Ejemplo n.º 1
def Random(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    "n is signal dimension and m is number of measurements"
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.random((m,n)).T))
    #Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.rand(n,m)))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    eps = 0.1
    y = eps*np.ones([m,1])
    d = np.array(Q*y[:,0])
    p = n; n = m
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf

    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    #lvar[0:n] = np.zeros(n)

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls_RANDOM'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def hess(self, xst, yzuv=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Evaluate the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian associated to the L1
        merit function problem.

            :xst:  vector of primal variables [x, s, t].
            :yzuv: vector of dual variables [y, z, u, v]. If `None`, the
                   Hessian of the objective will be evaluated.

        # Shortcuts.
        model = self.model
        m = model.m
        nrC = model.nrangeC

        (x, s, t) = self.get_xst(xst)
        obj_weight = kwargs.get('obj_weight', 1.0)
        shift = (obj_weight != 0.0)
        if yzuv is not None:
            (y, z, u, v) = self.get_yzuv(yzuv)
            y = np.zeros(m + nrC)
        y2 = self.nlp_multipliers(y, shift=shift)

        H = sp(nrow=self.n, ncol=self.n, symmetric=True, sizeHint=model.nnzh)
        H[:model.n, :model.n] = model.hess(x, y2, **kwargs)
        return H
Ejemplo n.º 3
def solve_iterative(A,B,C,rhs):
    m,n = B.shape 

    B =  sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))

    A = sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)
    C = sp(matrix=as_llmat(C))

    #x_M = bSol[:n]
    #y_M = bSol[n:]

#Construisons g,f et resolvons Ax_0=f, b=[g-Bx,0]
    g = rhs[n:]
    f = rhs[:n] 

    x_0 = -M*f
    b = g-B*x_0

    #lsqr = LSQRFramework(B)
    lsqr = LSMRFramework(B)
    #lsqr = CRAIGFramework(B)

    tp1 = time.clock()
    lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M)
    # lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M,show = True,\
    #            store_resids = True)
    tp2 = time.clock() 
    # print "CPU TIME:",tp2-tp1
    # print lsqr.r2norm,lsqr.r1norm,

#Reconstruction de le solution, calcul des erreurs

    xsol = x_0 + lsqr.x
    w = b - B * lsqr.x
    ysol = N(w)

    SolFinal = np.concatenate((xsol, ysol), axis=0)
    return sol_final
Ejemplo n.º 4
def linearoperator():
    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)
    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = fifth_class_tp(8,11)
    #Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = sixeth_class_tp(128,1024)
    lsqpr = lsq_tp_generator(Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name,Model=LSQRModel,\
                             txt='False', npz='True')
    print lsqpr.name
    J = sp(matrix=as_llmat(Q))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
    print 'op.T.T is op : ', (op.T.T is op)
    print 'Testing LinearOperator:'
    op = LinearOperator(J.shape[1], J.shape[0],
                        lambda v: J*v,
                        matvec_transp=lambda u: u*J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print 'e1.shape = ', e1.shape
    print 'op.T * e1 = ', op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
    print 'op.T.T is op : ', (op.T.T is op)
    op2 = op.T * op
    print 'op2 * e2 = ', op2 * e2
    print 'op.T * (op * e2) = ', op.T * (op * e2)
    print 'op2 is symmetric: ', check_symmetric(op2)
    op3 = op * op.T
    print 'op3 * e1 = ', op3 * e1
    print 'op * (op.T * e1) = ', op * (op.T * e1)
    print 'op3 is symmetric: ', check_symmetric(op3)
    print 'Testing negative operator:'
    nop = -op
    print op * e2
    print nop * e2
    I = LinearOperator(nargin=4, nargout=4,
                       matvec=lambda v: v, symmetric=True)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def exampleliop(n,m):
    #    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = first_class_tp(3,2,2)#(2,2,3 )
    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = fifth_class_tp(n,m)
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(Q))
    B = sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))
    #print np.identity(Q.shape[0])[0,:]*Q
    #print Q[0,:]
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)
    #print as_llmat(FormEntireMatrix(Q.shape[1],Q.shape[0],Q))
    #C = LinearOperator(nargin=4, nargout=4,
                       #matvec=lambda v: v, symmetric=True)

    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name='test')
    #print Q.shape,B.shape,d.shape,c.shape,lcon.shape,ucon.shape,lvar.shape

    #lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=lsqp.Q, B=lsqp.B, d=lsqp.d, c=lsqp.c, Lcon=lsqp.Lcon,\
                      #Ucon=lsqp.Ucon, Lvar=lsqp.Lvar,Uvar=lsqp.Uvar, name=lsqp.name)
    return lsqpr
Ejemplo n.º 6
def solve_iterative_opr(A,B,C,rhs):
    A= sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    A = PysparseLinearOperator(A)

    B= sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))
    #print B
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)

    C= sp(matrix=as_llmat(C))
    C = PysparseLinearOperator(C)
    m,n = B.shape 
    p, q = A.shape
    e = ones(p)
    M = DiagonalOperator(1/(A*e))
    mc,nc = C.shape
    ec = ones(mc)
    N = DiagonalOperator(1/(C*ec))
    #Construisons g,f et resolvons Ax_0=f, b=[g-Bx,0]
    g = rhs[n:]
    f = rhs[:n] 
    x_0 = -M*f
    b = g-B*x_0
    lsqr = LSQRFramework(B)
    #lsqr = CRAIGFramework(B)
    #lsqr = LSMRFramework(B)
    t0 = time.clock()
    lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M,show = True,\
                 store_resids = True)
        #lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M)
    t1 = time.clock() 
    print "CPU TIME:",t1-t0
    print lsqr.r2norm,lsqr.r1norm
#Reconstruction de le solution, calcul des erreurs
    xsol = x_0 + lsqr.x
    w = b - B * lsqr.x
    ysol = N(w)
    SolFinal = np.concatenate((xsol, ysol), axis=0)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def jacPos(self, x, **kwargs):
        Convenience function to evaluate the Jacobian matrix of the constraints
        reformulated as

            ci(x) = ai       for i in equalC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in lowerC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in rangeC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in upperC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in rangeC.

        The gradients of the general constraints appear in
        'natural' order, i.e., in the order in which they appear in the problem.
        The gradients of range constraints appear in two places: first in the
        'natural' location and again after all other general constraints, with a
        flipped sign to account for the upper bound on those constraints.

        The overall Jacobian of the new constraints thus has the form

        [ J ]

        This is a `m + nrangeC` by `n` matrix, where `J` is the Jacobian of the
        general constraints in the order above in which the sign of the 'less
        than' constraints is flipped, and `JR` is the Jacobian of the 'less
        than' side of range constraints.
        store_zeros = kwargs.get('store_zeros', False)
        store_zeros = 1 if store_zeros else 0
        n = self.n
        m = self.m
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        upperC = self.upperC
        rangeC = self.rangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        J = sp(nrow=m + nrangeC,
               sizeHint=self.nnzj + 10 * nrangeC,

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        J[:m, :n] = self.jac(x, store_zeros=store_zeros)  #[self.permC,:]
        J[upperC, :n] *= -1  # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:, :n] = -J[rangeC, :n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        return J
Ejemplo n.º 8
def DCT(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    "n is signal dimension and m is number of measurements"
    #n  signal dimension
    #m  number of measurements
    z = np.zeros([n,1])
    J = np.random.permutation(range(n)) # m randomly chosen indices
    J = np.array(range(n))
    # generate the m*n partial DCT matrix whose m rows are
    # the rows of the n*n DCT matrix at the indices specified by J

    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.rand(n,m)))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)

    # spiky signal generation
    T = min(m,n)-1 # number of spikes
    x0 = np.zeros([n,1]);
    q = np.random.permutation(range(n)) #or s=list(range(5)) random.shuffle(s)
    x0[q[0:T]]= np.sign(np.random.rand(T,1))
    #x0[J[0:T]] = np.sign(np.reshape(np.arange(1,T+1),(T,1)))
    # noisy observations
    sigma = 0.01  # noise standard deviation
    y = x0  #+ sigma*np.reshape(np.arange(1,m+1),(m,1))

    p = n; n = m
    y = sprandvec(n,30)
    d = Q*y[:,0]
    d = np.array(d) 
    c = np.zeros(n)
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
Ejemplo n.º 9
def Random(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    A = np.random.random((m,n)).T
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    eps = 0.1
    v = eps*np.ones([1,m])
    #y = sprandvec(n,30)
    y = v.T
    d = Q*y[:,0]  
    ## spiky signal generation
    #T = min(m,n)-1 # number of spikes
    #x0 = np.zeros([n,1]);
    #q = np.random.permutation(range(n)) #or s=list(range(5)) random.shuffle(s)
    #x0[q[0:T]]= np.sign(np.random.rand(T,1))
    ##x0[J[0:T]] = np.sign(np.reshape(np.arange(1,T+1),(T,1)))
    ## noisy observations
    #sigma = 0.01  # noise standard deviation
    #y = x0  #+ sigma*np.reshape(np.arange(1,m+1),(m,1))

    p = n; n = m
    #y = sprandvec(n,30)
    #d = Q*y[:,0]
    d = np.array(d) 
    c = np.zeros(n)
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar[0:n] = np.zeros(n)

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def jacPos(self, x, **kwargs):
        Convenience function to evaluate the Jacobian matrix of the constraints
        reformulated as

            ci(x) = ai       for i in equalC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in lowerC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in rangeC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in upperC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in rangeC.

        The gradients of the general constraints appear in
        'natural' order, i.e., in the order in which they appear in the problem.
        The gradients of range constraints appear in two places: first in the
        'natural' location and again after all other general constraints, with a
        flipped sign to account for the upper bound on those constraints.

        The overall Jacobian of the new constraints thus has the form

        [ J ]

        This is a `m + nrangeC` by `n` matrix, where `J` is the Jacobian of the
        general constraints in the order above in which the sign of the 'less
        than' constraints is flipped, and `JR` is the Jacobian of the 'less
        than' side of range constraints.
        store_zeros = kwargs.get('store_zeros', False)
        store_zeros = 1 if store_zeros else 0
        n = self.n ; m = self.m ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        upperC = self.upperC ; rangeC = self.rangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        J = sp(nrow=m + nrangeC, ncol=n, sizeHint=self.nnzj+10*nrangeC,

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        J[:m,:n] = self.jac(x, store_zeros=store_zeros) #[self.permC,:]
        J[upperC,:n] *= -1                 # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:,:n] = -J[rangeC,:n]           # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        return J
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def hess(self, xst, yzuv=None, c=None, J=None, H=None):
        Return the primal-dual Hessian matrix of the interior/exterior merit
        function with specific values of the Lagrange multiplier estimates. If
        you require the exact (primal) Hessian, setting yzuv=None will result
        in using  the primal multipliers.

            :xst:  Vector of primal variables
            :yzuv: Vector of multiplier estimates. If set to `None`, the
                   primal multipliers will be used, which effectively yields
                   the Hessian of the barrier objective.

            :c:  Constraint vector of the l1 problem, if available.
            :J:  Jacobian of the constraints of the l1 problem, if available.
            :H:  Hessian of the Lagrangian of the l1 problem, or an estimate.

        # Shortcuts
        l1 = self.l1
        model = l1.model
        n = model.n

        if c is None:
            c = l1.cons(xst)
        if J is None:
            J = l1.jac(xst)

        st = xst[n:]
        if yzuv is None:
            yzuv = self.primal_multipliers(xst, c=c)
        yz = yzuv[:l1.m]
        uv = yzuv[l1.m:]

        # Hbar = H(xst) + J(xst)' C(xst)^{-1} YZ J(xst) + bits with u and v.
        Hbar = l1.hess(xst, yzuv) if H is None else H.copy()
        _JCYJ = spmatrix.symdot(J.matrix, yz / c)
        JCYJ = sp(matrix=_JCYJ)
        Hbar += JCYJ
        r1 = range(n, self.n - 1)
        Hbar.addAt(uv / st, r1, r1)
        return Hbar
Ejemplo n.º 12
    return LinearOperator(A.shape[1], A.shape[0],
                          lambda v: np.dot(A, v),
                          matvec_transp=lambda u: np.dot(A.T, u),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pykrylov.tools import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __call__(self, y, **kwargs):
        "Return the result of applying preconditioner to y"
        return y/self.diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'
    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)

    #AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('mcca.mtx')
    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('jpwh_991.mtx')
    A = sp(matrix=AA)

    # Create diagonal preconditioner
    dp = DiagonalPrec(A)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    for KSolver in [CGS, TFQMR, BiCGSTAB]:
        ks = KSolver( lambda v: A*v,
                      #precon = dp,
                      reltol = 1.0e-8
        ks.solve(rhs, guess = 1+np.arange(n, dtype=np.float), matvec_max=2*n)
Ejemplo n.º 14
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext

from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
import numpy as np
from nlpy.tools.timing import cputime
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write("Please supply two positive definite matrices as input")
    sys.stderr.write(" in MatrixMarket format.\n")

# Create symmetric quasi-definite matrix K
A = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1]))
C = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[2]))

nA = A.shape[0]
nC = C.shape[0]
# K = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nA + nC, A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA,nC))
K = sp(size=nA + nC, sizeHint=A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA, nC), symmetric=True)
K[:nA, :nA] = A
K[nA:, nA:] = -C
# K[nA:,nA:].scale(-1.0)
idx = np.arange(min(nA, nC), dtype=np.int)
K.put(1, nA + idx, idx)

# Create right-hand side rhs=K*e
e = np.ones(nA + nC)
# rhs = np.empty(nA+nC)
Ejemplo n.º 15
    Return the square root of a linear operator, if defined. Note that
    this is not the elementwise square root. The result is a linear operator
    that, when composed with itself, yields the original operator.
    return op._sqrt()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pykrylov.tools import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext

from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
import numpy as np
from nlpy.tools.timing import cputime
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write('Please supply two positive definite matrices as input')
    sys.stderr.write(' in MatrixMarket format.\n')

# Create symmetric quasi-definite matrix K
A = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1]))
C = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[2]))

nA = A.shape[0]
nC = C.shape[0]
#K = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nA + nC, A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA,nC))
K = sp(size=nA + nC, sizeHint=A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA, nC), symmetric=True)
K[:nA, :nA] = A
K[nA:, nA:] = -C
idx = np.arange(min(nA, nC), dtype=np.int)
K.put(1, nA + idx, idx)

# Create right-hand side rhs=K*e
e = np.ones(nA + nC)
#rhs = np.empty(nA+nC)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __call__(self, y, **kwargs):
        "Return the result of applying preconditioner to y"
        return y/self.diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'
    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)

    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1])
    A = sp(matrix=AA)
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(A)

    # Create diagonal preconditioner
    dp = DiagonalPrec(A)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    for KSolver in [CGS, TFQMR, BiCGSTAB]:
        ks = KSolver( op,
                      #precon = dp,
                      reltol = 1.0e-8
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC) ; nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC) ; nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC) ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB) ; nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB) ; nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB) ; nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds  = nlowerB + nupperB + 2*nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2*nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.jac(self,x[:n])
        J[upperC,:n] *= -1.0               # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] = J[rangeC,:n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] *= -1.0        # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC)) ; rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC)) ; rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC)) ; rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0,      lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0,      upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0,      rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot  = m+nrangeC ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB   ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot  = m+nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n+nSlacks+nlowerB+nrangeB+nupperB+rrangeB)

        return J
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def jac(self, xst, J=None, **kwargs):
        Return the constraint Jacobian of the L1 merit function problem.

            :xst:  vector of primal variables [x, s, t].

            :J:  constraint Jacobian of original problem, if available.
                 If supplied, `J` must conform to the output of the `jac_pos()`
        def Range(*args):
            return np.arange(*args, dtype=np.int)

        # Shortcuts.
        model = self.model
        n = model.n
        m = model.m
        eqC = model.equalC
        neqC = model.nequalC
        lC = model.lowerC
        nlC = model.nlowerC
        uC = model.upperC
        nuC = model.nupperC
        rC = model.rangeC
        nrC = model.nrangeC
        lB = model.lowerB
        nlB = model.nlowerB
        uB = model.upperB
        nuB = model.nupperB
        rB = model.rangeB
        nrB = model.nrangeB
        nB = self.nBounds
        nB2 = self.nBounds2
        (x, s, t) = self.get_xst(xst)

        # We order constraints and variables as follows:
        #                     x   s   t
        #  l ≤  c(x) ≤ u  [  J   I     ]   } m
        # (l ≤) c(x) ≤ u  [ -JR  I     ]   } nrC
        #  l ≤  x         [  I       I ]   ^
        #       x  ≤ u    [ -I       I ]   | nB2
        #  l ≤  x (≤ u)   [  I       I ]   |
        # (l ≤) x  ≤ u    [ -I       I ]   v
        #                    n   m   nB

        Jp = sp(nrow=m + nrC + nB2,
                ncol=n + m + nB,
                sizeHint=model.nnzj + 10 * nrC + 2 * m + 2 * nB + nB2)

        # Contributions from original problem variables.
        r_lB = Range(nlB)
        r_uB = Range(nuB)
        r_rB = Range(nrB)
        Jp[:m + nrC, :n] = self.jac_pos(x) if J is None else J[:, :]
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + r_lB, lB)  # l ≤  x.
        Jp.put(-1, m + nrC + nlB + r_uB, uB)  # x  ≤ u.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + r_rB, rB)  # l ≤  x (≤ u).
        Jp.put(-1, m + nrC + nB + r_rB, rB)  # (l ≤) x  ≤ u.

        # Contributions from elastics on original bound constraints.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + r_lB, n + m + r_lB)  # xL + tL ≥  l.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + r_uB, n + m + nlB + r_uB)  # -xU + tU ≥ -u.
        # xR + tR ≥ l  and  -xR + tR ≥ -u.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + r_rB, n + m + nlB + nuB + r_rB)
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + nrB + r_rB, n + m + nlB + nuB + r_rB)

        # Note that in the Jacobian, the elastics are ordered exactly like the
        # constraints of the original problem.

        # Contributions from elastics for equality constraints.
        a_eqC = np.array(eqC)
        Jp.put(1, eqC, n + a_eqC)  # cE(x) + sE ≥ 0.

        # Contributions from elastics for lower inequality constraints.
        # r_lC = Range(nlC)
        a_lC = np.array(lC)
        Jp.put(1, lC, n + a_lC)

        # Contributions from elastics for upper inequality constraints.
        a_uC = np.array(uC)
        Jp.put(1, uC, n + a_uC)

        # Contributions from elastics for range constraints.
        r_rC = Range(nrC)
        a_rC = np.array(rC)
        Jp.put(1, rC, n + a_rC)
        Jp.put(1, m + r_rC, n + a_rC)

        return Jp
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC)
        nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC)
        nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC)
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB)
        nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB)
        nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB)
        nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds = nlowerB + nupperB + 2 * nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2 * nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.jac(self, x[:n])
        J[upperC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m +
          nrangeC, :n] = J[rangeC, :n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m + nrangeC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC))
        rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC))
        rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC))
        rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0, lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0, upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0, rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB,
              n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + nupperB + rrangeB)

        return J