Ejemplo n.º 1
def allOff():
    Turn off all slice HTBs
    # Get/set special slice IDs
    root_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("root")
    default_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("default")
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    if len(kernelhtbs):
        logger.log("bwmon: Disabling all running HTBs.")
        for htb in list(kernelhtbs.keys()): bwlimit.off(htb, dev = dev_default)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def allOff():
    Turn off all slice HTBs
    # Get/set special slice IDs
    root_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("root")
    default_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("default")
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    if len(kernelhtbs):
        logger.log("bwmon: Disabling all running HTBs.")
        for htb in kernelhtbs.keys():
            bwlimit.off(htb, dev=dev_default)
    def __init__(self, rec):
        self.name = rec['name']
        logger.verbose ('sliver_libvirt: {} init'.format(self.name))

        # Assume the directory with the image and config files
        # are in place

        self.keys = ''
        self.rspec = {}
        self.slice_id = rec['slice_id']
        self.enabled = True
        self.conn = Sliver_Libvirt.getConnection(rec['type'])
        self.xid = bwlimit.get_xid(self.name)

        dom = None
            dom = self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
            logger.log('sliver_libvirt: Domain {} does not exist. ' \
                       'Will try to create it again.'.format(self.name))
            self.__class__.create(rec['name'], rec)
            dom = self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
        self.dom = dom
    def __init__(self, rec):
        self.name = rec['name']
        logger.verbose ('sliver_libvirt: %s init'%(self.name))

        # Assume the directory with the image and config files
        # are in place

        self.keys = ''
        self.rspec = {}
        self.slice_id = rec['slice_id']
        self.enabled = True
        self.conn = Sliver_Libvirt.getConnection(rec['type'])
        self.xid = bwlimit.get_xid(self.name)

        dom = None
            dom = self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
            logger.log('sliver_libvirt: Domain %s does not exist. ' \
                       'Will try to create it again.' % (self.name))
            self.__class__.create(rec['name'], rec)
            dom = self.conn.lookupByName(self.name)
        self.dom = dom
Ejemplo n.º 5
def create_lxc(name, rec=None):
        ''' Create dirs, copy fs image, creat_lxc '''
        logger.verbose ('sliver_lxc: %s create'%(name))
        conn = libvirt.open("lxc://")
            p = conn.lookupByName(name)
            logger.log("create_lxc: there is already a running vm %s!"%(name))
            logger.log("create a new sliver %s"%(name))

        # Get the type of image from vref myplc tags specified as:
        # pldistro = lxc
        # fcdistro = squeeze
        # arch x86_64

        arch = 'x86_64'
        #tags = rec['rspec']['tags']
        #if 'arch' in tags:
        #    arch = tags['arch']
        #    if arch == 'i386':
        #        arch = 'i686'

        vref = "lxc-f18-x86_64"
	#vref = rec['vref']
        #if vref is None:
        #    vref = "lxc-f14-x86_64"
        #    logger.log("sliver_libvirt: %s: WARNING - no vref attached, using hard-wired default %s" % (name,vref))

        refImgDir    = os.path.join('/vservers/.lvref', vref)
        containerDir = os.path.join('/vservers', name)

        # check the template exists -- there's probably a better way..
        if not os.path.isdir(refImgDir):
            logger.log('creat_lxc: %s: ERROR Could not create sliver - reference image %s not found' % (name,vref))
            logger.log('creat_lxc: %s: ERROR Expected reference image in %s'%(name,refImgDir))

        # Snapshot the reference image fs (assume the reference image is in its own
        # subvolume)
        command = ['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', refImgDir, containerDir]
        if not logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60):
            logger.log('creat_lxc: ERROR Could not create BTRFS snapshot at', containerDir)
        command = ['chmod', '755', containerDir]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60)

        # TODO: set quotas...

        # Set hostname. A valid hostname cannot have '_'
        #with open(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/hostname'), 'w') as f:
        #    print >>f, name.replace('_', '-')

        # Add slices group if not already present
            group = grp.getgrnam('slices')
            command = ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', 'slices']
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60)

        # Add unix account (TYPE is specified in the subclass)
        command = ['/usr/sbin/useradd', '-g', 'slices', '-s', '/usr/sbin/vsh', name, '-p', '*']
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60)
        command = ['mkdir', '/home/%s/.ssh'%name]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15*60)

        # Create PK pair keys to connect from the host to the guest without
        # password... maybe remove the need for authentication inside the
        # guest?
        command = ['su', '-s', '/bin/bash', '-c', 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa'%(name)]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=60)

        command = ['chown', '-R', '%s.slices'%name, '/home/%s/.ssh'%name]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=30)

        command = ['mkdir', '%s/root/.ssh'%containerDir]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)

        command = ['cp', '/home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'%name, '%s/root/.ssh/authorized_keys'%containerDir]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=30)

        logger.log("creating /etc/slicename file in %s" % os.path.join(containerDir,'etc/slicename'))
            file(os.path.join(containerDir,'etc/slicename'), 'w').write(name)
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicename")

            file(os.path.join(containerDir,'etc/slicefamily'), 'w').write(vref)
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicefamily")

        uid = None
            uid = getpwnam(name).pw_uid
        except KeyError:
            # keyerror will happen if user id was not created successfully
            logger.log_exc("exception while getting user id")

        if uid is not None:
            logger.log("uid is %d" % uid)
            command = ['mkdir', '%s/home/%s' % (containerDir, name)]
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)
            command = ['chown', name, '%s/home/%s' % (containerDir, name)]
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)
            etcpasswd = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/passwd')
            etcgroup = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/group')
            if os.path.exists(etcpasswd):
                # create all accounts with gid=1001 - i.e. 'slices' like it is in the root context
                logger.log("adding user %(name)s id %(uid)d gid %(slices_gid)d to %(etcpasswd)s" % (locals()))
                    file(etcpasswd,'a').write("%(name)s:x:%(uid)d:%(slices_gid)d::/home/%(name)s:/bin/bash\n" % locals())
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating %s"%etcpasswd)
                logger.log("adding group slices with gid %(slices_gid)d to %(etcgroup)s"%locals())
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating %s"%etcgroup)
            sudoers = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/sudoers')
            if os.path.exists(sudoers):
                    file(sudoers,'a').write("%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n" % name)
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating /etc/sudoers")

        # customizations for the user environment - root or slice uid
        # we save the whole business in /etc/planetlab.profile 
        # and source this file for both root and the slice uid's .profile
        # prompt for slice owner, + LD_PRELOAD for transparently wrap bind
        ld_preload_text="""# by default, we define this setting so that calls to bind(2),
# when invoked on, get transparently redirected to the public interface of this node
# see https://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/LxcPortForwarding"""
        usrmove_path_text="""# VM's before Features/UsrMove need /bin and /sbin in their PATH"""
pathmunge () {
        if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
           if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
pathmunge /bin after
pathmunge /sbin after
unset pathmunge
        with open(pl_profile,'w') as f:
            f.write("export PS1='%s@\H \$ '\n"%(name))
            f.write("export LD_PRELOAD=/etc/planetlab/lib/bind_public.so\n")

        # make sure this file is sourced from both root's and slice's .profile
        enforced_line = "[ -f /etc/planetlab.profile ] && source /etc/planetlab.profile\n"
        for path in [ 'root/.profile', 'home/%s/.profile'%name ]:
            # if dir is not yet existing let's forget it for now
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(from_root)): continue
                for content in contents:
                    if content==enforced_line: found=True
            except IOError: pass
            if not found:
                with open(from_root,"a") as user_profile:
                # in case we create the slice's .profile when writing
                if from_root.find("/home")>=0:

        # Lookup for xid and create template after the user is created so we
        # can get the correct xid based on the name of the slice
        xid = bwlimit.get_xid(name)

        # Template for libvirt sliver configuration
        template_filename_sliceimage = os.path.join('/vservers/.lvref','lxc_template.xml')
        if os.path.isfile (template_filename_sliceimage):
            logger.log("WARNING: using compat template %s"%template_filename_sliceimage)
            logger.log("Cannot find XML template %s"%template_filename_sliceimage)

        interfaces = get_interfaces_xml(rec)

            with open(template_filename) as f:
                template = Template(f.read())
                xml  = template.substitute(name=name, xid=xid, interfaces=interfaces, arch=arch)
        except IOError:
            logger.log('Failed to parse or use XML template file %s'%template_filename)

        # Lookup for the sliver before actually
        # defining it, just in case it was already defined.
            dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
            dom = conn.defineXML(xml)

	def debuginfo(dom):
        	''' Helper method to get a "nice" output of the info struct for debug'''
        	[state, maxmem, mem, ncpu, cputime] = dom.info()
	        return '%s is %s, maxmem = %s, mem = %s, ncpu = %s, cputime = %s' % (dom.name(), STATES.get(state, state), maxmem, mem, ncpu, cputime)

        logger.verbose('create_lxc: %s -> %s'%(name, debuginfo(dom)))

	# the sliver has been created
	# then configure the sliver, write keys to authorized_keys file
	configure(name, rec)

	# finally, start the sliver
	logger.verbose('create_lxc:%s start'%(name))

	# After the VM is started... we can play with the virtual interface
        # Create the ebtables rule to mark the packets going out from the virtual
        # interface to the actual device so the filter canmatch against the mark
        bwlimit.ebtables("-A INPUT -i veth%d -j mark --set-mark %d" % \
            (xid, xid))
    def create(name, rec=None):
        ''' Create dirs, copy fs image, lxc_create '''
        logger.verbose('sliver_lxc: %s create' % (name))
        conn = Sliver_Libvirt.getConnection(Sliver_LXC.TYPE)

        # Get the type of image from vref myplc tags specified as:
        # pldistro = lxc
        # fcdistro = squeeze
        # arch x86_64

        arch = 'x86_64'
        tags = rec['rspec']['tags']
        if 'arch' in tags:
            arch = tags['arch']
            if arch == 'i386':
                arch = 'i686'

        vref = rec['vref']
        if vref is None:
            vref = "lxc-f14-x86_64"
                "sliver_libvirt: %s: WARNING - no vref attached, using hard-wired default %s"
                % (name, vref))

        refImgDir = os.path.join(Sliver_LXC.REF_IMG_BASE_DIR, vref)
        containerDir = os.path.join(Sliver_LXC.CON_BASE_DIR, name)

        # check the template exists -- there's probably a better way..
        if not os.path.isdir(refImgDir):
                'sliver_lxc: %s: ERROR Could not create sliver - reference image %s not found'
                % (name, vref))
            logger.log('sliver_lxc: %s: ERROR Expected reference image in %s' %
                       (name, refImgDir))

        # Snapshot the reference image fs (assume the reference image is in its own
        # subvolume)
        command = ['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', refImgDir, containerDir]
        if not logger.log_call(command, timeout=15 * 60):
            logger.log('sliver_lxc: ERROR Could not create BTRFS snapshot at',
        command = ['chmod', '755', containerDir]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15 * 60)

        # TODO: set quotas...

        # Set hostname. A valid hostname cannot have '_'
        #with open(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/hostname'), 'w') as f:
        #    print >>f, name.replace('_', '-')

        # Add slices group if not already present
            group = grp.getgrnam('slices')
            command = ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', 'slices']
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=15 * 60)

        # Add unix account (TYPE is specified in the subclass)
        command = [
            '/usr/sbin/useradd', '-g', 'slices', '-s', Sliver_LXC.SHELL, name,
            '-p', '*'
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15 * 60)
        command = ['mkdir', '/home/%s/.ssh' % name]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=15 * 60)

        # Create PK pair keys to connect from the host to the guest without
        # password... maybe remove the need for authentication inside the
        # guest?
        command = [
            'su', '-s', '/bin/bash', '-c',
            'ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa' % (name)
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=60)

        command = ['chown', '-R', '%s.slices' % name, '/home/%s/.ssh' % name]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=30)

        command = ['mkdir', '%s/root/.ssh' % containerDir]
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)

        command = [
            '/home/%s/.ssh/id_rsa.pub' % name,
            '%s/root/.ssh/authorized_keys' % containerDir
        logger.log_call(command, timeout=30)

        logger.log("creating /etc/slicename file in %s" %
                   os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicename'))
            file(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicename'), 'w').write(name)
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicename")

            file(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicefamily'),
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicefamily")

        uid = None
            uid = getpwnam(name).pw_uid
        except KeyError:
            # keyerror will happen if user id was not created successfully
            logger.log_exc("exception while getting user id")

        if uid is not None:
            logger.log("uid is %d" % uid)
            command = ['mkdir', '%s/home/%s' % (containerDir, name)]
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)
            command = ['chown', name, '%s/home/%s' % (containerDir, name)]
            logger.log_call(command, timeout=10)
            etcpasswd = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/passwd')
            etcgroup = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/group')
            if os.path.exists(etcpasswd):
                # create all accounts with gid=1001 - i.e. 'slices' like it is in the root context
                slices_gid = 1001
                    "adding user %(name)s id %(uid)d gid %(slices_gid)d to %(etcpasswd)s"
                    % (locals()))
                    file(etcpasswd, 'a').write(
                        % locals())
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating %s" % etcpasswd)
                    "adding group slices with gid %(slices_gid)d to %(etcgroup)s"
                    % locals())
                         'a').write("slices:x:%(slices_gid)d\n" % locals())
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating %s" % etcgroup)
            sudoers = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/sudoers')
            if os.path.exists(sudoers):
                         'a').write("%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n" % name)
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating /etc/sudoers")

        # customizations for the user environment - root or slice uid
        # we save the whole business in /etc/planetlab.profile
        # and source this file for both root and the slice uid's .profile
        # prompt for slice owner, + LD_PRELOAD for transparently wrap bind
        pl_profile = os.path.join(containerDir, "etc/planetlab.profile")
        ld_preload_text = """# by default, we define this setting so that calls to bind(2),
# when invoked on, get transparently redirected to the public interface of this node
# see https://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/LxcPortForwarding"""
        usrmove_path_text = """# VM's before Features/UsrMove need /bin and /sbin in their PATH"""
        usrmove_path_code = """
pathmunge () {
        if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
           if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
pathmunge /bin after
pathmunge /sbin after
unset pathmunge
        with open(pl_profile, 'w') as f:
            f.write("export PS1='%s@\H \$ '\n" % (name))
            f.write("%s\n" % ld_preload_text)
            f.write("export LD_PRELOAD=/etc/planetlab/lib/bind_public.so\n")
            f.write("%s\n" % usrmove_path_text)
            f.write("%s\n" % usrmove_path_code)

        # make sure this file is sourced from both root's and slice's .profile
        enforced_line = "[ -f /etc/planetlab.profile ] && source /etc/planetlab.profile\n"
        for path in ['root/.profile', 'home/%s/.profile' % name]:
            from_root = os.path.join(containerDir, path)
            # if dir is not yet existing let's forget it for now
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(from_root)): continue
            found = False
                contents = file(from_root).readlines()
                for content in contents:
                    if content == enforced_line: found = True
            except IOError:
            if not found:
                with open(from_root, "a") as user_profile:
                # in case we create the slice's .profile when writing
                if from_root.find("/home") >= 0:
                    command = ['chown', '%s:slices' % name, from_root]
                    logger.log_call(command, timeout=5)

        # Lookup for xid and create template after the user is created so we
        # can get the correct xid based on the name of the slice
        xid = bwlimit.get_xid(name)

        # Template for libvirt sliver configuration
        template_filename_sliceimage = os.path.join(
            Sliver_LXC.REF_IMG_BASE_DIR, 'lxc_template.xml')
        if os.path.isfile(template_filename_sliceimage):
            logger.log("WARNING: using compat template %s" %
            template_filename = template_filename_sliceimage
            logger.log("Cannot find XML template %s" %

        interfaces = Sliver_Libvirt.get_interfaces_xml(rec)

            with open(template_filename) as f:
                template = Template(f.read())
                xml = template.substitute(name=name,
        except IOError:
            logger.log('Failed to parse or use XML template file %s' %

        # Lookup for the sliver before actually
        # defining it, just in case it was already defined.
            dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
            dom = conn.defineXML(xml)
        logger.verbose('lxc_create: %s -> %s' %
                       (name, Sliver_Libvirt.debuginfo(dom)))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def sync(nmdbcopy):
    Syncs tc, db, and bwmon.pickle.
    Then, starts new slices, kills old ones, and updates byte accounts for each running slice.
    Sends emails and caps those that went over their limit.
    # Defaults
    global DB_FILE, \
        period, \
        default_MaxRate, \
        default_Maxi2Rate, \
        default_Share, \

    # All slices
    names = []
    # In case the limits have changed.
    default_MaxRate = int(bwlimit.get_bwcap(dev_default) / 1000)
    default_Maxi2Rate = int(bwlimit.bwmax / 1000)

    # Incase default isn't set yet.
    if default_MaxRate == -1:
        default_MaxRate = 1000000

    # xxx $Id$
    # with svn we used to have a trick to detect upgrades of this file
    # this has gone with the move to git, without any noticeable effect on operations though
        f = open(DB_FILE, "r+")
        logger.verbose("bwmon: Loading %s" % DB_FILE)
        (version, slices, deaddb) = pickle.load(f)
        # Check version of data file
        if version != "$Id$":
            logger.log("bwmon: Not using old version '%s' data file %s" %
                       (version, DB_FILE))
            raise Exception
    except Exception:
        version = "$Id$"
        slices = {}
        deaddb = {}

    # Get/set special slice IDs
    root_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("root")
    default_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("default")

    # Since root is required for sanity, its not in the API/plc database, so pass {}
    # to use defaults.
    if root_xid not in slices.keys():
        slices[root_xid] = Slice(root_xid, "root", {})
        slices[root_xid].reset({}, {})

    # Used by bwlimit.  pass {} since there is no rspec (like above).
    if default_xid not in slices.keys():
        slices[default_xid] = Slice(default_xid, "default", {})
        slices[default_xid].reset({}, {})

    live = {}
    # Get running slivers that should be on this node (from plc). {xid: name}
    # db keys on name, bwmon keys on xid.  db doesnt have xid either.
    for plcSliver in nmdbcopy.keys():
        live[bwlimit.get_xid(plcSliver)] = nmdbcopy[plcSliver]

    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s instantiated slices" %
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s slices in dat file" %

    # Get actual running values from tc.
    # Update slice totals and bandwidth. {xid: {values}}
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s running HTBs" %

    # The dat file has HTBs for slices, but the HTBs aren't running
    nohtbslices = set(slices.keys()) - set(kernelhtbs.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s slices in dat but not running." %
    # Reset tc counts.
    for nohtbslice in nohtbslices:
        if live.has_key(nohtbslice):
            slices[nohtbslice].reset({}, live[nohtbslice]['_rspec'])
            logger.log("bwmon: Removing abondoned slice %s from dat." %
            del slices[nohtbslice]

    # The dat file doesnt have HTB for the slice but kern has HTB
    slicesnodat = set(kernelhtbs.keys()) - set(slices.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s slices with HTBs but not in dat" %
    for slicenodat in slicesnodat:
        # But slice is running
        if live.has_key(slicenodat):
            # init the slice.  which means start accounting over since kernel
            # htb was already there.
            slices[slicenodat] = Slice(slicenodat, live[slicenodat]['name'],

    # Get new slices.
    # Slices in GetSlivers but not running HTBs
    newslicesxids = set(live.keys()) - set(kernelhtbs.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s new slices" % newslicesxids.__len__())

    # Setup new slices
    for newslice in newslicesxids:
        # Delegated slices dont have xids (which are uids) since they haven't been
        # instantiated yet.
        if newslice != None and live[newslice].has_key('_rspec') == True:
            # Check to see if we recently deleted this slice.
            if live[newslice]['name'] not in deaddb.keys():
                logger.log("bwmon: new slice %s||wangyang add1041" %
                # _rspec is the computed rspec:  NM retrieved data from PLC, computed loans
                # and made a dict of computed values.
                slices[newslice] = Slice(newslice, live[newslice]['name'],
                slices[newslice].reset({}, live[newslice]['_rspec'])
            # Double check time for dead slice in deaddb is within 24hr recording period.
            elif (time.time() <=
                  (deaddb[live[newslice]['name']]['slice'].time + period)):
                deadslice = deaddb[live[newslice]['name']]
                logger.log("bwmon: Reinstantiating deleted slice %s" %
                slices[newslice] = deadslice['slice']
                slices[newslice].xid = newslice
                # Start the HTB
                newvals = {
                    "maxrate": deadslice['slice'].MaxRate * 1000,
                    "minrate": deadslice['slice'].MinRate * 1000,
                    "maxexemptrate": deadslice['slice'].Maxi2Rate * 1000,
                    "usedbytes": deadslice['htb']['usedbytes'] * 1000,
                    "usedi2bytes": deadslice['htb']['usedi2bytes'],
                    "share": deadslice['htb']['share']
                slices[newslice].reset(newvals, live[newslice]['_rspec'])
                # Bring up to date
                slices[newslice].update(newvals, live[newslice]['_rspec'])
                # Since the slice has been reinitialed, remove from dead database.
                del deaddb[deadslice['slice'].name]
                del newvals
            logger.log("bwmon: Slice %s doesn't have xid.  Skipping." %

    # Move dead slices that exist in the pickle file, but
    # aren't instantiated by PLC into the dead dict until
    # recording period is over.  This is to avoid the case where a slice is dynamically created
    # and destroyed then recreated to get around byte limits.
    deadxids = set(slices.keys()) - set(live.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s dead slices" % (deadxids.__len__() - 2))
    for deadxid in deadxids:
        if deadxid == root_xid or deadxid == default_xid:
        logger.log("bwmon: removing dead slice %s " % deadxid)
        if slices.has_key(deadxid) and kernelhtbs.has_key(deadxid):
            # add slice (by name) to deaddb
            logger.log("bwmon: Saving bandwidth totals for %s." %
            deaddb[slices[deadxid].name] = {
                'slice': slices[deadxid],
                'htb': kernelhtbs[deadxid]
            del slices[deadxid]
        if kernelhtbs.has_key(deadxid):
            logger.verbose("bwmon: Removing HTB for %s." % deadxid)
            bwlimit.off(deadxid, dev=dev_default)

    # Clean up deaddb
    for deadslice in deaddb.keys():
        if (time.time() >= (deaddb[deadslice]['slice'].time + period)):
            logger.log("bwmon: Removing dead slice %s from dat." \
                        % deaddb[deadslice]['slice'].name)
            del deaddb[deadslice]

    # Get actual running values from tc since we've added and removed buckets.
    # Update slice totals and bandwidth. {xid: {values}}
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    logger.verbose("bwmon: now %s running HTBs" % kernelhtbs.keys().__len__())

    # Update all byte limites on all slices
    for (xid, slice) in slices.iteritems():
        # Monitor only the specified slices
        if xid == root_xid or xid == default_xid: continue
        if names and name not in names:

        if (time.time() >= (slice.time + period)) or \
            (kernelhtbs[xid]['usedbytes'] < slice.bytes) or \
            (kernelhtbs[xid]['usedi2bytes'] < slice.i2bytes):
            # Reset to defaults every 24 hours or if it appears
            # that the byte counters have overflowed (or, more
            # likely, the node was restarted or the HTB buckets
            # were re-initialized).
            slice.reset(kernelhtbs[xid], live[xid]['_rspec'])
        elif ENABLE:
            logger.verbose("bwmon: Updating slice %s" % slice.name)
            # Update byte counts
            slice.update(kernelhtbs[xid], live[xid]['_rspec'])

    logger.verbose("bwmon: Saving %s slices in %s" %
                   (slices.keys().__len__(), DB_FILE))
    f = open(DB_FILE, "w")
    pickle.dump((version, slices, deaddb), f)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def sync(nmdbcopy):
    Syncs tc, db, and bwmon.pickle.
    Then, starts new slices, kills old ones, and updates byte accounts for each running slice.
    Sends emails and caps those that went over their limit.
    # Defaults
    global DB_FILE, \
        period, \
        default_MaxRate, \
        default_Maxi2Rate, \
        default_MaxKByte, \
        default_Maxi2KByte, \
        default_Share, \

    # All slices
    names = []
    # In case the limits have changed.
    default_MaxRate = int(bwlimit.get_bwcap(dev_default) / 1000)
    default_Maxi2Rate = int(bwlimit.bwmax / 1000)

    # Incase default isn't set yet.
    if default_MaxRate == -1:
        default_MaxRate = 1000000

    # xxx $Id$
    # with svn we used to have a trick to detect upgrades of this file
    # this has gone with the move to git, without any noticeable effect on operations though
        f = open(DB_FILE, "r+")
        logger.verbose("bwmon: Loading %s" % DB_FILE)
        (version, slices, deaddb) = pickle.load(f)
        # Check version of data file
        if version != "$Id$":
            logger.log("bwmon: Not using old version '%s' data file %s" % (version, DB_FILE))
            raise Exception
    except Exception:
        version = "$Id$"
        slices = {}
        deaddb = {}

    # Get/set special slice IDs
    root_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("root")
    default_xid = bwlimit.get_xid("default")

    # Since root is required for sanity, its not in the API/plc database, so pass {}
    # to use defaults.
    if root_xid not in list(slices.keys()):
        slices[root_xid] = Slice(root_xid, "root", {})
        slices[root_xid].reset({}, {})

    # Used by bwlimit.  pass {} since there is no rspec (like above).
    if default_xid not in list(slices.keys()):
        slices[default_xid] = Slice(default_xid, "default", {})
        slices[default_xid].reset({}, {})

    live = {}
    # Get running slivers that should be on this node (from plc). {xid: name}
    # db keys on name, bwmon keys on xid.  db doesnt have xid either.
    for plcSliver in list(nmdbcopy.keys()):
        live[bwlimit.get_xid(plcSliver)] = nmdbcopy[plcSliver]

    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s instantiated slices" % list(live.keys()).__len__())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s slices in dat file" % list(slices.values()).__len__())

    # Get actual running values from tc.
    # Update slice totals and bandwidth. {xid: {values}}
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s running HTBs" % list(kernelhtbs.keys()).__len__())

    # The dat file has HTBs for slices, but the HTBs aren't running
    nohtbslices =  set(slices.keys()) - set(kernelhtbs.keys())
    logger.verbose( "bwmon: Found %s slices in dat but not running." % nohtbslices.__len__())
    # Reset tc counts.
    for nohtbslice in nohtbslices:
        if nohtbslice in live:
            slices[nohtbslice].reset( {}, live[nohtbslice]['_rspec'] )
            logger.log("bwmon: Removing abondoned slice %s from dat." % nohtbslice)
            del slices[nohtbslice]

    # The dat file doesnt have HTB for the slice but kern has HTB
    slicesnodat = set(kernelhtbs.keys()) - set(slices.keys())
    logger.verbose( "bwmon: Found %s slices with HTBs but not in dat" % slicesnodat.__len__())
    for slicenodat in slicesnodat:
        # But slice is running
        if slicenodat in live:
            # init the slice.  which means start accounting over since kernel
            # htb was already there.
            slices[slicenodat] = Slice(slicenodat,

    # Get new slices.
    # Slices in GetSlivers but not running HTBs
    newslicesxids = set(live.keys()) - set(kernelhtbs.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s new slices" % newslicesxids.__len__())

    # Setup new slices
    for newslice in newslicesxids:
        # Delegated slices dont have xids (which are uids) since they haven't been
        # instantiated yet.
        if newslice != None and ('_rspec' in live[newslice]) == True:
            # Check to see if we recently deleted this slice.
            if live[newslice]['name'] not in list(deaddb.keys()):
                logger.log( "bwmon: new slice %s" % live[newslice]['name'] )
                # _rspec is the computed rspec:  NM retrieved data from PLC, computed loans
                # and made a dict of computed values.
                slices[newslice] = Slice(newslice, live[newslice]['name'], live[newslice]['_rspec'])
                slices[newslice].reset( {}, live[newslice]['_rspec'] )
            # Double check time for dead slice in deaddb is within 24hr recording period.
            elif (time.time() <= (deaddb[live[newslice]['name']]['slice'].time + period)):
                deadslice = deaddb[live[newslice]['name']]
                logger.log("bwmon: Reinstantiating deleted slice %s" % live[newslice]['name'])
                slices[newslice] = deadslice['slice']
                slices[newslice].xid = newslice
                # Start the HTB
                newvals = {"maxrate": deadslice['slice'].MaxRate * 1000,
                            "minrate": deadslice['slice'].MinRate * 1000,
                            "maxexemptrate": deadslice['slice'].Maxi2Rate * 1000,
                            "usedbytes": deadslice['htb']['usedbytes'] * 1000,
                            "usedi2bytes": deadslice['htb']['usedi2bytes'],
                slices[newslice].reset(newvals, live[newslice]['_rspec'])
                # Bring up to date
                slices[newslice].update(newvals, live[newslice]['_rspec'])
                # Since the slice has been reinitialed, remove from dead database.
                del deaddb[deadslice['slice'].name]
                del newvals
            logger.log("bwmon: Slice %s doesn't have xid.  Skipping." % live[newslice]['name'])

    # Move dead slices that exist in the pickle file, but
    # aren't instantiated by PLC into the dead dict until
    # recording period is over.  This is to avoid the case where a slice is dynamically created
    # and destroyed then recreated to get around byte limits.
    deadxids = set(slices.keys()) - set(live.keys())
    logger.verbose("bwmon: Found %s dead slices" % (deadxids.__len__() - 2))
    for deadxid in deadxids:
        if deadxid == root_xid or deadxid == default_xid:
        logger.log("bwmon: removing dead slice %s " % deadxid)
        if deadxid in slices and deadxid in kernelhtbs:
            # add slice (by name) to deaddb
            logger.log("bwmon: Saving bandwidth totals for %s." % slices[deadxid].name)
            deaddb[slices[deadxid].name] = {'slice': slices[deadxid], 'htb': kernelhtbs[deadxid]}
            del slices[deadxid]
        if deadxid in kernelhtbs:
            logger.verbose("bwmon: Removing HTB for %s." % deadxid)
            bwlimit.off(deadxid, dev = dev_default)

    # Clean up deaddb
    for deadslice in list(deaddb.keys()):
        if (time.time() >= (deaddb[deadslice]['slice'].time + period)):
            logger.log("bwmon: Removing dead slice %s from dat." \
                        % deaddb[deadslice]['slice'].name)
            del deaddb[deadslice]

    # Get actual running values from tc since we've added and removed buckets.
    # Update slice totals and bandwidth. {xid: {values}}
    kernelhtbs = gethtbs(root_xid, default_xid)
    logger.verbose("bwmon: now %s running HTBs" % list(kernelhtbs.keys()).__len__())

    # Update all byte limites on all slices
    for (xid, slice) in slices.items():
        # Monitor only the specified slices
        if xid == root_xid or xid == default_xid: continue
        if names and name not in names:

        if (time.time() >= (slice.time + period)) or \
            (kernelhtbs[xid]['usedbytes'] < slice.bytes) or \
            (kernelhtbs[xid]['usedi2bytes'] < slice.i2bytes):
            # Reset to defaults every 24 hours or if it appears
            # that the byte counters have overflowed (or, more
            # likely, the node was restarted or the HTB buckets
            # were re-initialized).
            slice.reset(kernelhtbs[xid], live[xid]['_rspec'])
        elif ENABLE:
            logger.verbose("bwmon: Updating slice %s" % slice.name)
            # Update byte counts
            slice.update(kernelhtbs[xid], live[xid]['_rspec'])

    logger.verbose("bwmon: Saving %s slices in %s" % (list(slices.keys()).__len__(), DB_FILE))
    f = open(DB_FILE, "w")
    pickle.dump((version, slices, deaddb), f)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def create(name, rec=None):
        Create dirs, copy fs image, lxc_create
        logger.verbose('sliver_lxc: {} create'.format(name))
        conn = Sliver_Libvirt.getConnection(Sliver_LXC.TYPE)

        vref = rec['vref']
        if vref is None:
            vref = "lxc-f24-x86_64"
            logger.log("sliver_libvirt: {}: WARNING - no vref attached, using hard-wired default {}"
                       .format(name, vref))

        # compute guest arch from vref
        # essentially we want x86_64 (default) or i686 here for libvirt
            (x, y, arch) = vref.split('-')
            arch = "x86_64" if arch.find("64") >= 0 else "i686"
            arch = 'x86_64'

        # Get the type of image from vref myplc tags specified as:
        # pldistro = lxc
        # fcdistro = squeeze
        # arch x86_64

        arch = 'x86_64'
        tags = rec['rspec']['tags']
        if 'arch' in tags:
            arch = tags['arch']
            if arch == 'i386':
                arch = 'i686'

        refImgDir    = os.path.join(Sliver_LXC.REF_IMG_BASE_DIR, vref)
        containerDir = os.path.join(Sliver_LXC.CON_BASE_DIR, name)

        # check the template exists -- there's probably a better way..
        if not os.path.isdir(refImgDir):
            logger.log('sliver_lxc: {}: ERROR Could not create sliver - reference image {} not found'
                       .format(name, vref))
            logger.log('sliver_lxc: {}: ERROR Expected reference image in {}'.format(name, refImgDir))

# during some time this fragment had been commented out
# but we're seeing cases where this code might actually be useful, so..
#        this hopefully should be fixed now
#        # in fedora20 we have some difficulty in properly cleaning up /vservers/<slicename>
#        # also note that running e.g. btrfs subvolume create /vservers/.lvref/image /vservers/foo
#        # behaves differently, whether /vservers/foo exists or not:
#        # if /vservers/foo does not exist, it creates /vservers/foo
#        # but if it does exist, then       it creates /vservers/foo/image !!
#        # so we need to check the expected container rootfs does not exist yet
#        # this hopefully could be removed in a future release
        if os.path.exists (containerDir):
            logger.log("sliver_lxc: {}: WARNING cleaning up pre-existing {}".format(name, containerDir))
            command = ['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'delete', containerDir]
            logger.log_call(command, BTRFS_TIMEOUT)
            # re-check
            if os.path.exists (containerDir):
                logger.log('sliver_lxc: {}: ERROR Could not create sliver - could not clean up empty {}'
                           .format(name, containerDir))

        # Snapshot the reference image fs
        # this assumes the reference image is in its own subvolume
        command = ['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', refImgDir, containerDir]
        if not logger.log_call(command, timeout=BTRFS_TIMEOUT):
            logger.log('sliver_lxc: ERROR Could not create BTRFS snapshot at {}'
        command = ['chmod', '755', containerDir]

        # TODO: set quotas...

        # Set hostname. A valid hostname cannot have '_'
        #with open(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/hostname'), 'w') as f:
        #    print >>f, name.replace('_', '-')

        # Add slices group if not already present
            group = grp.getgrnam('slices')
            command = ['/usr/sbin/groupadd', 'slices']

        # Add unix account (TYPE is specified in the subclass)
        command = ['/usr/sbin/useradd', '-g', 'slices', '-s', Sliver_LXC.SHELL, name, '-p', '*']
        command = ['mkdir', '/home/{}/.ssh'.format(name)]

        # Create PK pair keys to connect from the host to the guest without
        # password... maybe remove the need for authentication inside the
        # guest?
        command = ['su', '-s', '/bin/bash', '-c',
                   'ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/{}/.ssh/id_rsa'.format(name)]

        command = ['chown', '-R', '{}:slices'.format(name), '/home/{}/.ssh'.format(name)]

        command = ['mkdir', '{}/root/.ssh'.format(containerDir)]

        command = ['cp', '/home/{}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub'.format(name),

        logger.log("creating /etc/slicename file in {}".format(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicename')))
            with open(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicename'), 'w') as f:
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicename")

            with open(os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/slicefamily'), 'w') as f:
            logger.log_exc("exception while creating /etc/slicefamily")

        uid = None
            uid = getpwnam(name).pw_uid
        except KeyError:
            # keyerror will happen if user id was not created successfully
            logger.log_exc("exception while getting user id")

        if uid is not None:
            logger.log("uid is {}".format(uid))
            command = ['mkdir', '{}/home/{}'.format(containerDir, name)]
            command = ['chown', name, '{}/home/{}'.format(containerDir, name)]
            etcpasswd = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/passwd')
            etcgroup = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/group')
            if os.path.exists(etcpasswd):
                # create all accounts with gid=1001 - i.e. 'slices' like it is in the root context
                slices_gid = 1001
                logger.log("adding user {name} id {uid} gid {slices_gid} to {etcpasswd}"
                    with open(etcpasswd, 'a') as passwdfile:
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating {}".format(etcpasswd))
                logger.log("adding group slices with gid {slices_gid} to {etcgroup}"
                    with open(etcgroup, 'a') as groupfile:
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating {}".format(etcgroup))
            sudoers = os.path.join(containerDir, 'etc/sudoers')
            if os.path.exists(sudoers):
                    with open(sudoers, 'a') as f:
                        f.write("{} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL\n".format(name))
                    logger.log_exc("exception while updating /etc/sudoers")

        # customizations for the user environment - root or slice uid
        # we save the whole business in /etc/planetlab.profile
        # and source this file for both root and the slice uid's .profile
        # prompt for slice owner, + LD_PRELOAD for transparently wrap bind
        pl_profile = os.path.join(containerDir, "etc/planetlab.profile")
        ld_preload_text = """# by default, we define this setting so that calls to bind(2),
# when invoked on, get transparently redirected to the public interface of this node
# see https://svn.planet-lab.org/wiki/LxcPortForwarding"""
        usrmove_path_text = """# VM's before Features/UsrMove need /bin and /sbin in their PATH"""
        usrmove_path_code = """
pathmunge () {
        if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
           if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
pathmunge /bin after
pathmunge /sbin after
unset pathmunge
        with open(pl_profile, 'w') as f:
            f.write("export PS1='{}@\H \$ '\n".format(name))
            f.write("if [ -e /etc/planetlab/lib/bind_public.so ] ; then   # Only preload bind_public if it exists.\n")
            f.write("   export LD_PRELOAD=/etc/planetlab/lib/bind_public.so\n")

        # make sure this file is sourced from both root's and slice's .profile
        enforced_line = "[ -f /etc/planetlab.profile ] && source /etc/planetlab.profile\n"
        for path in [ 'root/.profile', 'home/{}/.profile'.format(name) ]:
            from_root = os.path.join(containerDir, path)
            # if dir is not yet existing let's forget it for now
            if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(from_root)): continue
            found = False
                with open(from_root) as f:
                    contents = f.readlines()
                    for content in contents:
                        if content == enforced_line:
                            found = True
            except IOError:
            if not found:
                with open(from_root, "a") as user_profile:
                # in case we create the slice's .profile when writing
                if from_root.find("/home") >= 0:
                    command = ['chown', '{}:slices'.format(name), from_root]

        # Lookup for xid and create template after the user is created so we
        # can get the correct xid based on the name of the slice
        xid = bwlimit.get_xid(name)

        # Template for libvirt sliver configuration
        template_filename_sliceimage = os.path.join(Sliver_LXC.REF_IMG_BASE_DIR, 'lxc_template.xml')
        if os.path.isfile(template_filename_sliceimage):
            logger.verbose("Using XML template {}".format(template_filename_sliceimage))
            template_filename = template_filename_sliceimage
            logger.log("Cannot find XML template {}".format(template_filename_sliceimage))

        interfaces = Sliver_Libvirt.get_interfaces_xml(rec)

            with open(template_filename) as f:
                template = Template(f.read())
                xml  = template.substitute(name=name, xid=xid, interfaces=interfaces, arch=arch)
        except IOError:
            logger.log('Failed to parse or use XML template file {}'.format(template_filename))

        # Lookup for the sliver before actually
        # defining it, just in case it was already defined.
            dom = conn.lookupByName(name)
            dom = conn.defineXML(xml)
        logger.verbose('lxc_create: {} -> {}'.format(name, Sliver_Libvirt.dom_details(dom)))