예제 #1
def Random(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    "n is signal dimension and m is number of measurements"
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.random((m,n)).T))
    #Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.rand(n,m)))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    eps = 0.1
    y = eps*np.ones([m,1])
    d = np.array(Q*y[:,0])
    p = n; n = m
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf

    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    #lvar[0:n] = np.zeros(n)

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls_RANDOM'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
예제 #2
파일: l1.py 프로젝트: codeants2012/NLP.py
    def hess(self, xst, yzuv=None, *args, **kwargs):
        Evaluate the Hessian matrix of the Lagrangian associated to the L1
        merit function problem.

            :xst:  vector of primal variables [x, s, t].
            :yzuv: vector of dual variables [y, z, u, v]. If `None`, the
                   Hessian of the objective will be evaluated.

        # Shortcuts.
        model = self.model
        m = model.m
        nrC = model.nrangeC

        (x, s, t) = self.get_xst(xst)
        obj_weight = kwargs.get('obj_weight', 1.0)
        shift = (obj_weight != 0.0)
        if yzuv is not None:
            (y, z, u, v) = self.get_yzuv(yzuv)
            y = np.zeros(m + nrC)
        y2 = self.nlp_multipliers(y, shift=shift)

        H = sp(nrow=self.n, ncol=self.n, symmetric=True, sizeHint=model.nnzh)
        H[:model.n, :model.n] = model.hess(x, y2, **kwargs)
        return H
예제 #3
def solve_iterative(A,B,C,rhs):
    m,n = B.shape 

    B =  sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))

    A = sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)
    C = sp(matrix=as_llmat(C))

    #x_M = bSol[:n]
    #y_M = bSol[n:]

#Construisons g,f et resolvons Ax_0=f, b=[g-Bx,0]
    g = rhs[n:]
    f = rhs[:n] 

    x_0 = -M*f
    b = g-B*x_0

    #lsqr = LSQRFramework(B)
    lsqr = LSMRFramework(B)
    #lsqr = CRAIGFramework(B)

    tp1 = time.clock()
    lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M)
    # lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M,show = True,\
    #            store_resids = True)
    tp2 = time.clock() 
    # print "CPU TIME:",tp2-tp1
    # print lsqr.r2norm,lsqr.r1norm,

#Reconstruction de le solution, calcul des erreurs

    xsol = x_0 + lsqr.x
    w = b - B * lsqr.x
    ysol = N(w)

    SolFinal = np.concatenate((xsol, ysol), axis=0)
    return sol_final
예제 #4
def linearoperator():
    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)
    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = fifth_class_tp(8,11)
    #Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = sixeth_class_tp(128,1024)
    lsqpr = lsq_tp_generator(Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name,Model=LSQRModel,\
                             txt='False', npz='True')
    print lsqpr.name
    J = sp(matrix=as_llmat(Q))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
    print 'op.T.T is op : ', (op.T.T is op)
    print 'Testing LinearOperator:'
    op = LinearOperator(J.shape[1], J.shape[0],
                        lambda v: J*v,
                        matvec_transp=lambda u: u*J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print 'e1.shape = ', e1.shape
    print 'op.T * e1 = ', op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
    print 'op.T.T is op : ', (op.T.T is op)
    op2 = op.T * op
    print 'op2 * e2 = ', op2 * e2
    print 'op.T * (op * e2) = ', op.T * (op * e2)
    print 'op2 is symmetric: ', check_symmetric(op2)
    op3 = op * op.T
    print 'op3 * e1 = ', op3 * e1
    print 'op * (op.T * e1) = ', op * (op.T * e1)
    print 'op3 is symmetric: ', check_symmetric(op3)
    print 'Testing negative operator:'
    nop = -op
    print op * e2
    print nop * e2
    I = LinearOperator(nargin=4, nargout=4,
                       matvec=lambda v: v, symmetric=True)
예제 #5
def exampleliop(n,m):
    #    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = first_class_tp(3,2,2)#(2,2,3 )
    Q,B,d,c,lcon,ucon,lvar,uvar,name = fifth_class_tp(n,m)
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(Q))
    B = sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))
    #print np.identity(Q.shape[0])[0,:]*Q
    #print Q[0,:]
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)
    #print as_llmat(FormEntireMatrix(Q.shape[1],Q.shape[0],Q))
    #C = LinearOperator(nargin=4, nargout=4,
                       #matvec=lambda v: v, symmetric=True)

    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name='test')
    #print Q.shape,B.shape,d.shape,c.shape,lcon.shape,ucon.shape,lvar.shape

    #lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=lsqp.Q, B=lsqp.B, d=lsqp.d, c=lsqp.c, Lcon=lsqp.Lcon,\
                      #Ucon=lsqp.Ucon, Lvar=lsqp.Lvar,Uvar=lsqp.Uvar, name=lsqp.name)
    return lsqpr
예제 #6
def solve_iterative_opr(A,B,C,rhs):
    A= sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    A = PysparseLinearOperator(A)

    B= sp(matrix=as_llmat(B))
    #print B
    B = PysparseLinearOperator(B)

    C= sp(matrix=as_llmat(C))
    C = PysparseLinearOperator(C)
    m,n = B.shape 
    p, q = A.shape
    e = ones(p)
    M = DiagonalOperator(1/(A*e))
    mc,nc = C.shape
    ec = ones(mc)
    N = DiagonalOperator(1/(C*ec))
    #Construisons g,f et resolvons Ax_0=f, b=[g-Bx,0]
    g = rhs[n:]
    f = rhs[:n] 
    x_0 = -M*f
    b = g-B*x_0
    lsqr = LSQRFramework(B)
    #lsqr = CRAIGFramework(B)
    #lsqr = LSMRFramework(B)
    t0 = time.clock()
    lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M,show = True,\
                 store_resids = True)
        #lsqr.solve(b,atol = 1e-16, btol = 1e-16,M = N, N = M)
    t1 = time.clock() 
    print "CPU TIME:",t1-t0
    print lsqr.r2norm,lsqr.r1norm
#Reconstruction de le solution, calcul des erreurs
    xsol = x_0 + lsqr.x
    w = b - B * lsqr.x
    ysol = N(w)
    SolFinal = np.concatenate((xsol, ysol), axis=0)
예제 #7
    def jacPos(self, x, **kwargs):
        Convenience function to evaluate the Jacobian matrix of the constraints
        reformulated as

            ci(x) = ai       for i in equalC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in lowerC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in rangeC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in upperC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in rangeC.

        The gradients of the general constraints appear in
        'natural' order, i.e., in the order in which they appear in the problem.
        The gradients of range constraints appear in two places: first in the
        'natural' location and again after all other general constraints, with a
        flipped sign to account for the upper bound on those constraints.

        The overall Jacobian of the new constraints thus has the form

        [ J ]

        This is a `m + nrangeC` by `n` matrix, where `J` is the Jacobian of the
        general constraints in the order above in which the sign of the 'less
        than' constraints is flipped, and `JR` is the Jacobian of the 'less
        than' side of range constraints.
        store_zeros = kwargs.get('store_zeros', False)
        store_zeros = 1 if store_zeros else 0
        n = self.n
        m = self.m
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        upperC = self.upperC
        rangeC = self.rangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        J = sp(nrow=m + nrangeC,
               sizeHint=self.nnzj + 10 * nrangeC,

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        J[:m, :n] = self.jac(x, store_zeros=store_zeros)  #[self.permC,:]
        J[upperC, :n] *= -1  # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:, :n] = -J[rangeC, :n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        return J
예제 #8
파일: dctt.py 프로젝트: modeha/lsq_2X2_3x3
def DCT(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    "n is signal dimension and m is number of measurements"
    #n  signal dimension
    #m  number of measurements
    z = np.zeros([n,1])
    J = np.random.permutation(range(n)) # m randomly chosen indices
    J = np.array(range(n))
    # generate the m*n partial DCT matrix whose m rows are
    # the rows of the n*n DCT matrix at the indices specified by J

    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(np.random.rand(n,m)))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)

    # spiky signal generation
    T = min(m,n)-1 # number of spikes
    x0 = np.zeros([n,1]);
    q = np.random.permutation(range(n)) #or s=list(range(5)) random.shuffle(s)
    x0[q[0:T]]= np.sign(np.random.rand(T,1))
    #x0[J[0:T]] = np.sign(np.reshape(np.arange(1,T+1),(T,1)))
    # noisy observations
    sigma = 0.01  # noise standard deviation
    y = x0  #+ sigma*np.reshape(np.arange(1,m+1),(m,1))

    p = n; n = m
    y = sprandvec(n,30)
    d = Q*y[:,0]
    d = np.array(d) 
    c = np.zeros(n)
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
예제 #9
def Random(n = 10, m = 4, delta = 1.0e-05):
    from toolslsq import as_llmat
    A = np.random.random((m,n)).T
    Q = sp(matrix=as_llmat(A))
    Q = PysparseLinearOperator(Q)
    eps = 0.1
    v = eps*np.ones([1,m])
    #y = sprandvec(n,30)
    y = v.T
    d = Q*y[:,0]  
    ## spiky signal generation
    #T = min(m,n)-1 # number of spikes
    #x0 = np.zeros([n,1]);
    #q = np.random.permutation(range(n)) #or s=list(range(5)) random.shuffle(s)
    #x0[q[0:T]]= np.sign(np.random.rand(T,1))
    ##x0[J[0:T]] = np.sign(np.reshape(np.arange(1,T+1),(T,1)))
    ## noisy observations
    #sigma = 0.01  # noise standard deviation
    #y = x0  #+ sigma*np.reshape(np.arange(1,m+1),(m,1))

    p = n; n = m
    #y = sprandvec(n,30)
    #d = Q*y[:,0]
    d = np.array(d) 
    c = np.zeros(n)
    c = np.concatenate((np.zeros(n),np.ones(n)*delta), axis=1)
    ucon = np.zeros(2*n)
    lcon = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    uvar = np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar = -np.ones(2*n)*inf
    lvar[0:n] = np.zeros(n)

    I = IdentityOperator(n, symmetric=True)
    # Build [ I  -I]
    #       [-I  -I]
    B = BlockLinearOperator([[I, -I], [-I]], symmetric=True)

    Q_ = ZeroOperator(n,p)
    new_Q = BlockLinearOperator([[Q,Q_]])
    p, n = new_Q.shape
    m, n = B.shape
    name = str(p)+'_'+str(n)+'_'+str(m)+'_l1_ls'
    lsqpr = LSQRModel(Q=new_Q, B=B, d=d, c=c, Lcon=lcon, Ucon=ucon, Lvar=lvar,\
                    Uvar=uvar, name=name)
    return lsqpr
예제 #10
파일: amplpy.py 프로젝트: b45ch1/nlpy
    def jacPos(self, x, **kwargs):
        Convenience function to evaluate the Jacobian matrix of the constraints
        reformulated as

            ci(x) = ai       for i in equalC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in lowerC

            ci(x) - Li >= 0  for i in rangeC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in upperC

            Ui - ci(x) >= 0  for i in rangeC.

        The gradients of the general constraints appear in
        'natural' order, i.e., in the order in which they appear in the problem.
        The gradients of range constraints appear in two places: first in the
        'natural' location and again after all other general constraints, with a
        flipped sign to account for the upper bound on those constraints.

        The overall Jacobian of the new constraints thus has the form

        [ J ]

        This is a `m + nrangeC` by `n` matrix, where `J` is the Jacobian of the
        general constraints in the order above in which the sign of the 'less
        than' constraints is flipped, and `JR` is the Jacobian of the 'less
        than' side of range constraints.
        store_zeros = kwargs.get('store_zeros', False)
        store_zeros = 1 if store_zeros else 0
        n = self.n ; m = self.m ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        upperC = self.upperC ; rangeC = self.rangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        J = sp(nrow=m + nrangeC, ncol=n, sizeHint=self.nnzj+10*nrangeC,

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        J[:m,:n] = self.jac(x, store_zeros=store_zeros) #[self.permC,:]
        J[upperC,:n] *= -1                 # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:,:n] = -J[rangeC,:n]           # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        return J
예제 #11
파일: l1.py 프로젝트: codeants2012/NLP.py
    def hess(self, xst, yzuv=None, c=None, J=None, H=None):
        Return the primal-dual Hessian matrix of the interior/exterior merit
        function with specific values of the Lagrange multiplier estimates. If
        you require the exact (primal) Hessian, setting yzuv=None will result
        in using  the primal multipliers.

            :xst:  Vector of primal variables
            :yzuv: Vector of multiplier estimates. If set to `None`, the
                   primal multipliers will be used, which effectively yields
                   the Hessian of the barrier objective.

            :c:  Constraint vector of the l1 problem, if available.
            :J:  Jacobian of the constraints of the l1 problem, if available.
            :H:  Hessian of the Lagrangian of the l1 problem, or an estimate.

        # Shortcuts
        l1 = self.l1
        model = l1.model
        n = model.n

        if c is None:
            c = l1.cons(xst)
        if J is None:
            J = l1.jac(xst)

        st = xst[n:]
        if yzuv is None:
            yzuv = self.primal_multipliers(xst, c=c)
        yz = yzuv[:l1.m]
        uv = yzuv[l1.m:]

        # Hbar = H(xst) + J(xst)' C(xst)^{-1} YZ J(xst) + bits with u and v.
        Hbar = l1.hess(xst, yzuv) if H is None else H.copy()
        _JCYJ = spmatrix.symdot(J.matrix, yz / c)
        JCYJ = sp(matrix=_JCYJ)
        Hbar += JCYJ
        r1 = range(n, self.n - 1)
        Hbar.addAt(uv / st, r1, r1)
        return Hbar
예제 #12
파일: linop.py 프로젝트: ghisvail/pykrylov
    return LinearOperator(A.shape[1], A.shape[0],
                          lambda v: np.dot(A, v),
                          matvec_transp=lambda u: np.dot(A.T, u),

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pykrylov.tools import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
예제 #13
파일: bmark.py 프로젝트: dromanov/pykrylov
    def __call__(self, y, **kwargs):
        "Return the result of applying preconditioner to y"
        return y/self.diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'
    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)

    #AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('mcca.mtx')
    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx('jpwh_991.mtx')
    A = sp(matrix=AA)

    # Create diagonal preconditioner
    dp = DiagonalPrec(A)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    for KSolver in [CGS, TFQMR, BiCGSTAB]:
        ks = KSolver( lambda v: A*v,
                      #precon = dp,
                      reltol = 1.0e-8
        ks.solve(rhs, guess = 1+np.arange(n, dtype=np.float), matvec_max=2*n)
예제 #14
파일: demo_sqd.py 프로젝트: syarra/nlpy
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext

from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
import numpy as np
from nlpy.tools.timing import cputime
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write("Please supply two positive definite matrices as input")
    sys.stderr.write(" in MatrixMarket format.\n")

# Create symmetric quasi-definite matrix K
A = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1]))
C = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[2]))

nA = A.shape[0]
nC = C.shape[0]
# K = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nA + nC, A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA,nC))
K = sp(size=nA + nC, sizeHint=A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA, nC), symmetric=True)
K[:nA, :nA] = A
K[nA:, nA:] = -C
# K[nA:,nA:].scale(-1.0)
idx = np.arange(min(nA, nC), dtype=np.int)
K.put(1, nA + idx, idx)

# Create right-hand side rhs=K*e
e = np.ones(nA + nC)
# rhs = np.empty(nA+nC)
예제 #15
    Return the square root of a linear operator, if defined. Note that
    this is not the elementwise square root. The result is a linear operator
    that, when composed with itself, yields the original operator.
    return op._sqrt()

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from pykrylov.tools import check_symmetric
    from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    import sys

    np.set_printoptions(precision=3, linewidth=80, threshold=10, edgeitems=3)

    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    J = sp(matrix=nlp.jac(nlp.x0))
    e1 = np.ones(J.shape[0])
    e2 = np.ones(J.shape[1])
    print 'J.shape = ', J.getShape()

    print 'Testing PysparseLinearOperator:'
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(J)
    print 'op.shape = ', op.shape
    print 'op.T.shape = ', op.T.shape
    print 'op * e2 = ', op * e2
    print "op.T * e1 = ", op.T * e1
    print 'op.T.T * e2 = ', op.T.T * e2
    print 'op.T.T.T * e1 = ', op.T.T.T * e1
    print 'With call:'
    print 'op(e2) = ', op(e2)
    print 'op.T(e1) = ', op.T(e1)
예제 #16
    from nlpy.linalg.pyma27 import PyMa27Context as LBLContext

from pysparse.sparse import spmatrix
from pysparse.sparse.pysparseMatrix import PysparseMatrix as sp
import numpy as np
from nlpy.tools.timing import cputime
import sys

if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    sys.stderr.write('Please supply two positive definite matrices as input')
    sys.stderr.write(' in MatrixMarket format.\n')

# Create symmetric quasi-definite matrix K
A = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1]))
C = sp(matrix=spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[2]))

nA = A.shape[0]
nC = C.shape[0]
#K = spmatrix.ll_mat_sym(nA + nC, A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA,nC))
K = sp(size=nA + nC, sizeHint=A.nnz + C.nnz + min(nA, nC), symmetric=True)
K[:nA, :nA] = A
K[nA:, nA:] = -C
idx = np.arange(min(nA, nC), dtype=np.int)
K.put(1, nA + idx, idx)

# Create right-hand side rhs=K*e
e = np.ones(nA + nC)
#rhs = np.empty(nA+nC)
예제 #17
    def __call__(self, y, **kwargs):
        "Return the result of applying preconditioner to y"
        return y/self.diag

if __name__ == '__main__':

    hdr_fmt = '%10s  %6s  %8s  %8s  %8s'
    hdr = hdr_fmt % ('Name', 'Matvec', 'Resid0', 'Resid', 'Error')
    fmt = '%10s  %6d  %8.2e  %8.2e  %8.2e'
    print hdr
    print '-' * len(hdr)

    AA = spmatrix.ll_mat_from_mtx(sys.argv[1])
    A = sp(matrix=AA)
    op = PysparseLinearOperator(A)

    # Create diagonal preconditioner
    dp = DiagonalPrec(A)

    n = A.shape[0]
    e = np.ones(n)
    rhs = A*e

    for KSolver in [CGS, TFQMR, BiCGSTAB]:
        ks = KSolver( op,
                      #precon = dp,
                      reltol = 1.0e-8
예제 #18
파일: slacks.py 프로젝트: b45ch1/nlpy
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC) ; nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC) ; nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC) ; nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB) ; nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB) ; nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB) ; nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds  = nlowerB + nupperB + 2*nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2*nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m,:n] = AmplModel.jac(self,x[:n])
        J[upperC,:n] *= -1.0               # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] = J[rangeC,:n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m+nrangeC,:n] *= -1.0        # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC)) ; rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC)) ; rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC)) ; rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0,      lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0,      upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0,      rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot  = m+nrangeC ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB   ; J.put( 1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB   ; J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot  = m+nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n+nSlacks+nlowerB+nrangeB+nupperB+rrangeB)

        return J
예제 #19
파일: l1.py 프로젝트: codeants2012/NLP.py
    def jac(self, xst, J=None, **kwargs):
        Return the constraint Jacobian of the L1 merit function problem.

            :xst:  vector of primal variables [x, s, t].

            :J:  constraint Jacobian of original problem, if available.
                 If supplied, `J` must conform to the output of the `jac_pos()`
        def Range(*args):
            return np.arange(*args, dtype=np.int)

        # Shortcuts.
        model = self.model
        n = model.n
        m = model.m
        eqC = model.equalC
        neqC = model.nequalC
        lC = model.lowerC
        nlC = model.nlowerC
        uC = model.upperC
        nuC = model.nupperC
        rC = model.rangeC
        nrC = model.nrangeC
        lB = model.lowerB
        nlB = model.nlowerB
        uB = model.upperB
        nuB = model.nupperB
        rB = model.rangeB
        nrB = model.nrangeB
        nB = self.nBounds
        nB2 = self.nBounds2
        (x, s, t) = self.get_xst(xst)

        # We order constraints and variables as follows:
        #                     x   s   t
        #  l ≤  c(x) ≤ u  [  J   I     ]   } m
        # (l ≤) c(x) ≤ u  [ -JR  I     ]   } nrC
        #  l ≤  x         [  I       I ]   ^
        #       x  ≤ u    [ -I       I ]   | nB2
        #  l ≤  x (≤ u)   [  I       I ]   |
        # (l ≤) x  ≤ u    [ -I       I ]   v
        #                    n   m   nB

        Jp = sp(nrow=m + nrC + nB2,
                ncol=n + m + nB,
                sizeHint=model.nnzj + 10 * nrC + 2 * m + 2 * nB + nB2)

        # Contributions from original problem variables.
        r_lB = Range(nlB)
        r_uB = Range(nuB)
        r_rB = Range(nrB)
        Jp[:m + nrC, :n] = self.jac_pos(x) if J is None else J[:, :]
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + r_lB, lB)  # l ≤  x.
        Jp.put(-1, m + nrC + nlB + r_uB, uB)  # x  ≤ u.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + r_rB, rB)  # l ≤  x (≤ u).
        Jp.put(-1, m + nrC + nB + r_rB, rB)  # (l ≤) x  ≤ u.

        # Contributions from elastics on original bound constraints.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + r_lB, n + m + r_lB)  # xL + tL ≥  l.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + r_uB, n + m + nlB + r_uB)  # -xU + tU ≥ -u.
        # xR + tR ≥ l  and  -xR + tR ≥ -u.
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + r_rB, n + m + nlB + nuB + r_rB)
        Jp.put(1, m + nrC + nlB + nuB + nrB + r_rB, n + m + nlB + nuB + r_rB)

        # Note that in the Jacobian, the elastics are ordered exactly like the
        # constraints of the original problem.

        # Contributions from elastics for equality constraints.
        a_eqC = np.array(eqC)
        Jp.put(1, eqC, n + a_eqC)  # cE(x) + sE ≥ 0.

        # Contributions from elastics for lower inequality constraints.
        # r_lC = Range(nlC)
        a_lC = np.array(lC)
        Jp.put(1, lC, n + a_lC)

        # Contributions from elastics for upper inequality constraints.
        a_uC = np.array(uC)
        Jp.put(1, uC, n + a_uC)

        # Contributions from elastics for range constraints.
        r_rC = Range(nrC)
        a_rC = np.array(rC)
        Jp.put(1, rC, n + a_rC)
        Jp.put(1, m + r_rC, n + a_rC)

        return Jp
예제 #20
    def _jac(self, x, lp=False):
        Helper method to assemble the Jacobian matrix of the constraints of the
        transformed problems. See the documentation of :meth:`jac` for more

        The positional argument `lp` should be set to `True` only if the problem
        is known to be a linear program. In this case, the evaluation of the
        constraint matrix is cheaper and the argument `x` is ignored.
        n = self.original_n
        m = self.original_m

        # List() simply allows operations such as 1 + [2,3] -> [3,4]
        lowerC = List(self.lowerC)
        nlowerC = self.nlowerC
        upperC = List(self.upperC)
        nupperC = self.nupperC
        rangeC = List(self.rangeC)
        nrangeC = self.nrangeC
        lowerB = List(self.lowerB)
        nlowerB = self.nlowerB
        upperB = List(self.upperB)
        nupperB = self.nupperB
        rangeB = List(self.rangeB)
        nrangeB = self.nrangeB
        nbnds = nlowerB + nupperB + 2 * nrangeB
        nSlacks = nlowerC + nupperC + 2 * nrangeC

        # Initialize sparse Jacobian
        nnzJ = 2 * self.nnzj + m + nrangeC + nbnds + nrangeB  # Overestimate
        J = sp(nrow=self.m, ncol=self.n, sizeHint=nnzJ)

        # Insert contribution of general constraints
        if lp:
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.A(self)
            J[:m, :n] = AmplModel.jac(self, x[:n])
        J[upperC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' gradients
        J[m:m +
          nrangeC, :n] = J[rangeC, :n]  # Append 'upper' side of range const.
        J[m:m + nrangeC, :n] *= -1.0  # Flip sign of 'upper' range gradients.

        # Create a few index lists
        rlowerC = List(range(nlowerC))
        rlowerB = List(range(nlowerB))
        rupperC = List(range(nupperC))
        rupperB = List(range(nupperB))
        rrangeC = List(range(nrangeC))
        rrangeB = List(range(nrangeB))

        # Insert contribution of slacks on general constraints
        J.put(-1.0, lowerC, n + rlowerC)
        J.put(-1.0, upperC, n + nlowerC + rupperC)
        J.put(-1.0, rangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + rrangeC)
        J.put(-1.0, m + rrangeC, n + nlowerC + nupperC + nrangeC + rrangeC)

        # Insert contribution of bound constraints on the original problem
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(1.0, bot + rlowerB, lowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, upperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, rangeB)

        # Insert contribution of slacks on the bound constraints
        bot = m + nrangeC
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rlowerB, n + nSlacks + rlowerB)
        bot += nlowerB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + rrangeB)
        bot += nrangeB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rupperB, n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + rupperB)
        bot += nupperB
        J.put(-1.0, bot + rrangeB,
              n + nSlacks + nlowerB + nrangeB + nupperB + rrangeB)

        return J