Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fundamental_sector(self):
        from orix.vector.neo_euler import AxAngle
        from orix.vector.spherical_region import SphericalRegion
        symmetry = self.antipodal
        symmetry = symmetry[symmetry.angle > 0]
        axes, order = symmetry.get_highest_order_axis()
        if order > 6:
            return Vector3d.empty()
        axis = Vector3d.zvector().get_nearest(axes, inclusive=True)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(
            AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axis, 2 * np.pi / order))

        diads = symmetry.diads
        nearest_diad = axis.get_nearest(diads)
        if nearest_diad.size == 0:
            nearest_diad = axis.perpendicular

        n1 = axis.cross(nearest_diad).unit
        n2 = -(r * n1)
        next_diad = r * nearest_diad
        n = Vector3d.stack((n1, n2)).flatten()
        sr = SphericalRegion(n.unique())
        inside = symmetry[symmetry.axis < sr]
        if inside.size == 0:
            return sr
        axes, order = inside.get_highest_order_axis()
        axis = axis.get_nearest(axes)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(
            AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axis, 2 * np.pi / order))
        nearest_diad = next_diad
        n1 = axis.cross(nearest_diad).unit
        n2 = -(r * n1)
        n = Vector3d(np.concatenate((n.data, n1.data, n2.data)))
        sr = SphericalRegion(n.unique())
        return sr
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_project_vector3d(self):
        """Works for Vector3d objects with single and multiple vectors"""

        vector_one = Vector3d((0.578, 0.578, 0.578))
        output_a = LambertProjection.project(vector_one)
        expected_a = np.array((0.81417, 0.81417))

        assert (output_a[..., 0, 0]) == pytest.approx(expected_a[0], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_a[..., 0, 1] == pytest.approx(expected_a[1], abs=1e-3)

        vector_two = Vector3d(
                [[0.578, 0.578, 0.578], [0, 0.707, 0.707], [0.707, 0, 0.707]]
        output_b = LambertProjection.project(vector_two)

        expected_x = np.array((0.81417, 0, 0.678))
        expected_y = np.array((0.81417, 0.678, 0))

        assert output_b[..., 0, 0] == pytest.approx(expected_x[0], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_b[..., 0, 1] == pytest.approx(expected_y[0], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_b[..., 1, 0] == pytest.approx(expected_x[1], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_b[..., 1, 1] == pytest.approx(expected_y[1], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_b[..., 2, 0] == pytest.approx(expected_x[2], abs=1e-3)
        assert output_b[..., 2, 1] == pytest.approx(expected_y[2], abs=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def detector2sample(
    sample_tilt: float,
    detector_tilt: float,
    convention: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Rotation:
    """Rotation U_S to align detector frame D with sample frame S.

        Sample tilt in degrees.
        Detector tilt in degrees.
        Which sample reference frame to use, either the one used by EDAX
        TSL (default), "tsl", or the one used by Bruker, "bruker".

    # Rotation about sample (microscope) X axis
    tilt = -np.deg2rad((sample_tilt - 90) - detector_tilt)
    ax_angle = neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(Vector3d.xvector(), tilt)
    r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(ax_angle)

    if convention != "bruker":
        # Followed by a 90 degree rotation about the sample Z axis,
        # if the TSL sample reference frame is used
        ax_angle_bruker2tsl = neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(
            Vector3d.zvector(), np.pi / 2)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(ax_angle_bruker2tsl) * r

    return r.to_matrix()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def get_highest_order_axis(self):
     axis_orders = self.get_axis_orders()
     if len(axis_orders) == 0:
         return Vector3d.zvector(), np.infty
     highest_order = max(axis_orders.values())
     axes = Vector3d.stack([ao for ao in axis_orders if
                            axis_orders[ao] == highest_order]).flatten()
     return axes, highest_order
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_orientation_persistence(symmetry, vector):
    v = symmetry.outer(vector).flatten()
    o = Orientation.random()
    oc = o.set_symmetry(symmetry)
    v1 = o * v
    v1 = Vector3d(v1.data.round(4))
    v2 = oc * v
    v2 = Vector3d(v2.data.round(4))
    assert v1._tuples == v2._tuples
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def axis(self):
     """Vector3d : the axis of rotation."""
     axis = Vector3d(
         np.stack((self.b.data, self.c.data, self.d.data), axis=-1))
     axis[self.a.data < -1e-6] = -axis[self.a.data < -1e-6]
     axis[axis.norm.data == 0] = Vector3d.zvector() * np.sign(
         self.a[axis.norm.data == 0].data)
     axis.data = axis.data / axis.norm.data[..., np.newaxis]
     return axis
Ejemplo n.º 7
def get_equivalent_hkl(hkl,
    """Return symmetrically equivalent Miller indices.

    hkl : orix.vector.Vector3d, np.ndarray, list or tuple of int
        Miller indices.
    operations : orix.quaternion.symmetry.Symmetry
        Point group describing allowed symmetry operations.
    unique : bool, optional
        Whether to return only unique Miller indices. Default is False.
    return_multiplicity : bool, optional
        Whether to return the multiplicity of the input indices. Default
        is False.

    new_hkl : orix.vector.Vector3d
        The symmetrically equivalent Miller indices.
    multiplicity : np.ndarray
        Number of symmetrically equivalent indices. Only returned if
        `return_multiplicity` is True.
    new_hkl = operations.outer(Vector3d(hkl))
    new_hkl = new_hkl.flatten().reshape(*new_hkl.shape[::-1])

    multiplicity = None
    if unique:
        n_families = new_hkl.shape[0]
        multiplicity = np.zeros(n_families, dtype=int)
        temp_hkl = new_hkl[0].unique().data
        multiplicity[0] = temp_hkl.shape[0]
        if n_families > 1:
            for i, hkl in enumerate(new_hkl[1:]):
                temp_hkl2 = hkl.unique()
                multiplicity[i + 1] = temp_hkl2.size
                temp_hkl = np.append(temp_hkl, temp_hkl2.data, axis=0)
        new_hkl = Vector3d(temp_hkl[:multiplicity.sum()])

    # Remove 1-dimensions
    new_hkl = new_hkl.squeeze()

    if unique and return_multiplicity:
        return new_hkl, multiplicity
        return new_hkl
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(
        phase: Phase,
        uvw: Union[Vector3d, np.ndarray, list, tuple],
        uvw_detector: Union[Vector3d, np.ndarray, list, tuple],
        in_pattern: Union[np.ndarray, list, tuple],
        gnomonic_radius: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 10,
        """Positions of zone axes on the detector.

            A phase container with a crystal structure and a space and
            point group describing the allowed symmetry operations.
            Miller indices.
            Zone axes coordinates on the detector.
            Boolean array of shape (n, n_hkl) indicating whether an hkl
            is visible in a pattern.
            Only plane trace coordinates of bands with Hesse normal
            form distances below this radius is returned when called
        super().__init__(phase=phase, hkl=uvw)
        self._uvw_detector = Vector3d(uvw_detector)
        self._in_pattern = np.asarray(in_pattern)
        self.gnomonic_radius = gnomonic_radius
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def iproject(xy: np.ndarray) -> Vector3d:
        """Convert from 2D Gnomonic coordinates (x_g, y_g) to 3D
        cartesian coordiantes (x, y, z).

            2D coordinates on the form
            [[x_g0, y_g0], [x_g1, y_g1], ...].

            Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) on the form
            [[x0, y0, z0], [x1, y1, z1], ...].

        >>> import numpy as np
        >>> from kikuchipy.projections.gnomonic_projection import (
        ...     GnomonicProjection
        ... )
        >>> xy_g = np.random.random_sample(20).reshape((10, 2))
        >>> xyz = GnomonicProjection.iproject(xy_g)
        x, y = xy[..., 0], xy[..., 1]
        theta = np.arctan(np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
        phi = np.arctan2(y, x)
        return Vector3d.from_polar(theta=theta, phi=phi)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def get_plot_data(self):
        Produces suitable Rotations for the construction of a wireframe for self
        from orix.vector import Vector3d

        # gets a grid of vector directions
        theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi - EPSILON, 361)
        rho = np.linspace(0, np.pi - EPSILON, 181)
        theta, rho = np.meshgrid(theta, rho)
        g = Vector3d.from_polar(rho, theta)

        # get the cell vector normal norms
        n = Rodrigues.from_rotation(self).norm.data[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
        if n.size == 0:
            return Rotation.from_neo_euler(AxAngle.from_axes_angles(g, np.pi))

        d = (-self.axis).dot_outer(g.unit).data
        x = n * d
        omega = 2 * np.arctan(np.where(x != 0, x**-1, np.pi))

        # keeps the smallest allowed angle
        omega[omega < 0] = np.pi
        omega = np.min(omega, axis=0)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(AxAngle.from_axes_angles(g.unit, omega))
        return r
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def iproject(xy: np.ndarray) -> Vector3d:
        """Convert (n, 2) array from Lambert to Cartesian coordinates."""
        X = xy[..., 0]
        Y = xy[..., 1]

        # Arrays used in setting x and y
        true_term = Y * np.pi / (4 * X)
        false_term = X * np.pi / (4 * Y)
        abs_yx = abs(Y) <= abs(X)
        c_x = _eq_c(X)
        c_y = _eq_c(Y)

        cart = np.zeros(X.shape + (3, ), dtype=X.dtype)

        # Equations 8a and 8b from Callahan and De Graef (2013)
        cart[..., 0] = np.where(abs_yx, c_x * np.cos(true_term),
                                c_y * np.sin(false_term))
        cart[..., 1] = np.where(abs_yx, c_x * np.sin(true_term),
                                c_y * np.cos(false_term))
        cart[..., 2] = np.where(
            1 - (2 * (X**2)) / np.pi,
            1 - (2 * (Y**2)) / np.pi,

        return Vector3d(cart)
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def spherical2xy(self, azimuth, polar):
        r"""Return stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from 3D unit vectors
        created from spherical coordinates, azimuth :math:`\phi` and
        polar :math:`\theta`, defined as in the ISO 31-11 standard

        azimuth : float or numpy.ndarray
            Spherical azimuth coordinate.
        polar : float or numpy.ndarray
            Spherical polar coordinate.

        x : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate X of shape same shape as the input
            vector shape. Only the vectors with :math:`z` coordinate
            positive (`pole` = -1) or negative (`pole` = 1) are
        y : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate Y of shape same shape as the input
            vector shape. Only the vectors with :math:`z` coordinate
            positive (`pole` = -1) or negative (`pole` = 1) are

        See Also
        v = Vector3d.from_polar(azimuth=azimuth, polar=polar)
        return self.vector2xy(v)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def spherical2xy_split(self, azimuth, polar):
        r"""Return two sets of stereographic coordinates (X, Y) from 3D
        unit vectors created from spherical coordinates, azimuth
        :math:`\phi` and polar :math:`\theta`, defined as in the
        ISO 31-11 standard [SphericalWolfram]_: one set for vectors in
        the upper hemisphere, and one for the lower.

        azimuth : float or numpy.ndarray
            Spherical azimuth coordinate.
        polar : float or numpy.ndarray
            Spherical polar coordinate.

        x_upper : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate X of upper hemisphere vectors, of
            shape same shape as the input vector shape.
        y_upper : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate Y of upper hemisphere vectors, of
            shape same shape as the input vector shape.
        x_lower : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate X of lower hemisphere vectors, of
            shape same shape as the input vector shape.
        y_lower : numpy.ndarray
            Stereographic coordinate Y of lower hemisphere vectors, of
            shape same shape as the input vector shape.

        See Also
        v = Vector3d.from_polar(azimuth=azimuth, polar=polar)
        return self.vector2xy_split(v)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def __init__(
        phase: Phase,
        hkl: Union[Vector3d, np.ndarray],
        hkl_detector: Union[Vector3d, np.ndarray],
        in_pattern: np.ndarray,
        gnomonic_radius: Union[float, np.ndarray] = 10,
        """Center positions of Kikuchi bands on the detector for n
        simulated patterns.

            A phase container with a crystal structure and a space and
            point group describing the allowed symmetry operations.
            All Miller indices present in any of the n patterns.
            Detector coordinates for all Miller indices per pattern, in
            the shape navigation_shape + (n_hkl, 3).
            Boolean array of shape navigation_shape + (n_hkl,)
            indicating whether an hkl is visible in a pattern.
            Only plane trace coordinates of bands with Hesse normal
            form distances below this radius is returned when called
        super().__init__(phase=phase, hkl=hkl)
        self._hkl_detector = Vector3d(hkl_detector)
        self._in_pattern = np.atleast_2d(in_pattern)
        self.gnomonic_radius = gnomonic_radius
Ejemplo n.º 15
def _get_direction_cosines(detector: EBSDDetector) -> Vector3d:
    """Get the direction cosines between the detector and sample as done
    in EMsoft and :cite:`callahan2013dynamical`.

    detector : EBSDDetector
        EBSDDetector object with a certain detector geometry and one
        projection center.

        Direction cosines for each detector pixel.
    pc = detector.pc_emsoft()
    xpc = pc[..., 0]
    ypc = pc[..., 1]
    L = pc[..., 2]

    # Detector coordinates in microns
    det_x = (
        -((-xpc - (1.0 - detector.ncols) * 0.5) - np.arange(0, detector.ncols))
        * detector.px_size
    det_y = (
        (ypc - (1.0 - detector.nrows) * 0.5) - np.arange(0, detector.nrows)
    ) * detector.px_size

    # Auxilliary angle to rotate between reference frames
    theta_c = np.radians(detector.tilt)
    sigma = np.radians(detector.sample_tilt)

    alpha = (np.pi / 2) - sigma + theta_c
    ca = np.cos(alpha)
    sa = np.sin(alpha)

    # TODO: Enable detector azimuthal angle
    omega = np.radians(0)  # angle between normal of sample and detector
    cw = np.cos(omega)
    sw = np.sin(omega)

    r_g_array = np.zeros((detector.nrows, detector.ncols, 3))

    Ls = -sw * det_x + L * cw
    Lc = cw * det_x + L * sw

    i, j = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(detector.nrows - 1, -1, -1),

    r_g_array[..., 0] = det_y[i] * ca + sa * Ls[j]
    r_g_array[..., 1] = Lc[j]
    r_g_array[..., 2] = -sa * det_y[i] + ca * Ls[j]
    r_g = Vector3d(r_g_array)

    return r_g.unit
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def get_axis_orders(self):
     s = self[self.angle > 0]
     if s.size == 0:
         return {}
     return {
         Vector3d(a): b + 1
         for a, b in zip(*np.unique(s.axis.data, axis=0, return_counts=True))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_from_neo_euler_symmetry(self):
     v = AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axes=Vector3d.zvector(), angles=np.pi / 2)
     o1 = Orientation.from_neo_euler(v)
     assert np.allclose(o1.data, [0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071])
     assert o1.symmetry.name == "1"
     o2 = Orientation.from_neo_euler(v, symmetry=Oh)
     assert np.allclose(o2.data, [-1, 0, 0, 0])
     assert o2.symmetry.name == "m-3m"
     o3 = o1.set_symmetry(Oh)
     assert np.allclose(o3.data, o2.data)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_get_circle(self):
        v = Vector3d([0, 0, 1])
        oa = 0.5 * np.pi
        c = v.get_circle(opening_angle=oa, steps=101)

        assert c.size == 101
        assert np.allclose(c.z.data, 0)
        assert np.allclose(v.angle_with(c).data, oa)
        assert np.allclose(c.mean().data, [0, 0, 0], atol=1e-2)
        assert np.allclose(v.cross(c[0, 0]).data, [1, 0, 0])
Ejemplo n.º 19
class TestSphericalCoordinates:
        "vector, theta_desired, phi_desired, r_desired",
            (Vector3d((0.5, 0.5, 0.707107)), np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 1),
                (-0.75, -0.433013, -0.5)), 2 * np.pi / 3, 7 * np.pi / 6, 1),
    def test_to_polar(self, vector, theta_desired, phi_desired, r_desired):
        theta, phi, r = vector.to_polar()
        assert np.allclose(theta.data, theta_desired)
        assert np.allclose(phi.data, phi_desired)
        assert np.allclose(r.data, r_desired)

    def test_polar_loop(self, vector):
        theta, phi, r = vector.to_polar()
        vector2 = Vector3d.from_polar(theta=theta.data, phi=phi.data, r=r.data)
        assert np.allclose(vector.data, vector2.data)
Ejemplo n.º 20
class TestSphericalCoordinates:
        "v, polar_desired, azimuth_desired, radial_desired",
            (Vector3d((0.5, 0.5, 0.707107)), np.pi / 4, np.pi / 4, 1),
                (-0.75, -0.433013, -0.5)), 2 * np.pi / 3, 7 * np.pi / 6, 1),
    def test_to_polar(self, v, polar_desired, azimuth_desired, radial_desired):
        azimuth, polar, radial = v.to_polar()
        assert np.allclose(polar.data, polar_desired)
        assert np.allclose(azimuth.data, azimuth_desired)
        assert np.allclose(radial.data, radial_desired)

    def test_polar_loop(self, vector):
        azimuth, polar, radial = vector.to_polar()
        vector2 = Vector3d.from_polar(azimuth=azimuth.data,
        assert np.allclose(vector.data, vector2.data)
 def test_iproject(self):
     """Conversion from Lambert to Cartesian coordinates works"""
     vec = np.array((0.81417, 0.81417))
     expected = Vector3d((0.5770240896680434, 0.5770240896680434,
                          0.5780020760218183))  # Vector3d(1,)
     output = LambertProjection.iproject(vec)  # Vector3d(1,1)
     assert output[0].x.data[0] == pytest.approx(expected.x.data[0],
     assert output[0].y.data[0] == pytest.approx(expected.y.data[0],
     assert output[0].z.data[0] == pytest.approx(expected.z.data[0],
 def test_shape_respect(self):
     """Check that LambertProjection.project() respects navigation axes"""
     sx = 60
     a = np.arange(1, sx**2 + 1).reshape((sx, sx))
     v = Vector3d(np.dstack([a, a, a]))
     assert v.shape == (sx, sx)
     assert v.data.shape == (sx, sx, 3)
     # Forward
     xy_lambert = LambertProjection.project(v)
     assert xy_lambert.shape == (sx, sx, 2)
     # and back
     xyz_frm_lambert = LambertProjection.iproject(xy_lambert)
     assert xyz_frm_lambert.shape == v.shape
     assert xyz_frm_lambert.data.shape == v.data.shape
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def test_vector2xy_vector(self):
        """Works for Vector3d objects with single and multiple vectors"""

        vector_one = Vector3d((0.578, 0.578, 0.578))
        output_a = LambertProjection.vector2xy(vector_one)
        expected_a = np.array((0.81417, 0.81417))

        assert np.allclose(output_a[..., 0, 0], expected_a[0], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_a[..., 0, 1], expected_a[1], atol=1e-3)

        vector_two = Vector3d([[0.578, 0.578, 0.578], [0, 0.707, 0.707],
                               [0.707, 0, 0.707]])
        output_b = LambertProjection.vector2xy(vector_two)

        expected_x = np.array((0.81417, 0, 0.678))
        expected_y = np.array((0.81417, 0.678, 0))

        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 0, 0], expected_x[0], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 0, 1], expected_y[0], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 1, 0], expected_x[1], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 1, 1], expected_y[1], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 2, 0], expected_x[2], atol=1e-3)
        assert np.allclose(output_b[..., 2, 1], expected_y[2], atol=1e-3)
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def get_plot_data(self):
     from orix.vector import Vector3d
     theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi + 1e-9, 361)
     rho = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 181)
     theta, rho = np.meshgrid(theta, rho)
     g = Vector3d.from_polar(rho, theta)
     n = Rodrigues.from_rotation(self).norm.data[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]
     if n.size == 0:
         return Rotation.from_neo_euler(AxAngle.from_axes_angles(g, np.pi))
     d = (-self.axis).dot_outer(g.unit).data
     x = n * d
     x = 2 * np.arctan(x**-1)
     x[x < 0] = np.pi
     x = np.min(x, axis=0)
     r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(AxAngle.from_axes_angles(g.unit, x))
     return r
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, phase, hkl):
        """A container for Miller indices, structure factors and related
        parameters for crystal planes (reciprocal lattice points,
        reflectors, g, etc.).

        phase : orix.crystal_map.phase_list.Phase
            A phase container with a crystal structure and a space and
            point group describing the allowed symmetry operations.
        hkl : orix.vector.Vector3d, np.ndarray, list, or tuple
            Miller indices.
        self.phase = phase
        self._hkl = Vector3d(hkl)
        self._structure_factor = [None] * self.size
        self._theta = [None] * self.size
Ejemplo n.º 26
def detector2sample(sample_tilt: float, detector_tilt: float) -> Rotation:
    """Rotation U_S to align detector frame D with sample frame S.

        Sample tilt in degrees.
        Detector tilt in degrees.

    x_axis = Vector3d.xvector()
    tilt = -np.deg2rad((sample_tilt - 90) - detector_tilt)
    ax_angle = neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(x_axis, tilt)
    return Rotation.from_neo_euler(ax_angle).to_matrix()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def from_axes_angles(cls, axes, angles):
        """Create new AxAngle object explicitly from the given axes and angles.

        axes : Vector3d or array_like
            The axis of rotation.
        angles : array_like
            The angle of rotation, in radians.


        axes = Vector3d(axes).unit
        angles = np.array(angles)
        axangle_data = angles[..., np.newaxis] * axes.data
        return cls(axangle_data)
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def test_project(self):
        """Projecting cartesian coordinates to Gnomonic coordinates
        yields expected result.
        v = np.array([
            [0.5901, 0.8439, 0.4139],
            [0.4994, 0.744, 0.6386],
            [0.8895, 0.7788, 0.5597],
            [0.6673, 0.8619, 0.6433],
            [0.7605, 0.0647, 0.9849],
            [0.5852, 0.3946, 0.5447],
            [0.4647, 0.7181, 0.6571],
            [0.8806, 0.5106, 0.6244],
            [0.0816, 0.4489, 0.0296],
            [0.7585, 0.1885, 0.2678],
        xy = GnomonicProjection.vector2xy(v)

        # Desired project result?
        assert np.allclose(
                [1.42, 2.03],
                [0.78, 1.16],
                [1.58, 1.39],
                [1.03, 1.33],
                [0.77, 0.06],
                [1.07, 0.72],
                [0.70, 1.09],
                [1.41, 0.81],
                [2.75, 15.14],
                [2.83, 0.70],

        # Same result passing Vector3d
        assert np.allclose(xy, GnomonicProjection.vector2xy(Vector3d(v)))
def test_spherical_projection():
    """Compared against tests in orix."""
    n = 10
    v_arr = np.random.random_sample(n * 3).reshape((n, 3))
    v = Vector3d(v_arr)

    # Vector3d
    polar = SphericalProjection.vector2xy(v_arr)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 0], v.polar.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 1], v.azimuth.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 2], v.radial.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_polar(v), v.polar.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_azimuth(v), v.azimuth.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_radial(v), v.radial.data)

    # NumPy array
    polar2 = SphericalProjection.vector2xy(v)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 0], v.polar.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 1], v.azimuth.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 2], v.radial.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_polar(v_arr), v.polar.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_azimuth(v_arr), v.azimuth.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_radial(v_arr), v.radial.data)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def test_spherical_projection():
    """Compared against tests in orix."""
    n = 10
    v_arr = np.random.random_sample(n * 3).reshape((n, 3))
    v = Vector3d(v_arr)

    # Vector3d
    polar = SphericalProjection.project(v_arr)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 0], v.theta.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 1], v.phi.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar[..., 2], v.r.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_theta(v), v.theta.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_phi(v), v.phi.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_r(v), v.r.data)

    # NumPy array
    polar2 = SphericalProjection.project(v)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 0], v.theta.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 1], v.phi.data)
    assert np.allclose(polar2[..., 2], v.r.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_theta(v_arr), v.theta.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_phi(v_arr), v.phi.data)
    assert np.allclose(get_r(v_arr), v.r.data)