Ejemplo n.º 1
    def fundamental_sector(self):
        from orix.vector.neo_euler import AxAngle
        from orix.vector.spherical_region import SphericalRegion
        symmetry = self.antipodal
        symmetry = symmetry[symmetry.angle > 0]
        axes, order = symmetry.get_highest_order_axis()
        if order > 6:
            return Vector3d.empty()
        axis = Vector3d.zvector().get_nearest(axes, inclusive=True)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(
            AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axis, 2 * np.pi / order))

        diads = symmetry.diads
        nearest_diad = axis.get_nearest(diads)
        if nearest_diad.size == 0:
            nearest_diad = axis.perpendicular

        n1 = axis.cross(nearest_diad).unit
        n2 = -(r * n1)
        next_diad = r * nearest_diad
        n = Vector3d.stack((n1, n2)).flatten()
        sr = SphericalRegion(n.unique())
        inside = symmetry[symmetry.axis < sr]
        if inside.size == 0:
            return sr
        axes, order = inside.get_highest_order_axis()
        axis = axis.get_nearest(axes)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(
            AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axis, 2 * np.pi / order))
        nearest_diad = next_diad
        n1 = axis.cross(nearest_diad).unit
        n2 = -(r * n1)
        n = Vector3d(np.concatenate((n.data, n1.data, n2.data)))
        sr = SphericalRegion(n.unique())
        return sr
Ejemplo n.º 2
def detector2sample(
    sample_tilt: float,
    detector_tilt: float,
    convention: Optional[str] = None,
) -> Rotation:
    """Rotation U_S to align detector frame D with sample frame S.

        Sample tilt in degrees.
        Detector tilt in degrees.
        Which sample reference frame to use, either the one used by EDAX
        TSL (default), "tsl", or the one used by Bruker, "bruker".

    # Rotation about sample (microscope) X axis
    tilt = -np.deg2rad((sample_tilt - 90) - detector_tilt)
    ax_angle = neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(Vector3d.xvector(), tilt)
    r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(ax_angle)

    if convention != "bruker":
        # Followed by a 90 degree rotation about the sample Z axis,
        # if the TSL sample reference frame is used
        ax_angle_bruker2tsl = neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(
            Vector3d.zvector(), np.pi / 2)
        r = Rotation.from_neo_euler(ax_angle_bruker2tsl) * r

    return r.to_matrix()[0]
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def get_highest_order_axis(self):
     axis_orders = self.get_axis_orders()
     if len(axis_orders) == 0:
         return Vector3d.zvector(), np.infty
     highest_order = max(axis_orders.values())
     axes = Vector3d.stack([ao for ao in axis_orders if
                            axis_orders[ao] == highest_order]).flatten()
     return axes, highest_order
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def axis(self):
     """Vector3d : the axis of rotation."""
     axis = Vector3d(
         np.stack((self.b.data, self.c.data, self.d.data), axis=-1))
     axis[self.a.data < -1e-6] = -axis[self.a.data < -1e-6]
     axis[axis.norm.data == 0] = Vector3d.zvector() * np.sign(
         self.a[axis.norm.data == 0].data)
     axis.data = axis.data / axis.norm.data[..., np.newaxis]
     return axis
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_from_neo_euler_symmetry(self):
     v = AxAngle.from_axes_angles(axes=Vector3d.zvector(), angles=np.pi / 2)
     o1 = Orientation.from_neo_euler(v)
     assert np.allclose(o1.data, [0.7071, 0, 0, 0.7071])
     assert o1.symmetry.name == "1"
     o2 = Orientation.from_neo_euler(v, symmetry=Oh)
     assert np.allclose(o2.data, [-1, 0, 0, 0])
     assert o2.symmetry.name == "m-3m"
     o3 = o1.set_symmetry(Oh)
     assert np.allclose(o3.data, o2.data)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def r_tsl2bruker():
    """A rotation from the TSL to Bruker crystal reference frame."""
    return Rotation.from_neo_euler(
        neo_euler.AxAngle.from_axes_angles(Vector3d.zvector(), np.pi / 2))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_mean_xyz():
    x = Vector3d.xvector()
    y = Vector3d.yvector()
    z = Vector3d.zvector()
    t = Vector3d([3 * x.data, 3 * y.data, 3 * z.data])
    np.allclose(t.mean().data, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_rotate(vector, rotation, expected):
    r = Vector3d(vector).rotate(Vector3d.zvector(), rotation)
    assert isinstance(r, Vector3d)
    assert np.allclose(r.data, expected)