Ejemplo n.º 1
    def parseOrders(self, sentence):

        #read the list of possible actions
        # acts = readFiles.functionList()
        # acts.importFiles()

        # sentence = "bring the coke to John_NN and leave the apartment"

        acts = readFiles.inv_functionList()
        # c = a.batch_parse(sentence)

        # # c = a.batch_parse(sentence.lower())
        # d = c.strip().split("\n")
        # # d.index('')

        # # Extract parse tree data from Parser
        # tree = d[:d.index('')]
        # tree = '\n'.join(tree)

        # # Extract dependencies data from Parse
        # depends = d[d.index('') + 1:]
        # deps = self.extract_dependencies(depends)

        # s = tokenize_sentence(sentence)
        # n = change_exceptions(s, deps)

        n = 1
        s = sentence
        print s

        while ex.check_sentence_changed(s, n):

                s = n[:]
                sentence = ex.detokenize_sentence(n)
                # print sentence + 'asfa'
                sentence = sentence
            # print sentence + 'fasf'
            c = a.batch_parse(sentence)

            # c = a.batch_parse(sentence.lower())
            d = c.strip().split("\n")
            # d.index('')

            # Extract parse tree data from Parser
            tree = d[:d.index('')]
            tree = '\n'.join(tree)

            # Extract dependencies data from Parse
            depends = d[d.index('') + 1:]
            deps = self.extract_dependencies(depends)
            self.depends = depends
            self.tree = tree
            s = ex.tokenize_sentence(sentence)
            # print 'sentence: \n'
            # print s
            n = ex.change_exceptions(s, deps)
            print s
            # print 'new sentence: \n'
            # print n
            # print s
            # print ex.check_sentence_changed(s, n)
            # print '!!!!!!!!!!!'

        # Prepare tree to extract verbs (or any other data)
        t = tree.strip().split(' ')

        n = True
        while n:
                n = False

        tt = []
        for part in t:
                part = part.replace("\n", "")

        # Find the verbs (predicates) in the sentence
        VerbList = []
        verbs = True
        ttt = " ".join(tt)

        while verbs:
                verbPos = ttt.find('(VB')
                1 / (verbPos + 1)
                # print 'aqui'
                # print ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')]
                VerbList.append(ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')])
                ttt = ttt[verbPos + 3:]
                verbs = False

        # Ignore determinants, conjunctions and clausal complements
        rmList = ['det', 'ccomp', 'conj_and', 'root']
        # print len(deps)
        for dep in deps:
            if dep.relation in rmList:
                # print dep.relation

        # Add verb complements from dependencies list
        verbs = verbList()
        for v in VerbList:
            # print v
            v = v.strip(' ').lower()
            for dep in deps:
                if dep.mainVal == v:
                    verbs.add_complement(v, dep)
        # print len(verbs)

        # Assigns each verb to an order
        # for v in verbs:
        #     print v
        #     try:
        #         print v.verb
        #     except:
        #         print 'no verb'

        for v in verbs:
            o = orders()
            o.set_order(verbs[v], acts)

        i = 1
        for order in self.actionSet:
            print 'order #' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(self.actionSet))
            print 'action:'
            print order.action
            print 'item:'
            print order.item
            print 'location:'
            print order.location
            print 'person:'
            print order.person
            i += 1

        # O1 = orders()
        # O1.action = 'bring_to'
        # O1.item = 'coke'
        # O1.person = 'John'
        # O2 = orders()
        # O2.action = 'exit'

        # self.actionSet=[]
        # self.actionSet.append(O1)
        # self.actionSet.append(O2)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def parseOrders(self, sentence):

        #read the list of possible actions
        # acts = readFiles.functionList()
        # acts.importFiles()

        # sentence = "bring the coke to John_NN and leave the apartment"

        acts = readFiles.inv_functionList()  #Load VerbCategories.txt
        # c = a.batch_parse(sentence)

        # # c = a.batch_parse(sentence.lower())
        # d = c.strip().split("\n")
        # # d.index('')

        # # Extract parse tree data from Parser
        # tree = d[:d.index('')]
        # tree = '\n'.join(tree)

        # # Extract dependencies data from Parse
        # depends = d[d.index('') + 1:]
        # deps = self.extract_dependencies(depends)

        # s = tokenize_sentence(sentence)
        # n = change_exceptions(s, deps)
        commands = parseSentence(sentence)
        print commands
        print("----------------fi comands---------------")
        if commands == 'unk':  #if parserSentence couldnt return a thing return self fith confidence = 0 and finish
            self.confidence = '0'
            return self

        # not implemented: must be set the list of word topics to find and in which grammar
        # wordlist = grammarFileReader(wordset,path)
        # grammarFileWriter(wordlist)
        pervious_person = ''
        person = ''
        for c in commands:
            o = orders()
            action = ''
            item = ''
            pervious_person = person
            person = ''
            location = ''
            for prod in c.productions():
                s = str(prod.lhs())
                if s == 'VB':
                    action = str(
                elif s == 'ITEM':
                    item = '_'.join(prod.rhs())
                elif s == 'PERSON':
                    person = str(
                elif s == 'LOCATION':
                    location = '_'.join(prod.rhs())
                elif s == 'PRON':
                    r = str(
                    if r == 'it':
                        item = self.actionSet[len(self.actionSet) - 1].item
                    elif r == 'me' or r == 'my':
                        person = 'referee'
                    elif r == 'him':
                        person = pervious_person
                elif s == 'FROM':  # could be cleaned
                    if action == 'bring':
                        action = 'bring_from'
                        person = 'referee'
            if action == 'find':
                if person == '':
                    action == 'find_object'
                    action == 'find_person'
            if action == 'exit' or action == 'leave':
                action = 'go_to'
                location = 'exit'

                action = acts[action]
                action = action

            if action == 'bring' or action == 'bring_from':
                if person == '':
                    person = 'referee'
            print action + person
            except KeyError:


        # # Prepare tree to extract verbs (or any other data)
        # t = tree.strip().split(' ')
        # n = True
        # while n:
        #     try:
        #         t.remove('')
        #     except:
        #         n = False

        # tt = []
        # for part in t:
        #     try:
        #         part = part.replace("\n", "")
        #     except:
        #         True
        #     tt.append(part)

        # # Find the verbs (predicates) in the sentence
        # VerbList = []
        # verbs = True
        # ttt = " ".join(tt)

        # while verbs:
        #     try:
        #         verbPos = ttt.find('(VB')
        #         1 / (verbPos + 1)
        #         # print 'aqui'
        #         # print ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')]
        #         VerbList.append(ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')])
        #         ttt = ttt[verbPos + 3:]
        #     except:
        #         verbs = False

        # # Ignore determinants, conjunctions and clausal complements
        # rmList = ['det', 'ccomp', 'conj_and', 'root']
        # # print len(deps)
        # for dep in deps:
        #     if dep.relation in rmList:
        #         # print dep.relation
        #         deps.remove(dep)

        # # Add verb complements from dependencies list
        # verbs = verbList()
        # for v in VerbList:
        #     # print v
        #     v = v.strip(' ').lower()
        #     verbs.add_newverb(v)
        #     for dep in deps:
        #         if dep.mainVal == v:
        #             verbs.add_complement(v, dep)
        # # print len(verbs)

        # # Assigns each verb to an order
        # # for v in verbs:
        # #     print v
        # #     try:
        # #         print v.verb
        # #     except:
        # #         print 'no verb'

        # for v in verbs:
        #     o = orders()
        #     o.set_order(verbs[v], acts)
        #     self.actionSet.append(o)

        i = 1
        for order in self.actionSet:
            print 'order #' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(self.actionSet))
            print 'action:'
            print order.action
            print 'item:'
            print order.item
            print 'location:'
            print order.location
            print 'person:'
            print order.person
            i += 1

        # O1 = orders()
        # O1.action = 'bring_to'
        # O1.item = 'coke'
        # O1.person = 'John'
        # O2 = orders()
        # O2.action = 'exit'

        # self.actionSet=[]
        # self.actionSet.append(O1)
        # self.actionSet.append(O2)

        return self
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def parseOrders(self, sentence):

        #read the list of possible actions
        # acts = readFiles.functionList()
        # acts.importFiles()

        # sentence = "bring the coke to John_NN and leave the apartment"

        acts = readFiles.inv_functionList()  #Load VerbCategories.txt
        # c = a.batch_parse(sentence)

        # # c = a.batch_parse(sentence.lower())
        # d = c.strip().split("\n")
        # # d.index('')

        # # Extract parse tree data from Parser
        # tree = d[:d.index('')]
        # tree = '\n'.join(tree)

        # # Extract dependencies data from Parse
        # depends = d[d.index('') + 1:]
        # deps = self.extract_dependencies(depends)

        # s = tokenize_sentence(sentence)
        # n = change_exceptions(s, deps)
        commands = parseSentence(sentence)
        print commands
        print("----------------fi comands---------------")
        if commands == 'unk':       #if parserSentence couldnt return a thing return self fith confidence = 0 and finish
            self.confidence = '0'
            return self
        # not implemented: must be set the list of word topics to find and in which grammar
        # wordlist = grammarFileReader(wordset,path)
        # grammarFileWriter(wordlist)
        pervious_person = ''
        person = ''
        for c in commands:
            o = orders()
            action = ''
            item = ''
            pervious_person = person
            person = ''
            location = ''
            for prod in c.productions():
                s = str(prod.lhs())
                if s == 'VB':
                    action = str(prod.rhs()).strip('(').strip(')').strip(',').strip("'")
                elif s == 'ITEM':
                    item = '_'.join(prod.rhs())
                elif s == 'PERSON':
                    person = str(prod.rhs()).strip('(').strip(')').strip(',').strip("'")     
                elif s == 'LOCATION':
                    location = '_'.join(prod.rhs())
                elif s == 'PRON':
                    r = str(prod.rhs()).strip('(').strip(')').strip(',').strip("'")
                    if r == 'it':
                        item = self.actionSet[len(self.actionSet)-1].item
                    elif r == 'me':
                        person = 'referee'
                    elif r == 'him':
                        person = pervious_person
                elif s == 'FROM': # could be cleaned
                    if action == 'bring':
                        action = 'bring_from'
                        person = 'referee'
            if action == 'find':
                if person == '':
                    action == 'find_object'
                    action == 'find_person'
            if action == 'exit' or action == 'leave':
                action = 'go_to'
                location = 'exit'
            if action == 'bring' or action == 'bring_from':
                if person == '':
                    person = 'referee'
            print action + person
                o.define_order(action1=acts[action], item1=item, person1=person, location1=location)
            except KeyError:
                o.define_order(action1=action, item1=item, person1=person, location1=location)

        # # Prepare tree to extract verbs (or any other data)
        # t = tree.strip().split(' ')
        # n = True
        # while n:
        #     try:
        #         t.remove('')
        #     except:
        #         n = False

        # tt = []
        # for part in t:
        #     try:
        #         part = part.replace("\n", "")
        #     except:
        #         True
        #     tt.append(part)

        # # Find the verbs (predicates) in the sentence
        # VerbList = []
        # verbs = True
        # ttt = " ".join(tt)

        # while verbs:
        #     try:
        #         verbPos = ttt.find('(VB')
        #         1 / (verbPos + 1)
        #         # print 'aqui'
        #         # print ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')]
        #         VerbList.append(ttt[verbPos + 4:verbPos + ttt[verbPos:].find(')')])
        #         ttt = ttt[verbPos + 3:]
        #     except:
        #         verbs = False

        # # Ignore determinants, conjunctions and clausal complements
        # rmList = ['det', 'ccomp', 'conj_and', 'root']
        # # print len(deps)
        # for dep in deps:
        #     if dep.relation in rmList:
        #         # print dep.relation
        #         deps.remove(dep)

        # # Add verb complements from dependencies list
        # verbs = verbList()
        # for v in VerbList:
        #     # print v
        #     v = v.strip(' ').lower()
        #     verbs.add_newverb(v)
        #     for dep in deps:
        #         if dep.mainVal == v:
        #             verbs.add_complement(v, dep)
        # # print len(verbs)

        # # Assigns each verb to an order
        # # for v in verbs:
        # #     print v
        # #     try:
        # #         print v.verb
        # #     except:
        # #         print 'no verb'

        # for v in verbs:
        #     o = orders()
        #     o.set_order(verbs[v], acts)
        #     self.actionSet.append(o)

        i = 1
        for order in self.actionSet:
            print 'order #' + str(i) + ' of ' + str(len(self.actionSet))
            print 'action:'
            print order.action
            print 'item:'
            print order.item
            print 'location:'
            print order.location
            print 'person:'
            print order.person
            i += 1

        # O1 = orders()
        # O1.action = 'bring_to'
        # O1.item = 'coke'
        # O1.person = 'John'
        # O2 = orders()
        # O2.action = 'exit'

        # self.actionSet=[]
        # self.actionSet.append(O1)
        # self.actionSet.append(O2)

        return self