Ejemplo n.º 1
 def validate(converter, val):
     if val is not None:
         if isinstance(val, str): pass
         elif isinstance(val, unicode): val = val.encode(converter.encoding)
         else: throw(TypeError, 'Value type for attribute %s must be str in encoding %r. Got: %r'
                               % (converter.attr, converter.encoding, type(val)))
     return BasestringConverter.validate(converter, val)
 def validate(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, timedelta): pass
     elif isinstance(val, basestring): val = str2timedelta(val)
     else: throw(TypeError, "Attribute %r: expected type is 'timedelta'. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, val))
     mcs = converter.round_microseconds_to_precision(val.microseconds, converter.precision)
     if mcs is not None: val = timedelta(val.days, val.seconds, mcs)
     return val
 def validate(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, datetime): pass
     elif isinstance(val, basestring): val = str2datetime(val)
     else: throw(TypeError, "Attribute %r: expected type is 'datetime'. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, val))
     mcs = converter.round_microseconds_to_precision(val.microsecond, converter.precision)
     if mcs is not None: val = val.replace(microsecond=mcs)
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def _get_create_sql(index, inside_table):
     schema = index.schema
     case = schema.case
     quote_name = schema.provider.quote_name
     cmd = []
     append = cmd.append
     if not inside_table:
         if index.is_pk: throw(DBSchemaError,
             'Primary key index cannot be defined outside of table definition')
         if index.is_unique: append(case('UNIQUE'))
         # if schema.provider.index_if_not_exists_syntax:
         #     append(case('IF NOT EXISTS'))
         if index.name:
         if index.is_pk: append(case('PRIMARY KEY'))
         elif index.is_unique: append(case('UNIQUE'))
         else: append(case('INDEX'))
     return ' '.join(cmd)
 def decompile(decompiler):
     code = decompiler.code
     co_code = code.co_code
     free = code.co_cellvars + code.co_freevars
         while decompiler.pos < decompiler.end:
             i = decompiler.pos
             if i in decompiler.targets: decompiler.process_target(i)
             op = ord(code.co_code[i])
             i += 1
             if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
                 oparg = ord(co_code[i]) + ord(co_code[i+1])*256
                 i += 2
                 if op == EXTENDED_ARG:
                     op = ord(code.co_code[i])
                     i += 1
                     oparg = ord(co_code[i]) + ord(co_code[i+1])*256 + oparg*65536
                     i += 2
                 if op in hasconst: arg = [code.co_consts[oparg]]
                 elif op in hasname: arg = [code.co_names[oparg]]
                 elif op in hasjrel: arg = [i + oparg]
                 elif op in haslocal: arg = [code.co_varnames[oparg]]
                 elif op in hascompare: arg = [cmp_op[oparg]]
                 elif op in hasfree: arg = [free[oparg]]
                 else: arg = [oparg]
             else: arg = []
             opname = opnames[op].replace('+', '_')
             # print(opname, arg, decompiler.stack)
             method = getattr(decompiler, opname, None)
             if method is None: throw(NotImplementedError('Unsupported operation: %s' % opname))
             decompiler.pos = i
             x = method(*arg)
             if x is not None: decompiler.stack.append(x)
     except AstGenerated: pass
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(converter, py_type, attr=None):
     converter.py_type = py_type
     converter.attr = attr
     if attr is None: return
     kwargs = attr.kwargs.copy()
     for option in kwargs: throw(TypeError, 'Attribute %s has unknown option %r' % (attr, option))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def validate(converter, val):
     max_len = converter.max_len
     val_len = len(val)
     if max_len and val_len > max_len:
         throw(ValueError, 'Value for attribute %s is too long. Max length is %d, value length is %d'
                          % (converter.attr, max_len, val_len))
     return val
    def process_target(decompiler, pos, partial=False):
        if pos is None: limit = None
        elif partial: limit = decompiler.targets.get(pos, None)
        else: limit = decompiler.targets.pop(pos, None)
        top = decompiler.stack.pop()
        while True:
            top = simplify(top)
            if top is limit: break
            if isinstance(top, ast.GenExprFor): break

            top2 = decompiler.stack[-1]
            if isinstance(top2, ast.GenExprFor): break
            if partial and hasattr(top2, 'endpos') and top2.endpos == pos: break

            if isinstance(top2, (ast.And, ast.Or)):
                if top2.__class__ == top.__class__: top2.nodes.extend(top.nodes)
                else: top2.nodes.append(top)
            elif isinstance(top2, ast.IfExp):  # Python 2.5
                top2.else_ = top
                if hasattr(top, 'endpos'):
                    top2.endpos = top.endpos
                    if decompiler.targets.get(top.endpos) is top: decompiler.targets[top.endpos] = top2
            else: throw(NotImplementedError('Expression is too complex to decompile, try to pass query as string, e.g. select("x for x in Something")'))
            top2.endpos = max(top2.endpos, getattr(top, 'endpos', 0))
            top = decompiler.stack.pop()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(builder, provider, ast):
     builder.provider = provider
     builder.quote_name = provider.quote_name
     builder.paramstyle = paramstyle = provider.paramstyle
     builder.ast = ast
     builder.indent = 0
     builder.keys = {}
     builder.inner_join_syntax = options.INNER_JOIN_SYNTAX
     builder.result = flat(builder(ast))
     builder.sql = u''.join(map(unicode, builder.result)).rstrip('\n')
     if paramstyle in ('qmark', 'format'):
         params = tuple(x for x in builder.result if isinstance(x, Param))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle == 'numeric':
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(builder.keys.itervalues(), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return tuple(convert(values, params))
     elif paramstyle in ('named', 'pyformat'):
         params = tuple(param for param in sorted(builder.keys.itervalues(), key=attrgetter('id')))
         def adapter(values):
             return dict(('p%d' % param.id, value) for param, value in zip(params, convert(values, params)))
     else: throw(NotImplementedError, paramstyle)
     builder.params = params
     builder.layout = tuple(param.key for param in params)
     builder.adapter = adapter
def get_normalized_type_of(value):
    t = type(value)
    if t is tuple:
        return tuple(get_normalized_type_of(item) for item in value)
        hash(value)  # without this, cannot do tests like 'if value in special_fucntions...'
    except TypeError:
        throw(TypeError, "Unsupported type %r" % t.__name__)
    if t.__name__ == "EntityMeta":
        return SetType(value)
    if t.__name__ == "EntityIter":
        return SetType(value.entity)
    if PY2 and isinstance(value, str):
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            return unicode
    elif isinstance(value, unicode):
        return unicode
    if t in function_types:
        return FuncType(value)
    if t is types.MethodType:
        return MethodType(value)
    return normalize_type(t)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def validate(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, float):
         s = str(val)
         if float(s) != val: s = repr(val)
         val = Decimal(s)
     try: val = Decimal(val)
     except InvalidOperation, exc:
         throw(TypeError, 'Invalid value for attribute %s: %r' % (converter.attr, val))
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __unicode__(param):
     paramstyle = param.style
     if paramstyle == 'qmark': return u'?'
     elif paramstyle == 'format': return u'%s'
     elif paramstyle == 'numeric': return u':%d' % param.id
     elif paramstyle == 'named': return u':p%d' % param.id
     elif paramstyle == 'pyformat': return u'%%(p%d)s' % param.id
     else: throw(NotImplementedError)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def fk_exists(provider, connection, table_name, fk_name):
     owner_name, table_name = provider.split_table_name(table_name)
     if not isinstance(fk_name, basestring): throw(NotImplementedError)
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute("SELECT 1 FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'R' "
                    'AND table_name = :tn AND constraint_name = :cn AND owner = :o',
                    dict(tn=table_name, cn=fk_name, o=owner_name))
     return cursor.fetchone() is not None
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def index_exists(provider, connection, table_name, index_name):
     owner_name, table_name = provider.split_table_name(table_name)
     if not isinstance(index_name, basestring): throw(NotImplementedError)
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute('SELECT 1 FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = :o '
                    'AND index_name = :i AND table_owner = :o AND table_name = :t',
                    dict(o=owner_name, i=index_name, t=table_name))
     return cursor.fetchone() is not None
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def _put_object(bag, obj):
     entity = obj.__class__
     if bag.database.entities.get(entity.__name__) is not entity: throw(TypeError,
         'Entity %s does not belong to database %r' % (entity.__name__, bag.database))
     cache = bag.session_cache
     if cache is None: cache = bag.session_cache = obj._session_cache_
     elif obj._session_cache_ is not cache: throw(TransactionError,
         'An attempt to mix objects belonging to different transactions')
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def connect(pool):
     con = pool.con
     if con is not None: return con
     filename = pool.filename
     if not pool.create_db and not os.path.exists(filename):
         throw(IOError, "Database file is not found: %r" % filename)
     pool.con = con = sqlite.connect(filename)
     return con
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def __init__(constraint, name, schema):
     if name is not None:
         assert name not in schema.names
         if name in schema.constraints: throw(DBSchemaError,
             "Constraint with name %r already exists" % name)
         schema.names[name] = constraint
         schema.constraints[name] = constraint
     constraint.schema = schema
     constraint.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def put(bag, x):
     if isinstance(x, Entity):
         try: x = list(x)
         except: throw(TypeError, 'Entity instance or a sequence of instances expected. Got: %r' % x)
         for item in x:
             if not isinstance(item, Entity): throw(TypeError,
                 'Entity instance or a sequence of instances expected. Got: %r' % item)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def validate(self, val, *args, **kwargs):
     val = super().validate(val, *args, **kwargs)
     if val not in self.__choices.values():
             'Choice {} is not valid. Valid choices are {}.'.format(
                 val, self.__choices.values(),
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def split_table_name(provider, table_name):
     if isinstance(table_name, basestring): return provider.default_schema_name, table_name
     if not table_name: throw(TypeError, 'Invalid table name: %r' % table_name)
     if len(table_name) != 2:
         size = len(table_name)
         throw(TypeError, '%s qualified table name must have two components: '
                          '%s and table_name. Got %d component%s: %s'
                          % (provider.dialect, provider.name_before_table,
                             size, 's' if size != 1 else '', table_name))
     return table_name[0], table_name[1]
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def init(converter, kwargs):
     Converter.init(converter, kwargs)
     min_val = kwargs.pop('min', None)
     if min_val is not None and not isinstance(min_val, (int, long)):
         throw(TypeError, "'min' argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, min_val))
     max_val = kwargs.pop('max', None)
     if max_val is not None and not isinstance(max_val, (int, long)):
         throw(TypeError, "'max' argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, max_val))
     converter.min_val = min_val
     converter.max_val = max_val
 def validate(converter, val):
     if PY2 and isinstance(val, str): val = val.decode('ascii')
     elif not isinstance(val, unicode): throw(TypeError,
         'Value type for attribute %s must be %s. Got: %r' % (converter.attr, unicode.__name__, type(val)))
     max_len = converter.max_len
     val_len = len(val)
     if max_len and val_len > max_len:
         throw(ValueError, 'Value for attribute %s is too long. Max length is %d, value length is %d'
                          % (converter.attr, max_len, val_len))
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def sql2py(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, timedelta):
         total_seconds = val.days * (24 * 60 * 60) + val.seconds
         if 0 <= total_seconds <= 24 * 60 * 60:
             minutes, seconds = divmod(total_seconds, 60)
             hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
             return time(hours, minutes, seconds, val.microseconds)
     elif not isinstance(val, time): throw(ValueError,
         'Value of unexpected type received from database%s: instead of time or timedelta got %s'
         % ('for attribute %s' % converter.attr if converter.attr else '', type(val)))
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def validate(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, UUID): return val
     if isinstance(val, buffer): return UUID(bytes=val)
     if isinstance(val, basestring):
         if len(val) == 16: return UUID(bytes=val)
         return UUID(hex=val)
     if isinstance(val, int): return UUID(int=val)
     if converter.attr is not None:
         throw(ValueError, 'Value type of attribute %s must be UUID. Got: %r'
                            % (converter.attr, type(val)))
     else: throw(ValueError, 'Expected UUID value, got: %r' % type(val))
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def index_exists(provider, connection, table_name, index_name, case_sensitive=True):
     owner_name, table_name = provider.split_table_name(table_name)
     if not isinstance(index_name, basestring): throw(NotImplementedError)
     if case_sensitive: sql = 'SELECT index_name FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = :o ' \
                              'AND index_name = :i AND table_owner = :o AND table_name = :t'
     else: sql = 'SELECT index_name FROM all_indexes WHERE owner = :o ' \
                 'AND upper(index_name) = upper(:i) AND table_owner = :o AND table_name = :t'
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute(sql, dict(o=owner_name, i=index_name, t=table_name))
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     return row[0] if row is not None else None
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def __init__(column, name, table, sql_type, is_not_null=None):
     if name in table.column_dict:
         throw(DBSchemaError, "Column %r already exists in table %r" % (name, table.name))
     table.column_dict[name] = column
     column.table = table
     column.name = name
     column.sql_type = sql_type
     column.is_not_null = is_not_null
     column.is_pk = False
     column.is_pk_part = False
     column.is_unique = False
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def validate(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, datetime): pass
     elif isinstance(val, basestring): val = str2datetime(val)
     else: throw(TypeError, "Attribute %r: expected type is 'datetime'. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, val))
     p = converter.precision
     if not p: val = val.replace(microsecond=0)
     elif p == 6: pass
         rounding = 10 ** (6-p)
         microsecond = (val.microsecond // rounding) * rounding
         val = val.replace(microsecond=microsecond)
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def fk_exists(provider, connection, table_name, fk_name, case_sensitive=True):
     owner_name, table_name = provider.split_table_name(table_name)
     if not isinstance(fk_name, basestring): throw(NotImplementedError)
     if case_sensitive:
         sql = "SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'R' " \
               'AND table_name = :tn AND constraint_name = :cn AND owner = :o'
     else: sql = "SELECT constraint_name FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'R' " \
                 'AND table_name = :tn AND upper(constraint_name) = upper(:cn) AND owner = :o'
     cursor = connection.cursor()
     cursor.execute(sql, dict(tn=table_name, cn=fk_name, o=owner_name))
     row = cursor.fetchone()
     return row[0] if row is not None else None
Ejemplo n.º 29
def to_dict(objects):
    if isinstance(objects, Entity): objects = [ objects ]
    objects = iter(objects)
    try: first_object = next(objects)
    except StopIteration: return {}
    if not isinstance(first_object, Entity): throw(TypeError,
        'Entity instance or a sequence of instances expected. Got: %r' % first_object)
    database = first_object._database_
    bag = Bag(database)
    return dict(bag.to_dict())
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def init(converter, kwargs):
     attr = converter.attr
     if not attr.args: max_len = None
     elif len(attr.args) > 1: unexpected_args(attr, attr.args[1:])
     else: max_len = attr.args[0]
     if issubclass(attr.py_type, (LongStr, LongUnicode)):
         if max_len is not None: throw(TypeError, 'Max length is not supported for CLOBs')
     elif max_len is None: max_len = 200
     elif not isinstance(max_len, (int, long)):
         throw(TypeError, 'Max length argument must be int. Got: %r' % max_len)
     converter.max_len = max_len
     converter.db_encoding = kwargs.pop('db_encoding', None)
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def validate(converter, val, obj=None):
     if isinstance(val, buffer): return val
     if isinstance(val, str): return buffer(val)
     throw(TypeError, "Attribute %r: expected type is 'buffer'. Got: %r" % (converter.attr, type(val)))
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def init(converter, kwargs):
        attr = converter.attr
        args = attr.args
        if len(args) > 2: throw(TypeError, 'Too many positional parameters for Decimal '
                                           '(expected: precision and scale), got: %s' % args)
        if args: precision = args[0]
        else: precision = kwargs.pop('precision', 12)
        if not isinstance(precision, int_types):
            throw(TypeError, "'precision' positional argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (attr, precision))
        if precision <= 0: throw(TypeError,
            "'precision' positional argument for attribute %s must be positive. Got: %r" % (attr, precision))

        if len(args) == 2: scale = args[1]
        else: scale = kwargs.pop('scale', 2)
        if not isinstance(scale, int_types):
            throw(TypeError, "'scale' positional argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (attr, scale))
        if scale <= 0: throw(TypeError,
            "'scale' positional argument for attribute %s must be positive. Got: %r" % (attr, scale))

        if scale > precision: throw(ValueError, "'scale' must be less or equal 'precision'")
        converter.precision = precision
        converter.scale = scale
        converter.exp = Decimal(10) ** -scale

        min_val = kwargs.pop('min', None)
        if min_val is not None:
            try: min_val = Decimal(min_val)
            except TypeError: throw(TypeError,
                "Invalid value for 'min' argument for attribute %s: %r" % (attr, min_val))

        max_val = kwargs.pop('max', None)
        if max_val is not None:
            try: max_val = Decimal(max_val)
            except TypeError: throw(TypeError,
                "Invalid value for 'max' argument for attribute %s: %r" % (attr, max_val))

        converter.min_val = min_val
        converter.max_val = max_val
Ejemplo n.º 33
 def JSON_VALUE(builder, expr, path, type):
Ejemplo n.º 34
 def ARRAY_LENGTH(builder, array):
Ejemplo n.º 35
 def ARRAY_SLICE(builder, array, start, stop):
Ejemplo n.º 36
 def RETURN_VALUE(decompiler):
     if decompiler.pos != decompiler.end: throw(NotImplementedError)
     expr = decompiler.stack.pop()
     raise AstGenerated()
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def setdefault(kwargs, key, value):
     kwargs_value = kwargs.setdefault(key, value)
     if value is not None and value != kwargs_value:
         throw(ValueError, 'Ambiguous value for ' + key)
Ejemplo n.º 38
    def __init__(foreign_key, name, child_table, child_columns, parent_table,
                 parent_columns, index_name):
        schema = parent_table.schema
        if schema is not child_table.schema:
                'Parent and child tables of foreign_key cannot belong to different schemata'
        for column in parent_columns:
            if column.table is not parent_table:
                    DBSchemaError, 'Column %r does not belong to table %r' %
                    (column.name, parent_table.name))
        for column in child_columns:
            if column.table is not child_table:
                    DBSchemaError, 'Column %r does not belong to table %r' %
                    (column.name, child_table.name))
        if len(parent_columns) != len(child_columns):
            throw(DBSchemaError, 'Foreign key columns count do not match')
        if child_columns in child_table.foreign_keys:
            if len(child_columns) == 1:
                    'Foreign key for column %r already defined' %
                    'Foreign key for columns (%s) already defined' %
                    ', '.join(repr(column.name) for column in child_columns))
        if name is not None and name in schema.names:
                'Foreign key %s cannot be created, name is already in use' %
        Constraint.__init__(foreign_key, name, schema)
        child_table.foreign_keys[child_columns] = foreign_key
        if child_table is not parent_table:
        foreign_key.parent_table = parent_table
        foreign_key.parent_columns = parent_columns
        foreign_key.child_table = child_table
        foreign_key.child_columns = child_columns

        if index_name is not False:
            child_columns_len = len(child_columns)
            if all(columns[:child_columns_len] != child_columns
                   for columns in child_table.indexes):
Ejemplo n.º 39
 def __init__(index, name, table, columns, is_pk=False, is_unique=None):
     assert len(columns) > 0
     for column in columns:
         if column.table is not table:
                 "Column %r does not belong to table %r and cannot be part of its index"
                 % (column.name, table.name))
     if columns in table.indexes:
         if len(columns) == 1:
                   "Index for column %r already exists" % columns[0].name)
                 DBSchemaError, "Index for columns (%s) already exists" %
                 ', '.join(repr(column.name) for column in columns))
     if is_pk:
         if table.pk_index is not None:
                 'Primary key for table %r is already defined' % table.name)
         table.pk_index = index
         if is_unique is None: is_unique = True
         elif not is_unique:
                 "Incompatible combination of is_unique=False and is_pk=True"
     elif is_unique is None:
         is_unique = False
     schema = table.schema
     if name is not None and name in schema.names:
               'Index %s cannot be created, name is already in use' % name)
     Constraint.__init__(index, name, schema)
     for column in columns:
         column.is_pk = column.is_pk or (len(columns) == 1 and is_pk)
         column.is_pk_part = column.is_pk_part or bool(is_pk)
         column.is_unique = column.is_unique or (is_unique
                                                 and len(columns) == 1)
     table.indexes[columns] = index
     index.table = table
     index.columns = columns
     index.is_pk = is_pk
     index.is_unique = is_unique
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(builder, value):
Ejemplo n.º 41
 def JSON_CONTAINS(builder, expr, path, key):
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def JSON_CONCAT(builder, left, right):
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def postAssName(translator, node):
     if node.flags != 'OP_ASSIGN': throw(TypeError)
     name = node.name
     if name.startswith('__'):
         throw(TranslationError, 'Illegal name: %r' % name)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def sql2py(converter, val):
     if isinstance(val, datetime): return val.date()
     if not isinstance(val, date): throw(ValueError,
         'Value of unexpected type received from database: instead of date got %s', type(val))
     return val
Ejemplo n.º 45
 def STORE_FAST(decompiler, varname):
     if varname.startswith('_['):
         throw(InvalidQuery('Use generator expression (... for ... in ...) '
                            'instead of list comprehension [... for ... in ...] inside query'))
     decompiler.store(ast.AssName(varname, 'OP_ASSIGN'))
Ejemplo n.º 46
 def ARRAY_SUBSET(builder, array1, not_in, array2):
Ejemplo n.º 47
 def init(self, kwargs):
     dbapiprovider.IntConverter.init(self, kwargs)
     sequence_name = kwargs.pop('sequence_name', None)
     if sequence_name is not None and not (self.attr.auto and self.attr.is_pk):
         throw(TypeError, "Parameter 'sequence_name' can be used only for PrimaryKey attributes with auto=True")
Ejemplo n.º 48
 def LIST_APPEND(decompiler):
Ejemplo n.º 49
 def MAKE_ARRAY(builder, *items):
Ejemplo n.º 50
 def NOT_IN(builder, expr1, x):
     if not x: throw(AstError, 'Empty IN clause')
     if len(x) >= 1 and x[0] == 'SELECT':
         return builder(expr1), ' NOT IN ', builder(x)
     expr_list = [builder(expr) for expr in x]
     return builder(expr1), ' NOT IN (', join(', ', expr_list), ')'
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def LIST_APPEND(decompiler, offset=None):
     throw(InvalidQuery('Use generator expression (... for ... in ...) '
                        'instead of list comprehension [... for ... in ...] inside query'))
Ejemplo n.º 52
 def default_post(translator, node):
     throw(NotImplementedError, node)
Ejemplo n.º 53
 def __init__(converter, provider, py_type, attr=None):
     if attr is not None: throw(TypeError, 'Attribute %s has invalid type NoneType' % attr)
     Converter.__init__(converter, provider, py_type)
Ejemplo n.º 54
 def JSON_QUERY(builder, expr, path):
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def init(converter, kwargs):
        Converter.init(converter, kwargs)
        attr = converter.attr

        min_val = kwargs.pop('min', None)
        if min_val is not None and not isinstance(min_val, int_types):
            throw(TypeError, "'min' argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (attr, min_val))

        max_val = kwargs.pop('max', None)
        if max_val is not None and not isinstance(max_val, int_types):
            throw(TypeError, "'max' argument for attribute %s must be int. Got: %r" % (attr, max_val))

        size = kwargs.pop('size', None)
        if size is None:
            if attr.py_type.__name__ == 'long':
                deprecated(9, "Attribute %s: 'long' attribute type is deprecated. "
                              "Please use 'int' type with size=64 option instead" % attr)
                attr.py_type = int
                size = 64
        elif attr.py_type.__name__ == 'long': throw(TypeError,
            "Attribute %s: 'size' option cannot be used with long type. Please use int type instead" % attr)
        elif not isinstance(size, int_types):
            throw(TypeError, "'size' option for attribute %s must be of int type. Got: %r" % (attr, size))
        elif size not in (8, 16, 24, 32, 64):
            throw(TypeError, "incorrect value of 'size' option for attribute %s. "
                             "Should be 8, 16, 24, 32 or 64. Got: %d" % (attr, size))

        unsigned = kwargs.pop('unsigned', False)
        if unsigned is not None and not isinstance(unsigned, bool):
            throw(TypeError, "'unsigned' option for attribute %s must be of bool type. Got: %r" % (attr, unsigned))

        if size == 64 and unsigned and not converter.provider.uint64_support: throw(TypeError,
            'Attribute %s: %s provider does not support unsigned bigint type' % (attr, converter.provider.dialect))

        if unsigned is not None and size is None: size = 32
        lowest = highest = None
        if size:
            highest = highest = 2 ** size - 1 if unsigned else 2 ** (size - 1) - 1
            lowest = 0 if unsigned else -(2 ** (size - 1))

        if highest is not None and max_val is not None and max_val > highest:
            throw(ValueError, "'max' argument should be less or equal to %d because of size=%d and unsigned=%s. "
                              "Got: %d" % (highest, size, max_val, unsigned))

        if lowest is not None and min_val is not None and min_val < lowest:
            throw(ValueError, "'min' argument should be greater or equal to %d because of size=%d and unsigned=%s. "
                              "Got: %d" % (lowest, size, min_val, unsigned))

        converter.min_val = min_val or lowest
        converter.max_val = max_val or highest
        converter.size = size
        converter.unsigned = unsigned
Ejemplo n.º 56
 def RETURN_VALUE(decompiler):
     if decompiler.next_pos != decompiler.end: throw(DecompileError)
     expr = decompiler.stack.pop()
     return simplify(expr)
Ejemplo n.º 57
 def ARRAY_CONTAINS(builder, key, not_in, col):
Ejemplo n.º 58
 def fk_exists(provider, connection, table_name, fk_name, case_sensitive=True):
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def JSON_NONZERO(builder, expr):
Ejemplo n.º 60
 def JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(builder, value):
           'Oracle does not provide `length` function for JSON arrays')