Ejemplo n.º 1
def save_quality_values(predict_path, gt_path, dense_gt_path, outpath, slices, minMemb=10, minSeg=10, sigMin=6, sigWeights=1,
                        sigSmooth=0.1,edgeLengths=None, nodeFeatures=None, nodeSizes=None, nodeLabels=None, nodeNumStop=None,
                        beta=0, metric='l1', wardness=0.2, out=None):

    #read predict and groundtruth data
    predict_data = read_h5(predict_path, "exported_data")
    gt_data = read_h5(gt_path)
    dense_gt_data = read_h5(dense_gt_path)
    nodes_in_dgt = np.unique(dense_gt_data)
    nodeNumStop = nodes_in_dgt
    print "nodeNumStop", nodeNumStop
    #all_quality_data = get_quality_values(predict_data, gt_data, dense_gt_data)

    #get quality values
    acc, prec, rec, auc_score, ri, voi, tp, fp, tn, fn, wsDt_data, agglCl_data = get_quality_values(predict_data, gt_data,
                                                                                                    dense_gt_data, minMemb, minSeg,
                                                                                                    sigMin, sigWeights, sigSmooth,
                                                                                                    edgeLengths, nodeFeatures,
                                                                                                    nodeSizes, nodeLabels,
                                                                                                    nodeNumStop, beta, metric,
                                                                                                    wardness, out)
    measurements = {"accuracy":acc, "precision":prec, "recall":rec, "auc score":auc_score, "rand index":ri,
                    "variation of information":voi, "true positives":tp, "false positives":fp, "true negatives":tn,
                    "false negatives":fn}

    # acc, prec, rec, auc_score, tp, fp, tn, fn, wsDt_data, agglCl_data = get_quality_values(predict_data, gt_data, dense_gt_data)
    # measurements = {"accuracy":acc, "precision":prec, "recall":rec, "auc score":auc_score,
    #                  "true positives":tp, "false positives":fp, "true negatives":tn,
    #                 "false negatives":fn}

    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
        print "Output h5 file did not exist."
        for measurement in measurements.iterkeys():
            key = "quality/" + measurement
            data = np.zeros((1,))
            data[0] = measurements[str(measurement)]
            save_h5(data, outpath, key, None)
        for measurement in measurements.iterkeys():
            key = "quality/" + measurement
            data = read_h5(outpath, key)
            new_data = np.vstack((data, measurements[measurement]))
            save_h5(new_data, outpath, key, None)

    for slice in slices:
        im_outpath = outpath.split(".")[-2]
        predict_im_outpath = im_outpath + "_slice_" + str(slice) + ".png"
        gt_im_outpath = im_outpath + "_slice_" + str(slice) + "_gt.png"
        plt.imsave(predict_im_outpath, adjust_predict(predict_data)[slice])
        plt.imsave(gt_im_outpath, gt_data[slice])

    save_h5(wsDt_data, outpath, "segmentation/wsDt data", None)
    save_h5([agglCl_data], outpath, "segmentation/agglCl data", None)
    fpr, tpr, threshold = draw_roc_curve(predict_data, gt_data)
    plt.plot(fpr, tpr)
    plt.savefig(im_outpath + "roc_curve_test.png")
Ejemplo n.º 2
def make_seg_map(prob_map_path, dense_gt_path):
    prob_map = read_h5(prob_map_path)
    dense_gt = read_h5(dense_gt_path)
    nodes_in_dgt = len(np.unique(dense_gt))
    print "nodes in dgt", nodes_in_dgt
    seed_map = wsDtSegmentation(prob_map, pmin=0.5, minMembraneSize=10, minSegmentSize=0, sigmaMinima=6, sigmaWeights=1, cleanCloseSeeds=True,
    seg_map, sup_map, wsDt_data, agglCl_data = get_segmentation(prob_map, pmin=0.5, minMemb=10, minSeg=10, sigMin=6, sigWeights=1, sigSmooth=0.1,
                                                                     cleanCloseSeeds=True, returnSeedsOnly=False, edgeLengths=None, nodeFeatures=None,
                                                                     nodeSizes=None, nodeLabels=None, nodeNumStop=nodes_in_dgt, beta=0, metric='l1',
                                                                     wardness=0.2, out=None)
    print "seeds", len(np.unique(seed_map))
    print "seg", len(np.unique(seg_map))

    #make folder for seeds
    seed_folder = prob_map_path.split("prob")[0] + "seeds/"
    if not os.path.exists(seed_folder):
    seed_map_outpath = seed_folder + prob_map_path.split("/")[-1]

    #make folder for super pixels
    sup_folder = prob_map_path.split("prob")[0] + "sup_maps/"
    if not os.path.exists(sup_folder):
    sup_map_outpath = sup_folder + prob_map_path.split("/")[-1]

    #make folder for segmentations
    seg_folder = prob_map_path.split("prob")[0] + "seg_maps/"
    if not os.path.exists(seg_folder):
    seg_map_outpath =  seg_folder + prob_map_path.split("/")[-1]

    #make folder for segmentation data
    data_folder = prob_map_path.split("prob")[0] + "seg_data/"
    if not os.path.exists(data_folder):
    data_outpath = data_folder + prob_map_path.split("/")[-1]

    #get segmentation data
    ri, voi = rand_index_variation_of_information(seg_map, dense_gt)
    print "ri, voi", ri , voi

    ri_data = np.array((ri))
    voi_data = np.array((voi))
    ri_voi_data = np.array((ri, voi))

    #save seeds, superpixels and segmentations
    # save_h5(ri_voi_data, data_outpath, key)
    # save_h5(ri_data, data_outpath, "rand index", None)
    # save_h5(voi_data, data_outpath, "variation of information", None)
    # save_h5(seed_map, seed_map_outpath, "data", None)
    save_h5(sup_map,sup_map_outpath, "data", None)
    save_h5(seg_map,seg_map_outpath, "data", None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def get_trimap_data(trimap_path):
    filename1 = trimap_path.split("/")[-1]
    filename2 = filename1.split("_")[0] + "_" + filename1.split("_")[1]
    outpath = "/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/volumes/groundtruth/dense_gt_data/" + filename2 + ".h5"
    print outpath
    trimap = read_h5(trimap_path)
    #dgt= dgt[25:725, 0:700, 0:700]
    unique = np.unique(trimap)
    unique_elements = []
    unique_tuples = []
    print "no of unique elements", len(unique)

    for i in unique:
        mask = trimap == i
        noe = np.sum(mask)
        print i, noe
        unique_tuples.append((i, noe))

    assert len(unique)==len(unique_elements)
    l = len(unique_elements)
    nodes_data = np.zeros((l,2), dtype=np.uint)
    for n in range(l):
        nodes_data[n,0] = unique_tuples[n][0]
        nodes_data[n,1] = unique_tuples[n][1]
    #outpath = "/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/dense_gt_data/entire_usable_data.h5"
    save_h5(nodes_data, outpath, "labels and occurrence", None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def redo_quality2(block_path, dense_gt_path, minMemb, minSeg, sigMin, sigWeights, sigSmooth, edgeLengths=None,
                      nodeFeatures=None, nodeSizes=None, nodeLabels=None, nodeNumStop=None, beta=0, metric='l1',
                      wardness=0.2, out=None):
    folder_list = [f for f in os.listdir(block_path) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(block_path,f))
                   and ("figure" not in f) and "redone" not in f]
    print "folder_list", folder_list
    outpath = block_path + "/redone_quality"
    if not os.path.exists(outpath):

    dense_gt_data = read_h5(dense_gt_path)
    nodes_in_dgt = len(np.unique(dense_gt_data))
    for f in folder_list:
        folder_path = os.path.join(block_path, f)
        prob_file = [h for h in os.listdir(folder_path) if "probs" in h]
        prob_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path,prob_file[0])
        print prob_file_path
        predict_data = read_h5(prob_file_path)
        adjusted_predict_data = adjust_predict(predict_data)
        print "#nodes in dense gt", nodes_in_dgt
        pmin = 0.5

        seg, sup, wsDt_data, agglCl_data = get_segmentation(adjusted_predict_data, pmin, minMemb, minSeg, sigMin, sigWeights,
                                                            sigSmooth,True,False, edgeLengths,nodeFeatures, nodeSizes,
                                                            nodeLabels, nodeNumStop,beta, metric, wardness, out)
        nodes_in_seg = len(np.unique(seg))
        nodes_in_sup = len(np.unique(sup))

        ri, voi = rand_index_variation_of_information(seg, dense_gt_data)

        new_folder_path = outpath + "/" + f
        if not os.path.exists(new_folder_path):

        key = "pmin_"+ str(pmin) + "_minMemb_" + str(minMemb)+ "_minSeg_"+ str(minSeg) +"_sigMin_" + str(sigMin) + "_sigWeights_" + str(sigWeights) \
              + "_sigSmooth_" + str(sigSmooth) + "_nodeNumStop_" + str(nodeNumStop)
        save_h5(seg, new_folder_path + "/segmentation.h5", key)
        save_h5(sup, new_folder_path + "/super_pixels.h5", key)
        seg_data = np.zeros((2,3))
        seg_data[0,0] = ri
        seg_data[0,1] = voi
        seg_data[1,0] = nodes_in_dgt
        seg_data[1,1] = nodes_in_sup
        seg_data[1,2] = nodes_in_seg
        save_h5(seg_data, new_folder_path + "/seg_data", key, None)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_wsDt_agglCl_configs(predict_path, dense_gt_path, pmin=0.5, minMemb=10, minSeg=10, sigMin=2, sigWeights=2, sigSmooth=0.1):
    :param predict_path:
    :param dense_gt_path:
    :param pmin:
    :param minMemb:
    :param minSeg:
    :param sigMin:
    :param sigWeights:
    :param sigSmooth:

    #get rand index and variation of information
    predict_data = read_h5(predict_path)
    adjusted_predict_data = adjust_predict(predict_data)
    dense_gt_data = read_h5(dense_gt_path)
    seg, sup = get_segmentation(adjusted_predict_data,pmin,minMemb,minSeg,sigMin,sigWeights,sigSmooth)
    ri, voi = rand_index_variation_of_information(seg, dense_gt_data)
    print "ri, voi", ri, voi

    config = predict_path.split("/")[-2]
    filename = config + "_" + predict_path.split("/")[-1]
    outpath_folder = "/home/stamylew/test_folder/q_data/wsDt_agglCl_tests/"
    outpath = outpath_folder + filename

    key = "sigMin_" + str(sigMin) + "_sigWeights_" + str(sigWeights) + "_sigSmooth_" + str(sigSmooth)

    if not os.path.exists(outpath):
        print "Output h5 file did not exist."
        data = np.zeros((1,2))
        data[0,0] = ri
        data[0,1] = voi
        save_h5(data, outpath, key, None)
        old_data = read_h5(outpath, key)
        data = np.zeros((1,2))
        data[0,0] = ri
        data[0,1] = voi
        new_data = np.vstack((old_data, data))
        save_h5(new_data, outpath, key, None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def view_HDF5(inpaths):

    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    v = Viewer()

    for inpath in inpaths:
        if "n_1_" in inpath:
            prefix = "n_1_"
        elif "n_2_" in inpath:
            prefix = "n_2_"
            prefix = ""
        if "h5" in inpath:
            #data = vigra.readHDF5(inpath, "data")
            print "inpath", inpath
            data = read_h5(inpath)
            file = inpath.split("/")[-1]
            name = prefix + file.split(".")[0]
            if "prob_files" in inpath or "seeds" in inpath or "trimap" in inpath:
                data = binarize_predict(data)
                file = inpath.split("/")[-2] + "_" + inpath.split("/")[-1]
                name = prefix + file.split(".")[0]
            print "type", type(data)
            if "test_data" in inpath or "prob_files" in inpath or "seeds" in inpath or "trimap" in inpath:
                v.addGrayscaleLayer(data, name=name)
            # if "trimaps" in inpath or "dense" in inpath or "sup_maps" in inpath or "seg_maps" in inpath:
            #     v.addRandomColorsLayer(255*data, name=name+"_color")
                v.addRandomColorsLayer(255*data, name=name+"_color")

        if "png" in inpath:
            img = vigra.impex.readImage(inpath)
            img = np.asarray(img)
            file = inpath.split("/")[-1]
            name = file.split(".")[0]
            print "type",type(img)
            v.addGrayscaleLayer(img, name=name)

            #v.addRandomColorsLayer(255*img, name=name+"color")
Ejemplo n.º 7
def redo_quality(block_path, dense_gt_path, minMemb, minSeg, sigMin, sigWeights, sigSmooth, edgeLengths=None,
                      nodeFeatures=None, nodeSizes=None, nodeLabels=None, nodeNumStop=None, beta=0, metric='l1',
                      wardness=0.2, out=None):

    #find all relevant folders in block path
    folder_list = [f for f in os.listdir(block_path) if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(block_path,f))
                   and ("figure" not in f) and "redone" not in f]

    #create folder for redone quality
    outpath = block_path + "/redone_quality"
    if not os.path.exists(outpath):

    dense_gt_data = read_h5(dense_gt_path)
    nodes_in_dgt = len(np.unique(dense_gt_data))

    #use prob file in every folder to create new quality in data in corresponding new folder
    for f in folder_list:

        #find prob file paths
        folder_path = os.path.join(block_path, f)
        prob_file = [h for h in os.listdir(folder_path) if "probs" in h]
        prob_file_path = os.path.join(folder_path,prob_file[0])

        #create new folders for new quality data
        config_name = prob_file_path.split("/")[-2]
        config_path = outpath +"/"+ config_name
        if not os.path.exists(config_path):
        quality_data_path = config_path + "/" + config_name+".h5"

        #save new quality data in new folders
        save_quality_values(prob_file_path,gt_path, dense_gt_path, quality_data_path,slices,minMemb, minSeg, sigMin,
                            sigWeights, sigSmooth, edgeLengths, nodeFeatures, nodeSizes, nodeLabels, nodeNumStop, beta,
                            metric, wardness, out)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test(ilp, files, gt_path, dense_gt_path, labels="", loops=3, weights="", repeats=1, outpath= "",
         t_cache = "", p_cache = ""):
    """ Run test
    :param: ilp             : path to ilp project to use for training
    :param: files           : path to file to do batch prediction on
    :param: gt_path         : path to trimap groundtruth
    :param: dense_gt_path   : path to dense groundtruth
    :param: labels          : amount of labeled pixels to use in training
    :param: loops           : amount of autocontext loops
    :param: weights         : weighting of the labels over the autocontext loops
    :param: repeats         : amount of repeat runs of the test
    :param: outpath         : outpath for test outputs
    :param: t_cache         : path to training data cache
    :param: p_cache         : path to prediction data cache

    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    print "test information:"
    print "hostname:", hostname
    print "ilp_file:", ilp
    print "files to predict:", files
    print "groundtruth:", gt_path
    print "dense groundtruth:", dense_gt_path
    print "labels:", labels
    print "loops:", loops
    print "weights:", weights
    print "repeats:", repeats

    # Collect the test specifications
    ilp_split = ilp.split(".")[-2]
    training_file = "training file: "+ilp_split.split("/")[-1]

    gt_split = gt_path.split(".")[-2]
    trimap_file = "trimap file: " + gt_split.split("/")[-1]

    # Assign paths
    filesplit = files.split(".")[-2]
    filename = filesplit.split("/")[-1]
    prediction_file = "prediction file: "+ filename

    test_folder_path = assign_path(hostname)[5]

    if t_cache == "":
        t_cache = test_folder_path + "/t_cache"

    if p_cache == "":
        p_cache = test_folder_path + "/p_cache/" + filename
        if not os.path.exists(p_cache):

    if outpath == "":
        output = test_folder_path + "/q_data"
        output = outpath

    print "outpath:", outpath
    print "t_cache:", t_cache
    print "p_cache:", p_cache

    # Create file tags
    if labels == "":
        label_tag = "all"
        # assert labels == check_ilp_labels(ilp)
        true_labels = check_ilp_labels(ilp)
        label_tag = true_labels
    if weights == "":
        weight_tag = "none"
        weight_tag = str(weights)

    # Make folder for quality data

    if "manual" in ilp:
        filename += "_manual"
    if "hand_drawn" in ilp:
        filename += "_hand_drawn"
    if "clever" in ilp:
        filename += "_clever"
    if "less_feat" in ilp:
        filename += "_less_feat"

    #change labels for every test
    # if labels != "":
    #     print
    #     print "reducing labels to " + str(labels)
    #     ilp = reduce_labels_in_ilp(ilp, labels)

    file_dir = output + "/" + filename
    if not os.path.exists(file_dir):

    # Overwrite folder directory
    # file_dir = "/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/delme"

    # Check if file directory exists, if not make such directory
    if not os.path.exists(file_dir):
        print "Output folder did not exist."
        print "New one named " + file_dir + " was created."

    q_outpath = file_dir + "/n_" + str(loops) + "_l_" + str(label_tag) + "_w_" + weight_tag
    prob_folder = q_outpath + "/prob_files"
    q_data_outpath = q_outpath + "/n_" + str(loops) + "_l_" + str(label_tag) + "_w_" + weight_tag + ".h5"

    # Check if test directory exists, if not make such directory
    if not os.path.exists(q_outpath):
        print "Output h5 file did not exist"
        print "New one named " + q_outpath + " was created."
    if not os.path.exists(prob_folder):

    # Run the test
    for i in range(repeats):
        print "round of repeats %d of %d" % (i+1, repeats)

        #train on ilp project
        ac_train(ilp, labels, loops, weights, t_cache, outpath)
        print "training completed"

        #batch predict files
        ac_batch_predict(files, t_cache, p_cache, overwrite = "")
        print "batch prediction completed"

        #save prob files and quality data
        prob_file = [x for x in os.listdir(p_cache) if ("probs" in x)]
        predict_path = p_cache + "/" + prob_file[0]
        predict_data = adjust_predict(read_h5(predict_path))
        prob_path = prob_folder + "/prob_"+ str(i+1)+ ".h5"
        # if os.path.exists(prob_path):
        #     # TODO:not working yet
        #     prob_path = prob_path.split("/")[-2] + "/new_" + prob_path.split("/")[-1]
        #     print prob_path
        save_h5(predict_data, prob_path, "data")
        save_quality_values(predict_path, gt_path, dense_gt_path, q_data_outpath, (0,49,99))

        #save test specification data
        save_h5([training_file, prediction_file, trimap_file], q_data_outpath, "used files", None)
        save_h5([labels],q_data_outpath, "autocontext_parameters/#labels")
        save_h5([loops], q_data_outpath, "autocontext_parameters/#loops")
        save_h5([str(weight_tag)], q_data_outpath, "autocontext_parameters/weights")
        print "quality data saved"

    #save configuration data
    # call(["cp", predict_path, q_outpath])
    save_h5(["pmin", "minMemb", "minSeg", "sigMin", "sigWeights", "sigSmooth", "cleanCloseSeeds", "returnSeedsOnly"],
            q_data_outpath, "segmentation/wsDt parameters", None)
    save_h5(["edge_weights", "edgeLengths", "nodeFeatures", "nodeSizes", "nodeLabels", "nodeNumStop", "beta", "metric",
             "wardness", "out"], q_data_outpath, "segmentation/agglCl parameters", None)
    print "quality data saved"
Ejemplo n.º 9
def compress(input, ouput):
    file = read_h5(input[0], input[1])
    save_h5(file, output[0], output[1], "lzf")
Ejemplo n.º 10
#                    for l in range(t-1):
#                        data[i+l,j,k] = 1
#                if data[i,j,k] == 1 and data[i+t,j,k] == 0:
#                    for l in range(t):
#                        data[i+l,j,k] = 1
#    return data

def label_neurons(data, neuron_label):
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(data.shape[1]):
            for k in range(data.shape[2]):
                if data[i,j,k] != 1 and data[i,j,k] != 0:
                    data[i,j,k] = neuron_label
    return data

def filter_membrane(dense_gt_data):
    prepared_data = prepare_data(dense_gt_data)
    print "prepared data unique", np.unique(prepared_data)
    memb = create_membrane(prepared_data)
    memb_data = label_neurons(memb, 0)
    return memb_data, dense_gt_data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/dense_groundtruth/100p_cube1_dense_gt.h5", "data")

    memb = filter_membrane(data)
    save_h5(memb, "/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/memb/100p_cube1_memb.h5", "data", "lzf")
    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 11
__author__ = 'stamylew'

import numpy as np
from python_functions.handle_h5.handle_h5 import read_h5, save_h5

data = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/trimaps/500p_cube1_trimap_t_05.h5")
perm = np.random.permutation(data)
survivors = perm [:3]
#save_h5(perm, "/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/trimaps/test.h5")
print data
print "survivors"
print survivors
Ejemplo n.º 12
    #reduces number labeled pixels if limit < nol
    if limit < nol:
        percentage = limit / nol
        print "percentage", percentage
        limited_data = filter_all_labels(data, percentage)

        return limited_data
        print "Limit exceeds amount of labeled pixels"
        return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    a = read_h5("/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/ilastik_projects/labels/100p_cube1_generated_labels.h5")
    b = read_h5("/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/ilastik_projects/labels/100p_cube2_generated_labels.h5")
    # b = read_h5("/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/ilastik_projects/labels/100p_cube2_hand_drawn_labels.h5")
    # print get_number_of_labels(b)
    #print "working file:", np.unique(b)
    # c = filter_all_labels(b, 0.5)
    # print get_number_of_labels(c)
    # d = limit_label(b, 10000)
    print "cube1"
    print "cube2"

#    print "real number" 
Ejemplo n.º 13
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Sep 22 14:31:38 2015

@author: stamylew

import numpy as np
from python_functions.handle_h5.handle_h5 import read_h5, save_h5

def threshold(data, threshold_membrane, threshold_neurons):
    bin_data = np.zeros(data.shape)
    for i in range(data.shape[0]):
        for j in range(data.shape[1]):
            for k in range(data.shape[2]):
                if data[i,j,k] <= threshold_membrane:
                    bin_data[i,j,k] = 0
                if data[i,j,k] > threshold_membrane and data[i,j,k] <= threshold_neurons:
                    bin_data[i,j,k] = 0.5
                if data[i,j,k] > threshold_neurons:
                    bin_data[i,j,k] = 1
    return bin_data
if __name__ == '__main__':
    f = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/100x100block_of_validation_sample_Probabilities.h5", "exported_data")
    data = threshold(f, 0.4, 0.6)
    save_h5(data, "/home/stamylew/volumes/100x100block_of_validation_sample_Probabilities.h5", "bin", None)

    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 14
def delete_row(data_path, row_number):
    data = read_h5(data_path)
    print "data: ", data
    new_data = np.delete(data, row_number, axis=0)
    print "new data: ", new_data
Ejemplo n.º 15
#m = threshold(l, 0.2, 0.8)
#save_h5(m, "/home/stamylew/volumes/test_data/150cube_loops.h5", "n4")

#label number

#labels = read_h5("/home/stamylew/75cube_Labels.h5", "exported_data")
#nol = get_number_of_labels(labels)
#print nol
#limited = limit_label(labels, 499)
#save_h5(limited, "/home/stamylew/75cube_Labels_rand_500.h5", "", None)

#compare gt to predict

##for different number of loops

gt = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_data/150cube.h5", "tri")
#n = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2.h5", "150cube_memb")
#o = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n0")
#o = np.squeeze(o)
#o = o[:,:,:,0]
#p = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n1")
#q = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n2")
#r = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n3")
s = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_data/150cube_loops.h5", "n4")
#t = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n5")
#u = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n6")
#v = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n7")
#w = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n8")
#x = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n9")
#y = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n10")
#z = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/test_cube2_loops.h5", "n11")
Ejemplo n.º 16
def sort_and_extract_quality_data(path, fixed_param, x_dim, measurements, median):
    :param path:
    :param fixed_param:
    :param measurements:
    # Find all relevant data folders
    data_folders = [f for f in os.listdir(path) if (isdir(path)) and (fixed_param in f) and ("h5" not in f)]

    assert len(data_folders) > 0, "No folders fit the criteria"
    # print "data_folders", data_folders

    # Create labels for plot
    if "n_" in fixed_param:
        fixed_value = 'n = ' + fixed_param.split("_")[-2]
    elif "l_" in fixed_param:
        fixed_value = 'l = ' + fixed_param.split("_")[-2]
    elif "w_"in fixed_param:
        fixed_value = 'w = ' + fixed_param.split("_")[-2]
        raise Exception("Can't read fixed_parameter input")

    # Sort data folders
    sorting_list = []
    for data_folder in data_folders:
        inpath = join(path, data_folder)
        h5file = [g for g in os.listdir(inpath) if (isfile(join(inpath, g))) and fixed_param in g and "h5" in g]
        h5file_path = join(inpath, h5file[0])
        x_value = read_h5(h5file_path, "autocontext_parameters/"+x_dim)
        sorting_list.append((x_value, data_folder))
    sorted_list = sorted(sorting_list, key=lambda tup: tup[0])
    sorted_data_folders = []
    for tuple in sorted_list:

    # Extract quality data
    data = []
    for measurement in measurements:
        assert str(measurement) in ["accuracy", "precision", "recall", "auc_score", "rand index",
                                    "variation of information", "true positives", "false positives", "true negatives",
                                    "false negatives"], "Given Quality measurement %s not valid" % measurement
        x_values = []
        mean = []
        std = []
        for data_folder in sorted_data_folders:
            inpath = join(path, data_folder)
            h5file = [g for g in os.listdir(inpath) if (isfile(join(inpath, g))) and fixed_param in g and "h5" in g]
            h5file_path = join(inpath, h5file[0])
            #print datapath
            x_param = read_h5(h5file_path, "autocontext_parameters/"+x_dim)
            x_param = x_param[0]
            measurement_data = read_h5(h5file_path, "quality/"+str(measurement))
            if median:
        data.append((str(measurement), x_values, mean, std))
        print "mean", mean
        print "std", std
    return x_dim, data, fixed_value,
Ejemplo n.º 17
 #p = exclude_ignore_label(g, p)
 #q = read_h5("/home/stamylew/src/autocontext/training/cache_mw/0000_smallcubes_probs.h5", "exported_data")
 #save_h5(q, "/home/stamylew/volumes/training_data/50cube3_bp.h5", "all_labels/n3/w_1_2_3")
 #q = adjust_predict_file(q)
 #q = exclude_ignore_label(g, q)
 #c = config(p[0], p[1])
 #d = config(q[0], q[1])
 I = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/trimaps/50cube2_tri.h5", "50cube2_tri")
 II = read_h5("/home/stamylew/src/autocontext/prediction/cache/smallcubes_probs.h5", "exported_data")
 II = adjust_predict(II)
 q = exclude_ignore_label(I,II)
 c = predict_class(q[0], q[1])
 print c.return_quality()
 #III = read_h5("/home/stamylew/volumes/training_data/50cube3_bp.h5", "all_labels/n3/w_3_2_1")
 #III = adjust_predict_file(III)
Ejemplo n.º 18
    #create new blocks
    new_blocks = []
    for block in blocks:
        new_block = np.zeros(block.shape, dtype=np.uint)

    # replace random block with labeled data
    new_labeled_block = new_blocks[random_block_no]
    new_labeled_block[:,:,smaller_slice_no:bigger_slice_no] = concentrated_data
    assert get_number_of_labels(new_labeled_block) == labels

    # replace old blocks with new blocks
    manipulate_me.replace_labels(0, new_blocks, block_slices, delete_old_blocks=True)
    print "new_label_number", get_number_of_labels(new_block)
    return manipulate_me.project_filename

if __name__ == '__main__':
    trimap_path = "/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/trimaps/500p_cube2_trimap_t_05.h5"
    #trimap_path = "/home/stamylew/volumes/groundtruth/trimaps/100p_cube1_trimap_t_05.h5"
    trimap_data = read_h5(trimap_path, "data")
    print "trimap labeled pixel amount", get_number_of_labels(trimap_data)
    ilp_path = "/home/stamylew/ilastik_projects/100p_cube1.ilp"
    #ilp_path = "/home/stamylew/ilastik_projects/100p_cube1.ilp"
    # mod_ilp = modify_labels_of_ilp(ilp_path, 3000)
    # check_ilp_labels(mod_ilp)
    concentrated_data = concentrated_labels(ilp_path, 1000)
    # save_h5(concentrated_data, "/home/stamylew/delme/concentrated_ilp_labels.h5", "data", None)
    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 19
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep  7 15:27:41 2015

@author: stamylew

import vigra as vg
import numpy as np
from python_functions.handle_h5.handle_h5 import read_h5
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.colors as cl

def make_slice_image(data, slice=40, outpath = "/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/delme/delme.jpg", grey= True):
    image = data[:,:,slice]
    if grey:
        plt.imsave(outpath, image,  cmap = cm.Greys_r)
        plt.imsave(outpath, image,  cmap = cl.ListedColormap ( np.random.rand ( 256,3)))

if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = read_h5("/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/volumes/groundtruth/dense_groundtruth/100p_cube2_dense_gt.h5")
    make_slice_image(data, 40, "/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/delme/100p_cube2_merge_dgt.png", False)
    print "done"
Ejemplo n.º 20
__author__ = 'stamylew'

from python_functions.handle_h5.handle_h5 import read_h5
import numpy as np

measurement1 = "rand index"
measurement2 = "variation of information"
measurement3 = "precision"
measurement4 = "recall"
measurement5 = "true positives"
measurement6 = "false positives"
measurement7 = "true negatives"
measurement8 = "false negatives"

path = "/mnt/CLAWS1/stamilev/test_folder/compare_labels/100p_cube1/100p_cube1_n_3_random/n_3_l_1000.0_w_none/n_3_l_1000.0_w_none.h5"
key = "quality/" + measurement2

data = read_h5(path, key)
print np.mean(data)