Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, name, path, lid, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     @param name: the topic name
     @type name: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.parent_item = parent
     self.name = name
     self.path = path
     self.package_name = package_name(os.path.dirname(self.path))[0]
     self.id = lid
     if self.id == LaunchItem.FOLDER:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.PACKAGE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.LAUNCH_FILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.RECENT_FILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.STACK:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.PROFILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.RECENT_PROFILE:
 def __init__(self, name, path, lid, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     @param name: the topic name
     @type name: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.parent_item = parent
     self.name = name
     self.path = path
     self.package_name = package_name(os.path.dirname(self.path))[0]
     self.id = lid
     if self.id == LaunchItem.FOLDER:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.PACKAGE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.LAUNCH_FILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.RECENT_FILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.STACK:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.PROFILE:
     elif self.id == LaunchItem.RECENT_PROFILE:
 def __init__(self, service, parent=None):
     Initialize the service item.
     @param service: the service object to view
     @type service: U{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo>}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, service.name)
     self.service = service
     '''@ivar: service info as U{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo>}.'''
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def __init__(self, service, parent=None):
     Initialize the service item.
     @param service: the service object to view
     @type service: L{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, service.name)
     self.service = service
     '''@ivar: service info as L{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo}.'''
 def __init__(self, service, parent=None):
     Initialize the service item.
     @param service: the service object to view
     @type service: U{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo>}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, service.name)
     self.service = service
     '''@ivar: service info as U{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.ServiceInfo>}.'''
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self, name, topic=None, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     @param name: the topic name
     @type name: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.parent_item = parent
     '''@ivar: service info as L{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo}.'''
     self._publish_thread = None
     self.topic = TopicInfo(name) if topic is None else topic
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, name, topic=None, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     @param name: the topic name
     @type name: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.parent_item = parent
     '''@ivar: service info as L{master_discovery_fkie.ServiceInfo}.'''
     self._publish_thread = None
     self.topic = TopicInfo(name) if topic is None else topic
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, rapp, running):
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, rapp['display_name'])
     icon = get_qicon(rapp['icon'])
     f = QFont()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, service, parent=None):
        Initialize the service item.

        :param service: the service object to view
        :type service: fkie_master_discovery.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/fkie_master_discovery/html/modules.html#fkie_master_discovery.master_info.ServiceInfo>
        QStandardItem.__init__(self, service.name)
        self._parent_item = parent
        self.service = service
        ''':ivar self.service: service info as :ref:`fkie_master_discovery.ServiceInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/fkie_master_discovery/html/modules.html#fkie_master_discovery.master_info.ServiceInfo>`.'''
        self._with_namespace = rospy.names.SEP in service.name
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self._name = name
     '''@ivar: the name of parameter '''
     self._value = value
     '''@ivar: the value of the parameter '''
 def __init__(self, name, topic=None, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     @param name: the topic name
     @type name: C{str}
     @param topic: the topic info
     @type topic: U{master_discovery_fkie.TopicInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo>}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.parent_item = parent
     self._publish_thread = None
     self.topic = TopicInfo(name) if topic is None else topic
     '''@ivar: topic as U{master_discovery_fkie.TopicInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo>}.'''
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, utf8(type(value)).replace("<type '", '').replace("'>", ''))
     self._name = name
     '''@ivar: the name of parameter '''
     self._value = value
     '''@ivar: the value of the parameter '''
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, str(type(value)).replace("<type '", "").replace("'>", ""))
     self._name = name
     """@ivar: the name of parameter """
     self._value = value
     """@ivar: the value of the parameter """
 def __init__(self, name, topic=None, parent=None):
     Initialize the topic item.
     :param str name: the topic name
     :param topic: the topic info
     :type topic: U{master_discovery_fkie.TopicInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo>}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self._parent_item = parent
     self._publish_thread = None
     self.topic = TopicInfo(name) if topic is None else topic
     '''@ivar: topic as U{master_discovery_fkie.TopicInfo<http://docs.ros.org/kinetic/api/master_discovery_fkie/html/modules.html#master_discovery_fkie.master_info.TopicInfo>}.'''
     self._with_namespace = rospy.names.SEP in name
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, utf8(value) if not isinstance(value, Binary) else utf8(value))
     self._name = name
     '''@ivar: the name of parameter '''
     self._value = value
     '''@ivar: the value of the parameter '''
     if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value.find('\n') > -1:
         self.setSizeHint(QSize(-1, 45))
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, unicode(value) if not isinstance(value, Binary) else str(value))
     self._name = name
     """@ivar: the name of parameter """
     self._value = value
     """@ivar: the value of the parameter """
     if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value.find("\n") > -1:
         self.setSizeHint(QSize(-1, 45))
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self, name, parent=None, is_group=False):
        Initialize the ServiceGroupItem object with given values.

        :param str name: the name of the group
        :param parent: the parent item. In most cases this is the HostItem. The variable is used to determine the different columns of the NodeItem.
        :type parent: :class:`QtGui.QStandardItem` <https://srinikom.github.io/pyside-docs/PySide/QtGui/QStandardItem.html>
        :param bool is_group: True if this is a capability group. In other case it is a namespace group.
        dname = 'services@master/'
        if is_group:
            dname = '{%s}' % name
        elif name != rospy.names.SEP:
            dname = '%s/' % name
        QStandardItem.__init__(self, dname)
        self.parent_item = parent
        self._name = name
        self._is_group = is_group
        self.is_system_group = name == 'SYSTEM'
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def __init__(self, master, local=False, quality=None, parent=None):
     self.name = ''.join([master.name, ' (localhost)']) if local else master.name
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, self.name)
     self.parent_item = None
     self._master = master
     self.local = local
     self.__quality = quality
     self.descr = ''
     self.ICONS = {'green': QIcon(":/icons/stock_connect_green.png"),
                   'yellow': QIcon(":/icons/stock_connect_yellow.png"),
                   'red': QIcon(":/icons/stock_connect_red.png"),
                   'grey': QIcon(":/icons/stock_connect.png"),
                   'disconnected': QIcon(":/icons/stock_disconnect.png"),
                   'warning': QIcon(':/icons/crystal_clear_warning.png'),
                   'clock_warn': QIcon(':/icons/crystal_clear_xclock_fail.png')}
     self.master_ip = None
     self._master_errors = []
     self._timediff = 0
     self.updateNameView(master, quality, self)
 def __init__(self, name, value, parent=None):
     Initialize the item object.
     @param name: the name of the parameter
     @type name: C{str}
     @param value: the value of the parameter
     @type value: C{str}
     value_str = utf8(value) if not isinstance(value, xmlrpcclient.Binary) else utf8(value)
     self.read_only = False
     if len(value_str) > 32000:
         value_str = 'value size > 32000; use Ctrl+X to copy'
         self.read_only = True
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, value_str)
     self.setEditable(not self.read_only)
     self._name = name
     '''@ivar: the name of parameter '''
     self._value = value
     '''@ivar: the value of the parameter '''
     if isstring(value) and value.find('\n') > -1:
         self.setSizeHint(QSize(-1, 45))
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def __init__(self,
     :param implementation: one of either rocon_interactions.Pairing or rocon_interactions.Interaction
     :param bool running:
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, implementation.name)
     self.setSizeHint(QSize(100, 100))
     f = QFont()
     self.setToolTip(implementation.description + extended_tooltip_info)
     if running:
         self.setBackground(QColor(100, 100, 150))
     self.implementation = implementation
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def __init__(self, master, local=False, quality=None, parent=None):
     self.name = ''.join([master.name, ' (localhost)']) if local else master.name
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, '')  # self.name)
     self.parent_item = None
     self._master = master
     self.local = local
     self.__quality = quality
     self.descr = ''
     self.ICONS = {'green': nm.settings().icon('stock_connect_green.png'),
                   'yellow': nm.settings().icon('stock_connect_yellow.png'),
                   'red': nm.settings().icon('stock_connect_red.png'),
                   'grey': nm.settings().icon('stock_connect.png'),
                   'disconnected': nm.settings().icon('stock_disconnect.png'),
                   'warning': nm.settings().icon('crystal_clear_warning.png'),
                   'clock_warn': nm.settings().icon('crystal_clear_xclock_fail.png')}
     self.master_ip = None
     self._master_errors = []
     self._diagnostics = []
     self._timediff = 0
     self.updateNameView(master, quality, self)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, path, path_id, mtime, size, name, isnew=False):
        Initialize the PathItem object with given values. The name of the item is the base name of the path.
        Examples of paths:

        - grpc://localhost:12311:                 -> name: @localhost
        - grpc://localhost:12311:/absolute/path   -> name: path

        :param str url: the url of node manager daemon
        :param str path: file path
        :param int path_id: identification of the path (folder, package, launch file, ...)
        :param int mtime: modification time
        :param int size: file size
        :param str name: the displayed name
        :param bool isnew: set to True if it a new file
        #        self._url = url
        #        self.url_parse_result = urlparse(url)
        self._path = path
        self.id = self._identify_path_on_ext(path) if path_id in [
        ] else path_id
        self._isnew = isnew
        pathname = name
        if pathname == 'src':
            pathname = '%s (src)' % os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))
        self._name = pathname
        QStandardItem.__init__(self, self._name)
        self.mtime = mtime
        self.size = size
        if self.id == self.RECENT_FILE or self.id == self.RECENT_PROFILE:
            pname = package_name(path)[0]
            if pname is None:
                pname, _ = nmdurl.split(path, with_scheme=True)
            self.package_name = pname
Ejemplo n.º 23
        :type value: any std types
        :param settings: the object, which contains `attrname` as property and
                         provide the parameter changes
        :type settings: object (Settings)
        :param attrname: the parameter name, which is available as property in
                           `settings` object.
        :type attrname: str
        :param edit_type: the editor type will be detected automatically by default.
                          For different editors you can set manually the `EDIT_TYPE_*`
        :type edit_type: int (`EDIT_TYPE_*`)
        :param value_default: the default value, is needed for reset functionality
        :param value_min: the maximum value (used by int or float)
        :param value_max: the minimum value (used by int or float)
        :param value_list: the list of values used for comboboxes
        QStandardItem.__init__(self, '%s' % value)
        self._attrname = attrname
        self._value = value
        self._value_default = value_default
        self._value_min = value_min
        self._value_max = value_max
        self._settings = settings
        self._edit_type = edit_type
        self._value_list = value_list

    def type(self):
        return SettingsValueItem.ITEM_TYPE

    def attrname(self):
        return self._attrname
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self, name, tooltip=''):
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.name = name
     self.tooltip = tooltip
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self, name):
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 26
        :type value: any std types
        :param settings: the object, which contains `attrname` as property and
        provide the parameter changes
        :type settings: object (Settings)
        :param attrname: the parameter name, which is available as property in
        `settings` object.
        :type attrname: str
        :param edit_type: the editor type will be detected automatically by default.
        For different editors you can set manually the `EDIT_TYPE_*`
        :type edit_type: int (`EDIT_TYPE_*`)
        :param value_default: the default value, is needed for reset functionality
        :param value_min: the maximum value (used by int or float)
        :param value_max: the minimum value (used by int or float)
        :param value_list: the list of values used for comboboxes
        QStandardItem.__init__(self, '%s' % value)
        self._attrname = attrname
        self._value = value
        self._value_default = value_default
        self._value_min = value_min
        self._value_max = value_max
        self._settings = settings
        self._edit_type = edit_type
        self._value_list = value_list
        self._value_step = value_step
        self._need_restart = need_restart

    def type(self):
        return SettingsValueItem.ITEM_TYPE

    def attrname(self):
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def __init__(self, name):
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.name = name
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def __init__(self, name, tooltip=''):
     QStandardItem.__init__(self, name)
     self.name = name
     self.tooltip = tooltip
 def __init__(self, master):
     self.name = master.name
     self.button = MasterSyncButtonHelper(master)
     self.parent_item = None
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def __init__(self, master):
     self.name = master.name
     self.button = MasterSyncButtonHelper(master)
     self.parent_item = None