def get_bbox_for(insee): """ Returns left/right/bottom/top (min and max latitude / longitude) of the bounding box around the INSEE code """ relation = get_municipality_relations(insee[:-3], insee, False) city = city.add_feature(geometry=get_geometry_for(relation[0])) city.update_bbox() return city.bbox
def dggs_enable_line(thisfile, myOutput_location_and_name, resolution): ''' takes a geojson file and adds AusPix DGGS cell information at the resolution called for maintains any properties data for out but at the end AusPix data in the first columns - then the properties data ''' # calc cell area in m2 resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False)) # metadata print('number of features', len(thisfile)) # the number of features print('bbox of entire file', thisfile.bbox) # the bounding box region of the entire file print('area of each cell at this resolution', resArea) print('crs', # the coordinate reference system print('attributes', thisfile.all_attributes) # retrieves the combined set of all feature attributes print('common attributes', thisfile.common_attributes) # retrieves only those field attributes that are common to all features print() # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties newfile = # default projection is WGS84 #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells for feature in thisfile: #each feature is an individual line print('feature attributes ', # the feature attributes - want to keep for output coords = feature.geometry.coordinates # xy's along line print('in_coords= ', (coords)) densified_coords = densify_my_line(coords, resolution) print('out coords = ', (densified_coords)) for item in densified_coords: doneDGGScells = [] for coords in item: # for this road or sreat line look at all the points that describe it #print('thispt', coords) thisDGGS = rdggs.cell_from_point(resolution, coords, plane=False) # false = on the elipsoidal curve if thisDGGS not in doneDGGScells: # == new one doneDGGScells.append(thisDGGS) # save as a done cell verts = thisDGGS.vertices(plane=False) # find the cell corners = vertices from the engine #print('v', verts[0]) verts.append(verts[0]) #add the first point to the end to make a closed poly #print('verts', verts) my_prop = my_Cell = {"AusPIX_DGGS": str(thisDGGS), "CellArea_M2": resArea} #include the AusPIX cell information in attributes these_attributes = dict(list(my_Cell.items()) + list(my_prop.items())) #print('these attributes = ', these_attributes) newfile.add_feature(properties=these_attributes, geometry={"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [verts]}) #save the ouput geojson file + '.geojson') # saves into the folder where you have the script - edit to change
def merge_geojson(cls, folder, file_name, files): geojson = for path in files: f = pygeoj.load(path) for feature in f: geojson.add_feature(obj=feature) full_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name + ".json") geojson.add_all_bboxes() geojson.update_bbox() return full_path
def update_geojson_heatmap(self): output = for idx, dsp in self.df_disposals.iterrows(): if not np.isnan( dsp.fillna(0., inplace=True) pnt = geojson.Point((dsp.lng, ppt = { 'size_max': dsp.size_max, 'size_min': dsp.size_min, 'rent':, 'rates': dsp.rates } print(ppt) output.add_feature(properties=ppt, geometry=pnt) output.add_unique_id()"web_data\point_heat.geojson")
def dggs_cells_for_points(geojson, resolution): # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties newfile = # default projection is WGS84 resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False)) #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells for feature in testfile: print('feature attributes ', ) # the feature attributes - want to keep for output coords = feature.geometry.coordinates # xy print('geom', coords) #this_dggs_cell = rdggs.cell_from_point(resolution, coords, plane=False) # false = on the elipsoidal curve this_dggs_cell = latlong_to_DGGS(coords, resolution) print('found cell = ', this_dggs_cell) my_prop = my_Cell = { "AusPIX_DGGS": str(this_dggs_cell), "LongiWGS84": coords[0], "LatiWGS84": coords[1], "CellArea_M2": resArea } #include the AusPIX cell information in attributes these_attributes = dict(list(my_Cell.items()) + list(my_prop.items())) #print('these attributes = ', these_attributes) newfile.add_feature(properties=these_attributes, geometry={ "type": "Point", "coordinates": coords }) #save the ouput geojson file "test_points.geojson" ) # saves into the folder where you have the script - edit to change
def write_geojson_file(self, folder, file_name, shp_geometry, shp_field): if (len(shp_field) == 0): values = [str(uuid.uuid4()) for i in range(len(shp_geometry))] shp_field = [Field(values, 'UUID', 'C', 40, 0)] full_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name + ".json") geojson = if (self.field_legth_checking(shp_field, shp_geometry) and self.create_valid_folder(folder)): for i, geometry in enumerate(shp_geometry): if == "point": self.__write_point(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) elif == "multipoint": self.__write_multi_point(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) elif == "curve": self.__write_linestring(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) elif == "multicurve": self.__write_multi_linestring(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) elif == "polygon": self.__write_polygon(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) elif == "multipolygon": self.__write_multi_polygon(i, geojson, geometry, shp_field) geojson.add_all_bboxes() geojson.update_bbox() return full_path else: return False
resArea = (rdggs.cell_area(resolution, plane=False)) # for item in cells_inbb: # print(item) #metadata print('crs', # the coordinate reference system print('attributes', testfile.all_attributes ) # retrieves the combined set of all feature attributes print( 'common attributes', testfile.common_attributes ) # retrieves only those field attributes that are common to all features print() # make an output file of DGGS centroid points with the at atttibute properties newfile = # default projection is WGS84 #work through the features (polygons) one by one and ask for DGGS cells for feature in testfile: print('first xxx ', ) # the feature attributes - want to keep for output print() #print('bbox', feature.geometry.bbox) # the bounding box of the feature fea_bbox = feature.geometry.bbox print(feature.geometry.coordinates) this_poly_cells = cells_in_poly( fea_bbox, feature.geometry.coordinates, resolution ) # returns the cells in the poly and lat long of centroid print('num cells in this poly =', len(this_poly_cells))
import pygeoj as gj testfile = testfile.add_feature(geometry=gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=[(11,11)]), properties=dict(hello=1, world=2)) testfile.add_feature(geometry=gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=[(12,12)]), properties=dict(hello=1, world=2)) for feat in testfile:["new"] = "stuff" feat.geometry.coordinates = (99,99) = dict(new="shit") #feat.geometry = gj.Geometry(type="Point", coordinates=(7777,7777)) print("hmm", feat.geometry,, feat.__geo_interface__) for feat in testfile: print(feat, feat.geometry,, feat.__geo_interface__, feat.validate())
StateInitials = FirmLicenseSheet['B'][1:] inmemorydata = [] listtuple = [] for state in FirmLicenseSheet.rows: listtuple = [] for j in state: listtuple.append(j.value) inmemorydata.append(listtuple) states_url = 'M:/Grow People/Licenses/ZZZ-Scripts for Map/states20m.json' states = pygeoj.load(filepath=states_url) attributes = states.all_attributes outfile = outfile.define_crs(type="link", link="", link_type="esriwkt") for state in states: geometry = state.geometry for item in if item[0] == u'NAME': StateName = item[1] if item[0] == u'STUSPS': StateInitials = item[1] for FirmLicenseState in inmemorydata: if FirmLicenseState[1] == StateInitials: try: to = strftime('%m/%d/%Y', FirmLicenseState[4])
def main(argv): fin = sys.argv[1] #the path of Weather/Forcing folder output = sys.argv[2] # the path of output folder # print file # print output #create directory C:\\Users\\George\\Desktop\\Weather with open(fin + "\\bySite\X3045Y525.csv") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = [r for r in reader] # print len(data) # print len(data[0][0].split()) for i in range(1, len(data)): year = output + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][0:4] if not os.path.exists(year): os.makedirs(year) month = year + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][4:6] if not os.path.exists(month): os.makedirs(month) day = month + "\\" + data[i][0].split()[0][6:8] if not os.path.exists(day): os.makedirs(day) with open(fin + "\\bySite\X3045Y525.csv") as f: reader = csv.reader(f) data = [r for r in reader] time = [] vars = data[0][0].split() for i in range(len(data)): time.append(data[i][0].split()[0]) # print time # print vars with open(fin + "\\FLDAS_grids.csv") as f: read = csv.reader(f) polygon = [r for r in read] for m in range(1, 6208): for n in range(1, 26): newfile = newfile.define_crs(type="name", name="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::3857") for i in range(1, len(polygon)): CSV = "X" + polygon[i][6][:-3] + polygon[i][6][ -2:] + "Y" + polygon[i][5][:-3] + polygon[i][5][ -2:] + ".csv" coor = [[(float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][3])), (float(polygon[i][2]), float(polygon[i][3])), (float(polygon[i][2]), float(polygon[i][4])), (float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][4])), (float(polygon[i][1]), float(polygon[i][3]))]] filename = fin + "\\bySite\\" + CSV with open(filename) as file: data = csv.reader(file) values = [r for r in data] newfile.add_feature(properties={ "value": float(values[m][0].split()[n]) }, geometry={ "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": coor }) #C:\\Users\\George\\Desktop\\output geopath = output + "\\" + time[m][0:4] + "\\" + time[m][ 4:6] + "\\" + time[m][6:8] + "\\" + vars[n] + ".geojson"
import certifi import json from rdflib.namespace import Namespace from rdflib import Graph, BNode, RDF, RDFS, URIRef, Literal, XSD import pygeoj from geojson import Feature, Point import coloredlogs, logging geoj = NAMESPACES = { 'schema': Namespace(''), 'dcterms': Namespace('') } g = Graph() g.parse("./data/poit.rdf") qres = g.query(""" PREFIX sdo: <> PREFIX rdfs: <> PREFIX dc: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?newsitemlabel ?label ?lon ?lat ?newsitemdate ?url WHERE { ?item rdfs:label ?label . ?item sdo:geo ?geo . ?geo sdo:latitude ?lat . ?geo sdo:longitude ?lon . ?newsitem sdo:about ?item .
except FileNotFoundError: print('>> ERROR: file not found or incorrect file format') quit() # parse tau parameter and set default value if necessary tau_default = 0.05 try: tau = float(sys.argv[2]) except IndexError: tau = tau_default except ValueError: tau = tau_default file_output = file_name[:-8] + '_convex' + file_name[-8:] # initialize new geojson file new_file = print('>> running ACD on: %s' % file_name) print('>> output saved to: %s' % file_output) print('>> concavity tolerance: %s' % str(tau)) # iterate through the features of the file and apply the algorithm for feature in data: # iterate through the polygons of each feature for polygon in feature.geometry.coordinates: # extract a reference length for this polygon bounding_box = feature.geometry.bbox length = min(abs(bounding_box[2] - bounding_box[0]), abs(bounding_box[3] - bounding_box[1]))
help='The output path for the json catalog file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--dest_geojson', dest="geojson_filename", help='The output path for the geojson file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--tiles_size', dest='tiles_size', type=int, default=256, help=('Specify the tiles size in pixels ' '(assumes both x and y are the same)')) args = parser.parse_args() ######################## Creating the geojson file geojson = geojson.define_crs(type="name", name="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84") g = globalmaptiles.GlobalMercator() for dirname, subdirList, filename_list in os.walk(args.tiles_path): for filename in filename_list: if filename.endswith('.png'): rel_path = '.' + os.sep + os.path.join(dirname, filename) tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = rel_path.rstrip('.png').split(os.sep)[-3:] tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = map(int, (tms_z, tms_x, tms_y)) minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon = g.TileLatLonBounds(tms_x, tms_y, tms_z) # minLat, minLon = lower left corner # maxLat, maxLon = upper right corner tile_upper_left_corner = minLon, maxLat tile_upper_right_corner = maxLon, maxLat
from copy import deepcopy print("Please enter the name of input file: ", end="") inp = input() levels = [] data = pygeoj.load(inp) for i in data: if 'level' in a =['level'].split(";") for j in a: if j not in levels: levels.append(j) levels.sort() print("levels are:", levels) for l in levels: export = for i in data: if 'level' in if l in["level"].split(";"): export.add_feature(deepcopy(i)) for j in export:["level"] = l".")[0] + "_level_" + l + ".geojson") print("exported level:", l) print("levels:", levels, "were saved to separate files named", inp.split(".")[0] + "_level_x") export = for i in data:
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding="utf8"): def encode(value): if isinstance(value, (float,int)): # nrs are kept as nrs return value elif isinstance(value, unicode): # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring return value.encode(encoding) else: # brute force anything else to string representation return bytes(value) # shapefile if filepath.endswith(".shp"): shapewriter = pyshp.Writer() # set fields with correct fieldtype for fieldindex,fieldname in enumerate(fields): for row in rows: value = row[fieldindex] if value != "": try: # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr float(value) fieldtype = "N" fieldlen = 16 decimals = 8 except: # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt fieldtype = "C" fieldlen = 250 decimals = 0 break else: # empty value, so just keep assuming nr type fieldtype = "N" fieldlen = 16 decimals = 8 # clean fieldname fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ","_")[:10] # write field shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype,fieldlen, decimals) # convert geojson to shape def geoj2shape(geoj): # create empty pyshp shape shape = pyshp._Shape() # set shapetype geojtype = geoj["type"] if geojtype == "Null": pyshptype = pyshp.NULL elif geojtype == "Point": pyshptype = pyshp.POINT elif geojtype == "LineString": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE elif geojtype == "Polygon": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON elif geojtype == "MultiPoint": pyshptype = pyshp.MULTIPOINT elif geojtype == "MultiLineString": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE elif geojtype == "MultiPolygon": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON shape.shapeType = pyshptype # set points and parts if geojtype == "Point": shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ] = [0] elif geojtype in ("MultiPoint","LineString"): shape.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geojtype in ("Polygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for ext_or_hole in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype in ("MultiLineString"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(linestring) parts.append(index) index += len(linestring) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype in ("MultiPolygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]: for ext_or_hole in polygon: points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts return shape # iterate through original shapes for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries): shape = geoj2shape(geom) shapewriter._shapes.append(shape) shapewriter.record(*[encode(value) for value in row]) # save #Geojson File elif filepath.endswith((".geojson",".json")): geojwriter = for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows,geometries): # encode row values row = (encode(value) for value in row) rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row)) # add feature geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict,geometry=geom) # save else: raise Exception("Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding='utf-8'): def encode(value): if isinstance(value, (float, int)): # Keep numbers return value elif isinstance(value, unicode): # Encode unicode return value.encode(encoding) else: # Brute force the rest return bytes(value) if filepath.lower().endswith('.shp'): # pyshp does not read geojson 'geometries' directly, so create an # empty pyshp._Shape() and load it with point and part data shapewriter = pyshp.Writer() # Set fields with correct field type # Sweep each column and try to coerce to number - fall back to text for fieldindex, fieldname in enumerate(fields): for row in rows: value = row[fieldindex] if value != "": try: # Try to parse as a number EAFTP float(value) fieldtype = 'N' # Number fieldlen = 16 decimals = 8 except: fieldtype = 'C' # characters / text fieldlen = 250 decimals = 0 # Empty - assume number else: fieldtype = 'N' fieldlen = 16 decimals = 8 # Clean up the field names for shapefile format (no spaces, <=10 chrs) fieldname = fieldname.replace(' ', '_')[:10] # Write field (fieldname, type, len, decimals) shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype, fieldlen, decimals) geoj2shape_format = { 'Null': pyshp.NULL, 'Point': pyshp.POINT, 'LineString': pyshp.POLYLINE, 'Polygon': pyshp.POLYGON, 'MultiPoint': pyshp.MULTIPOINT, 'MultiLineString': pyshp.POLYLINE, 'MultiPolygon': pyshp.POLYGON } # Convert geojson to shape def geoj2shape(geoj): shape = pyshp._Shape() geojtype = geoj['type'] shape.shapeType = geoj2shape_format[geojtype] # Set points and parts # Points is a list of points, parts is the index of the start of each unique part if geojtype == 'Point': # Points don't have parts - just a list of coords shape.points = [geoj['cordinates']] = [0] elif geojtype in ('MultiPoint', 'LineString'): # Either a set of unrelated points or a single line feature - no feature parts shape.points = geoj['coordinates'] = [0] elif geojtype == 'Polygon': # Polygons can have exterior rings and interior holes - parts of a single feature points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for ext_or_hole in geoj['coordinates']: # Add the point list points.extend(ext_or_hole) # Track where each part starts in the point list parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype == 'MultiLineString': # Multiline string is a line with parts points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for linestring in geoj['coordinates']: points.extend(linestring) parts.append(index) index += len(linestring) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype == 'MultiPolygon': # Multipolygon is a multi-part polygon - multiple parts, each potentially with their own parts points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for Polygon in geoj['coordinates']: for ext_or_hole in polygon: points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts return shape for row, geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries): shape = geoj2shape(geom) shapewriter._shapes.append(shape) shapewriter.record(*[encode(value) for value in row]) elif filepath.lower().endswith(('json', 'geojson')): geojwriter = for row, geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries): row = (encode(value) for value in row) rowdict = dict(zip(fields, rows)) geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict, geometry=geom) else: raise Exception( "Could not save vector data to the given filepath: " "the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding="utf8", maxprecision=12, **kwargs): def encode(value): if isinstance(value, int): # ints are kept as ints return value elif isinstance(value, float): if value.is_integer(): return int(value) elif math.isnan(value): return None else: # floats are rounded return round(value, maxprecision) elif isinstance(value, str): # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring return value.encode(encoding) elif value is None: return value else: # brute force anything else to string representation return bytes(value) def detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows): # TODO: allow other data types such as dates etc... # set fields with correct fieldtype fieldtypes = [] for fieldindex, fieldname in enumerate(fields): fieldlen = 1 decimals = 0 fieldtype = "N" # assume number until proven otherwise for row in rows: value = row[fieldindex] if is_missing(value): # empty value, so just keep assuming same type pass else: try: # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr # convert to nr or throw exception if text value = float(value) # rare special case where text is 'nan', is a valid input to float, so raise exception to treat as text if math.isnan(value): raise ValueError() # TODO: also how to handle inf? math.isinf(). Treat as text or nr? if math.isinf(value): raise NotImplementedError( "Saving infinity values not yet implemented") # detect nr type if value.is_integer(): _strnr = bytes(value) else: # get max decimals, capped to max precision _strnr = format(value, ".%sf" % maxprecision).rstrip("0") decimals = max( (len(_strnr.split(".")[1]), decimals)) fieldlen = max((len(_strnr), fieldlen)) except ValueError: # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt fieldtype = "C" value = value if isinstance(value, str) else bytes(value) fieldlen = max((len(value), fieldlen)) if fieldtype == "N" and decimals == 0: fieldlen -= 2 # bc above we measure lengths for ints as if they were floats, ie with an additional ".0" func = lambda v: "" if is_missing(v) else int(float(v)) elif fieldtype == "N" and decimals: func = lambda v: "" if is_missing(v) else float(v) elif fieldtype == "C": func = lambda v: v #encoding are handled later else: raise Exception( "Unexpected bug: Detected field should be always N or C") fieldtypes.append((fieldtype, func, fieldlen, decimals)) return fieldtypes # shapefile if filepath.endswith(".shp"): shapewriter = pyshp.Writer(filepath, encoding='utf8') fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows) # set fields with correct fieldtype for fieldname, (fieldtype, func, fieldlen, decimals) in zip(fields, fieldtypes): fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ", "_")[:10] shapewriter.field(fieldname, fieldtype, fieldlen, decimals) # iterate through original shapes for row, geoj in zip(rows, geometries): shapewriter.shape(geoj) row = [ func(value) for (typ, func, length, deci), value in zip(fieldtypes, row) ] shapewriter.record(*row) # save shapewriter.close() # geojson file elif filepath.endswith((".geojson", ".json")): geojwriter = fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows) for row, geom in zip(rows, geometries): # encode row values row = (func(value) for (typ, func, length, deci), value in zip(fieldtypes, row)) row = (encode(value) for value in row) rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row)) # create and add feature geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict, geometry=geom) # save, encoding=encoding) # normal table file without geometry elif filepath.endswith((".txt", ".csv")): import csv # TODO: Add option of saving geoms as strings in separate fields with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj: csvopts = dict() csvopts["delimiter"] = kwargs.get( "delimiter", ";") # tab is best for automatically opening in excel... writer = csv.writer(fileobj, **csvopts) writer.writerow([f.encode(encoding) for f in fields]) for row, geometry in zip(rows, geometries): writer.writerow([encode(val) for val in row]) elif filepath.endswith(".xls"): import xlwt with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj: wb = xlwt.Workbook( encoding=encoding) # module takes care of encoding for us sheet = wb.add_sheet("Data") # fields for c, f in enumerate(fields): sheet.write(0, c, f) # rows for r, (row, geometry) in enumerate(zip(rows, geometries)): for c, val in enumerate(row): # TODO: run val through encode() func, must spit out dates as well sheet.write(r + 1, c, val) # save else: raise Exception( "Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported" )
def to_file(fields, rows, geometries, filepath, encoding="utf8", maxprecision=12, **kwargs): def encode(value): if isinstance(value, int): # ints are kept as ints return value elif isinstance(value, float): if value.is_integer(): return int(value) else: # floats are rounded return round(value, maxprecision) elif isinstance(value, unicode): # unicode is custom encoded into bytestring return value.encode(encoding) elif value is None: return value else: # brute force anything else to string representation return bytes(value) def detect_fieldtypes(fields, rows): # TODO: allow other data types such as dates etc... # set fields with correct fieldtype fieldtypes = [] for fieldindex,fieldname in enumerate(fields): fieldlen = 1 decimals = 0 fieldtype = "N" # assume number until proven otherwise for row in rows: value = row[fieldindex] if value not in (None,""): try: # make nr fieldtype if content can be made into nr value = float(value) if value.is_integer(): _strnr = bytes(value) else: # get max decimals, capped to max precision _strnr = format(value, ".%sf"%maxprecision).rstrip("0") decimals = max(( len(_strnr.split(".")[1]), decimals )) fieldlen = max(( len(_strnr), fieldlen )) except ValueError: # but turn to text if any of the cells cannot be made to float bc they are txt fieldtype = "C" value = value if isinstance(value, unicode) else bytes(value) fieldlen = max(( len(value), fieldlen )) else: # empty value, so just keep assuming same type pass if fieldtype == "N" and decimals == 0: fieldlen -= 2 # bc above we measure lengths for ints as if they were floats, ie with an additional ".0" func = lambda v: "" if v in (None,"") else int(v) elif fieldtype == "N" and decimals: func = lambda v: "" if v in (None,"") else float(v) elif fieldtype == "C": func = lambda v: v #encoding are handled later else: raise Exception("Unexpected bug: Detected field should be always N or C") fieldtypes.append( (fieldtype,func,fieldlen,decimals) ) return fieldtypes # shapefile if filepath.endswith(".shp"): shapewriter = pyshp.Writer() fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields,rows) # set fields with correct fieldtype for fieldname,(fieldtype,func,fieldlen,decimals) in itertools.izip(fields, fieldtypes): fieldname = fieldname.replace(" ","_")[:10] shapewriter.field(fieldname.encode(encoding), fieldtype, fieldlen, decimals) # convert geojson to shape def geoj2shape(geoj): # create empty pyshp shape shape = pyshp._Shape() # set shapetype geojtype = geoj["type"] if geojtype == "Null": pyshptype = pyshp.NULL elif geojtype == "Point": pyshptype = pyshp.POINT elif geojtype == "LineString": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE elif geojtype == "Polygon": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON elif geojtype == "MultiPoint": pyshptype = pyshp.MULTIPOINT elif geojtype == "MultiLineString": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYLINE elif geojtype == "MultiPolygon": pyshptype = pyshp.POLYGON shape.shapeType = pyshptype # set points and parts if geojtype == "Point": shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ] = [0] elif geojtype in ("MultiPoint","LineString"): shape.points = geoj["coordinates"] = [0] elif geojtype in ("Polygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for ext_or_hole in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype in ("MultiLineString"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(linestring) parts.append(index) index += len(linestring) shape.points = points = parts elif geojtype in ("MultiPolygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]: for ext_or_hole in polygon: points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points = parts return shape # iterate through original shapes for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows, geometries): shape = geoj2shape(geom) shapewriter._shapes.append(shape) row = [encode(func(value)) for (typ,func,length,deci),value in zip(fieldtypes,row)] shapewriter.record(*row) # save # geojson file elif filepath.endswith((".geojson",".json")): geojwriter = fieldtypes = detect_fieldtypes(fields,rows) for row,geom in itertools.izip(rows,geometries): # encode row values row = (func(value) for (typ,func,length,deci),value in zip(fieldtypes,row)) row = (encode(value) for value in row) rowdict = dict(zip(fields, row)) # create and add feature geojwriter.add_feature(properties=rowdict, geometry=geom) # save, encoding=encoding) # normal table file without geometry elif filepath.endswith((".txt",".csv")): import csv # TODO: Add option of saving geoms as strings in separate fields with open(filepath, "wb") as fileobj: csvopts = dict() csvopts["delimiter"] = kwargs.get("delimiter", ";") # tab is best for automatically opening in excel... writer = csv.writer(fileobj, **csvopts) writer.writerow([f.encode(encoding) for f in fields]) for row,geometry in itertools.izip(rows, geometries): writer.writerow([val.encode(encoding) if isinstance(val, unicode) else val for val in row]) else: raise Exception("Could not save the vector data to the given filepath: the filetype extension is either missing or not supported")
parser.add_argument('--dest_geojson', dest="geojson_filename", help='The output path for the geojson file', default=None) parser.add_argument('--tiles_size', dest='tiles_size', type=int, default=256, help=('Specify the tiles size in pixels ' '(assumes both x and y are the same)')) args = parser.parse_args() ######################## Creating the geojson file geojson = geojson.define_crs(type="name", name="urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84") g = globalmaptiles.GlobalMercator() for dirname, subdirList, filename_list in os.walk(args.tiles_path): for filename in filename_list: if filename.endswith('.png'): rel_path = '.' + os.sep + os.path.join(dirname, filename) tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = rel_path.rstrip('.png').split( os.sep)[-3:] tms_z, tms_x, tms_y = map(int, (tms_z, tms_x, tms_y)) minLat, minLon, maxLat, maxLon = g.TileLatLonBounds( tms_x, tms_y, tms_z) # minLat, minLon = lower left corner # maxLat, maxLon = upper right corner
#### Unused fields - we will add these in later ## rowDict['date'] = date ## rowDict['location'] = location ## rowDict['bathLines'] = bathLines ## rowDict['bathInterv'] = bathInterv ## rowDict['instCallNo'] = instCallNo ## rowDict['digHold'] = digHold ## rowDict['thumbUrl'] = thumbUrl ## rowDict['iiifUrl'] = iiifUrl ## rowDict['downloadUrl'] = downloadUrl ## rowDict['websiteUrl'] = websiteUrl return rowDict # create a new geojson for the OIM Data almaGeo = for row in almaData: rowDict = processRow(row) outputWriter.writerow(rowDict) # skip any rows that do not have coordinates if rowDict['west'] is not None or rowDict['east'] is not None or rowDict['north'] is not None or rowDict['south'] is not None: # Add the values from the dictionary into the geojson feature properties and coordinates almaGeo.add_feature(properties={"label": rowDict['label'], "west": rowDict['west'], "east": rowDict['east'], "north": rowDict['north'], "south": rowDict['south'], "scale": rowDict['scale'], "title": rowDict['title'], "edition": rowDict['edition'], "available": rowDict['available'], "physHold": rowDict['physHold'], "primeMer": rowDict['primeMer'], "projection": rowDict['projection'], "publisher": rowDict['publisher'], "datePub": rowDict['datePub'], "color": rowDict['color'], "recId": rowDict['recId'], "note": rowDict['note']}, geometry={"type":"Polygon", "coordinates":[[(rowDict['west'],rowDict['north']),(rowDict['west'],rowDict['south']),(rowDict['east'], rowDict['south']), (rowDict['east'], rowDict['north']), (rowDict['west'], rowDict['north'])]]} ) outputCSV.close()
####################################### # DATA COLLECTION ####################################### #Check if the folder "images" already exists; if not, create it ''' if os.path.exists('images/'): pass else: os.makedirs("images/") ''' #Start reading the csv file with open(gform_file, 'r', newline='') as gform_file: file_output = readgform = csv.reader(gform_file, delimiter='\t') prog_number = itertools.count() json_values = [] # Skip the first row, containing the header next(readgform, None) rows = [r for r in readgform] for row in rows: gform_nome = row[0].capitalize() gform_cognome = row[1].capitalize() gform_luogonascita = row[2] gform_datanascita = row[3] gform_intervista = row[4] gform_qualifica = row[5] gform_lat = row[6]