Ejemplo n.º 1
def run(algOrName, parameters, onFinish=None, feedback=None, context=None, is_child_algorithm=False):
    Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary object.

    :param algOrName: Either an instance of an algorithm, or an algorithm's ID
    :param parameters: Algorithm parameters dictionary
    :param onFinish: optional function to run after the algorithm has completed
    :param feedback: Processing feedback object
    :param context: Processing context object
    :param is_child_algorithm: Set to True if this algorithm is being run as part of a larger algorithm,
    i.e. it is a sub-part of an algorithm which calls other Processing algorithms.

    :returns algorithm results as a dictionary, or None if execution failed
    :rtype: Union[dict, None]
    if onFinish or not is_child_algorithm:
        return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, parameters, onFinish, feedback, context)
        # for child algorithms, we disable to default post-processing step where layer ownership
        # is transferred from the context to the caller. In this case, we NEED the ownership to remain
        # with the context, so that further steps in the algorithm have guaranteed access to the layer.
        def post_process(_alg, _context, _feedback):

        return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, parameters, onFinish=post_process, feedback=feedback, context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def runAndLoadResults(algOrName, parameters, feedback=None, context=None):
    Executes given algorithm and load its results into the current QGIS project
    when possible.

    :param algOrName: Either an instance of an algorithm, or an algorithm's ID
    :param parameters: Algorithm parameters dictionary
    :param feedback: Processing feedback object
    :param context: Processing context object

    :returns algorithm results as a dictionary, or None if execution failed
    :rtype: Union[dict, None]
    if isinstance(algOrName, QgsProcessingAlgorithm):
        alg = algOrName
        alg = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().createAlgorithmById(algOrName)

    # output destination parameters to point to current project
    for param in alg.parameterDefinitions():
        if not param.name() in parameters:

        if isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination,
            p = parameters[param.name()]
            if not isinstance(p, QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
                parameters[param.name()] = QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition(p, QgsProject.instance())
                p.destinationProject = QgsProject.instance()
                parameters[param.name()] = p

    return Processing.runAlgorithm(alg, parameters=parameters, onFinish=handleAlgorithmResults, feedback=feedback,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run(algOrName, *args, **kwargs):
    """Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary
    alg = Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, None, *args, **kwargs)
    if alg is not None:
        return alg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def execute(self):
        # Run alg with params
        # TODO: get args
        args = {}
        for k in self._inputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            args[v.identifier] = v.getValue()
        # Adds None for output parameter(s)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            args[v.identifier] = None

        from processing import runalg
        alg = Processing.runAlgorithm(self.alg, None, args)
        if alg is not None:
            result = alg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
            for k in self._outputs:
                v = getattr(self, k)
                args[v.identifier] = result.get(k, None)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def runAndLoadResults(algOrName, parameters, feedback=None, context=None):
    Executes given algorithm and load its results into the current QGIS project
    when possible.

    :param algOrName: Either an instance of an algorithm, or an algorithm's ID
    :param parameters: Algorithm parameters dictionary
    :param feedback: Processing feedback object
    :param context: Processing context object

    :returns algorithm results as a dictionary, or None if execution failed
    :rtype: Union[dict, None]
    if isinstance(algOrName, QgsProcessingAlgorithm):
        alg = algOrName
        alg = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().createAlgorithmById(

    # output destination parameters to point to current project
    for param in alg.parameterDefinitions():
        if not param.name() in parameters:

        if isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink,
            p = parameters[param.name()]
            if not isinstance(p, QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
                parameters[param.name()] = QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition(
                    p, QgsProject.instance())
                p.destinationProject = QgsProject.instance()
                parameters[param.name()] = p

    return Processing.runAlgorithm(alg,
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_layer_algorithm(outputdir, data):
    """ Copy layer 
    alg = _find_algorithm('pyqgiswps_test:testcopylayer')

    inputs  = { p.name(): [parse_input_definition(p)] for p in  alg.parameterDefinitions() }
    outputs = { p.name(): parse_output_definition(p) for p in  alg.outputDefinitions() }
    inputs['INPUT'][0].data = 'france_parts'
    inputs['OUTPUT'][0].data = 'france_parts_2'

    # Load source project
    source      = QgsProject()
    rv = source.read(data.join('france_parts.qgs').strpath)
    assert rv == True

    workdir = outputdir.strpath

    context  = Context(source, workdir)
    feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback() 

    parameters = dict( input_to_processing(ident, inp, alg, context) for ident,inp in inputs.items() )  

    assert isinstance( parameters['OUTPUT'], QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition)

    # Run algorithm
    with chdir(outputdir.strpath):
        results = Processing.runAlgorithm(alg, parameters=parameters, onFinish=handle_algorithm_results,
                                          feedback=feedback, context=context)   
    assert context.destination_project.count() == 1

    handle_layer_outputs(results, context)
    assert results['OUTPUT'] == parameters['OUTPUT'].destinationName

    output_uri = "http://localhost/wms/MAP=test/{name}.qgs".format(name=alg.name())

    write_outputs( alg, results, outputs, output_uri, context )
    assert outputs 
Ejemplo n.º 7
def runAndLoadResults(algOrName, parameters, feedback=None, context=None):
    """Executes given algorithm and load its results into QGIS project
    when possible.
    if isinstance(algOrName, QgsProcessingAlgorithm):
        alg = algOrName
        alg = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().createAlgorithmById(algOrName)

    # output destination parameters to point to current project
    for param in alg.parameterDefinitions():
        if not param.name() in parameters:

        if isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination)):
            p = parameters[param.name()]
            if not isinstance(p, QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
                parameters[param.name()] = QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition(p, QgsProject.instance())
                p.destinationProject = QgsProject.instance()
                parameters[param.name()] = p

    return Processing.runAlgorithm(alg, parameters=parameters, onFinish=handleAlgorithmResults, feedback=feedback, context=context)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def runAndLoadResults(algOrName, parameters, feedback=None, context=None):
    """Executes given algorithm and load its results into QGIS project
    when possible.
    if isinstance(algOrName, QgsProcessingAlgorithm):
        alg = algOrName
        alg = QgsApplication.processingRegistry().createAlgorithmById(algOrName)

    # output destination parameters to point to current project
    for param in alg.parameterDefinitions():
        if not param.name() in parameters:

        if isinstance(param, (QgsProcessingParameterFeatureSink, QgsProcessingParameterVectorDestination, QgsProcessingParameterRasterDestination)):
            p = parameters[param.name()]
            if not isinstance(p, QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition):
                parameters[param.name()] = QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition(p, QgsProject.instance())
                p.destinationProject = QgsProject.instance()
                parameters[param.name()] = p

    return Processing.runAlgorithm(alg, parameters=parameters, onFinish=handleAlgorithmResults, feedback=feedback, context=context)
    def convert(self):
        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        # layer information
        layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
        vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
        # extent
        extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
        xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
        xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
        ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
        ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
        extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
        # attribute
        Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
        # cellsize
        cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
        outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
        # read fields and add a new column with the indexes
        fields = layer.fields()
        new_field = QgsField("Indexes", QVariant.Int)
        layer_new = vectorlayer_vector.addAttributes([new_field])
        newFieldIndex = vectorlayer_vector.fieldNameIndex(new_field.name())
        allAttrs = vectorlayer_vector.attributeIndexes()
        # editing the new column
        numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        classes = ''
        lista = []
        for i in range(0, numberRows):
            for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]

        # list of description on tool table
        lista_table = lista
        # [xistos argilosos, argilitos, 2, rocha metamorfica/ignea, 3, ...]

        field_names = [field.name() for field in fields]
        n = len(field_names)
        lista_attrib = []
        for i in range(0, n):
            f = field_names[i]
            if f == str(Elevation):
                number = i
                for feat in layer.getFeatures():
                    attrb = feat.attributes()
                    attribute_read = attrb[number]
                    lista_attrib = lista_attrib + [str(attribute_read)]
        # list of description on attribute table of shapefile
        lista_attributes = lista_attrib
        # [xistos argilosos, argilitos, xistos argilosos, argilitos, till glaciar, ...]

        # obtain the indexes of the description of shapefile attribute table
        description_common = set(lista_attributes).intersection(lista_table)
        listDescription = list(description_common)
        # [xistos argilosos, argilitos, till glaciar]
        listElem = []
        listElements = []
        for j in range(0, len(listDescription)):
            elem = lista_table.index(listDescription[j])
            listElements = listElements + [elem]
            # [0,6]
            elem_index = lista_table[int(elem + 1)]
            listElem = listElem + [int(elem_index)]
            # [2,5]

        for l in range(0, len(listElem)):
            exp = QgsExpression(str(listElem[l]))
            elemDescription = lista_table[listElements[l]]
            for f in layer.getFeatures():
                # get attributes of column defined by the user
                attrb_elem = f[number]
                if attrb_elem == elemDescription:
                    f[newFieldIndex] = exp.evaluate()
        list_attrb_newField = []
        for features in layer.getFeatures():
            attrb_newField = features.attributes()
            attrb_newField_read = attrb_newField[number + 1]

        # update and read the new field
        fieldsNew = layer.fields()
        field_names_new = [newField.name() for newField in fieldsNew]
        parameter_indexes = field_names_new[newFieldIndex]

        soil = QFileInfo(
            QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/soil"
            "saga:rasterize", {
                extent + ' [EPSG:3763]',
        #soil_complete = soil + "." + "tif"

        #Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:v.to.rast.attribute", None, inputLayer, 0, parameter_indexes, extent, cellSize, -1.0, 0.0001, outPath)

        #Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, soil_complete , 12, False, extent, cellSize, outPath)

        #soil_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight"
        #soil_weight_complete = soil_weight + "." + "tif"

        ## multiply by the weight
        #soil_media = soil + "." + "tif"
        #gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(soil_media))
        #x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        #y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        #geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        #band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        #data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
        #mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeight.value()))
        ## Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        #driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        #outData = driver.Create(str(soil_weight_complete), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        #outData = None

        ## eliminate no data values
        #if self.lineWeight.value()==5:
        #error = -499995
        #elif self.lineWeight.value()==4:
        #error = -399996
        #elif self.lineWeight.value()==3:
        #error = -299997
        #elif self.lineWeight.value()==2:
        #error = -199998

        #QMessageBox.about(self, "aquifer", str(error))

        ## reclassify no data values
        #Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, soil_weight_complete, 0, error, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, outPath)

        # add result into canvas
        # file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
        # if file_info.exists():
        #     layer_name = file_info.baseName()
        # else:
        #     return False
        # rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
        # if rlayer_new.isValid():
        #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layerList = [layer]
        #     extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
        #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList)
        #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
        #     return True
        # else:
        #     return False
        # QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Aquifer media completed." ) )
        # add result into canvas
        file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
        rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, file_info_norm.fileName(),
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
        # set the map canvas layer set
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def calculate(self, process_path):
        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)



        process_path = process_path
        outPath = self.output_file
        cellSize = self.cellSize

        # read D raster
        inputLayer = self.input_file_g
        #bn_inputLayer = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer))[0])
        #teste = str(bn_inputLayer) + '@1\''
        #QMessageBox.about(self, "drastic", str(teste))
        # read R raster
        inputLayer2 = self.input_file_o
        #bn_inputLayer2 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer2))[0])

        # read A raster
        inputLayer3 = self.input_file_d
        #bn_inputLayer3 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer3))[0])

        # outpath
        #outPath = self.outputLayerCombo.text()


        # sum of the raster = DRASTIC
        # D
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer))
        # # multiply by weight
        # depth_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/depth_weight"
        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
        # mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeightD.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData = driver.Create(str(depth_weight), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul)
        # outData.SetGeoTransform(geo)
        # outData = None
        # geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # # pixel size
        pixelSize = geo[1]
        #pixelSize = 30
        # extent
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
        miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
        extent = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        #data_d = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)


            "grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
                'a': inputLayer,
                'b': inputLayer2,
                'c': inputLayer3,
                'd': inputLayer,
                'e': inputLayer,
                'f': inputLayer,
                'expression': 'A*B*C',
                'output': outPath,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
Ejemplo n.º 11
def run(algOrName, parameters, onFinish=None, feedback=None, context=None):
    """Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, parameters, onFinish, feedback, context)
    def calculate(self, process_path):
        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)


        #for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
        #    print(alg.id(), "->", alg.displayName())

        # read mdt data
        inputRaster = self.input_mdt
        process_path = process_path
        outPath2 = self.output_file
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputRaster))

        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()  
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1]*x
        miny = maxy + geo[5]*y
        #extent_raster = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)  
        #pixelSize = geo[1]
        band_mdt = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        #data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x, y)
        # mdt_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/mdt_interp"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, inputRaster, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, mdt_interp)
        # mdt = mdt_interp + "." + "tif"
        # gdalMDT = gdal.Open(str(mdt_interp) + "." + "tif")
        # x_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterXSize
        # y_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterYSize
        # geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_mdt = gdalMDT.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_mdt,y_mdt)
        # coeficients a and b of the regression lines, y = ax + b, used for mean monthly precipitation, y(mm), as a function of altitude, x(m)
        # a = 0.99
        # b = 542.22
        # precip_mul = numpy.multiply(data_mdt,a)
        # precipitat = precip_mul + b
        # precipitation = numpy.array(precipitat)
        # recharge = numpy.multiply(precipitation, 0.15)
        recharge_without_rec = process_path + "recharge_without_rec"
        #    'INPUT_A': inputRaster,
        #    'BAND_A': 1,
        #    'INPUT_B': None,
        #    'BAND_B': -1,
        #    'INPUT_C': None,
        #    'BAND_C': -1,
        #    'INPUT_D': None,
        #    'BAND_D': -1,
        #    'INPUT_E': None,
        #    'BAND_E': -1,
        #    'INPUT_F': None,
        #    'BAND_F': -1,
        #    'FORMULA': '(A*0.99+542.22)*0.15',
        #    'NO_DATA': None,
        #    'RTYPE': 6,
        #    'EXTRA': '',
        #    'OPTIONS': '',
        #    'OUTPUT':recharge_without_rec
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(inputRaster),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': "((A*0.99)+542.22)*0.15",
            'output': recharge_without_rec,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # Create an output imagedriver with the multiplication result
        # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData2 = driver2.Create(str(recharge_without_rec+'.'+'tif'), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData2.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(recharge)
        # outData2.SetGeoTransform(geo)
        #outData2 = None
        recharge_without_rec_file = gdal.Open(recharge_without_rec)
        recharge_without_rec_rep = process_path + "recharge_without_rec_rep"
        gdal.Warp(recharge_without_rec_rep, recharge_without_rec_file, dstSRS="EPSG:3763")

        #                {'INPUT': recharge_without_rec,
        #                'CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3763')})

        # indexes for topography for the two methods
        #numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        #numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        #classes = ''
        #lista = []
        #for i in range(0,numberRows):
        #    for j in range(0,numberColumns):
        #        self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i,j)
        #        lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
        #        string = ","
        #        intervalos = string.join(lista)
        #results = list(map(int, lista))
        #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(results))
        result = process_path + "/result.tif"
        Processing.runAlgorithm("native:reclassifybytable", {
            'INPUT_RASTER': recharge_without_rec_rep,
            'RASTER_BAND': 1, 'TABLE': self.rattings,
            'NO_DATA': -9999, 'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0, 'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False, 'DATA_TYPE': 5,
            'OUTPUT': result})

        # add result into canvas
        #file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath2))
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
        #rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
        # set the map canvas layer set
        # add result into canvas
        # file_info_recharge = QFileInfo(outPath2)
        # if file_info_recharge.exists():
        #     layer_name_recharge = file_info_recharge.baseName()
        # else:
        #     return False
        # rlayer_new_recharge = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, layer_name_recharge)
        # if rlayer_new_recharge.isValid():
        #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_recharge)
        #     layer_prec_recharge = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_recharge)
        #     layerList_recharge = [layer_prec_recharge]
        #     extent_recharge = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_recharge.extent())
        #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_recharge)
        #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
        #     return True
        # else:
        #     return False
        #QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Net Recharge completed." ) )
        out_raster = gdal.Open(result)
        gdal.Warp(outPath2, out_raster, dstSRS="EPSG:3857")
Ejemplo n.º 13
def runalg(algOrName, *args, **kwargs):
    alg = Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, None, *args, **kwargs)
    if alg is not None:
        return alg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
Ejemplo n.º 14
def runAndLoadResults(name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Executes given algorithm and load its results into QGIS project
    when possible.
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(name, handleAlgorithmResults, *args,
Ejemplo n.º 15
def test_context(outputdir, data):
    """ Context with Copy layer
    alg = _find_algorithm('pyqgiswps_test:testcopylayer')

    inputs = {
        p.name(): [parse_input_definition(p)]
        for p in alg.parameterDefinitions()
    outputs = {
        p.name(): parse_output_definition(p)
        for p in alg.outputDefinitions()

    inputs['INPUT'][0].data = 'france_parts'
    inputs['OUTPUT'][0].data = 'france_parts_2'

    workdir = outputdir.strpath

    context = ProcessingContext(workdir, 'france_parts.qgs')
    feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()

    parameters = dict(
        input_to_processing(ident, inp, alg, context)
        for ident, inp in inputs.items())

    assert isinstance(parameters['OUTPUT'], QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition)

    # Run algorithm
    with chdir(outputdir.strpath):
        results = Processing.runAlgorithm(alg,

    assert context.destination_project.count() == 1

    handle_layer_outputs(results, context)
    assert results['OUTPUT'] == parameters['OUTPUT'].destinationName

    output_uri = "http://localhost/wms/MAP=test/{name}.qgs".format(

    write_outputs(alg, results, outputs, output_uri, context)
    assert outputs

    assert context.destination_project.fileName() == outputdir.join(
        alg.name() + '.qgs').strpath

    # WFS configuration inserted
    WFSLayers = context.destination_project.readListEntry('WFSLayers', '/')[0]
    assert len(WFSLayers) != 0

    # All Vector Layers has been published in WFS
    mapLayers = context.destination_project.mapLayers()
    assert len(WFSLayers) == len([
        lid for lid, lyr in mapLayers.items()
        if lyr.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer

    # Verifying th WFS configuration
    for lid in WFSLayers:
        lyr = context.destination_project.mapLayer(lid)
        # Is the WFS layer id references a Map Layer
        assert lyr
        # Is the WFS layer id references a Vector Layer
        assert lyr.type() == QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer
        # The WFS layer precision is defined
        assert context.destination_project.readNumEntry(
            "WFSLayersPrecision", "/" + lid)[0] == 6
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def calculate(self, process_path):
        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)



        inputLayer = self.input_file
        process_path = process_path
        outPath = self.output_file
        cellSize = self.cellSize
        Elevation = self.elevation
        results = self.rattings

        layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
        vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
        # extent
        extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
        xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
        xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
        ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
        ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
        extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(

        #conductivity = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/conductivity"
        conductivity = process_path + "/conductivity"

            "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                'input': inputLayer,
                'type': [0, 1, 3],
                'where': '',
                'use': 0,
                'attribute_column': Elevation,
                'rgb_column': None,
                'label_column': None,
                'value': None,
                'memory': 300,
                'output': conductivity,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001

        #cond_reclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/cond_reclassify.sdat"
        #                        {'INPUT': conductivity, 'METHOD': 2, 'OLD': 0, 'NEW': 1, 'SOPERATOR': 0, 'MIN': 0,
        #                         'MAX': 1,
        #                         'RNEW': 2, 'ROPERATOR': 0, 'RETAB': results, 'TOPERATOR': 0, 'NODATAOPT': True,
        #                         'NODATA': 0,
        #                         'OTHEROPT': True, 'OTHERS': 0, 'RESULT': outPath})
        calculate = process_path + "/result.tif"
            "native:reclassifybytable", {
                'INPUT_RASTER': conductivity,
                'RASTER_BAND': 1,
                'TABLE': results,
                'NO_DATA': -9999,
                'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0,
                'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False,
                'DATA_TYPE': 5,
                'OUTPUT': calculate

        out_raster = gdal.Open(calculate)
        gdal.Warp(outPath, out_raster, dstSRS="EPSG:3857")
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def convert(self):    
     inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
     # layer information
     layer = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(inputLayer).encode('utf8'), inputLayer , "ogr")  
     vectorlayer_vector =  layer.dataProvider()
     # extent
     extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
     xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
     xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
     ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
     ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
     extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
     # attribute
     Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
     # cellsize
     cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
     outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text() 
     # indexes for hidraulic conductivity
     numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
     numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
     classes = ''
     lista = []
     for i in range(0,numberRows):
         for j in range(0,numberColumns):
             self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i,j)
             lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
             string = ","
             intervals = string.join(lista)        
     QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(intervals))  
     conductivity = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/conductivity"  
     Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:v.to.rast.attribute", None, inputLayer, 0, Elevation, extent, cellSize, -1.0, 0.0001, conductivity)
     conductivity_raster = conductivity + "." + "tif"
     cond_reclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/cond_reclassify.sdat"
     Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, conductivity_raster, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, intervals, 0, True, 0.0, True, 0.0, cond_reclassify)
     Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:r.surf.idw", None, cond_reclassify, 12, False, extent, cellSize, outPath)
     # add result into canvas
     file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
     if file_info.exists():
         layer_name = file_info.baseName()
         return False
     rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
     if rlayer_new.isValid():
         layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
         layerList = [layer]
         extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
         return True
         return False    
     QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Hidraulic conductivity completed." ) )                  
Ejemplo n.º 18
def runandload(name, *args):
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(name, Postprocessing.handleAlgorithmResults, *args)
Ejemplo n.º 19
from processing.core.Processing import Processing
import processing
# somehow warning and error messages disappeared, here I turn them on again
import cgitb

# test processing toolbox
# first qgis:aspect (works)
args = "C:/Users/pi37pat/Desktop/dem.tif", "1",\
params = "INPUT", "Z_FACTOR", "OUTPUT"
params = dict((x, y) for x, y in zip(params, args))
feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()
Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName = 'qgis:aspect', parameters = params, feedback = feedback)

# # next we try a native algorithm
args = "C:/Users/pi37pat/Desktop/polys.shp", "C:/Users/pi37pat/Desktop/points.shp"
params = "INPUT", "OUTPUT"
params = dict((x, y) for x, y in zip(params, args))
feedback = QgsProcessingFeedback()
Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName = 'native:centroids', parameters = params,
                        feedback = feedback)

# # let's try grass7:r.slope.aspect, this does not work
# args = "C:/Users/pi37pat/Desktop/dem.tif", "0", "0", True, "1.0", "0.0",\
# "C:/Users/pi37pat/Desktop/slope.tif", None, None, None, None, None, None, None,\
# None, "794599.107614635,798208.557614635,8931774.87460253,8935384.32460253",\
# "0.0", None, None
# params = "elevation", "format", "precision", "-a", "zscale", "min_slope",\
    def convert(self):
        # read D raster
        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer))[0])
        teste = str(bn_inputLayer) + '@1\''
        QMessageBox.about(self, "Fissured", str(teste))
        # read R raster
        inputLayer2 = self.inputLayerCombo2.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer2 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer2))[0])

        # read A raster
        inputLayer3 = self.inputLayerCombo3.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer3 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer3))[0])

        # read S raster
        inputLayer4 = self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer4 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer4))[0])

        # read T raster
        inputLayer5 = self.inputLayerCombo5.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer5 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer5))[0])

        # read I raster
        inputLayer6 = self.inputLayerCombo6.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer6 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer6))[0])

        # read C raster
        inputLayer7 = self.inputLayerCombo7.currentText()
        bn_inputLayer7 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer7))[0])

        # outpath
        outPath = self.outputLayerCombo.text()


        # sum of the raster = Fissured
        # D
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer))
        # # multiply by weight
        # depth_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/depth_weight"
        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
        # mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeightD.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData = driver.Create(str(depth_weight), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul)
        # outData.SetGeoTransform(geo)
        # outData = None
        # geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # # pixel size
        pixelSize = geo[1]
        # extent
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
        miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
        extent = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_d = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)


        resamp_d = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_d_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_d})

        resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer2, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_r})

        resamp_a = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_a_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer3, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_a})

        resamp_s = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_s_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer4, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_s})

        resamp_t = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer5, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_t})

        resamp_i = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer6, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_i})

        resamp_c = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t_Fissured.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
                                {'INPUT': inputLayer7, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
                                 'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
                                 'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                 'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
                                 'OUTPUT': resamp_c})

        # gdalRaster_d = gdal.Open(str(depth_weight))
        # x_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterXSize
        # y_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterYSize
        # geo_d = gdalRaster_d.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_d = gdalRaster_d.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_d = band_d.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_d,y_d)
        # # R
        # # resampling R raster
        # gdalRaster2 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer2))
        # # multiply by weight
        # recharge_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_weight"
        # x2 = gdalRaster2.RasterXSize
        # y2 = gdalRaster2.RasterYSize
        # geo2 = gdalRaster2.GetGeoTransform()
        # band2 = gdalRaster2.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data2 = band2.ReadAsArray(0,0,x2,y2)
        # mul2 = numpy.multiply(data2, int(self.lineWeightR.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData2 = driver2.Create(str(recharge_weight), x2,y2,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData2.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul2)
        # outData2.SetGeoTransform(geo2)
        # outData2 = None
        # Processing.initialize()
        # resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_r)
        # #resamp_r_dir = resamp_r + "." + "tif"
        # # R
        # gdalRaster_r = gdal.Open(str(resamp_r))
        # x_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterXSize
        # y_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterYSize
        # geo_r = gdalRaster_r.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_r = gdalRaster_r.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_r = band_r.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_r,y_r)
        # # A
        # # resampling A raster
        # gdalRaster3 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer3))
        # # multiply by weight
        # aquifer_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/aquifer_weight"
        # x3 = gdalRaster3.RasterXSize
        # y3 = gdalRaster3.RasterYSize
        # geo3 = gdalRaster3.GetGeoTransform()
        # band3 = gdalRaster3.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data3 = band3.ReadAsArray(0,0,x3,y3)
        # mul3 = numpy.multiply(data3, int(self.lineWeightA.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver3 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData3 = driver3.Create(str(aquifer_weight), x3,y3,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData3.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul3)
        # outData3.SetGeoTransform(geo3)
        # outData3 = None
        # resamp_a = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_a.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, aquifer_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_a)
        # # A
        # gdalRaster_a = gdal.Open(str(resamp_a))
        # x_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterXSize
        # y_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterYSize
        # geo_a = gdalRaster_a.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_a = gdalRaster_a.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_a = band_a.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_a,y_a)
        # # S
        # # resampling S raster
        # gdalRaster4 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer4))
        # # multiply by weight
        # soil_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight"
        # x4 = gdalRaster4.RasterXSize
        # y4 = gdalRaster4.RasterYSize
        # geo4 = gdalRaster4.GetGeoTransform()
        # band4 = gdalRaster4.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data4 = band4.ReadAsArray(0,0,x4,y4)
        # mul4 = numpy.multiply(data4, int(self.lineWeightS.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver4 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData4 = driver4.Create(str(soil_weight), x4,y4,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData4.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul4)
        # outData4.SetGeoTransform(geo4)
        # outData4 = None
        # # find nodata values
        # if self.lineWeightS.value()==2:
        #     error = -299997
        # # soil_weight_correct = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight_correct.sdat"
        # # # reclassify no data values
        # # Processing.initialize()
        # # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, soil_weight, 0, error, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, soil_weight_correct)
        # #
        # resamp_s = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_s.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, soil_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_s)
        # # S
        # gdalRaster_s = gdal.Open(str(resamp_s))
        # x_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterXSize
        # y_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterYSize
        # geo_s = gdalRaster_s.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_s = gdalRaster_s.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_s = band_s.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_s,y_s)
        # # T
        # # resampling T raster
        # gdalRaster5 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer5))
        # # multiply by weight
        # topography_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/topography_weight"
        # x5 = gdalRaster5.RasterXSize
        # y5 = gdalRaster5.RasterYSize
        # geo5 = gdalRaster5.GetGeoTransform()
        # band5 = gdalRaster5.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data5 = band5.ReadAsArray(0,0,x5,y5)
        # mul5 = numpy.multiply(data5, int(self.lineWeightT.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver5 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData5 = driver5.Create(str(topography_weight), x5,y5,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData5.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul5)
        # outData5.SetGeoTransform(geo5)
        # outData5 = None
        # resamp_t = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, topography_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_t)
        # # T
        # gdalRaster_t = gdal.Open(str(resamp_t))
        # x_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterXSize
        # y_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterYSize
        # geo_t = gdalRaster_t.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_t = gdalRaster_t.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_t = band_t.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_t,y_t)
        # #QMessageBox.about(self, "Fissured", str(data_t))
        # # I
        # # resampling I raster
        # gdalRaster6 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer6))
        # # multiply by weight
        # impact_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/impact_weight"
        # x6 = gdalRaster6.RasterXSize
        # y6 = gdalRaster6.RasterYSize
        # geo6 = gdalRaster6.GetGeoTransform()
        # band6 = gdalRaster6.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data6 = band6.ReadAsArray(0,0,x6,y6)
        # mul6 = numpy.multiply(data6, int(self.lineWeightI.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver6 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData6 = driver6.Create(str(impact_weight), x6,y6,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData6.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul6)
        # outData6.SetGeoTransform(geo6)
        # outData6 = None
        # resamp_i = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_i.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, impact_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, 0, None,3,resamp_i)
        # # I
        # gdalRaster_i = gdal.Open(str(resamp_i))
        # x_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterXSize
        # y_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterYSize
        # geo_i = gdalRaster_i.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_i = gdalRaster_i.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_i = band_i.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_i,y_i)
        # # C
        # # resampling C raster
        # gdalRaster7 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer7))
        # # multiply by weight
        # hydraulic_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/hydraulic_weight"
        # x7 = gdalRaster7.RasterXSize
        # y7 = gdalRaster7.RasterYSize
        # geo7 = gdalRaster7.GetGeoTransform()
        # band7 = gdalRaster7.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data7 = band7.ReadAsArray(0,0,x7,y7)
        # mul7 = numpy.multiply(data7, int(self.lineWeightC.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver7 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData7 = driver7.Create(str(hydraulic_weight), x7,y7,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData7.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul7)
        # outData7.SetGeoTransform(geo7)
        # outData7 = None
        # resamp_c = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_c.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, hydraulic_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, 0, None,3, resamp_c)
        # # C
        # gdalRaster_c = gdal.Open(str(resamp_c))
        # x_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterXSize
        # y_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterYSize
        # geo_c = gdalRaster_c.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_c = gdalRaster_c.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_c = band_c.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_c,y_c)

        # list_raster = []
        # list_raster = list_raster + [inputLayer2]+[inputLayer3]+[inputLayer4]+[inputLayer5]+[inputLayer6]+[inputLayer7]
        # listt = ';'.join(list_raster)
        # sum

        # first5 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/first5"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("gdal:rastercalculator",
        #                         {'INPUT_A': inputLayer, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': inputLayer2, 'BAND_B': 1,
        #                          'INPUT_C': inputLayer3, 'BAND_C': 1, 'INPUT_D': inputLayer4,
        #                          'BAND_D': 1, 'INPUT_E': inputLayer5, 'BAND_E': 1, 'INPUT_F': inputLayer6, 'BAND_F': 1,
        #                          'FORMULA': "A+B+C+D+E+F", 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5,
        #                          'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
        #                          'OUTPUT': first5})
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("gdal:rastercalculator",
        #                         {'INPUT_A': first5, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': inputLayer7, 'BAND_B': 1,
        #                          'INPUT_C': None, 'BAND_C': -1, 'INPUT_D': None,
        #                          'BAND_D': -1, 'INPUT_E': None, 'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1,
        #                          'FORMULA': "A+B", 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5,
        #                          'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
        #                       'OUTPUT': outPath})

        # QMessageBox.about(self, "Fissured", str('\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer3) + '@1\'' + '\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer7) + '@1\' + '\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer6) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer2) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer4) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer5) + '@1\''))
        drasti = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/drasti.sdat"

                                {'INPUT_A': resamp_d,
                                 'BAND_A': 1,
                                 'INPUT_B': resamp_r,
                                 'BAND_B': 1,
                                 'INPUT_C': resamp_a,
                                 'BAND_C': 1,
                                 'INPUT_D': resamp_s,
                                 'BAND_D': 1, 'INPUT_E': resamp_t, 'BAND_E': 1, 'INPUT_F': resamp_i, 'BAND_F': 1,
                                 'FORMULA': 'A+B+C+D+E+F',
                                 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5, 'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
                                 'OUTPUT': drasti})

                                {'INPUT_A': drasti,
                                 'BAND_A': 1,
                                 'INPUT_B': resamp_c,
                                 'BAND_B': 1,
                                 'INPUT_C': None,
                                 'BAND_C': -1,
                                 'INPUT_D': None,
                                 'BAND_D': -1, 'INPUT_E': None, 'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1,
                                 'FORMULA': 'A+B',
                                 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5, 'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
                                 'OUTPUT': outPath})

        # summ = data_d + data_r + data_a + data_s + data_t + data_i + data_c
        # sum_nodata = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/sum_nodata"
        # sum_nodata_rec = sum_nodata + "." + "tif"
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver_sum = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData_sum = driver_sum.Create(str(sum_nodata), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData_sum.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(summ)
        # outData_sum.SetGeoTransform(geo)
        # outData_sum = None

        # reclassify no data values
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, sum_nodata, 0, -10000100352, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, outPath)

        if self.checkFissured.isChecked():
            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
        #     # add result into canvas
        #     file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
        #     if file_info.exists():
        #         layer_name = file_info.baseName()
        #     else:
        #         return False
        #     rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
        #     if rlayer_new.isValid():
        #         QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new)
        #         layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
        #         layerList = [layer]
        #         extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
        #         self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList)
        #         self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
        #         return True
        #     else:
        #         return False
        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"), self.tr("Fissured completed."))

Ejemplo n.º 21
    def execute(self):
        # create a project
        p = QgsProject.instance()
        mlr = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()
        # Run alg with params
        # TODO: get args
        args = {}
        # get vector and raster inputs
        inputCrs = None
        for k in self._inputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName( v.identifier )
            # vector layers
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterVector':
                values = []
                if vectorLayers and ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_ANY in parm.shapetype :
                    values = [l for l in vectorLayers]
                elif vectorLayers :
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POINT in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Point']
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_LINE in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Line']
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POLYGON in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Polygon']
                if values :
                    layerName = v.getValue()
                    values = [l for l in values if l['name'] == layerName]
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer( l['datasource'], l['name'], l['provider'] )
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']) )
                    else :
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str(crs) )
                    if qgsCrs :
                        layer.setCrs( qgsCrs )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                else :
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo( fileName )
                    # move fileName to fileName.gml for ogr
                    with open( fileName, 'r' ) as f :
                        o = open( fileName+'.gml', 'w' )
                        o.write( f.read() )
                    import shutil
                    shutil.copy2(fileName+'.gml', '/tmp/test.gml' )
                    # get layer
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer( fileName+'.gml', fileInfo.baseName(), 'ogr' )
                    pr = layer.dataProvider()
                    e = layer.extent()
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            # raster layers
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterRaster':
                if rasterLayers :
                    layerName = v.getValue() 
                    values = [l for l in rasterLayers if l['name'] == layerName]
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer( l['datasource'], l['name'], l['provider'] )
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']) )
                    else :
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str(crs) )
                    if qgsCrs :
                        layer.setCrs( qgsCrs )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                else :
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo( fileName )
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer( fileName, fileInfo.baseName(), 'gdal' )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                coords = v.getValue().coords
                args[v.identifier] = str(coords[0][0])+','+str(coords[1][0])+','+str(coords[0][1])+','+str(coords[1][1])
                args[v.identifier] = v.getValue()
        # if extent in inputs, transform it to the alg CRS
        if inputCrs:
            for k in self._inputs:
                v = getattr(self, k)
                parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName( v.identifier )
                if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                    coords = v.getValue().coords
                    coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str( v.getValue().crs ) )
                    coordExtent = QgsRectangle( coords[0][0], coords[0][1], coords[1][0], coords[1][1] )
                    xform = QgsCoordinateTransform( coordCrs, inputCrs )
                    coordExtent = xform.transformBoundingBox( coordExtent )
                    args[v.identifier] = str(coordExtent.xMinimum())+','+str(coordExtent.xMaximum())+','+str(coordExtent.yMinimum())+','+str(coordExtent.yMaximum())
        # Adds None for output parameter(s)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            args[v.identifier] = None
        if not len( self.alg.parameters ):

        tAlg = Processing.runAlgorithm(self.alg, None, args)
        # if runalg failed return exception message
        if not tAlg:
            return 'Error in processing'
        # clear map layer registry
        # get result
        result = tAlg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getOutputFromName( v.identifier )
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputVector':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                if not outputName :
                  return 'No output file'
                # get output file info
                outputInfo = QFileInfo( outputName )
                # get the output QGIS vector layer
                outputLayer = QgsVectorLayer( outputName, outputInfo.baseName(), 'ogr' )
                # Update CRS
                # outputLayer.setCrs( tAlg.crs )
                # define the file extension
                outputExt = 'gml'
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    outputExt = 'geojson'
                # define the output file path
                outputFile = os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.'+outputExt )
                # write the output GML file
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', None, 'GeoJSON', False, None )
                elif v.format['mimetype'] in ('text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1','application/gml+xml; version=3.1.1') :
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', None, 'GML', False, None, ['XSISCHEMAURI=http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.1/base/feature.xsd','FORMAT=GML3'] )
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', None, 'GML', False, None, ['XSISCHEMAURI=http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd'] )
                args[v.identifier] = outputFile
                # add output layer to map layer registry
                #outputLayer = QgsVectorLayer( outputFile, v.identifier, 'ogr' )
                #mlr.addMapLayer( outputLayer )
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputRaster':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                if not outputName :
                  return 'No output file'
                args[v.identifier] = outputName
                args[v.identifier] = result.get(v.identifier, None)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            v.setValue( args[v.identifier] )
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def convert(self):
        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        # layer information
        layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
        vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
        # extent
        extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
        xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
        xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
        ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
        ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
        extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
        # attribute
        Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
        # cellsize
        cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
        outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

        # indexes for hidraulic conductivity
        numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        classes = ''
        lista = []
        for i in range(0, numberRows):
            for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                string = ","
                intervals = string.join(lista)
        results = list(map(float, lista))

        conductivity = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/conductivity"

                                {'input': inputLayer, 'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0,
                                 'attribute_column': Elevation, 'rgb_column': None, 'label_column': None,
                                 'value': None, 'memory': 300,
                                 'output': conductivity, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                                 'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                                 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                                 'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001})

        # list_new = []
        # list_new_x = []
        # list_new_y = []
        # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(self.plugin_dir))
        # # FILE = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "//SINTACS grafico D.txt")
        # with open(os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico C.txt"), 'r') as f:
        #     d = {line.split('\t')[0]: line.split('\t')[1] for line in f}
        # #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(d))
        # # read raster values
        # raster = gdal.Open(str(conductivity))
        # data_mdt = raster.ReadAsArray()
        # values_raster = numpy.unique(data_mdt)
        # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', values_raster)
        # for element in values_raster:
        #     # get the key of a certain value
        #     target = element
        #     # key, value = min(d.items(), key=lambda kv: abs(float(kv[1]) - target))
        #     m = d.get(target, d[min(d.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(float(k) - target))])
        #     # remove \n from list
        #     m_new = m.replace('\n', '')
        #     list_new_x = list_new_x + [element]
        #     list_new_y = list_new_y + [float(m_new)]
        # for ii in range(len(list_new_x)):
        #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii])
        #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii] + float(0.01))
        #     list_new.append(list_new_y[ii])
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(list_new))

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.reclass", {
            'input': conductivity,
            'rules': os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico C.txt"), 'txtrules': '',
            'output': outPath,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''})

        # cond_reclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/cond_reclassify.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvalues",
        #                         {'INPUT': conductivity, 'METHOD': 2, 'OLD': 0, 'NEW': 1, 'SOPERATOR': 0, 'MIN': 0,
        #                          'MAX': 1,
        #                          'RNEW': 2, 'ROPERATOR': 0, 'RETAB': list_new, 'TOPERATOR': 0, 'NODATAOPT': True,
        #                          'NODATA': 0,
        #                          'OTHEROPT': True, 'OTHERS': 0, 'RESULT': outPath})

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, cond_reclassify, 12, False, extent, cellSize, outPath)

        # add result into canvas
        file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath + '.sdat'))
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
        rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath + '.sdat', file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
        # set the map canvas layer set
        # add result into canvas
        # file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
        # if file_info.exists():
        #     layer_name = file_info.baseName()
        # else:
        #     return False
        # rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
        # if rlayer_new.isValid():
        #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layerList = [layer]
        #     extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
        #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList)
        #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
        #     return True
        # else:
        #     return False
        # QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Hidraulic conductivity completed." ) )

Ejemplo n.º 23
    def convert(self):

        # ------------------------ FIRST METHOD -------------------------------------------------
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            inputMask = self.inputMaskCombo.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer,
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            layer_mask = QgsVectorLayer(inputMask,
            vectorlayer_mask = layer_mask.dataProvider()
            # mask extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_mask.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
            # attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            # size of atributte table == number of points
            count = layer.featureCount()

            # points interpolation idw
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Inverse Distance Weighting":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                idw_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/idw_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:v.surf.idw", None, inputLayer,
                                        count, 2.0, Elevation, False, extent,
                                        cellSize, -1.0, 0.0001,
                idw_int = idw_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()
                                     ).path() + "/int_mask"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        idw_int, inputMask, int_mask)
                int_mask_zone = int_mask + "." + "tif"

            # indexes for topography
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0, numberRows):
                for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)

            # reclassify idw interpolation
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Inverse Distance Weighting":
                idw_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/idw_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info.exists():
                    layer_name = file_info.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
                if rlayer_new.isValid():
                    layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
                    layerList = [layer]
                    extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
                    return True
                    return False

                    # points interpolation kriging
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText() == "Kriging":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                kriging_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/kriging_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:ordinarykrigingglobal", None,
                                        inputLayer, Elevation, True, 0, 1,
                                        False, 100, False, 0.0, 10, 1000, 1.0,
                                        0.1, 1.0, 0.5, cellSize, True, extent,
                                        kriging_interpolation, None)
                kriging_int = kriging_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_kriging = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/int_mask_kriging"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        kriging_int, inputMask,
                int_mask_zone_k = int_mask_kriging + "." + "tif"

                kriging_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/kriging_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_k, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_k = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_k.exists():
                    layer_name_k = file_info_k.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_k = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_k)
                if rlayer_new_k.isValid():
                    layer_k = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_k)
                    layerList_k = [layer_k]
                    extent_k = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

                    # points interpolation cubic spline
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Cubic spline approximation (SAGA)":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                cubicSpline_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/cubicSpline_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:cubicsplineapproximation", None,
                                        inputLayer, Elevation, 0, 3, count, 5,
                                        140.0, extent, cellSize,
                cubicSpline_int = cubicSpline_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_cubicSpline = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/int_mask_cubicSpline"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        cubicSpline_int, inputMask,
                int_mask_zone_cs = int_mask_cubicSpline + "." + "tif"

                cubicSpline_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/cubicSpline_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_cs, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_cs = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_cs.exists():
                    layer_name_cs = file_info_cs.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_cs = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_cs)
                if rlayer_new_cs.isValid():
                    layer_cs = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_cs)
                    layerList_cs = [layer_cs]
                    extent_cs = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Spatial approximation using spline with tension (GRASS)":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                rst_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/rst_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:v.surf.rst", None, inputLayer,
                                        "", None, Elevation, 40, 40, 300,
                                        0.001, 2.5, 1, 0, 0, False, False,
                                        extent, cellSize, -1, 0.0001,
                                        rst_interpolation, None, None, None,
                                        None, None)
                rst_int = rst_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_rst = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/int_mask_rst"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        rst_int, inputMask, int_mask_rst)
                int_mask_zone_rst = int_mask_rst + "." + "tif"

                rst_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/rst_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_rst, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_rst = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_rst.exists():
                    layer_name_rst = file_info_rst.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_rst = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_rst)
                if rlayer_new_rst.isValid():
                    layer_rst = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_rst)
                    layerList_rst = [layer_rst]
                    extent_rst = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

                    # ----------------------- SECOND RASTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if self.inputLayerCombo_mdt != "":

            outPath2 = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            # read raster
            inputRaster = self.inputLayerCombo_mdt.currentText()
            layer_raster = QgsRasterLayer(inputRaster, inputRaster, "gdal")
            data_mdt = layer_raster.dataProvider()
            extent_raster = data_mdt.extent()
            xmin_raster = extent_raster.xMinimum()
            xmax_raster = extent_raster.xMaximum()
            ymin_raster = extent_raster.yMinimum()
            ymax_raster = extent_raster.yMaximum()
            extent_raster_str = str(xmin_raster) + "," + str(
                xmax_raster) + "," + str(ymin_raster) + "," + str(ymax_raster)
            cellSize = layer_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()

            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(inputRaster))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(extent_raster_str))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(cellSize))

            # read maximum depth
            max_depth = self.line_max.value()
            # read distance
            distance = self.line_distance.value()
            # minimum size
            size = self.line_size.value()

            # grid directory (qgis2)
            # generate stream segments
            stream = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/stream"
            #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(stream))
                "grass7:r.watershed", {
                    'elevation': inputRaster,
                    'depression': None,
                    'flow': None,
                    'disturbed_land': None,
                    'blocking': None,
                    'threshold': size,
                    'max_slope_length': None,
                    'convergence': 5,
                    'memory': 300,
                    '-s': False,
                    '-m': False,
                    '-4': False,
                    '-a': False,
                    '-b': False,
                    'accumulation': None,
                    'drainage': None,
                    'basin': None,
                    'stream': stream,
                    'half_basin': None,
                    'length_slope': None,
                    'slope_steepness': None,
                    'tci': None,
                    'spi': None,
                    extent_raster_str + '[EPSG:3763]',
                    'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

            # condition stream > 1 to have the lines with value 1
            stream_ones = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()
                                    ).path() + "/stream_ones"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': stream,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A>1",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': stream_ones

            # raster distance
            raster_distance = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/raster_distance.tif"

            # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:proximitygrid", None, str(stream_ones_str), 3, str(raster_distance), None, None)
                "gdal:proximity", {
                    'INPUT': str(stream_ones),
                    'BAND': 1,
                    'VALUES': '1',
                    'UNITS': 0,
                    'MAX_DISTANCE': 0,
                    'REPLACE': 0,
                    'NODATA': 0,
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'DATA_TYPE': 5,
                    'OUTPUT': str(raster_distance)

            # condition distance >=  200, always maximum depth meters
            dist_major_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/dist_major_200"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A>=" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_major_200

            dist_multiplication = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/dist_multiplication"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_major_200,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*" + str(max_depth),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_multiplication

            # condition distance < 200, inteprolation between 0 and maximum depth
            dist_minor_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/dist_minor_200"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A<" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_minor_200

            # multiplication by the raster distance
            dist_multiplication_dist = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/dist_multiplication_dist"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_minor_200,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_B': 1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*B",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_multiplication_dist

            # interpolation between 0 and distance
            interpolation_dist = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/interpolation_dist"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_multiplication_dist,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*" + str(max_depth) + "/" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': interpolation_dist

            # depth surface = sum of two conditions
            depth_surface = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/depth_surface"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_multiplication,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': interpolation_dist,
                    'BAND_B': 1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A+B",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': depth_surface

            # list_new = []
            # list_new_x = []
            # list_new_y = []
            # #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(self.plugin_dir))
            # #FILE = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "//SINTACS grafico D.txt")
            # with open(os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico D.txt"), 'r') as f:
            #     d = {line.split('\t')[0]: line.split('\t')[1] for line in f}
            # #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(d))
            # # read raster values
            # raster = gdal.Open(str(depth_surface))
            # data_mdt = raster.ReadAsArray()
            # values_raster = numpy.unique(data_mdt)
            # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', values_raster)
            # for element in values_raster:
            #     # get the key of a certain value
            #     target = element
            #     # key, value = min(d.items(), key=lambda kv: abs(float(kv[1]) - target))
            #     m = d.get(target, d[min(d.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(float(k) - target))])
            #     # remove \n from list
            #     m_new = m.replace('\n', '')
            #     list_new_x = list_new_x + [element]
            #     list_new_y = list_new_y + [float(m_new)]
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(list_new_x))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(list_new_y))
            # for ii in range(len(list_new_x)):
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii])
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii] + float(0.01))
            #     list_new.append(list_new_y[ii])
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(list_new))
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvaluessimple",
            #                         {'GRID_IN': depth_surface, 'METHOD': 0, 'LOOKUP': list_new, 'GRID_OUT': outPath2})

                "grass7:r.reclass", {
                                 "SINTACS grafico D - Copy.txt"),

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath2 + '.sdat'))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2 + '.sdat',
                                             file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set

        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                self.tr("Depth completed."))
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def calculate(self, process_path):
        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)



        process_path = process_path
        outPath = self.output_file
        cellSize = self.cellSize

        # read D raster
        inputLayer = self.input_file_d
        #bn_inputLayer = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer))[0])
        #teste = str(bn_inputLayer) + '@1\''
        #QMessageBox.about(self, "drastic", str(teste))
        # read R raster
        inputLayer2 = self.input_file_r
        #bn_inputLayer2 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer2))[0])

        # read A raster
        inputLayer3 = self.input_file_a
        #bn_inputLayer3 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer3))[0])

        # read S raster
        inputLayer4 = self.input_file_s
        #bn_inputLayer4 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer4))[0])

        # read T raster
        inputLayer5 = self.input_file_t
        #bn_inputLayer5 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer5))[0])

        # read I raster
        inputLayer6 = self.input_file_i
        #bn_inputLayer6 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer6))[0])

        # read C raster
        inputLayer7 = self.input_file_c
        #bn_inputLayer7 = str(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(inputLayer7))[0])

        # outpath
        #outPath = self.outputLayerCombo.text()


        # sum of the raster = DRASTIC
        # D
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer))
        # # multiply by weight
        # depth_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/depth_weight"
        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
        # mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeightD.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData = driver.Create(str(depth_weight), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul)
        # outData.SetGeoTransform(geo)
        # outData = None
        # geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # # pixel size
        pixelSize = geo[1]
        #pixelSize = 30
        # extent
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
        miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
        extent = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        #data_d = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)


        #resamp_d = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_d_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_d = process_path + "resamp_d_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer,
            'output': resamp_d,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_d})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_d})

        #resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_r = process_path + "resamp_r_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer2,
            'output': resamp_r,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)

        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer2, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_r})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer2, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_r})

        #resamp_a = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_a_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_a = process_path + "resamp_a_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer3,
            'output': resamp_a,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer3, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_a})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer3, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_a})

        #resamp_s = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_s_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_s = process_path + "resamp_s_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer4,
            'output': resamp_s,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer4, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_s})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer4, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_s})

        #resamp_t = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_t = process_path + "resamp_t_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer5,
            'output': resamp_t,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer5, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_t})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer5, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_t})

        #resamp_i = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_i_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_i = process_path + "resamp_i_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer6,
            'output': resamp_i,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer6, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_i})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer6, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_i})

        #resamp_c = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_c_drastic.sdat"
        resamp_c = process_path + "resamp_c_drastic.sdat"

        params = {
            'input': inputLayer7,
            'output': resamp_c,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.resample", params)
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer7, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_c})
        #    Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling",
        #                            {'INPUT': inputLayer7, 'KEEP_TYPE': True, 'SCALE_UP': 0,
        #                             'SCALE_DOWN': 0,
        #                             'TARGET_USER_XMIN TARGET_USER_XMAX TARGET_USER_YMIN TARGET_USER_YMAX': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
        #                             'TARGET_USER_SIZE': pixelSize, 'TARGET_USER_FITS': 0, 'TARGET_TEMPLATE': None,
        #                             'OUTPUT': resamp_c})

        # resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r_drastic.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)

        # gdalRaster_d = gdal.Open(str(depth_weight))
        # x_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterXSize
        # y_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterYSize
        # geo_d = gdalRaster_d.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_d = gdalRaster_d.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_d = band_d.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_d,y_d)
        # # R
        # # resampling R raster
        # gdalRaster2 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer2))
        # # multiply by weight
        # recharge_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_weight"
        # x2 = gdalRaster2.RasterXSize
        # y2 = gdalRaster2.RasterYSize
        # geo2 = gdalRaster2.GetGeoTransform()
        # band2 = gdalRaster2.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data2 = band2.ReadAsArray(0,0,x2,y2)
        # mul2 = numpy.multiply(data2, int(self.lineWeightR.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData2 = driver2.Create(str(recharge_weight), x2,y2,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData2.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul2)
        # outData2.SetGeoTransform(geo2)
        # outData2 = None
        # Processing.initialize()
        # resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_r)
        # #resamp_r_dir = resamp_r + "." + "tif"
        # # R
        # gdalRaster_r = gdal.Open(str(resamp_r))
        # x_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterXSize
        # y_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterYSize
        # geo_r = gdalRaster_r.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_r = gdalRaster_r.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_r = band_r.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_r,y_r)
        # # A
        # # resampling A raster
        # gdalRaster3 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer3))
        # # multiply by weight
        # aquifer_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/aquifer_weight"
        # x3 = gdalRaster3.RasterXSize
        # y3 = gdalRaster3.RasterYSize
        # geo3 = gdalRaster3.GetGeoTransform()
        # band3 = gdalRaster3.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data3 = band3.ReadAsArray(0,0,x3,y3)
        # mul3 = numpy.multiply(data3, int(self.lineWeightA.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver3 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData3 = driver3.Create(str(aquifer_weight), x3,y3,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData3.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul3)
        # outData3.SetGeoTransform(geo3)
        # outData3 = None
        # resamp_a = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_a.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, aquifer_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_a)
        # # A
        # gdalRaster_a = gdal.Open(str(resamp_a))
        # x_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterXSize
        # y_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterYSize
        # geo_a = gdalRaster_a.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_a = gdalRaster_a.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_a = band_a.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_a,y_a)
        # # S
        # # resampling S raster
        # gdalRaster4 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer4))
        # # multiply by weight
        # soil_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight"
        # x4 = gdalRaster4.RasterXSize
        # y4 = gdalRaster4.RasterYSize
        # geo4 = gdalRaster4.GetGeoTransform()
        # band4 = gdalRaster4.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data4 = band4.ReadAsArray(0,0,x4,y4)
        # mul4 = numpy.multiply(data4, int(self.lineWeightS.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver4 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData4 = driver4.Create(str(soil_weight), x4,y4,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData4.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul4)
        # outData4.SetGeoTransform(geo4)
        # outData4 = None
        # # find nodata values
        # if self.lineWeightS.value()==2:
        #     error = -299997
        # # soil_weight_correct = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight_correct.sdat"
        # # # reclassify no data values
        # # Processing.initialize()
        # # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, soil_weight, 0, error, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, soil_weight_correct)
        # #
        # resamp_s = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_s.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, soil_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_s)
        # # S
        # gdalRaster_s = gdal.Open(str(resamp_s))
        # x_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterXSize
        # y_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterYSize
        # geo_s = gdalRaster_s.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_s = gdalRaster_s.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_s = band_s.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_s,y_s)
        # # T
        # # resampling T raster
        # gdalRaster5 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer5))
        # # multiply by weight
        # topography_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/topography_weight"
        # x5 = gdalRaster5.RasterXSize
        # y5 = gdalRaster5.RasterYSize
        # geo5 = gdalRaster5.GetGeoTransform()
        # band5 = gdalRaster5.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data5 = band5.ReadAsArray(0,0,x5,y5)
        # mul5 = numpy.multiply(data5, int(self.lineWeightT.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver5 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData5 = driver5.Create(str(topography_weight), x5,y5,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData5.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul5)
        # outData5.SetGeoTransform(geo5)
        # outData5 = None
        # resamp_t = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, topography_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize,0, None,3, resamp_t)
        # # T
        # gdalRaster_t = gdal.Open(str(resamp_t))
        # x_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterXSize
        # y_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterYSize
        # geo_t = gdalRaster_t.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_t = gdalRaster_t.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_t = band_t.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_t,y_t)
        # #QMessageBox.about(self, "drastic", str(data_t))
        # # I
        # # resampling I raster
        # gdalRaster6 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer6))
        # # multiply by weight
        # impact_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/impact_weight"
        # x6 = gdalRaster6.RasterXSize
        # y6 = gdalRaster6.RasterYSize
        # geo6 = gdalRaster6.GetGeoTransform()
        # band6 = gdalRaster6.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data6 = band6.ReadAsArray(0,0,x6,y6)
        # mul6 = numpy.multiply(data6, int(self.lineWeightI.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver6 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData6 = driver6.Create(str(impact_weight), x6,y6,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData6.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul6)
        # outData6.SetGeoTransform(geo6)
        # outData6 = None
        # resamp_i = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_i.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, impact_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, 0, None,3,resamp_i)
        # # I
        # gdalRaster_i = gdal.Open(str(resamp_i))
        # x_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterXSize
        # y_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterYSize
        # geo_i = gdalRaster_i.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_i = gdalRaster_i.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_i = band_i.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_i,y_i)
        # # C
        # # resampling C raster
        # gdalRaster7 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer7))
        # # multiply by weight
        # hydraulic_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/hydraulic_weight"
        # x7 = gdalRaster7.RasterXSize
        # y7 = gdalRaster7.RasterYSize
        # geo7 = gdalRaster7.GetGeoTransform()
        # band7 = gdalRaster7.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data7 = band7.ReadAsArray(0,0,x7,y7)
        # mul7 = numpy.multiply(data7, int(self.lineWeightC.value()))
        # # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        # driver7 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
        # outData7 = driver7.Create(str(hydraulic_weight), x7,y7,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        # outData7.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul7)
        # outData7.SetGeoTransform(geo7)
        # outData7 = None
        # resamp_c = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_c.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, hydraulic_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, 0, None,3, resamp_c)
        # # C
        # gdalRaster_c = gdal.Open(str(resamp_c))
        # x_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterXSize
        # y_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterYSize
        # geo_c = gdalRaster_c.GetGeoTransform()
        # band_c = gdalRaster_c.GetRasterBand(1)
        # data_c = band_c.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_c,y_c)

        # list_raster = []
        # list_raster = list_raster + [inputLayer2]+[inputLayer3]+[inputLayer4]+[inputLayer5]+[inputLayer6]+[inputLayer7]
        # listt = ';'.join(list_raster)
        # sum

        # first5 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/first5"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("gdal:rastercalculator",
        #                         {'INPUT_A': inputLayer, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': inputLayer2, 'BAND_B': 1,
        #                          'INPUT_C': inputLayer3, 'BAND_C': 1, 'INPUT_D': inputLayer4,
        #                          'BAND_D': 1, 'INPUT_E': inputLayer5, 'BAND_E': 1, 'INPUT_F': inputLayer6, 'BAND_F': 1,
        #                          'FORMULA': "A+B+C+D+E+F", 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5,
        #                          'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
        #                          'OUTPUT': first5})
        #                         {'INPUT_A': first5, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': inputLayer7, 'BAND_B': 1,
        #                          'INPUT_C': None, 'BAND_C': -1, 'INPUT_D': None,
        #                          'BAND_D': -1, 'INPUT_E': None, 'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1,
        #                          'FORMULA': "A+B", 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 5,
        #                          'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
        #                       'OUTPUT': outPath})

        #QMessageBox.about(self, "drastic", str('\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer3) + '@1\'' + '\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer7) + '@1\' + '\\"' + str(bn_inputLayer) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer6) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer2) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer4) + '@1\'' + '\"' + str(bn_inputLayer5) + '@1\''))
        #drasti = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/drastic.sdat"
        drasti = process_path + "drastic.sdat"

        # multiplication by weights
        # D_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/D_weight.sdat"
        # Processing.runAlgorithm("gdal:rastercalculator",
        #                         {'INPUT_A': inputLayer, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': None,
        #                          'BAND_B': -1, 'INPUT_C': None, 'BAND_C': -1, 'INPUT_D': None, 'BAND_D': -1,
        #                          'INPUT_E': None,
        #                          'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1,
        #                          'FORMULA': 'A*' + str(self.lineWeightD.value()), 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 6,
        #                          'OPTIONS': '',
        #                          'OUTPUT': D_weight})

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple",
        #                {'a': resamp_d,
        #                 'b': resamp_r,
        #                 'c': resamp_a,
        #                 'd': resamp_s, 'e': resamp_t,
        #                 'f': resamp_t, 'expression': 'A*' + str(self.lineWeightD.value()) + '+B*' + str(self.lineWeightR.value()) + '+C*' + str(self.lineWeightA.value()) + '+D*' + str(self.lineWeightS.value()) + '+E*' + str(self.lineWeightT.value()) + '+F*' + str(self.lineWeightI.value()), 'output': drasti,
        #                 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': '20.6858,4109.2379,131434.879,134069.1139 [EPSG:3763]',
        #                 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''})

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
        #     'GRIDS': resamp_d,
        #     'XGRIDS': [resamp_r,resamp_a,resamp_s,resamp_t,resamp_i, resamp_c],
        #     'FORMULA': 'a*' + str(self.lineWeightD.value()) + '+b*' + str(self.lineWeightR.value()) + '+c*' + str(self.lineWeightA.value()) + '+d*' + str(self.lineWeightS.value()) + '+e*' + str(self.lineWeightT.value()) + '+f*' + str(self.lineWeightI.value()), 'RESAMPLING':3, 'USE_NODATA': False, 'TYPE': 7, 'RESULT': drasti}
            "grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
                'A*' + str(self.weight_d) + '+B*' + str(self.weight_r) +
                '+C*' + str(self.weight_a) + '+D*' + str(self.weight_s) +
                '+E*' + str(self.weight_t) + '+F*' + str(self.weight_i),
                extent + ' [EPSG:3763]',

            "grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
                'a': drasti,
                'b': resamp_c,
                'c': None,
                'd': None,
                'e': None,
                'f': None,
                'expression': 'A+B*' + str(self.weight_c),
                'output': outPath,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent + ' [EPSG:3763]',
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def convert(self):

        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        inputLayer2 = self.inputLayerCombo2.currentText()

        # sum of the raster = SI
        # D
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer))
        # # multiply by weight
        # depth_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/depth_weight"
        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # # pixel size
        pixelSize = geo[1]
        # extent
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
        miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
        extent = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)

        outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()


        normalize1 = QFileInfo(
            QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/normalize1"
            "grass7:r.rescale", {
                'input': inputLayer,
                'from': [self.linePixmin.value(),
                'to': [0, 100],
                'output': normalize1,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': str(extent) + '[EPSG:3763]',
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        normalize2 = QFileInfo(
            QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/normalize2"
            "grass7:r.rescale", {
                'input': inputLayer2,
                'from': [self.linePixmin2.value(),
                'to': [0, 100],
                'output': normalize2,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': str(extent) + '[EPSG:3763]',
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        # Processing.runAlgorithm("gdal:rastercalculator", {'INPUT_A': normalize1 + '.sdat', 'BAND_A': 1,
        #                                          'INPUT_B': normalize2 + '.sdat', 'BAND_B': 1,
        #                                          'INPUT_C': None, 'BAND_C': -1, 'INPUT_D': None, 'BAND_D': -1,
        #                                          'INPUT_E': None, 'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1,
        #                                          'FORMULA': 'A-B', 'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 6, 'OPTIONS': '',
        #                                          'OUTPUT': outPath})

            "grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
                'a': normalize1 + '.sdat',
                'b': normalize2 + '.sdat',
                'c': normalize2 + '.sdat',
                'd': normalize1 + '.sdat',
                'e': normalize2 + '.sdat',
                'f': normalize1 + '.sdat',
                'expression': 'A-B',
                'output': outPath,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent + '[EPSG:3763]',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        # add result into canvas
        # add result into canvas
        file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
        rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, file_info_norm.fileName(),
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
        # set the map canvas layer set
        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                self.tr("Analysis completed."))

Ejemplo n.º 26
def run(algOrName, *args, **kwargs):
    """Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, None, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 27
def runandload(name, *args, **kwargs):
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(name, handleAlgorithmResults, *args,
Ejemplo n.º 28
    def convert(self):

        # ------------------------ FIRST METHOD -------------------------------------------------
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            inputMask = self.inputMaskCombo.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(
                unicode(inputLayer).encode('utf8'), inputLayer, "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            layer_mask = QgsVectorLayer(
                unicode(inputMask).encode('utf8'), inputMask, "ogr")
            vectorlayer_mask = layer_mask.dataProvider()
            # mask extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_mask.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
            # attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            # size of atributte table == number of points
            count = layer.featureCount()

            # points interpolation idw
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Inverse Distance Weighting":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                idw_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/idw_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:v.surf.idw", None, inputLayer,
                                        count, 2.0, Elevation, False, extent,
                                        cellSize, -1.0, 0.0001,
                idw_int = idw_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask = QFileInfo(
                    QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/int_mask"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        idw_int, inputMask, int_mask)
                int_mask_zone = int_mask + "." + "tif"

            # indexes for topography
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0, numberRows):
                for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)

            # reclassify idw interpolation
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Inverse Distance Weighting":
                idw_reclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()
                                           ).path() + "/idw_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info.exists():
                    layer_name = file_info.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
                if rlayer_new.isValid():
                    layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
                    layerList = [layer]
                    extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
                    return True
                    return False

            # points interpolation kriging
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText() == "Kriging":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                kriging_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/kriging_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:ordinarykrigingglobal", None,
                                        inputLayer, Elevation, True, 0, 1,
                                        False, 100, False, 0.0, 10, 1000, 1.0,
                                        0.1, 1.0, 0.5, cellSize, True, extent,
                                        kriging_interpolation, None)
                kriging_int = kriging_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_kriging = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath(
                )).path() + "/int_mask_kriging"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        kriging_int, inputMask,
                int_mask_zone_k = int_mask_kriging + "." + "tif"

                kriging_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/kriging_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_k, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_k = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_k.exists():
                    layer_name_k = file_info_k.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_k = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_k)
                if rlayer_new_k.isValid():
                    layer_k = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_k)
                    layerList_k = [layer_k]
                    extent_k = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

                # points interpolation cubic spline
            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Cubic spline approximation (SAGA)":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                cubicSpline_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/cubicSpline_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:cubicsplineapproximation", None,
                                        inputLayer, Elevation, 0, 3, count, 5,
                                        140.0, extent, cellSize,
                cubicSpline_int = cubicSpline_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_cubicSpline = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/int_mask_cubicSpline"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        cubicSpline_int, inputMask,
                int_mask_zone_cs = int_mask_cubicSpline + "." + "tif"

                cubicSpline_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/cubicSpline_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_cs, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_cs = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_cs.exists():
                    layer_name_cs = file_info_cs.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_cs = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_cs)
                if rlayer_new_cs.isValid():
                    layer_cs = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_cs)
                    layerList_cs = [layer_cs]
                    extent_cs = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

            if self.comboBoxMethod.currentText(
            ) == "Spatial approximation using spline with tension (GRASS)":
                # grid directory (qgis2)
                rst_interpolation = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/rst_interpolation"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("grass:v.surf.rst", None, inputLayer,
                                        "", None, Elevation, 40, 40, 300,
                                        0.001, 2.5, 1, 0, 0, False, False,
                                        extent, cellSize, -1, 0.0001,
                                        rst_interpolation, None, None, None,
                                        None, None)
                rst_int = rst_interpolation + "." + "tif"

                int_mask_rst = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()
                                         ).path() + "/int_mask_rst"
                # clip grid(interpolation) with polygon (mask)
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:clipgridwithpolygon", None,
                                        rst_int, inputMask, int_mask_rst)
                int_mask_zone_rst = int_mask_rst + "." + "tif"

                rst_reclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()
                                           ).path() + "/rst_reclassify"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        int_mask_zone_rst, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_rst = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_rst.exists():
                    layer_name_rst = file_info_rst.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_rst = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_rst)
                if rlayer_new_rst.isValid():
                    layer_rst = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_rst)
                    layerList_rst = [layer_rst]
                    extent_rst = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False

    # ----------------------- SECOND RASTER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        if self.inputLayerCombo_mdt != "":
            outPath2 = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            # read raster
            inputRaster = self.inputLayerCombo_mdt.currentText()
            layer_raster = QgsRasterLayer(inputRaster, inputRaster, "gdal")
            data_mdt = layer_raster.dataProvider()
            extent_raster = data_mdt.extent()
            xmin_raster = extent_raster.xMinimum()
            xmax_raster = extent_raster.xMaximum()
            ymin_raster = extent_raster.yMinimum()
            ymax_raster = extent_raster.yMaximum()
            extent_raster_str = str(xmin_raster) + "," + str(
                xmax_raster) + "," + str(ymin_raster) + "," + str(ymax_raster)
            cellSize = layer_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()

            # read maximum depth
            max_depth = self.line_max.value()
            # read distance
            distance = self.line_distance.value()
            # minimum size
            size = self.line_size.value()

            # grid directory (qgis2)
            # generate stream segments
            stream = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/stream"
                "grass7:r.watershed", {
                    'elevation': inputRaster,
                    'depression': None,
                    'flow': None,
                    'disturbed_land': None,
                    'blocking': None,
                    'threshold': size,
                    'max_slope_length': None,
                    'convergence': 5,
                    'memory': 300,
                    '-s': False,
                    '-m': False,
                    '-4': False,
                    '-a': False,
                    '-b': False,
                    'accumulation': None,
                    'drainage': None,
                    'basin': None,
                    'stream': stream,
                    'half_basin': None,
                    'length_slope': None,
                    'slope_steepness': None,
                    'tci': None,
                    'spi': None,
                    extent_raster_str + '[EPSG:3763]',
                    'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

            # condition stream > 1 to have the lines with value 1
            stream_ones = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()
                                    ).path() + "/stream_ones"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': stream,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A>1",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': stream_ones

            # raster distance
            raster_distance = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/raster_distance.sdat"

                "gdal:proximity", {
                    'INPUT': str(stream_ones),
                    'BAND': 1,
                    'VALUES': '1',
                    'UNITS': 0,
                    'MAX_DISTANCE': 0,
                    'REPLACE': 0,
                    'NODATA': 0,
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'DATA_TYPE': 5,
                    'OUTPUT': str(raster_distance)
            # condition distance >=  200, always maximum depth meters
            dist_major_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/dist_major_200"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A>=" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_major_200

            dist_multiplication = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/dist_multiplication"
                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_major_200,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*" + str(max_depth),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_multiplication

            # condition distance < 200, inteprolation between 0 and maximum depth
            dist_minor_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/dist_minor_200"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A<" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_minor_200

            # multiplication by the raster distance
            dist_multiplication_dist = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/dist_multiplication_dist"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_minor_200,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': raster_distance,
                    'BAND_B': 1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*B",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': dist_multiplication_dist

            # interpolation between 0 and distance
            interpolation_dist = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/interpolation_dist"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_multiplication_dist,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A*" + str(max_depth) + "/" + str(distance),
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': interpolation_dist

            # depth surface = sum of two conditions
            depth_surface = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/depth_surface"

                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': dist_multiplication,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': interpolation_dist,
                    'BAND_B': 1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': "A+B",
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 5,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': depth_surface

            # indexes for topography
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0, numberRows):
                for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)
            results = list(map(float, lista))

            depth_reclassify = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/depth_reclassify.sdat"
                "saga:reclassifyvalues", {
                    'INPUT': depth_surface,
                    'METHOD': 2,
                    'OLD': 0,
                    'NEW': 1,
                    'SOPERATOR': 0,
                    'MIN': 0,
                    'MAX': 1,
                    'RNEW': 2,
                    'ROPERATOR': 0,
                    'RETAB': results,
                    'TOPERATOR': 0,
                    'NODATAOPT': True,
                    'NODATA': 0,
                    'OTHEROPT': True,
                    'OTHERS': 0,
                    'RESULT': outPath2

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath2))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2,
                                             file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set

            # file_info_norm = QFileInfo(outPath2)
            # if file_info_norm.exists():
            #     layer_name_norm = file_info_norm.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, layer_name_norm)
            # if rlayer_new_norm.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_norm)
            #     layer_norm = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_norm)
            #     layerList_norm = [layer_norm]
            #     extent_norm = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_norm.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_norm)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False

        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                self.tr("Depth completed."))
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def convert(self):

        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        # layer information
        layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
        vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
        # extent
        extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
        xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
        xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
        ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
        ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
        extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
        # attribute
        Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
        # cellsize
        cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
        outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
        # read fields and add a new column with the indexes
        fields = layer.fields()
        new_field = QgsField("Indexes", QVariant.Double)
        layer_new = vectorlayer_vector.addAttributes([new_field])
        newFieldIndex = vectorlayer_vector.fieldNameIndex(new_field.name())
        allAttrs = vectorlayer_vector.attributeIndexes()
        # editing the new column
        numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        classes = ''
        lista = []
        for i in range(0, numberRows):
            for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]

        # list of description on tool table
        lista_table = lista

        field_names = [field.name() for field in fields]
        n = len(field_names)
        lista_attrib = []
        for i in range(0, n):
            f = field_names[i]
            if f == str(Elevation):
                number = i
                for feat in layer.getFeatures():
                    attrb = feat.attributes()
                    attribute_read = attrb[number]
                    lista_attrib = lista_attrib + [str(attribute_read)]
        # list of description on attribute table of shapefile
        lista_attributes = lista_attrib
        #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(lista_attributes))

        # obtain the indexes of the description of shapefile attribute table
        description_common = set(lista_attributes).intersection(lista_table)
        listDescription = list(description_common)

        listElem = []
        listElements = []
        for j in range(0, len(listDescription)):
            elem = lista_table.index(listDescription[j])
            listElements = listElements + [elem]

            elem_index = lista_table[int(elem + 1)]
            listElem = listElem + [float(elem_index)]

        for l in range(0, len(listElem)):
            exp = QgsExpression(str(listElem[l]))

            elemDescription = lista_table[listElements[l]]
            for f in layer.getFeatures():
                # get attributes of column defined by the user
                attrb_elem = f[number]
                if attrb_elem == elemDescription:
                    f[newFieldIndex] = exp.evaluate()
        list_attrb_newField = []
        for features in layer.getFeatures():
            attrb_newField = features.attributes()
            attrb_newField_read = attrb_newField[number + 1]

        # update and read the new field
        fieldsNew = layer.fields()
        field_names_new = [newField.name() for newField in fieldsNew]
        parameter_indexes = field_names_new[newFieldIndex]

        soil = QFileInfo(
            QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/soil.sdat"
            "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                'input': inputLayer,
                'type': [0, 1, 3],
                'where': '',
                'use': 0,
                'attribute_column': parameter_indexes,
                'rgb_column': None,
                'label_column': None,
                'value': 1,
                'memory': 300,
                'output': outPath,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001

        # add result into canvas
        # add result into canvas
        file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
        rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, file_info_norm.fileName(),
        # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
        # set the map canvas layer set
        # file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
        # if file_info.exists():
        #     layer_name = file_info.baseName()
        # else:
        #     return False
        # rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
        # if rlayer_new.isValid():
        #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
        #     layerList = [layer]
        #     extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
        #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList)
        #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
        #     return True
        # else:
        #     return False
        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                self.tr("Aquifer media completed."))

Ejemplo n.º 30
def runandload(name, *args, **kwargs):
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(name, handleAlgorithmResults, *args, **kwargs)
Ejemplo n.º 31
def run(algOrName, parameters, onFinish=None, feedback=None, context=None):
    """Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, parameters, onFinish, feedback,
    def convert(self):
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            inputLayer1 = self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()
            inputLayer2 = self.inputLayerCombo2.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(
                unicode(inputLayer).encode('utf8'), inputLayer, "ogr")
            layer1 = QgsVectorLayer(
                unicode(inputLayer1).encode('utf8'), inputLayer1, "ogr")
            layer2 = QgsVectorLayer(
                unicode(inputLayer2).encode('utf8'), inputLayer2, "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            vectorlayer_vector1 = layer1.dataProvider()
            vectorlayer_vector2 = layer2.dataProvider()
            # extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
            # attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            Attrib1 = self.lineAttribRunoff.currentText()
            Attrib2 = self.lineAttribEvap.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            # grid directory (qgis2)
            filedir = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/pret"
            filedir1 = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/runoff"
            filedir2 = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/evapo"
                "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                    'input': inputLayer,
                    'type': [0, 1, 3],
                    'where': '',
                    'use': 0,
                    'attribute_column': Elevation,
                    'rgb_column': None,
                    'label_column': None,
                    'value': None,
                    'memory': 300,
                    'output': filedir,
                    'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                    'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                    'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                    'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001

            # map subtraction in case of having the three shapefiles
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText() != "":
                    "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                        'input': inputLayer1,
                        'type': [0, 1, 3],
                        'where': '',
                        'use': 0,
                        'attribute_column': Attrib1,
                        'rgb_column': None,
                        'label_column': None,
                        'value': None,
                        'memory': 300,
                        'output': filedir1,
                        'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                        'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                        'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                        'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                        'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                        'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001
                    "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                        'input': inputLayer2,
                        'type': [0, 1, 3],
                        'where': '',
                        'use': 0,
                        'attribute_column': Attrib2,
                        'rgb_column': None,
                        'label_column': None,
                        'value': None,
                        'memory': 300,
                        'output': filedir2,
                        'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                        'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                        'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                        'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                        'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                        'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001
                Infiltrazione = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/Infiltrazione"
                gdalRaster_prec = gdal.Open(str(out))
                x_prec = gdalRaster_prec.RasterXSize
                y_prec = gdalRaster_prec.RasterYSize
                geo_prec = gdalRaster_prec.GetGeoTransform()
                band_prec = gdalRaster_prec.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_prec = band_prec.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x_prec, y_prec)
                gdalRaster_runoff = gdal.Open(str(outRunoff))
                x_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.RasterXSize
                y_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.RasterYSize
                geo_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.GetGeoTransform()
                band_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_runoff = band_runoff.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x_runoff, y_runoff)
                gdalRaster_evapo = gdal.Open(str(outEvap))
                x_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.RasterXSize
                y_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.RasterYSize
                geo_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.GetGeoTransform()
                band_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_evapo = band_evapo.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x_evapo, y_evapo)
                sub1 = numpy.subtract(data_prec, data_runoff)
                sub2 = numpy.subtract(sub1, data_evapo)
                # Create an output imagedriver with the substraction result
                driver_out = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
                outData_Infiltrazione = driver_out.Create(
                    str(Infiltrazione), x_prec, y_prec, 1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
                outData_Infiltrazione = None

                # multiplication of precipitation by 0.1, in case of having only the precipitation shapefile
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText() == "":
                userReclassify = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/reclassify"
                # Infiltrazione = precipitation * 0.1 (10% of precipitation)
                gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(out))
                x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
                y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
                geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
                band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
                data = band.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x, y)
                mul = numpy.multiply(data, 0.1)
                # Create an output imagedriver with the multiplication result
                driver = gdal.GetDriverByName("GTiff")
                outData = driver.Create(str(userReclassify), x, y, 1,
                outData = None

                # indexes for topography for the two methods
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0, numberRows):
                for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)

                    # reclassification of Infiltrazione values in case of having only the precipitation shapefile
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText() == "":
                Infiltrazione_prec = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/Infiltrazione_prec"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        userReclassify, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_prec = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_prec.exists():
                    layer_name_prec = file_info_prec.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_prec = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_prec)
                if rlayer_new_prec.isValid():
                    layer_prec = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_prec)
                    layerList_prec = [layer_prec]
                    extent_prec = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False
                    self, self.tr("Finished"),
                    self.tr("Net Infiltrazione completed."))

                # reclassification of Infiltrazione values in case of having the three shapefiles
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText() != "":
                Infiltrazione_prec_run_evap = QFileInfo(
                    ) + "/Infiltrazione_prec_run_evap"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None,
                                        Infiltrazione, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0,
                                        1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0,
                                        True, 0.0, outPath)

                # add result into canvas
                file_info_prec_runoff_evapo = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_prec_runoff_evapo.exists():
                    layer_name_prec_runoff_evapo = file_info_prec_runoff_evapo.baseName(
                    return False
                rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo = QgsRasterLayer(
                    outPath, layer_name_prec_runoff_evapo)
                if rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo.isValid():
                    layer_prec_runoff_evapo = QgsMapCanvasLayer(
                    layerList_prec_runoff_evapo = [layer_prec_runoff_evapo]
                    extent_prec_runoff_evapo = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(
                    return True
                    return False
                    self, self.tr("Finished"),
                    self.tr("Net Infiltrazione completed."))

        if self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText() != "":
            # read mdt data
            outPath2 = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            inputRaster = self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText()

            gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputRaster))

            x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
            y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
            geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
            minx = geo[0]
            maxy = geo[3]
            maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
            miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
            extent_raster = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(
                miny) + "," + str(maxy)
            pixelSize = geo[1]
            band_mdt = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
            data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x, y)

            # mdt_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/mdt_interp"
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, inputRaster, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, mdt_interp)
            # mdt = mdt_interp + "." + "tif"
            # gdalMDT = gdal.Open(str(mdt_interp) + "." + "tif")
            # x_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterXSize
            # y_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterYSize
            # geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()
            # band_mdt = gdalMDT.GetRasterBand(1)
            # data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_mdt,y_mdt)
            # coeficients a and b of the regression lines, y = ax + b, used for mean monthly precipitation, y(mm), as a function of altitude, x(m)
            # a = 0.99
            # b = 542.22
            # precip_mul = numpy.multiply(data_mdt,a)
            # precipitat = precip_mul + b
            # precipitation = numpy.array(precipitat)
            # Infiltrazione = numpy.multiply(precipitation, 0.15)
            Infiltrazione_without_rec = QFileInfo(
                ) + "/Infiltrazione_without_rec"
                "gdal:rastercalculator", {
                    'INPUT_A': inputRaster,
                    'BAND_A': 1,
                    'INPUT_B': None,
                    'BAND_B': -1,
                    'INPUT_C': None,
                    'BAND_C': -1,
                    'INPUT_D': None,
                    'BAND_D': -1,
                    'INPUT_E': None,
                    'BAND_E': -1,
                    'INPUT_F': None,
                    'BAND_F': -1,
                    'FORMULA': '(A*0.99+542.22)*0.15',
                    'NO_DATA': None,
                    'RTYPE': 6,
                    'EXTRA': '',
                    'OPTIONS': '',
                    'OUTPUT': Infiltrazione_without_rec
            # Create an output imagedriver with the multiplication result
            # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
            # outData2 = driver2.Create(str(Infiltrazione_without_rec+'.'+'tif'), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            # outData2.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(Infiltrazione)
            # outData2.SetGeoTransform(geo)
            # outData2 = None

            # list_new = []
            # list_new_x = []
            # list_new_y = []
            # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(self.plugin_dir))
            # # FILE = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "//SINTACS grafico D.txt")
            # with open(os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico I.txt"), 'r') as f:
            #     d = {line.split('\t')[0]: line.split('\t')[1] for line in f}
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(d))
            # # read raster values
            # raster = gdal.Open(str(Infiltrazione_without_rec))
            # data_mdt = raster.ReadAsArray()
            # values_raster = numpy.unique(data_mdt)
            # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(values_raster))
            # for element in values_raster:
            #     # get the key of a certain value
            #     target = element
            #     # key, value = min(d.items(), key=lambda kv: abs(float(kv[1]) - target))
            #     m = d.get(target, d[min(d.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(float(k) - target))])
            #     # remove \n from list
            #     m_new = m.replace('\n', '')
            #     list_new_x = list_new_x + [element]
            #     list_new_y = list_new_y + [float(m_new)]
            # # Set the path for the output file
            # output_file = open('C:\Artigos\DRASTIC_melhoria/file.txt', 'w')
            # for ii in range(len(list_new_x)):
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii])
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii] + float(0.01))
            #     list_new.append(list_new_y[ii])
            # # Get the features and properly rewrite them as lines
            # for feat in list_new:
            #     output_file.write(str(feat) + '/t')
            # output_file.close()

            # indexes for topography for the two methods
            # numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            # numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            # classes = ''
            # lista = []
            # for i in range(0, numberRows):
            #     for j in range(0, numberColumns):
            #         self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
            #         lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
            #         string = ","
            #         intervalos = string.join(lista)
            # results = list(map(int, lista))
            #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(list_new))


            # Processing.runAlgorithm("native:reclassifybytable", {
            #     'INPUT_RASTER': Infiltrazione_without_rec,
            #     'RASTER_BAND': 1, 'TABLE': list_new,
            #     'NO_DATA': 0, 'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0, 'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False, 'DATA_TYPE': 5,
            #     'OUTPUT': outPath2})

                "grass7:r.reclass", {
                                 "SINTACS grafico I - Copy.txt"),

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath2))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2,
                                             file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
            # add result into canvas
            # file_info_Infiltrazione = QFileInfo(outPath2)
            # if file_info_Infiltrazione.exists():
            #     layer_name_Infiltrazione = file_info_Infiltrazione.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new_Infiltrazione = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, layer_name_Infiltrazione)
            # if rlayer_new_Infiltrazione.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_Infiltrazione)
            #     layer_prec_Infiltrazione = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_Infiltrazione)
            #     layerList_Infiltrazione = [layer_prec_Infiltrazione]
            #     extent_Infiltrazione = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_Infiltrazione.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_Infiltrazione)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False
            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                    self.tr("Net Infiltrazione completed."))

Ejemplo n.º 33
    def execute(self):
        # create a project
        p = QgsProject.instance()
        mlr = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()
        # Run alg with params
        # TODO: get args
        args = {}
        # get vector and raster inputs
        inputCrs = None
        for k in self._inputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName( v.identifier )
            # vector layers
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterVector':
                values = []
                if vectorLayers and ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_ANY in parm.shapetype :
                    values = [l for l in vectorLayers]
                elif vectorLayers :
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POINT in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Point']
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_LINE in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Line']
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POLYGON in parm.shapetype :
                        values += [l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Polygon']
                if values :
                    layerName = v.getValue()
                    values = [l for l in values if l['name'] == layerName]
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer( l['datasource'], l['name'], l['provider'] )
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']) )
                    else :
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str(crs) )
                    if qgsCrs :
                        layer.setCrs( qgsCrs )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                else :
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo( fileName )
                    # move fileName to fileName.gml for ogr
                    with open( fileName, 'r' ) as f :
                        o = open( fileName+'.gml', 'w' )
                        o.write( f.read() )
                    #import shutil
                    #shutil.copy2(fileName+'.gml', '/tmp/test.gml' )
                    # get layer
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer( fileName+'.gml', fileInfo.baseName(), 'ogr' )
                    pr = layer.dataProvider()
                    e = layer.extent()
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            # raster layers
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterRaster':
                if rasterLayers :
                    layerName = v.getValue()
                    values = [l for l in rasterLayers if l['name'] == layerName]
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer( l['datasource'], l['name'], l['provider'] )
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']) )
                    else :
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str(crs) )
                    if qgsCrs :
                        layer.setCrs( qgsCrs )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                else :
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo( fileName )
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer( fileName, fileInfo.baseName(), 'gdal' )
                    mlr.addMapLayer( layer, False )
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                coords = v.getValue().coords
                args[v.identifier] = str(coords[0][0])+','+str(coords[1][0])+','+str(coords[0][1])+','+str(coords[1][1])
                args[v.identifier] = v.getValue()

        # if extent in inputs, transform it to the alg CRS
        if inputCrs:
            for k in self._inputs:
                v = getattr(self, k)
                parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName( v.identifier )
                if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                    coords = v.getValue().coords
                    coordCrs = None
                    if v.getValue().crs:
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str( v.getValue().crs ) )
                    elif crss:
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( str( crss[0] ) )
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( 'EPSG:4326' )
                    if coordCrs:
                        coordExtent = QgsRectangle( coords[0][0], coords[0][1], coords[1][0], coords[1][1] )
                        xform = QgsCoordinateTransform( coordCrs, inputCrs )
                        coordExtent = xform.transformBoundingBox( coordExtent )
                        args[v.identifier] = str(coordExtent.xMinimum())+','+str(coordExtent.xMaximum())+','+str(coordExtent.yMinimum())+','+str(coordExtent.yMaximum())

        # Adds None for output parameter(s)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            args[v.identifier] = None

        if not len( self.alg.parameters ):

        tAlg = Processing.runAlgorithm(self.alg, None, args)
        # if runalg failed return exception message
        if not tAlg:
            return 'Error in processing'
        # clear map layer registry
        # get result
        result = tAlg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getOutputFromName( v.identifier )

            # Output Vector
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputVector':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                if not outputName :
                  return 'No output file'
                # get output file info
                outputInfo = QFileInfo( outputName )
                # get the output QGIS vector layer
                outputLayer = QgsVectorLayer( outputName, outputInfo.baseName(), 'ogr' )
                # Update input CRS
                if not inputCrs.authid():
                    crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
                    inputCrs = crs
                # Update CRS
                if not outputLayer.dataProvider().crs().authid():
                    outputLayer.setCrs( inputCrs )
                # define destination CRS
                destCrs = None
                if outputLayer.crs().authid().startswith( 'USER:'******'EPSG:4326' )
                        v.projection = 'EPSG:4326'
                # define the file extension
                outputExt = 'gml'
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    outputExt = 'geojson'
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-shp':
                    outputExt = 'shp'
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-tab':
                    outputExt = 'tab'
                # define the output file path
                outputFile = os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.'+outputExt )
                # write the output GML file
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-shp':
                    if destCrs :
                        outputFile = os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'_'+str(destCrs.srsid())+'.'+outputExt )
                        outputInfo = QFileInfo( outputFile )
                        error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'ESRI Shapefile', False, None )
                    # compress files
                    import zipfile
                        import zlib
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
                    zFile = os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.zip' )
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(zFile, 'w') as zf:
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.shp' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.shp')
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.shx' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.shx')
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.dbf' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.dbf')
                        if os.path.exists( os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.prj' ) ):
                            zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.prj' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.prj')
                    outputFile = zFile
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-tab':
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'Mapinfo File', False, None )
                    # compress files
                    import zipfile
                        import zlib
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
                    zFile = os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.zip' )
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(zFile, 'w') as zf:
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.tab' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.tab')
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.dat' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.dat')
                        zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.map' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.map')
                        if os.path.exists( os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.id' ) ):
                            zf.write(os.path.join( outputInfo.absolutePath(), outputInfo.baseName()+'.id' ), compress_type=compression, arcname=outputInfo.baseName()+'.id')
                    outputFile = zFile
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GeoJSON', False, None )
                elif v.format['mimetype'] in ('text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1','application/gml+xml; version=3.1.1') :
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GML', False, None, ['XSISCHEMAURI=http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/3.1.1/base/feature.xsd','FORMAT=GML3'] )
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat( outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GML', False, None, ['XSISCHEMAURI=http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd'] )
                args[v.identifier] = outputFile

                # get OWS getCapabilities URL
                if not v.asReference and v.format['mimetype'] in ('application/x-ogc-wms', 'application/x-ogc-wfs'):
                    from pywps.Wps.Execute import QGIS
                    qgis = QGIS.QGIS(self, self.pywps.UUID)
                    v.setValue( outputFile )
                    outputFile = qgis.getReference(v)
                    args[v.identifier] = outputFile

            # Output Raster
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputRaster':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                # get output file info
                outputInfo = QFileInfo( outputName )
                # get the output QGIS vector layer
                outputLayer = QgsRasterLayer( outputName, outputInfo.baseName(), 'gdal' )
                # Update CRS
                if not outputLayer.dataProvider().crs().authid():
                    outputLayer.setCrs( inputCrs )
                    v.projection = 'proj4:'+inputCrs.toProj4()
                if not outputName :
                  return 'No output file'
                args[v.identifier] = outputName

                # get OWS getCapabilities URL
                if not v.asReference and v.format['mimetype'] in ('application/x-ogc-wms', 'application/x-ogc-wcs'):
                    from pywps.Wps.Execute import QGIS
                    qgis = QGIS.QGIS(self, self.pywps.UUID)
                    v.setValue( outputName )
                    outputFile = qgis.getReference(v)
                    args[v.identifier] = outputFile
                args[v.identifier] = result.get(v.identifier, None)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            v.setValue( args[v.identifier] )
Ejemplo n.º 34
def run(algOrName, *args, **kwargs):
    """Executes given algorithm and returns its outputs as dictionary
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, None, *args, **kwargs)
    def convert(self):
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            # extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
            # elevation attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            # grid directory (qgis2)
            filedir = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/raster"

            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:v.to.rast", {'input': inputLayer, 'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0,
                                                         'attribute_column': Elevation, 'rgb_column': None,
                                                         'label_column': None, 'value': None, 'memory': 300,
                                                         'output': filedir, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                                                         'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                                                         'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '', 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                                                         'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                                                         'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001})

            userDir = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/grid"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.contour", None, out, extent, cellSize, userDir)

            # slope
            userSlope = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slope"
            outGrid = userDir + "." + "tif"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.slope.aspect", None, outGrid, 1, 1, 1.0, 0.0, extent, cellSize, userSlope,
                                    None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)

            # reclassify slope raster
            outSlope = userSlope + "." + "tif"
            userSlopeRec = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slopeRec"

        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() == "":
            inputLayer_dem = self.inputLayerCombo_dem.currentText()
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "recharge", str(inputRaster))
            gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer_dem))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "recharge", str(gdalRaster))
            x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
            y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
            geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
            minx = geo[0]
            maxy = geo[3]
            maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
            miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
            extent_raster = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)
            pixelSize = geo[1]

            ## layer information
            # layer_raster = QgsRasterLayer(unicode(inputLayer_dem).encode('utf8'), inputLayer_dem , "gdal")         
            # rasterlayer =  layer_raster.dataProvider()
            ## extent
            # extent_rect = rasterlayer.extent()
            # xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            # xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            # ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            # ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            # extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
            ##QMessageBox.about(self, "Superficie_topografica", str(extent))
            ## cellsize
            # cellSize = layer_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
            ##cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            ##QMessageBox.about(self, "Superficie_topografica", str(cellSize))
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            # pixel size is the same as the dem raster, miss reamostragem

            # mdt_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/mdt_interp"
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, inputLayer_dem, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, mdt_interp)
            # mdt = mdt_interp + "." + "tif"

            # gdalMDT = gdal.Open(str(mdt_interp) + "." + "tif")
            # x_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterXSize
            # y_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterYSize            
            # geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform() 
            # band_mdt = gdalMDT.GetRasterBand(1)
            # data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_mdt,y_mdt)   
            # geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()  
            # minx = geo_mdt[0]
            # maxy = geo_mdt[3]
            # maxx = minx + geo_mdt[1]*x_mdt
            # miny = maxy + geo_mdt[5]*y_mdt
            # extent_raster_new = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)  
            # pixelSize_new = geo_mdt[1]            

            # slope from DEM
            userSlope_dem = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/slope_dem.tif"
                                    {'elevation': inputLayer_dem, 'format': 1, 'precision': 0,
                                     '-a': True, 'zscale': 1, 'min_slope': 0,
                                     'slope': userSlope_dem,
                                     'aspect': None,
                                     'pcurvature': None,
                                     'tcurvature': None,
                                     'dx': None,
                                     'dy': None,
                                     'dxx': None,
                                     'dyy': None,
                                     'dxy': None,
                                     'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent_raster + '[EPSG:3763]',
                                     'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                                     'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''})

            # reclassify slope raster
            # outSlope_dem = userSlope_dem + "." + "tif"
            # userSlopeRec_dem = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slopeRec_dem"

            # indexes for Superficie_topografica
            # numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            # numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            # classes = ''
            # lista = []
            # for i in range(0, numberRows):
            #     for j in range(0, numberColumns):
            #         self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
            #         lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
            #         string = ","
            #         intervalos = string.join(lista)
            # results = list(map(int, lista))

            # QMessageBox.about(self, "Superficie_topografica", str(userSlope_dem))

            # list_new = []
            # list_new_x = []
            # list_new_y = []
            # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(self.plugin_dir))
            # # FILE = os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "//SINTACS grafico D.txt")
            # with open(os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico S.txt"), 'r') as f:
            #     d = {line.split('\t')[0]: line.split('\t')[1] for line in f}
            # #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(d))
            # # read raster values
            # raster = gdal.Open(str(userSlope_dem))
            # data_mdt = raster.ReadAsArray()
            # values_raster = numpy.unique(data_mdt)
            # # QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', values_raster)
            # for element in values_raster:
            #     #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(element))
            #     if element <= 24.42:
            #         #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(element))
            #         # get the key of a certain value
            #         target = element
            #         # key, value = min(d.items(), key=lambda kv: abs(float(kv[1]) - target))
            #         m = d.get(target, d[min(d.keys(), key=lambda k: abs(float(k) - target))])
            #         # remove \n from list
            #         m_new = m.replace('\n', '')
            #         list_new_x = list_new_x + [element]
            #         list_new_y = list_new_y + [float(m_new)]
            # # Set the path for the output file
            # output_file = open('C:\Artigos\DRASTIC_melhoria/file.txt', 'w')
            # for ii in range(len(list_new_x)):
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii])
            #     list_new.append(list_new_x[ii] + float(0.01))
            #     list_new.append(list_new_y[ii])
            # list_new = list_new + [24.43]
            # list_new = list_new + [1000]
            # list_new = list_new + [0.9717]
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(list_new))

            # Get the features and properly rewrite them as lines
            # for feat in list_new:
            #     output_file.write(str(feat)+'/t')
            # output_file.close()
            #QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(list_new[20:]))

            # if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            #     Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvalues",
            #                             {'INPUT': outSlope, 'METHOD': 2, 'OLD': 0, 'NEW': 1, 'SOPERATOR': 0, 'MIN': 0,
            #                              'MAX': 1,
            #                              'RNEW': 2, 'ROPERATOR': 0, 'RETAB': list_new, 'TOPERATOR': 0, 'NODATAOPT': True,
            #                              'NODATA': 0,
            #                              'OTHEROPT': True, 'OTHERS': 0, 'RESULT': outPath})

            # reclassify slope_dem values
            #if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() == "":
            # topo_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/topo_interp.tif"
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvalues",
            #                         {'INPUT': userSlope_dem, 'METHOD': 2, 'OLD': 0, 'NEW': 1, 'SOPERATOR': 0, 'MIN': 0,
            #                          'MAX': 1,
            #                          'RNEW': 2, 'ROPERATOR': 0, 'RETAB': list_new, 'TOPERATOR': 0, 'NODATAOPT': True,
            #                          'NODATA': 0,
            #                          'OTHEROPT': True, 'OTHERS': 0, 'RESULT': outPath})

            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.reclass", {
                'input': userSlope_dem,
                'rules': os.path.join(self.plugin_dir, "SINTACS grafico S - Copy.txt"), 'txtrules': '',
                'output': outPath,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''})

            # topo = topo_interp + "." + "tif"

            # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, topo_interp, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, outPath)

            ## multiply by weight
            # fileInfo_dem = QFileInfo(outSlopeRec_dem)
            # baseName_dem = fileInfo_dem.baseName()
            # rlayer_dem = QgsRasterLayer(outSlopeRec_dem, baseName_dem)
            # gdalRaster_dem = gdal.Open(str(outSlopeRec_dem))
            # x_dem = gdalRaster_dem.RasterXSize
            # y_dem = gdalRaster_dem.RasterYSize
            # geo_dem = gdalRaster_dem.GetGeoTransform()
            # band_dem = gdalRaster_dem.GetRasterBand(1)
            # data_dem = band_dem.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_dem,y_dem)    
            # mul_dem = numpy.multiply(data_dem, int(self.lineWeight.value()))
            ## Create an output imagedriver
            # driver_dem = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
            # outData_dem = driver_dem.Create(str(outPath), x_dem,y_dem,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            # outData_dem.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(mul_dem)
            # outData_dem.SetGeoTransform(geo_dem)  
            # outData_dem = None

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath + '.sdat'))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath + '.sdat', file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
            # file_info_dem = QFileInfo(outPath)
            # if file_info_dem.exists():
            #     layer_name_dem = file_info_dem.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new_dem = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_dem)
            # if rlayer_new_dem.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_dem)
            #     layer_dem = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_dem)
            #     layerList_dem = [layer_dem]
            #     extent_dem = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_dem.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_dem)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False

        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"), self.tr("Superficie_topografica completed."))
Ejemplo n.º 36
def runalg(algOrName, *args, **kwargs):
    alg = Processing.runAlgorithm(algOrName, None, *args, **kwargs)
    if alg is not None:
        return alg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
Ejemplo n.º 37
def runAndLoadResults(name, *args, **kwargs):
    """Executes given algorithm and load its results into QGIS project
    when possible.
    return Processing.runAlgorithm(name, handleAlgorithmResults, *args, **kwargs)
    def calculate(self, process_path):

        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)



        inputLayer = self.input_file
        process_path = process_path
        outPath = self.output_file
        cellSize = self.cellSize
        Elevation = self.elevation
        lista_table = self.rattings

        for file in glob.glob(os.path.dirname(inputLayer) + "/a.*"):
            copyfile(file, process_path + os.path.basename(file))

        inputLayer = process_path + os.path.basename(inputLayer)

        layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
        vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
        # extent
        extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
        xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
        xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
        ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
        ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
        extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(

        # read fields and add a new column with the indexes
        fields = layer.fields()
        new_field = QgsField("Indexes", QVariant.Double)
        layer_new = vectorlayer_vector.addAttributes([new_field])
        newFieldIndex = vectorlayer_vector.fieldNameIndex(new_field.name())
        allAttrs = vectorlayer_vector.attributeIndexes()
        # editing the new column
        #numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        #numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        #classes = ''
        #lista = []
        #for i in range(0,numberRows):
        #    for j in range(0,numberColumns):
        #        self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i,j)
        #        lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]

        # list of description on tool table
        #lista_table = lista

        field_names = [field.name() for field in fields]
        n = len(field_names)
        lista_attrib = []
        for i in range(0, n):
            f = field_names[i]
            if f == str(Elevation):
                number = i
                for feat in layer.getFeatures():
                    attrb = feat.attributes()
                    attribute_read = attrb[number]
                    lista_attrib = lista_attrib + [str(attribute_read)]
        # list of description on attribute table of shapefile
        lista_attributes = lista_attrib
        #QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(lista_attributes))

        # obtain the indexes of the description of shapefile attribute table
        description_common = set(lista_attributes).intersection(lista_table)
        listDescription = list(description_common)

        listElem = []
        listElements = []
        for j in range(0, len(listDescription)):
            elem = lista_table.index(listDescription[j])
            listElements = listElements + [elem]

            elem_index = lista_table[int(elem + 1)]
            listElem = listElem + [float(elem_index)]

        for l in range(0, len(listElem)):
            exp = QgsExpression(str(listElem[l]))

            elemDescription = lista_table[listElements[l]]
            for f in layer.getFeatures():
                # get attributes of column defined by the user
                attrb_elem = f[number]
                if attrb_elem == elemDescription:
                    f[newFieldIndex] = exp.evaluate()
        list_attrb_newField = []
        for features in layer.getFeatures():
            attrb_newField = features.attributes()
            attrb_newField_read = attrb_newField[number + 1]

        # update and read the new field
        fieldsNew = layer.fields()
        field_names_new = [newField.name() for newField in fieldsNew]
        parameter_indexes = field_names_new[newFieldIndex]

        calculate = process_path + "/result.tif"
        #soil = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/soil.sdat"
            "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                'input': inputLayer,
                'type': [0, 1, 3],
                'where': '',
                'use': 0,
                'attribute_column': parameter_indexes,
                'rgb_column': None,
                'label_column': None,
                'value': 1,
                'memory': 300,
                'output': calculate,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001

        out_raster = gdal.Open(calculate)
        gdal.Warp(outPath, out_raster, dstSRS="EPSG:3857")
Ejemplo n.º 39
    def execute(self):
        # create a project
        p = QgsProject.instance()
        mlr = QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance()
        # Run alg with params
        # TODO: get args
        args = {}
        # get vector and raster inputs
        inputCrs = None
        for k in self._inputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName(v.identifier)
            # vector layers
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterVector':
                values = []
                if vectorLayers and ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_ANY in parm.shapetype:
                    values = [l for l in vectorLayers]
                elif vectorLayers:
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POINT in parm.shapetype:
                        values += [
                            l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Point'
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_LINE in parm.shapetype:
                        values += [
                            l for l in vectorLayers if l['geometry'] == 'Line'
                    if ParameterVector.VECTOR_TYPE_POLYGON in parm.shapetype:
                        values += [
                            l for l in vectorLayers
                            if l['geometry'] == 'Polygon'
                if values:
                    layerName = v.getValue()
                    values = [l for l in values if l['name'] == layerName]
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer(l['datasource'], l['name'],
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']))
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(str(crs))
                    if qgsCrs:
                    mlr.addMapLayer(layer, False)
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName)
                    # move fileName to fileName.gml for ogr
                    with open(fileName, 'r') as f:
                        o = open(fileName + '.gml', 'w')
                    #import shutil
                    #shutil.copy2(fileName+'.gml', '/tmp/test.gml' )
                    # get layer
                    layer = QgsVectorLayer(fileName + '.gml',
                                           fileInfo.baseName(), 'ogr')
                    pr = layer.dataProvider()
                    e = layer.extent()
                    mlr.addMapLayer(layer, False)
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            # raster layers
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterRaster':
                if rasterLayers:
                    layerName = v.getValue()
                    values = [
                        l for l in rasterLayers if l['name'] == layerName
                    l = values[0]
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer(l['datasource'], l['name'],
                    crs = l['crs']
                    qgsCrs = None
                    if str(crs).startswith('USER:'******'proj4']))
                        qgsCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(str(crs))
                    if qgsCrs:
                    mlr.addMapLayer(layer, False)
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
                    fileName = v.getValue()
                    fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName)
                    layer = QgsRasterLayer(fileName, fileInfo.baseName(),
                    mlr.addMapLayer(layer, False)
                    args[v.identifier] = layer
                    inputCrs = layer.crs()
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                coords = v.getValue().coords
                args[v.identifier] = str(coords[0][0]) + ',' + str(
                    coords[1][0]) + ',' + str(coords[0][1]) + ',' + str(
                args[v.identifier] = v.getValue()

        # if extent in inputs, transform it to the alg CRS
        if inputCrs:
            for k in self._inputs:
                v = getattr(self, k)
                parm = self.alg.getParameterFromName(v.identifier)
                if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'ParameterExtent':
                    coords = v.getValue().coords
                    coordCrs = None
                    if v.getValue().crs:
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(
                    elif crss:
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(str(crss[0]))
                        coordCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:4326')
                    if coordCrs:
                        coordExtent = QgsRectangle(coords[0][0], coords[0][1],
                                                   coords[1][0], coords[1][1])
                        xform = QgsCoordinateTransform(coordCrs, inputCrs)
                        coordExtent = xform.transformBoundingBox(coordExtent)
                        args[v.identifier] = str(
                            coordExtent.xMinimum()) + ',' + str(
                                coordExtent.xMaximum()) + ',' + str(
                                    coordExtent.yMinimum()) + ',' + str(

        # Adds None for output parameter(s)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            args[v.identifier] = None

        if not len(self.alg.parameters):

        tAlg = Processing.runAlgorithm(self.alg, None, args)
        # if runalg failed return exception message
        if not tAlg:
            return 'Error in processing'
        # clear map layer registry
        # get result
        result = tAlg.getOutputValuesAsDictionary()
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
            parm = self.alg.getOutputFromName(v.identifier)

            # Output Vector
            if parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputVector':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                if not outputName:
                    return 'No output file'
                # get output file info
                outputInfo = QFileInfo(outputName)
                # get the output QGIS vector layer
                outputLayer = QgsVectorLayer(outputName, outputInfo.baseName(),
                # Update input CRS
                if not inputCrs.authid():
                    crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
                    inputCrs = crs
                # Update CRS
                if not outputLayer.dataProvider().crs().authid():
                # define destination CRS
                destCrs = None
                if outputLayer.crs().authid().startswith('USER:'******'EPSG:4326')
                        v.projection = 'EPSG:4326'
                # define the file extension
                outputExt = 'gml'
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    outputExt = 'geojson'
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-shp':
                    outputExt = 'shp'
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-tab':
                    outputExt = 'tab'
                # define the output file path
                outputFile = os.path.join(
                    outputInfo.baseName() + '.' + outputExt)
                # write the output GML file
                if v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-shp':
                    if destCrs:
                        outputFile = os.path.join(
                            outputInfo.baseName() + '_' +
                            str(destCrs.srsid()) + '.' + outputExt)
                        outputInfo = QFileInfo(outputFile)
                        error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(
                            outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs,
                            'ESRI Shapefile', False, None)
                    # compress files
                    import zipfile
                        import zlib
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
                    zFile = os.path.join(outputInfo.absolutePath(),
                                         outputInfo.baseName() + '.zip')
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(zFile, 'w') as zf:
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.shp'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.shp')
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.shx'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.shx')
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.dbf'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.dbf')
                        if os.path.exists(
                                             outputInfo.baseName() + '.prj')):
                                outputInfo.baseName() + '.prj'),
                                     arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.prj')
                    outputFile = zFile
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/x-zipped-tab':
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(
                        outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs,
                        'Mapinfo File', False, None)
                    # compress files
                    import zipfile
                        import zlib
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED
                        compression = zipfile.ZIP_STORED
                    zFile = os.path.join(outputInfo.absolutePath(),
                                         outputInfo.baseName() + '.zip')
                    with zipfile.ZipFile(zFile, 'w') as zf:
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.tab'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.tab')
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.dat'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.dat')
                                              outputInfo.baseName() + '.map'),
                                 arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.map')
                        if os.path.exists(
                                             outputInfo.baseName() + '.id')):
                                outputInfo.baseName() + '.id'),
                                     arcname=outputInfo.baseName() + '.id')
                    outputFile = zFile
                elif v.format['mimetype'] == 'application/json':
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(
                        outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GeoJSON',
                        False, None)
                elif v.format['mimetype'] in (
                        'text/xml; subtype=gml/3.1.1',
                        'application/gml+xml; version=3.1.1'):
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(
                        outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GML',
                        False, None, [
                    error = QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat(
                        outputLayer, outputFile, 'utf-8', destCrs, 'GML',
                        False, None, [
                args[v.identifier] = outputFile

                # get OWS getCapabilities URL
                if not v.asReference and v.format['mimetype'] in (
                        'application/x-ogc-wms', 'application/x-ogc-wfs'):
                    from pywps.Wps.Execute import QGIS
                    qgis = QGIS.QGIS(self, self.pywps.UUID)
                    outputFile = qgis.getReference(v)
                    args[v.identifier] = outputFile

            # Output Raster
            elif parm.__class__.__name__ == 'OutputRaster':
                outputName = result.get(v.identifier, None)
                # get output file info
                outputInfo = QFileInfo(outputName)
                # get the output QGIS vector layer
                outputLayer = QgsRasterLayer(outputName, outputInfo.baseName(),
                # Update CRS
                if not outputLayer.dataProvider().crs().authid():
                    v.projection = 'proj4:' + inputCrs.toProj4()
                if not outputName:
                    return 'No output file'
                args[v.identifier] = outputName

                # get OWS getCapabilities URL
                if not v.asReference and v.format['mimetype'] in (
                        'application/x-ogc-wms', 'application/x-ogc-wcs'):
                    from pywps.Wps.Execute import QGIS
                    qgis = QGIS.QGIS(self, self.pywps.UUID)
                    outputFile = qgis.getReference(v)
                    args[v.identifier] = outputFile
                args[v.identifier] = result.get(v.identifier, None)
        for k in self._outputs:
            v = getattr(self, k)
Ejemplo n.º 40
    def convert(self):
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, inputLayer, "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            # extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(
            # elevation attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            # grid directory (qgis2)
            filedir = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/raster"

                "grass7:v.to.rast", {
                    'input': inputLayer,
                    'type': [0, 1, 3],
                    'where': '',
                    'use': 0,
                    'attribute_column': Elevation,
                    'rgb_column': None,
                    'label_column': None,
                    'value': None,
                    'memory': 300,
                    'output': filedir,
                    'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                    'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                    'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                    'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001

            userDir = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/grid"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.contour", None, out, extent,
                                    cellSize, userDir)

            # slope
            userSlope = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slope"
            outGrid = userDir + "." + "tif"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.slope.aspect", None, outGrid, 1,
                                    1, 1.0, 0.0, extent, cellSize, userSlope,
                                    None, None, None, None, None, None, None,

            # reclassify slope raster
            outSlope = userSlope + "." + "tif"
            userSlopeRec = QFileInfo(
                QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slopeRec"

        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() == "":
            inputLayer_dem = self.inputLayerCombo_dem.currentText()
            #QMessageBox.about(self, "recharge", str(inputRaster))
            gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer_dem))
            #QMessageBox.about(self, "recharge", str(gdalRaster))
            x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
            y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
            geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
            minx = geo[0]
            maxy = geo[3]
            maxx = minx + geo[1] * x
            miny = maxy + geo[5] * y
            extent_raster = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(
                miny) + "," + str(maxy)
            pixelSize = geo[1]

            ## layer information
            #layer_raster = QgsRasterLayer(unicode(inputLayer_dem).encode('utf8'), inputLayer_dem , "gdal")
            #rasterlayer =  layer_raster.dataProvider()
            ## extent
            #extent_rect = rasterlayer.extent()
            #xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            #xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            #ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            #ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            #extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
            ##QMessageBox.about(self, "Topography", str(extent))
            ## cellsize
            #cellSize = layer_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
            ##cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            ##QMessageBox.about(self, "Topography", str(cellSize))
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            # pixel size is the same as the dem raster, miss reamostragem

            # mdt_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/mdt_interp"
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, inputLayer_dem, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, mdt_interp)
            # mdt = mdt_interp + "." + "tif"

            #gdalMDT = gdal.Open(str(mdt_interp) + "." + "tif")
            #x_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterXSize
            #y_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterYSize
            #geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()
            #band_mdt = gdalMDT.GetRasterBand(1)
            #data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_mdt,y_mdt)
            #geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()
            #minx = geo_mdt[0]
            #maxy = geo_mdt[3]
            #maxx = minx + geo_mdt[1]*x_mdt
            #miny = maxy + geo_mdt[5]*y_mdt
            #extent_raster_new = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)
            #pixelSize_new = geo_mdt[1]

            # slope from DEM
            userSlope_dem = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath(
            )).path() + "/slope_dem.tif"
                "grass7:r.slope.aspect", {
                    'elevation': inputLayer_dem,
                    'format': 1,
                    'precision': 0,
                    '-a': True,
                    'zscale': 1,
                    'min_slope': 0,
                    'slope': userSlope_dem,
                    'aspect': None,
                    'pcurvature': None,
                    'tcurvature': None,
                    'dx': None,
                    'dy': None,
                    'dxx': None,
                    'dyy': None,
                    'dxy': None,
                    'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent_raster + '[EPSG:3763]',
                    'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': pixelSize,
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                    'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

            # reclassify slope raster
            #outSlope_dem = userSlope_dem + "." + "tif"
            #userSlopeRec_dem = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/slopeRec_dem"

        # indexes for topography
        numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
        numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
        classes = ''
        lista = []
        for i in range(0, numberRows):
            for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                string = ","
                intervalos = string.join(lista)
        results = list(map(int, lista))

        #QMessageBox.about(self, "Topography", str(userSlope_dem))

        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() != "":
                "saga:reclassifyvalues", {
                    'INPUT': outSlope,
                    'METHOD': 2,
                    'OLD': 0,
                    'NEW': 1,
                    'SOPERATOR': 0,
                    'MIN': 0,
                    'MAX': 1,
                    'RNEW': 2,
                    'ROPERATOR': 0,
                    'RETAB': results,
                    'TOPERATOR': 0,
                    'NODATAOPT': True,
                    'NODATA': 0,
                    'OTHEROPT': True,
                    'OTHERS': 0,
                    'RESULT': outPath

            ## multiply by weight
            #fileInfo = QFileInfo(outSlopeRec)
            #baseName = fileInfo.baseName()
            #rlayer = QgsRasterLayer(outSlopeRec, baseName)
            #gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(outSlopeRec))
            #x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
            #y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
            #geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
            #band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
            #data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
            #mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeight.value()))
            ## Create an output imagedriver
            #driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
            #outData = driver.Create(str(outPath), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            #outData = None

            # add result into canvas
            # file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
            # if file_info.exists():
            #     layer_name = file_info.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
            # if rlayer_new.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new)
            #     layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
            #     layerList = [layer]
            #     extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False

        # reclassify slope_dem values
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText() == "":
            #topo_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/topo_interp.tif"
                "saga:reclassifyvalues", {
                    'INPUT': userSlope_dem,
                    'METHOD': 2,
                    'OLD': 0,
                    'NEW': 1,
                    'SOPERATOR': 0,
                    'MIN': 0,
                    'MAX': 1,
                    'RNEW': 2,
                    'ROPERATOR': 0,
                    'RETAB': results,
                    'TOPERATOR': 0,
                    'NODATAOPT': True,
                    'NODATA': 0,
                    'OTHEROPT': True,
                    'OTHERS': 0,
                    'RESULT': outPath

            #topo = topo_interp + "." + "tif"

            #Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, topo_interp, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, outPath)

            ## multiply by weight
            #fileInfo_dem = QFileInfo(outSlopeRec_dem)
            #baseName_dem = fileInfo_dem.baseName()
            #rlayer_dem = QgsRasterLayer(outSlopeRec_dem, baseName_dem)
            #gdalRaster_dem = gdal.Open(str(outSlopeRec_dem))
            #x_dem = gdalRaster_dem.RasterXSize
            #y_dem = gdalRaster_dem.RasterYSize
            #geo_dem = gdalRaster_dem.GetGeoTransform()
            #band_dem = gdalRaster_dem.GetRasterBand(1)
            #data_dem = band_dem.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_dem,y_dem)
            #mul_dem = numpy.multiply(data_dem, int(self.lineWeight.value()))
            ## Create an output imagedriver
            #driver_dem = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
            #outData_dem = driver_dem.Create(str(outPath), x_dem,y_dem,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            #outData_dem = None

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath,
                                             file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
            # file_info_dem = QFileInfo(outPath)
            # if file_info_dem.exists():
            #     layer_name_dem = file_info_dem.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new_dem = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_dem)
            # if rlayer_new_dem.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_dem)
            #     layer_dem = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_dem)
            #     layerList_dem = [layer_dem]
            #     extent_dem = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_dem.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_dem)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False

        QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"),
                                self.tr("Topography completed."))
Ejemplo n.º 41
    def calculate(self, process_path):
        qgs = QgsApplication([], False)

        #for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
        #    print(alg.id(), "->", alg.displayName())

        # read raster
        #inputRaster = input_mdt
        # read maximum depth
        #max_depth = max_depth
        # read distance
        #distance = distance   
        # minimum size
        #size = min_size
        #outPath2 = output_path 
        #process_path = "/home/rodrigo/data/d/process" 

        layer_raster = QgsRasterLayer(self.input_mdt, os.path.basename(self.input_mdt), "gdal")
        data_mdt = layer_raster.dataProvider()
        extent_raster = data_mdt.extent()
        xmin_raster = extent_raster.xMinimum()
        xmax_raster = extent_raster.xMaximum()
        ymin_raster = extent_raster.yMinimum()
        ymax_raster = extent_raster.yMaximum()
        extent_raster_str = str(xmin_raster) + "," + str(xmax_raster) + "," + str(ymin_raster) + "," + str(ymax_raster)     
        cellSize = layer_raster.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()

        #stream = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/stream.tif"
        stream = process_path + "/stream.tif"
            'elevation': self.input_mdt,
            'depression': None,
            'flow': None,
            'disturbed_land': None,
            'blocking': None,
            'threshold': self.size,
            'max_slope_length': None,
            'convergence': 5,
            'memory': 300,
            '-s': False,
            '-m': False,
            '-4': False,
            '-a': False,
            '-b': False,
            'accumulation': None,
            'drainage': None,
            'basin': None,
            'stream': stream,
            'half_basin': None,
            'length_slope': None,
            'slope_steepness': None,
            'tci': None,
            'spi': None,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent_raster_str + '[EPSG:3763]',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        # condition stream > 1 to have the lines with value 1
        #stream_ones = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/stream_ones.tif"
        stream_ones = process_path + "/stream_ones.tif"
            'a': str(stream),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': 'A>1',
            'output': stream_ones,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        # raster distance
        #raster_distance = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/raster_distance.tif"
        raster_distance = process_path + "/raster_distance.tif"
        #Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:proximitygrid", None, str(stream_ones_str), 3, str(raster_distance), None, None)

        #Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:proximityraster", {
        #    'FEATURES': str(stream_ones),
        #    'DISTANCE': str(raster_distance), 'DIRECTION': 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'ALLOCATION': 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT'})
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.grow.distance", {
            'input': str(stream_ones),
            'metric': 0,
            '-m': False,
            '-': False,
            'distance': str(raster_distance),
            'value': 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT',
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''

        # condition distance >=  200, always maximum depth meters
        #dist_major_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/dist_major_200.tif"
        dist_major_200 = process_path + "/dist_major_200.tif"

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(raster_distance),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': "A>="+str(self.distance),
            'output': dist_major_200,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        #dist_multiplication = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/dist_multiplication.tif"
        dist_multiplication = process_path + "/dist_multiplication.tif"

        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(dist_major_200),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': "A*"+str(self.max_depth),
            'output': dist_multiplication,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # condition distance < 200, inteprolation between 0 and maximum depth
        #dist_minor_200 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/dist_minor_200.tif"
        dist_minor_200 = process_path + "/dist_minor_200.tif"
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(raster_distance),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': "A<"+str(self.distance),
            'output': dist_minor_200,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # multiplication by the raster distance
        #dist_multiplication_dist = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/dist_multiplication_dist.tif"
        dist_multiplication_dist = process_path + "/dist_multiplication_dist.tif"
        #                        {'a': str(dist_minor_200),
        #                            'b': str(dist_major_200),
        #                            'c': None, 'd': None, 'e': None, 'f': None,
        #                            'expression': 'A*B',
        #                            'output': dist_multiplication_dist, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
        #                            'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': 0, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
        #                            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''})
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(dist_minor_200),
            'b': str(raster_distance),
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': 'A*B',
            'output': dist_multiplication_dist,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # interpolation between 0 and distance
        #interpolation_dist = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/interpolation_dist.tif"
        interpolation_dist = process_path + "/interpolation_dist.tif"
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(dist_multiplication_dist),
            'b': None,
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': "A*"+str(self.max_depth)+"/"+str(self.distance),
            'output': interpolation_dist,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # depth surface = sum of two conditions
        #depth_surface = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/depth_surface.tif"
        depth_surface = process_path + "/depth_surface.tif"
        Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
            'a': str(dist_multiplication),
            'b': str(dist_multiplication_dist),
            'c': None,
            'd': None,
            'e': None,
            'f': None,
            'expression': 'A+B',
            'output': depth_surface,
            'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': None,
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
            'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': ''
        # indexes for topography
        """rattings_lista = []
        for linha in ratings:
            for coluna in linha:
                rattings_lista = rattings_lista + [str(coluna)]
                string = ","
                intervalos = string.join(rattings_lista)
        results = list(map(float, rattings_lista))
        #Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvalues",{'INPUT': depth_surface, 'METHOD':2, 'OLD':0, 'NEW':1, 'SOPERATOR':0, 'MIN':0, 'MAX':1,
        #                                                    'RNEW':2, 'ROPERATOR':0, 'RETAB':results, 'TOPERATOR':0, 'NODATAOPT':True, 'NODATA':0,
        #                                                    'OTHEROPT':True, 'OTHERS':0, 'RESULT':outPath2})

        result = process_path + "/result.tif"
        Processing.runAlgorithm("native:reclassifybytable", {
            'INPUT_RASTER': str(depth_surface),
            'RASTER_BAND': 1,
            'TABLE': self.rattings,
            'NO_DATA': -9999,
            'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0,
            'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False,
            'DATA_TYPE': 5,
            'OUTPUT': result
        out_raster = gdal.Open(result)
        gdal.Warp(self.output_file, out_raster, dstSRS="EPSG:3857")
Ejemplo n.º 42
    def convert(self):    
        if self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()!="":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
            inputLayer1 = self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()
            inputLayer2 = self.inputLayerCombo2.currentText()
            # layer information
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(inputLayer).encode('utf8'), inputLayer , "ogr")  
            layer1 = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(inputLayer1).encode('utf8'), inputLayer1 , "ogr")
            layer2 = QgsVectorLayer(unicode(inputLayer2).encode('utf8'), inputLayer2 , "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector =  layer.dataProvider()
            vectorlayer_vector1 =  layer1.dataProvider()
            vectorlayer_vector2 =  layer2.dataProvider()
            # extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
            # attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib.currentText()
            Attrib1 = self.lineAttribRunoff.currentText()
            Attrib2 = self.lineAttribEvap.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            # grid directory (qgis2)
            filedir = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/pret" 
            filedir1 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/runoff"
            filedir2 = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/evapo"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:v.to.rast", {'input': inputLayer, 'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0,
                                                         'attribute_column': Elevation, 'rgb_column': None,
                                                         'label_column': None, 'value': None, 'memory': 300,
                                                         'output': filedir, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                                                         'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize,
                                                         'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '', 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                                                         'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1,
                                                         'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001})
            # map subtraction in case of having the three shapefiles
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()!="":
                                        {'input': inputLayer1, 'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0,
                                         'attribute_column': Attrib1, 'rgb_column': None, 'label_column': None,
                                         'value': None, 'memory': 300,
                                         'output': filedir1, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                                         'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                                         'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                                         'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001})
                                        {'input': inputLayer2, 'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0,
                                         'attribute_column': Attrib2, 'rgb_column': None, 'label_column': None,
                                         'value': None, 'memory': 300,
                                         'output': filedir2, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent,
                                         'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER': cellSize, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT': '',
                                         'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META': '',
                                         'GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER': -1, 'GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER': 0.0001})
                recharge = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/recharge"
                gdalRaster_prec = gdal.Open(str(out))
                x_prec = gdalRaster_prec.RasterXSize
                y_prec = gdalRaster_prec.RasterYSize
                geo_prec = gdalRaster_prec.GetGeoTransform()
                band_prec = gdalRaster_prec.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_prec = band_prec.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_prec,y_prec)
                gdalRaster_runoff = gdal.Open(str(outRunoff))
                x_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.RasterXSize
                y_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.RasterYSize
                geo_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.GetGeoTransform()
                band_runoff = gdalRaster_runoff.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_runoff = band_runoff.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_runoff,y_runoff)   
                gdalRaster_evapo = gdal.Open(str(outEvap))
                x_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.RasterXSize
                y_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.RasterYSize
                geo_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.GetGeoTransform()
                band_evapo = gdalRaster_evapo.GetRasterBand(1)
                data_evapo = band_evapo.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_evapo,y_evapo)   
                sub1 = numpy.subtract(data_prec, data_runoff)
                sub2 = numpy.subtract(sub1, data_evapo)
                # Create an output imagedriver with the substraction result
                driver_out = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
                outData_recharge = driver_out.Create(str(recharge), x_prec,y_prec,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
                outData_recharge = None   
            # multiplication of precipitation by 0.1, in case of having only the precipitation shapefile
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()=="":
                userReclassify = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/reclassify"
                # recharge = precipitation * 0.1 (10% of precipitation)
                gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(out))
                x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
                y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
                geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
                band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
                data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)    
                mul = numpy.multiply(data, 0.1)
                # Create an output imagedriver with the multiplication result
                driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
                outData = driver.Create(str(userReclassify), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
                outData = None 
            # indexes for topography for the two methods
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0,numberRows):
                for j in range(0,numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i,j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)    
            # reclassification of recharge values in case of having only the precipitation shapefile
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()=="":
                recharge_prec = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_prec"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, userReclassify, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0, True, 0.0, outPath)
                # add result into canvas
                file_info_prec = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_prec.exists():
                    layer_name_prec = file_info_prec.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_prec = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_prec)
                if rlayer_new_prec.isValid():
                    layer_prec = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_prec)
                    layerList_prec = [layer_prec]
                    extent_prec = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_prec.extent())
                    return True
                    return False    
                QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Net Recharge completed." ) )           
            # reclassification of recharge values in case of having the three shapefiles
            if self.inputLayerCombo1.currentText()!="":
                recharge_prec_run_evap = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_prec_run_evap"
                Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, recharge, 2, 0.0, 1.0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, intervalos, 0, True, 0.0, True, 0.0, outPath)
                # add result into canvas
                file_info_prec_runoff_evapo = QFileInfo(outPath)
                if file_info_prec_runoff_evapo.exists():
                    layer_name_prec_runoff_evapo = file_info_prec_runoff_evapo.baseName()
                    return False
                rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name_prec_runoff_evapo)
                if rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo.isValid():
                    layer_prec_runoff_evapo = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo)
                    layerList_prec_runoff_evapo = [layer_prec_runoff_evapo]
                    extent_prec_runoff_evapo = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_prec_runoff_evapo.extent())
                    return True
                    return False    
                QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Net Recharge completed." ) )            
        if self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText()!="":
            # read mdt data
            outPath2 = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()
            inputRaster = self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText()

            gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputRaster))

            x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
            y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
            geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()  
            minx = geo[0]
            maxy = geo[3]
            maxx = minx + geo[1]*x
            miny = maxy + geo[5]*y
            extent_raster = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)  
            pixelSize = geo[1]
            band_mdt = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
            data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0, 0, x, y)
            # mdt_interp = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/mdt_interp"
            # Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.surf.idw", None, inputRaster, 12, False, extent_raster, pixelSize, mdt_interp)
            # mdt = mdt_interp + "." + "tif"
            # gdalMDT = gdal.Open(str(mdt_interp) + "." + "tif")
            # x_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterXSize
            # y_mdt = gdalMDT.RasterYSize
            # geo_mdt = gdalMDT.GetGeoTransform()
            # band_mdt = gdalMDT.GetRasterBand(1)
            # data_mdt = band_mdt.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_mdt,y_mdt)
            # coeficients a and b of the regression lines, y = ax + b, used for mean monthly precipitation, y(mm), as a function of altitude, x(m)
            # a = 0.99
            # b = 542.22
            # precip_mul = numpy.multiply(data_mdt,a)
            # precipitat = precip_mul + b
            # precipitation = numpy.array(precipitat)
            # recharge = numpy.multiply(precipitation, 0.15)
            recharge_without_rec = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_without_rec"
                           {'INPUT_A': inputRaster, 'BAND_A': 1, 'INPUT_B': None,
                            'BAND_B': -1, 'INPUT_C': None, 'BAND_C': -1, 'INPUT_D': None, 'BAND_D': -1, 'INPUT_E': None,
                            'BAND_E': -1, 'INPUT_F': None, 'BAND_F': -1, 'FORMULA': '(A*0.99+542.22)*0.15',
                            'NO_DATA': None, 'RTYPE': 6, 'EXTRA': '', 'OPTIONS': '',
            # Create an output imagedriver with the multiplication result
            # driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" )
            # outData2 = driver2.Create(str(recharge_without_rec+'.'+'tif'), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
            # outData2.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(recharge)
            # outData2.SetGeoTransform(geo)
            #outData2 = None

                           {'INPUT': recharge_without_rec,
                            'CRS': QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem('EPSG:3763')})

            # indexes for topography for the two methods
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0,numberRows):
                for j in range(0,numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i,j)
                    lista = lista + [str(self.line.text())]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)
            results = list(map(int, lista))
            QMessageBox.about(self, 'teste', str(results))

            Processing.runAlgorithm("native:reclassifybytable", {
                'INPUT_RASTER': recharge_without_rec,
                'RASTER_BAND': 1, 'TABLE': results,
                'NO_DATA': -9999, 'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0, 'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False, 'DATA_TYPE': 5,
                'OUTPUT': outPath2})

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath2))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
            # add result into canvas
            # file_info_recharge = QFileInfo(outPath2)
            # if file_info_recharge.exists():
            #     layer_name_recharge = file_info_recharge.baseName()
            # else:
            #     return False
            # rlayer_new_recharge = QgsRasterLayer(outPath2, layer_name_recharge)
            # if rlayer_new_recharge.isValid():
            #     QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(rlayer_new_recharge)
            #     layer_prec_recharge = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new_recharge)
            #     layerList_recharge = [layer_prec_recharge]
            #     extent_recharge = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new_recharge.extent())
            #     self.iface.canvas.setLayerSet(layerList_recharge)
            #     self.iface.canvas.setVisible(True)
            #     return True
            # else:
            #     return False
            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "Net Recharge completed." ) )

        if self.inputLayerCombo5.currentText()!="":
            inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo5.currentText()
            layer = QgsVectorLayer(inputLayer, 'inputLayer', "ogr")
            vectorlayer_vector = layer.dataProvider()
            # extent
            extent_rect = vectorlayer_vector.extent()
            xmin = extent_rect.xMinimum()
            xmax = extent_rect.xMaximum()
            ymin = extent_rect.yMinimum()
            ymax = extent_rect.yMaximum()
            extent = str(xmin) + "," + str(xmax) + "," + str(ymin) + "," + str(ymax)
            # attribute
            Elevation = self.lineAttrib5.currentText()
            # cellsize
            cellSize = int(self.linePix.value())
            prec_value = int(self.lineprec.value())
            outPath = self.inputLayerCombo3.text()

            raster = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/raster.tif"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:v.to.rast", {
                'input': inputLayer,
                'type': [0, 1, 3], 'where': '', 'use': 0, 'attribute_column': Elevation, 'rgb_column': '',
                'label_column': '', 'value': 1, 'memory': 300, 'output': raster,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent + ' [EPSG:3763]',

            precipitacao = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDatabaseFilePath()).path() + "/precipitacao.tif"
            Processing.runAlgorithm("grass7:r.mapcalc.simple", {
                'a': raster,
                'b': None, 'c': None, 'd': None, 'e': None, 'f': None, 'expression': 'A*'+ str(prec_value) + '/100',
                'output': precipitacao,
                'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER': extent +' [EPSG:3763]',

            # indexes for topography
            numberRows = int(self.tableWidget.rowCount())
            numberColumns = int(self.tableWidget.columnCount())
            classes = ''
            lista = []
            for i in range(0, numberRows):
                for j in range(0, numberColumns):
                    self.line = self.tableWidget.item(i, j)
                    lista = lista + [self.line.text()]
                    string = ","
                    intervalos = string.join(lista)
            results = list(map(float, lista))

            # Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifyvalues",
            #                         {'INPUT': precipitacao, 'METHOD': 2, 'OLD': 0, 'NEW': 1, 'SOPERATOR': 0, 'MIN': 0,
            #                          'MAX': 1,
            #                          'RNEW': 2, 'ROPERATOR': 0, 'RETAB': results, 'TOPERATOR': 0, 'NODATAOPT': True,
            #                          'NODATA': 0,
            #                          'OTHEROPT': True, 'OTHERS': 0, 'RESULT': outPath})

                                    {'INPUT_RASTER': str(precipitacao),
                                     'RASTER_BAND': 1, 'TABLE': results,
                                     'NO_DATA': -9999, 'RANGE_BOUNDARIES': 0, 'NODATA_FOR_MISSING': False,
                                     'DATA_TYPE': 5,
                                     'OUTPUT': outPath})

            # add result into canvas
            file_info_norm = QFileInfo(str(outPath))
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(file_info_norm))
            rlayer_new_norm = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, file_info_norm.fileName(), 'gdal')
            # QMessageBox.about(self, "teste", str(rlayer_new_norm))
            # set the map canvas layer set
            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr("Finished"), self.tr("Net Recharge completed."))

Ejemplo n.º 43
    def convert(self):
        # read D raster
        inputLayer = self.inputLayerCombo.currentText()
        # read R raster
        inputLayer2 = self.inputLayerCombo2.currentText()
        # read A raster
        inputLayer3 = self.inputLayerCombo3.currentText()
        # read S raster
        inputLayer4 = self.inputLayerCombo4.currentText()
        # read T raster
        inputLayer5 = self.inputLayerCombo5.currentText()
        # read I raster
        inputLayer6 = self.inputLayerCombo6.currentText()
        # read C raster
        inputLayer7 = self.inputLayerCombo7.currentText()       
        # outpath
        outPath = self.outputLayerCombo.text()  

        # sum of the raster = DRASTIC
        # D
        gdalRaster = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer))
        # multiply by weight
        depth_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/depth_weight"
        x = gdalRaster.RasterXSize
        y = gdalRaster.RasterYSize
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        data = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)    
        mul = numpy.multiply(data, int(self.lineWeightD.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData = driver.Create(str(depth_weight), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData = None  
        geo = gdalRaster.GetGeoTransform()
        # pixel size
        pixelSize = geo[1]
        # extent
        minx = geo[0]
        maxy = geo[3]
        maxx = minx + geo[1]*x
        miny = maxy + geo[5]*y
        extent = str(minx) + "," + str(maxx) + "," + str(miny) + "," + str(maxy)
        band = gdalRaster.GetRasterBand(1)
        #data_d = band.ReadAsArray(0,0,x,y)
        gdalRaster_d = gdal.Open(str(depth_weight))
        x_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterXSize
        y_d = gdalRaster_d.RasterYSize
        geo_d = gdalRaster_d.GetGeoTransform()
        band_d = gdalRaster_d.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_d = band_d.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_d,y_d)   
        # R
        # resampling R raster
        gdalRaster2 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer2))
        # multiply by weight
        recharge_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/recharge_weight"
        x2 = gdalRaster2.RasterXSize
        y2 = gdalRaster2.RasterYSize
        geo2 = gdalRaster2.GetGeoTransform()
        band2 = gdalRaster2.GetRasterBand(1)
        data2 = band2.ReadAsArray(0,0,x2,y2)    
        mul2 = numpy.multiply(data2, int(self.lineWeightR.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver2 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData2 = driver2.Create(str(recharge_weight), x2,y2,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData2 = None         
        resamp_r = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_r.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, recharge_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_r)   
        #resamp_r_dir = resamp_r + "." + "tif"
        # R
        gdalRaster_r = gdal.Open(str(resamp_r))
        x_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterXSize
        y_r = gdalRaster_r.RasterYSize
        geo_r = gdalRaster_r.GetGeoTransform()
        band_r = gdalRaster_r.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_r = band_r.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_r,y_r)   
        # A
        # resampling A raster
        gdalRaster3 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer3))
        # multiply by weight
        aquifer_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/aquifer_weight"
        x3 = gdalRaster3.RasterXSize
        y3 = gdalRaster3.RasterYSize
        geo3 = gdalRaster3.GetGeoTransform()
        band3 = gdalRaster3.GetRasterBand(1)
        data3 = band3.ReadAsArray(0,0,x3,y3)    
        mul3 = numpy.multiply(data3, int(self.lineWeightA.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver3 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData3 = driver3.Create(str(aquifer_weight), x3,y3,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData3 = None          
        resamp_a = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_a.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, aquifer_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_a)   
        # A
        gdalRaster_a = gdal.Open(str(resamp_a))
        x_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterXSize
        y_a = gdalRaster_a.RasterYSize
        geo_a = gdalRaster_a.GetGeoTransform()
        band_a = gdalRaster_a.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_a = band_a.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_a,y_a)
        # S
        # resampling S raster
        gdalRaster4 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer4))
        # multiply by weight
        soil_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight"
        x4 = gdalRaster4.RasterXSize
        y4 = gdalRaster4.RasterYSize
        geo4 = gdalRaster4.GetGeoTransform()
        band4 = gdalRaster4.GetRasterBand(1)
        data4 = band4.ReadAsArray(0,0,x4,y4)    
        mul4 = numpy.multiply(data4, int(self.lineWeightS.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver4 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData4 = driver4.Create(str(soil_weight), x4,y4,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData4 = None   
        # find nodata values
        if self.lineWeightS.value()==2:
            error = -299997        
        soil_weight_correct = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/soil_weight_correct.sdat"
        # reclassify no data values
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, soil_weight, 0, error, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, soil_weight_correct)    
        resamp_s = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_s.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, soil_weight_correct, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_s)   
        # S
        gdalRaster_s = gdal.Open(str(resamp_s))
        x_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterXSize
        y_s = gdalRaster_s.RasterYSize
        geo_s = gdalRaster_s.GetGeoTransform()
        band_s = gdalRaster_s.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_s = band_s.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_s,y_s)
        # T
        # resampling T raster
        gdalRaster5 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer5))
        # multiply by weight
        topography_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/topography_weight"
        x5 = gdalRaster5.RasterXSize
        y5 = gdalRaster5.RasterYSize
        geo5 = gdalRaster5.GetGeoTransform()
        band5 = gdalRaster5.GetRasterBand(1)
        data5 = band5.ReadAsArray(0,0,x5,y5)    
        mul5 = numpy.multiply(data5, int(self.lineWeightT.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver5 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData5 = driver5.Create(str(topography_weight), x5,y5,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData5 = None        
        resamp_t = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_t.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, topography_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_t)   
        # T
        gdalRaster_t = gdal.Open(str(resamp_t))
        x_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterXSize
        y_t = gdalRaster_t.RasterYSize
        geo_t = gdalRaster_t.GetGeoTransform()
        band_t = gdalRaster_t.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_t = band_t.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_t,y_t)
        #QMessageBox.about(self, "drastic", str(data_t))
        # I
        # resampling I raster
        gdalRaster6 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer6))
        # multiply by weight
        impact_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/impact_weight"
        x6 = gdalRaster6.RasterXSize
        y6 = gdalRaster6.RasterYSize
        geo6 = gdalRaster6.GetGeoTransform()
        band6 = gdalRaster6.GetRasterBand(1)
        data6 = band6.ReadAsArray(0,0,x6,y6)    
        mul6 = numpy.multiply(data6, int(self.lineWeightI.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver6 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData6 = driver6.Create(str(impact_weight), x6,y6,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData6 = None          
        resamp_i = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_i.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, impact_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_i)   
        # I
        gdalRaster_i = gdal.Open(str(resamp_i))
        x_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterXSize
        y_i = gdalRaster_i.RasterYSize
        geo_i = gdalRaster_i.GetGeoTransform()
        band_i = gdalRaster_i.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_i = band_i.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_i,y_i)
        # C
        # resampling C raster
        gdalRaster7 = gdal.Open(str(inputLayer7))
        # multiply by weight
        hydraulic_weight = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/hydraulic_weight"
        x7 = gdalRaster7.RasterXSize
        y7 = gdalRaster7.RasterYSize
        geo7 = gdalRaster7.GetGeoTransform()
        band7 = gdalRaster7.GetRasterBand(1)
        data7 = band7.ReadAsArray(0,0,x7,y7)    
        mul7 = numpy.multiply(data7, int(self.lineWeightC.value()))
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver7 = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData7 = driver7.Create(str(hydraulic_weight), x7,y7,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData7 = None         
        resamp_c = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/resamp_c.sdat" 
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:resampling", None, hydraulic_weight, True, 0, 0, extent, pixelSize, resamp_c)   
        # C
        gdalRaster_c = gdal.Open(str(resamp_c))
        x_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterXSize
        y_c = gdalRaster_c.RasterYSize
        geo_c = gdalRaster_c.GetGeoTransform()
        band_c = gdalRaster_c.GetRasterBand(1)
        data_c = band_c.ReadAsArray(0,0,x_c,y_c) 
        # sum
        summ = data_d + data_r + data_a + data_s + data_t + data_i + data_c
        sum_nodata = QFileInfo(QgsApplication.qgisUserDbFilePath()).path() + "/sum_nodata"
        sum_nodata_rec = sum_nodata + "." + "tif"
        # Create an output imagedriver with the reclassified values multiplied by the weight
        driver_sum = gdal.GetDriverByName( "GTiff" ) 
        outData_sum = driver_sum.Create(str(sum_nodata), x,y,1, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outData_sum = None    
        # reclassify no data values
        Processing.runAlgorithm("saga:reclassifygridvalues", None, sum_nodata, 0, -10000100352, 0, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0, "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0", 0, True, 0.0, False, 0.0, outPath)        
        if self.checkdrastic.isChecked():
            # add result into canvas
            file_info = QFileInfo(outPath)
            if file_info.exists():
                layer_name = file_info.baseName()
                return False
            rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath, layer_name)
            if rlayer_new.isValid():
                layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
                layerList = [layer]
                extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
                return True
                return False    
            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "DRASTIC completed." ) )                    
        colorfile = 'C:/OSGeo4W64/apps/qgis/python/plugins/DRASTIC/colorfile.clr'
        outPath_color = self.outputLayerCombo_color.text()
        from colorize import raster2png
        raster2png(outPath, colorfile , outPath_color,1, False)
        if self.checkcolor.isChecked():
            # add result into canvas
            file_info = QFileInfo(outPath_color)
            if file_info.exists():
                layer_name = file_info.baseName()
                return False
            rlayer_new = QgsRasterLayer(outPath_color, layer_name)
            if rlayer_new.isValid():
                layer = QgsMapCanvasLayer(rlayer_new)
                layerList = [layer]
                extent = self.iface.canvas.setExtent(rlayer_new.extent())
                return True
                return False    
            QMessageBox.information(self, self.tr( "Finished" ), self.tr( "DRASTIC completed." ) )   