Ejemplo n.º 1
def pout(gen, indi) :
    print name(indi)
    ndots = 0
    while lt(ndots, gen) :
        out(". ")
        ndots = add(1,ndots)
    out("* "+name(indi))
    e = birth(indi)
    if e : out(", b. "+long(e))
    (sp,fam,num,iter) = spouses(indi)
    while sp :
        ndots = 0
        while lt(ndots, gen) :
            out("  ")
            ndots = add(1,ndots)
        out("    m. "+name(sp))
        (sp,fam,num) = spouses(iter)
    next = add(1,gen)
    if lt(next,15) :
        (fam,sp,num,iter) = families(indi)
        while fam :
            for (no0,child) in children(fam) :
                pout(next, child)
            (fam,sp,num) = families(iter)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __lt__(self,other):
         return operator.lt(self.time, other.time)
             return operator.lt(self.time, other)
             raise TypeError("Unorderable types: Point() < " + type(other))
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def testLessThan(self):
     """Test <operator"""
     _dt = self.eDatetime + datetime.timedelta(1)
     _other = eventCalBase.event(2, 'event', _dt)
     self.failUnless(operator.lt(self.e, _other),
             'a1 < a2 failed.  a1=%s, a2=%s' % (self.e, _other))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(_other, _other),
             'a1 < a2 failed.  a1=%s, a2=%s' % (_other, _other))
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def __lt__(self, other):
            if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
                if self.dimensionless:
                    return operator.lt(self.magnitude, other)
                    raise ValueError('Cannot compare Quantity and {}'.format(type(other)))

            if self.units == other.units:
                return operator.lt(self._magnitude, other._magnitude)
            if self.dimensionality != other.dimensionality:
                raise DimensionalityError(self.units, other.units,
                                          self.dimensionality, other.dimensionality)
            return operator.lt(self.convert_to_reference().magnitude,
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_operator(self):
     import operator
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(0), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([], 1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([1], 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, True), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, False), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, True), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, False), True)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def MakeMaxHeap(rows, key, E, S):	
	for i in range((E-S)//2 - 1, -1, -1):
		t = i + S
		m = 2*i + 1 + S
		n = 2*i + 2 + S
		if operator.lt(rows[t][key], rows[m][key]):
			# swap(rows[t], rows[m])
			temp = rows[t]
			rows[t] = rows[m]
			rows[m] = temp
		if operator.lt(n, E) and operator.lt(rows[t][key], rows[n][key]):
			# swap(rows[i], rows[n])
			temp = rows[t]
			rows[t] = rows[n]
			rows[n] = temp
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def evaluate(self):
        result = None
        left = self.left.evaluate()
        right = self.right.evaluate()

        if self.operation == '+':
            result = operator.add(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '-':
            result = operator.sub(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '*':
            result = operator.mul(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '/':
            result = operator.div(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '^':
            result = operator.pow(left, right)
        elif self.operation == 'and':
            result = left and right
        elif self.operation == 'or':
            result = left or right
        elif self.operation == '<':
            result = operator.lt(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '<=':
            result = operator.le(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '==':
            result = operator.eq(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '!=':
            result = operator.ne(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '>':
            result = operator.gt(left, right)
        elif self.operation == '>=':
            result = operator.ge(left, right)
        elif self.operation == 'in':
            result = (left in right)
        return result
Ejemplo n.º 8
            def evaluate(cond): # Method to evaluate the conditions
                if isinstance(cond,bool):
                    return cond
                left, oper, right = cond
                if not model or not left in model.mgroup.fields:  #check that the field exist
                    return False

                oper = self.OPERAND_MAPPER.get(oper.lower(), oper)
                if oper == '=':
                    res = operator.eq(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == '!=':
                    res = operator.ne(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == '<':
                    res = operator.lt(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == '>':
                    res = operator.gt(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == '<=':
                    res = operator.le(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == '>=':
                    res = operator.ge(model[left].get(model),right)
                elif oper == 'in':
                    res = operator.contains(right, model[left].get(model))
                elif oper == 'not in':
                    res = operator.contains(right, model[left].get(model))
                    res = operator.not_(res)
                return res
Ejemplo n.º 9
def run():
    primes = prime_reader.read_primes_default()
    last_prime = primes.next()

    prime_count = 0
    diag_total = 1
    current = 1
    for ring in eu.numbers(2):
        incr = (ring - 1) * 2

        for corner in xrange(3):
            current = op.iadd(current, incr)
            while current > last_prime:
                last_prime = primes.next()
            if current == last_prime:
                prime_count = op.iadd(prime_count, 1)
        current = op.add(current, incr)
        diag_total = op.iadd(diag_total, 4)
        perc = op.div(float(prime_count), diag_total)

        # print ring, side_length(ring), last_prime, diag_total, perc
        if op.lt(perc, 0.1):
            return side_length(ring)
    def test_process(self):
        alg.operator.set_value("Strictly smaller")

        pp_alg = invert_body()
        sg_alg = adaptive_body()
        gd_alg = guo_body()

        img_array = cv2.imread("p_polycephalum.jpg")
        graph = ""



        #should be
        to_be_removed = [(u, v) for u, v, data in
                if op.lt(data["width"],10.0)]

Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
        # xl to py formulas conversion for eval()
        self.__author__ = __author__
        self.__version__ = __version__

        # xl to py formula conversion
        self.fun_database = {
                    'IF' : lambda args : [args[0]*args[1]+(abs(args[0]-1)*args[2])][0],\
                    'AVERAGE' : lambda args : np.average(args[0]),\
                    'STDEV.P' : lambda args : np.std(args[0]),\
                    'TRANSPOSE' : lambda args : np.transpose(args[0]),\
                    'ABS' : lambda args : np.abs(args[0]),\
                    'MMULT' : lambda args : np.dot(*args),\
                    'IFERROR' : lambda args : self.pyxl_error(*args),\
                    'SUM' : lambda args : np.sum(args[0]),\
                    'COUNT' : lambda args : np.size(args[0]),\
                    'SQRT' : lambda args : np.sqrt(args[0]),\
                    '^' : lambda args : np.power(*args),\
                    '<' : lambda args : np.float64(op.lt(*args)),\
                    '>' : lambda args : np.float64(op.gt(*args)),\
                    '<=' : lambda args : np.float64(op.le(*args)),\
                    '>=' : lambda args : np.float64(op.ge(*args)),\
                    '<>' : lambda args : np.float64(op.ne(*args)),\
                    '=' : lambda args : np.float64(op.eq(*args)),\
                    '+' : lambda args : np.add(*args),\
                    '-' : lambda args : np.subtract(*args),\
                    '/' : lambda args : np.divide(*args),\
                    '*' : lambda args : np.multiply(*args)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def specialcases(x):
     # the following ones are constant-folded
Ejemplo n.º 13
def scale_slice(sl, s):
    """ Scales a slice by a scaling factor. 
        Ensures that it returns a valid step value (>1).
        The scaling factor is reversed  """
    valid_step = lambda x: tuple_slice(
            default(lambda a: op.lt(a[-1], 1), x, modify_tuple(x,-1,1))
    return tuple(valid_step(s_t) for s_t in scale_tuples(map(slice_tuple, sl), reversed(s)))
def pause_count(records, min_pause, max_pause):  # The meaning of minVol
    # is still the minimum volume to count, but now it determines
    # exclusion not inclusion.
    silences = filter(lambda x: (operator.eq(0, int(x[3]))), records)
    time_diffs = [int(records[i][0]) - int(records[i - 1][0]) for i in range(len(records))]
    return len(
        filter(lambda x: (operator.and_(operator.gt(x, min_pause), operator.lt(x, max_pause))), time_diffs)
    ) / float(len(records) - 1)
Ejemplo n.º 15
	def NetCountFilterPerItem(self,df,state):
	# Usado para completar la info y determinar las altas y bajas netas
		comparison = op.gt(df[self.colsum],0) if state else op.lt(df[self.colsum],0)
		df_state=df[(df['filter']=='new_filter') & comparison]	
		(index_filter, value_filter)=self.RepositoryProcessSupport.IndexValueState(df_state,self.sort_list,self.order_list,self.colsum,self.nombre_filtro,self.filtro_principal)
		return df
Ejemplo n.º 16
	def __lt__(self, other):
		t1 = self.hour, self.minutes, self.seconds
		t2 = other.hour, other.minutes, other.seconds
		if operator.eq(t1,t2):
			return 0
		elif operator.lt(t1,t2):
			return -1
			return 1
Ejemplo n.º 17
	def __lt__(self, other):
		t1 = self.suit, self.rank
		t2 = other.suit, other.rank
		if operator.eq(t1,t2):
			return 0
		elif operator.lt(t1,t2):
			return -1
			return 1
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def play(self):
         print("\n(1) : Rock\n(2) : Paper\n(3) : Scissors\n(4) : Spock\n(5) : Lizard\n")
         choice = int(input("Enter your move: "))
         if operator.gt(choice,0) & operator.lt(choice,6):
             choice = input("Enter your move: ")
     return moves[choice]
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def authorized(self):
        """Tests whether requests have been authorized
        if self.authorizer.token_expires is None:
            return False

        has_token = bool(self.authorizer.access_token)
        not_expired = lt(datetime.datetime.utcnow(),
        return has_token and not_expired
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_operator(self):
     import operator
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(None), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(0), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(0), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isSequenceType(0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isSequenceType([]), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([], 1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([1], 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isMappingType(1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isMappingType({}), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, True), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, False), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, True), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, False), True)
Ejemplo n.º 21
def formatted_gedcom(node,key) :
    out("0 @"+key+"@ "+tag(node)+"\n")
    (subnode,level,iter) = traverse(node)
    while subnode :
        counter = 0
        while lt(counter,level) :
            counter = add(counter,1)
        out(d(level)+" "+tag(subnode)+" "+value(subnode)+"\n")
        (subnode,level) = traverse(iter)
	def play(self):
		while (True):
				print("Please choose a move:\n   (1) Rock\n   (2) Paper\n   (3) Scissors")
				choice = int(input("   (4) Lizard\n   (5) Spock\n"))
				if (operator.lt(choice, 6) & operator.gt(choice, 0)):
					print("Please enter a number between 1 and 5.")
			except ValueError:
				print("Please enter a number between 1 and 5.")
		return moves[choice-1]
Ejemplo n.º 23
def do_date(datenode) :
    (day,month,year) = extractdate(datenode)
    if le(month,0) or gt(month,12) :
        daysinmonth = 0
    elif eq(month,9) or eq(month,4) or eq(month,6) or eq(month,11) :
        daysinmonth = 30
    elif eq(month,2) :
        if eq(mod(year,4),0) and (julian or (ne(mod(year,100),0) or eq(mod(year,400),0))) :
            daysinmonth = 29
        else :
            daysinmonth = 28
    else :
    future = 0
    if gt(year,toyear) :
        future = 1
    elif eq(year,toyear) :
        if gt(month,tomonth) :
        elif eq(month,tomonth) and gt(day,today) :
    if gt(day,daysinmonth) or future : out("*")
    if lt(year,0) :
    else :
        if lt(year,10) : out("0")
        if lt(year,100) : out("0")
        if lt(year,1000) : out("0")
    if lt(month,10) : out("0")
    if lt(day,10) : out ("0")
    out(d(day)+" ")
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_lt(self):
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0.0))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1.0))
     self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2))
     self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2.0))
Ejemplo n.º 25
def get_comparision_verdict_with_text(comp_operator,
    comp_operator: Enum comp_operator
    values: for comparision
    property_name: string used for verdict text message.
    Return dictionary with verdict as bool and verdict text

    verdict = False
    expected_filter_string = 'None'
    if comp_operator == 'LESS_THAN':
        verdict = operator.lt(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' less than ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL':
        verdict = operator.le(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' less than or equal to ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'GREATER_THAN':
        verdict = operator.gt(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' greater than ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL':
        verdict = operator.ge(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' greater than or equal to ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'EQUAL':
        verdict = operator.eq(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' equal to ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'NOT_EQUAL':
        verdict = operator.ne(actual_value, expected_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' not equal to ' + str(expected_value)
    elif comp_operator == 'BETWEEN':
        verdict = operator.le(expected_min_value, actual_value) and \
            operator.le(actual_value, expected_max_value)
        expected_filter_string = ' between ' + str(expected_min_value) + \
            ' and ' + str(expected_max_value) + ', inclusive'
        raise Exception("Unsupported comparision operator {0}".format(comp_operator))

    pass_fail_text = ' does not match '
    if verdict is True:
        pass_fail_text = ' matches '
    verdict_text = 'Actual ' + property_name + pass_fail_text + 'expected ' + \
        property_name + '. Actual count: ' + str(actual_value) + \
        '; expected count:' + expected_filter_string + '.'

    data = {}
    data[ProviderConst.VERDICT] = verdict
    data[ProviderConst.VERDICT_TEXT] = verdict_text
    return data
Ejemplo n.º 26
def pout(gen, indi) :
    cols("",add(5,mul(4,gen)),d(add(gen,1))+"-- ")
    next = add(1,gen)
    (fam,sp,num,iter) = families(indi)
    while fam :
        cols("",add(5,mul(4,gen))," sp-")
        if lt(next,15) :
            for (no0,child) in children(fam) :
        (fam,sp,num) = families(iter)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def test_operator(self):
     import operator
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.truth(1), True)
     with test_support.check_py3k_warnings():
         self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(0), False)
         self.assertIs(operator.isCallable(len), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(None), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isNumberType(0), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.not_(0), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isSequenceType(0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isSequenceType([]), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([], 1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.contains([1], 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.isMappingType(1), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.isMappingType({}), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 0), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.lt(0, 1), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, True), True)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_(True, False), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, True), False)
     self.assertIs(operator.is_not(True, False), True)
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_lt(self):
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.lt)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.lt, 1j, 2j)
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 0))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 0.0))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 1))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 1.0))
     self.assertTrue(operator.lt(1, 2))
     self.assertTrue(operator.lt(1, 2.0))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_lt(self):
     #operator = self.module
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, operator.lt)
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 0))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 0.0))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 1))
     self.assertFalse(operator.lt(1, 1.0))
     self.assertTrue(operator.lt(1, 2))
     self.assertTrue(operator.lt(1, 2.0))
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_lt(self):
     self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, operator.lt)
     self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, operator.lt, 1j, 2j)
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 0.0))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1))
     self.failIf(operator.lt(1, 1.0))
     self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2))
     self.failUnless(operator.lt(1, 2.0))
Ejemplo n.º 31
import math
import cmath
import random
import operator
# from math import cos


m = math.cos(90)
cm = cmath.cos(90)


rc = random.choice(range(10, 100, 2))

ru = random.uniform(100, 200)

print(3 * math.pi)

ol = operator.lt(10, 15)

print(bin(12345).replace("0b", ""))
Ejemplo n.º 32
# map filter lambda
reduce = ftools.reduce
# NOTE: having a shorter name for partial makes it a lot nicer
#       to work with in nested function calls.
partial = fn = ftools.partial

add = op.add
sub = op.sub
mul = op.mul
div = op.truediv
floordiv = op.floordiv

# Flipping the argument order for comparisons because:
#   1) easier currying/partial application
#   2) as a function call it reads better as lt(x, y) == "is x less than y?"
lt = lambda a, b: op.lt(b, a)
le = lambda a, b: op.le(b, a)
gt = lambda a, b: op.gt(b, a)
ge = lambda a, b: op.ge(b, a)
eq = op.eq
neq = op.ne

# Helper functions #
def iscol(x):
    Allow distinguishing between string types and "true" containers
    if isinstance(x, Container):
Ejemplo n.º 33
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# https://docs.python.org/3/library/operator.html
import operator

print('lt(2, -3)= ', operator.lt(2, -3))  # False

a = 1.0000000000000001
b = 1.0
print('a = ', a)
print('b = ', b)
print('eq(a, b) = ', operator.eq(a, b))  # True, compare only first 15 digits
#use of operator module
import operator
a = int(input("Enter a number :"))
b = int(input("enter 2nd number :"))

print("\nthe sum is :", operator.add(a, b))
print("The substraction is :", operator.sub(a, b))
print("the Mul is :", operator.mul(a, b), "\n")

print("the Division is :", operator.truediv(a, b))
print("the floordivide is :", operator.floordiv(a, b))
print("the pow is :", operator.pow(a, b))
print("the modulas is :", operator.mod(a, b), "\n")

#use of relation operator
# use of less than
print("the  use of 'lt' check a<b or not is :", operator.lt(a, b))
print("the use of 'le' check a<= b  :", operator.le(a, b))
print("the use of 'eq'check a ==b or not :", operator.eq(a, b), "\n")

#use of greater than
print("the  use of 'gt' check a>b or not is :", operator.gt(a, b))
print("the use of 'ge' check a>= b  :", operator.ge(a, b))
print("the use of 'ne'check a !=b or not :", operator.ne(a, b))
Ejemplo n.º 35
def job():

    now = datetime.now()

    current_time = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S")

    global position

    # Generate a panda from alpaca data
    panda = api.get_barset(alpacaTicker, '5Min', limit=600).df
    # Turn panda to csv
    panda.to_csv(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) + '/' + ticker + '.csv')
    # This function to calculate the indicator values on the csv and update
    # Read the updated csv to a panda
    nowData = pd.read_csv(file1)
    # Get the last row date of the panda.
    Date = nowData["Unnamed: 0"][nowData.index[-1]]

    toolbox = base.Toolbox()
    toolbox.register("compile", gp.compile, pset=pset)

    i = operator.and_(
        if_then_else(position, operator.gt(rsi(Date, 7), 42),
                     operator.lt(rsi(Date, 7), 53)),
        operator.lt(ma(Date, 50), ma(Date, 10)))
    rule = toolbox.compile(expr=i)

    action = rule(Date, position)

    if action and position == False:
        buy = True
        sell = False
    elif not action and position == False:
        sell = False
        buy = False
    elif action and position == True:
        sell = False
        buy = False
    elif not action and position == True:
        sell = True
        buy = False

    if buy:
        print(current_time, ": Buy")
        position = True

        if trade:

    elif sell:
        print(current_time, ": Sell")
        position = False

        if trade:

    elif position == False:
        print(current_time, ": Wait")

        print(current_time, ": Hold")

Ejemplo n.º 36
variableDict = {}

for line in sys.stdin:

    if line == '\n':

    instruction = line.strip().split()

    if instruction[0] == 'define':
        variableDict[instruction[2]] = int(instruction[1])
        operation = instruction[2]

        if instruction[1] not in variableDict or instruction[
                3] not in variableDict:
            vars = [variableDict[instruction[1]], variableDict[instruction[3]]]

            if operation == '<':
                result = str(operator.lt(vars[0], vars[1])).lower()
            elif operation == '>':
                result = str(operator.gt(vars[0], vars[1])).lower()
                result = str(operator.eq(vars[0], vars[1])).lower()
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def __lt__(self, other: DATETIME_LIKE) -> bool:
     return operator.lt(self.interval, _datetime_interval(other))
Ejemplo n.º 38
        return result

n = 500
start_t = time.time()
result = fib_memo(n)
end_t = time.time()
time_taken = end_t - start_t

print('time elapsed: ', time_taken, ' seconds')

##operator module
import operator

print(operator.mul(5, 6))
print(operator.sub(5, 6))
print(operator.add(5, 6))
print(operator.lt(5, 6))

#passing higher order functions
my_list = [(1, 'hello'), (200, 'world'), (50, 'hi'), (179, 'bye')]
#sort according to first value in tuple
print(sorted(my_list, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True))
print(sorted(my_list, key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=False))

import timeit
from functools import reduce

timeit.timeit('reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, range(1,100))')
timeit.timeit('reduce(mul, range(1,100))', setup='from operator import mul')
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def __lt__(self, other):
     return operator.lt(*self._get_operands(other))
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def __lt__(self, other):
     return operator.lt(self.weights, other.weights)
Ejemplo n.º 41
            if int(segment[0]) == 0:

        return versions, int(literal, 2)
    elif (length_type := int(reader.read(1))) == 0:
        read_to = int(reader.read(15), 2) + reader.tell()

        while reader.tell() != read_to:
    elif length_type == 1:
        for _ in range(int(reader.read(11), 2)):

    return versions, operations[packet_type](literals)

operations = {
    0: sum,
    1: prod,
    2: min,
    3: max,
    5: lambda x: gt(*x),
    6: lambda x: lt(*x),
    7: lambda x: eq(*x)
bits = ''.join(bin(int(c, 16))[2:].zfill(4) for c in sys.stdin.read().strip())
versions, result = parse(StringIO(bits))

print('Part 1:', sum(versions))
print('Part 2:', result)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def __lt__(self, y):
     if isinstance(y, NonStandardInteger):
         y = y.val
     return operator.lt(self.val, y)
Ejemplo n.º 43
def do_less_with_value_type_check(left, right):
    # None
    if left is None or right is None:
        return False

    # str
    if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, str):
        if left.isdigit() and right.isdigit():
            return operator.lt(Decimal(left), Decimal(right))
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is str, the right \"{1}\" is str"
                .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, str) and (isinstance(right, int)
                                  or isinstance(right, Decimal)):
        return operator.lt(Decimal(left), right)
    if isinstance(left, str) and (isinstance(right, datetime)
                                  or isinstance(right, date)):
            return operator.lt(arrow.get(left).date(), arrow.get(right).date())
        except ParserError:
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" can not be match by date format, the right \"{1}\" is datetime or date"
                .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is str, the right \"{1}\" is dict"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, str) and isinstance(right, list):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is str, the right \"{1}\" is list"
            .format(left, right))

    # number, int, decimal
    if (isinstance(left, int) or isinstance(left, Decimal)) and isinstance(
            right, str):
        if right.isdigit():
            return operator.lt(Decimal(left), Decimal(right))
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is int or decimal, the right \"{1}\" is str"
                .format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, int) or isinstance(left, Decimal)) and (isinstance(
            right, int) or isinstance(right, Decimal)):
        return operator.lt(Decimal(left), Decimal(right))
    if (isinstance(left, int) or isinstance(left, Decimal)) and (isinstance(
            right, datetime) or isinstance(right, date)):
            return operator.lt(
        except ParserError:
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" can not be match by date format, the right \"{1}\" is datetime or date"
                .format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, int) or isinstance(left, Decimal)) and isinstance(
            right, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is int or decimal, the right \"{1}\" is dict"
            .format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, int) or isinstance(left, Decimal)) and isinstance(
            right, list):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is int or decimal, the right \"{1}\" is list"
            .format(left, right))

    # datetime and date
    if (isinstance(left, datetime) or isinstance(left, date)) and isinstance(
            right, str):
            return operator.lt(arrow.get(left).date(), arrow.get(right).date())
        except ParserError:
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is datetime or date, the right \"{1}\" is str, can not match date "
                "format".format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, datetime) or isinstance(left, date)) and (isinstance(
            right, int) or isinstance(right, Decimal)):
            return operator.lt(
        except ParserError:
            raise TypeError(
                "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is datetime or date, the right \"{1}\" is int or decimal"
                .format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, datetime) or isinstance(left, date)) and (isinstance(
            right, datetime) or isinstance(right, date)):
        return operator.lt(arrow.get(left).date(), arrow.get(right).date())
    if (isinstance(left, datetime) or isinstance(left, date)) and isinstance(
            right, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is datetime or date, but the right \"{1}\" is dict"
            .format(left, right))
    if (isinstance(left, datetime) or isinstance(left, date)) and isinstance(
            right, list):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is datetime or date, but the right \"{1}\" is list"
            .format(left, right))

    # dict
    if isinstance(left, dict) and isinstance(right, str):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is dict, the right \"{1}\" is str"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, dict) and (isinstance(right, int)
                                   or isinstance(right, Decimal)):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is dict, the right \"{1}\" is int or decimal"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, dict) and (isinstance(right, datetime)
                                   or isinstance(right, date)):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is dict, the right \"{1}\" is datetime or date"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, dict) and isinstance(right, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is dict, the right \"{1}\" is dict"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, dict) and isinstance(right, list):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is dict, the right \"{1}\" is list"
            .format(left, right))

    # list
    if isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, str):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is list, the right \"{1}\" is str"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, list) and (isinstance(right, int)
                                   or isinstance(right, Decimal)):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is list, the right \"{1}\" is int or decimal"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, list) and (isinstance(right, datetime)
                                   or isinstance(right, date)):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is list, the right \"{1}\" is datetime or date"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, dict):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is list, the right \"{1}\" is dict"
            .format(left, right))
    if isinstance(left, list) and isinstance(right, list):
        raise TypeError(
            "operator less, the left \"{0}\" is list, the right \"{1}\" is list"
            .format(left, right))

    return operator.lt(left, right)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __set__(self,instance,value):
     if(operator.gt(value,100) or operator.lt(value,0)):
         raise IOError("out of range")
Ejemplo n.º 45
print("The exponentiation of numbers is : ", end="")
print(operator.pow(a, b))

# using mod() to take modulus of two numbers
print("The modulus of numbers is : ", end="")
print(operator.mod(a, b))

# Python code to demonstrate working of
# lt(), le() and eq()
# Initializing variables
a = 3

b = 3

# using lt() to check if a is less than b
if (operator.lt(a, b)):
    print("3 is less than 3")
    print("3 is not less than 3")

# using le() to check if a is less than or equal to b
if (operator.le(a, b)):
    print("3 is less than or equal to 3")
    print("3 is not less than or equal to 3")

# using eq() to check if a is equal to b
if (operator.eq(a, b)):
    print("3 is equal to 3")
    print("3 is not equal to 3")
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def __lt__(self, other):
     if(other == None):
         return -1
     if(not isinstance(other, HeapNode)):
         return -1
     return operator.lt(self.freq,other.freq)
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def __lt__(self, other: TIMEDELTA_LIKE) -> bool:
     return operator.lt(self.interval, _timedelta_interval(other))
Ejemplo n.º 48
    def spatial_grid(self, DHW, MPQ, mpqLut, mpq, trs):

        # Find the most efficient super-block using a tile of size 32
        # For ties then pick the larger tile in the W dim (more contiguous memory access)
        # TODO: allow a mixture of superblock shapes, or maybe odd shapes to get better ulilization
        ulilization = list()
        # xxxxx    yxxxx    yyxxx   zyyxx
        for sb in ((1, 1, 32), (1, 2, 16), (1, 4, 8), (2, 4, 4)):
            util = float(mpq) / reduce(
                mul, [ceil_div(*dims) for dims in zip(MPQ, sb)], 32)
            ulilization.append((1.0 - util, 32 - sb[2], sb))
        sb = sorted(ulilization)[0][2]

        # Map the 32 positions in the superblock to MPQ coordinates
        # superblock mask: zyyxx : (1,3,3), yxxxx : (0,1,15)
        sb_mask = [x - 1 for x in sb]
        # superblock cumulative right-shift: zyyxx : (4,2,0), yxxxx : (5,4,0)
        shifts = [len(bin(x)) - 3 for x in sb]
        sb_shift = [shifts[1] + shifts[2], shifts[2], 0]

        HW = DHW[1] * DHW[2]
        W = DHW[2]
        PQ = MPQ[1] * MPQ[2]
        Q = MPQ[2]

        # Get the dimension in super blocks
        mpqDim = [ceil_div(MPQ[i], sb[i]) for i in range(3)]
        mpq_lut = list()

        # Iterate over superblocks to build the lut
        for order, sb_mpq in sorted([(morton(*mpq), mpq)
                                     for mpq in np.ndindex(*mpqDim)]):

            lut32 = [list() for i in range(trs + 1)]
            for i32 in range(32):

                # get the mpq coord for each of the 32 positions in the superblock
                m = sb_mpq[0] * sb[0] + ((i32 >> sb_shift[0]) & sb_mask[0])
                p = sb_mpq[1] * sb[1] + ((i32 >> sb_shift[1]) & sb_mask[1])
                q = sb_mpq[2] * sb[2] + ((i32 >> sb_shift[2]) & sb_mask[2])

                # make sure we didn't fall off the edge
                if all(lt(*mM) for mM in zip((m, p, q), MPQ)):
                    # add in all the input image offsets for each filter position
                    lut = [
                        d * HW + h * W + w if all(x >= 0
                                                  for x in (d, h, w)) else -1
                        for d in mpqLut[0][m] for h in mpqLut[1][p]
                        for w in mpqLut[2][q]

                    # add the output image offset
                    lut.append(m * PQ + p * Q + q)
                    # -1 offsets get zero padded
                    lut = [-1] * (trs + 1)

                # transpose lut data so contiguous rows are for 32 mpq coords of the same trs value
                for i in range(trs + 1):


        return np.array(mpq_lut, dtype=np.int32)
Ejemplo n.º 49
# print(dir(operator))

from functools import reduce

print(reduce(lambda x,y : x*y,[1,2,3,4])) # still i did not get how pass three element in lamda in using reduce

#using operator we can do without lamda function

print(operator.truth([])) #empty list is false
print(operator.truth([0])) #list with any element is True

my_list = [1,2,3,4]

print(operator.getitem(my_list,3)) #it require two elements 
Ejemplo n.º 50
    return get_url(uri="desk#List/{0}".format(quoted(doctype)))

operator_map = {
    # startswith
    "^": lambda (a, b): (a or "").startswith(b),

    # in or not in a list
    "in": lambda (a, b): operator.contains(b, a),
    "not in": lambda (a, b): not operator.contains(b, a),

    # comparison operators
    "=": lambda (a, b): operator.eq(a, b),
    "!=": lambda (a, b): operator.ne(a, b),
    ">": lambda (a, b): operator.gt(a, b),
    "<": lambda (a, b): operator.lt(a, b),
    ">=": lambda (a, b): operator.ge(a, b),
    "<=": lambda (a, b): operator.le(a, b),
    "not None": lambda (a, b): a and True or False,
    "None": lambda (a, b): (not a) and True or False

def compare(val1, condition, val2):
    ret = False
    if condition in operator_map:
        ret = operator_map[condition]((val1, val2))

    return ret

Ejemplo n.º 51
def test_correctness(yamlstrs):
    """Tests the correctness of the constructors"""
    res = {}

    # Load the resolved yaml strings
    for name, ystr in yamlstrs.items():
        print("Name of yamlstr that will be loaded: ", name)
        if isinstance(name, tuple):
            # Will fail, don't use
        res[name] = yaml.load(ystr)

    # Test the ParamDim objects
    pdims = res["pdims_only"]["pdims"]

    assert pdims[0].default == 0
    assert pdims[0].values == (1, 2, 3)

    assert pdims[1].default == 0
    assert pdims[1].values == tuple(range(10))

    assert pdims[2].default == 0
    assert pdims[2].values == tuple(np.linspace(1, 2, 3))

    assert pdims[3].default == 0
    assert pdims[3].values == tuple(np.logspace(1, 2, 3))

    assert pdims[4] == 0

    # Test the ParamSpace's
    for psp in res["pspace_only"].values():
        assert isinstance(psp, ParamSpace)

    # Test the utility constructors
    utils = res["utils"]["utils"]
    assert utils["any"] == any([False, 0, True])
    assert utils["all"] == all([True, 5, 0])
    assert utils["abs"] == abs(-1)
    assert utils["int"] == int(1.23)
    assert utils["round"] == round(9.87) == 10
    assert utils["min"] == min([1, 2, 3])
    assert utils["max"] == max([1, 2, 3])
    assert utils["sorted"] == sorted([2, 1, 3])
    assert utils["isorted"] == sorted([2, 1, 3], reverse=True)
    assert utils["sum"] == sum([1, 2, 3])
    assert utils["prod"] == 2 * 3 * 4
    assert utils["add"] == operator.add(*[1, 2])
    assert utils["sub"] == operator.sub(*[2, 1])
    assert utils["mul"] == operator.mul(*[3, 4])
    assert utils["truediv"] == operator.truediv(*[3, 2])
    assert utils["floordiv"] == operator.floordiv(*[3, 2])
    assert utils["mod"] == operator.mod(*[3, 2])
    assert utils["pow"] == 2**4
    assert utils["pow_mod"] == 2**4 % 3 == pow(2, 4, 3)
    assert utils["pow_mod2"] == 2**4 % 3 == pow(2, 4, 3)
    assert utils["not"] == operator.not_(*[True])
    assert utils["and"] == operator.and_(*[True, False])
    assert utils["or"] == operator.or_(*[True, False])
    assert utils["xor"] == operator.xor(*[True, True])
    assert utils["lt"] == operator.lt(*[1, 2])
    assert utils["le"] == operator.le(*[2, 2])
    assert utils["eq"] == operator.eq(*[3, 3])
    assert utils["ne"] == operator.ne(*[3, 1])
    assert utils["ge"] == operator.ge(*[2, 2])
    assert utils["gt"] == operator.gt(*[4, 3])
    assert utils["negate"] == operator.neg(*[1])
    assert utils["invert"] == operator.invert(*[True])
    assert utils["contains"] == operator.contains(*[[1, 2, 3], 4])
    assert utils["concat"] == [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5] + [6, 7, 8]
    assert utils["format1"] == "foo is not bar"
    assert utils["format2"] == "fish: spam"
    assert utils["format3"] == "results: 1.63 ± 0.03"

    assert utils["list1"] == [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    assert utils["list2"] == [3, 6, 9, 100]
    assert utils["lin"] == [-1.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
    assert utils["log"] == [10.0, 100.0, 1000.0, 10000.0]
    assert np.isclose(utils["arange"], [0.0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8]).all()

    assert utils["some_map"]
    assert utils["some_other_map"]
    assert utils["merged"] == {
        "foo": {
            "bar": "baz",
            "baz": "bar",
        "spam": "fish",
        "fish": "spam",
    assert utils["merged"] == recursive_update(utils["some_map"],
Ejemplo n.º 52
def url_link(extra_log2_value_file):
    path_id = str(extra_log2_value_file)[10:18]  # mmu00190
    print path_id + "\t",
    # http://www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?hsa04530/default%3white/hsa:6709%09%23ff1493/hsa:8531%09%230000ff,red

    x = open(extra_log2_value_file, 'r')  # extra_log2_value.r

    kegg_line = "http://www.kegg.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?" + path_id + "/default%3white"

    for line in x:

        if re.search("^\d+\s+\w+\d+\s+.*$", line):

            #print line

            sub = re.search("^(\d+)\s+\w+\d+\s+(.*)$", line)

            entrez_id = sub.group(1)

            log_value = sub.group(2)

            if operator.ne(log_value, "NA"):

                if operator.gt(float(log_value), 0):

                    # 255,255,255 -> white
                    # 255,0,0 -> red
                    # 255,20,147 -> pink

                    color_code_1_red = hex(255).split('x')[1]
                    color_code_2_red = hex(255 -
                                           int(255 *

                    color_code_total_red = str(color_code_1_red) + str(
                        color_code_2_red) + str(color_code_2_red)
                    #				print "/mmu:"+str(entrez_id)+"%09%23ff1493"

                    kegg_line = kegg_line + "/hsa:" + str(
                        entrez_id) + "%09%23" + str(color_code_total_red)
                #	kegg_line = kegg_line+"/mmu:"+str(entrez_id)+"%09%23ff1493"

                elif operator.lt(float(log_value), 0):

                    # 255,255,255 -> white
                    # 0,0,255 -> blue

                    color_code_2_blue = hex(255).split('x')[1]
                    color_code_1_blue = hex(
                        255 - abs(int(255 * float(log_value)))).split('x')[1]

                    color_code_total_blue = str(color_code_1_blue) + str(
                        color_code_1_blue) + str(color_code_2_blue)

                    kegg_line = kegg_line + "/hsa:" + str(
                        entrez_id) + "%09%23" + str(color_code_total_blue)
                #	kegg_line = kegg_line+"/mmu:"+str(entrez_id)+"%09%230000ff,red"

                kegg_line = kegg_line + "/hsa:" + str(entrez_id)


            kegg_line = " "

    print str(kegg_line)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def __lt__(self, other):
     return operator.lt(self.frequency, other.frequency)
Ejemplo n.º 54
def cmp(a, b):
    if a is not None and b is not None:
        return operator.gt(a, b) - operator.lt(a, b)
        return 0
    def _satisfies_extra_specs(self, capabilities, instance_type):
        """Check that the capabilities provided by the compute service
        satisfy the extra specs associated with the instance type"""
        if 'extra_specs' not in instance_type:
            return True

        # Now, it can do various operations:
        #   =, s==, s!=, s>=, s>, s<=, s<, <in>, <or>, ==, !=, >=, <=
        op_methods = {
            '=': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '=+': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '=-': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '<in>': lambda x, y: (x.find(y) != -1),
            '==': lambda x, y: (float(x) == float(y)),
            '==+': lambda x, y: (float(x) == float(y)),
            '==-': lambda x, y: (float(x) == float(y)),
            '!=': lambda x, y: (float(x) != float(y)),
            '!=+': lambda x, y: (float(x) != float(y)),
            '!=-': lambda x, y: (float(x) != float(y)),
            '>=': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '>=+': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '>=-': lambda x, y: (float(x) >= float(y)),
            '<=': lambda x, y: (float(x) <= float(y)),
            '<=+': lambda x, y: (float(x) <= float(y)),
            '<=-': lambda x, y: (float(x) <= float(y)),
            's==': lambda x, y: operator.eq(x, y),
            's!=': lambda x, y: operator.ne(x, y),
            's<': lambda x, y: operator.lt(x, y),
            's<=': lambda x, y: operator.le(x, y),
            's>': lambda x, y: operator.gt(x, y),
            's>=': lambda x, y: operator.ge(x, y)

        cap_extra_specs = capabilities.get('instance_type_extra_specs', None)
        for key, req in instance_type['extra_specs'].iteritems():
            cap = cap_extra_specs.get(key, None)
            if cap == None:
                return False
            if (type(req) == BooleanType or type(req) == IntType
                    or type(req) == LongType or type(req) == FloatType):
                if cap != req:
                    return False
                words = req.split()
                if len(words) == 1:
                    if cap != req:
                        return False
                    op = words[0]
                    method = op_methods.get(op)
                    new_req = words[1]
                    for i in range(2, len(words)):
                        new_req += words[i]

                    if op == '<or>':  # Ex: <or> v1 <or> v2 <or> v3
                        found = 0
                        for idx in range(1, len(words), 2):
                            if words[idx] == cap:
                                found = 1
                        if found == 0:
                            return False
                    elif method:
                        if method(cap, new_req) == False:
                            return False
                        if cap != req:
                            return False
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def less_than(field, param=None, value=None, **kwargs):
     param_or_value = param or value
     return operator.lt(field, param_or_value)
Ejemplo n.º 57
            description = self.project_description,
            name = self.project_name,
            url = self.project_url,
            author = self.author_name,
            author_email = self.author_email,
            license = self.license,
            # targets to build
            windows = [{
                'script': self.script,
                'icon_resources': [(0, self.icon_file)],
                'copyright': self.copyright
            options = {'py2exe': {'optimize': 2, 'bundle_files': 1, 'compressed': True, \
                                  'excludes': self.exclude_modules, 'packages': self.extra_modules, \
                                  'dll_excludes': self.exclude_dll,
                                  'includes': self.extra_scripts} },
            zipfile = self.zipfile_name,
            data_files = extra_datas,
            dist_dir = self.dist_dir
        if os.path.isdir('build'): #Clean up build dir
if __name__ == '__main__':
    if operator.lt(len(sys.argv), 2):
    BuildExe().run() #Run generation
    raw_input("Press any key to continue") #Pause to let user see that things ends
Ejemplo n.º 58
del ss[1]

a = [1, 2, 3]
print(a * 2)  #结果为:[1,2,3,1,2,3]

b = [1, 2, 3, 4]
print(a + b)  #列表拼接

print("列表的长度为:" + str(len(a)))

print(operator.lt(a, b))  #判断小于
print(operator.eq(a, b))  #判断等于

aa = ["a", "1", "5", "8", "9"]



bb = ["c", "d"]
Ejemplo n.º 59
		return get_url(uri = "desk#query-report/{0}".format(quoted(name)))

operator_map = {
	# startswith
	"^": lambda a, b: (a or "").startswith(b),

	# in or not in a list
	"in": lambda a, b: operator.contains(b, a),
	"not in": lambda a, b: not operator.contains(b, a),

	# comparison operators
	"=": lambda a, b: operator.eq(a, b),
	"!=": lambda a, b: operator.ne(a, b),
	">": lambda a, b: operator.gt(a, b),
	"<": lambda a, b: operator.lt(a, b),
	">=": lambda a, b: operator.ge(a, b),
	"<=": lambda a, b: operator.le(a, b),
	"not None": lambda a, b: a and True or False,
	"None": lambda a, b: (not a) and True or False

def evaluate_filters(doc, filters):
	'''Returns true if doc matches filters'''
	if isinstance(filters, dict):
		for key, value in iteritems(filters):
			f = get_filter(None, {key:value})
			if not compare(doc.get(f.fieldname), f.operator, f.value):
				return False

	elif isinstance(filters, (list, tuple)):
Ejemplo n.º 60
def my_lt(self, other):
	create my own lt function
    return operator.lt(self.val, other.val)