def wregister(infile, ref, output): #inlist=(",".join(inlist)) #output=(",".join(output)) iraf.wregister.unlearn() iraf.wregister.setParam('input', infile) iraf.wregister.setParam('output', output) iraf.wregister.setParam('reference', ref) #iraf.wregister.setParam('mode','') iraf.wregister(infile, ref, output)
def convolve_images_psf(images_with_headers): print("Convolving images (not implemented yet)") for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)): original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2]) original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2]) new_directory = original_directory + "/convolved/" #artificial_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_pixelgrid.fits" #registered_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_registered.fits" input_directory = original_directory + "/registered/" input_filename = input_directory + original_filename + "_registered.fits" print("Artificial filename: " + artificial_filename) print("Registered filename: " + registered_filename) print("Input filename: " + input_filename) if not os.path.exists(new_directory): os.makedirs(new_directory) #reading the science image: science_image = fits.getdata(input_filename) # if using a kernel image, then we first regrid the kernel to the same as in the science image, and we re-center the kernel: # create a fake image "apixel_kernel.fits" # the original kernel has a grid of 3645*3645 pixels and centered at (1822, 1822) # ncols = nlines = initial_number_of_rows * initial_pixelsize_of_the_kernel / science_image_pixelsize # in the current case: 3645* 0.25 (arcsecs per pixel) / 2 (arcsecs per pixel) = 455.62 artdata.mkpattern(input="apixel_kernel.fits", output="apixel_kernel.fits", pattern="constant", option="replace",v1=0., v2=1., size=1, title="", pixtype="real", ndim=2, ncols=455,nlines=455,n3=1, n4=1, n5=1, n6=1, n7=1, header="") #Then, tag the desired WCS in this fake image: # # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('ccsetwcs') #xref = yref = ncols/2 = nlines/2 #xmag, ymag = pixel scale of science image iraf.ccsetwcs(images="apixel_kernel.fits", database="", solution="", xref=227.5, yref=227.5, xmag=2, ymag=2, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=0, latref=0, lngunit="hours", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes") # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file # # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('wregister') iraf.wregister(input="Kernel_HiRes_PACS_70_to_SPIRE_500.fits", reference="apixel_kernel.fits", output="Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits", fluxconserve="yes") # then we get the data from the kernel kernel_image = pyfits.getdata('Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits') #several ways to do the convolution, but is best to use number 3 or 4: #3. result3 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve(science_image, kernel_image) # got a segmentation fault - it needs an odd number of columns/rows for the kernel pyfits.writeto('science_image_convolved_3.fits',result3) #4. result4 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft(science_image,kernel_image) # worked OK - was the fastest thus far pyfits.writeto('science_image_convolved_4.fits',result4)
def run_wregister(image, reference): '''Align image to reference image using the WCS in the header and IRAF's WREGISTER task ''' # rename original image so it is not overwritten old = '%s_old.fits' % os.path.splitext(image)[0] os.rename(image, old) params = {'input':'%s[0]'%old, 'reference':'%s[0]'%reference, 'output':image, 'xmin':'INDEF', 'xmax':'INDEF', 'ymin':'INDEF', 'ymax':'INDEF', 'wcs':'world', 'transpose':'no', 'fitgeom':'general', 'function':'polynomial', 'calctype':'double', 'geometry':'geometric', 'interpolant':'spline3', 'boundary':'constant', 'constant':0.0, 'fluxconserve':'yes', 'wcsinherit':'yes'} wregister(**params)
def prep(df_image, hi_res_image): 'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data' ##### DEB: Can choose to run sextractor more or less aggressively'sex %s' % hi_res_image, shell=True) 'copy the segmentation map to a mask' iraf.imcopy('seg.fits', '_mask.fits') 'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0' iraf.imreplace('_mask.fits', 1, lower=0.5) 'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model' iraf.imarith('_mask.fits', '*', '%s' % hi_res_image, '_fluxmod_cfht') 'smooth the flux model' 'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted' 'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given' 'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness' 'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice' 'depends on the science application' iraf.gauss('_fluxmod_cfht', '_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 2.5) ### nsigma=4 ''' imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs -1 lower=0 upper=0 imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 1 lower=-0.5 imreplace _fluxmod_cfht_rs 0 upper=-0.5 imarith _cfht_r * _fluxmod_cfht_rs _fluxmod_cfht_r_new ''' ''' # this is the key new step! we're registering the CFHT image # to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image. # this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before. # (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need # to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) blkrep _df_g _df_g4 4 4 ''' 'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image' iraf.wregister('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', '%s' % df_image, '_fluxmod_dragonfly', interpo='linear', fluxcon='yes') return None
def reMap(self, remapFits, outname="input_remapped.fits", verbose=False, wcsregister=False): # Create an object class for the output image for fluency of continuing code outFits = imFits() outFits._Name = outname outFits._logger["ReMapping"] = [] # remapFits = template image # this object = source image # outFits = output fits image if wcsregister: iraf.wregister(input=self._Name, output=outFits._Name, wcs="world", reference=remapFits._Name, Stdout=1) else: wcscmd = ["wcsremap","-template", self._Name, "-source", remapFits._Name, "-outIm", outFits._Name] wcsremap = subprocess.Popen(wcscmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) outFits._logger["ReMapping"].append(wcsremap.communicate()[0]) if verbose: for log in outFits._logger["ReMapping"]: print log return outFits
def remap_wcs(self, inimage, refimage, outimage, **kwargs): from pyraf import iraf try: sciext = kwargs['sci'] templext = kwargs['ref'] except KeyError: sciext = 0 templext = 0 sci_ext = '{}'.format(sciext) ref_ext = '{}'.format(templext) return iraf.wregister(input=inimage + sci_ext, output=outimage, wcs="world", reference=refimage + ref_ext, Stdout=1)
def wregister(input_drz, input_unc, input_cov, ref_image): """ Use iraf.wregister to resample the input images onto the pixel grid defined by ref_image. """ hdr0 = pyfits.getheader(input_drz) drz0 = pyfits.getdata(input_drz) unc = pyfits.getdata(input_unc) # prepare the input variance image var = np.where(unc > 0, unc**2, 0.) input_var = input_unc.replace('unc', 'var') if os.path.exists(input_var): os.remove(input_var) pyfits.append(input_var, var, hdr0) # now use wregister output_drz = input_drz.replace('drz', 'wreg_drz') if os.path.exists(output_drz): os.remove(output_drz) iraf.wregister(input_drz, ref_image, output_drz) output_var = input_var.replace('var', 'wreg_var') if os.path.exists(output_var): os.remove(output_var) iraf.wregister(input_var, ref_image, output_var) output_cov = input_cov.replace('cov', 'wreg_cov') if os.path.exists(output_cov): os.remove(output_cov) iraf.wregister(input_cov, ref_image, output_cov) # now convert the wregister-ed variance image back to uncertainty image var1 = pyfits.getdata(output_var) hdr1 = pyfits.getheader(output_var) unc1 = np.where(var1 > 0, np.sqrt(var1), 1.e9) output_unc = input_unc.replace('unc', 'wreg_unc') if os.path.exists(output_unc): os.remove(output_unc) pyfits.append(output_unc, unc1, hdr1) print 'Done.'
-must run in folder containing files that will be inputted -will create a combined output image named object_filter.fits ''' from pyraf import iraf import sys import os #read in list of files infile = sys.argv[1] imfile = open(infile, 'r') images = [] for line in imfile: images.append(line.rstrip('\n')) imfile.close() #run wregister for image in images: iraf.wregister(input=image, reference=images[0], output='r' + image) #write registered files into an output file outfile = open('imageFile', 'w') for im in images: outfile.write(im + '\n') outfile.close() #combine registered images iraf.imcombine(input='@imageFile', output=infile + '.fits') #Written by Tiffany Flood and Kelly Whalen
import sys import os #read in list of files infile=sys.argv[1] imfile=open(infile,'r') images=[] for line in imfile: images.append(line.rstrip('\n')) imfile.close() #run wregister for image in images: iraf.wregister(input=image,reference=images[0],output='r'+image) #write registered files into an output file outfile=open('imageFile','w') for im in images: outfile.write('r'+im+'\n') outfile.close() #combine registered images iraf.imcombine(input='@imageFile', output=infile+'.fits', reject='crreject') #Written by Tiffany Flood and Kelly Whalen # /usr/local/astrometry/bin/solve-field --scamp --scamp-ref image39ref.fits --scamp-config ftr7134t0039o00.config ftr7134t0039o00.fits
def resample_images(images_with_headers): """ Resamples all of the images to a common pixel grid. Parameters ---------- images_with_headers: zipped list structure A structure containing headers and image data for all FITS input images. """ print("Resampling images.") # First we create an artificial fits image, # The difference with the registration step is that the artificial image is now created only once, and it is common for all the input_images_convolved (or imput_images_gaussian_convolved) # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('mkpattern') # create a fake image "grid_final_resample.fits", to which we will register all fits images fwhm_input = get_fwhm_value(images_with_headers) print("fwhm: " + `fwhm_input`) # parameter1 & parameter2 depend on the "fwhm" of the convolution step, and following the Nyquist sampling rate. parameter1 = phys_size / (fwhm_input / NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE) print("ncols, nlines: " + `parameter1`) parameter2 = parameter1 artdata.mkpattern(input="grid_final_resample.fits", output="grid_final_resample.fits", pattern="constant", pixtype="double", ndim=2, ncols=parameter1, nlines=parameter2) if (ra_input != ''): lngref_input = ra_input else: lngref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL1') if (dec_input != ''): latref_input = dec_input else: latref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL2') # Then, we tag the desired WCS in this fake image: # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('ccsetwcs') # tag the desired WCS in the fake image "apixel.fits" # NOTETOSELF: in the code Sophia gave me, lngunit was given as "hours", but I have # changed it to "degrees". iraf.ccsetwcs(images="grid_final_resample.fits", database="", solution="", xref=parameter1/2, yref=parameter2/2, xmag=fwhm_input/NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE, ymag=fwhm_input/NYQUIST_SAMPLING_RATE, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=lngref_input, latref=latref_input, lngunit="degrees", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes") for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)): original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2]) original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2]) new_directory = original_directory + "/resampled/" resampled_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_resampled.fits" input_directory = original_directory + "/convolved/" input_filename = input_directory + original_filename + "_convolved.fits" print("Resampled filename: " + resampled_filename) print("Input filename: " + input_filename) if not os.path.exists(new_directory): os.makedirs(new_directory) # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('wregister') # register the science fits image iraf.wregister(input=input_filename, reference="grid_final_resample.fits", output=resampled_filename, fluxconserve="yes") create_data_cube(images_with_headers)
def register_images(images_with_headers): """ Registers all of the images to a common WCS Parameters ---------- images_with_headers: zipped list structure A structure containing headers and image data for all FITS input images. """ print("Registering images") print("phys_size: " + `phys_size`) if (ra_input != ''): lngref_input = ra_input else: lngref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL1') if (dec_input != ''): latref_input = dec_input else: latref_input = get_herschel_mean(images_with_headers, 'CRVAL2') for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)): native_pixelscale = get_native_pixelscale(images_with_headers[i][1], get_instrument(images_with_headers[i][1])) print("Native pixel scale: " + `native_pixelscale`) print("Instrument: " + `get_instrument(images_with_headers[i][1])`) print("BUNIT: " + `images_with_headers[i][1]['BUNIT']`) original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2]) original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2]) new_directory = original_directory + "/registered/" artificial_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_pixelgrid.fits" registered_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_registered.fits" input_directory = original_directory + "/converted/" input_filename = input_directory + original_filename + "_converted.fits" print("Artificial filename: " + artificial_filename) print("Registered filename: " + registered_filename) print("Input filename: " + input_filename) if not os.path.exists(new_directory): os.makedirs(new_directory) # First we create an artificial fits image # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('mkpattern') # create an artificial image to which we will register the FITS image. artdata.mkpattern(input=artificial_filename, output=artificial_filename, pattern="constant", pixtype="double", ndim=2, ncols=phys_size/native_pixelscale, nlines=phys_size/native_pixelscale) #note that in the exact above line, the "ncols" and "nlines" should be wisely chosen, depending on the input images - they provide the pixel-grid #for each input fits image, we will create the corresponding artificial one - therefore we can tune these values such that we cover, for instance, XXarcsecs of the target - so the best is that user provides us with such a value # Then, we tag the desired WCS in this fake image: # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('ccsetwcs') # tag the desired WCS in the artificial image. iraf.ccsetwcs(images=artificial_filename, database="", solution="", xref=(phys_size/native_pixelscale)/2, yref=(phys_size/native_pixelscale)/2, xmag=native_pixelscale, ymag=native_pixelscale, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=lngref_input, latref=latref_input, lngunit="degrees", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes") #note that the "xref" and "yref" are actually half the above "ncols", "nlines", respectively, so that we center each image #note also that "xmag" and "ymag" is the pixel-scale, which in the current step ought to be the same as the native pixel-scale of the input image, for each input image - so we check the corresponding header value in each image #note that "lngref" and "latref" can be grabbed by the fits header, it is actually the center of the target (e.g. ngc1569) #note that we should make sure that the coordinate system is in coosyst="j2000" by checking the header info, otherwise we need to adjust that # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('wregister') # register the science fits image iraf.wregister(input=input_filename, reference=artificial_filename, output=registered_filename, fluxconserve="no")
def prep(df_image,hi_res_image,width_mask=1.5,unmaskgal=False,galvalues = None): print "\n************ Running the preparation steps ************\n" iraf.imdel('_mask.fits') iraf.imdel('_fluxmod_cfht*.fits') iraf.imdel('_df_4*.fits') 'run SExtractor to get bright sources that are easily detected in the high resolution data''sex %s'%hi_res_image,shell=True) ##### Add in option to change sextractor threshold detect_thresh and analysis_thresh 2/3 'copy the segmentation map to a mask' iraf.imcopy('seg.fits','_mask.fits') ##### Add step to get rid of diffraction spikes if unmaskgal: 'Run SExtractor to get values for the central galaxy' print '\nDoing a second sextractor run to unmask central galaxy. \n' analysis_thresh_lg=2;back_size_lg=128;detect_thresh_lg=2;detect_minarea_lg=60 segname = run_SExtractor(hi_res_image,detect_thresh=detect_thresh_lg,analysis_thresh=analysis_thresh_lg,back_size=back_size_lg,detect_minarea=detect_minarea_lg) print '\nSegmentation map is named: '+segname 'Open up the data' seg2data = fits.getdata(segname) segdata,segheader = fits.getdata('_mask.fits',header=True) 'Detect sources from the segmentation map' from photutils import detect_sources segrefdata = detect_sources(seg2data, 3, npixels=5)#, filter_kernel=kernel) segrefdata = segrefname = re.sub('.fits','_ds.fits',segname) writeFITS(segrefdata,segheader,segrefname) print '\nSource separated segmentation map is named: '+segrefname 'Use detected source seg map to mask galaxies' #galvalues = [3531,5444,5496] print 'Unmask the galaxies in the mask from the original segmap. \n' segdatanew = unmaskgalaxy(segdata,'_mask.fits',segrefname=segrefname,segref=segrefdata,galvalues=galvalues) writeFITS(segdatanew,segheader,'_mask.fits') if verbose: print_verbose_string('Carrying on') 'replace the values in the segments in the segmentation map (i.e. stars) all to 1, all the background is still 0' iraf.imreplace('_mask.fits',1,lower=0.5) 'multiply the mask (with 1s at the stars) by the high res image to get the star flux back - now have the flux model' iraf.imarith('_mask.fits','*','%s'%hi_res_image,'_fluxmod_cfht') 'smooth the flux model' 'increase size of mask, so more is subtracted' 'the "1.5" in the next line should be a user-defined parameter that is given' 'to the script; it controls how much of the low surface brightness' 'emission in the outskirts of galaxies is subtracted. This choice' 'depends on the science application' iraf.gauss('_fluxmod_cfht','_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed',width_mask,nsigma=4.) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', -1, lower=0, upper=0) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 1, lower=-0.5) iraf.imreplace('_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', 0, upper=-0.5) iraf.imarith('%s'%hi_res_image, '*','_fluxmod_cfht_smoothed', '_fluxmod_cfht_new') ' this is the key new step! we"re registering the CFHT image' ' to a frame that is 4x finer sampled than the Dragonfly image.' ' this avoids all the pixelation effects we had before.' ' (4x seems enough; but we could have it as a free parameter - need' ' to be careful as it occurs elsewhere in the scripts too) ' iraf.blkrep('%s'%df_image,'_df_4',4,4) 'register the flux model onto the same pixel scale as the dragonfly image' iraf.wregister('_fluxmod_cfht_new','_df_4','_fluxmod_dragonfly',interpo='linear',fluxcon='yes') return None
# images # written by Duho Kim (1/31/18) ###################################################### from pyraf import iraf from import ascii import os work_dir = '/Users/dhk/work/data/NGC_IC/' cat_dir = '/Users/dhk/work/cat/NGC_IC/' sha_cat = + 'sha_quarry_batch_257_without_prefix.txt') iraf.daophot() for i in range(0, len(sha_cat)): name = sha_cat['id'][i] # NGC/IC name g = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-g.fits' gi = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-gi.fits' gir = work_dir + 'SDSS/g/' + name + '-gir.fits' r = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-r.fits' ri = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-ri.fits' rir = work_dir + 'SDSS/r/' + name + '-rir.fits' i1 = work_dir + 'SHA/SHA_NGC_IC_LONG/' + name + '.fits' g_psf = work_dir + 'SDSS/g_psf6/' + name + '-g.psf3.fits' r_psf = work_dir + 'SDSS/r_psf6/' + name + '-r.psf3.fits' i_psf = work_dir + 'SHA/psf_master/' + name + '.psf.fits' # iraf.psfmatch(g,reference=i_psf,psfdata=g_psf,output=gi,convolution='psf',kernel='') iraf.wregister(gi, reference=i1, output=gir) # iraf.psfmatch(r,reference=i_psf,psfdata=r_psf,output=ri,convolution='psf',kernel='') iraf.wregister(ri, reference=i1, output=rir)