Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: utils.py Proyecto: jmp75/hyvr
def to_vtr(data_dict, file_name, grid, points=None):
    Save a numpy array into a ``.vtr`` rectilinear grid of voxels using pyevtk

        data_dict (numpy array):		e.g. {'fac': fac, 'mat': mat}
        file_name (str):		        Name of the file for the output.
        grid (class Grid):		        The information about the grid can be also provided as a grid object.
        points (bool), optional:        Set as True for exporting cell-centered points for contouring (e.g., hydraulic heads)

        A VTK STRUCTURED_POINTS dataset file containing the input numpy data.

        .. note:
            * Only 'STRUCTURED_POINTS' output allowed.
            * The type of the data is extracted from the input array.
            * Only 3D of 2D input data allowed.
            * The default output is set to 'POINT_DATA'.

    if points is True:
        gvec = grid.vec()
        gridToVTK(file_name, gvec[0], gvec[1], gvec[2], pointData=data_dict)
        gvec = grid.vec_node()
        gridToVTK(file_name, gvec[0], gvec[1], gvec[2], cellData=data_dict)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def export_to_vtk(self, vtk_filename="geo_grid", real_coords=True, **kwds):
        """Export grid to VTK for visualisation

            - *vtk_filename* = string : vtk filename (obviously...)
            - *real_coords* = bool : model extent in "real world" coordinates

        **Optional Keywords**:
            - *grid* = numpy grid : grid to save to vtk (default: self.grid)
            - *var_name* = string : name of variable to plot (default: Geology)

        Note: requires pyevtk, available at: https://bitbucket.org/pauloh/pyevtk
        grid = kwds.get("grid", self.grid)
        var_name = kwds.get("var_name", "Geology")
        # from evtk.hl import gridToVTK
        import pyevtk
        from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK

        # define coordinates
        x = np.zeros(self.nx + 1)
        y = np.zeros(self.ny + 1)
        z = np.zeros(self.nz + 1)
        x[1:] = np.cumsum(self.delx)
        y[1:] = np.cumsum(self.dely)
        z[1:] = np.cumsum(self.delz)

        # plot in coordinates
        if real_coords:
            x += self.xmin
            y += self.ymin
            z += self.zmin

        gridToVTK(vtk_filename, x, y, z, cellData={var_name: grid})
Ejemplo n.º 3
def vtk_export_structured(filename, pos, field, fieldname="field"):
    """Export a field to vtk structured rectilinear grid file

    filename : :class:`str`
        Filename of the file to be saved, including the path. Note that an
        ending (\*.vtr or \*.vtu) will be added to the name.
    pos : :class:`list`
        the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
    field : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Structured field to be saved. As returned by SRF.
    fieldname : :class:`str`, optional
        Name of the field in the VTK file. Default: "field"
    x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos)
    if y is None:
        y = np.array([0])
    if z is None:
        z = np.array([0])
    # need fortran order in VTK
    field = field.reshape(-1, order="F")
    if len(field) != len(x) * len(y) * len(z):
        raise ValueError("gstools.vtk_export_structured: " +
                         "field shape doesn't match the given mesh")
    gridToVTK(filename, x, y, z, pointData={fieldname: field})
Ejemplo n.º 4
def MNT(file):
    hi = 2
    ncfile1 = Dataset(file, 'r')
    ZS = ncfile1.variables['ZS'][:, :]
    Y = ncfile1.variables['YHAT'][:].data
    X = ncfile1.variables['XHAT'][:].data
    IIE = len(X)
    IJE = len(Y)

    x = np.zeros((hi, len(X), len(Y)))
    y = np.zeros((hi, len(X), len(Y)))
    x[0, :, :], y[0, :, :] = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
    for i in range(hi):
        x[i, :, :] = x[0, :, :]
        y[i, :, :] = y[0, :, :]
    x = np.rot90(np.float64(x), 1, (2, 0))[1:, 1:, :]
    y = np.rot90(np.float64(y), 1, (2, 0))[1:, 1:, :]
    x = np.copy(x, order='F')
    y = np.copy(y, order='F')

    z0 = np.zeros((len(X), len(Y)))

    z = np.linspace(z0, ZS, hi).data
    Z = np.rot90(np.float64(z), 1, (2, 0))[1:, 1:, :]
    Z = np.copy(Z, order='F')
    na = os.path.split(file)[-1][:-3]
    gridToVTK('./MNT' + na, x, y, Z, pointData={"Z": Z})
    print(na + 'MNT')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def export_to_vtk(self, filename: str):
        """Writes the WW instance in VTK format with the name filename. Works for both types of coordinates.
        The implementation is different depending on the type of coordinates"""
        if self.coordinates == 'cyl':

        # VTK writing for cart coordinates
        # Create and fill the "cellData" dictionary
        cell_data: dict = {
        }  # Key: name of the data_array, Value: np.array of values in 3D dimensions [[[]]]
        for particle in self.particles:
            for energy in self.energies[particle]:
                array_name = f'{particle}_{energy:.3e}MeV'
                cell_data[array_name] = self.values[particle][energy]

        # If the ratios are calculated add them to the data arrays
        if self.ratios is not None:
            for particle in self.particles:
                for energy in self.energies[particle]:
                    array_name = f'Max_ratio_{particle}_{energy:.3e}MeV'
                    cell_data[array_name] = self.ratios[particle][energy]
                    f'Total_max_ratio_{particle}'] = self.ratios_total_max[

        # Export to VTR format
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def execute(self):

        #aqui vai o codigo
        #getting variables
        pts_grid = self.params['gridselectorbasic']['value']
        pts_props = self.params['orderedpropertyselector']['value'].split(';')
        grids_grid = self.params['gridselectorbasic_2']['value']
        grids_props = self.params['orderedpropertyselector_2']['value'].split(
        flname_pts = self.params['filechooser']['value']
        flname_grid = self.params['filechooser_2']['value']

        if len(pts_props) != 0:
            x, y, z = np.array(sgems.get_X(pts_grid)), np.array(
                sgems.get_Y(pts_grid)), np.array(sgems.get_Z(pts_grid))
            vardict = {}
            for v in pts_props:
                values = np.array(sgems.get_property(pts_grid, v))
                vardict[v] = values
            pointsToVTK(flname_pts, x, y, z, data=vardict)
            print('Point set saved to {}'.format(flname_pts))

        if len(grids_props) != 0:
            X, Y, Z = grid_vertices(grids_grid)
            vardict = {}
            for v in grids_props:
                values = np.array(sgems.get_property(grids_grid, v))
                vardict[v] = values
            gridToVTK(flname_grid, X, Y, Z, cellData=vardict)
            print('Grid saved to {}'.format(flname_grid))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def export_products(self, particulator):
        if len(particulator.products) != 0:
            path = self.products_file_path + '_num' + self.add_leading_zeros(particulator.n_steps)
            self.exported_times['products'][path] = particulator.n_steps * particulator.dt
            if self.verbose:
                print("Exporting Products to vtk, path: " + path)
            payload = {}

            if particulator.mesh.dimension == 2:
                data_shape = (particulator.mesh.grid[0], particulator.mesh.grid[1], 1)

                for k in particulator.products.keys():
                    v = particulator.products[k].get()

                    if isinstance(v, np.ndarray):
                        if v.shape == particulator.mesh.grid:
                            payload[k] = v.T[:, :, np.newaxis]
                            if self.verbose:
                                print(f'{k} shape {v.shape} not equals data shape {data_shape} and will not be exported', file=sys.stderr)
                    elif isinstance(v, numbers.Number):
                        if self.verbose:
                            print(f'{k} is a Number and will not be exported', file=sys.stderr)
                        if self.verbose:
                            print(f'{k} export is not possible', file=sys.stderr)    

                x, y, z = np.mgrid[:particulator.mesh.grid[0] + 1, :particulator.mesh.grid[1] + 1, :1]
                raise NotImplementedError("Only 2 dimensions data is supported at the moment.")    

            gridToVTK(path, x, y, z, cellData = payload)           
            if self.verbose:
                print('No products to export')    
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def buildMesh(self, outfolder='.'):
        Create a vtk unstructured grid based on current time step stratal parameters.

        variable : outfolder
            Folder path to store the stratal vtk mesh.

        vtkfile = '%s/stratalMesh.time%s'%(outfolder, self.timestep)

        x = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        y = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        z = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        e = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        h = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        t = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))

        for k in range(self.nz):
            for j in range(self.ny):
                for i in range(self.nx):
                    x[i,j,k] = self.xi[i]
                    y[i,j,k] = self.yi[j]
                    z[i,j,k] = self.dep[j,i,k]
                    e[i,j,k] = self.elev[j,i,k]
                    h[i,j,k] = self.th[j,i,k]
                    t[i,j,k] = k

        gridToVTK(vtkfile, x, y, z, pointData = {"relative elevation" : e, "thickness" :h, "layer ID" :t})

Ejemplo n.º 9
def fci_to_vtk(infile, outfile, scale=5):

    if not have_evtk:

    with bdata.DataFile(infile, write=False, create=False) as f:
        dx = f.read('dx')
        dy = f.read('dy')

        bx = f.read('bx')
        by = np.ones(bx.shape)
        bz = f.read('bz')
        if bx is None:
            xt_prime = f.read('forward_xt_prime')
            zt_prime = f.read('forward_zt_prime')
            array_indices = indices(xt_prime.shape)
            bx = xt_prime - array_indices[0, ...]
            by = by * dy
            bz = zt_prime - array_indices[2, ...]

        nx, ny, nz = bx.shape
        dz = nx * dx / nz

    x = np.linspace(0, nx * dx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(0, ny * dy, ny, endpoint=False)
    z = np.linspace(0, nz * dz, nz, endpoint=False)

              x * scale,
              z * scale,
              pointData={'B': (bx * scale, by, bz * scale)})
Ejemplo n.º 10
def saveVTK3D(macrsDict, filenameWrite, points=True, normVal=0):
    info = getSimInfo()

    if (normVal == 0):
        normVal = info['NX']
        if (points == True):
            normVal -= 1

    dx, dy, dz = 1.0 / normVal, 1.0 / normVal, 1.0 / normVal
    if info['Prc'] == 'double':
        prc = 'float64'
    elif info['Prc'] == 'float':
        prc = 'float32'

    if (points == False):
        # grid
        x = np.arange(0, info['NX'] / normVal + 0.1 * dx, dx, dtype=prc)
        y = np.arange(0, info['NY'] / normVal + 0.1 * dy, dy, dtype=prc)
        z = np.arange(0, info['NZ'] / normVal + 0.1 * dz, dz, dtype=prc)
        gridToVTK(PATH + filenameWrite, x, y, z, cellData=macrsDict)
        # grid
        x = np.arange(0, (info['NX'] - 1) / normVal + 0.1 * dx, dx, dtype=prc)
        y = np.arange(0, (info['NY'] - 1) / normVal + 0.1 * dy, dy, dtype=prc)
        z = np.arange(0, (info['NZ'] - 1) / normVal + 0.1 * dz, dz, dtype=prc)
        gridToVTK(PATH + filenameWrite, x, y, z, pointData=macrsDict)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def vtk_export_structured(filename, pos, fields):  # pragma: no cover
    """Export a field to vtk structured rectilinear grid file.

    filename : :class:`str`
        Filename of the file to be saved, including the path. Note that an
        ending (.vtr) will be added to the name.
    pos : :class:`list`
        the position tuple, containing main direction and transversal
    fields : :class:`dict` or :class:`numpy.ndarray`
        Structured fields to be saved.
        Either a single numpy array as returned by SRF,
        or a dictionary of fields with theirs names as keys.
    if not isinstance(fields, dict):
        fields = {"field": fields}
    x, y, z = pos2xyz(pos)
    if y is None:
        y = np.array([0])
    if z is None:
        z = np.array([0])
    # need fortran order in VTK
    for field in fields:
        fields[field] = fields[field].reshape(-1, order="F")
        if len(fields[field]) != len(x) * len(y) * len(z):
            raise ValueError("gstools.vtk_export_structured: " +
                             "field shape doesn't match the given mesh")
    gridToVTK(filename, x, y, z, pointData=fields)
    def buildMesh(self, outfolder='.'):
        Create a vtk unstructured grid based on current time step stratal parameters.

        variable : outfolder
            Folder path to store the stratal vtk mesh.

        vtkfile = '%s/stratalMesh.time%s'%(outfolder, self.timestep)

        x = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        y = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        z = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        e = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        h = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))
        t = np.zeros((self.nx, self.ny, self.nz))

        for k in range(self.nz):
            for j in range(self.ny):
                for i in range(self.nx):
                    x[i,j,k] = self.xi[i]
                    y[i,j,k] = self.yi[j]
                    z[i,j,k] = self.dep[j,i,k]
                    e[i,j,k] = self.elev[j,i,k]
                    h[i,j,k] = self.th[j,i,k]
                    t[i,j,k] = k

        gridToVTK(vtkfile, x, y, z, pointData = {"relative elevation" : e, "thickness" :h, "layer ID" :t})

Ejemplo n.º 13
def fci_to_vtk(infile, outfile, scale=5):

    if not have_evtk:

    with bdata.DataFile(infile, write=False, create=False) as f:
        dx = f.read('dx')
        dy = f.read('dy')

        bx = f.read('bx')
        by = np.ones(bx.shape)
        bz = f.read('bz')
        if bx is None:
            xt_prime = f.read('forward_xt_prime')
            zt_prime = f.read('forward_zt_prime')
            array_indices = indices(xt_prime.shape)
            bx = xt_prime - array_indices[0,...]
            by = by * dy
            bz = zt_prime - array_indices[2,...]

        nx, ny, nz = bx.shape
        dz = nx*dx / nz

    x = np.linspace(0, nx*dx, nx)
    y = np.linspace(0, ny*dy, ny, endpoint=False)
    z = np.linspace(0, nz*dz, nz, endpoint=False)

    gridToVTK(outfile, x*scale, y, z*scale, pointData={'B' : (bx*scale, by, bz*scale)})
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def export_to_vtk(self, vtk_filename="geo_grid", real_coords=True, **kwds):
        """Export grid to VTK for visualisation
            - *vtk_filename* = string : vtk filename (obviously...)
            - *real_coords* = bool : model extent in "real world" coordinates
        **Optional Keywords**:
            - *grid* = numpy grid : grid to save to vtk (default: self.grid)
            - *var_name* = string : name of variable to plot (default: Geology)
        Note: requires pyevtk, available at: https://bitbucket.org/pauloh/pyevtk
        grid = kwds.get("grid", self.grid)
        var_name = kwds.get("var_name", "Geology")
        #from evtk.hl import gridToVTK
        import pyevtk
        from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
        # define coordinates
        x = np.zeros(self.nx + 1)
        y = np.zeros(self.ny + 1)
        z = np.zeros(self.nz + 1)
        x[1:] = np.cumsum(self.delx)
        y[1:] = np.cumsum(self.dely)
        z[1:] = np.cumsum(self.delz)

        # plot in coordinates
        if real_coords:
            x += self.xmin
            y += self.ymin
            z += self.zmin

        gridToVTK(vtk_filename, x, y, z, cellData={var_name: grid})
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def to_vtk(self, filename):
     from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
     g = self.gamma()
     ntor = g.shape[0]
     npol = g.shape[1]
     x = self.gamma()[:, :, 0].reshape((1, ntor, npol)).copy()
     y = self.gamma()[:, :, 1].reshape((1, ntor, npol)).copy()
     z = self.gamma()[:, :, 2].reshape((1, ntor, npol)).copy()
     n = self.normal().reshape((1, ntor, npol, 3))
     dphi = self.gammadash1().reshape((1, ntor, npol, 3))
     dtheta = self.gammadash2().reshape((1, ntor, npol, 3))
     contig = np.ascontiguousarray
                   "dphi x dtheta":
                   (contig(n[..., 0]), contig(n[..., 1]), contig(n[...,
                   "dphi": (contig(dphi[..., 0]), contig(dphi[..., 1]),
                            contig(dphi[..., 2])),
                   "dtheta": (contig(dtheta[..., 0]), contig(dtheta[...,
                              contig(dtheta[..., 2])),
Ejemplo n.º 16
def plotPhiStrainEnerg(nPred, xGrid, yGrid, zGrid, phi_pred, frac_energy_pred, iStep):   
    nx, ny, nz = nPred[0], nPred[1], nPred[2]    
    phi = phi_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz)
    fracEnergy = frac_energy_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz)
    filename = 'Phase_Field_Step_' + iStep
    gridToVTK("./"+filename, xGrid, yGrid, zGrid, pointData = {"Phi" : phi, "Fracture Energy" : fracEnergy})
Ejemplo n.º 17
def logLawFitting(dfBase, df, uTauV, dUPlusV, nu, dyV, saveName):
    errorGrid = np.zeros([len(uTauV), len(dyV), len(dUPlusV)])
    ### estimate kappa and C from base profile
    # initialise fields
    tUPlusBase = dfBase.UxMean.as_matrix() / dfBase.uTau.as_matrix()[0]
    tyPlusBase = dfBase.y.as_matrix() * dfBase.uTau.as_matrix(
    )[0] / dfBase.nu.as_matrix()[0]
    # limit to log-region
    UPlusBase = tUPlusBase[(tyPlusBase > 50)
                           & (dfBase.y < 0.8 * dfBase.delta.as_matrix()[0])]
    yPlusBase = tyPlusBase[(tyPlusBase > 50)
                           & (dfBase.y < 0.8 * dfBase.delta.as_matrix()[0])]
    # find alpha and beta from linearRegression
    [a, b, R] = linearReg(UPlusBase, np.log(yPlusBase))
    # use these to estimate denticle params uTau and deltaU
    #	i.e denticle case: u+ = 1/kappa * ln(y+) + C + deltaU
    tdelta = df.z.as_matrix()[df.UxMean.as_matrix() > 0.98 *
                              np.mean(df.UxMean.as_matrix()[-4:])][0] * 1e-3
    tU = df.UxMean.as_matrix()
    for k in range(len(dyV)):
        ty = df.z.as_matrix() * 1e-3 - dyV[k]
        for i in range(len(uTauV)):
            # construct fields
            tUPlus = tU / uTauV[i]
            tyPlus = ty * uTauV[i] / nu
            UPlus = tUPlus[(tyPlus > 50)
                           & (df.z.as_matrix() * 1e-3 < 0.8 * tdelta)]
            yPlus = tyPlus[(tyPlus > 50)
                           & (df.z.as_matrix() * 1e-3 < 0.8 * tdelta)]
            for j in range(len(dUPlusV)):
                Ufit = b * np.log(yPlus) + a
                nrms = np.sqrt(np.mean(Ufit - UPlus - dUPlusV[j])**
                               2) / np.mean(Ufit)
                errorGrid[i][k][j] = nrms

    errorGrid[np.isnan(errorGrid)] = 1
    errorGrid[errorGrid > 1] = 1
    locmax = np.unravel_index(errorGrid.argmax(), errorGrid.shape)
    locmin = np.unravel_index(errorGrid.argmin(), errorGrid.shape)

    uTaunorm = (uTauV - np.min(uTauV)) / (np.max(uTauV) - np.min(uTauV))
    #	dynorm = (dYV-np.min(dYV))/(np.max(dYV)-np.min(dYV))
    dUPlusnorm = (dUPlusV - np.min(dUPlusV)) / (np.max(dUPlusV) -
    enorm = (errorGrid - errorGrid[locmin]) / (errorGrid[locmax] -

    #		print(enorm)
    gridToVTK(str('./' + saveName),
              np.array([0, 1]),
              pointData={'enorm': enorm})
    #	gridToVTK(str('./' + saveName), kappa,deltaY,a, pointData={'error':errorGrid})

    print(str('rms error = ' + str(errorGrid[locmin])))
    return ([uTauV[locmin[0]], dyV[locmin[1]], dUPlusV[locmin[2]]])
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def write_vtr(self):
        """Write rectilinear VTR file."""
        from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK

                  pointData={self.dataname: self.data})
Ejemplo n.º 19
def save_scalar_cube(cube,
                     origin=(0., 0., 0.),
                     spacing=(1., 1., 1.)):
    X = np.arange(origin[0], np.shape(cube)[0], spacing[0], dtype='float64')
    Y = np.arange(origin[1], np.shape(cube)[1], spacing[1], dtype='float64')
    Z = np.arange(origin[2], np.shape(cube)[2], spacing[2], dtype='float64')
    gridToVTK(filename, X, Y, Z, pointData={data_name: cube})
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 20
def plotDispStrainEnerg(nPred, xGrid, yGrid, zGrid, u_pred, v_pred, w_pred, elas_energy_pred, iStep):
    nx, ny, nz = nPred[0], nPred[1], nPred[2]
    u = u_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz)
    v = v_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz)
    w = w_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz) 
    disp = (u, v, w)
    elasEnergy = elas_energy_pred.reshape(nx, ny, nz)
    filename = 'Elastic_Step_' + iStep
    gridToVTK("./"+filename, xGrid, yGrid, zGrid, pointData = 
              {"Displacement" : disp, "Elastic Energy" : elasEnergy})				
Ejemplo n.º 21
def main(matfile="Zdisp4D.mat",
    """extract 4D displacement data from Matlab file and write to Paraview PVD/VTR format

        matfile: Matlab file
        Xmm: X-axis array
        Ymm: Y-axis array
        Zmm: Z-axis array
        Zdisp: 4D displacement matrix (X x Y x Z x time)
        tms: time array


    from scipy.io import loadmat
    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
    from pathlib import Path

    matdata = Path(matfile)
    datafile_prefix = matdata.with_suffix('')
    data = loadmat(matdata)

    with open(f'{datafile_prefix.name}.pvd', 'w') as pvd:

        pvd.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
        pvd.write('<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" '
                  'byte_order="LittleEndian" '
        pvd.write('    <Collection>\n')

        for ts, time in enumerate(data[tms].ravel()):

            zdisp = data[Zdisp][:, :, :, ts]

            vtrfilename = Path(f'{datafile_prefix.name}_T{ts:04d}.vtr')

            logger.info(f'Writing file: {vtrfilename}')

                f'        <DataSet timestep="{time}" group="" part="" file="{vtrfilename.name}"/>\n'

                      pointData={Zdisp: zdisp})
        pvd.write('    </Collection>\n')
Ejemplo n.º 22
def model_to_vtk(model_ds,

    model_ds : xarray DataSet
        model dataset within the extent that is exported to vtk.
    paradir : str
        directory to save the vtk file.
    fname : str
        filename of the vtk file.
    layer : int
        number of the regis layer you want to convert to vtk
    datavar : str
        name of the data variabel you want to convert to vtk
    nan_factor : float
        if the value in a cell is more than (0.01) part influenced by 
        nan values make it a nan value

    1 if succesfull.

    X = np.append(model_ds.x.values - (model_ds.delr / 2),
                  model_ds.x.values[-1] + (model_ds.delr / 2))
    Y = np.append(model_ds.y.values[::-1] - (model_ds.delc / 2),
                  model_ds.y.values[::-1][-1] + (model_ds.delc / 2))
    Z = np.linspace(-1, 1, 2)

    x, y, z = np.meshgrid(X, Y, Z, indexing='ij')
    x = x.astype(float)
    y = y.astype(float)
    if layer == 0:
        top = project_to_grid(model_ds['top'], X, Y, nan_factor)
        top = project_to_grid(model_ds['bot'][layer - 1], X, Y, nan_factor)

    bot = project_to_grid(model_ds['bot'][layer], X, Y, nan_factor)
    z[:, :, 0] = (top.T * 100)
    z[:, :, 1] = (bot.T * 100)

    arr = model_ds[datavar][layer:layer + 1].values
    arr[0] = arr[0][::-1]
    arr = arr.T

    gridToVTK(os.path.join(paradir, fname), x, y, z, cellData={datavar: arr})

    return 1
Ejemplo n.º 23
def savepvd(ts_start=0, part=0, **kwargs):
    """Save Paraview PVD rectilinear (VTR) time series data.

    Paraview data formats: https://www.paraview.org/Wiki/ParaView/Data_formats

        ts_start (int): override starting timestep index from 0 to this value
        arfidata (float): 4D arfidata matrix
        axial (float): depth axis vector [mm]
        lat (float): lateral axis vector [mm]
        elev (float): elevation axis vector [mm]
        t (float): time vector (s)
        resfile (str): 'res_sim.pvd'

        ValueError: Not saving 3D time series data.
        FileExistsError: PVD file directory cannot be created.
    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
    import os
    import numpy as np

    if kwargs['arfidata'].ndim != 4:
        raise ValueError("Trying to save timeseries VTR data not supported.")

    resfileprefix = os.path.splitext(kwargs['resfile'])[0]

    with open(kwargs['resfile'], 'w') as pvd:

        pvd.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
        pvd.write('<VTKFile type="Collection" version="0.1" '
                  'byte_order="LittleEndian" '
        pvd.write('    <Collection>\n')

        for ts, time in enumerate(kwargs['t']):

            arfidata = np.asfortranarray(
                np.squeeze(kwargs['arfidata'][:, :, :, ts])).transpose()

            timestep = ts_start + ts
            vtrfilename = '{}_T{:04d}'.format(resfileprefix, ts)

            pvd.write('        <DataSet timestep="{}" group="" part="{}" '
                          timestep, part, os.path.basename(vtrfilename)))

                      pointData={'arfidata': arfidata})
        pvd.write('    </Collection>\n')
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def output_mask(self, no_collision_mask):
     """Outputs the no_collision_mask of the simulation object as VTK-file with range [0,1]
     Usage: vtk_reporter.output_mask(simulation.no_collision_mask)"""
     point_dict = dict()
     if self.lattice.D == 2:
         point_dict["mask"] = self.lattice.convert_to_numpy(no_collision_mask)[..., None].astype(int)
         point_dict["mask"] = self.lattice.convert_to_numpy(no_collision_mask).astype(int)
     vtk.gridToVTK(self.filename_base + "_mask",
                   np.arange(0, point_dict["mask"].shape[0]),
                   np.arange(0, point_dict["mask"].shape[1]),
                   np.arange(0, point_dict["mask"].shape[2]),
Ejemplo n.º 25
def generateVTK(fin, fout):
    ''' Generates a VTK file out of a given file

      :param fin: File name of the input file
      :param fout: File name of the output file
    # Read in general info
    count = 11
    fname = fin
    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
    r, th, ph, x, y, z, pointData = pp.readDataFile(fname)
    fOut = fout
    gridToVTK(fOut, x, y, z, pointData=pointData)
Ejemplo n.º 26
def save_vector_data(vx,
                     origin=(0., 0., 0.),
                     spacing=(1., 1., 1.)):
    assert np.shape(vx) == np.shape(vy) == np.shape(vz)
    X = np.arange(origin[0], np.shape(vx)[0], spacing[0], dtype='float64')
    Y = np.arange(origin[1], np.shape(vx)[1], spacing[1], dtype='float64')
    Z = np.arange(origin[2], np.shape(vx)[2], spacing[2], dtype='float64')
    gridToVTK(filename, X, Y, Z, pointData={vector_name: (vx, vy, vz)})
    return None
Ejemplo n.º 27
def save_VTR(data, file):
    save as a .vtr file for VisIt
    :param data:
    :param file:
    dim = data.shape
    x = np.arange(0, dim[0] + 1)
    y = np.arange(0, dim[1] + 1)
    z = np.arange(0, dim[2] + 1)
    filename = "./" + file

    gridToVTK(filename, x, y, z, cellData={file: data})
Ejemplo n.º 28
def save_VTR(data, file):
    save as a .vtr file for VisIt
    obtained/adapted from https://pyscience.wordpress.com/2014/09/06/numpy-to-vtk-converting-your-numpy-arrays-to-vtk-arrays-and-files/
    :param data: array
    :param file: filename
    dim = data.shape
    x = np.arange(0, dim[0] + 1)
    y = np.arange(0, dim[1] + 1)
    z = np.arange(0, dim[2] + 1)
    filename = "./" + file

    gridToVTK(filename, x, y, z, cellData={file: data})
Ejemplo n.º 29
def vector_field():
    # directly copied from the pyevtk github examples:
    # pyevtk/examples/structured.py,
    # and then we modified this but now for vector data

    from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
    import numpy as np
    import random as rnd

    # Dimensions
    nx, ny, nz = 4, 9, 1
    lx, ly, lz = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
    dx, dy, dz = lx / nx, ly / ny, lz / nz

    ncells = nx * ny * nz
    npoints = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * (nz + 1)

    # Coordinates
    X = np.arange(0, lx + 0.1 * dx, dx, dtype="float64")
    Y = np.arange(0, ly + 0.1 * dy, dy, dtype="float64")
    Z = np.arange(0, lz + 0.1 * dz, dz, dtype="float64")

    x = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))
    y = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))
    z = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))

    # We add some random fluctuation to make the grid
    # more interesting
    for k in range(nz + 1):
        for j in range(ny + 1):
            for i in range(nx + 1):
                x[i, j, k] = X[i]  #+ (0.5 - rnd.random()) * 0.1 * dx
                y[i, j, k] = Y[j]  #+ (0.5 - rnd.random()) * 0.1 * dy
                z[i, j, k] = Z[k]  #+ (0.5 - rnd.random()) * 0.1 * dz

    # Variables
    pressure = np.random.rand(ncells).reshape((nx, ny, nz))
    temp = np.random.rand(npoints).reshape((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))

    fname = os.path.join(outdir, 'vector')
        cellData={"pressure": pressure},
        pointData={"vel": (temp, -temp, temp)},
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 30
def minFunc(U, yTilde, kappa, deltaY, a, nu, PI, method, saveName):
    errorGrid = np.zeros([len(kappa), len(deltaY), len(a)])
    for k in range(len(kappa)):
            str('Matrix construction ' + str(k * 100 / len(kappa)) +
                ' % complete'))
        for dy in range(len(deltaY)):
            y = (yTilde - deltaY[dy])
            [uTau, deltaStar, theta, H] = clauserEstimation(U, y, kappa[k], nu)
            yPlus = y * uTau / nu
            UPlus = U / uTau
            for i in range(len(a)):
                e = compositeLeastSquares(UPlus, yPlus, kappa[k], nu, a[i], PI,
                if np.isnan(e):
                    errorGrid[k][dy][i] = 1.0
                    errorGrid[k][dy][i] = e
    #			print(e)

    locmin = np.unravel_index(errorGrid.argmin(), errorGrid.shape)
    locmax = np.unravel_index(errorGrid.argmax(), errorGrid.shape)

    if saveName is not False:
        if len(kappa) == 1:
            knorm = np.array([0, 1])
            knorm = (kappa - np.min(kappa)) / (np.max(kappa) - np.min(kappa))
        if len(deltaY) == 1:
            dynorm = np.array([0, 1])
            dynorm = (deltaY - np.min(deltaY)) / (np.max(deltaY) -
        if len(a) == 1:
            anorm = np.array([0, 1])
            anorm = (a - np.min(a)) / (np.max(a) - np.min(a))
        enorm = (errorGrid - errorGrid[locmin]) / (errorGrid[locmax] -
        #		print(enorm)
        gridToVTK(str('./' + saveName),
                  pointData={'enorm': enorm})
    #	gridToVTK(str('./' + saveName), kappa,deltaY,a, pointData={'error':errorGrid})

    print(str('rms error = ' + str(errorGrid[locmin])))
    return ([kappa[locmin[0]], deltaY[locmin[1]], a[locmin[2]]])
Ejemplo n.º 31
    def write_vts(grid_obj, path_to_file, nx_cells, ny_cells, nz_cells):
        Write the energy grid as a binary vtk (.vts) file.

        :type grid_obj: instance of the grid3D class
        :param grid_obj: Contains all the info regarding the energy grid

        :type path_to_file: str
        :param path_to_file: path to the output file including full file name and no extension.


        :rtype: Just writes the file.

        import numpy as np
        from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK

        # For we need the grid x, y, z, E style
        # Define the crazy unstructured grid
        dx, dy, dz = 1.0 / grid_obj.nx_total, 1.0 / grid_obj.ny_total, 1.0 / grid_obj.nz_total
        X = np.arange(0, 1 + 0.1 * dx, dx, dtype='float64')
        Y = np.arange(0, 1 + 0.1 * dy, dy, dtype='float64')
        Z = np.arange(0, 1 + 0.1 * dz, dz, dtype='float64')
        x = np.zeros((grid_obj.nx_total, grid_obj.ny_total, grid_obj.nz_total))
        y = np.zeros((grid_obj.nx_total, grid_obj.ny_total, grid_obj.nz_total))
        z = np.zeros((grid_obj.nx_total, grid_obj.ny_total, grid_obj.nz_total))
        for k in range(grid_obj.nz_total):
            for j in range(grid_obj.ny_total):
                for i in range(grid_obj.nx_total):
                    x[i, j, k] = X[i]
                    y[i, j, k] = Y[j]
                    z[i, j, k] = Z[k]
        for k in range(grid_obj.nz_total):
            for j in range(grid_obj.ny_total):
                for i in range(grid_obj.nx_total):
                    [x[i, j, k], y[i, j, k],
                     z[i, j, k]] = np.dot(grid_obj.A,
                                          [x[i, j, k], y[i, j, k], z[i, j, k]])
        #Write pot into .vts file
                      np.tile(grid_obj.pot, (nx_cells, ny_cells, nz_cells))
Ejemplo n.º 32
def writeVTKcell(fileName, data_name, data, time_level, spacingx, spacingy,
    data2 = np.fliplr(
            np.rot90(data[2:np.size(spacingy, 2) + 1,
                          2:np.size(spacingx, 0) + 1])))
    plot_data = np.zeros(
        (np.size(spacingx, 0) - 1, 1, np.size(spacingy, 2) - 1))
    plot_data[:, 0, :] = data2

    gridToVTK(fileName + str(time_level),
              cellData={data_name: plot_data})
Ejemplo n.º 33
def save_to_vtk(data, filepath):
    save the 3d data to a .vtk file. 
    data : 3d np.array
        3d matrix that we want to visualize
    filepath : str
        where to save the vtk model, do not include vtk extension, it does automatically
    x = np.arange(data.shape[0] + 1)
    y = np.arange(data.shape[1] + 1)
    z = np.arange(data.shape[2] + 1)
    gridToVTK(filepath, x, y, z, cellData={'data': data.copy()})
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def print_vtk(self, data, print_type=True):
        if print_type == 'binary':
            print 'PRINT VTR {name}'.format(name=self.name)
            nx, ny, nz = self.number_of_nodes['x']-1, self.number_of_nodes['y']-1, self.number_of_nodes['z']-1
            lx, ly, lz = self.length['x'], self.length['y'] , self.length['z']
            dx, dy, dz = 1.0*lx/nx, 1.0*ly/ny, 1.0*lz/nz 
            ncells = nx * ny * nz 
            npoints = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * (nz + 1)
            x = np.arange(0, lx + 0.1*dx, dx, dtype='float64') 
            y = np.arange(0, ly + 0.1*dy, dy, dtype='float64') 
            z = np.arange(0, lz + 0.1*dz, dz, dtype='float64') 
            gridToVTK(self.name, x, y, z, pointData = {self.name:data})
            c = self.create_lexico()
            print 'PRINT VTK {name}'.format(name=self.name)
            with open(file, 'w') as f:
                f.write('# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n')
                f.write('ASCII\nDATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n')
                if self.dim == 2:
                    f.write('DIMENSIONS {x} {y} 1\n\n'.format(**self.number_of_nodes))
                    f.write('DIMENSIONS {x} {y} {z}\n\n'.format(**self.number_of_nodes))
                f.write('POINTS {} float\n'.format(np.prod([n for n in self.number_of_nodes.itervalues()])))
                if self.dim == 2:
                    for x, y in zip(c['x'], c['y']):
                        f.write('{x} {y} 0.0\n'.format(x=x, y=y)) 
                    for x, y, z in zip(c['x'], c['y'], c['z']):
                        f.write('{x} {y} {z}\n'.format(x=x, y=y, z=z)) 

                f.write('POINT_DATA {}\n'.format(np.prod([n for n in self.number_of_nodes.itervalues()])))
                f.write('SCALARS {} float 1\n'.format(self.name))
                f.write('LOOKUP_TABLE default\n')
                for r in data.flatten(order='F'):
Ejemplo n.º 35
def print_vtk(p, d, type='points'):
    nx, ny, nz = p.n['x']-1, p.n['y']-1, p.n['z']-1
    lx, ly, lz = p.l['x'], p.l['y'] , p.l['z']
    dx, dy, dz = 1.0*lx/nx, 1.0*ly/ny, 1.0*lz/nz 
    ncells = nx * ny * nz 
    npoints = (nx + 1) * (ny + 1) * (nz + 1)

    #print 'Number of points: ', nx, ny, nz
    #print 'lengths: ', lx, ly, lz
    #print 'dlength: ', dx, dy, dz
    #print 'Number of cells', ncells
    #print 'Number of points', npoints

    x = np.arange(0, lx + 0.1*dx, dx, dtype='float64') 
    y = np.arange(0, ly + 0.1*dy, dy, dtype='float64') 
    z = np.arange(0, lz + 0.1*dz, dz, dtype='float64') 

    if type is 'points':
        print 'PRINT POINTS'
        gridToVTK(p.name, x, y, z, pointData = {p.name:d})

    if type is 'cells':
        print 'PRINT CELLS'
        gridToVTK(p.name, x, y, z, cellData = {p.name:d})
Ejemplo n.º 36
def write_Bfield_to_vtk(grid, magnetic_field, scale=5,
                        vtkfile="fci_zoidberg", psi=True):
    """Write the magnetic field to a VTK file

    grid : :py:obj:`zoidberg.grid.Grid`
        Grid generated by Zoidberg
    magnetic_field : :py:obj:`zoidberg.field.MagneticField`
        Zoidberg magnetic field object
    scale : int, optional
        Factor to scale x, z dimensions by [5]
    vtkfile : str, optional
        Output filename without extension ["fci_zoidberg"]
    psi : bool, optional
        Write psi?

    path           - Full path to vtkfile

    point_data = {'B' : (magnetic_field.bx*scale,

    if psi:
        psi = make_surfaces(grid, magnetic_field)
        point_data['psi'] = psi

    path = gridToVTK(vtkfile,

    return path
Ejemplo n.º 37
def saveToVTK(velocity, rho, prefix, saveNumber, grid):
    name = "./" + prefix + "." + saveNumber
    gridToVTK(name, grid[0], grid[1], grid[2],
              pointData = {'velocity': velocity,
                           'pressure': rho})
Ejemplo n.º 38
                sp.call(['rm', '-rf', asc_dir])
            if not os.path.exists(asc_dir): # per flow field
                ascOutput = folderName+'/'+folderName
                sp.call(['field2ascii', '-p', k, ascOutput])
                data = rc.main_read_construct(asc_dir, [0, 'all', 'all', 17])
                #### CONVERSION
                # Now we convert the data from numpy to vtk.
                u_comp = data['flowField']['physical'][0, :, :, :]
                x = np.linspace(0, data['geometry']['physical']['Lx'], data['geometry']['physical']['Nx'])
                y = 0
                gridToVTK("./julia", x, y, z, cellData = {'julia': u_comp})

            # Delete the folder witht eh ASCII file and geom file.
            sp.call(['rm', '-rf', asc_dir])

            print('Deleted\n\n', folderName)

print('\n   All done!   \n')

Ejemplo n.º 39
from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK 
import numpy as np 
import sgems

# Parameters (NEED TO INPUT grid name and property name)
g = "grid1"
p = "30strike"

prop = sgems.get_property(g,p)

# Grid parameters (NEED TO INPUT lx, ly and lz as the dimensions of the grid)
nd = sgems.get_dims(g)
ox, oy, oz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
lx, ly, lz = 260.0, 300.0, 1.0 
dx, dy, dz = lx/nd[0], ly/nd[1], lz/nd[2] 
ncells = nd[0] * nd[1] * nd[2] 
npoints = (nd[0] + 1) * (nd[1] + 1) * (nd[2] + 1) 

# Coordinates 
x = np.arange(ox, ox + lx + 0.1*dx, dx, dtype='float64') 
y = np.arange(oy, oy + ly + 0.1*dy, dy, dtype='float64') 
z = np.arange(oz, oz + lz + 0.1*dz, dz, dtype='float64') 

# Writing output
output = np.array(prop)

# Variables 
gridToVTK("./structured", x, y, z, cellData = {p : output})

print "Done"
x = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1)) 

y = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1)) 

z = np.zeros((nx + 1, ny + 1, nz + 1))

for k in range(nz + 1): 
    for j in range(ny + 1):
        for i in range(nx + 1): 
            x[i,j,k] = X[i] 

            y[i,j,k] = Y[j]
            (i_ind, j_ind, k_ind) = (i,j,k)
            if i==nx:
                i_ind = nx-1
            if j==ny:
                j_ind = ny-1
            if k==nz:
                z_ind = nz-1
            z[i,j,k] = Z[k] # mesh_pad[i_ind,j_ind,k_ind] #Z[k]

gridToVTK("./mesh_test", x, y, z, pointData = {"z_elev" : z}) # cellData = {"zone" : zone}, 

Ejemplo n.º 41
kernel = read_fortran_record(kernelfile, count=npoints * nktype, dtype=np.float32,filetype='direct')
kernel = kernel.reshape(nktype, ntheta, nphi, nr)

# write vtk file
xgrid = np.outer(np.sin(np.radians(thetas)) * np.cos(np.radians(phis)), radii)
ygrid = np.outer(np.sin(np.radians(thetas)) * np.sin(np.radians(phis)), radii)
zgrid = np.outer(np.cos(np.radians(thetas)), radii)

xgrid = xgrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)
ygrid = ygrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)
zgrid = zgrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)

point_data = {'{:d}'.format(name): data for name, data in zip(range(nktype), kernel)}

gridToVTK('kernel', xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, pointData=point_data)

phis = phis.reshape(ntheta, nphi)
thetas = phis.reshape(ntheta, nphi)

# read kernel data:

# write some output information
r_min, r_max = radii[0], radii[-1]
phi_min, phi_max = phis[0, 0], phis[0, -1]
theta_min, theta_max = thetas[0, 0], thetas[-1, 0]
print ('kernel dimensions (nr={}, nphi={}, ntheta={})'.format(nr, nphi, ntheta))
print ('kernel types: {}'.format(nktype))
print ('radius range = {} -> {}'.format(r_min, r_max))
print ('phis range = {} -> {}'.format(phi_min, phi_max))
print ('thetas range = {} -> {}'.format(theta_min, theta_max))
def build_vtk_from_array(grid_info, mesh_z, point_array_names, point_arrays, cell_array_names, cell_arrays,
                         out_path, vtk_out):

    :param grid_info:

    :param mesh_z:

    :param point_array_names:

    :param point_arrays:

    :param cell_array_names:

    :param cell_arrays:

    :param out_path:

    :param vtk_out:

    # Dimensions
    ncol = grid_info[0]
    nrow = grid_info[1]
    delc = grid_info[2]
    delr = grid_info[3]
    x0 = grid_info[4]
    y0 = grid_info[5]

    (nz, ny, nx) = mesh_z.shape

    # Coordinates

    X = np.arange(x0, x0 + (ncol + 1) * delc, delc, dtype='float64')
    Y = np.arange(y0 - (nrow + 1) * delr, y0, delr, dtype='float64')

    x = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    y = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))
    z = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz))

    for k in range(nz):
        for j in range(ny):
            for i in range(nx):
                x[i, j, k] = X[i]

                y[i, j, k] = Y[j]

                (i_ind, j_ind, k_ind) = (i, j, k)
                if i == nx:
                    i_ind = nx - 1
                if j == ny:
                    j_ind = ny - 1
                if k == nz:
                    k_ind = nz - 1

                z[i, j, k] = mesh_z[k_ind, j_ind, i_ind]  # mesh_pad[i_ind,j_ind,k_ind] #Z[k]
    # End for

    cellData = {}
    for index, cell_array in enumerate(cell_arrays):
        zone = np.zeros((nx - 1, ny - 1, nz - 1))

        for k in range(nz - 1):
            for j in range(ny - 1):
                for i in range(nx - 1):
                    zone[i, j, k] = cell_array[k, j, i]

        cellData[cell_array_names[index]] = zone
    # End for

    pointData = {}
    for index, point_array in enumerate(point_arrays):
        if point_array_names[index] == "z_elev":
            pointData[point_array_names[index]] = z
            pointData[point_array_names[index]] = point_array
        # End if
    # End for

    gridToVTK(os.path.join(out_path, vtk_out), x, y, z, cellData=cellData, pointData=pointData)
Ejemplo n.º 43
    kernel = read_fortran_record(kernelfile, count=npoints * nktype, dtype=np.float32,filetype='direct')
    kernel = kernel.reshape(nktype, ntheta, nphi, nr)
    # write vtk file
    xgrid = np.outer(np.sin(np.radians(thetas)) * np.cos(np.radians(phis)), radii)
    ygrid = np.outer(np.sin(np.radians(thetas)) * np.sin(np.radians(phis)), radii)
    zgrid = np.outer(np.cos(np.radians(thetas)), radii)
    xgrid = xgrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)
    ygrid = ygrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)
    zgrid = zgrid.reshape(ntheta, nphi, nr)
    point_data = {'{:d}'.format(name): data for name, data in zip(range(nktype), kernel)}
    gridToVTK(fname_vtk, xgrid, ygrid, zgrid, pointData=point_data)
    phis = phis.reshape(ntheta, nphi)
    thetas = phis.reshape(ntheta, nphi)


    print("this is a video")

    # il me faut calculer le nombre de snapshots pour video mode
Ejemplo n.º 44
def saveToVTK(rho, u, prefix, saveNumber, grid):
    name = "./" + prefix + "." + saveNumber
    reorderedU = (u[0], u[1], u[2])
    gridToVTK(name, grid[0], grid[1], grid[2],
              pointData = {'velocity': reorderedU,
                           'pressure': rho})
Ejemplo n.º 45
print t

def_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(def_map)
def_array = def_array.swapaxes(0,2)

origin = img1.GetOrigin()
size = img1.GetSize()
spacing = img1.GetSpacing()
x = np.arange(origin[0],float(size[0])*spacing[0],spacing[0])
y = np.arange(origin[1],float(size[1])*spacing[1],spacing[1])
z = np.arange(origin[2],float(size[2])*spacing[2],spacing[2])

dx = def_array[:,:,:,0]
dx[not_cells] = np.NaN

hl.gridToVTK("./structured",x,y,z,pointData= {"x displacement": dx})
## E = []
## for i in xrange(3):
##     row = np.gradient(def_array[:,:,:,i],0.34,0.41,0.41)
##     E.append(row[2])
##     E.append(row[1])
##     E.append(row[0])
## E33 = sitk.GetImageFromArray(E[8])
## E33.SetSpacing([0.41,0.41,0.34])

## dx = sitk.GetImageFromArray(def_array[:,:,:,0])
## dy = sitk.GetImageFromArray(def_array[:,:,:,1])
## dz = sitk.GetImageFromArray(def_array[:,:,:,2])

## sitk.Cast(img1,sitk.sitkUInt8)
Ejemplo n.º 46
            #extent=cat2_extent, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5)
#mlab.outline(surf_cat2, color=(0.7, .7, .7), extent=cat2_extent)

#mlab.text(-4, -3, '2 photons', z=-4, width=0.14)

#cat3_extent = (6, 14, -4, 4, 0, 5)
#surf_cat3 = mlab.surf(x + 10, y, cat3, colormap='Spectral', warp_scale=5,
            #extent=cat3_extent, vmin=-0.5, vmax=0.5)
#mlab.outline(surf_cat3, color=(.7, .7, .7), extent=cat3_extent)

#mlab.text(6, -2.5, '3 photons', z=-4, width=0.14)

#mlab.title('Multi-photons cats Wigner function')

#mlab.view(142, -72, 32)


import time, sys
from scitools.std import *
import numpy
from mayavi import mlab
from pyevtk.hl import gridToVTK
print "it workks here"
w,h,noSlices = 1,2,3
x = numpy.arange(0, w+1)
y = numpy.arange(0, h+1)
z = numpy.arange(0, noSlices+1)
gridToVTK("./julia", x, y, z)