Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_bbox_for(insee):
    Returns left/right/bottom/top (min and max latitude / longitude) of the
    bounding box around the INSEE code
    relation = get_municipality_relations(insee[:-3], insee, False)
    city = pygeoj.new()
    return city.bbox
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dggs_enable_line(thisfile, myOutput_location_and_name, resolution):
    '''  takes a geojson file and adds AusPix DGGS cell information at the resolution called for
    maintains any properties data for out but at the end
    AusPix data in the first columns - then the properties data

    # calc cell area in m2
    resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False))

    # metadata
    print('number of features', len(thisfile))  # the number of features
    print('bbox of entire file', thisfile.bbox)  # the bounding box region of the entire file
    print('area of each cell at this resolution', resArea)
    print('crs', thisfile.crs)  # the coordinate reference system
    print('attributes', thisfile.all_attributes)  # retrieves the combined set of all feature attributes
    print('common attributes',
          thisfile.common_attributes)  # retrieves only those field attributes that are common to all features

    # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties
    newfile = pygeoj.new()  # default projection is WGS84

    #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells
    for feature in thisfile:   #each feature is an individual line
        print('feature attributes ', feature.properties)  # the feature attributes - want to keep for output

        coords = feature.geometry.coordinates  # xy's along line
        print('in_coords= ', (coords))
        densified_coords = densify_my_line(coords, resolution)
        print('out coords = ', (densified_coords))

        for item in densified_coords:
            doneDGGScells = []
            for coords in item:  # for this road or sreat line look at all the points that describe it
                #print('thispt', coords)
                thisDGGS = rdggs.cell_from_point(resolution, coords, plane=False)  # false = on the elipsoidal curve
                if thisDGGS not in doneDGGScells:  # == new one
                    doneDGGScells.append(thisDGGS)  # save as a done cell
                    verts = thisDGGS.vertices(plane=False)  # find the cell corners = vertices from the engine
                    #print('v', verts[0])
                    verts.append(verts[0]) #add the first point to the end to make a closed poly
                    #print('verts', verts)

                    my_prop = feature.properties
                    my_Cell = {"AusPIX_DGGS": str(thisDGGS), "CellArea_M2": resArea}

                    #include the AusPIX cell information in attributes
                    these_attributes = dict(list(my_Cell.items()) + list(my_prop.items()))
                    #print('these attributes = ', these_attributes)

                    newfile.add_feature(properties=these_attributes, geometry={"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [verts]})

    #save the ouput geojson file
    newfile.save(myOutput_location_and_name + '.geojson')  # saves into the folder where you have the script - edit to change
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def merge_geojson(cls, folder, file_name, files):

        geojson = pygeoj.new()
        for path in files:
            f = pygeoj.load(path)
            for feature in f:

        full_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name + ".json")


        return full_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def update_geojson_heatmap(self):
        output = pygeoj.new()
        for idx, dsp in self.df_disposals.iterrows():
            if not np.isnan(dsp.rent):
                dsp.fillna(0., inplace=True)
                pnt = geojson.Point((dsp.lng, dsp.lat))
                ppt = {
                    'size_max': dsp.size_max,
                    'size_min': dsp.size_min,
                    'rent': dsp.rent,
                    'rates': dsp.rates
                output.add_feature(properties=ppt, geometry=pnt)

Ejemplo n.º 5
def dggs_cells_for_points(geojson, resolution):
    # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties
    newfile = pygeoj.new()  # default projection is WGS84
    resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False))

    #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells
    for feature in testfile:
        print('feature attributes ', feature.properties
              )  # the feature attributes - want to keep for output

        coords = feature.geometry.coordinates  # xy
        print('geom', coords)

        #this_dggs_cell = rdggs.cell_from_point(resolution, coords, plane=False)  # false = on the elipsoidal curve
        this_dggs_cell = latlong_to_DGGS(coords, resolution)

        print('found cell = ', this_dggs_cell)

        my_prop = feature.properties
        my_Cell = {
            "AusPIX_DGGS": str(this_dggs_cell),
            "LongiWGS84": coords[0],
            "LatiWGS84": coords[1],
            "CellArea_M2": resArea

        #include the AusPIX cell information in attributes
        these_attributes = dict(list(my_Cell.items()) + list(my_prop.items()))
        #print('these attributes = ', these_attributes)

                                "type": "Point",
                                "coordinates": coords

    #save the ouput geojson file
    )  # saves into the folder where you have the script - edit to change
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def write_geojson_file(self, folder, file_name, shp_geometry, shp_field):

        if (len(shp_field) == 0):
            values = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(len(shp_geometry))]
            shp_field = [Field(values, 'UUID', 'C', 40, 0)]

        full_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name + ".json")

        geojson = pygeoj.new()

        if (self.field_legth_checking(shp_field, shp_geometry)
                and self.create_valid_folder(folder)):

            for i, geometry in enumerate(shp_geometry):
                if geometry.name == "point":
                    self.__write_point(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field)
                elif geometry.name == "multipoint":
                    self.__write_multi_point(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field)
                elif geometry.name == "curve":
                    self.__write_linestring(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field)
                elif geometry.name == "multicurve":
                    self.__write_multi_linestring(i, geojson, geometry,
                elif geometry.name == "polygon":
                    self.__write_polygon(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field)
                elif geometry.name == "multipolygon":
                    self.__write_multi_polygon(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field)


            return full_path

            return False
Ejemplo n.º 7
    resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False))

    # for item in cells_inbb:
    #     print(item)

    print('crs', testfile.crs)  # the coordinate reference system
    print('attributes', testfile.all_attributes
          )  # retrieves the combined set of all feature attributes
        'common attributes', testfile.common_attributes
    )  # retrieves only those field attributes that are common to all features

    # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties
    newfile = pygeoj.new()  # default projection is WGS84

    #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells
    for feature in testfile:
        print('first xxx ', feature.properties
              )  # the feature attributes - want to keep for output
        #print('bbox', feature.geometry.bbox)  # the bounding box of the feature
        fea_bbox = feature.geometry.bbox

        this_poly_cells = cells_in_poly(
            fea_bbox, feature.geometry.coordinates, resolution
        )  # returns the cells in the poly and lat long of centroid

        print('num cells in this poly =', len(this_poly_cells))
Ejemplo n.º 8
import pygeoj as gj

testfile = gj.new()
testfile.add_feature(geometry=gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=[(11,11)]),
                     properties=dict(hello=1, world=2))
testfile.add_feature(geometry=gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=[(12,12)]),
                     properties=dict(hello=1, world=2))

for feat in testfile:
    feat.properties["new"] = "stuff"
    feat.geometry.coordinates = (99,99)
    #feat.properties = dict(new="shit")
    #feat.geometry = gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=(7777,7777))
    print("hmm", feat.geometry, feat.properties, feat.__geo_interface__)

for feat in testfile:
    print(feat, feat.geometry, feat.properties, feat.__geo_interface__, feat.validate())
StateInitials = FirmLicenseSheet['B'][1:]

inmemorydata = []
listtuple = []
for state in FirmLicenseSheet.rows:
    listtuple = []
    for j in state:

states_url = 'M:/Grow People/Licenses/ZZZ-Scripts for Map/states20m.json'

states = pygeoj.load(filepath=states_url)
attributes = states.all_attributes

outfile = pygeoj.new()

for state in states:
    geometry = state.geometry
    for item in state.properties.iteritems():
        if item[0] == u'NAME':
            StateName = item[1]
        if item[0] == u'STUSPS':
            StateInitials = item[1]
            for FirmLicenseState in inmemorydata:
                if FirmLicenseState[1] == StateInitials:
                        to = strftime('%m/%d/%Y', FirmLicenseState[4])
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(argv):
    fin = sys.argv[1]  #the path of Weather/Forcing folder
    output = sys.argv[2]  # the path of output folder
    # print file
    # print output
    #create directory C:\\Users\\George\\Desktop\\Weather
    with open(fin + "\\bySite\X3045Y525.csv") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        data = [r for r in reader]
        # print len(data)
        # print len(data[0][0].split())
        for i in range(1, len(data)):
            year = output + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][0:4]
            if not os.path.exists(year):

            month = year + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][4:6]
            if not os.path.exists(month):

            day = month + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][6:8]
            if not os.path.exists(day):

    with open(fin + "\\bySite\X3045Y525.csv") as f:
        reader = csv.reader(f)
        data = [r for r in reader]
        time = []
        vars = data[0][0].split()
        for i in range(len(data)):
        # print time
        # print vars

    with open(fin + "\\FLDAS_grids.csv") as f:
        read = csv.reader(f)
        polygon = [r for r in read]
        for m in range(1, 6208):
            for n in range(1, 26):
                newfile = gj.new()
                for i in range(1, len(polygon)):
                    CSV = "X" + polygon[i][6][:-3] + polygon[i][6][
                        -2:] + "Y" + polygon[i][5][:-3] + polygon[i][5][
                            -2:] + ".csv"
                    coor = [[(float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][3])),
                             (float(polygon[i][2]), float(polygon[i][3])),
                             (float(polygon[i][2]), float(polygon[i][4])),
                             (float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][4])),
                             (float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][3]))]]
                    filename = fin + "\\bySite\\" + CSV
                    with open(filename) as file:
                        data = csv.reader(file)
                        values = [r for r in data]
                                                "type": "Polygon",
                                                "coordinates": coor
                geopath = output + "\\" + time[m][0:4] + "\\" + time[m][
                    4:6] + "\\" + time[m][6:8] + "\\" + vars[n] + ".geojson"
Ejemplo n.º 11
import certifi
import json
from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
from rdflib import Graph, BNode, RDF, RDFS, URIRef, Literal, XSD
import pygeoj
from geojson import Feature, Point
import coloredlogs, logging

geoj = pygeoj.new()

    'schema': Namespace('http://schema.org/'),
    'dcterms': Namespace('http://purl.org/dc/terms/')

g = Graph()


qres = g.query("""
    PREFIX sdo: <http://schema.org/>    
    PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>
    PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>

    SELECT DISTINCT ?newsitemlabel ?label ?lon ?lat ?newsitemdate ?url
       WHERE {
          ?item rdfs:label ?label .
          ?item sdo:geo ?geo .
          ?geo sdo:latitude ?lat .
          ?geo sdo:longitude ?lon .
          ?newsitem sdo:about ?item .
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: acd.py Proyecto: zduguid/acd
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print('>> ERROR: file not found or incorrect file format')

    # parse tau parameter and set default value if necessary
    tau_default = 0.05
        tau = float(sys.argv[2])
    except IndexError:
        tau = tau_default
    except ValueError:
        tau = tau_default
    file_output = file_name[:-8] + '_convex' + file_name[-8:]

    # initialize new geojson file
    new_file = pygeoj.new()
    print('>> running ACD on:       %s' % file_name)
    print('>> output saved to:      %s' % file_output)
    print('>> concavity tolerance:  %s' % str(tau))

    # iterate through the features of the file and apply the algorithm
    for feature in data:

        # iterate through the polygons of each feature
        for polygon in feature.geometry.coordinates:

            # extract a reference length for this polygon
            bounding_box = feature.geometry.bbox
            length = min(abs(bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]),
                         abs(bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]))
                        help='The output path for the json catalog file',

    parser.add_argument('--dest_geojson', dest="geojson_filename",
                        help='The output path for the geojson file',

    parser.add_argument('--tiles_size', dest='tiles_size', type=int, default=256,
                        help=('Specify the tiles size in pixels '
                              '(assumes both x and y are the same)'))

    args = parser.parse_args()

    ######################## Creating the geojson file
    geojson = pygeoj.new()
    geojson.define_crs(type="name", name="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84")

    g = globalmaptiles.GlobalMercator()

    for dirname, subdirList, filename_list in os.walk(args.tiles_path):
        for filename in filename_list:
            if filename.endswith('.png'):
                rel_path = '.' + os.sep + os.path.join(dirname, filename)
                tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = rel_path.rstrip('.png').split(os.sep)[-3:]
                tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = map(int, (tms_z, tms_x, tms_y))
                minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon = g.TileLatLonBounds(tms_x, tms_y, tms_z)
                # minLat, minLon = lower left corner
                # maxLat, maxLon = upper right corner
                tile_upper_left_corner = minLon, maxLat
                tile_upper_right_corner = maxLon, maxLat
Ejemplo n.º 14
from copy import deepcopy

print("Please enter the name of input file: ", end="")
inp = input()
levels = []
data = pygeoj.load(inp)
for i in data:
    if 'level' in i.properties:
        a = i.properties['level'].split(";")
        for j in a:
            if j not in levels:
print("levels are:", levels)
for l in levels:
    export = pygeoj.new()
    for i in data:
        if 'level' in i.properties:
            if l in i.properties["level"].split(";"):

    for j in export:
        j.properties["level"] = l
    export.save(inp.split(".")[0] + "_level_" + l + ".geojson")
    print("exported level:", l)

print("levels:", levels, "were saved to separate files named",
      inp.split(".")[0] + "_level_x")

export = pygeoj.new()
for i in data:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding="utf8"):
    def encode(value):
        if isinstance(value, (float,int)):
        # nrs are kept as nrs
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, unicode):
        # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring
            return value.encode(encoding)
        # brute force anything else to string representation
            return bytes(value)
    # shapefile
    if filepath.endswith(".shp"):
        shapewriter = pyshp.Writer()
        # set fields with correct fieldtype
        for fieldindex,fieldname in enumerate(fields):
            for row in rows:
                value = row[fieldindex]
                if value != "":
            # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr
                        fieldtype = "N"
                        fieldlen = 16
                        decimals = 8
            # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt
                        fieldtype = "C"
                        fieldlen = 250
                        decimals = 0
            # empty value, so just keep assuming nr type
                    fieldtype = "N"
                    fieldlen = 16
                    decimals = 8
                    # clean fieldname
            fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ","_")[:10]
            # write field
        shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype,fieldlen, decimals)
       # convert geojson to shape
        def geoj2shape(geoj):
            # create empty pyshp shape
            shape = pyshp._Shape()
            # set shapetype
            geojtype = geoj["type"]
            if geojtype == "Null":
                pyshptype = pyshp.NULL
            elif geojtype == "Point":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POINT
            elif geojtype == "LineString":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE
            elif geojtype == "Polygon":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON
            elif geojtype == "MultiPoint":
                pyshptype = pyshp.MULTIPOINT
            elif geojtype == "MultiLineString":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE
            elif geojtype == "MultiPolygon":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON
            shape.shapeType = pyshptype
            # set points and parts
            if geojtype == "Point":
                shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ]
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype in ("MultiPoint","LineString"):
                shape.points = geoj["coordinates"]
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype in ("Polygon"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for ext_or_hole in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype in ("MultiLineString"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    index += len(linestring)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype in ("MultiPolygon"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    for ext_or_hole in polygon:
                        index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            return shape
# iterate through original shapes
        for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries):
            shape = geoj2shape(geom)
            shapewriter.record(*[encode(value) for value in row])
        # save

    #Geojson File
    elif filepath.endswith((".geojson",".json")):
        geojwriter = pygeoj.new()
        for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows,geometries):
            # encode row values
            row = (encode(value) for value in row)
            rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row))
            # add feature
        # save
        raise Exception("Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")        
Ejemplo n.º 16
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding='utf-8'):
    def encode(value):
        if isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            # Keep numbers
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, unicode):
            # Encode unicode
            return value.encode(encoding)
            # Brute force the rest
            return bytes(value)

    if filepath.lower().endswith('.shp'):
        # pyshp does not read geojson 'geometries' directly, so create an
        # empty pyshp._Shape() and load it with point and part data
        shapewriter = pyshp.Writer()

        # Set fields with correct field type
        # Sweep each column and try to coerce to number - fall back to text
        for fieldindex, fieldname in enumerate(fields):
            for row in rows:
                value = row[fieldindex]
                if value != "":
                        # Try to parse as a number EAFTP
                        fieldtype = 'N'  # Number
                        fieldlen = 16
                        decimals = 8
                        fieldtype = 'C'  # characters / text
                        fieldlen = 250
                        decimals = 0
                # Empty - assume number
                    fieldtype = 'N'
                    fieldlen = 16
                    decimals = 8
            # Clean up the field names for shapefile format (no spaces, <=10 chrs)
            fieldname = fieldname.replace(' ', '_')[:10]
            # Write field (fieldname, type, len, decimals)
            shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype, fieldlen,

        geoj2shape_format = {
            'Null': pyshp.NULL,
            'Point': pyshp.POINT,
            'LineString': pyshp.POLYLINE,
            'Polygon': pyshp.POLYGON,
            'MultiPoint': pyshp.MULTIPOINT,
            'MultiLineString': pyshp.POLYLINE,
            'MultiPolygon': pyshp.POLYGON

        # Convert geojson to shape
        def geoj2shape(geoj):
            shape = pyshp._Shape()
            geojtype = geoj['type']
            shape.shapeType = geoj2shape_format[geojtype]

            # Set points and parts
            # Points is a list of points, parts is the index of the start of each unique part
            if geojtype == 'Point':
                # Points don't have parts - just a list of coords
                shape.points = [geoj['cordinates']]
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype in ('MultiPoint', 'LineString'):
                # Either a set of unrelated points or a single line feature - no feature parts
                shape.points = geoj['coordinates']
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype == 'Polygon':
                # Polygons can have exterior rings and interior holes - parts of a single feature
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for ext_or_hole in geoj['coordinates']:
                    # Add the point list
                    # Track where each part starts in the point list
                    index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype == 'MultiLineString':
                # Multiline string is a line with parts
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for linestring in geoj['coordinates']:
                    index += len(linestring)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype == 'MultiPolygon':
                # Multipolygon is a multi-part polygon - multiple parts, each potentially with their own parts
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for Polygon in geoj['coordinates']:
                    for ext_or_hole in polygon:
                        index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            return shape

        for row, geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries):
            shape = geoj2shape(geom)
            shapewriter.record(*[encode(value) for value in row])


    elif filepath.lower().endswith(('json', 'geojson')):
        geojwriter = pygeoj.new()
        for row, geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries):
            row = (encode(value) for value in row)
            rowdict = dict(zip(fields, rows))
            geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict, geometry=geom)


        raise Exception(
            "Could not save vector data to the given filepath: "
            "the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")
Ejemplo n.º 17
def to_file(fields,
    def encode(value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            # ints are kept as ints
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            if value.is_integer():
                return int(value)
            elif math.isnan(value):
                return None
                # floats are rounded
                return round(value, maxprecision)
        elif isinstance(value, str):
            # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring
            return value.encode(encoding)
        elif value is None:
            return value
            # brute force anything else to string representation
            return bytes(value)

    def detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows):
        # TODO: allow other data types such as dates etc...
        # set fields with correct fieldtype
        fieldtypes = []
        for fieldindex, fieldname in enumerate(fields):
            fieldlen = 1
            decimals = 0
            fieldtype = "N"  # assume number until proven otherwise
            for row in rows:
                value = row[fieldindex]

                if is_missing(value):
                    # empty value, so just keep assuming same type

                        # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr

                        # convert to nr or throw exception if text
                        value = float(value)

                        # rare special case where text is 'nan', is a valid input to float, so raise exception to treat as text
                        if math.isnan(value):
                            raise ValueError()

                        # TODO: also how to handle inf? math.isinf(). Treat as text or nr?
                        if math.isinf(value):
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                "Saving infinity values not yet implemented")

                        # detect nr type
                        if value.is_integer():
                            _strnr = bytes(value)
                            # get max decimals, capped to max precision
                            _strnr = format(value,
                                            ".%sf" % maxprecision).rstrip("0")
                            decimals = max(
                                (len(_strnr.split(".")[1]), decimals))
                        fieldlen = max((len(_strnr), fieldlen))
                    except ValueError:
                        # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt
                        fieldtype = "C"
                        value = value if isinstance(value,
                                                    str) else bytes(value)
                        fieldlen = max((len(value), fieldlen))

            if fieldtype == "N" and decimals == 0:
                fieldlen -= 2  # bc above we measure lengths for ints as if they were floats, ie with an additional ".0"
                func = lambda v: "" if is_missing(v) else int(float(v))
            elif fieldtype == "N" and decimals:
                func = lambda v: "" if is_missing(v) else float(v)
            elif fieldtype == "C":
                func = lambda v: v  #encoding are handled later
                raise Exception(
                    "Unexpected bug: Detected field should be always N or C")
            fieldtypes.append((fieldtype, func, fieldlen, decimals))
        return fieldtypes

    # shapefile
    if filepath.endswith(".shp"):
        shapewriter = pyshp.Writer(filepath, encoding='utf8')

        fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows)

        # set fields with correct fieldtype
        for fieldname, (fieldtype, func, fieldlen,
                        decimals) in zip(fields, fieldtypes):
            fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ", "_")[:10]
            shapewriter.field(fieldname, fieldtype, fieldlen, decimals)

        # iterate through original shapes
        for row, geoj in zip(rows, geometries):
            row = [
                for (typ, func, length, deci), value in zip(fieldtypes, row)

        # save

    # geojson file
    elif filepath.endswith((".geojson", ".json")):
        geojwriter = pygeoj.new()
        fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows)
        for row, geom in zip(rows, geometries):
            # encode row values
            row = (func(value) for (typ, func, length,
                                    deci), value in zip(fieldtypes, row))
            row = (encode(value) for value in row)
            rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row))
            # create and add feature
            geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict, geometry=geom)
        # save
        geojwriter.save(filepath, encoding=encoding)

    # normal table file without geometry
    elif filepath.endswith((".txt", ".csv")):
        import csv

        # TODO: Add option of saving geoms as strings in separate fields
        with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj:
            csvopts = dict()
            csvopts["delimiter"] = kwargs.get(
                ";")  # tab is best for automatically opening in excel...
            writer = csv.writer(fileobj, **csvopts)
            writer.writerow([f.encode(encoding) for f in fields])
            for row, geometry in zip(rows, geometries):
                writer.writerow([encode(val) for val in row])

    elif filepath.endswith(".xls"):
        import xlwt

        with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj:
            wb = xlwt.Workbook(
                encoding=encoding)  # module takes care of encoding for us
            sheet = wb.add_sheet("Data")
            # fields
            for c, f in enumerate(fields):
                sheet.write(0, c, f)
            # rows
            for r, (row, geometry) in enumerate(zip(rows, geometries)):
                for c, val in enumerate(row):
                    # TODO: run val through encode() func, must spit out dates as well
                    sheet.write(r + 1, c, val)
            # save

        raise Exception(
            "Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported"
Ejemplo n.º 18
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding="utf8", maxprecision=12, **kwargs):

    def encode(value):
        if isinstance(value, int):
            # ints are kept as ints
            return value
        elif isinstance(value, float):
            if value.is_integer():
                return int(value)
                # floats are rounded
                return round(value, maxprecision)
        elif isinstance(value, unicode):
            # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring
            return value.encode(encoding)
        elif value is None:
            return value
            # brute force anything else to string representation
            return bytes(value)

    def detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows):
        # TODO: allow other data types such as dates etc...
        # set fields with correct fieldtype
        fieldtypes = []
        for fieldindex,fieldname in enumerate(fields):
            fieldlen = 1
            decimals = 0
            fieldtype = "N" # assume number until proven otherwise
            for row in rows:
                value = row[fieldindex]
                if value not in (None,""):
                        # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr
                        value = float(value)
                        if value.is_integer():
                            _strnr = bytes(value)
                            # get max decimals, capped to max precision
                            _strnr = format(value, ".%sf"%maxprecision).rstrip("0")
                            decimals = max(( len(_strnr.split(".")[1]), decimals ))
                        fieldlen = max(( len(_strnr), fieldlen ))
                    except ValueError:
                        # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt
                        fieldtype = "C"
                        value = value if isinstance(value, unicode) else bytes(value)
                        fieldlen = max(( len(value), fieldlen ))
                    # empty value, so just keep assuming same type
            if fieldtype == "N" and decimals == 0:
                fieldlen -= 2 # bc above we measure lengths for ints as if they were floats, ie with an additional ".0"
                func = lambda v: "" if v in (None,"") else int(v)
            elif fieldtype == "N" and decimals:
                func = lambda v: "" if v in (None,"") else float(v)
            elif fieldtype == "C":
                func = lambda v: v #encoding are handled later
                raise Exception("Unexpected bug: Detected field should be always N or C")
            fieldtypes.append( (fieldtype,func,fieldlen,decimals) )
        return fieldtypes
    # shapefile
    if filepath.endswith(".shp"):
        shapewriter = pyshp.Writer()

        fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields,rows)
        # set fields with correct fieldtype
        for fieldname,(fieldtype,func,fieldlen,decimals) in itertools.izip(fields, fieldtypes):
            fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ","_")[:10]
            shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype, fieldlen, decimals)

        # convert geojson to shape
        def geoj2shape(geoj):
            # create empty pyshp shape
            shape = pyshp._Shape()
            # set shapetype
            geojtype = geoj["type"]
            if geojtype == "Null":
                pyshptype = pyshp.NULL
            elif geojtype == "Point":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POINT
            elif geojtype == "LineString":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE
            elif geojtype == "Polygon":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON
            elif geojtype == "MultiPoint":
                pyshptype = pyshp.MULTIPOINT
            elif geojtype == "MultiLineString":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE
            elif geojtype == "MultiPolygon":
                pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON
            shape.shapeType = pyshptype
            # set points and parts
            if geojtype == "Point":
                shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ]
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype in ("MultiPoint","LineString"):
                shape.points = geoj["coordinates"]
                shape.parts = [0]
            elif geojtype in ("Polygon"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for ext_or_hole in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype in ("MultiLineString"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    index += len(linestring)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            elif geojtype in ("MultiPolygon"):
                points = []
                parts = []
                index = 0
                for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]:
                    for ext_or_hole in polygon:
                        index += len(ext_or_hole)
                shape.points = points
                shape.parts = parts
            return shape
        # iterate through original shapes
        for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries):
            shape = geoj2shape(geom)
            row = [encode(func(value)) for (typ,func,length,deci),value in zip(fieldtypes,row)]
        # save

    # geojson file
    elif filepath.endswith((".geojson",".json")):
        geojwriter = pygeoj.new()
        fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields,rows)
        for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows,geometries):
            # encode row values
            row = (func(value) for (typ,func,length,deci),value in zip(fieldtypes,row))
            row = (encode(value) for value in row)
            rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row))
            # create and add feature
        # save
        geojwriter.save(filepath, encoding=encoding)

    # normal table file without geometry
    elif filepath.endswith((".txt",".csv")):
        import csv
        # TODO: Add option of saving geoms as strings in separate fields
        with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj:
            csvopts = dict()
            csvopts["delimiter"] = kwargs.get("delimiter", ";") # tab is best for automatically opening in excel...
            writer = csv.writer(fileobj, **csvopts)
            writer.writerow([f.encode(encoding) for f in fields])
            for row,geometry in itertools.izip(rows, geometries):
                writer.writerow([val.encode(encoding) if isinstance(val, unicode) else val for val in row])
        raise Exception("Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")
                        help='The output path for the geojson file',

                        help=('Specify the tiles size in pixels '
                              '(assumes both x and y are the same)'))

    args = parser.parse_args()

    ######################## Creating the geojson file
    geojson = pygeoj.new()
    geojson.define_crs(type="name", name="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84")

    g = globalmaptiles.GlobalMercator()

    for dirname, subdirList, filename_list in os.walk(args.tiles_path):
        for filename in filename_list:
            if filename.endswith('.png'):
                rel_path = '.' + os.sep + os.path.join(dirname, filename)
                tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = rel_path.rstrip('.png').split(
                tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = map(int, (tms_z, tms_x, tms_y))
                minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon = g.TileLatLonBounds(
                    tms_x, tms_y, tms_z)
                # minLat, minLon = lower left corner
                # maxLat, maxLon = upper right corner
Ejemplo n.º 20
#### Unused fields - we will add these in later    
##    rowDict['date'] = date    
##    rowDict['location'] = location    
##    rowDict['bathLines'] = bathLines
##    rowDict['bathInterv'] = bathInterv    
##    rowDict['instCallNo'] = instCallNo    
##    rowDict['digHold'] = digHold
##    rowDict['thumbUrl'] = thumbUrl
##    rowDict['iiifUrl'] = iiifUrl
##    rowDict['downloadUrl'] = downloadUrl
##    rowDict['websiteUrl'] = websiteUrl    

    return rowDict

# create a new geojson for the OIM Data
almaGeo = pygeoj.new()

for row in almaData:
    rowDict = processRow(row)
    # skip any rows that do not have coordinates
    if rowDict['west'] is not None or rowDict['east'] is not None or rowDict['north'] is not None or rowDict['south'] is not None:        
        # Add the values from the dictionary into the geojson feature properties and coordinates
        almaGeo.add_feature(properties={"label": rowDict['label'], "west": rowDict['west'], "east": rowDict['east'], "north": rowDict['north'],
                                        "south": rowDict['south'], "scale": rowDict['scale'], "title": rowDict['title'],
                                        "edition": rowDict['edition'], "available": rowDict['available'], "physHold": rowDict['physHold'],
                                        "primeMer": rowDict['primeMer'], "projection": rowDict['projection'], "publisher": rowDict['publisher'],
                                        "datePub": rowDict['datePub'], "color": rowDict['color'], "recId": rowDict['recId'], "note": rowDict['note']},
                       geometry={"type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[[(rowDict['west'],rowDict['north']),(rowDict['west'],rowDict['south']),(rowDict['east'],
                                                                    rowDict['south']), (rowDict['east'], rowDict['north']), (rowDict['west'], rowDict['north'])]]} )
Ejemplo n.º 21

#Check if the folder "images" already exists; if not, create it
if os.path.exists('images/'):

#Start reading the csv file
with open(gform_file, 'r', newline='') as gform_file:
    file_output = pygeoj.new()
    readgform = csv.reader(gform_file, delimiter='\t')
    prog_number = itertools.count()
    json_values = []

    # Skip the first row, containing the header
    next(readgform, None)
    rows = [r for r in readgform]
    for row in rows:
        gform_nome = row[0].capitalize()
        gform_cognome = row[1].capitalize()
        gform_luogonascita = row[2]
        gform_datanascita = row[3]
        gform_intervista = row[4]
        gform_qualifica = row[5]
        gform_lat = row[6]