def __init__(self):
        self.nc1 = nc.noteClass()
        self.ptSeg1 = ptSeg.pitchtrackSegByNotes()
        self.evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()
        self.evaluationMetrics = []

    def __init__(self):
        self.nc1 = nc.noteClass()
        self.ptSeg1 = ptSeg.pitchtrackSegByNotes()
        self.evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()
        self.evaluationMetrics = []

文件: 项目: MTG/smc-2016
    def noteSegmentationFeatureExtraction(self,pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,featureVecFolderPath,pitchtrackNotePredictFolderPath,

        This process will do    1) segment pitchtrack into notes which boundaries are given by pYIN
                                2) refined segmentation searching stable part
                                3) calculate features on refined segments
        :param pitchtrackNoteFolderPath:
        :param featureVecFolderPath:
        :param recordingNames:
        :param predict:
        :return: refined segments boundaries, refined segments pitch contours

        ############################################## segmentation ########################################################
        # below two lines will do segmentaion on calculation the pyin
        # ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes(samplingFreq, frameSize, hopSize)
        # ptSeg.doSegmentation(pitchtrack, fs.m_oMonoNoteOut)

        ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes()

        if evaluation:
            evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()                                                     #  evaluation object
            COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall,gt,st = 0,0,0,0,0,0

        for rn in recordingNames:
            pitchtrack_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_pitchtrack.csv'
            monoNoteOut_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_monoNoteOut.csv'

            ptSeg.doSegmentationForPyinVamp(pitchtrack_filename, monoNoteOut_filename)

            if evaluation:
                coarseSegmentation_filename = pitchtrackNoteFolderPath+rn+'_coarseSeg.txt'
                ptSeg.coarseSegmentation(monoNoteOut_filename,coarseSegmentation_filename)      #  groundtruth segmentation

            # ptSeg.pltNotePitchtrack(saveFig=True, figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/male_13/pos_3_midinote/')

        ###################### calculate the polynomial fitting coefs and vibrato frequency ############################
        #  use pitch track ptseg.pitchtrackByNotes from last step

            featureDict = {}                                    # feature vectors dictionary
            segmentsExport = {}                                 # refined segmentation boundaries
            refinedPitchcontours = {}                           # refined pitch contours
            extremas = {}                                       # extremas
            vibrato = {}
            curvefittingDeg = 1
            jj = 1
            jjNone = []
            jjj = 1
            for ii in range(len(ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes)):
                pt = ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes[ii][0]
                pt = np.array(pt, dtype=np.float32)
                x, y = self.normalizeNotePt(pt)                  #  normalise x to [0,1], remove y DC
                sbp = self.localMinMax(y)                        #  local minima and extrema of pitch track
                self.diffExtrema(x,y)                            #  the amplitude difference of minima and extrema
                self.segmentPointDetection1(segCoef)             #  do the extrema segmentation here

                #  nc1.segmentPointDetection2()  # segmentation point
                self.segmentRefinement(pt)                       #  do the refined segmentation
                #print self.refinedNotePts

                for rpt in self.refinedNotePts:
                    # print jj

                    featureVec,extrema,vibOut = self.featureExtractionProcess(rpt,sbp,curvefittingDeg)
                    if featureVec[0]:
                        refinedPitchcontours[jj] = rpt.tolist()
                        featureDict[jj] = featureVec.tolist()
                        extremas[jj] = extrema
                        vibrato[jj] = vibOut

                    #  this plot step is slow, if we only want the features, we can comment this line
                    #nc1.pltRefinedNotePtFc(xRpt, yRpt, p, rsquare, polyVar, vibFreq, saveFig=True,
                    #                        figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/refinedSegmentCurvefit/'+rn+'_curvefit_refined/',
                    #                        figNumber = jj)
                    jj += 1

                if predict:
                    # construct the segments frame vector: frame boundary of segments
                    noteStartFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][0]
                    noteEndFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][1]

                    extremaInd = np.array(self.extrema)
                    segmentsInd = extremaInd[self.segments]+noteStartFrame
                    segmentsInd = np.insert(segmentsInd,0,noteStartFrame)
                    segmentsInd = np.append(segmentsInd,noteEndFrame)+2                     # +2 for sonicVisualizer alignment
                    # segmentsExport[jjj] = str(segmentsInd)
                    for kk in range(len(segmentsInd)-1):
                        if jjj not in jjNone:
                            segmentsExport[jjj] = [segmentsInd[kk],segmentsInd[kk+1]]       #  segmentation boundary
                        jjj += 1

            if evaluation:
                # evaluate segmentation
                COnOff, COn, OBOn, OBOff = \
                COnOffall += COnOff
                COnall += COn
                OBOnall += OBOn
                OBOffall += OBOff
                gt += len(ptSeg.coarseSegmentationStartEndFrame)
                st += len(segmentsExport.values())

            # write feature into json
            featureFilename = featureVecFolderPath+rn+'.json'
            with open(featureFilename, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(featureDict, outfile)

            if predict:
                # output segments boundary frames pitch contours
                outJsonDict = {'refinedPitchcontours':refinedPitchcontours,'boundary':segmentsExport,
                with open(pitchtrackNotePredictFolderPath+rn+'_refinedSegmentFeatures.json', "w") as outfile:
                    # for se in segmentsExport:
                    #     # outfile.write(str(int(se[0]))+'\t'+str(se[1])+'\n')
                    #     outfile.write(str(se)+'\n')

        if evaluation:
            # print COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st
            COnOffF,COnF,OBOnRateGT,OBOffRateGT = evalu1.metrics(COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st)
            return COnOffF,COnF,OBOnRateGT,OBOffRateGT
    def noteSegmentationFeatureExtraction(self,
        This process will do    1) segment pitchtrack into notes which boundaries are given by pYIN
                                2) refined segmentation searching stable part
                                3) calculate features on refined segments
        :param pitchtrackNoteFolderPath:
        :param featureVecFolderPath:
        :param recordingNames:
        :param predict:
        :return: refined segments boundaries, refined segments pitch contours

        ############################################## segmentation ########################################################
        # below two lines will do segmentaion on calculation the pyin
        # ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes(samplingFreq, frameSize, hopSize)
        # ptSeg.doSegmentation(pitchtrack, fs.m_oMonoNoteOut)

        ptSeg = pitchtrackSegByNotes.pitchtrackSegByNotes()

        if evaluation:
            evalu1 = evalu.Evaluation()  #  evaluation object
            COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall, gt, st = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0

        for rn in recordingNames:
            pitchtrack_filename = os.path.join(pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,
                                               rn + '_pitchtrack.csv')
            monoNoteOut_filename = os.path.join(pitchtrackNoteFolderPath,
                                                rn + '_monoNoteOut.csv')


            if evaluation:
                coarseSegmentation_filename = os.path.join(
                    pitchtrackNoteFolderPath, rn + '_coarseSeg.txt')
                    coarseSegmentation_filename)  #  groundtruth segmentation

            # ptSeg.pltNotePitchtrack(saveFig=True, figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/male_13/pos_3_midinote/')

        ###################### calculate the polynomial fitting coefs and vibrato frequency ############################
        #  use pitch track ptseg.pitchtrackByNotes from last step

            featureDict = {}  # feature vectors dictionary
            segmentsExport = {}  # refined segmentation boundaries
            refinedPitchcontours = {}  # refined pitch contours
            extremas = {}  # extremas
            vibrato = {}
            curvefittingDeg = 1
            jj = 1
            jjNone = []
            jjj = 1
            for ii in range(len(ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes)):
                pt = ptSeg.pitchtrackByNotes[ii][0]
                pt = np.array(pt, dtype=np.float32)
                x, y = self.normalizeNotePt(
                    pt)  #  normalise x to [0,1], remove y DC
                sbp = self.localMinMax(
                    y)  #  local minima and extrema of pitch track
                    x, y)  #  the amplitude difference of minima and extrema
                    segCoef)  #  do the extrema segmentation here

                #  nc1.segmentPointDetection2()  # segmentation point
                self.segmentRefinement(pt)  #  do the refined segmentation
                #print self.refinedNotePts

                for rpt in self.refinedNotePts:
                    # print jj

                    featureVec, extrema, vibOut = self.featureExtractionProcess(
                        rpt, sbp, curvefittingDeg)
                    if featureVec[0]:
                        refinedPitchcontours[jj] = rpt.tolist()
                        featureDict[jj] = featureVec.tolist()
                        extremas[jj] = extrema
                        vibrato[jj] = vibOut

                    #  this plot step is slow, if we only want the features, we can comment this line
                    #nc1.pltRefinedNotePtFc(xRpt, yRpt, p, rsquare, polyVar, vibFreq, saveFig=True,
                    #                        figFolder='../jingjuSegPic/laosheng/train/refinedSegmentCurvefit/'+rn+'_curvefit_refined/',
                    #                        figNumber = jj)
                    jj += 1

                if predict:
                    # construct the segments frame vector: frame boundary of segments
                    noteStartFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][0]
                    noteEndFrame = ptSeg.noteStartEndFrame[ii][1]

                    extremaInd = np.array(self.extrema)
                    segmentsInd = extremaInd[self.segments] + noteStartFrame
                    segmentsInd = np.insert(segmentsInd, 0, noteStartFrame)
                    segmentsInd = np.append(
                        noteEndFrame) + 2  # +2 for sonicVisualizer alignment
                    # segmentsExport[jjj] = str(segmentsInd)
                    for kk in range(len(segmentsInd) - 1):
                        if jjj not in jjNone:
                            segmentsExport[jjj] = [
                                segmentsInd[kk], segmentsInd[kk + 1]
                            ]  #  segmentation boundary
                        jjj += 1

            if evaluation:
                # evaluate segmentation
                COnOff, COn, OBOn, OBOff = \
                COnOffall += COnOff
                COnall += COn
                OBOnall += OBOn
                OBOffall += OBOff
                gt += len(ptSeg.coarseSegmentationStartEndFrame)
                st += len(segmentsExport.values())

            # write feature into json
            featureFilename = os.path.join(featureVecFolderPath,
                                           '%s.json' % rn)
            with open(featureFilename, 'w') as outfile:
                json.dump(featureDict, outfile)

            if predict:
                # output segments boundary frames pitch contours
                outJsonDict = {
                    'refinedPitchcontours': refinedPitchcontours,
                    'boundary': segmentsExport,
                    'extremas': extremas,
                    'vibrato': vibrato
                refined_segment_filename = os.path.join(
                    '%s_refinedSegmentFeatures.json' % rn)
                with open(refined_segment_filename, "w") as outfile:
                    json.dump(outJsonDict, outfile)
                    # for se in segmentsExport:
                    #     # outfile.write(str(int(se[0]))+'\t'+str(se[1])+'\n')
                    #     outfile.write(str(se)+'\n')

        if evaluation:
            # print COnOffall,COnall,OBOnall,OBOffall,gt,st
            COnOffF, COnF, OBOnRateGT, OBOffRateGT = evalu1.metrics(
                COnOffall, COnall, OBOnall, OBOffall, gt, st)
            return COnOffF, COnF, OBOnRateGT, OBOffRateGT