Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     ##--Holds all of the individual DataList objects for iterating though them when it comes time to save the data
     self.master_data_list = []
     ##--Brute force data
     self.markov = Markov()
     ##Init Base Structures
     config = {
         'Name':'Base Structure',
         'Comments':'Standard base structures as defined by the original PCFG Paper, with some renaming to prevent naming collisions. Examples are A4D2 from the training word "pass12"',
         'Replacements': json.dumps([
     self.base_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name= 'START', config_data = config)
     ##Init Alpha structures
     config = {
         'Comments':'(A)lpha letter replacements for base structure. Aka "pass12" = A4D2, so this is the A4. Note, this is encoding specific so non-ASCII characters may be considered alpha. For example Cyrillic characters will be considered alpha characters',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
         'Replacements': json.dumps([
     self.letter_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name= 'BASE_A', config_data = config)
     ##Init Digits
     config = {
         'Comments':'(D)igit replacement for base structure. Aka "pass12" = L4D2, so this is the D2',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.digit_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_D', config_data = config)
     ##Init Special
     config = {
         'Comments':'(O)ther character replacement for base structure. Aka "pass$$" = L4S2, so this is the S2',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.special_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_O', config_data = config)
     ##Init Capitalization
     config = {
         'Comments':'Capitalization Masks for words. Aka LLLLUUUU for passWORD',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.cap_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'CAPITALIZATION', config_data = config)
     ##Init Keyboard
     config = {
         'Comments':'(K)eyboard replacement for base structure. Aka "test1qaz2wsx" = L4K4K4, so this is the K4s',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.keyboard_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_K', config_data = config)
     ##Init Context Sensitive Values
     config = {
         'Comments':'conte(X)t sensitive replacements to the base structure. This is mostly a grab bag of things like #1 or ;p',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.context_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_X', config_data = config)
     ##Init Markov brute force smoothing
     ##--Note, currently doing this flat, (will create chains length 1 to MAX)
     ##--May in the future want to do it differently, AKA brute force length 4 characters
     config = {
         'Comments':'Markov based brute force of a string. Currently based on John the Rippers Markov mode',
     self.markov_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name = 'BASE_M', config_data = config)
     ##--Hackish way to create the Markov probability threshold--##
     ##Number of passwords that were rejected
     ##Used for record keeping and debugging
     self.num_rejected_passwords = 0
     ##Number of valid passwords trained on
     ##Used for record keeping and debugging
     self.valid_passwords = 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self):
     ##--Holds all of the individual DataList objects for iterating though them when it comes time to save the data
     self.master_data_list = []
     ##Init Base Structures
     config = {
         'Name':'Base Structure',
         'Comments':'Standard base structures as defined by the original PCFG Paper, with some renaming to prevent naming collisions. Examples are A4D2 from the training word "pass12"',
         'Replacements': json.dumps([
     self.base_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name= 'START', config_data = config)
     ##Init Alpha structures
     config = {
         'Comments':'(A)lpha letter replacements for base structure. Aka "pass12" = A4D2, so this is the A4. Note, this is encoding specific so non-ASCII characters may be considered alpha. For example Cyrillic characters will be considered alpha characters',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
         'Replacements': json.dumps([
     self.letter_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name= 'BASE_A', config_data = config)
     ##Init Digits
     config = {
         'Comments':'(D)igit replacement for base structure. Aka "pass12" = L4D2, so this is the D2',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.digit_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_D', config_data = config)
     ##Init Special
     config = {
         'Comments':'(O)ther character replacement for base structure. Aka "pass$$" = L4S2, so this is the S2',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.special_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_O', config_data = config)
     ##Init Capitalization
     config = {
         'Comments':'Capitalization Masks for words. Aka LLLLUUUU for passWORD',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.cap_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'CAPITALIZATION', config_data = config)
     ##Init Keyboard
     config = {
         'Comments':'(K)eyboard replacement for base structure. Aka "test1qaz2wsx" = L4K4K4, so this is the K4s',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.keyboard_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_K', config_data = config)
     ##Init Context Sensitive Values
     config = {
         'Comments':'conte(X)t sensitive replacements to the base structure. This is mostly a grab bag of things like #1 or ;p',
         'Filenames' : '.txt',
     self.context_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_X', config_data = config)
     ##Number of passwords that were rejected
     ##Used for record keeping and debugging
     self.num_rejected_passwords = 0
     ##Number of valid passwords trained on
     ##Used for record keeping and debugging
     self.valid_passwords = 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
class TrainingData:
    def __init__(self):
        ##--Holds all of the individual DataList objects for iterating though them when it comes time to save the data
        self.master_data_list = []
        ##--Brute force data
        self.markov = Markov()
        ##Init Base Structures
        config = {
            'Name':'Base Structure',
            'Comments':'Standard base structures as defined by the original PCFG Paper, with some renaming to prevent naming collisions. Examples are A4D2 from the training word "pass12"',
            'Replacements': json.dumps([
        self.base_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name= 'START', config_data = config)
        ##Init Alpha structures
        config = {
            'Comments':'(A)lpha letter replacements for base structure. Aka "pass12" = A4D2, so this is the A4. Note, this is encoding specific so non-ASCII characters may be considered alpha. For example Cyrillic characters will be considered alpha characters',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
            'Replacements': json.dumps([
        self.letter_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name= 'BASE_A', config_data = config)
        ##Init Digits
        config = {
            'Comments':'(D)igit replacement for base structure. Aka "pass12" = L4D2, so this is the D2',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.digit_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_D', config_data = config)
        ##Init Special
        config = {
            'Comments':'(O)ther character replacement for base structure. Aka "pass$$" = L4S2, so this is the S2',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.special_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_O', config_data = config)
        ##Init Capitalization
        config = {
            'Comments':'Capitalization Masks for words. Aka LLLLUUUU for passWORD',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.cap_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'CAPITALIZATION', config_data = config)
        ##Init Keyboard
        config = {
            'Comments':'(K)eyboard replacement for base structure. Aka "test1qaz2wsx" = L4K4K4, so this is the K4s',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.keyboard_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_K', config_data = config)
        ##Init Context Sensitive Values
        config = {
            'Comments':'conte(X)t sensitive replacements to the base structure. This is mostly a grab bag of things like #1 or ;p',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.context_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_X', config_data = config)
        ##Init Markov brute force smoothing
        ##--Note, currently doing this flat, (will create chains length 1 to MAX)
        ##--May in the future want to do it differently, AKA brute force length 4 characters
        config = {
            'Comments':'Markov based brute force of a string. Currently based on John the Rippers Markov mode',
        self.markov_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name = 'BASE_M', config_data = config)
        ##--Hackish way to create the Markov probability threshold--##
        ##Number of passwords that were rejected
        ##Used for record keeping and debugging
        self.num_rejected_passwords = 0
        ##Number of valid passwords trained on
        ##Used for record keeping and debugging
        self.valid_passwords = 0
    # Returns a list of all the directories that need to be created to save the data
    def update_directory_list(self, rule_directory, directory_listing):  
        #--Loop through all of the data structures and get their direcory listings
        for data in self.master_data_list:
            except KeyError as error:
                print("Error with the config for " + data.config_name)
                return RetType.GENERIC_ERROR 
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Updates the config of the saved grammar with all of the various DataList structures
    def update_config(self, config):
        #--Update the global training info
        if 'TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS' not in config:
            config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS'] = {}
        config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS']['Number_of_passwords_in_set'] = str(self.valid_passwords + self.num_rejected_passwords)
        config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS']['Number_of_valid_passwords'] = str(self.valid_passwords)
        #--Loop through all of the data structures and get their config sections
        for data in self.master_data_list:
            data_config = {}
            config[data.config_name] = data_config
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Checks to see if the input password is valid for this training program
    # Invalid in this case means you don't want to train on them
    # Returns 
    #   RetType.IS_TRUE if the password is valid
    #   RetType.IS_FALSE if invalid 
    def check_valid(self,input_password):
        # Don't accept blank passwords for training. I'm adding that check here vs in the file IO section
        # becasue in some cases you might want to train on blank passwords
        if len(input_password) == 0:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        # Remove e-mail addrsses since the PCFG doesn't handle them well
        # By that, the way the grammar is set up it's not smart enough to add '.com'
        # Instead it might add '!foo' or '$bar' since it replaces it context free
        # While a special case could be made for e-mails, it would only help when
        # attacking large sets of disclosed passwords, since in a targeted attack
        # you would be attacking a specific e-mail vs a randomly generated one.
        # I'm not that interested in the random large set attacks, so I'm just rejecting
        # e-mails from training. And that's the long reason why I'm rejecting e-mails.
        # A TODO for the future is to record how often e-mails occur in general so we could try
        # specific e-mail replacements for a given target, (aka when auditing a company)
        if ".com" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".org" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".edu" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".gov" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".mil" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        # Remove tabs from the training data
        # This is important since when the grammar is saved to disk tabs are used as seperators
        # Another approach is to only use the last tab as a seperator for terminals that could contain a tab
        # but putting this placeholder here for now since tabs are unlikely to be used in passwords
        if "\t" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        return RetType.IS_TRUE
    # Actually do the work of parsing a password and inserting it into the grammar
    # Variable Types:
    #     input_password = the password to parse
    def parse(self, input_password):
        ##-Check to see if the password is a valid password to parse--##
        ret_value = self.check_valid(input_password)
        ##-If the password isn't valid for the training data
        if ret_value != RetType.IS_TRUE:
            self.num_rejected_passwords = self.num_rejected_passwords + 1
            if ret_value == RetType.IS_FALSE:
                return RetType.STATUS_OK
            ##--Sanity check to pass an unexpected state back up the stack
                print("Error checking to see if the input password should be rejected")
                return ret_value
        self.valid_passwords = self.valid_passwords + 1
        ##-Initialize the PasswordParser for this particular password
        cur_pass = PasswordParser(input_password)
        ##--Save the brute force (MARKOV) data for this password

        ##--Parse out all the keyboard combinations
        ##--items holds all the keyboard combos found
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_keyboard(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing keyboard combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the keyboard combo list
        ret_value = self.keyboard_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing keyboard combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Parse out all of the context sensitive combinations
        ##--items holds all the context sensitive combos found
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_context_sensitive(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing context sensitive combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the context sensitive combo list
        ret_value = self.context_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing context sensitive combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Parse the digit combinations
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_digits(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing digit combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the digit combo list
        ret_value = self.digit_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing digit combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Parse the alpha combinations
        alpha_items = []
        cap_items = [] 
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_letters(alpha_items, cap_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing alpha combos")
            return ret_value 
        ##--Now update the alpha combo list
        ret_value = self.letter_structure.insert_list(alpha_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing alpha combos")
            return ret_value             
        ##--Now update the capitalization mask list
        ret_value = self.cap_structure.insert_list(cap_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing capitalization masks")
            return ret_value 
        #--Parse the special character combinations
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_special(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing special character combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the special character combo list
        ret_value = self.special_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing special charcter combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Finally save the base structure data as everything should be parsed now
        # Doing this a bit overboard to match it with all the other parsing
        # Also this provides a nice sanity check to make sure no errors creeped in somewhere
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_base(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing a password. There were sections that were not processed")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the base structure list
        ret_value = self.base_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error inserting a base structure object")
            return ret_value
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Once you have all the counts, calculate the actual probabilities associated with 
    # the Markov grammar
    def calc_markov_stats(self):
        ##--Calculate Markov probabilities

    # Finds the Markov rank of a password
    def find_markov_rank(self, input_password):        
        ret_value = self.check_valid(input_password)
        ##-If the password isn't valid for the training data
        if ret_value != RetType.IS_TRUE:
            return None
        rank = self.markov.evaulate_ranking(input_password)
        return rank
    # Finalizes the grammar and gets it ready to saved
    # The precision value is the precision to store the values
    # For example, a precision of 4 could save 0.0001 while a
    # precision of 5 could save 0.00012.
    # Note, this currently can create final values with a precision 1 more than the current setting
    # Setting default to 7, (will measure 1 in a million)
    def finalize_data(self, precision=7, smoothing=0.01, coverage=1.0):
        for current_structure in self.master_data_list:
            ##--Calculate probabilities --##
            ##--Adding Markov into the base structure so we need to change the prob of what we saw
            if current_structure.config_name == 'START':
                ret_value = current_structure.update_probabilties(precision = precision, coverage= coverage)
                ##--Manually insert the new 'M' Markov into it
                if coverage != 1.0:
                    current_structure.manual_insert('M', precision = precision, probability = 1-coverage)
                ret_value = current_structure.update_probabilties(precision = precision)
            if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
                print("Error finalizing the data")
                return ret_value
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Actually writes the data to disk
    def write_data_to_disk(self, base_directory, section_directory, filename, file_encoding, items):
            with codecs.open(os.path.join(base_directory,section_directory,filename), 'w', encoding=file_encoding) as datafile:
                for x in items:
                    datafile.write(str(x[0]) + '\t' + str(x[1])+'\n')
        except IOError as error:
            print (error)
            print ("Error opening file " + str(os.path.join(base_directory,section_directory,filename)))
            return RetType.FILE_IO_ERROR
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Saves the data to file
    # The precision value is the precision to store the values
    # The smoothing is the amount that individual nodes should be different probabilities to actually
    #    be assigned different probabilities
    # The encoding is what encoding to use to save the files
    # The directory is the base directory to save the data
    def save_results(self, directory='.', encoding='ASCII', precision=7, smoothing=0.01, coverage = 1.0):

        ##--First finalize the probabilities so we can sort the data
        ret_value = self.finalize_data(precision, coverage = coverage)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            return ret_value
        ##--now save results to disk
        for current_structure in self.master_data_list:
            sorted_results = {}    
            ret_value = current_structure.get_sorted_results(sorted_results, precision = precision, smoothing =smoothing)
            for filename, items in sorted_results.items():
                ret_value = self.write_data_to_disk(directory, current_structure.config_data['Directory'] ,filename, encoding, items)
            if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
                return ret_value
        ##--Save the Markov results to disk
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
Ejemplo n.º 4
class TrainingData:
    def __init__(self):
        ##--Holds all of the individual DataList objects for iterating though them when it comes time to save the data
        self.master_data_list = []
        ##Init Base Structures
        config = {
            'Name':'Base Structure',
            'Comments':'Standard base structures as defined by the original PCFG Paper, with some renaming to prevent naming collisions. Examples are A4D2 from the training word "pass12"',
            'Replacements': json.dumps([
        self.base_structure = DataList(type= ListType.FLAT, config_name= 'START', config_data = config)
        ##Init Alpha structures
        config = {
            'Comments':'(A)lpha letter replacements for base structure. Aka "pass12" = A4D2, so this is the A4. Note, this is encoding specific so non-ASCII characters may be considered alpha. For example Cyrillic characters will be considered alpha characters',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
            'Replacements': json.dumps([
        self.letter_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name= 'BASE_A', config_data = config)
        ##Init Digits
        config = {
            'Comments':'(D)igit replacement for base structure. Aka "pass12" = L4D2, so this is the D2',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.digit_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_D', config_data = config)
        ##Init Special
        config = {
            'Comments':'(O)ther character replacement for base structure. Aka "pass$$" = L4S2, so this is the S2',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.special_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_O', config_data = config)
        ##Init Capitalization
        config = {
            'Comments':'Capitalization Masks for words. Aka LLLLUUUU for passWORD',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.cap_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'CAPITALIZATION', config_data = config)
        ##Init Keyboard
        config = {
            'Comments':'(K)eyboard replacement for base structure. Aka "test1qaz2wsx" = L4K4K4, so this is the K4s',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.keyboard_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_K', config_data = config)
        ##Init Context Sensitive Values
        config = {
            'Comments':'conte(X)t sensitive replacements to the base structure. This is mostly a grab bag of things like #1 or ;p',
            'Filenames' : '.txt',
        self.context_structure = DataList(type= ListType.LENGTH, config_name = 'BASE_X', config_data = config)
        ##Number of passwords that were rejected
        ##Used for record keeping and debugging
        self.num_rejected_passwords = 0
        ##Number of valid passwords trained on
        ##Used for record keeping and debugging
        self.valid_passwords = 0
    # Returns a list of all the directories that need to be created to save the data
    def update_directory_list(self, rule_directory, directory_listing):  
        #--Loop through all of the data structures and get their direcory listings
        for data in self.master_data_list:
            except KeyError as error:
                print("Error with the config for " + data.config_name)
                return RetType.GENERIC_ERROR 
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Updates the config of the saved grammar with all of the various DataList structures
    def update_config(self, config):
        #--Update the global training info
        if 'TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS' not in config:
            config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS'] = {}
        config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS']['Number_of_passwords_in_set'] = str(self.valid_passwords + self.num_rejected_passwords)
        config['TRAINING_DATASET_DETAILS']['Number_of_valid_passwords'] = str(self.valid_passwords)
        #--Loop through all of the data structures and get their config sections
        for data in self.master_data_list:
            data_config = {}
            config[data.config_name] = data_config
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Checks to see if the input password is valid for this training program
    # Invalid in this case means you don't want to train on them
    # Returns 
    #   RetType.IS_TRUE if the password is valid
    #   RetType.IS_FALSE if invalid 
    def check_valid(self,input_password):
        # Don't accept blank passwords for training. I'm adding that check here vs in the file IO section
        # becasue in some cases you might want to train on blank passwords
        if len(input_password) == 0:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        # Remove e-mail addrsses since the PCFG doesn't handle them well
        # By that, the way the grammar is set up it's not smart enough to add '.com'
        # Instead it might add '!foo' or '$bar' since it replaces it context free
        # While a special case could be made for e-mails, it would only help when
        # attacking large sets of disclosed passwords, since in a targeted attack
        # you would be attacking a specific e-mail vs a randomly generated one.
        # I'm not that interested in the random large set attacks, so I'm just rejecting
        # e-mails from training. And that's the long reason why I'm rejecting e-mails.
        if ".com" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".org" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".edu" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".gov" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        if ".mil" in input_password:
            return RetType.IS_FALSE
        return RetType.IS_TRUE
    # Actually do the work of parsing a password and inserting it into the grammar
    # Variable Types:
    #     input_password = the password to parse
    def parse(self, input_password):
        ##-Check to see if the password is a valid password to parse--##
        ret_value = self.check_valid(input_password)
        ##-If the password isn't valid for the training data
        if ret_value != RetType.IS_TRUE:
            self.num_rejected_passwords = self.num_rejected_passwords + 1
            if ret_value == RetType.IS_FALSE:
                return RetType.STATUS_OK
            ##--Sanity check to pass an unexpected state back up the stack
                print("Error checking to see if the input password should be rejected")
                return ret_value
        self.valid_passwords = self.valid_passwords + 1
        ##-Initialize the PasswordParser for this particular password
        cur_pass = PasswordParser(input_password)
        ##--Parse out all the keyboard combinations
        ##--items holds all the keyboard combos found
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_keyboard(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing keyboard combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the keyboard combo list
        ret_value = self.keyboard_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing keyboard combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Parse out all of the context sensitive combinations
        ##--items holds all the context sensitive combos found
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_context_sensitive(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing context sensitive combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the context sensitive combo list
        ret_value = self.context_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing context sensitive combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Parse the digit combinations
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_digits(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing digit combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the digit combo list
        ret_value = self.digit_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing digit combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Parse the alpha combinations
        alpha_items = []
        cap_items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_letters(alpha_items, cap_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing alpha combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the alpha combo list
        ret_value = self.letter_structure.insert_list(alpha_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing alpha combos")
            return ret_value   
        ##--Now update the capitalization mask list
        ret_value = self.cap_structure.insert_list(cap_items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing capitalization masks")
            return ret_value 
        #--Parse the special character combinations
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_special(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing special character combos")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the special character combo list
        ret_value = self.special_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing special charcter combos")
            return ret_value
        #--Finally save the base structure data as everything should be parsed now
        # Doing this a bit overboard to match it with all the other parsing
        # Also this provides a nice sanity check to make sure no errors creaped in somewhere
        items = []
        ret_value = cur_pass.parse_base(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error parsing a password. There were sections that were not processed")
            return ret_value
        ##--Now update the special character combo list
        ret_value = self.base_structure.insert_list(items)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            print("Error inserting a base structure object")
            return ret_value
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Finalizes the grammar and gets it ready to saved
    # The precision value is the precision to store the values
    # For example, a precision of 4 could save 0.0001 while a
    # precision of 5 could save 0.00012.
    # Note, this currently can create final values with a precision 1 more than the current setting
    # Setting default to 7, (will measure 1 in a million)
    def finalize_data(self, precision=7):
        for current_structure in self.master_data_list:
            ##--Calculate probabilities --##
            ret_value = current_structure.update_probabilties(precision = precision)
            if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
                print("Error finalizing the data")
                return ret_value
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Actually writes the data to disk
    def write_data_to_disk(self, base_directory, section_directory, filename, file_encoding, items):
            with codecs.open(os.path.join(base_directory,section_directory,filename), 'w', encoding=file_encoding) as datafile:
                for x in items:
                    datafile.write(str(x[0]) + '\t' + str(x[1])+'\n')
        except IOError as error:
            print (error)
            print ("Error opening file " + str(os.path.join(base_directory,section_directory,filename)))
            return RetType.FILE_IO_ERROR
        return RetType.STATUS_OK
    # Saves the data to file
    # The precision value is the precision to store the values
    # The encoding is what encoding to use to save the files
    # The directory is the base directory to save the data
    def save_results(self, directory='.', encoding='ASCII', precision=7):

        ##--First finalize the probabilities so we can sort the data
        ret_value = self.finalize_data(precision)
        if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
            return ret_value
        ##--now save results to disk
        for current_structure in self.master_data_list:
            sorted_results = {}    
            ret_value = current_structure.get_sorted_results(sorted_results)
            for filename, items in sorted_results.items():
                ret_value = self.write_data_to_disk(directory, current_structure.config_data['Directory'] ,filename, encoding, items)
            if ret_value != RetType.STATUS_OK:
                return ret_value
        return RetType.STATUS_OK