Ejemplo n.º 1
    def quaternion_mean(self, sigma_points):
        @params: sigma_points 
        removes the mean from the quaternion comp of sigma points 

        error_lim = 1e-2
        q_curr = Quaternion()
        q_curr.q = self.mu.reshape(4).astype('float64')
        while True:
            errors_axis_angle = []
            for i in range(sigma_points.shape[1]):
                qi = Quaternion()
                qi.q = sigma_points[:, i]
                ei = qi * q_curr.inv()
                errors_axis_angle.append(ei.vec())  # of axis angle
            e_bary = np.average(np.array(errors_axis_angle), axis=0)
            e_bary_norm = np.linalg.norm(e_bary)
            if e_bary_norm < error_lim:
                return q_curr, np.array(errors_axis_angle)

            # e_bary - axis angle
            e_bary_quat = Quaternion()
            q_curr = e_bary_quat * q_curr
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def set_rotation(
        w: Optional[float] = None,
        x: Optional[float] = None,
        y: Optional[float] = None,
        z: Optional[float] = None,
        quaternion: Optional[Quaternion] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Set the rotation of the transform.

            w: The w componet of the roation quaternion.
            x: The x componet of the roation quaternion.
            y: The y componet of the roation quaternion.
            z: The z componet of the roation quaternion.
            quaternion: Numpy quaternion representing the rotation.

            >>> transform = Transform3D([1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 0])
            >>> transform.set_rotation(0, 1, 0, 0)
            >>> transform
              (translation): Vector3D(1, 1, 1),
              (rotation): quaternion(0, 1, 0, 0)

        if quaternion:
            self._rotation = Quaternion(quaternion)
        self._rotation = Quaternion(w, x, y, z)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def calc_orientation(gyr, acc, samplerate, align_arr, beta, delta_t, times):
    ref_qq = np.zeros([len(acc), 4])
    ref_eu = np.zeros([len(acc), 3])
    sampleperiod = 1 / samplerate
    qq = Quaternion(align_arr)
    madgwick = MadgwickAHRS(sampleperiod=sampleperiod,
    count = 0
    ll = len(gyr)
    for i in range(0, len(gyr) - 1):
        if (i % 300) == 0:
                str(i) + ' / ' + str(ll) + '  ' + str(round(i / ll * 100, 0)) +
        while (count < times):
            madgwick.update_imu(gyr[i], acc[i], delta_t[i])
            count += 1
        count = 0
        #        ref_qq[i]=madgwick.quaternion.elements
        #        ref_eu[i]=madgwick.quaternion.eu_angle
        ref_qq[i, 0] = madgwick.quaternion._get_q()[0]
        ref_qq[i, 1] = madgwick.quaternion._get_q()[1]
        ref_qq[i, 2] = madgwick.quaternion._get_q()[2]
        ref_qq[i, 3] = madgwick.quaternion._get_q()[3]
        tempq = Quaternion(ref_qq[i])
        ref_eu[i, :] = tempq.to_euler_angles_by_wiki()
        ref_eu[i] *= 180 / np.pi

    return ref_qq, ref_eu
Ejemplo n.º 4
def measurement_model(y_i, w_i_dash, delta_t, data, tuneR=10):
    num = y_i.shape[0]
    z_acc, z_gyro = np.zeros((num, 3)), np.zeros((num, 3))
    z_gyro = y_i[:, 4:7]
    g_quat = Quaternion(0, [0, 0, 9.8], "value")
    R = np.identity(6) * tuneR

    for i in range(y_i.shape[0]):
        prev_q_wt = Quaternion(y_i[i][0], y_i[i][1:4], "value")
        prev_q_wt_inverse = prev_q_wt.inverse()
        next_q_wt = prev_q_wt_inverse.multiply(g_quat)
        q_acc_body = next_q_wt.multiply(prev_q_wt)
        z_acc[i] = q_acc_body.quaternion[1:4]  #stores quaternion values

    Z = np.hstack((z_acc, z_gyro))
    cov_z = covariance(Z)
    mean_z = np.average(Z, axis=0)
    innov = data - mean_z
    innov = innov.reshape((innov.shape[0], 1))  ##shape becomes 6*1
    Pvv = cov_z + R

    num = w_i_dash.shape[0]
    Pxz = (1 / num) * (w_i_dash.T @ (Z - mean_z))

        kalman = Pxz @ np.linalg.inv(Pvv)

    except (ValueError, ArithmeticError):
        print("Error: trying to find inverse of singular matrix")

    update = kalman @ innov
    return update.T[0], kalman, Pvv
Ejemplo n.º 5
def predict(timestep, sigmas, q_t_t, w, n_dim):

    n_sig = 2 * n_dim + 1

    covar_weights = np.zeros(n_sig)
    mean_weights = np.zeros(n_sig)

    covar_weights[0] = 2
    for i in range(1, n_sig):
        covar_weights[i] = 1. / (n_sig - 1)
        mean_weights[i] = 1. / (n_sig - 1)
    covar_weights = covar_weights.reshape(-1, 1)
    q_tt_t = []

    for i in range(sigmas.shape[0]):

        a = Quaternion(0, 1 / 2. * sigmas[i]).exp()
        b = Quaternion(0, 1 / 2. * w * timestep).exp()
        q_trans = a.multiply(b)

    avg_q = average(q_tt_t, mean_weights)
    sigmas_out = []
    tmp = []
    for i in range(len(q_tt_t)):
        e = 2 * (avg_q.inv().multiply(q_tt_t[i])).log()
    tmp = np.asarray(tmp)
    sigmas_out = np.transpose(tmp * covar_weights).dot(tmp)

    return avg_q, sigmas_out, q_tt_t
Ejemplo n.º 6
def check(rfn, cfn, qfn, q):
    """ compares the Quaternion function (qfn) with the equivilent
        real (rfn) and complex (cfn) functions
    a = Quaternion(rfn(q.real))
    b = qfn(Quaternion(q.real))
    assert quaternion.isclose(a, b)

    a = Quaternion(cfn(q.complex))
    b = qfn(Quaternion(q.complex))
    assert quaternion.isclose(a, b)

    # For single value functions, we can create a z with same r and phi as the q
    # Call the complex function, then create a Quaternion with f(r, phi) of the
    # complex result merged in with the original axis.
    q_polar = quaternion.polar(q)
    z = cmath.rect(q_polar[0], q_polar[1])
    fz = cfn(z)
    fz_polar = cmath.polar(fz)
    fi = quaternion.rect(fz_polar[0], fz_polar[1], q_polar[2])
    fd = qfn(q)
    assert quaternion.isclose(fi, fd)

    # Test cut'n'paste errors referenceing imaginary components
    # by rotating the axis,
    a = qfn(qfoo(q))
    b = qfoo(qfn(q))
    assert quaternion.isclose(a, b)

    a = qfn(qbar(q))
    b = qbar(qfn(q))
    assert quaternion.isclose(a, b)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def update(q_tt_t,
           g=Quaternion(0, [0, 0, 1]),
           noise=np.eye(3) * 0.001):
    n = len(q_tt_t)
    #g = np.asarray(g)
    tmp = []
    for i in range(len(q_tt_t)):
        e = 2 * ((ave_q_tt_t.inv()).multiply(q_tt_t[i])).log()
    e = np.asarray(tmp)

    Z_tt = measure_model(q_tt_t, g)
    Z_tt = [x.v for x in Z_tt]
    Z_tt = np.asarray(Z_tt)
    print(Z_tt, 'ztt')
    weight_c = np.asarray([2.] + [1. / (n - 1)] * (n - 1)).reshape(-1, 1)
    Ave_Z_tt = np.mean(Z_tt[:, :], axis=0)
    Pzz = np.transpose(
        (Z_tt - Ave_Z_tt) * weight_c).dot(Z_tt - Ave_Z_tt) + noise
    Pxz = np.transpose(e * weight_c).dot(-Z_tt + Ave_Z_tt)
    K_tt = Pxz.dot(np.linalg.inv(Pzz))
    q_tt_tt = ave_q_tt_t.multiply(
                   K_tt.dot(z_acc - Ave_Z_tt) * (1 / 2)).exp())
    Cov_tt_tt = Cov_tt_t - K_tt.dot(Pzz).dot(np.transpose(K_tt))
    return q_tt_tt, Cov_tt_tt
def compute_mean(Y, prev_estimate):
    mean = np.zeros(7)
    err_vecs = np.zeros((3, Y.shape[1]))
    q = Quaternion()
    q.q = prev_estimate[:4]
    qi = Quaternion()
    Quat_part = Y[:4, :]
    Omg_part = Y[4:, :]
    e = Quaternion()

    for _ in range(5):
        for j in range(Y.shape[1]):
            qi.q = Quat_part[:, j]
            err_q = qi * q.inv()
            err_vecs[:, j] = err_q.axis_angle()
        err_mean = np.mean(err_vecs, axis=1)
        q.q = (e * q).q
        if np.linalg.norm(err_mean) < 0.001:

    omg_mean = np.mean(Omg_part, axis=1)

    mean[:4] = q.q
    mean[4:] = omg_mean

    return mean, err_vecs
Ejemplo n.º 9
def integrate(imu_data, train=True):
    dt = [(imu_data['ts'][0, i + 1] - imu_data['ts'][0, i])
          for i in range(imu_data['ts'].shape[1] - 1)]
    angular_velocities = imu_data['vals'][3:, :]
    quaternion_estimates = [Quaternion(1, [0, 0, 0])]
    for t in range(angular_velocities.shape[1] - 1):
        w = angular_velocities[:, t][[1, 2, 0]]

        #quaternion_estimates.append(quaternion_estimates[-1].multiply(Quaternion(0, (0.5*w*dt[t])).exp().unit()))
            Quaternion(0, 0.5 * w * dt[t]).exp())).unit())
    euler_estimates = []
    for quaternion_estimate in quaternion_estimates:

    vicon_data = read_dataset('trainset', 'vicon', '1')
    vicon_euler = []
    for i in range(vicon_data['rots'].shape[2]):
        vicon_euler.append(e3d.mat2euler(vicon_data['rots'][:, :, i]))
    if train:
        for i in range(3):
            pl.plot(imu_data['ts'][0], np.array(euler_estimates)[:, i])
            pl.plot(vicon_data['ts'][0], np.array(vicon_euler)[:, i])
            #pl.plot(vicon_data['ts'][0], np.vstack((np.array(euler_estimates)[:len(vicon_euler), i], np.array(vicon_euler)[:, i])).T)
        for i in range(3):
            pl.plot(imu_data['ts'][0], np.array(euler_estimates)[:, i])
            #pl.plot(vicon_data['ts'][0],np.array(vicon_euler)[:, i])
            #pl.plot(vicon_data['ts'][0], np.vstack((np.array(euler_estimates)[:len(vicon_euler), i], np.array(vicon_euler)[:, i])).T)
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def update_imu_new(self, gyroscope, accelerometer):

        # Normalise accelerometer measurement
        if norm(accelerometer) is 0:
            warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero")
        accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer)

        v = [2*(self.q[1]*self.q[3] - self.q[0]*self.q[2]),
            2*(self.q[0]*self.q[1] + self.q[2]*self.q[3]),
            self.q[0]**2 - self.q[1]**2 - self.q[2]**2 + self.q[3]**2]

        error = np.cross(v, accelerometer.transpose())

        self.IntError = self.IntError + error
        # Apply feedback terms
        ref = gyroscope - (self.beta*error).transpose() # Ref = Gyroscope - (obj.Kp*error + obj.Ki*obj.IntError)';

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        pDot = Quaternion.__mul__(Quaternion.__mul__(self.q, Quaternion([0, ref[0], ref[1], ref[2]])), 0.5) # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        self.q = self.q + pDot * self.samplePeriod    # Integrate rate of change of quaternion
        self.q = Quaternion(self.q / norm(self.q)) # Normalise quaternion

        # Store conjugate
        self.quaternion = Quaternion.conj(self.q)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def getMeanQuaternion(q_cur, q_bar):
	q = Quaternion(q_bar[0], q_bar[1:4]);
	prev_e = 10
	threshould = 0.0001;
	ct = 0;
	e_bar = np.array([0,0,0])
	while(np.abs(LA.norm(e_bar) -  prev_e) > threshould and ct < 50):
		prev_e = LA.norm(e_bar);

		E_i = np.zeros((3, 12));
		for i in range(q_cur.shape[-1]):
			er = getQtError(q_cur[0:4, i], q.inv());
			E_i[:, i] = er.axis_angle();

		e_bar = getBaryMean(E_i);

		e_q = Quaternion();
		q = e_q * q;

		ct += 1;
	# print("err: " + str(LA.norm(e_bar)))
	# print("ct: " + str(ct))

	return q;
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def update_imu(self, gyroscope, accelerometer):
        Perform one update step with data from a IMU sensor array
        :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second.
        :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data. Can be any unit since a normalized value is used.
        q = self.quaternion

        gyroscope = np.array(gyroscope, dtype=float).flatten()
        accelerometer = np.array(accelerometer, dtype=float).flatten()
        # Normalise accelerometer measurement
        # print accelerometer
        if norm(accelerometer) is 0:
            warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero")
        accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer)
        # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step
        f = np.array([
            2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0],
            2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1],
            2 * (0.5 - q[1]**2 - q[2]**2) - accelerometer[2]
        j = np.array([[-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]],
                      [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]],
                      [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0]])
        step = j.T.dot(f)
        step /= norm(step)  # normalise step magnitude

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qdot = (q * Quaternion(0, gyroscope[0], gyroscope[1],
                               gyroscope[2])) * 0.5 - self.beta * step.T
        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q += qdot * self.samplePeriod
        self.quaternion = Quaternion(q / norm(q))  # normalise quaternion
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def update_state_est(self, kalman_gain, innovation):
     update_vec = np.matmul(kalman_gain, innovation)
     update_vec_q = Quaternion()
     x_mu = Quaternion()
     x_mu.q = self.mu
     x_new_mu = x_mu * update_vec_q
     self.mu = x_new_mu.q.reshape(4, 1)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def from_vector(cls, dq):
   dual_quaternion_vector = None
   if isinstance(dq, np.ndarray):
     dual_quaternion_vector = dq.copy()
     dual_quaternion_vector = np.array(dq)
   return cls(Quaternion(q=dual_quaternion_vector[0:4]),
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def update(self, gyroscope, accelerometer, magnetometer):
        Perform one update step with data from a AHRS sensor array
        :param gyroscope: A three-element array containing the gyroscope data in radians per second.
        :param accelerometer: A three-element array containing the accelerometer data.
        :param magnetometer: A three-element array containing the magnetometer data.
        q = self.quaternion

        gyroscope = np.array(gyroscope, dtype=float).flatten()
        accelerometer = np.array(accelerometer, dtype=float).flatten()
        magnetometer = np.array(magnetometer, dtype=float).flatten()

        # Normalise accelerometer measurement
        if norm(accelerometer) is 0:
            warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero")
        accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer)

        # Normalise magnetometer measurement
        if norm(magnetometer) is 0:
            warnings.warn("magnetometer is zero")
        magnetometer /= norm(magnetometer)

        h = q * (Quaternion(0, magnetometer[0], magnetometer[1], magnetometer[2]) * q.conj())
        b = np.array([0, norm(h[1:3]), 0, h[3]])

        # Gradient descent algorithm corrective step
        f = np.array([
            2 * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - accelerometer[0],
            2 * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - accelerometer[1],
            2 * (0.5 - q[1] ** 2 - q[2] ** 2) - accelerometer[2],
            2 * b[1] * (0.5 - q[2] ** 2 - q[3] ** 2) + 2 * b[3] * (q[1] * q[3] - q[0] * q[2]) - magnetometer[0],
            2 * b[1] * (q[1] * q[2] - q[0] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] * (q[0] * q[1] + q[2] * q[3]) - magnetometer[1],
            2 * b[1] * (q[0] * q[2] + q[1] * q[3]) + 2 * b[3] * (0.5 - q[1] ** 2 - q[2] ** 2) - magnetometer[2]
        j = np.array([
            [-2 * q[2], 2 * q[3], -2 * q[0], 2 * q[1]],
            [2 * q[1], 2 * q[0], 2 * q[3], 2 * q[2]],
            [0, -4 * q[1], -4 * q[2], 0],
            [-2 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[3] * q[3], -4 * b[1] * q[2] - 2 * b[3] * q[0], -4 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1]],
            [-2 * b[1] * q[3] + 2 * b[3] * q[1], 2 * b[1] * q[2] + 2 * b[3] * q[0], 2 * b[1] * q[1] + 2 * b[3] * q[3],
             -2 * b[1] * q[0] + 2 * b[3] * q[2]],
            [2 * b[1] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[3] - 4 * b[3] * q[1], 2 * b[1] * q[0] - 4 * b[3] * q[2], 2 * b[1] * q[1]]
        step = j.T.dot(f)
        step /= norm(step)  # normalise step magnitude

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        qdot = (q * Quaternion(0, gyroscope[0], gyroscope[1], gyroscope[2])) * 0.5 - self.beta * step.T

        # Integrate to yield quaternion
        q += qdot * self.sample_period
        self.quaternion = Quaternion(q / norm(q))  # normalise quaternion
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_eq(self):
        """Test operator overloading method __eq__"""
        # Create instances of class Quaternion to compare
        q1 = Quaternion(0.9, -1, -0.4, 0.1)
        q2 = Quaternion(0.9, -1, -0.4, 0.1)
        q3 = Quaternion(0.9, -1.1, -0.4, 0.1)

        # Assert expected behaviour
        self.assertTrue(q1 == q2)
        self.assertFalse(q1 == q3)
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def setUp(self):
     from quaternion import Quaternion, cross
     from random import uniform
     lo,hi = -100,100
     a,b,c,d,e,f = (uniform(lo,hi) for i in range(6))
     self.p = Quaternion(0,a,b,c)
     self.q = Quaternion(0,d,e,f)
     self.lhs = cross(self.p,self.q)
Ejemplo n.º 18
def rot_to_quat(w):
    w = np.array(w)
    norm = np.linalg.norm(w)
    if (norm == 0):
        return Quaternion(0, [0, 0, 0], "value")

    axis = w / norm
    q1 = Quaternion(norm, axis, "angle")
    q1 = q1.unit_quaternion()
    return q1
Ejemplo n.º 19
	def __init__(self, data=None):
		if data is not None:
			data = struct.unpack('<hhhhhhhhhh', data)
			self.accel = Vector(*[i / float(self.Scale.ACCELEROMETER) for i in data[4:7]])
			self.gyro = Vector(*[i / float(self.Scale.GYROSCOPE) for i in data[7:]])
			self.quat = Quaternion([i / float(self.Scale.ORIENTATION) for i in data[:4]])
			self.accel = Vector()
			self.gyro = Vector()
			self.quat = Quaternion()
Ejemplo n.º 20
def processA(X_p, prev, timeStamp):
	# Todo
	delta_t = (timeStamp - prev);
	for i in range(X_p.shape[-1]):
		q_ome = Quaternion();
		q_ome.from_axis_angle(X_p[4:7, i] * delta_t);
		q_cur = Quaternion(X_p[0,i], X_p[1:4, i]);
		q_predict = q_ome * q_cur;
		X_p[0:4, i] = q_predict.q
	return X_p;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self, connector):
        self.connection = connector

        self.arm = md.arm.UNKNOWN
        self.pose = md.pose.REST
        self.x_direction = md.x_direction.ELBOW
        self.synced = False
        self.startq = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.napq = Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 1)
        self.imu = md.IMU()
        self.emg = md.EMG()
def measurement_model(Y):
    Z = np.zeros((6, 12))
    g_quat = Quaternion(scalar=0, vec=[0, 0, 9.81])
    quat = Quaternion()

    for i in range(Y.shape[1]):
        quat.q = Y[:4, i]
        Z[:3, i] = (quat.inv() * (g_quat * quat)).q[1:]
        Z[3:, i] = Y[4:, i]

    return Z
def get_new_estimate(mean_minus, K, nu_k):
    gain = np.dot(K, nu_k)
    new_mean = np.zeros_like(mean_minus)

    old = Quaternion()
    old.q = mean_minus[:4]
    update = Quaternion()
    new_mean[:4] = (update * old).q
    new_mean[4:] = mean_minus[4:] + gain[3:]

    return new_mean
def get_X(prev_state, W):
    X = np.zeros((7, 12))
    quat_prev = Quaternion()
    quat_prev.q = prev_state[:4]
    quat_noise = Quaternion()

    for i in range(W.shape[1]):
        quat_noise.from_axis_angle(W[:3, i])
        X[:4, i] = (quat_prev * quat_noise).q
        X[4:, i] = prev_state[4:] + W[3:, i]

    return X
def process_model(X, delta_t):
    Y = X
    Quat_del = Quaternion()
    quat_init = Quaternion()

    for i in range(X.shape[1]):
        omg = X[4:, i]
        Quat_del.from_axis_angle(omg * delta_t)
        quat_init.q = X[:4, i]
        Y[:4, i] = (Quat_del * quat_init).q

    return Y
Ejemplo n.º 26
    def test_normalize(self):
        """Test method normalize"""
        # Create instance of class Quaternion to normalize
        q = Quaternion(-2.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        # Function call (to function to test)

        # Assert expected behaviour; the expected quaternion out and that
        # the norm equals 1 after normalization.
        self.assertTrue(q == Quaternion(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.assertTrue(np.sqrt(q.w**2 + q.x**2 + q.y**2 + q.z**2) == 1)
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def process_model_3(self, delta_t, omega, Xi):

        Yi = Xi.copy()  # 4x6
        alpha_delta = omega * delta_t
        for i in range(Xi.shape[1]):
            qk_vec = Xi[:, i]
            qk = Quaternion()
            qk.q = qk_vec
            q_delta = Quaternion()
            Yi[:, i] = (q_delta * qk).q

        return Yi
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def setUp(self):
     from quaternion import Quaternion, exp, log
     from random import uniform
     self.exp = exp
     self.log = log
     lo,hi = -1,1
     a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h = (uniform(lo,hi) for i in range(8))
     self.p = Quaternion(a,b,c,d)
     self.q = Quaternion(e,f,g,h)
Ejemplo n.º 29
    def test_get_conjugate(self):
        """Test method get_conjugate"""
        # Create instance of class Quaternion to get conjugate of
        q_in = Quaternion(-2.1, 0.9, 1.4, -0.2)

        # Function call (to function to test)
        q = q_in.get_conjugate()

        # Create oracle
        q_oracle = Quaternion(-2.1, -0.9, -1.4, 0.2)

        # Assert expected behaviour
        self.assertTrue(q == q_oracle)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def rotate_quat(attitude, roll, pitch, yaw):
  Returns rotated quaternion
  :param attitude: quaternion [w, x, y , z]
  :param roll: rotation in rad
  :param pitch: rotation in rad
  :param yaw: rotation in rad
  :returns: quaternion [w, x, y , z]
    quat = Quaternion(attitude)
    rotation = Quaternion([roll, pitch, yaw])
    res = rotation * quat

    return res.q