Ejemplo n.º 1
    def set_position_horizontal_line(self, SETTINGS, label_strg = 'pleave provide input', cmd_line_string = 'please provide input and press ENTER', window_title = 'window'):

        got_value, new_value = one_input(SETTINGS, label_strg, cmd_line_string, window_title)

        # nothing given - return.
        if not got_value:

        # save the new value
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):

        ''' basic kpf '''
        if symbol == key.A: # show / hide axes
            if modifiers == key.MOD_CTRL + self.mod_offset:
                if self.SHOW_AXES:
                    self.coord_axes, self.y_axis_tics, self.SHOW_AXES = False, False, False
                    self.SHOW_AXES = True
                    self.coord_axes, self.y_axis_tics = axes_default_with_y_ticks(self)

        elif symbol == key.C:
            self.plot_queue = setup_plotting_queue()
            print "Cleared Plot-Queue"        

        elif symbol == key.F: # show / hide FPS display
            self.SHOW_FPS = not self.SHOW_FPS

        elif symbol == key.H: # show help menu
            from pyglet_app_strings import main_help_menu
            # the tkinterface is currently buggy - show console output by default.
            if self.SETTINGS.TKINTER_AVAILABLE and (modifiers == key.MOD_CTRL + self.mod_offset):
                from pyglet_app_tkinter_dialogs import text_info
                help_win = text_info()
                help_win.run('help', main_help_menu)
                print main_help_menu

        elif symbol == key.P: # switch between plotting modes
            from pyglet_app_screen_update_elements_static_line import StaticLineUpdateScreen
            from pyglet_app_screen_update_elements_moving_line import MovingLineUpdateScreen

            # we have three different modes currently that we can choose from.
            self._screen_update_mode = (self._screen_update_mode + 1) % 3

            if self._screen_update_mode == 0:
                current_screen = StaticLineUpdateScreen
                mode = 0
            elif self._screen_update_mode == 1: 
                current_screen = StaticLineUpdateScreen
                mode = 1
            elif self._screen_update_mode == 2:
                current_screen = MovingLineUpdateScreen
                mode = None

            self.current_screen.mode = mode

        elif symbol == key.Q: # show number of elements in plot queue
            print "Plot-Queue size: %d" % (len(self.plot_queue))

        elif symbol == key.S: # take screenshot of current screen content
            if (modifiers == key.MOD_SHIFT + self.mod_offset): # set screenshot path
                label_strg = 'Screenshot path '
                if self.SETTINGS.SCREENSHOT_PATH is not None:
                    label_strg = label_strg + '(currently %s) '%self.SETTINGS.SCREENSHOT_PATH
                got_value, new_value = one_input(self.SETTINGS, label_strg, 'Please provide new Screenshot path and press ENTER: ', 'Screenshot path')
                # nothing given - return.
                if not got_value:
                # replace '\' with '/' because path.join() transforms everything to '/' notation.
                self.SETTINGS.SCREENSHOT_PATH = new_value.replace('\\', '/')
            elif not (modifiers == key.MOD_CTRL + self.mod_offset):
                    now = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d--%H-%M-%S")
                    filename = 'Screenshot-from-%s---%s.png' %(now, self.PLUGIN_NAME)
                    if self.SETTINGS.SCREENSHOT_PATH is not None:
                        filename = os.path.join(self.SETTINGS.SCREENSHOT_PATH, filename)
                    print 'File "%s" saved.' % filename
                except Exception, e:
                    print "An error occurred while saving the screenshot: "
                    print e