Ejemplo n.º 1
def wregister(infile, ref, output):
    iraf.wregister.setParam('input', infile)
    iraf.wregister.setParam('output', output)
    iraf.wregister.setParam('reference', ref)
    iraf.wregister(infile, ref, output)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def convolve_images_psf(images_with_headers):
    print("Convolving images (not implemented yet)")

    for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)):

        original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2])
        original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2])
        new_directory = original_directory + "/convolved/"
        #artificial_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_pixelgrid.fits"
        #registered_filename = new_directory + original_filename  + "_registered.fits"
        input_directory = original_directory + "/registered/"
        input_filename = input_directory + original_filename  + "_registered.fits"
        print("Artificial filename: " + artificial_filename)
        print("Registered filename: " + registered_filename)
        print("Input filename: " + input_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(new_directory):

        #reading the science image:
        science_image = fits.getdata(input_filename)

        # if using a kernel image, then we first regrid the kernel to the same as in the science image, and we re-center the kernel:

        # create a fake image "apixel_kernel.fits"
        # the original kernel has a grid of 3645*3645 pixels and centered at (1822, 1822)
        # ncols = nlines = initial_number_of_rows * initial_pixelsize_of_the_kernel  / science_image_pixelsize
        # in the current case: 3645* 0.25 (arcsecs per pixel) / 2 (arcsecs per pixel) = 455.62
        artdata.mkpattern(input="apixel_kernel.fits", output="apixel_kernel.fits", pattern="constant", option="replace",v1=0., v2=1., size=1, title="", pixtype="real", ndim=2, ncols=455,nlines=455,n3=1, n4=1, n5=1, n6=1, n7=1, header="")

        #Then, tag the desired WCS in this fake image:
        # unlearn some iraf tasks
        #xref = yref = ncols/2 = nlines/2
        #xmag, ymag = pixel scale of science image
        iraf.ccsetwcs(images="apixel_kernel.fits", database="", solution="", xref=227.5, yref=227.5, xmag=2, ymag=2, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=0, latref=0, lngunit="hours", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes")

        # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file
        # unlearn some iraf tasks

        iraf.wregister(input="Kernel_HiRes_PACS_70_to_SPIRE_500.fits", reference="apixel_kernel.fits", output="Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits", fluxconserve="yes")

        # then we get the data from the kernel
        kernel_image = pyfits.getdata('Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits')

        #several ways to do the convolution, but is best to use number 3 or 4:

        result3 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve(science_image, kernel_image) # got a segmentation fault - it needs an odd number of columns/rows for the kernel

        result4 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft(science_image,kernel_image) # worked OK - was the fastest thus far
Ejemplo n.º 3
def run_wregister(image, reference):
    '''Align image to reference image using the WCS in 
       the header and IRAF's WREGISTER task
    # rename original image so it is not overwritten
    old = '%s_old.fits' % os.path.splitext(image)[0]
    os.rename(image, old)
    params = {'input':'%s[0]'%old, 
              'xmin':'INDEF', 'xmax':'INDEF', 'ymin':'INDEF', 'ymax':'INDEF', 
              'wcs':'world', 'transpose':'no', 'fitgeom':'general',
              'function':'polynomial', 'calctype':'double', 
              'geometry':'geometric', 'interpolant':'spline3',
              'boundary':'constant', 'constant':0.0, 'fluxconserve':'yes',

def prep(df_image, hi_res_image):
    'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data'
    ##### DEB: Can choose to run sextractor more or less aggressively
    subprocess.call('sex %s' % hi_res_image, shell=True)
    'copy the segmentation map to a mask'
    iraf.imcopy('seg.fits', '_mask.fits')
    'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0'
    iraf.imreplace('_mask.fits', 1, lower=0.5)
    'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model'
    iraf.imarith('_mask.fits', '*', '%s' % hi_res_image, '_fluxmod_cfht')
    'smooth the flux model'
    'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted'
    'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given'
    'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness'
    'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice'
    'depends on the science application'
    iraf.gauss('_fluxmod_cfht', '_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 2.5)  ### nsigma=4
    imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs -1 lower=0 upper=0
    imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 1 lower=-0.5
    imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 0 upper=-0.5
    imarith _cfht_r * _fluxmod_cfht_rs _fluxmod_cfht_r_new
    # this is the key new step! we're registering the CFHT image
    #  to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image.
    # this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before. 
    #  (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need
    # to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) 
    blkrep _df_g _df_g4 4 4

    'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image'
                   '%s' % df_image,

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def reMap(self, remapFits, outname="input_remapped.fits", verbose=False, wcsregister=False):
		# Create an object class for the output image for fluency of continuing code
		outFits = imFits()
		outFits._Name = outname
		outFits._logger["ReMapping"] = []
		# remapFits = template image
		# this object = source image
		# outFits = output fits image
		if wcsregister:
			iraf.wregister(input=self._Name, output=outFits._Name, wcs="world", reference=remapFits._Name, Stdout=1)

			wcscmd = ["wcsremap","-template", self._Name, "-source", remapFits._Name, "-outIm", outFits._Name]
			wcsremap = subprocess.Popen(wcscmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
		if verbose:
			for log in outFits._logger["ReMapping"]:
				print log
		return outFits
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def remap_wcs(self, inimage, refimage, outimage, **kwargs):
     from pyraf import iraf
         sciext = kwargs['sci']
         templext = kwargs['ref']
     except KeyError:
         sciext = 0
         templext = 0
     sci_ext = '{}'.format(sciext)
     ref_ext = '{}'.format(templext)
     return iraf.wregister(input=inimage + sci_ext,
                           reference=refimage + ref_ext,
Ejemplo n.º 7
def wregister(input_drz, input_unc, input_cov, ref_image):
   Use iraf.wregister to resample the input images onto the pixel grid defined
   by ref_image.
   hdr0 = pyfits.getheader(input_drz)
   drz0 = pyfits.getdata(input_drz)
   unc = pyfits.getdata(input_unc)
   # prepare the input variance image
   var = np.where(unc > 0, unc**2, 0.)
   input_var = input_unc.replace('unc', 'var')
   if os.path.exists(input_var):
   pyfits.append(input_var, var, hdr0)

   # now use wregister
   output_drz = input_drz.replace('drz', 'wreg_drz')
   if os.path.exists(output_drz):
   iraf.wregister(input_drz, ref_image, output_drz)
   output_var = input_var.replace('var', 'wreg_var')
   if os.path.exists(output_var):
   iraf.wregister(input_var, ref_image, output_var)
   output_cov = input_cov.replace('cov', 'wreg_cov')
   if os.path.exists(output_cov):
   iraf.wregister(input_cov, ref_image, output_cov)

   # now convert the wregister-ed variance image back to uncertainty image
   var1 = pyfits.getdata(output_var)
   hdr1 = pyfits.getheader(output_var)
   unc1 = np.where(var1 > 0, np.sqrt(var1), 1.e9)
   output_unc = input_unc.replace('unc', 'wreg_unc')
   if os.path.exists(output_unc):
   pyfits.append(output_unc, unc1, hdr1)

   print 'Done.'
Ejemplo n.º 8
    -must run in folder containing files that will be inputted
    -will create a combined output image named object_filter.fits

from pyraf import iraf
import sys
import os

#read in list of files
infile = sys.argv[1]
imfile = open(infile, 'r')
images = []

for line in imfile:

#run wregister
for image in images:
    iraf.wregister(input=image, reference=images[0], output='r' + image)
#write registered files into an output file
outfile = open('imageFile', 'w')
for im in images:
    outfile.write(im + '\n')

#combine registered images
iraf.imcombine(input='@imageFile', output=infile + '.fits')

#Written by Tiffany Flood and Kelly Whalen
Ejemplo n.º 9
import sys
import os

#read in list of files

for line in imfile:
#run wregister
for image in images:
#write registered files into an output file
for im in images:

#combine registered images
iraf.imcombine(input='@imageFile', output=infile+'.fits', reject='crreject')

#Written by Tiffany Flood and Kelly Whalen

# /usr/local/astrometry/bin/solve-field --scamp ftr7134t0039o00.cat --scamp-ref image39ref.fits --scamp-config ftr7134t0039o00.config ftr7134t0039o00.fits
Ejemplo n.º 10
def resample_images(images_with_headers):
    Resamples all of the images to a common pixel grid.

    images_with_headers: zipped list structure
        A structure containing headers and image data for all FITS input


    print("Resampling images.")

    # First we create an artificial fits image, 
    # The difference with the registration step is that the artificial image is now created only once, and it is common for all the input_images_convolved (or imput_images_gaussian_convolved)
    # unlearn some iraf tasks
    # create a fake image "grid_final_resample.fits", to which we will register all fits images
    fwhm_input = get_fwhm_value(images_with_headers)
    print("fwhm: " + `fwhm_input`)
    # parameter1 & parameter2 depend on the "fwhm" of the convolution step, and following the Nyquist sampling rate. 
    parameter1 = phys_size / (fwhm_input / NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE) 
    print("ncols, nlines: " + `parameter1`)
    parameter2 = parameter1
    artdata.mkpattern(input="grid_final_resample.fits", output="grid_final_resample.fits", pattern="constant", pixtype="double", ndim=2, ncols=parameter1, nlines=parameter2)

    if (ra_input != ''):
        lngref_input = ra_input
        lngref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL1')
    if (dec_input != ''):
        latref_input = dec_input
        latref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL2')
    # Then, we tag the desired WCS in this fake image:
    # unlearn some iraf tasks

    # tag the desired WCS in the fake image "apixel.fits"
    # NOTETOSELF: in the code Sophia gave me, lngunit was given as "hours", but I have
    # changed it to "degrees".
    iraf.ccsetwcs(images="grid_final_resample.fits", database="", solution="", xref=parameter1/2, yref=parameter2/2, xmag=fwhm_input/NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE, ymag=fwhm_input/NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=lngref_input, latref=latref_input, lngunit="degrees", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes")

    for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)):
        original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2])
        original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2])
        new_directory = original_directory + "/resampled/"
        resampled_filename = new_directory + original_filename  + "_resampled.fits"
        input_directory = original_directory + "/convolved/"
        input_filename = input_directory + original_filename  + "_convolved.fits"
        print("Resampled filename: " + resampled_filename)
        print("Input filename: " + input_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(new_directory):

        # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file
        # unlearn some iraf tasks

        # register the science fits image
        iraf.wregister(input=input_filename, reference="grid_final_resample.fits", output=resampled_filename, fluxconserve="yes")

Ejemplo n.º 11
def register_images(images_with_headers):
    Registers all of the images to a common WCS

    images_with_headers: zipped list structure
        A structure containing headers and image data for all FITS input


    print("Registering images")
    print("phys_size: " + `phys_size`)

    if (ra_input != ''):
        lngref_input = ra_input
        lngref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL1')

    if (dec_input != ''):
        latref_input = dec_input
        latref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL2')

    for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)):

        native_pixelscale = get_native_pixelscale(images_with_headers[i][1], get_instrument(images_with_headers[i][1]))
        print("Native pixel scale: " + `native_pixelscale`)
        print("Instrument: " + `get_instrument(images_with_headers[i][1])`)
        print("BUNIT: " + `images_with_headers[i][1]['BUNIT']`)

        original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2])
        original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2])
        new_directory = original_directory + "/registered/"
        artificial_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_pixelgrid.fits"
        registered_filename = new_directory + original_filename  + "_registered.fits"
        input_directory = original_directory + "/converted/"
        input_filename = input_directory + original_filename  + "_converted.fits"
        print("Artificial filename: " + artificial_filename)
        print("Registered filename: " + registered_filename)
        print("Input filename: " + input_filename)
        if not os.path.exists(new_directory):

        # First we create an artificial fits image
        # unlearn some iraf tasks

        # create an artificial image to which we will register the FITS image.
        artdata.mkpattern(input=artificial_filename, output=artificial_filename, pattern="constant", pixtype="double", ndim=2, ncols=phys_size/native_pixelscale, nlines=phys_size/native_pixelscale)
        #note that in the exact above line, the "ncols" and "nlines" should be wisely chosen, depending on the input images - they provide the pixel-grid 
        #for each input fits image, we will create the corresponding artificial one - therefore we can tune these values such that we cover, for instance, XXarcsecs of the target - so the best is that user provides us with such a value

        # Then, we tag the desired WCS in this fake image:
        # unlearn some iraf tasks

        # tag the desired WCS in the artificial image.
        iraf.ccsetwcs(images=artificial_filename, database="", solution="", xref=(phys_size/native_pixelscale)/2, yref=(phys_size/native_pixelscale)/2, xmag=native_pixelscale, ymag=native_pixelscale, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=lngref_input, latref=latref_input, lngunit="degrees", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes")
        #note that the "xref" and "yref" are actually half the above "ncols", "nlines", respectively, so that we center each image
        #note also that "xmag" and "ymag" is the pixel-scale, which in the current step ought to be the same as the native pixel-scale of the input image, for each input image - so we check the corresponding header value in each image
        #note that "lngref" and "latref" can be grabbed by the fits header, it is actually the center of the target (e.g. ngc1569)
        #note that we should make sure that the coordinate system is in coosyst="j2000" by checking the header info, otherwise we need to adjust that

        # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file
        # unlearn some iraf tasks

        # register the science fits image
        iraf.wregister(input=input_filename, reference=artificial_filename, output=registered_filename, fluxconserve="no")
Ejemplo n.º 12
def prep(df_image,hi_res_image,width_mask=1.5,unmaskgal=False,galvalues = None):
    print "\n************ Running the preparation steps ************\n"
    'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data'
    subprocess.call('sex %s'%hi_res_image,shell=True)    #####  Add in option to change sextractor threshold detect_thresh and analysis_thresh 2/3
    'copy the segmentation map to a mask'

    ##### Add step to get rid of diffraction spikes

    if unmaskgal:
        'Run SExtractor to get values for the central galaxy'
        print '\nDoing a second sextractor run to unmask central galaxy. \n'
        segname = run_SExtractor(hi_res_image,detect_thresh=detect_thresh_lg,analysis_thresh=analysis_thresh_lg,back_size=back_size_lg,detect_minarea=detect_minarea_lg)
        print '\nSegmentation map is named: '+segname
        'Open up the data'
        seg2data = fits.getdata(segname)
        segdata,segheader = fits.getdata('_mask.fits',header=True)
        'Detect sources from the segmentation map'
        from photutils import detect_sources
        segrefdata = detect_sources(seg2data, 3, npixels=5)#, filter_kernel=kernel) 
        segrefdata = segrefdata.data
        segrefname = re.sub('.fits','_ds.fits',segname)
        print '\nSource separated segmentation map is named: '+segrefname
        'Use detected source seg map to mask galaxies' #galvalues = [3531,5444,5496]
        print 'Unmask the galaxies in the mask from the original segmap. \n'
        segdatanew = unmaskgalaxy(segdata,'_mask.fits',segrefname=segrefname,segref=segrefdata,galvalues=galvalues)        
    if verbose:
        print_verbose_string('Carrying on')
    'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0'
    'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model'
    'smooth the flux model'
    'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted'
    'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given'
    'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness'
    'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice'
    'depends on the science application'

    iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', -1, lower=0, upper=0)
    iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 1, lower=-0.5)
    iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 0, upper=-0.5)
    iraf.imarith('%s'%hi_res_image, '*','_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', '_fluxmod_cfht_new')
    ' this is the key new step! we"re registering the CFHT image'
    ' to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image.'
    ' this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before.'
    '  (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need'
    ' to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) '
    'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image'

    return None
Ejemplo n.º 13
# images
# written by Duho Kim (1/31/18)
from pyraf import iraf
from astropy.io import ascii
import os

work_dir = '/Users/dhk/work/data/NGC_IC/'
cat_dir = '/Users/dhk/work/cat/NGC_IC/'

sha_cat = ascii.read(cat_dir + 'sha_quarry_batch_257_without_prefix.txt')

for i in range(0, len(sha_cat)):
    name = sha_cat['id'][i]  # NGC/IC name
    g = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-g.fits'
    gi = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-gi.fits'
    gir = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-gir.fits'
    r = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-r.fits'
    ri = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-ri.fits'
    rir = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-rir.fits'
    i1 = work_dir + 'SHA/SHA_NGC_IC_LONG/' + name + '.fits'
    g_psf = work_dir + 'SDSS/g_psf6/' + name + '-g.psf3.fits'
    r_psf = work_dir + 'SDSS/r_psf6/' + name + '-r.psf3.fits'
    i_psf = work_dir + 'SHA/psf_master/' + name + '.psf.fits'

    #	iraf.psfmatch(g,reference=i_psf,psfdata=g_psf,output=gi,convolution='psf',kernel='')
    iraf.wregister(gi, reference=i1, output=gir)
    #        iraf.psfmatch(r,reference=i_psf,psfdata=r_psf,output=ri,convolution='psf',kernel='')
    iraf.wregister(ri, reference=i1, output=rir)