:absoluteAnchor')
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:pos', {'x': str(x), 'y': str(y)})
            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:ext', {'cx': str(w), 'cy': str(h)})

            pic = SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:pic')
            name = SubElement(pic, 'xdr:nvPicPr')
            SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvPr', {
                'id': '%s' % i,
                'name': 'Picture %s' % i
                SubElement(name, 'xdr:cNvPicPr'), 'a:picLocks', {
                    'noChangeAspect': "1" if img.nochangeaspect else '0',
                    "1" if img.nochangearrowheads else '0'
            blipfill = SubElement(pic, 'xdr:blipFill')
                blipfill, 'a:blip', {
                    'r:embed': 'rId%s' % (i + 1),
                    'cstate': 'print'
            SubElement(blipfill, 'a:srcRect')
            SubElement(SubElement(blipfill, 'a:stretch'), 'a:fillRect')

            sppr = SubElement(pic, 'xdr:spPr', {'bwMode': 'auto'})
            frm = SubElement(sppr, 'a:xfrm')
            # no transformation
            SubElement(frm, 'a:off', {'x': '0', 'y': '0'})
            SubElement(frm, 'a:ext', {'cx': '0', 'cy': '0'})

            SubElement(SubElement(sppr, 'a:prstGeom', {'prst': 'rect'}),

            SubElement(sppr, 'a:noFill')

            ln = SubElement(sppr, 'a:ln', {'w': '1'})
            SubElement(ln, 'a:noFill')
            SubElement(ln, 'a:miter', {'lim': '800000'})
            SubElement(ln, 'a:headEnd')
            SubElement(ln, 'a:tailEnd', {
                'type': 'none',
                'w': 'med',
                'len': 'med'
            SubElement(sppr, 'a:effectLst')

            SubElement(anchor, 'xdr:clientData')

        return get_document_content(root)