Ejemplo n.º 1
def check_proj_consistency(actual, expected):
    # Check equality of all project fields (projects themselves are
    # not comparable), with extra semantic consistency checking
    # for paths.
    assert actual.name == expected.name

    assert actual.path == expected.path
    if actual.topdir is None or expected.topdir is None:
        assert actual.topdir is None and expected.topdir is None
        assert actual.abspath is None and expected.abspath is None
        assert actual.posixpath is None and expected.posixpath is None
        assert actual.topdir and actual.abspath and actual.posixpath
        assert expected.topdir and expected.abspath and expected.posixpath
        a_top, e_top = PurePath(actual.topdir), PurePath(expected.topdir)
        a_abs, e_abs = PurePath(actual.abspath), PurePath(expected.abspath)
        a_psx, e_psx = PurePath(actual.posixpath), PurePath(expected.posixpath)
        assert a_top.is_absolute()
        assert e_top.is_absolute()
        assert a_abs.is_absolute()
        assert e_abs.is_absolute()
        assert a_psx.is_absolute()
        assert e_psx.is_absolute()
        assert a_top == e_top
        assert a_abs == e_abs
        assert a_psx == e_psx

    assert (actual.url == expected.url
            or (WINDOWS and Path(expected.url).is_dir() and
                (PurePath(actual.url) == PurePath(expected.url))))
    assert actual.clone_depth == expected.clone_depth
    assert actual.revision == expected.revision
    assert actual.west_commands == expected.west_commands
Ejemplo n.º 2
def path_starts_with(path: PurePath, prefix: PurePath) -> bool:
    """Return whether the path starts with prefix.
    Both arguments must be absolute paths. If not, this function raises
    a ValueError.
    This function compares the path components, so it's not a simple
    string prefix test.
    if not path.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError("{!r} is not absolute".format(path))
    if not prefix.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError("{!r} is not absolute".format(prefix))
    return path.parts[:len(prefix.parts)] == prefix.parts
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def mkrelative(cls, asset_path: pathlib.Path, bfile_path: pathlib.PurePath) -> 'BlendPath':
        """Construct a BlendPath to the asset relative to the blend file.

        Assumes that bfile_path is absolute.
        from collections import deque

        assert bfile_path.is_absolute(), \
            'BlendPath().mkrelative(bfile_path=%r) should get absolute bfile_path' % bfile_path

        bdir_parts = deque(bfile_path.parent.parts)
        asset_parts = deque(asset_path.absolute().parts)

        # Remove matching initial parts. What is left in bdir_parts represents
        # the number of '..' we need. What is left in asset_parts represents
        # what we need after the '../../../'.
        while bdir_parts:
            if bdir_parts[0] != asset_parts[0]:

        rel_asset = pathlib.PurePath(*asset_parts)
        # TODO(Sybren): should we use sys.getfilesystemencoding() instead?
        rel_bytes = str(rel_asset).encode('utf-8')
        as_bytes = b'//' + len(bdir_parts) * b'../' + rel_bytes
        return cls(as_bytes)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def process_path_specs(specs: Optional[IncludesList]) -> InternalIncludesList:
    Prepare paths specified as config.

    The input is a list of either strings, or 2-tuples (source, target).
    Where single strings are supplied, the basenames are used as targets.
    Where targets are given explicitly, they must not be absolute paths.

    Returns a list of 2-tuples, or throws ConfigError if something is wrong
    in the input.
    if specs is None:
        specs = []
    processed_specs: InternalIncludesList = []
    for spec in specs:
        if not isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            source = spec
            target = None
        elif len(spec) != 2:
            error = "path spec must be a list or tuple of length two"
            raise ConfigError(error)
            source, target = spec
        source = Path(source)
        if not source.exists():
            raise ConfigError(f"cannot find file/directory named {source!s}")
        target = PurePath(target or source.name)
        if target.is_absolute():
            error = f"target path named {target!s} cannot be absolute"
            raise ConfigError(error)
        processed_specs.append((source, target))
    return processed_specs
Ejemplo n.º 5
def fnmatch_ex(pattern: str, path) -> bool:
    """FNMatcher port from py.path.common which works with PurePath() instances.

    The difference between this algorithm and PurePath.match() is that the latter matches "**" glob expressions
    for each part of the path, while this algorithm uses the whole path instead.

    For example:
        "tests/foo/bar/doc/test_foo.py" matches pattern "tests/**/doc/test*.py" with this algorithm, but not with

    This algorithm was ported to keep backward-compatibility with existing settings which assume paths match according
    this logic.

    * https://bugs.python.org/issue29249
    * https://bugs.python.org/issue34731
    path = PurePath(path)
    iswin32 = sys.platform.startswith("win")

    if iswin32 and sep not in pattern and posix_sep in pattern:
        # Running on Windows, the pattern has no Windows path separators,
        # and the pattern has one or more Posix path separators. Replace
        # the Posix path separators with the Windows path separator.
        pattern = pattern.replace(posix_sep, sep)

    if sep not in pattern:
        name = path.name
        name = str(path)
        if path.is_absolute() and not os.path.isabs(pattern):
            pattern = "*{}{}".format(os.sep, pattern)
    return fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _validate_uri(self, uri: Union[str, None]) -> str:
        """Format the uri provided to match mlflow expectations.

            uri {Union[None, str]} -- A valid filepath for mlflow uri

            str -- A valid mlflow_tracking_uri

        # if no tracking uri is provided, we register the runs locally at the root of the project
        uri = uri or "mlruns"
        pathlib_uri = PurePath(uri)

        from urllib.parse import urlparse

        if pathlib_uri.is_absolute():
            valid_uri = pathlib_uri.as_uri()
            parsed = urlparse(uri)
            if parsed.scheme == "":
                # if it is a local relative path, make it absolute
                # .resolve() does not work well on windows
                # .absolute is undocumented and have known bugs
                # Path.cwd() / uri is the recommend way by core developpers.
                # See : https://discuss.python.org/t/pathlib-absolute-vs-resolve/2573/6
                valid_uri = (self.project_path / uri).as_uri()
                # else assume it is an uri
                valid_uri = uri

        return valid_uri
Ejemplo n.º 7
def build_stale_images(config, config_filepath):
    for image in config['images']:
        image_name = image['name']

        print('[[ Checking Image [%s] ... ]]' % image_name)
        if not podman_commands.need_to_rebuild_image(image_name):
            print('[[ Image [%s] up to date ]]' % image_name)
            print('[[ Image [%s] needs rebuild ]]' % image_name)

        build_dir = PurePath(image['directory'])
        if not build_dir.is_absolute():
            build_dir = config_filepath.parent.joinpath(build_dir)

        print('[[ Building Image [%s] ... ]]' % image_name)
        podman_commands.build_image(build_dir, image_name)
        print('[[ Building Image [%s] Complete ]]' % image_name)

        print('[[ Pruning Untagged Images ... ]]')
        print('[[ Pruning Untagged Images Complete ]]')
Ejemplo n.º 8
def to_uri(file_path):
    pure_path = PurePath(file_path)
    if pure_path.is_absolute():
        return pure_path.as_uri()
        posix_path = pure_path.as_posix()  # Replace backslashes with slashes.
        return urlparse.quote(posix_path)  # %-encode special characters.
Ejemplo n.º 9
def sane_members(members, destination):
    resolve = lambda path: realpath(normpath(join(destination, path)))

    destination = PurePath(destination)

    for member in members:
        mpath = PurePath(resolve(member.path))

        # Check if mpath is under destination
        if destination not in mpath.parents:
            raise BadPathError(
                "Bad path to outside destination directory: {}".format(mpath))
        elif member.issym() or member.islnk():
            # Check link to make sure it resolves under destination
            lnkpath = PurePath(member.linkpath)
            if lnkpath.is_absolute() or lnkpath.is_reserved():
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link: {}".format(lnkpath))

            # resolve the link to an absolute path
            lnkpath = PurePath(resolve(lnkpath))
            if destination not in lnkpath.parents:
                raise BadLinkError(
                    "Bad link to outside destination directory: {}".format(

        yield member
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __call__(self, data: str):
     path = PurePath(data)
     if path.is_absolute():
         raise ValidationError(_("Absolute paths not allowed"),
     if ".." in path.parts:
         raise ValidationError(_("No parent directory references allowed"),
Ejemplo n.º 11
def reroot_path(filename: PurePath, docpath: PurePath,
                project_root: Path) -> Tuple[FileId, Path]:
    """Files within a project may refer to other files. Return a canonical path
       relative to the project root."""
    if filename.is_absolute():
        rel_fn = FileId(*filename.parts[1:])
        rel_fn = FileId(os.path.normpath(docpath.parent.joinpath(filename)))
    return rel_fn, project_root.joinpath(rel_fn).resolve()
Ejemplo n.º 12
def generate_relative_mounts(pvc_param, files):
    Maps a list of files as mounts, relative to the base volume mount.
    For example, given the pvc mount:
        'name': 'my_pvc',
        'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs',
        'subPath': 'data',
        'readOnly': False

    and files: ['/galaxy/database/jobs/01/input.txt', '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/working']

    returns each file as a relative mount as follows:
          'name': 'my_pvc',
          'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/input.txt',
          'subPath': 'data/01/input.txt',
          'readOnly': False
          'name': 'my_pvc',
          'mountPath': '/galaxy/database/jobs/01/working',
          'subPath': 'data/01/working',
          'readOnly': False

    :param pvc_param: the pvc claim dict
    :param files: a list of file or folder names
    :return: A list of volume mounts
    if not pvc_param:
    param_claim = parse_pvc_param_line(pvc_param)
    claim_name = param_claim['name']
    base_subpath = PurePath(param_claim.get('subPath', ""))
    base_mount = PurePath(param_claim["mountPath"])
    read_only = param_claim["readOnly"]
    volume_mounts = []
    for f in files:
        file_path = PurePath(str(f))
        if base_mount not in file_path.parents:
            # force relative directory, needed for the job working directory in particular
            file_path = base_mount.joinpath(
                file_path.relative_to("/") if file_path.is_absolute(
                ) else file_path)
        relpath = file_path.relative_to(base_mount)
        subpath = base_subpath.joinpath(relpath)
            'name': claim_name,
            'mountPath': str(file_path),
            'subPath': str(subpath),
            'readOnly': read_only
    return volume_mounts
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_path(path_string, type=''):
     path = PurePath(path_string)
     if type != '':
         type = ' ' + type  #pad for formatting
     if path.is_absolute():
         raise Exception('Please provide a relative' + type +
                         ' location. Do not start path with /')
     if '..' in path.parts:
         raise Exception('Please provide a relative' + type +
                         ' location. Do not backtrack directories.')
     return True
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def write_path_template(self):
        rootp = self.reg_root
        ret = PurePath(self._write_path_template)
        if self._read_path_template is None and rootp not in ret.parents:
            if not ret.is_absolute():
                ret = rootp / ret
                raise ValueError(
                    ('root: {!r} in not consistent with '
                     'read_path_template: {!r}').format(rootp, ret))

        return _ensure_trailing_slash(str(ret))
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __getitem__(self, k: PurePath) -> Union[str, Index]:
     assert not k.is_absolute(), "Index keys must be relative paths"
     if len(k.parts) == 0:
         return self
     elif len(k.parts) == 1:
         if k in self.files:
             return self.files[k]
         elif k in self.dirs:
             return self.dirs[k]
             raise KeyError(f"{k} not found")
         return self.dirs[PurePath(k.parts[0])][PurePath(*k.parts[1:])]
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def compile(self, *paths):
     compilation = self.make_compilation()
     for path in paths:
         path = PurePath(path)
         if path.is_absolute():
             path = path.relative_to('/')
         filename, storage = get_file_and_storage(str(path))
         with storage.open(filename) as f:
             source = SourceFile.from_file(f,
     return self.call_and_catch_errors(compilation.run)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def send(self, subpath, guild, content, **attributes):
        # Get full path
        subpath = PurePath(subpath)
        assert not subpath.is_absolute(
        ), "Cannot broadcast on absolute subpath"
        path = self.path.joinpath(subpath)

        # Queue up event
        event = JournalEvent(path=path,
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def mkrelative(cls, asset_path: pathlib.PurePath, bfile_path: pathlib.PurePath) -> 'BlendPath':
        """Construct a BlendPath to the asset relative to the blend file.

        Assumes that bfile_path is absolute.

        Note that this can return an absolute path on Windows when 'asset_path'
        and 'bfile_path' are on different drives.
        from collections import deque

        # Only compare absolute paths.
        assert bfile_path.is_absolute(), \
            'BlendPath().mkrelative(bfile_path=%r) should get absolute bfile_path' % bfile_path
        assert asset_path.is_absolute(), \
            'BlendPath().mkrelative(asset_path=%r) should get absolute asset_path' % asset_path

        # There is no way to construct a relative path between drives.
        if bfile_path.drive != asset_path.drive:
            return cls(asset_path)

        bdir_parts = deque(bfile_path.parent.parts)
        asset_path = make_absolute(asset_path)
        asset_parts = deque(asset_path.parts)

        # Remove matching initial parts. What is left in bdir_parts represents
        # the number of '..' we need. What is left in asset_parts represents
        # what we need after the '../../../'.
        while bdir_parts:
            if bdir_parts[0] != asset_parts[0]:

        rel_asset = pathlib.PurePath(*asset_parts)
        # TODO(Sybren): should we use sys.getfilesystemencoding() instead?
        rel_bytes = str(rel_asset).encode('utf-8')
        as_bytes = b'//' + len(bdir_parts) * b'../' + rel_bytes
        return cls(as_bytes)
Ejemplo n.º 19
def get_relative_path(base_path: PurePath, target_path: PurePath) -> PurePath:
    if base_path == target_path:
        return Path('.')
    if not target_path.is_absolute():
        return target_path
    parent_count: int = 0
    children: List[str] = []
    for base_part, target_part in zip_longest(base_path.parts, target_path.parts):
        if base_part == target_part and not parent_count:
        if base_part or not target_part:
            parent_count += 1
        if target_part:
    return Path(*['..' for _ in range(parent_count)], *children)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __delitem__(self, k: PurePath) -> None:
     assert not k.is_absolute(), "Index keys must be relative paths"
     if len(k.parts) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't del self (i think)")
     elif len(k.parts) == 1:
         if k in self.files:
             del self.files[k]
         elif k in self.dirs:
             del self.dirs[k]
             raise KeyError(f"{k} not found")
         del self.dirs[PurePath(k.parts[0])][PurePath(*k.parts[1:])]
         if not self.dirs[PurePath(k.parts[0])]:
             del self.dirs[PurePath(k.parts[0])]
Ejemplo n.º 21
def main() -> int:
    args, argv = _parse_args()
    path = PurePath(args.path)

    if path == PurePath("-"):
        addn = {}
        key_path = path if path.is_absolute() else Path.home() / ".ssh" / path
        ssh_cmd = join(
            ("ssh", "-o", "IdentitiesOnly=yes", "-i", normcase(key_path)))
        addn = {"GIT_SSH_COMMAND": ssh_cmd}

    env = {**environ, **addn}

    if git := which("git"):
        execle(git, normcase(git), *argv, env)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def uri_from_path(path: PurePath) -> str:
     Convert a python path object to an URI
     # TODO: needs way more tests... See note [URI:java-python]
     if not path.is_absolute():
         raise ValueError("uri_from_path requires an absolute path")
     java_uri = str(_normalize_pathlib_uris(path.as_uri()).toString())
     # fixme: this should be replaced with a rfc3896 compliant solution...
     if re.match("file://([^/]|$)", java_uri):
         uri = f"file:////{java_uri[7:]}"  # network shares have redundant authority on the java side
     # vvv this would only be required if we wouldn't normalize the uri like above
     # elif re.match("file:///([^/]|$)", java_uri):
     #     uri = f"file:/{java_uri[8:]}"  # the local windows absolute paths don't
         uri = java_uri
     return uri
Ejemplo n.º 23
def check_valid_loc(s: str):

    if s == "":
        raise ValueError(f"empty loc '{s}' is not allowed (try '.' instead)")

    p = PurePath(s)

    if p.is_absolute():
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' is absolute")

    if p.is_reserved():
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' is reserved.")

    if ".." in p.parts:
        raise ValueError(f"loc '{p}' contains disallowed '..'")
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def read_path_template(self):
        "Returns write_path_template if read_path_template is not set"
        rootp = self.reg_root

        if self._read_path_template is None:
            ret = PurePath(self.write_path_template)
            ret = PurePath(self._read_path_template)

        if rootp not in ret.parents:
            if not ret.is_absolute():
                ret = rootp / ret
                raise ValueError(
                    ('root: {!r} in not consistent with '
                     'read_path_template: {!r}').format(rootp, ret))
        ret = os.path.join(ret, "")
        return str(ret)
Ejemplo n.º 25
def _validate_mlflow_tracking_uri(project_path: str,
                                  uri: Optional[str]) -> str:
    """Format the uri provided to match mlflow expectations.

        uri {Union[None, str]} -- A valid filepath for mlflow uri

        str -- A valid mlflow_tracking_uri

    # this is a special reserved keyword for mlflow which should not be converted to a path
    # se: https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/tracking.html#where-runs-are-recorded
    if uri is None:
        # do not use mlflow.get_tracking_uri() because if there is no env var,
        # it resolves to 'Path.cwd() / "mlruns"'
        # but we want 'project_path / "mlruns"'
        uri = os.environ.get("MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI", "mlruns")

    if uri == "databricks":
        return uri

    # if no tracking uri is provided, we register the runs locally at the root of the project
    pathlib_uri = PurePath(uri)

    if pathlib_uri.is_absolute():
        valid_uri = pathlib_uri.as_uri()
        parsed = urlparse(uri)
        if parsed.scheme == "":
            # if it is a local relative path, make it absolute
            # .resolve() does not work well on windows
            # .absolute is undocumented and have known bugs
            # Path.cwd() / uri is the recommend way by core developpers.
            # See : https://discuss.python.org/t/pathlib-absolute-vs-resolve/2573/6
            valid_uri = (Path(project_path) / uri).as_uri()
                f"The 'mlflow_tracking_uri' key in mlflow.yml is relative ('server.mlflow_tracking_uri = {uri}'). It is converted to a valid uri: '{valid_uri}'"
            # else assume it is an uri
            valid_uri = uri

    return valid_uri
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __setitem__(self, k: PurePath, v: Union[str, Index]) -> None:
     assert not k.is_absolute(), "Index keys must be relative paths"
     if len(k.parts) == 0:
         raise ValueError("can't set self (i think)")
     elif len(k.parts) == 1:
         if isinstance(v, str):
             assert k not in self.dirs
             self.files[k] = v
         elif isinstance(v, Index):
             assert k not in self.files
             self.dirs[k] = v
             raise TypeError(f"Unallowed value of type {type(v)}")
         assert PurePath(
             k.parts[0]) not in self.files, "file/directory name collision"
         if PurePath(k.parts[0]) not in self.dirs:
             self[PurePath(k.parts[0])] = Index()
         self.dirs[PurePath(k.parts[0])][PurePath(*k.parts[1:])] = v
Ejemplo n.º 27
def relpath(filename):
    """Get relative path to root from filename.

        filename (str): Filename

        exceptions.PathError: When path is not under root directory.

        PurePath: Relative path.

    ret = PurePath(os.fsdecode(filename))
    if ret.is_absolute():
            return PurePath(ret.relative_to(setting.ROOT))
        except ValueError:
            raise exceptions.PathError(path)
    return ret
Ejemplo n.º 28
def relative_path(value: PurePath,
                  base_directory: PurePath,
                  allow_paths_outside_base=False) -> PurePath:
    Make a single path relative to the base directory if it is inside it.

    By default, will throw a ValueError if not able to make it relative to the path.

    >>> val =  PurePath('/tmp/minimal-pkg/loch_ness_sightings_2019-07-04_blue.tif')
    >>> base = PurePath('/tmp/minimal-pkg')
    >>> relative_path(val, base).as_posix()
    if not value or not value.is_absolute():
        return value

    if base_directory not in value.parents:
        if not allow_paths_outside_base:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Path {value.as_posix()!r} is outside path {base_directory.as_posix()!r} "
        return value
    return value.relative_to(base_directory)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def handle_import(self, name, compilation, rule):
        Re-implementation of the core Sass import mechanism, which looks for
        files using the staticfiles storage and staticfiles finders.
        original_path = PurePath(name)

        search_exts = list(compilation.compiler.dynamic_extensions)
        if original_path.suffix and original_path.suffix in search_exts:
            basename = original_path.stem
            basename = original_path.name

        if original_path.is_absolute() or name[
                0] == '/':  # such that name like '/path/to/file.scss' works on Windows
            # Remove the beginning slash
            search_path = original_path.relative_to('/').parent
        elif rule.source_file.origin:
            search_path = rule.source_file.origin
            if original_path.parent:
                search_path = os.path.normpath(
                    str(search_path / original_path.parent))
            search_path = original_path.parent

        for prefix, suffix in product(('_', ''), search_exts):
            filename = PurePath(prefix + basename + suffix)

            full_filename, storage = get_file_and_storage(
                str(search_path / filename))

            if full_filename:
                with storage.open(full_filename) as f:
                    return SourceFile.from_file(f,
Ejemplo n.º 30
pprint(p / 'piyo')

# 純粋パスを扱う(PurePath)-------------------------------------------------
from pathlib import PurePath
p = PurePath('/hoge/fuga/piyo.txt')
pprint(p.joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz'))

# 具象パスを扱う(Path)--------------------------------------------------------
from pathlib import Path
p = Path.cwd() / 'newfile.txt'
f = p.open('w+')

Ejemplo n.º 31
    def handle_import(self, name, compilation, rule):
        Re-implementation of the core Sass import mechanism, which looks for
        files using the staticfiles storage and staticfiles finders.
        original_path = PurePath(name)

        if original_path.suffix:
            search_exts = [original_path.suffix]
            search_exts = compilation.compiler.dynamic_extensions

        if original_path.is_absolute():
            # Remove the beginning slash
            search_path = original_path.relative_to('/').parent
        elif rule.source_file.origin:
            search_path = rule.source_file.origin
            if original_path.parent:
                search_path = search_path / original_path.parent
            search_path = original_path.parent

        basename = original_path.stem

        for prefix, suffix in product(('_', ''), search_exts):
            filename = PurePath(prefix + basename + suffix)

            full_filename, storage = get_file_and_storage(str(search_path / filename))

            if full_filename:
                with storage.open(full_filename) as f:
                    return SourceFile.from_file(f, origin=search_path, relpath=filename)
Ejemplo n.º 32
 def compile(self, *paths):
     compilation = self.make_compilation()
     for path in paths:
         path = PurePath(path)
         if path.is_absolute():
             path = path.relative_to('/')
         filename, storage = get_file_and_storage(str(path))
         with storage.open(filename) as f:
             source = SourceFile.from_file(f, origin=path.parent, relpath=PurePath(path.name))
     return self.call_and_catch_errors(compilation.run)
Ejemplo n.º 33
    def write_path_template(self):
        rootp = self.reg_root
        ret = PurePath(self._write_path_template)
        if self._read_path_template is None and rootp not in ret.parents:
            if not ret.is_absolute():
                ret = rootp / ret
                raise ValueError(
                    ('root: {!r} in not consistent with '
                     'read_path_template: {!r}').format(rootp, ret))

        return _ensure_trailing_slash(str(ret))
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def get_absolute_path(self, path, with_base=False):
        path = PurePath(path)

            new_path = None
            if path.is_absolute():
                new_path = self.base_path / path.relative_to('/')
                new_path = self.base_path / self.cwd.relative_to('/') / path

            if new_path.exists():
                new_path = new_path.resolve()
        except ValueError:
            new_path = None

        if new_path:
            if with_base:
                return str(new_path)
                return str(PurePath('/') / new_path.relative_to(self.base_path))

        return None
Ejemplo n.º 35
def sane_members(members, destination):
    resolve = lambda path: realpath(normpath(join(destination, path)))

    destination = PurePath(destination)

    for member in members:
        mpath = PurePath(resolve(member.path))

        # Check if mpath is under destination
        if destination not in mpath.parents:
            raise BadPathError("Bad path to outside destination directory: {}".format(mpath))
        elif member.issym() or member.islnk():
            # Check link to make sure it resolves under destination
            lnkpath = PurePath(member.linkpath)
            if lnkpath.is_absolute() or lnkpath.is_reserved():
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link: {}".format(lnkpath))

            # resolve the link to an absolute path
            lnkpath = PurePath(resolve(lnkpath))
            if destination not in lnkpath.parents:
                raise BadLinkError("Bad link to outside destination directory: {}".format(lnkpath))

        yield member