def __init__(self):
        self.nc1 = nc.noteClass()
        self.ptSeg1 = ptSeg.pitchtrackSegByNotes()
        self.evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()
        self.evaluationMetrics = []

Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        self.nc1 = nc.noteClass()
        self.ptSeg1 = ptSeg.pitchtrackSegByNotes()
        self.evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()
        self.evaluationMetrics = []

Ejemplo n.º 3
    def noteSegmentationFeatureExtraction(self,pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,featureVecFolderPath,pitchtrackNotePredictFolderPath,

        This process will do    1) segment pitchtrack into notes which boundaries are given by pYIN
                                2) refined segmentation searching stable part
                                3) calculate features on refined segments
        :param pitchtrackNoteFolderPath:
        :param featureVecFolderPath:
        :param recordingNames:
        :param predict:
        :return: refined segments boundaries, refined segments pitch contours

        ############################################## segmentation ########################################################
        # below two lines will do segmentaion on calculation the pyin
        # ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes(samplingFreq, frameSize, hopSize)
        # ptSeg.doSegmentation(pitchtrack, fs.m_oMonoNoteOut)

        ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes()

        if evaluation:
            evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()                                                     #  evaluation object
            COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall,gt,st = 0,0,0,0,0,0

        for rn in recordingNames:
            pitchtrack_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_pitchtrack.csv'
            monoNoteOut_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_monoNoteOut.csv'

            ptSeg.doSegmentationForPyinVamp(pitchtrack_filename, monoNoteOut_filename)

            if evaluation:
                coarseSegmentation_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_coarseSeg.txt'
                ptSeg.coarseSegmentation(monoNoteOut_filename,coarseSegmentation_filename)      #  groundtruth segmentation

            # ptSeg.pltNotePitchtrack(saveFig=True, figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/male_13/pos_3_midinote/')

        ###################### calculate the polynomial fitting coefs and vibrato frequency ############################
        #  use pitch track ptseg.pitchtrackByNotes from last step

            featureDict = {}                                    # feature vectors dictionary
            segmentsExport = {}                                 # refined segmentation boundaries
            refinedPitchcontours = {}                           # refined pitch contours
            extremas = {}                                       # extremas
            vibrato = {}
            curvefittingDeg = 1
            jj = 1
            jjNone = []
            jjj = 1
            for ii in range(len(ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes)):
                pt = ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes[ii][0]
                pt = np.array(pt, dtype=np.float32)
                x, y = self.normalizeNotePt(pt)                  #  normalise x to [0,1], remove y DC
                sbp = self.localMinMax(y)                        #  local minima and extrema of pitch track
                self.diffExtrema(x,y)                            #  the amplitude difference of minima and extrema
                self.segmentPointDetection1(segCoef)             #  do the extrema segmentation here

                #  nc1.segmentPointDetection2()  # segmentation point
                self.segmentRefinement(pt)                       #  do the refined segmentation
                #print self.refinedNotePts

                for rpt in self.refinedNotePts:
                    # print jj

                    featureVec,extrema,vibOut = self.featureExtractionProcess(rpt,sbp,curvefittingDeg)
                    if featureVec[0]:
                        refinedPitchcontours[jj] = rpt.tolist()
                        featureDict[jj] = featureVec.tolist()
                        extremas[jj] = extrema
                        vibrato[jj] = vibOut

                    #  this plot step is slow, if we only want the features, we can comment this line
                    #nc1.pltRefinedNotePtFc(xRpt, yRpt, p, rsquare, polyVar, vibFreq, saveFig=True,
                    #                        figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/refinedSegmentCurvefit/'+rn+'_curvefit_refined/',
                    #                        figNumber = jj)
                    jj += 1

                if predict:
                    # construct the segments frame vector: frame boundary of segments
                    noteStartFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][0]
                    noteEndFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][1]

                    extremaInd = np.array(self.extrema)
                    segmentsInd = extremaInd[self.segments]+noteStartFrame
                    segmentsInd = np.insert(segmentsInd,0,noteStartFrame)
                    segmentsInd = np.append(segmentsInd,noteEndFrame)+2                     # +2 for sonicVisualizer alignment
                    # segmentsExport[jjj] = str(segmentsInd)
                    for kk in range(len(segmentsInd)-1):
                        if jjj not in jjNone:
                            segmentsExport[jjj] = [segmentsInd[kk],segmentsInd[kk+1]]       #  segmentation boundary
                        jjj += 1

            if evaluation:
                # evaluate segmentation
                COnOff, COn, OBOn, OBOff = \
                COnOffall += COnOff
                COnall += COn
                OBOnall += OBOn
                OBOffall += OBOff
                gt += len(ptSeg.coarseSegmentationStartEndFrame)
                st += len(segmentsExport.values())

            # write feature into json
            featureFilename = featureVecFolderPath+rn+'.json'
            with open(featureFilename, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(featureDict, outfile)

            if predict:
                # output segments boundary frames pitch contours
                outJsonDict = {'refinedPitchcontours':refinedPitchcontours,'boundary':segmentsExport,
                with open(pitchtrackNotePredictFolderPath+rn+'_refinedSegmentFeatures.json', "w") as outfile:
                    # for se in segmentsExport:
                    #     # outfile.write(str(int(se[0]))+'\t'+str(se[1])+'\n')
                    #     outfile.write(str(se)+'\n')

        if evaluation:
            # print COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st
            COnOffF,COnF,OBOnRateGT,OBOffRateGT = evalu1.metrics(COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st)
            return COnOffF,COnF,OBOnRateGT,OBOffRateGT
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def noteSegmentationFeatureExtraction(self,
        This process will do    1) segment pitchtrack into notes which boundaries are given by pYIN
                                2) refined segmentation searching stable part
                                3) calculate features on refined segments
        :param pitchtrackNoteFolderPath:
        :param featureVecFolderPath:
        :param recordingNames:
        :param predict:
        :return: refined segments boundaries, refined segments pitch contours

        ############################################## segmentation ########################################################
        # below two lines will do segmentaion on calculation the pyin
        # ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes(samplingFreq, frameSize, hopSize)
        # ptSeg.doSegmentation(pitchtrack, fs.m_oMonoNoteOut)

        ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes()

        if evaluation:
            evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()  #  evaluation object
            COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall, gt, st = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

        for rn in recordingNames:
            pitchtrack_filename = os.path.join(pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,
                                               rn + '_pitchtrack.csv')
            monoNoteOut_filename = os.path.join(pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,
                                                rn + '_monoNoteOut.csv')


            if evaluation:
                coarseSegmentation_filename = os.path.join(
                    pitchtrackNoteFolderPath, rn + '_coarseSeg.txt')
                    coarseSegmentation_filename)  #  groundtruth segmentation

            # ptSeg.pltNotePitchtrack(saveFig=True, figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/male_13/pos_3_midinote/')

        ###################### calculate the polynomial fitting coefs and vibrato frequency ############################
        #  use pitch track ptseg.pitchtrackByNotes from last step

            featureDict = {}  # feature vectors dictionary
            segmentsExport = {}  # refined segmentation boundaries
            refinedPitchcontours = {}  # refined pitch contours
            extremas = {}  # extremas
            vibrato = {}
            curvefittingDeg = 1
            jj = 1
            jjNone = []
            jjj = 1
            for ii in range(len(ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes)):
                pt = ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes[ii][0]
                pt = np.array(pt, dtype=np.float32)
                x, y = self.normalizeNotePt(
                    pt)  #  normalise x to [0,1], remove y DC
                sbp = self.localMinMax(
                    y)  #  local minima and extrema of pitch track
                    x, y)  #  the amplitude difference of minima and extrema
                    segCoef)  #  do the extrema segmentation here

                #  nc1.segmentPointDetection2()  # segmentation point
                self.segmentRefinement(pt)  #  do the refined segmentation
                #print self.refinedNotePts

                for rpt in self.refinedNotePts:
                    # print jj

                    featureVec, extrema, vibOut = self.featureExtractionProcess(
                        rpt, sbp, curvefittingDeg)
                    if featureVec[0]:
                        refinedPitchcontours[jj] = rpt.tolist()
                        featureDict[jj] = featureVec.tolist()
                        extremas[jj] = extrema
                        vibrato[jj] = vibOut

                    #  this plot step is slow, if we only want the features, we can comment this line
                    #nc1.pltRefinedNotePtFc(xRpt, yRpt, p, rsquare, polyVar, vibFreq, saveFig=True,
                    #                        figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/refinedSegmentCurvefit/'+rn+'_curvefit_refined/',
                    #                        figNumber = jj)
                    jj += 1

                if predict:
                    # construct the segments frame vector: frame boundary of segments
                    noteStartFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][0]
                    noteEndFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][1]

                    extremaInd = np.array(self.extrema)
                    segmentsInd = extremaInd[self.segments] + noteStartFrame
                    segmentsInd = np.insert(segmentsInd, 0, noteStartFrame)
                    segmentsInd = np.append(
                        noteEndFrame) + 2  # +2 for sonicVisualizer alignment
                    # segmentsExport[jjj] = str(segmentsInd)
                    for kk in range(len(segmentsInd) - 1):
                        if jjj not in jjNone:
                            segmentsExport[jjj] = [
                                segmentsInd[kk], segmentsInd[kk + 1]
                            ]  #  segmentation boundary
                        jjj += 1

            if evaluation:
                # evaluate segmentation
                COnOff, COn, OBOn, OBOff = \
                COnOffall += COnOff
                COnall += COn
                OBOnall += OBOn
                OBOffall += OBOff
                gt += len(ptSeg.coarseSegmentationStartEndFrame)
                st += len(segmentsExport.values())

            # write feature into json
            featureFilename = os.path.join(featureVecFolderPath,
                                           '%s.json' % rn)
            with open(featureFilename, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(featureDict, outfile)

            if predict:
                # output segments boundary frames pitch contours
                outJsonDict = {
                    'refinedPitchcontours': refinedPitchcontours,
                    'boundary': segmentsExport,
                    'extremas': extremas,
                    'vibrato': vibrato
                refined_segment_filename = os.path.join(
                    '%s_refinedSegmentFeatures.json' % rn)
                with open(refined_segment_filename, "w") as outfile:
                    json.dump(outJsonDict, outfile)
                    # for se in segmentsExport:
                    #     # outfile.write(str(int(se[0]))+'\t'+str(se[1])+'\n')
                    #     outfile.write(str(se)+'\n')

        if evaluation:
            # print COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st
            COnOffF, COnF, OBOnRateGT, OBOffRateGT = evalu1.metrics(
                COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall, gt, st)
            return COnOffF, COnF, OBOnRateGT, OBOffRateGT