Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_cmean(comm):
    # this tests cmean (collective mean) along with resampling preseves it.

    pm1 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    pm2 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')

    complex1 = ComplexField(pm1)
    complex2 = ComplexField(pm2)
    real2 = RealField(pm2)
    real1 = RealField(pm1)
    for i, kk, slab in zip(complex1.slabs.i, complex1.slabs.x, complex1.slabs):
        slab[...] = sum([k**2 for k in kk])**0.5

    assert_almost_equal(real1.cmean(), real2.cmean())
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_cmean(comm):
    # this tests cmean (collective mean) along with resampling preseves it.

    pm1 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[8, 8], comm=comm, dtype='f8')
    pm2 = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=8.0, Nmesh=[4, 4], comm=comm, dtype='f8')

    complex1 = ComplexField(pm1)
    complex2 = ComplexField(pm2)
    real2 = RealField(pm2)
    real1 = RealField(pm1)
    for i, kk, slab in zip(complex1.slabs.i, complex1.slabs.x, complex1.slabs):
        slab[...] = sum([k**2 for k in kk]) **0.5

    assert_almost_equal(real1.cmean(), real2.cmean())
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    ns = ap.parse_args()
    comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD

    ff = bigfile.BigFileMPI(comm, ns.fastpm)
    with ff['.'] as bb:
        BoxSize = bb.attrs['BoxSize'][0]
        Redshift = 1 / bb.attrs['ScalingFactor'][0] - 1

    Nmesh = int(BoxSize / ns.resolution * 2)
    # round it to 8.
    Nmesh -= Nmesh % 8

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("source = %s", ns.fastpm)
        logger.info("output = %s", ns.output)
        logger.info("BoxSize = %g", BoxSize)
        logger.info("Redshift = %g", Redshift)
        logger.info("Nmesh = %g", Nmesh)

    pm = ParticleMesh([Nmesh, Nmesh, Nmesh], BoxSize, comm=comm)

    real = RealField(pm)
    real[...] = 0

    with ff['Position'] as ds:
        for i in range(0, ds.size, ns.chunksize):
            sl = slice(i, i + ns.chunksize)
            pos = ds[sl]
            layout = pm.decompose(pos)
            lpos = layout.exchange(pos)
            real.paint(lpos, hold=True)

    mean = real.cmean()

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("mean particle per cell = %s", mean)

    real[...] /= mean
    real[...] -= 1

    complex = real.r2c()

    for k, i, slab in zip(complex.slabs.x, complex.slabs.i, complex.slabs):
        k2 = sum(kd**2 for kd in k)
        # tophat
        f = tophat(ns.filtersize, k2**0.5)
        slab[...] *= f
        # zreion
        slab[...] *= Bk(k2**0.5)
        slab[...] *= (1 + Redshift)

    real = complex.c2r()
    real[...] += Redshift

    mean = real.cmean()
    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("zreion.mean = %s", mean)

    buffer = numpy.empty(real.size, real.dtype)
    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("sorted for output")

    with bigfile.BigFileMPI(comm, ns.output, create=True) as ff:
        with ff.create_from_array(ns.dataset, buffer) as bb:
            bb.attrs['BoxSize'] = BoxSize
            bb.attrs['Redshift'] = Redshift
            bb.attrs['TopHatFilterSize'] = ns.filtersize
            bb.attrs['Nmesh'] = Nmesh
        # hack: compatible with current MPGadget. This is not really needed
        # we'll remove the bins later, since BoxSize and Nmesh are known.
        with ff.create("XYZ_bins", dtype='f8', size=Nmesh) as bb:
            if comm.rank == 0:
                bins = numpy.linspace(0, BoxSize * 1000., Nmesh, dtype='f8')
                bb.write(0, bins)

    if comm.rank == 0:
        logger.info("done. written at %s", ns.output)