Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_asarray(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)
    a = numpy.asarray(real)
    assert a is real.value

    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f4')
    real = RealField(pm)
    a = numpy.asarray(real)
    assert a is real.value

    real = RealField(pm)
    a = numpy.array(real, copy=False)
    assert a is real.value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def read(self, real):
        import bigfile
        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("Reading from Nmesh = %d to Nmesh = %d" %
                             (self.Nmesh, real.Nmesh[0]))

        if any(real.Nmesh != self.Nmesh):
            pmread = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=real.BoxSize,
                                  Nmesh=(self.Nmesh, self.Nmesh, self.Nmesh),
            pmread = real.pm

        f = bigfile.BigFileMPI(self.comm, self.path)

        with f[self.dataset] as ds:
            if self.isfourier:
                if self.comm.rank == 0:
                    self.logger.info("reading complex field")
                complex2 = ComplexField(pmread)
                assert self.comm.allreduce(complex2.size) == ds.size
                start = sum(
                end = start + complex2.size
                if self.comm.rank == 0:
                    self.logger.info("reading real field")
                real2 = RealField(pmread)
                start = sum(self.comm.allgather(real2.size)[:self.comm.rank])
                end = start + real2.size
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def to_real_field(self):
        Return the RealField stored on disk.

        .. note::
            The mesh stored on disk must be stored with ``mode=real``

        real : pmesh.pm.RealField
            an array-like object holding the mesh loaded from disk in
            configuration space
        if self.isfourier:
            return NotImplemented

        # the real field to paint to
        pmread = self.pm

        with BigFileMPI(comm=self.comm,
                        filename=self.path)[self.dataset] as ds:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("reading real field from %s" % self.path)
            real2 = RealField(pmread)
            start = sum(self.comm.allgather(real2.size)[:self.comm.rank])
            end = start + real2.size

        return real2
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_inplace_fft(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        Npar = 100
        Npar = 0

    pos = 1.0 * (numpy.arange(Npar * len(pm.Nmesh))).reshape(
        -1, len(pm.Nmesh)) * (7, 7)
    pos %= (pm.Nmesh + 1)
    layout = pm.decompose(pos)

    npos = layout.exchange(pos)

    real = pm.paint(npos)
    complex = real.r2c()
    complex2 = real.r2c(out=Ellipsis)

    assert real._base in complex2._base

    real = complex2.c2r()
    real2 = complex2.c2r(out=Ellipsis)
    assert real2._base in complex2._base
    assert_almost_equal(numpy.asarray(real), numpy.asarray(real2), decimal=7)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_cmean(comm):
    # this tests cmean (collective mean) along with resampling preseves it.

    pm1 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    pm2 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')

    complex1 = ComplexField(pm1)
    complex2 = ComplexField(pm2)
    real2 = RealField(pm2)
    real1 = RealField(pm1)
    for i, kk, slab in zip(complex1.slabs.i, complex1.slabs.x, complex1.slabs):
        slab[...] = sum([k**2 for k in kk])**0.5

    assert_almost_equal(real1.cmean(), real2.cmean())
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_c2r_vjp(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')

    real = pm.generate_whitenoise(1234, mode='real')
    comp = real.r2c()

    def objective(comp):
        real = comp.c2r()
        obj = (real.value ** 2).sum()
        return comm.allreduce(obj)

    grad_real = RealField(pm)
    grad_real[...] = real[...] * 2
    grad_comp = ComplexField(pm)
    grad_comp = grad_real.c2r_vjp(grad_real)

    ng = []
    ag = []
    ind = []
    dx = 1e-7
    for ind1 in numpy.ndindex(*(list(grad_comp.cshape) + [2])):
        dx1, c1 = perturb(comp, ind1, dx)
        ng1 = (objective(c1) - objective(comp)) / dx
        ag1 = grad_comp.cgetitem(ind1) * dx1 / dx

    assert_allclose(ng, ag, rtol=1e-5)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def run(self):
        Run the algorithm, which computes and returns the grid in C_CONTIGUOUS order partitioned by ranks.
        from nbodykit import measurestats

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info('importing done')
            self.logger.info('Resolution Nmesh : %d' % self.paintNmesh)
            self.logger.info('paintbrush : %s' % self.painter.paintbrush)

        # setup the particle mesh object, taking BoxSize from the painters
        pmpaint = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=self.datasource.BoxSize, Nmesh=[self.paintNmesh] * 3, dtype='f4', comm=self.comm)
        pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=self.datasource.BoxSize, Nmesh=[self.Nmesh] * 3, dtype='f4', comm=self.comm)

        real, stats = self.painter.paint(pmpaint, self.datasource)

        if self.writeFourier:
            result = ComplexField(pm)
            result = RealField(pm)

        # reuses the memory
        result = result.ravel()

        # return all the necessary results
        return result, stats
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_real_apply(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)

    def filter(x, v):
        return x[0] * 10 + x[1]

    real.apply(filter, out=Ellipsis)

    for i, x, slab in zip(real.slabs.i, real.slabs.x, real.slabs):
        assert_array_equal(slab, x[0] * 10 + x[1])
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_wrong_ndim(comm):


    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    rfield = RealField(pm)
    data = numpy.random.random(size=rfield.shape)
    rfield[...] = data[:]

    # SlabIterator only works for 2D or 3D coordinate meshes
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
        for slab in SlabIterator([rfield.x[0]], axis=0, symmetry_axis=None):
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_real_iter(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)

    for i, x, slab in zip(real.slabs.i, real.slabs.x, real.slabs):
        assert_same_base(slab, real.value)

                            sum(x[d]**2 for d in range(len(pm.Nmesh))).shape)
        for a, b in zip(slab.x, x):
            assert_array_equal(a, b)
        for a, b in zip(slab.i, i):
            assert_array_equal(a, b)
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def paint(self, pm, datasource):
        Paint the ``DataSource`` specified by ``input`` onto the 
        ``ParticleMesh`` specified by ``pm``
        pm : ``ParticleMesh``
            particle mesh object that does the painting
        datasource : ``DataSource``
            the data source object representing the field to paint onto the mesh
        stats : dict
            dictionary of statistics, usually only containing `Ntot`
        real = RealField(pm)
        real[:] = 0

        stats = {}
        Nlocal = 0

        # open the datasource stream (with no defaults)
        with datasource.open() as stream:

            # just paint density as usual
            if self.moment == 0:
                for [position] in stream.read(['Position']):
                    self.basepaint(real, position, paintbrush=self.paintbrush)
                    Nlocal += len(position)
            # paint density-weighted velocity moments
                for position, velocity in stream.read(['Position',
                        weight=velocity[:, self._comp_index]**self.moment,
                    Nlocal += len(position)

        # total N
        stats['Ntot'] = self.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)

        # normalize config-space velocity field by mean number density
        # this is (Nmesh**3 / V) / (Ntot / V)
        norm = pm.Nmesh.prod() / (stats['Ntot'])
        real[:] *= norm

        return real, stats
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_wrong_coords_shape(comm):


    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    rfield = RealField(pm)
    data = numpy.random.random(size=rfield.shape)
    rfield[...] = data[:]

    # coords arrays should not be squeezed
    x = [numpy.squeeze(xx) for xx in rfield.x]

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        for slab in SlabIterator(x, axis=0, symmetry_axis=None):
Ejemplo n.º 13
def test_2d_slab(comm):


    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    rfield = RealField(pm)
    data = numpy.random.random(size=rfield.shape)
    rfield[...] = data[:]

    x = rfield.x
    for i, slab in enumerate(SlabIterator(x, axis=0, symmetry_axis=None)):
        assert slab.__str__() == slab.__repr__()
        assert slab.shape == (8, )
        assert_array_equal(slab.hermitian_weights, numpy.ones(slab.shape))
        assert_array_equal(rfield[slab.index], data[i])
Ejemplo n.º 14
def test_readout(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)
    real.value[...] = 1.0
    pos = numpy.ones((1, 2))
    out = numpy.empty((1), dtype='f8')
    real.readout(pos, out=out)

    pos = numpy.ones((1, 2), dtype='f4')
    out = numpy.empty((1), dtype='f8')
    real.readout(pos, out=out)

    pos = numpy.ones((1, 2), dtype='f4')
    out = numpy.empty((1), dtype='f4')
    real.readout(pos, out=out)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_fupsample(comm):
    pm1 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    pm2 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')

    truth = numpy.fft.rfftn(numpy.random.normal(size=(8, 8)))

    complex1 = ComplexField(pm1)
    for ind in numpy.ndindex(*complex1.cshape):
        complex1.csetitem(ind, truth[ind])
        if any(i == 4 for i in ind):
            complex1.csetitem(ind, 0)
            complex1.csetitem(ind, truth[ind])

        if any(i >= 2 and i < 7 for i in ind):
            complex1.csetitem(ind, 0)

    assert_almost_equal(complex1[...], complex1.c2r().r2c())
    complex2 = ComplexField(pm2)
    for ind in numpy.ndindex(*complex2.cshape):
        newind = tuple([i if i <= 2 else 8 - (4 - i) for i in ind])
        if any(i == 2 for i in ind):
            complex2.csetitem(ind, 0)
            complex2.csetitem(ind, truth[newind])

    tmpr = RealField(pm1)
    tmp = ComplexField(pm1)


    assert_almost_equal(complex1[...], tmp[...], decimal=5)


    assert_almost_equal(complex1[...], tmp[...], decimal=5)


    assert_almost_equal(tmpr.r2c(), tmp[...])


    assert_almost_equal(tmpr.r2c(), tmp[...])
Ejemplo n.º 16
def test_sort(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 6], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)
    truth = numpy.arange(8 * 6)
    real[...] = truth.reshape(8, 6)[real.slices]
    unsorted = real.copy()
    conjecture = numpy.concatenate(comm.allgather(real.value.ravel()))
    assert_array_equal(conjecture, truth)

    assert_array_equal(real, unsorted)

    complex = ComplexField(pm)
    truth = numpy.arange(8 * 4)
    complex[...] = truth.reshape(8, 4)[complex.slices]
    conjecture = numpy.concatenate(comm.allgather(complex.value.ravel()))
    assert_array_equal(conjecture, truth)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def paint(self, pm, datasource):
        Paint the ``DataSource`` specified by ``input`` onto the 
        ``ParticleMesh`` specified by ``pm``

        pm : ``ParticleMesh``
            particle mesh object that does the painting
        datasource : ``DataSource``
            the data source object representing the field to paint onto the mesh

        stats : dict
            dictionary of statistics, usually only containing `Ntot`
        stats = {}
        real = RealField(pm)

        real[:] = 0

        if isinstance(datasource, DataSource):
            # open the datasource stream (with no defaults)
            if self.interlaced:
                real2 = RealField(pm)
                real2[...] = 0

            with datasource.open() as stream:

                Nlocal = 0
                if self.weight is None:
                    for [position] in stream.read(['Position']):
                        if not self.interlaced:
                        Nlocal += len(position)
                    for position, weight in stream.read(
                        ['Position', self.weight]):
                        if not self.interlaced:
                        Nlocal += len(position)

            if self.interlaced:
                c1 = real.r2c()
                c2 = real2.r2c()

                H = pm.BoxSize / pm.Nmesh
                for k, s1, s2 in zip(c1.slabs.x, c1.slabs, c2.slabs):
                    kH = sum(k[i] * H[i] for i in range(3))
                    s1[...] = s1[...] * 0.5 + s2[...] * 0.5 * numpy.exp(
                        0.5 * 1j * kH)


            stats['Ntot'] = self.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)
        elif isinstance(datasource, GridSource):
            stats['Ntot'] = datasource.Ntot

        # apply the filters.

        mean = self.comm.allreduce(real.sum(dtype='f8')) / real.Nmesh.prod()

        if self.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("Mean = %g" % mean)

        if self.normalize:
            real[...] *= 1. / mean
            mean = self.comm.allreduce(
                real.sum(dtype='f8')) / real.Nmesh.prod()
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("Renormalized mean = %g" % mean)

        if self.setMean is not None:
            real[...] += (self.setMean - mean)

        if self.fk:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("applying transformation fk %s" % self.fk)

            def function(k, kx, ky, kz):
                from numpy import exp, sin, cos
                return eval(self.fk)

            complex = real.r2c()
            for kk, slab in zip(complex.slabs.x, complex.slabs):
                k = sum([k**2 for k in kk])**0.5
                slab[...] *= function(k, kk[0], kk[1], kk[2])
            mean = self.comm.allreduce(
                real.sum(dtype='f8')) / real.Nmesh.prod()
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("after fk, mean = %g" % mean)
        if self.frho:
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("applying transformation frho %s" % self.frho)

            def function(rho):
                return eval(self.frho)

            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("example value before frho %g" % real.flat[0])
            for slab in real.slabs:
                slab[...] = function(slab)
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("example value after frho %g" % real.flat[0])
            mean = self.comm.allreduce(
                real.sum(dtype='f8')) / real.Nmesh.prod()
            if self.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("after frho, mean = %g" % mean)

        return real, stats
Ejemplo n.º 18
def test_cgetitem(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    for i in numpy.ndindex((4, 4)):
        complex = RealField(pm)
        complex[...] = 0
        v2 = complex.csetitem(i, 100.)
        v1 = complex.cgetitem(i)
        assert v2 == 100.
        assert_array_equal(v1, v2)

    for i in numpy.ndindex((4, 3)):
        complex = ComplexField(pm)
        complex[...] = 0
        v2 = complex.csetitem(i, 100. + 10j)
        v1 = complex.cgetitem(i)
        if i == (0, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 100.
        elif i == (0, 2):
            assert v2 == 100.
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 100.
        elif i == (2, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 100.
        elif i == (1, 0):
            assert v2 == 100 + 10j
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 200.
        elif i == (3, 0):
            assert v2 == 100 + 10j
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 200.
        elif i == (3, 2):
            assert v2 == 100 + 10j
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 200.
        elif i == (1, 2):
            assert v2 == 100 + 10j
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 200.
        elif i == (2, 2):
            assert v2 == 100.
            assert comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()) == 100.
            assert v2 == 100. + 10j
            assert_array_equal(comm.allreduce(complex.value.sum()), 100. + 10j)
        assert_array_equal(v1, v2)

    for i in numpy.ndindex((4, 3, 2)):
        complex = ComplexField(pm)
        complex[...] = 0
        v2 = complex.csetitem(i, 100.)
        v1 = complex.cgetitem(i)
        if i == (0, 0, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
        if i == (0, 0, 1):
            assert v2 == 0.
        elif i == (0, 2, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
        elif i == (0, 2, 1):
            assert v2 == 0.
        elif i == (2, 0, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
        elif i == (2, 0, 1):
            assert v2 == 0.
        elif i == (2, 2, 0):
            assert v2 == 100.
        elif i == (2, 2, 1):
            assert v2 == 0.
            assert v2 == 100.
        assert_array_equal(v1, v2)
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def paint(self, pm, paintbrush='cic'):
        Paint the FKP weighted density field: ``data - alpha*randoms`` using
        the input `ParticleMesh`
        The are two different weights that enter into the painting procedure:
            1.  **completeness weights**: these weight each number density 
                field for data and randoms seperately
            2.  **FKP weights**: these weight the total FKP density field, i.e., 
                they weight ``data - alpha*randoms``
        pm : ParticleMesh
            the particle mesh instance to paint the density field to
        stats : dict
            a dictionary of FKP statistics, including total number, normalization,
            and shot noise parameters (see equations 13-15 of Beutler et al. 2013)
        from pmesh.pm import RealField

        if self.closed:
            raise ValueError("'paint' operation on a closed FKPCatalog")

        # setup
        columns = ['Position', 'Nbar', 'FKPWeight', 'Weight']
        stats = {}
        A_ran = A_data = 0.
        S_ran = S_data = 0.
        N_ran = N_data = 0.
        W_ran = W_data = 0.

        # clear the density mesh
        real = RealField(pm)
        real[:] = 0

        # alpha determined from completeness weights
        alpha = self.alpha

        # paint -1.0*alpha*N_randoms
        for [position, nbar, fkp_weight,
             comp_weight] in self.read('randoms', columns):

            # total weight each galaxy gets is the product of FKP
            # weight and completeness weight
            weight = fkp_weight * comp_weight

            A_ran += (nbar * comp_weight * fkp_weight**2).sum()
            N_ran += len(position)
            S_ran += (weight**2).sum()
            W_ran += comp_weight.sum()

        # randoms get -alpha factor
        real[:] *= -alpha

        A_ran = self.comm.allreduce(A_ran)
        N_ran = self.comm.allreduce(N_ran)
        S_ran = self.comm.allreduce(S_ran)
        W_ran = self.comm.allreduce(W_ran)

        # paint the data
        for [position, nbar, fkp_weight,
             comp_weight] in self.read('data', columns):

            # total weight each galaxy gets is the product of FKP
            # weight and completeness weight
            weight = fkp_weight * comp_weight

            A_data += (nbar * comp_weight * fkp_weight**2).sum()
            N_data += len(position)
            S_data += (weight**2).sum()
            W_data += comp_weight.sum()

        A_data = self.comm.allreduce(A_data)
        N_data = self.comm.allreduce(N_data)
        S_data = self.comm.allreduce(S_data)
        W_data = self.comm.allreduce(W_data)

        # store the stats (see equations 13-15 of Beutler et al 2013)
        # see equations 13-15 of Beutler et al 2013
        stats['W_data'] = W_data
        stats['W_ran'] = W_ran
        stats['N_data'] = N_data
        stats['N_ran'] = N_ran
        stats['A_data'] = A_data
        stats['A_ran'] = A_ran
        stats['S_data'] = S_data
        stats['S_ran'] = S_ran
        stats['alpha'] = alpha

        stats['A_ran'] *= alpha
        stats['S_ran'] *= alpha**2
        stats['shot_noise'] = (stats['S_ran'] + stats['S_data']) / stats[
            'A_ran']  # the final shot noise estimate for monopole

        # go from number to number density
        real[:] *= numpy.product(pm.Nmesh / pm.BoxSize)

        return real, stats
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def to_real_field(self, out=None, normalize=True):
        Paint the density field, by interpolating the position column
        on to the mesh.

        This computes the following meta-data attributes in the process of
        painting, returned in the :attr:`attrs` attributes of the returned
        RealField object:

        - N : int
            the (unweighted) total number of objects painted to the mesh
        - W : float
            the weighted number of total objects, equal to the collective
            sum of the 'weight' column
        - shotnoise : float
            the Poisson shot noise, equal to the volume divided by ``N``
        - num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell

        .. note::

            The density field on the mesh is normalized as :math:`1+\delta`,
            such that the collective mean of the field is unity.

        See the :ref:`documentation <painting-mesh>` on painting for more
        details on painting catalogs to a mesh.

        real : :class:`pmesh.pm.RealField`
            the painted real field; this has a ``attrs`` dict storing meta-data
        # check for 'Position' column
        if self.position not in self.source:
            msg = "in order to paint a CatalogSource to a RealField, add a "
            msg += "column named '%s', representing the particle positions" % self.position
            raise ValueError(msg)

        pm = self.pm
        Nlocal = 0  # (unweighted) number of particles read on local rank
        Wlocal = 0  # (weighted) number of particles read on local rank

        # the paint brush window
        paintbrush = window.methods[self.window]

        # initialize the RealField to return
        if out is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                out, RealField), "output of to_real_field must be a RealField"
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out.pm.Nmesh, pm.Nmesh)
            toret = out
            toret = RealField(pm)
            toret[:] = 0

        # for interlacing, we need two empty meshes if out was provided
        # since out may have non-zero elements, messing up our interlacing sum
        if self.interlaced:

            real1 = RealField(pm)
            real1[:] = 0

            # the second, shifted mesh (always needed)
            real2 = RealField(pm)
            real2[:] = 0

        # read the necessary data (as dask arrays)
        columns = [self.position, self.weight, self.value, self.selection]

        Position, Weight, Value, Selection = self.source.read(columns)

        # ensure the slices are synced, since decomposition is collective
        Nlocalmax = max(pm.comm.allgather(len(Position)))

        # paint data in chunks on each rank;
        # we do this by chunk 8 million is pretty big anyways.
        chunksize = _global_options['paint_chunk_size']
        for i in range(0, Nlocalmax, chunksize):
            s = slice(i, i + chunksize)

            if len(Position) != 0:

                # selection has to be computed many times when data is `large`.
                sel = self.source.compute(Selection[s])

                # be sure to use the source to compute
                position, weight, value = \
                    self.source.compute(Position[s], Weight[s], Value[s])

                # FIXME: investigate if move selection before compute
                # speeds up IO.
                position = position[sel]
                weight = weight[sel]
                value = value[sel]
                # workaround a potential dask issue on empty dask arrays
                position = numpy.empty((0, 3), dtype=Position.dtype)
                weight = None
                value = None
                selection = None

            if weight is None:
                weight = numpy.ones(len(position))

            if value is None:
                value = numpy.ones(len(position))

            # track total (selected) number and sum of weights
            Nlocal += len(position)
            Wlocal += weight.sum()

            # no interlacing
            if not self.interlaced:
                lay = pm.decompose(position,
                                   smoothing=0.5 * paintbrush.support)
                p = lay.exchange(position)
                w = lay.exchange(weight)
                v = lay.exchange(value)
                         mass=w * v,

            # interlacing: use 2 meshes separated by 1/2 cell size
                lay = pm.decompose(position,
                                   smoothing=1.0 * paintbrush.support)
                p = lay.exchange(position)
                w = lay.exchange(weight)
                v = lay.exchange(value)

                H = pm.BoxSize / pm.Nmesh

                # in mesh units
                shifted = pm.affine.shift(0.5)

                # paint to two shifted meshes
                         mass=w * v,
                         mass=w * v,

            Nglobal = pm.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)

            if pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("painted %d out of %d objects to mesh" %
                                 (Nglobal, self.source.csize))

        # now the loop over particles is done

        if not self.interlaced:
            # nothing to do, toret is already filled.
            # compose the two interlaced fields into the final result.
            c1 = real1.r2c()
            c2 = real2.r2c()

            # and then combine
            for k, s1, s2 in zip(c1.slabs.x, c1.slabs, c2.slabs):
                kH = sum(k[i] * H[i] for i in range(3))
                s1[...] = s1[...] * 0.5 + s2[...] * 0.5 * numpy.exp(
                    0.5 * 1j * kH)

            # FFT back to real-space
            # NOTE: cannot use "toret" here in case user supplied "out"

            # need to add to the returned mesh if user supplied "out"
            toret[:] += real1[:]

        # unweighted number of objects
        N = pm.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)

        # weighted number of objects
        W = pm.comm.allreduce(Wlocal)

        # weighted number density (objs/cell)
        nbar = 1. * W / numpy.prod(pm.Nmesh)

        # make sure we painted something or nbar is nan; in which case
        # we set the density to uniform everywhere.
        if N == 0:
            warnings.warn(("trying to paint particle source to mesh, "
                           "but no particles were found!"), RuntimeWarning)

        # shot noise is volume / un-weighted number
        shotnoise = numpy.prod(pm.BoxSize) / N

        # save some meta-data
        toret.attrs = {}
        toret.attrs['shotnoise'] = shotnoise
        toret.attrs['N'] = N
        toret.attrs['W'] = W
        toret.attrs['num_per_cell'] = nbar

        csum = toret.csum()
        if pm.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("painted %d out of %d objects to mesh" %
                             (N, self.source.csize))
            self.logger.info("mean particles per cell is %g", nbar)
            self.logger.info("sum is %g ", csum)
            self.logger.info("normalized the convention to 1 + delta")

        if normalize:
            if nbar > 0:
                toret[...] /= nbar
                toret[...] = 1

        return toret
Ejemplo n.º 21
def test_shape_real(comm):
    pm = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    real = RealField(pm)
    assert (tuple(real.cshape) == (8, 8))
Ejemplo n.º 22
def main():
    ns = ap.parse_args()
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    ff = bigfile.BigFileMPI(comm, ns.fastpm)
    with ff['.'] as bb:
        BoxSize = bb.attrs['BoxSize'][0]
        Redshift = 1 / bb.attrs['ScalingFactor'][0] - 1

    Nmesh = int(BoxSize / ns.resolution * 2)
    # round it to 8.
    Nmesh -= Nmesh % 8

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("source = %s", ns.fastpm)
        logger.info("output = %s", ns.output)
        logger.info("BoxSize = %g", BoxSize)
        logger.info("Redshift = %g", Redshift)
        logger.info("Nmesh = %g", Nmesh)

    pm = ParticleMesh([Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh], BoxSize, comm=comm)

    real = RealField(pm)
    real[...] = 0

    with ff['Position'] as ds:
        for i in range(0, ds.size, ns.chunksize):
            sl = slice(i, i + ns.chunksize)
            pos = ds[sl]
            layout = pm.decompose(pos)
            lpos = layout.exchange(pos)
            real.paint(lpos, hold=True)

    mean = real.cmean()

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("mean particle per cell = %s", mean)

    real[...] /= mean
    real[...] -= 1

    complex = real.r2c()

    for k, i, slab in zip(complex.slabs.x, complex.slabs.i, complex.slabs):
        k2 = sum(kd**2 for kd in k)
        # tophat
        f = tophat(ns.filtersize, k2**0.5)
        slab[...] *= f
        # zreion
        slab[...] *= Bk(k2**0.5)
        slab[...] *= (1 + Redshift)

    real = complex.c2r()
    real[...] += Redshift

    mean = real.cmean()
    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("zreion.mean = %s", mean)

    buffer = numpy.empty(real.size, real.dtype)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("sorted for output")

    with bigfile.BigFileMPI(comm, ns.output, create=True) as ff:
        with ff.create_from_array(ns.dataset, buffer) as bb:
            bb.attrs['BoxSize'] = BoxSize
            bb.attrs['Redshift'] = Redshift
            bb.attrs['TopHatFilterSize'] = ns.filtersize
            bb.attrs['Nmesh'] = Nmesh
        # hack: compatible with current MPGadget. This is not really needed
        # we'll remove the bins later, since BoxSize and Nmesh are known.
        with ff.create("XYZ_bins", dtype='f8', size=Nmesh) as bb:
            if comm.rank == 0:
                bins = numpy.linspace(0, BoxSize * 1000., Nmesh, dtype='f8')
                bb.write(0, bins)

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("done. written at %s", ns.output)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def to_real_field(self, out=None, normalize=True):
        Paint the density field, by interpolating the position column
        on to the mesh.

        This computes the following meta-data attributes in the process of
        painting, returned in the :attr:`attrs` attributes of the returned
        RealField object:

        - N : int
            the (unweighted) total number of objects painted to the mesh
        - W : float
            the weighted number of total objects, equal to the collective
            sum of the 'weight' column
        - shotnoise : float
            the Poisson shot noise, equal to the volume divided by ``N``
        - num_per_cell : float
            the mean number of weighted objects per cell

        .. note::

            The density field on the mesh is normalized as :math:`1+\delta`,
            such that the collective mean of the field is unity.

        See the :ref:`documentation <painting-mesh>` on painting for more
        details on painting catalogs to a mesh.

        real : :class:`pmesh.pm.RealField`
            the painted real field; this has a ``attrs`` dict storing meta-data

        pm = self.pm
        Nlocal = 0  # (unweighted) number of particles read on local rank
        Wlocal = 0  # (weighted) number of particles read on local rank
        W2local = 0  # sum of weight square. This is used to estimate shotnoise.

        # the paint brush window
        resampler = window.methods[self.resampler]

        # initialize the RealField to return
        if out is not None:
            assert isinstance(
                out, RealField), "output of to_real_field must be a RealField"
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(out.pm.Nmesh, pm.Nmesh)
            toret = out
            toret = RealField(pm)
            toret[:] = 0

        # for interlacing, we need two empty meshes if out was provided
        # since out may have non-zero elements, messing up our interlacing sum
        if self.interlaced:

            real1 = RealField(pm)
            real1[:] = 0

            # the second, shifted mesh (always needed)
            real2 = RealField(pm)
            real2[:] = 0

        Position = self.Position
        Weight = self.Weight
        Value = self.Value
        Selection = self.Selection

        # ensure the slices are synced, since decomposition is collective
        Nlocalmax = max(pm.comm.allgather(len(Position)))

        H = pm.BoxSize / pm.Nmesh

        # paint data in chunks on each rank;
        # we do this by chunk 8 million is pretty big anyways.
        max_chunksize = _global_options['paint_chunk_size']

        # use a local scope to avoid having two copies of data in memory
        def dochunk(s):
            if len(Position) != 0:

                # selection has to be computed many times when data is `large`.

                columns = [Position[s]]
                if Weight is not None:
                if Value is not None:
                if Selection is not None:

                # be sure to use the source to compute
                data = self.source.compute(columns)

                sel = Ellipsis if Selection is None else data.pop()
                value = None if Value is None else data.pop()[sel]
                weight = None if Weight is None else data.pop()[sel]
                position = data.pop()[sel]

                # workaround a potential dask issue on empty dask arrays
                position = numpy.empty((0, 3), dtype=Position.dtype)
                weight = None
                value = None

            if weight is None:
                weight = numpy.ones(len(position))

            if value is None:
                value = numpy.ones(len(position))

            # track total (selected) number and sum of weights
            Nlocal = len(position)
            Wlocal = weight.sum()
            W2local = (weight**2).sum()

            # no interlacing
            if not self.interlaced:
                lay = pm.decompose(position, smoothing=0.5 * resampler.support)
                lay = pm.decompose(position, smoothing=1.0 * resampler.support)

            # if we are receiving too many particles, abort and retry with a smaller chunksize
            recvlengths = pm.comm.allgather(lay.recvlength)
            if any(
                [recvlength > 2 * max_chunksize
                 for recvlength in recvlengths]):
                if pm.comm.rank == 0:
                        "Throttling chunksize as some ranks will receive too many particles. (%d > %d)"
                        % (max(recvlengths), max_chunksize * 2))
                raise StopIteration

            p = lay.exchange(position)
            w = lay.exchange(weight)
            v = lay.exchange(value)

            if not self.interlaced:
                         mass=w * v,

            # interlacing: use 2 meshes separated by 1/2 cell size
                # in mesh units
                shifted = pm.affine.shift(0.5)

                # paint to two shifted meshes
                         mass=w * v,
                         mass=w * v,

            return Nlocal, Wlocal, W2local

        import gc
        i = 0
        chunksize = max_chunksize
        while i < Nlocalmax:

            s = slice(i, i + chunksize)

            if pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("Chunk %d ~ %d / %d " %
                                 (i, i + chunksize, Nlocalmax))

                Nlocal1, Wlocal1, W2local1 = dochunk(s)
            except StopIteration:
                chunksize = chunksize // 2
                if chunksize < 1:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "Cannot find a chunksize that fits into memory.")
                # collect unfreed items

            Nlocal += Nlocal1
            Wlocal += Wlocal1
            W2local += W2local1

            Nglobal = pm.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)

            if pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("painted %d out of %d objects to mesh" %
                                 (Nglobal, self.source.csize))

            i = i + chunksize
            chunksize = min(max_chunksize, int(chunksize * 1.5))

        # now the loop over particles is done

        if not self.interlaced:
            # nothing to do, toret is already filled.
            # compose the two interlaced fields into the final result.
            c1 = real1.r2c()
            c2 = real2.r2c()

            # and then combine
            for k, s1, s2 in zip(c1.slabs.x, c1.slabs, c2.slabs):
                kH = sum(k[i] * H[i] for i in range(3))
                s1[...] = s1[...] * 0.5 + s2[...] * 0.5 * numpy.exp(
                    0.5 * 1j * kH)

            # FFT back to real-space
            # NOTE: cannot use "toret" here in case user supplied "out"

            # need to add to the returned mesh if user supplied "out"
            toret[:] += real1[:]

        # unweighted number of objects
        N = pm.comm.allreduce(Nlocal)

        # weighted number of objects
        W = pm.comm.allreduce(Wlocal)

        # weighted number of objects
        W2 = pm.comm.allreduce(W2local)

        # weighted number density (objs/cell)
        nbar = 1. * W / numpy.prod(pm.Nmesh)

        # make sure we painted something or nbar is nan; in which case
        # we set the density to uniform everywhere.
        if N == 0:
            warnings.warn(("trying to paint particle source to mesh, "
                           "but no particles were found!"), RuntimeWarning)

        # shot noise is volume / un-weighted number
        shotnoise = numpy.prod(pm.BoxSize) * W2 / W**2

        # save some meta-data
        toret.attrs = {}
        toret.attrs['shotnoise'] = shotnoise
        toret.attrs['N'] = N
        toret.attrs['W'] = W
        toret.attrs['W2'] = W
        toret.attrs['num_per_cell'] = nbar

        csum = toret.csum()
        if pm.comm.rank == 0:
            self.logger.info("painted %d out of %d objects to mesh" %
                             (N, self.source.csize))
            self.logger.info("mean particles per cell is %g", nbar)
            self.logger.info("sum is %g ", csum)

        if normalize:
            if nbar > 0:
                toret[...] /= nbar
                toret[...] = 1

            if pm.comm.rank == 0:
                self.logger.info("normalized the convention to 1 + delta")

        return toret