Ejemplo n.º 1
def prep_template_patch_req(user_id, req_op, req_path, req_value=None,
    """Modifies an attribute of the prep template

    user_id : str
        The id of the user performing the patch operation
    req_op : str
        The operation to perform on the prep information
    req_path : str
        The prep information and attribute to patch
    req_value : str, optional
        The value that needs to be modified
    req_from : str, optional
        The original path of the element

    dict of {str, str, str}
        A dictionary with the following keys:
        - status: str, whether if the request is successful or not
        - message: str, if the request is unsuccessful, a human readable error
        - row_id: str, the row_id that we tried to delete
    req_path = [v for v in req_path.split('/') if v]
    if req_op == 'replace':
        # The structure of the path should be /prep_id/attribute_to_modify/
        # so if we don't have those 2 elements, we should return an error
        if len(req_path) != 2:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        prep_id = int(req_path[0])
        attribute = req_path[1]

        # Check if the user actually has access to the prep template
        prep = PrepTemplate(prep_id)
        access_error = check_access(prep.study_id, user_id)
        if access_error:
            return access_error

        status = 'success'
        msg = ''
        if attribute == 'investigation_type':
            prep.investigation_type = req_value
        elif attribute == 'data':
            fp = check_fp(prep.study_id, req_value)
            if fp['status'] != 'success':
                return fp
            fp = fp['file']
            qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha')
            cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('update_prep_template')
            params = Parameters.load(
                cmd, values_dict={'prep_template': prep_id, 'template_fp': fp})
            job = ProcessingJob.create(User(user_id), params, True)

            r_client.set(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id,
                         dumps({'job_id': job.id}))
        elif attribute == 'name':
            prep.name = req_value.strip()
            # We don't understand the attribute so return an error
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Attribute "%s" not found. '
                               'Please, check the path parameter' % attribute}

        return {'status': status, 'message': msg}
    elif req_op == 'remove':
        # The structure of the path should be:
        # /prep_id/row_id/{columns|samples}/name
        if len(req_path) != 4:
            return {'status': 'error',
                    'message': 'Incorrect path parameter'}
        prep_id = int(req_path[0])
        row_id = req_path[1]
        attribute = req_path[2]
        attr_id = req_path[3]

        # Check if the user actually has access to the study
        pt = PrepTemplate(prep_id)
        access_error = check_access(pt.study_id, user_id)
        if access_error:
            return access_error

        qiita_plugin = Software.from_name_and_version('Qiita', 'alpha')
        cmd = qiita_plugin.get_command('delete_sample_or_column')
        params = Parameters.load(
            cmd, values_dict={'obj_class': 'PrepTemplate',
                              'obj_id': prep_id,
                              'sample_or_col': attribute,
                              'name': attr_id})
        job = ProcessingJob.create(User(user_id), params, True)
        # Store the job id attaching it to the sample template id
        r_client.set(PREP_TEMPLATE_KEY_FORMAT % prep_id,
                     dumps({'job_id': job.id}))
        return {'status': 'success', 'message': '', 'row_id': row_id}
        return {'status': 'error',
                'message': 'Operation "%s" not supported. '
                           'Current supported operations: replace, remove'
                           % req_op,
                'row_id': '0'}