Ejemplo n.º 1
def to_title(pathlike):
    Read a pathlike as a title. This takes the stem and removes any
    leading "_".
    stem = PurePath(pathlike).stem
    return stem[1:] if stem.startswith("_") else stem
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __loadCreatureModules(self):
        '''Load all the modules in the creatures directory'''

        # Get all .py files in the creatures directory
        for creatures_file_name in (Path.cwd() / 'creatures').glob('*.py'):
            creature_name = PurePath(creatures_file_name).stem

            # Import each creature (ignoring creature.py)
            if creature_name != 'creature' and creature_name != 'sun' and not creature_name.startswith(
                    module = importlib.import_module("creatures." +
                except Exception as e:
                    print("Failed to load module " + creature_name + " " +
                    log.logException("Failed to load module " + creature_name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, project_file):
        self.files = {}
        # The sources in this project tree, not including externally built
        # projects.
        # Keys: base names, values: full names

        # Use the Libadalang API to query the sources for this project.
        # This collects the sources in all the project tree, not including
        # sources in externally built projects.
        files = lal.SourceFiles.for_project(project_file)

        for full_path in files:
            basename = PurePath(full_path).name
            # For ad-hoc projects in particular, compilation artifacts
            # of the form b__* might find themselves in source dirs:
            # ignore them.
            if not basename.startswith("b__"):
                # This could happen in the case of aggregate projects: warn
                assert (
                    not basename in self.files
                ), f"{basename} is present twice in sources - use non-aggregate project"

                self.files[basename] = str(full_path)