Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_imu_new(self, gyroscope, accelerometer):

        # Normalise accelerometer measurement
        if norm(accelerometer) is 0:
            warnings.warn("accelerometer is zero")
        accelerometer /= norm(accelerometer)

        v = [2*(self.q[1]*self.q[3] - self.q[0]*self.q[2]),
            2*(self.q[0]*self.q[1] + self.q[2]*self.q[3]),
            self.q[0]**2 - self.q[1]**2 - self.q[2]**2 + self.q[3]**2]

        error = np.cross(v, accelerometer.transpose())

        self.IntError = self.IntError + error
        # Apply feedback terms
        ref = gyroscope - (self.beta*error).transpose() # Ref = Gyroscope - (obj.Kp*error + obj.Ki*obj.IntError)';

        # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        pDot = Quaternion.__mul__(Quaternion.__mul__(self.q, Quaternion([0, ref[0], ref[1], ref[2]])), 0.5) # Compute rate of change of quaternion
        self.q = self.q + pDot * self.samplePeriod    # Integrate rate of change of quaternion
        self.q = Quaternion(self.q / norm(self.q)) # Normalise quaternion

        # Store conjugate
        self.quaternion = Quaternion.conj(self.q)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def rot_point(arr, _quaternion):
    x = arr[0]
    y = arr[1]
    z = arr[2]
    u_q = Quaternion(0, x, y, z)
    _q_n = _quaternion._q / np.sqrt(_quaternion._q[0]**2 +
                                    _quaternion._q[1]**2 +
                                    _quaternion._q[2]**2 +
    temp_q = Quaternion(_q_n)
    v_q = temp_q.__mul__(u_q)
    v_q = v_q.__mul__(temp_q.conj())
    v = v_q._q
    return v