def pyrocko_station(network_code, station, location): return model.Station(network=network_code, station=station.code(), location=location.code(), lat=location.latitude(), lon=location.longitude(), elevation=location.elevation())
def grok_station_xml(data, tmin, tmax): stations = {} for (sta, sta_epo, cha, cha_epo) in xmlzip(data, ( 'Station', 'StationEpoch', 'Channel', 'Epoch')): sta_beg, sta_end, cha_beg, cha_end = [tdatetime(x) for x in ( sta_epo.StartDate, sta_epo.EndDate, cha_epo.StartDate, cha_epo.EndDate)] if not (sta_beg <= tmin and tmax <= sta_end and cha_beg <= tmin and tmax <= cha_end): continue nslc = tuple([str(x.strip()) for x in ( sta.net_code, sta.sta_code, cha.loc_code, cha.chan_code)]) lat, lon, ele, dep, azi, dip = [ float(cha_epo.attrs[x]) for x in 'Lat Lon Elevation Depth Azimuth Dip'.split()] nsl = nslc[:3] if nsl not in stations: stations[nsl] = model.Station( nsl[0], nsl[1], nsl[2], lat, lon, ele, dep) stations[nsl].add_channel(model.Channel(nslc[-1], azi, dip)) return stations.values()
def station_distribution(origin, rings, **kwargs): ''' origin is a tuple with (lat, lon). rings is a list of lists with [radius, n stations]. ''' rotate = {} if kwargs.get('rotate', False): rotate = kwargs['rotate'] stations = [] olat, olon = origin for radius, N in rings: azis = [360. * (n + 1) / N for n in range(N)] try: azis = [azi + rotate[radius] for azi in azis] map((lambda x: x % 360), azis) except KeyError: pass for azi in azis: lat, lon = lat_lon_from_dist_azi(olat, olon, radius, azi) stations.append( model.Station(network=str(azi_to_location_digits(azi)), station=str(x_to_station_digits(radius)), lat=lat, lon=lon)) return stations
def get_stations(self): if self._stations is None: if self.with_channels: channels = [] for comp in ('BHN', 'BHE', 'BHZ'): channels.append(model.station.Channel(comp)) else: channels = None stations = [] for istation in range(self.nstations): lat, lon = self.get_latlon(istation) net, sta, loc = self.nsl(istation) station = model.Station(net, sta, loc, lat=lat, lon=lon, channels=channels) stations.append(station) self._stations = stations return self._stations
def testProjectionsZOnly(self): km = 1000. ev = model.Event(lat=-10, lon=150., depth=0.0) for azi in num.linspace(0., 360., 37): lat, lon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(, ev.lon, 10. * km * math.cos(azi), 10. * km * math.sin(azi)) sta = model.Station(lat=lat, lon=lon) sta.set_event_relative_data(ev) sta.set_channels_by_name('BHZ', 'BHN', 'BHE') traces = [ trace.Trace(channel='BHZ', ydata=num.array([1.0])), ] projected = [] for m, in_channels, out_channels in sta.guess_projections_to_enu(): projected.extend( trace.project(traces, m, in_channels, out_channels)) def g(traces, cha): for tr in traces: if == cha: return tr z = g(projected, 'U') assert (near(z.ydata[0], 1.0, 0.001))
def get_stations(self): if self._stations is None: if self.channels: channels = [model.station.Channel(c) for c in self.channels] else: channels = None stations = [] for istation in range(self.nstations): lat, lon = self.get_latlon(istation) net, sta, loc = self.nsl(istation) station = model.Station(net, sta, loc, lat=lat, lon=lon, channels=channels) stations.append(station) self._stations = stations return self._stations
def get_stations(self): if self._stations is None: if self.channels: channels = [model.station.Channel(c) for c in self.channels] else: channels = None stations = [] for istation in range(self.nstations): lat, lon, north_shift, east_shift, depth = map( float, self.get_coordinates(istation)) net, sta, loc = self.nsl(istation) station = model.Station(net, sta, loc, lat=lat, lon=lon, north_shift=north_shift, east_shift=east_shift, depth=depth, channels=channels) stations.append(station) self._stations = stations return self._stations
def setup_stations(lats, lons, names, networks, event, rotate=True): """ Setup station objects, based on station coordinates and reference event. Parameters ---------- lats : :class:`num.ndarray` of station location latitude lons : :class:`num.ndarray` of station location longitude names : list of strings of station names networks : list of strings of network names for each station event : :class:`pyrocko.model.Event` Results ------- stations : list of :class:`pyrocko.model.Station` """ stations = [] for lat, lon, name, network in zip(lats, lons, names, networks): s = model.Station(lat=lat, lon=lon, station=name, network=network) s.set_event_relative_data(event) s.set_channels_by_name('E', 'N', 'Z') if rotate: p = s.guess_projections_to_rtu(out_channels=('R', 'T', 'Z')) s.set_channels(p[0][2]) stations.append(s) return stations
def test_conversions(self): from pyrocko import model from pyrocko.fdsn import station, resp, enhanced_sacpz t = util.str_to_time('2014-01-01 00:00:00') codes = 'GE', 'EIL', '', 'BHZ' resp_fpath = common.test_data_file('test1.resp') stations = [ model.Station(*codes[:3], lat=29.669901, lon=34.951199, elevation=210.0, depth=0.0) ] sx_resp = resp.make_stationxml(stations, resp.iload_filename(resp_fpath)) pr_sx_resp = sx_resp.get_pyrocko_response(codes, time=t, fake_input_units='M/S') pr_evresp = trace.Evalresp(resp_fpath, nslc_id=codes, target='vel', time=t) sacpz_fpath = common.test_data_file('test1.sacpz') sx_sacpz = enhanced_sacpz.make_stationxml( enhanced_sacpz.iload_filename(sacpz_fpath)) pr_sx_sacpz = sx_sacpz.get_pyrocko_response(codes, time=t, fake_input_units='M/S') pr_sacpz = trace.PoleZeroResponse(*pz.read_sac_zpk(sacpz_fpath)) try: pr_sacpz.zeros.remove(0.0j) except ValueError: pr_sacpz.poles.append(0.0j) sxml_geofon_fpath = common.test_data_file('test1.stationxml') sx_geofon = station.load_xml(filename=sxml_geofon_fpath) pr_sx_geofon = sx_geofon.get_pyrocko_response(codes, time=t, fake_input_units='M/S') sxml_iris_fpath = common.test_data_file('test2.stationxml') sx_iris = station.load_xml(filename=sxml_iris_fpath) pr_sx_iris = sx_iris.get_pyrocko_response(codes, time=t, fake_input_units='M/S') freqs = num.logspace(num.log10(0.001), num.log10(1.0), num=1000) tf_ref = pr_evresp.evaluate(freqs) for pr in [ pr_sx_resp, pr_sx_sacpz, pr_sacpz, pr_sx_geofon, pr_sx_iris ]: tf = pr.evaluate(freqs) # plot_tfs(freqs, [tf_ref, tf]) assert cnumeqrel(tf_ref, tf, 0.01)
def snuffle(config): global _lassie_config _lassie_config = copy.deepcopy(config) for _ifc in _lassie_config.image_function_contributions: _ifc.setup(config) def load_snuffling(win): s = LassieSnuffling() s.config = _lassie_config s.setup() win.pile_viewer.viewer.add_snuffling(s, reloaded=True) win.pile_viewer.viewer.add_blacklist_pattern('*.SMAX.i.*') for bl in _lassie_config.blacklist: win.pile_viewer.viewer.add_blacklist_pattern('%s.*' % bl) detections_path = _lassie_config.get_detections_path() if os.path.exists(detections_path): s.detections = detections_to_event_markers(detections_path) s.add_markers(s.detections) for _ifc in s.config.image_function_contributions: if isinstance(_ifc, ifc.ManualPickIFC): markers_path_extra = _ifc.picks_path elif isinstance(_ifc, ifc.TemplateMatchingIFC): markers_path_extra = _ifc.template_markers_path else: continue if os.path.exists(markers_path_extra): s.add_markers(pmarker.load_markers(markers_path_extra)) else: logger.warn( 'No such file: %s (referenced in %s, named %s)' % (markers_path_extra, _ifc.__class__.__name__, receivers = config.get_receivers() stations = set() lats, lons = geo.points_coords(receivers, system='latlon') for ir, (lat, lon) in enumerate(zip(lats, lons)): n, s, l = receivers[ir].codes[:3] stations.add( model.Station(lat=lat, lon=lon, network=n, station=s, location=l)) paths = config.expand_path(config.data_paths) paths.append(config.get_ifm_dir_path()) p = pile.make_pile(paths=paths, fileformat='detect') meta = {'tabu': True} for tr in p.iter_traces(trace_selector=lambda x: x.station == 'SMAX'): if tr.meta: tr.meta.update(meta) else: tr.meta = meta snuffler.snuffle(p, stations=stations, launch_hook=load_snuffling)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) nsamples = 10 ntargets = 30 npatches = 40 sample_rate = 2. self.times = get_random_uniform(300., 500., ntargets) self.starttime_min = 0. self.starttime_max = 15. starttime_sampling = 0.5 nstarttimes = int( (self.starttime_max - self.starttime_min) / starttime_sampling) + 1 self.duration_min = 5. self.duration_max = 10. duration_sampling = 0.5 self.ndurations = int( (self.duration_max - self.duration_min) / duration_sampling) + 1 durations = num.linspace(self.duration_min, self.duration_max, self.ndurations) starttimes = num.linspace(self.starttime_min, self.starttime_max, nstarttimes) lats = num.random.randint(low=-90, high=90, size=ntargets) lons = num.random.randint(low=-180, high=180, size=ntargets) stations = [ model.Station(lat=lat, lon=lon) for lat, lon in zip(lats, lons) ] targets = [ DynamicTarget(store_id='Test_em_2.000_0') for i in range(ntargets) ] wavemap = WaveformMapping(name='any_P', stations=stations, targets=targets) # TODO needs updating #self.gfs = ffi.SeismicGFLibrary( # wavemap=wavemap, component='uperp', # duration_sampling=duration_sampling, # starttime_sampling=starttime_sampling, # starttime_min=self.starttime_min, # duration_min=self.duration_min) #self.gfs.setup( # ntargets, npatches, self.ndurations, nstarttimes, # nsamples, allocate=True) tracedata = num.tile(num.arange(nsamples), nstarttimes).reshape( (nstarttimes, nsamples))
def receivers_to_stations(receivers): stations = [] for rec in receivers: stations.append( model.Station(network=rec.get_network(), station=rec.get_station(), location=rec.get_location(), lat=float(, lon=float(rec.lon), depth=float(rec.depth))) return stations
def testIOStations(self): tempdir = self.make_tempdir() fn = pjoin(tempdir, 'stations.txt') ne = model.Channel('NE', azimuth=45., dip=0.) se = model.Channel('SE', azimuth=135., dip=0.) stations = [ model.Station('', sta, '', 0., 0., 0., channels=[ne, se]) for sta in ['STA1', 'STA2']] model.dump_stations(stations, fn) stations = model.load_stations(fn)
def load_stations(fn): f = open(fn,'r') stations = [] for line in f: data = line.split() s = model.Station(lat=float(data[1])/100000., lon=float(data[2])/100000., depth=-float(data[3])) s.my_x = float(data[4]) s.my_y = float(data[5]) stations.append(s) return stations
def testMissingComponents(self): ne = model.Channel('NE', azimuth=45., dip=0.) se = model.Channel('SE', azimuth=135., dip=0.) station = model.Station('', 'STA', '', 0., 0., 0., channels=[ne, se]) mat = station.projection_to_enu(('NE', 'SE', 'Z'), ('E', 'N', 'U'))[0] assertOrtho(mat[:, 0], mat[:, 1], mat[:, 2]) n = model.Channel('D', azimuth=0., dip=90.) station.set_channels([n]) mat = station.projection_to_enu(('N', 'E', 'D'), ('E', 'N', 'U'))[0] assertOrtho(mat[:, 0], mat[:, 1], mat[:, 2])
def receiver_to_station(rec): channels = [] for comp in rec.components: channels.append(kiwi_channels[comp]) sta = model.Station(rec.get_network(), rec.get_station(), rec.get_location(),, rec.lon, 0.0, depth=rec.depth, channels=channels) return sta
def pyrocko_station_from_channels(nsl, channels, inconsistencies='warn'): pos = lat, lon, elevation, depth = \ channels[0].position_values if not all(pos == x.position_values for x in channels): info = '\n'.join(' %s: %s' % (x.code, x.position_values) for x in channels) mess = 'encountered inconsistencies in channel ' \ 'lat/lon/elevation/depth ' \ 'for %s.%s.%s: \n%s' % (nsl + (info,)) if inconsistencies == 'raise': raise InconsistentChannelLocations(mess) elif inconsistencies == 'warn': logger.warn(mess) logger.warn(' -> using mean values') apos = num.array([x.position_values for x in channels], dtype=num.float) mlat, mlon, mele, mdep = num.nansum(apos, axis=0) \ / num.sum(num.isfinite(apos), axis=0) groups = {} for channel in channels: if channel.code not in groups: groups[channel.code] = [] groups[channel.code].append(channel) pchannels = [] for code in sorted(groups.keys()): data = [(channel.code, value_or_none(channel.azimuth), value_or_none(channel.dip)) for channel in groups[code]] azimuth, dip = util.consistency_merge( data, message='channel orientation values differ:', error=inconsistencies) pchannels.append(model.Channel(code, azimuth=azimuth, dip=dip)) return model.Station(*nsl, lat=mlat, lon=mlon, elevation=mele, depth=mdep, channels=pchannels)
def testIOStations(self): tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pyrocko-model') fn = pjoin(tempdir, 'stations.txt') ne = model.Channel('NE', azimuth=45., dip=0.) se = model.Channel('SE', azimuth=135., dip=0.) stations = [ model.Station('', sta, '', 0., 0., 0., channels=[ne, se]) for sta in ['STA1', 'STA2'] ] model.dump_stations(stations, fn) stations = model.load_stations(fn) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
def to_station(self): net, sta, loc, cha = self.sc_name.nslc() station = model.Station( network=net, station=sta, location=loc, lat=self.st_lat, lon=self.st_long, elevation=self.elev) station.add_channel( model.Channel( name=cha, azimuth=self.azim, dip=self.incid - 90.)) return station
def _get_stations_from_file(self): fn = pjoin(self._dirpath, 'stations.txt') f = open(fn, 'r') stations = [] for line in f: if line.strip().startswith('#'): continue toks = line.split() if len(toks) != 5: continue net,sta,loc = toks[0].split('.') lat, lon, elevation, depth = [ float(x) for x in toks[1:] ] station = model.Station(net, sta, loc, lat, lon, elevation, depth=depth) stations.append(station) f.close() return stations
def gen_stations(nstations=5, latmin=-90., latmax=90., lonmin=-180., lonmax=180.): stations = [] for i in range(nstations): sta = 'S%02i' % i s = model.Station('', sta, '', lat=randlat(latmin, latmax), lon=rand(lonmin, lonmax)) stations.append(s) return stations
def get_center_station(stations, select_closest=False): ''' gravitations center of *stations* list.''' n = len(stations) slats = num.empty(n) slons = num.empty(n) for i, s in enumerate(stations): slats[i] = slons[i] = s.lon center_lat, center_lon = ortho.geographic_midpoint(slats, slons) if select_closest: center_lats = num.ones(n) * center_lat center_lons = num.ones(n) * center_lon dists = ortho.distance_accurate50m_numpy(center_lats, center_lons, slats, slons) return stations[num.argmin(dists)] else: return model.Station(center_lat, center_lon)
def pyrocko_station_from_channels(nsl, channels, inconsistencies='warn'): pos = lat, lon, elevation, depth = \ channels[0].position_values if not all(pos == x.position_values for x in channels): info = '\n'.join(' %s: %s' % (x.code, x.position_values) for x in channels) mess = 'encountered inconsistencies in channel ' \ 'lat/lon/elevation/depth ' \ 'for %s.%s.%s: \n%s' % (nsl + (info,)) if inconsistencies == 'raise': raise InconsistentChannelLocations(mess) elif inconsistencies == 'warn': logger.warn(mess) logger.warn(' -> using mean values') apos = num.array([x.position_values for x in channels], dtype=num.float) mlat, mlon, mele, mdep = num.nansum(apos, axis=0) / num.sum( num.isfinite(apos), axis=0) pchannels = [] for channel in channels: pchannels.append( model.Channel(channel.code, azimuth=value_or_none(channel.azimuth), dip=value_or_none(channel.dip))) return model.Station(*nsl, lat=mlat, lon=mlon, elevation=mele, depth=mdep, channels=pchannels)
def testProjections(self): km = 1000. ev = model.Event(lat=-10, lon=150., depth=0.0) for azi in num.linspace(0., 360., 37): lat, lon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(, ev.lon, 10. * km * math.cos(azi), 10. * km * math.sin(azi)) sta = model.Station(lat=lat, lon=lon) sta.set_event_relative_data(ev) sta.set_channels_by_name('BHZ', 'BHE', 'BHN') r = 1. t = 1. traces = [ trace.Trace(channel='BHE', ydata=num.array( [math.sin(azi) * r + math.cos(azi) * t])), trace.Trace(channel='BHN', ydata=num.array( [math.cos(azi) * r - math.sin(azi) * t])), ] for m, in_channels, out_channels in sta.guess_projections_to_rtu(): projected = trace.project(traces, m, in_channels, out_channels) def g(traces, cha): for tr in traces: if == cha: return tr r = g(projected, 'R') t = g(projected, 'T') assert (near(r.ydata[0], 1.0, 0.001)) assert (near(t.ydata[0], 1.0, 0.001))
def to_pyrocko_stations(inventory): ''' Convert ObsPy inventory to list of Pyrocko traces. :param inventory: :py:class:`obspy.Inventory <obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory>` object :returns: list of :py:class:`pyrocko.model.Station` objects or ``None`` if inventory is ``None`` ''' obspy_inventory = inventory if obspy_inventory is None: return None from pyrocko import model stations = [] for net in obspy_inventory.networks: for sta in net.stations: stations.append( model.Station(lat=sta.latitude, lon=sta.longitude, elevation=sta.elevation, network=net.code, station=sta.code, location='', channels=[ model.station.Channel(name=cha.code, azimuth=cha.azimuth, dip=cha.dip) for cha in sta.channels ])) return stations
def doCalc_syn (flag,Config,WaveformDict,FilterMetaData,Gmint,Gmaxt,TTTGridMap, Folder,Origin, ntimes, switch, ev,arrayfolder, syn_in, parameter): ''' method for calculating semblance of one station array ''' Logfile.add ('PROCESS %d %s' % (flag,' Enters Semblance Calculation') ) Logfile.add ('MINT : %f MAXT: %f Traveltime' % (Gmint,Gmaxt)) cfg = ConfigObj (dict=Config) dimX = cfg.dimX() # ('dimx') dimY = cfg.dimY() # ('dimy') winlen = cfg.winlen () # ('winlen') step = cfg.step() # ('step') new_frequence = cfg.newFrequency() #('new_frequence') forerun= cfg.Int('forerun') duration= cfg.Int('duration') gridspacing = cfg.Float('gridspacing') nostat = len (WaveformDict) traveltimes = {} recordstarttime = '' minSampleCount = 999999999 if cfg.UInt ('forerun')>0: ntimes = int ((cfg.UInt ('forerun') + cfg.UInt ('duration') ) / cfg.UInt ('step') ) else: ntimes = int ((cfg.UInt ('duration') ) / cfg.UInt ('step') ) nsamp = int (winlen * new_frequence) nstep = int (step * new_frequence) from pyrocko import obspy_compat from pyrocko import orthodrome, model obspy_compat.plant() ############################################################################ calcStreamMap = WaveformDict stations = [] py_trs = [] for trace in calcStreamMap.keys(): py_tr = obspy_compat.to_pyrocko_trace(calcStreamMap[trace]) py_trs.append(py_tr) for il in FilterMetaData: if str(il) == str(trace): szo = model.Station(, lon=il.lon, station=il.sta,,, elevation=il.ele, location=il.loc) stations.append(szo) #right number of stations? store_id = engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=[syn_in.store_superdirs()]) targets = [] for st in stations: target = Target(, lon=st.lon, store_id=store_id, codes=(, st.station, st.location, 'BHZ'), tmin=-1900, tmax=3900, interpolation='multilinear', quantity=cfg.quantity()) targets.append(target) if syn_in.nsources() == 1: if syn_in.use_specific_stf() is True: stf = syn_in.stf() exec(stf) else: stf = STF() if syn_in.source() == 'RectangularSource': source = RectangularSource( lat=float(syn_in.lat_0()), lon=float(syn_in.lon_0()), depth=syn_in.depth_syn_0()*1000., strike=syn_in.strike_0(), dip=syn_in.dip_0(), rake=syn_in.rake_0(), width=syn_in.width_0()*1000., length=syn_in.length_0()*1000., nucleation_x=syn_in.nucleation_x_0(), slip=syn_in.slip_0(), nucleation_y=syn_in.nucleation_y_0(), stf=stf, time=util.str_to_time(syn_in.time_0())) if syn_in.source() == 'DCSource': source = DCSource( lat=float(syn_in.lat_0()), lon=float(syn_in.lon_0()), depth=syn_in.depth_syn_0()*1000., strike=syn_in.strike_0(), dip=syn_in.dip_0(), rake=syn_in.rake_0(), stf=stf, time=util.str_to_time(syn_in.time_0()), magnitude=syn_in.magnitude_0()) else: sources = [] for i in range(syn_in.nsources()): if syn_in.use_specific_stf() is True: stf = syn_in.stf() exec(stf) else: stf = STF() if syn_in.source() == 'RectangularSource': sources.append(RectangularSource( lat=float(syn_in.lat_1(i)), lon=float(syn_in.lon_1(i)), depth=syn_in.depth_syn_1(i)*1000., strike=syn_in.strike_1(i), dip=syn_in.dip_1(i), rake=syn_in.rake_1(i), width=syn_in.width_1(i)*1000., length=syn_in.length_1(i)*1000., nucleation_x=syn_in.nucleation_x_1(i), slip=syn_in.slip_1(i), nucleation_y=syn_in.nucleation_y_1(i), stf=stf, time=util.str_to_time(syn_in.time_1(i)))) if syn_in.source() == 'DCSource': sources.append(DCSource( lat=float(syn_in.lat_1(i)), lon=float(syn_in.lon_1(i)), depth=syn_in.depth_1(i)*1000., strike=syn_in.strike_1(i), dip=syn_in.dip_1(i), rake=syn_in.rake_1(i), stf=stf, time=util.str_to_time(syn_in.time_1(i)), magnitude=syn_in.magnitude_1(i))) source = CombiSource(subsources=sources) response = engine.process(source, targets) synthetic_traces = response.pyrocko_traces() if cfg.Bool('synthetic_test_add_noise') is True: from noise_addition import add_noise trs_orgs = [] calcStreamMapsyn = calcStreamMap.copy() #from pyrocko import trace for tracex in calcStreamMapsyn.keys(): for trl in synthetic_traces: if str([4:12]) == str(tracex[4:]): tr_org = obspy_compat.to_pyrocko_trace(calcStreamMapsyn[tracex]) tr_org.downsample_to(2.0) trs_orgs.append(tr_org) store_id = engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=[syn_in.store_superdirs()]) synthetic_traces = add_noise(trs_orgs, engine, source.pyrocko_event(), stations, store_id, phase_def='P') trs_org = [] trs_orgs = [] fobj = os.path.join(arrayfolder, 'shift.dat') xy = num.loadtxt(fobj, usecols=1, delimiter=',') calcStreamMapsyn = calcStreamMap.copy() #from pyrocko import trace for tracex in calcStreamMapsyn.keys(): for trl in synthetic_traces: if str([4:12])== str(tracex[4:]): mod = trl recordstarttime = calcStreamMapsyn[tracex].stats.starttime.timestamp recordendtime = calcStreamMapsyn[tracex].stats.endtime.timestamp tr_org = obspy_compat.to_pyrocko_trace(calcStreamMapsyn[tracex]) trs_orgs.append(tr_org) tr_org_add = mod.chop(recordstarttime, recordendtime, inplace=False) synthetic_obs_tr = obspy_compat.to_obspy_trace(tr_org_add) calcStreamMapsyn[tracex] = synthetic_obs_tr trs_org.append(tr_org_add) calcStreamMap = calcStreamMapsyn if cfg.Bool('shift_by_phase_pws') == True: calcStreamMapshifted= calcStreamMap.copy() from obspy.core import stream stream = stream.Stream() for trace in calcStreamMapshifted.keys(): stream.append(calcStreamMapshifted[trace]) pws_stack = PWS_stack([stream], weight=2, normalize=True) for tr in pws_stack: for trace in calcStreamMapshifted.keys(): calcStreamMapshifted[trace]=tr calcStreamMap = calcStreamMapshifted if cfg.Bool('shift_by_phase_onset') == True: pjoin = os.path.join timeev = util.str_to_time(ev.time) trs_orgs= [] calcStreamMapshifted= calcStreamMap.copy() for trace in calcStreamMapshifted.keys(): tr_org = obspy_compat.to_pyrocko_trace(calcStreamMapshifted[trace]) trs_orgs.append(tr_org) timing = CakeTiming( phase_selection='first(p|P|PP|P(cmb)P(icb)P(icb)p(cmb)p)-20', fallback_time=100.) traces = trs_orgs event = model.Event(lat=float(, lon=float(ev.lon), depth=ev.depth*1000., time=timeev) directory = arrayfolder bf = BeamForming(stations, traces, normalize=True) shifted_traces = bf.process(event=event, timing=timing, fn_dump_center=pjoin(directory, ''), fn_beam=pjoin(directory, 'beam.mseed')) i = 0 store_id = engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=[syn_in.store_superdirs()]) for trace in calcStreamMapshifted.keys(): recordstarttime = calcStreamMapshifted[trace].stats.starttime.timestamp recordendtime = calcStreamMapshifted[trace].stats.endtime.timestamp mod = shifted_traces[i] extracted = mod.chop(recordstarttime, recordendtime, inplace=False) shifted_obs_tr = obspy_compat.to_obspy_trace(extracted) calcStreamMapshifted[trace]=shifted_obs_tr i = i+1 calcStreamMap = calcStreamMapshifted weight = 0. if cfg.Bool('weight_by_noise') == True: from noise_analyser import analyse pjoin = os.path.join timeev = util.str_to_time(ev.time) trs_orgs= [] calcStreamMapshifted= calcStreamMap.copy() for trace in calcStreamMapshifted.keys(): tr_org = obspy_compat.to_pyrocko_trace(calcStreamMapshifted[trace]) trs_orgs.append(tr_org) timing = CakeTiming( phase_selection='first(p|P|PP|P(cmb)P(icb)P(icb)p(cmb)p)-20', fallback_time=100.) traces = trs_orgs event = model.Event(lat=float(, lon=float(ev.lon), depth=ev.depth*1000., time=timeev) directory = arrayfolder bf = BeamForming(stations, traces, normalize=True) shifted_traces = bf.process(event=event, timing=timing, fn_dump_center=pjoin(directory, ''), fn_beam=pjoin(directory, 'beam.mseed')) i = 0 store_id = engine = LocalEngine(store_superdirs=[syn_in.store_superdirs()]) weight = analyse(shifted_traces, engine, event, stations, 100., store_id, nwindows=1, check_events=True, phase_def='P') for trace in calcStreamMap.keys(): recordstarttime = calcStreamMap[trace].stats.starttime d = calcStreamMap[trace].stats.starttime d = d.timestamp if calcStreamMap[trace].stats.npts < minSampleCount: minSampleCount = calcStreamMap[trace].stats.npts ############################################################################ traces = num.ndarray (shape=(len(calcStreamMap), minSampleCount), dtype=float) traveltime = num.ndarray (shape=(len(calcStreamMap), dimX*dimY), dtype=float) latv = num.ndarray (dimX*dimY, dtype=float) lonv = num.ndarray (dimX*dimY, dtype=float) ############################################################################ c=0 streamCounter = 0 for key in calcStreamMap.keys(): streamID = key c2 = 0 for o in calcStreamMap[key]: if c2 < minSampleCount: traces[c][c2] = o c2 += 1 for key in TTTGridMap.keys(): if streamID == key: traveltimes[streamCounter] = TTTGridMap[key] else: "NEIN", streamID, key if not streamCounter in traveltimes : continue #hs : thread crashed before g = traveltimes[streamCounter] dimZ = g.dimZ mint = maxt = g.maxt Latul = g.Latul Lonul = g.Lonul Lator = g.Lator Lonor = g.Lonor gridElem = g.GridArray for x in range(dimX): for y in range(dimY): elem = gridElem[x, y] traveltime [c][x * dimY + y] = latv [x * dimY + y] = lonv [x * dimY + y] = elem.lon #endfor c += 1 streamCounter += 1 #endfor ############################## CALCULATE PARAMETER FOR SEMBLANCE CALCULATION ################## nsamp = winlen * new_frequence nstep = int (step*new_frequence) migpoints = dimX * dimY dimZ = 0 new_frequence = cfg.newFrequency () # ['new_frequence'] maxp = int (Config['ncore']) Logfile.add ('PROCESS %d NTIMES: %d' % (flag,ntimes)) if False : print ('nostat ',nostat,type(nostat)) print ('nsamp ',nsamp,type(nsamp)) print ('ntimes ',ntimes,type(ntimes)) print ('nstep ',nstep,type(nstep)) print ('dimX ',dimX,type(dimX)) print ('dimY ',dimY,type(dimY)) print ('mint ',Gmint,type(mint)) print ('new_freq ',new_frequence,type(new_frequence)) print ('minSampleCount ',minSampleCount,type(minSampleCount)) print ('latv ',latv,type(latv)) print ('traces',traces,type(traces)) print ('traveltime',traveltime,type(traveltime)) #==================================semblance calculation======================================== t1 = time.time() traces = traces.reshape (1,nostat*minSampleCount) traveltime = traveltime.reshape (1,nostat*dimX*dimY) USE_C_CODE = True try: if USE_C_CODE : import Cm import CTrig start_time = time.time() k = Cm.otest (maxp,nostat,nsamp,ntimes,nstep,dimX,dimY,Gmint,new_frequence, minSampleCount,latv,lonv,traveltime,traces) print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) else : start_time = time.time() k = otest (maxp,nostat,nsamp,ntimes,nstep,dimX,dimY,Gmint,new_frequence, minSampleCount,latv,lonv,traveltime,traces) #hs print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) except: print("loaded tttgrid has probably wrong dimensions or stations, delete\ ttgrid or exchange") t2 = time.time() partSemb = k partSemb_syn = partSemb.reshape (ntimes,migpoints) return partSemb_syn
def get_pyrocko_stations(self, nslcs=None, nsls=None, time=None, timespan=None, inconsistencies='warn'): assert inconsistencies in ('raise', 'warn') if nslcs is not None: nslcs = set(nslcs) if nsls is not None: nsls = set(nsls) tt = () if time is not None: tt = (time, ) elif timespan is not None: tt = timespan pstations = [] for network in self.network_list: if not network.spans(*tt): continue for station in network.station_list: if not station.spans(*tt): continue if station.channel_list: loc_to_channels = {} for channel in station.channel_list: if not channel.spans(*tt): continue loc = channel.location_code.strip() if loc not in loc_to_channels: loc_to_channels[loc] = [] loc_to_channels[loc].append(channel) for loc in sorted(loc_to_channels.keys()): channels = loc_to_channels[loc] if nslcs is not None: channels = [ channel for channel in channels if (network.code, station.code, loc, channel.code) in nslcs ] if not channels: continue nsl = network.code, station.code, loc if nsls is not None and nsl not in nsls: continue pstations.append( pyrocko_station_from_channels( nsl, channels, inconsistencies=inconsistencies)) else: pstations.append( model.Station(network.code, station.code, '*', lat=station.latitude.value, lon=station.longitude.value, elevation=value_or_none( station.elevation), name=station.description or '')) return pstations
from pyrocko import orthodrome, model e = model.Event(lat=10., lon=20.) s = model.Station(lat=15., lon=120.) # one possibility: d = orthodrome.distance_accurate50m(e, s) print('Distance between e and s is %g km' % (d / 1000.)) # another possibility: s.set_event_relative_data(e) print('Distance between e and s is %g km' % (s.dist_m / 1000.))
def call(self): '''Main work routine of the snuffling.''' self.cleanup() olat = 0. olon = 0. f = (0., 0., 0.) deltat = 1./self.fsampling if self.stf == 'Gauss': stf = Gauss(self.tau) elif self.stf == 'Impulse': stf = Impulse() viewer = self.get_viewer() event = viewer.get_active_event() if event: event, stations = self.get_active_event_and_stations(missing='warn') else: event = model.Event(lat=olat, lon=olon) stations = [] if not stations: s = model.Station(lat=olat, lon=olon, station='AFG') stations = [s] viewer.add_stations(stations) source = gf.DCSource( time=event.time+self.time,, lon=event.lon, north_shift=self.north_km*km, east_shift=self.east_km*km, depth=self.depth_km*km, magnitude=moment_tensor.moment_to_magnitude(self.moment), strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake) source.regularize() m = EventMarker(source.pyrocko_event()) self.add_marker(m) targets = [] mt = moment_tensor.MomentTensor( strike=source.strike, dip=source.dip, rake=source.rake, moment=self.moment) traces = [] for station in stations: xyz = (self.north_km*km, self.east_km*km, self.depth_km*km) r = num.sqrt(xyz[0]**2 + xyz[1]**2 + xyz[2]**2) ns = math.ceil(r/self.vs/1.6)*2 outx = num.zeros(int(ns)) outy = num.zeros(int(ns)) outz = num.zeros(int(ns)) nsl = station.nsl() quantity = self.quantity.split()[0].lower() add_seismogram( self.vp*km, self.vs*km, self.density, self.qp, self.qs, xyz, f, mt.m6(), quantity, deltat, 0., outx, outy, outz, stf=stf, want_near=self.want_near, want_intermediate=self.want_intermediate, want_far=self.want_far) for channel, out in zip('NEZ', [outx, outy, outz]): tr = trace.Trace('', station.station, '', channel, deltat=deltat, tmin=source.time, ydata=out) traces.append(tr) self.add_traces(traces)
def call(self): '''Main work routine of the snuffling.''' self.cleanup() # get time range visible in viewer viewer = self.get_viewer() event = viewer.get_active_event() if event: event, stations = self.get_active_event_and_stations( missing='warn') else: # event = model.Event(, lon=self.lon) event = model.Event(lat=0., lon=0.) stations = [] stations = self.get_stations() s2c = {} for traces in self.chopper_selected_traces(fallback=True, mode='visible'): for tr in traces: net, sta, loc, cha = tr.nslc_id ns = net, sta if ns not in s2c: s2c[ns] = set() s2c[ns].add((loc, cha)) if not stations: stations = [] for (lat, lon) in [(5., 0.), (-5., 0.)]: s = model.Station(station='(%g, %g)' % (lat, lon), lat=lat, lon=lon) stations.append(s) viewer.add_stations(stations) for s in stations: ns = s.nsl()[:2] if ns not in s2c: s2c[ns] = set() for cha in 'NEZ': s2c[ns].add(('', cha)) source = gf.RectangularSource(time=event.time + self.time,, lon=event.lon, north_shift=self.north_km * km, east_shift=self.east_km * km, depth=self.depth_km * km, magnitude=self.magnitude, strike=self.strike, dip=self.dip, rake=self.rake, length=self.length, width=self.width, nucleation_x=self.nucleation_x, velocity=self.velocity, stf=self.get_stf()) source.regularize() m = EventMarker(source.pyrocko_event()) self.add_marker(m) targets = [] if self.store_id == '<not loaded yet>':'Select a GF Store first') for station in stations: nsl = station.nsl() if nsl[:2] not in s2c: continue for loc, cha in s2c[nsl[:2]]: target = gf.Target(codes=(, station.station, loc + '-syn', cha), quantity='displacement',, lon=station.lon, depth=station.depth, store_id=self.store_id, optimization='enable', interpolation='nearest_neighbor') _, bazi = source.azibazi_to(target) if cha.endswith('T'): dip = 0. azi = bazi + 270. elif cha.endswith('R'): dip = 0. azi = bazi + 180. elif cha.endswith('1'): dip = 0. azi = 0. elif cha.endswith('2'): dip = 0. azi = 90. else: dip = None azi = None target.azimuth = azi target.dip = dip targets.append(target) req = gf.Request(sources=[source], targets=targets) req.regularize() try: resp = self.get_engine().process(req) except (gf.meta.OutOfBounds, gf.store_ext.StoreExtError) as e: traces = resp.pyrocko_traces() if self.waveform_type.startswith('Velocity'): for tr in traces: tr.set_ydata(num.diff(tr.ydata) / tr.deltat) elif self.waveform_type.startswith('Acceleration'): for tr in traces: tr.set_ydata(num.diff(num.diff(tr.ydata)) / tr.deltat**2) if self.waveform_type.endswith('[nm]') or \ self.waveform_type.endswith('[nm/s]') or \ self.waveform_type.endswith('[nm/s^2]'): for tr in traces: tr.set_ydata(tr.ydata * 1e9) self.add_traces(traces)