Ejemplo n.º 1
def catboard_blinky_host(clock, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo,
    #map uart_fifo to separate readpath and writepath
    assign_rw = uart_fifo.assign_read_write_paths(fbusrx,fbustx)

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst, assign_rw,
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def catboard_blinky_host(clock, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:]

    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst, beh_led_control, beh_led_read,
Ejemplo n.º 3
def xula2_blinky_host(clock, reset, led, bcm14_txd, bcm15_rxd):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.

    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(
        glbl, uart_fifo, serial_in=bcm14_txd, serial_out=bcm15_rxd,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, uart_fifo, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
    return myhdl.instances()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def _bench_command_bridge():
        tbclk = clock.gen()
        tbdut = command_bridge(glbl, fbtx, fbrx, memmap)
        tbfii = fifo_fast(clock, reset, fbtx)
        tbfio = fifo_fast(clock, reset, fbrx)
        # @todo: add other bus types
        tbmem = memmap_peripheral_bb(clock, reset, memmap)

        # save the data read ...
        read_value = []

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(32)

                # test a single address
                pkt = CommandPacket(True, 0x0000)
                yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [0])
                pkt = CommandPacket(False, 0x0000, [0x5555AAAA])
                yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [0x5555AAAA])

                # test a bunch of random addresses
                for ii in range(nloops):
                    randaddr = randint(0, (2**20) - 1)
                    randdata = randint(0, (2**32) - 1)
                    pkt = CommandPacket(False, randaddr, [randdata])
                    yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                    yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [randdata])

            except Exception as err:
                print("Error: {}".format(str(err)))

            yield delay(2000)
            raise StopSimulation

        return tbclk, tbdut, tbfii, tbfio, tbmem, tbstim
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def bench_command_bridge():
        tbclk = clock.gen()
        tbdut = command_bridge(glbl, fbtx, fbrx, memmap)
        tbfii = fifo_fast(clock, reset, fbtx)
        tbfio = fifo_fast(clock, reset, fbrx)
        # @todo: add other bus types
        tbmem = memmap_peripheral_bb(clock, reset, memmap)

        # save the data read ...
        read_value = []

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(32)

                # test a single address
                pkt = CommandPacket(True, 0x0000)
                yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [0])
                pkt = CommandPacket(False, 0x0000, [0x5555AAAA])
                yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [0x5555AAAA])

                # test a bunch of random addresses
                for ii in range(nloops):
                    randaddr = randint(0, (2**20)-1)
                    randdata = randint(0, (2**32)-1)
                    pkt = CommandPacket(False, randaddr, [randdata])
                    yield pkt.put(fbtx)
                    yield pkt.get(fbrx, read_value, [randdata])

            except Exception as err:
                print("Error: {}".format(str(err)))

            yield delay(2000)
            raise StopSimulation

        return tbclk, tbdut, tbfii, tbfio, tbmem, tbstim
Ejemplo n.º 6
def uart_blinky(clock, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    Uses UART module to control LEDs while blinking the first LED.
    LEDs used are pins 0-7 on wing A.
    Expected behavior after upload is that LED[0] blinks on/off.
    When sending 
    0xDE 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x04 0xCA 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF
    via serial connection, all LEDs should turn on.
    For details about the message format see
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0, async=True)

    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fifobus = FIFOBus(width=8)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    reset_dly_cnt = Signal(intbv(0)[5:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:]

    def reset_tst():
        For the first 4 clocks the reset is forced to lo
        for clock 6 to 31 the reset is set hi
        then the reset is lo
        if (reset_dly_cnt < 31):
            reset_dly_cnt.next = reset_dly_cnt + 1
            if (reset_dly_cnt <= 4):
                reset.next = 1
            if (reset_dly_cnt >= 5):
                reset.next = 0
            reset.next = 1

    return (tick_inst, cmd_inst, uart_inst, beh_led_control, beh_led_read,
            beh_assign, reset_tst)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def atlys_blinky_host(clock, reset, led, sw, pmod,
                      uart_tx, uart_rx):
    This example is similar to the other examples in this directory but
    the LEDs are controlled externally via command packets sent from a
    host via the UART on the icestick.

    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fifobus = FIFOBus(width=8)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance, cmd_tx is an internal loopback
    # for testing (see below)
    cmd_tx = Signal(bool(0))
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, fifobus, uart_rx, cmd_tx)

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    status = [Signal(bool(0)) for _ in range(8)]
    statusbv = ConcatSignal(*reversed(status))

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_assign():
        # status / debug signals
        if glbl.tick_sec:
              status[0].next = not status[0]
        status[1].next = memmap.mem_addr == 0x20
        status[2].next = uart_rx
        status[3].next = uart_tx
        led.next = ledreg | statusbv | sw
        pmod.next = 0

        if sw[0]:
            uart_tx.next = uart_rx
            uart_tx.next = cmd_tx

    # @todo: PMOD OLED memmap control

    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst,
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)
def catboard_blinky_host(clock, reset, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, uart_fifo, memmap)


    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x80:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data
    def set_data():
        data_to_host0.next = z1 << 16 | z0
        data_to_host1.next = z3 << 16 | z2
        data_to_host2.next = z5 << 16 | z4
        data_to_host3.next = z7 << 16 | z6
        data_to_host4.next = z9 << 16 | z8
        data_to_host5.next = z11 << 16 | z10
        data_to_host6.next = z13 << 16 | z12
        data_to_host7.next = z15 << 16 | z14                 
    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
    def beh_my_ret_reg():
        if memmap.read:
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 72):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host0
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 76):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host1 
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 80):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host2
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 84):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host3 
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 88):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host4
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 92):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host5 
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 96):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host6
            if (memmap.mem_addr == 100):
                memmap.read_data.next = data_to_host7
    def beh_my_registers():
        if memmap.write:
            if memmap.mem_addr == 0:
                myregister0.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 4:
                myregister1.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 8:
                 myregister2.next = memmap.write_data 
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 12:
                 myregister3.next = memmap.write_data 
            if memmap.mem_addr == 16:
                myregister4.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 20:
                myregister5.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 24:
                 myregister6.next = memmap.write_data 
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 28:
                 myregister7.next = memmap.write_data 
            if memmap.mem_addr == 32:
                myregister8.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 36:
                myregister9.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 40:
                 myregister10.next = memmap.write_data 
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 44:
                 myregister11.next = memmap.write_data 
            if memmap.mem_addr == 48:
                myregister12.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 52:
                myregister13.next = memmap.write_data
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 56:
                 myregister14.next = memmap.write_data 
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 60:
                 myregister15.next = memmap.write_data                 
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 64:
                 upd0.next = 1    
                 upd1.next = 1 
                 upd2.next = 1
                 upd3.next = 1
                 upd4.next = 1    
                 upd5.next = 1 
                 upd6.next = 1
                 upd7.next = 1
                 upd8.next = 1    
                 upd9.next = 1 
                 upd10.next = 1
                 upd11.next = 1
                 upd12.next = 1    
                 upd13.next = 1 
                 upd14.next = 1
                 upd15.next = 1         
            elif memmap.mem_addr == 68:
                 upd0.next = 0    
                 upd1.next = 0 
                 upd2.next = 0
                 upd3.next = 0
                 upd4.next = 0    
                 upd5.next = 0 
                 upd6.next = 0
                 upd7.next = 0 
                 upd8.next = 0    
                 upd9.next = 0 
                 upd10.next = 0
                 upd11.next = 0
                 upd12.next = 0    
                 upd13.next = 0 
                 upd14.next = 0
                 upd15.next = 0           
    jpeg0 = dwt(flgs0, upd0, lft0, sam0, rht0, lift0, done0, clock)
    l2res0 = lift2res1(lift0,res0)
    sign0 = signed2twoscomplement(res0, z0)

    jpeg1 = dwt(flgs1, upd1, lft1, sam1, rht1, lift1, done1, clock)
    l2res1 = lift2res1(lift1,res1)
    sign1 = signed2twoscomplement(res1, z1)

    jpeg2 = dwt(flgs2, upd2, lft2, sam2, rht2, lift2, done2, clock)
    l2res2 = lift2res1(lift2,res2)
    sign2 = signed2twoscomplement(res2, z2)

    jpeg3 = dwt(flgs3, upd3, lft3, sam3, rht3, lift3, done3, clock)
    l2res3 = lift2res1(lift3,res3)
    sign3 = signed2twoscomplement(res3, z3)

    jpeg4 = dwt(flgs4, upd4, lft4, sam4, rht4, lift4, done4, clock)
    l2res4 = lift2res1(lift4,res4)
    sign4 = signed2twoscomplement(res4, z4)

    jpeg5 = dwt(flgs5, upd5, lft5, sam5, rht5, lift5, done5, clock)
    l2res5 = lift2res1(lift5,res5)
    sign5 = signed2twoscomplement(res5, z5)

    jpeg6 = dwt(flgs6, upd6, lft6, sam6, rht6, lift6, done6, clock)
    l2res6 = lift2res1(lift6,res6)
    sign6 = signed2twoscomplement(res6, z6)

    jpeg7 = dwt(flgs7, upd7, lft7, sam7, rht7, lift7, done7, clock)
    l2res7 = lift2res1(lift7,res7)
    sign7 = signed2twoscomplement(res7, z7)
    inst_sig0 = toSig(clock, myregister0,flgs0,lft0,sam0,rht0) 
    inst_sig1 = toSig(clock, myregister1,flgs1,lft1,sam1,rht1)
    inst_sig2 = toSig(clock, myregister2,flgs2,lft2,sam2,rht2) 
    inst_sig3 = toSig(clock, myregister3,flgs3,lft3,sam3,rht3)
    inst_sig4 = toSig(clock, myregister4,flgs4,lft4,sam4,rht4) 
    inst_sig5 = toSig(clock, myregister5,flgs5,lft5,sam5,rht5)
    inst_sig6 = toSig(clock, myregister6,flgs6,lft6,sam6,rht6) 
    inst_sig7 = toSig(clock, myregister7,flgs7,lft7,sam7,rht7) 

    jpeg8 = dwt(flgs8, upd8, lft8, sam8, rht8, lift8, done8, clock)
    l2res8 = lift2res1(lift8,res8)
    sign8 = signed2twoscomplement(res8, z8)

    jpeg9 = dwt(flgs9, upd9, lft9, sam9, rht9, lift9, done9, clock)
    l2res9 = lift2res1(lift9,res9)
    sign9 = signed2twoscomplement(res9, z9)

    jpeg10= dwt(flgs10, upd10, lft10, sam10, rht10, lift10, done10, clock)
    l2res10= lift2res1(lift10,res10)
    sign10= signed2twoscomplement(res10, z10)

    jpeg11 = dwt(flgs11, upd11, lft11, sam11, rht11, lift11, done11, clock)
    l2res11 = lift2res1(lift11,res11)
    sign11 = signed2twoscomplement(res11, z11)

    jpeg12 = dwt(flgs12, upd12, lft12, sam12, rht12, lift12, done12, clock)
    l2res12 = lift2res1(lift12,res12)
    sign12 = signed2twoscomplement(res12, z12)

    jpeg13 = dwt(flgs13, upd13, lft13, sam13, rht13, lift13, done13, clock)
    l2res13 = lift2res1(lift13,res13)
    sign13 = signed2twoscomplement(res13, z13)

    jpeg14 = dwt(flgs14, upd14, lft14, sam14, rht14, lift14, done14, clock)
    l2res14 = lift2res1(lift14,res14)
    sign14 = signed2twoscomplement(res14, z14)

    jpeg15 = dwt(flgs15, upd15, lft15, sam15, rht15, lift15, done15, clock)
    l2res15 = lift2res1(lift15,res15)
    sign15 = signed2twoscomplement(res15, z15)

    inst_sig8 = toSig(clock, myregister8,flgs8,lft8,sam8,rht8) 
    inst_sig9 = toSig(clock, myregister9,flgs9,lft9,sam9,rht9)
    inst_sig10 = toSig(clock, myregister10,flgs10,lft10,sam10,rht10) 
    inst_sig11 = toSig(clock, myregister11,flgs11,lft11,sam11,rht11)
    inst_sig12 = toSig(clock, myregister12,flgs12,lft12,sam12,rht12) 
    inst_sig13 = toSig(clock, myregister13,flgs13,lft13,sam13,rht13)
    inst_sig14 = toSig(clock, myregister14,flgs14,lft14,sam14,rht14) 
    inst_sig15 = toSig(clock,myregister15,flgs15,lft15,sam15,rht15)  
    return instances()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def bench_command_bridge():
        tbclk = clock.gen()
        tbdut = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

        readpath, writepath = FIFOBus(), FIFOBus()
        readpath.clock = writepath.clock = clock
        tbmap = fifobus.assign_read_write_paths(readpath, writepath)
        tbftx = fifo_fast(reset, clock, writepath)   # user write path
        tbfrx = fifo_fast(reset, clock, readpath)    # user read path

        # @todo: add other bus types
        tbmem = memmap_peripheral_bb(clock, reset, memmap)

        # save the data read ...
        read_value = []

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(32)
            fifobus.read.next = False
            fifobus.write.next = False
            assert not fifobus.full
            assert fifobus.empty
            assert fifobus.read_data == 0
            fifobus.write_data.next = 0

                # test a single address
                pkt = CommandPacket(True, 0x0000)
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0])

                pkt = CommandPacket(False, 0x0000, [0x5555AAAA])
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0x5555AAAA])

                # test a bunch of random addresses
                for ii in range(nloops):
                    randaddr = randint(0, (2**20)-1)
                    randdata = randint(0, (2**32)-1)
                    pkt = CommandPacket(False, randaddr, [randdata])
                    yield pkt.put(readpath)
                    yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [randdata])

            except Exception as err:
                print("Error: {}".format(str(err)))

            yield delay(2000)
            raise StopSimulation

        wp_read, wp_valid = Signals(bool(0), 2)
        wp_read_data = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
        wp_empty, wp_full = Signals(bool(0), 2)

        def tbmon():
            wp_read.next = writepath.read
            wp_read_data.next = writepath.read_data
            wp_valid.next = writepath.read_valid
            wp_full.next = writepath.full
            wp_empty.next = writepath.empty

        return tbclk, tbdut, tbmap, tbftx, tbfrx, tbmem, tbstim, tbmon
Ejemplo n.º 10
def atlys_blinky_host(clock, reset, led, sw, pmod,
                      uart_tx, uart_rx):
    This example is similar to the other examples in this directory but
    the LEDs are controlled externally via command packets sent from a
    host via the UART on the icestick.

    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=32)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=32)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    cmd_tx = Signal(bool(0))
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, fbustx, fbusrx, uart_rx, cmd_tx)

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write: # and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    status = [Signal(bool(0)) for _ in range(8)]
    statusbv = ConcatSignal(*reversed(status))

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_assign():
        # status / debug signals
        if glbl.tick_sec:
              status[0].next = not status[0]
        status[1].next = memmap.mem_addr == 0x20
        status[2].next = uart_rx
        status[3].next = uart_tx
        led.next = ledreg | statusbv | sw
        pmod.next = 0

        if sw[0]:
            uart_tx.next = uart_rx
            uart_tx.next = cmd_tx

    # @todo: PMOD OLED memmap control

    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst, 
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def uart_blinky(clock, led, uart_tx, uart_rx):
    Uses UART module to control LEDs while blinking the first LED.
    LEDs used are pins 0-7 on wing A.
    Expected behavior after upload is that LED[0] blinks on/off.
    When sending 
    0xDE 0x02 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x20 0x04 0xCA 0x00 0x00 0x00 0xFF
    via serial connection, all LEDs should turn on.
    For details about the message format see
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0, async=True)

    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fifobus = FIFOBus(width=8)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(
        glbl, fifobus, serial_in=uart_rx, serial_out=uart_tx,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    reset_dly_cnt = Signal(intbv(0)[5:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
    def reset_tst():
        For the first 4 clocks the reset is forced to lo
        for clock 6 to 31 the reset is set hi
        then the reset is lo
        if (reset_dly_cnt < 31):
			reset_dly_cnt.next = reset_dly_cnt + 1
			if (reset_dly_cnt <= 4):
				reset.next = 1
			if (reset_dly_cnt >= 5):
				reset.next = 0
            reset.next = 1
    return (tick_inst, cmd_inst, uart_inst,
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign, reset_tst)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def xula2_blinky_host(clock, led, bcm14_txd, bcm15_rxd,a_dstb,a_astb,a_write,a_wait,to_rpi2B,fr_rpi2B):
    The LEDs are controlled from the RPi over the UART
    to the FPGA.
    a_astb_sr = Signal(intbv(0)[3:])
    a_dstb_sr = Signal(intbv(0)[3:])
    a_addr_reg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    a_data_reg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])         
    reset = ResetSignal(0, active=0,async=True)
    glbl = Global(clock, reset)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo,

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, uart_fifo, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
    reset_dly_cnt = Signal(intbv(0)[5:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:]
    def reset_tst():
		For the first 4 clocks the reset is forced to lo
		for clock 6 to 31 the reset is set hi
		then the reset is lo
		if (reset_dly_cnt < 31):
			reset_dly_cnt.next = reset_dly_cnt + 1
			if (reset_dly_cnt <= 4):
				reset.next = 1
			if (reset_dly_cnt >= 5):
				reset.next = 0
			reset.next = 1

    def rtl1():
        a_wait.next = (not a_astb) or (not a_dstb)

    def rtl2():
        a_astb_sr.next = concat(a_astb_sr[2:0], a_astb)
        a_dstb_sr.next = concat(a_dstb_sr[2:0], a_dstb)

    def rtl3():
        if (~a_write and a_astb_sr == 4):
            a_addr_reg.next = fr_rpi2B

    def rtl4():
        if (~a_write and a_dstb_sr == 4):
            a_data_reg.next = fr_rpi2B
    def rtl5():
	if(a_write == 1):
            to_rpi2B.next = a_data_reg                                
    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, cmd_inst,
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign, reset_tst,rtl1,rtl2,rtl3,rtl4,rtl5)
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def bench_command_bridge():
        tbclk = clock.gen()
        tbdut = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

        readpath, writepath = FIFOBus(), FIFOBus()
        readpath.clock = writepath.clock = clock
        tbmap = fifobus.assign_read_write_paths(readpath, writepath)
        tbftx = fifo_fast(reset, clock, writepath)  # user write path
        tbfrx = fifo_fast(reset, clock, readpath)  # user read path

        # @todo: add other bus types
        tbmem = memmap_peripheral_bb(clock, reset, memmap)

        # save the data read ...
        read_value = []

        def tbstim():
            yield reset.pulse(32)
            fifobus.read.next = False
            fifobus.write.next = False
            assert not fifobus.full
            assert fifobus.empty
            assert fifobus.read_data == 0
            fifobus.write_data.next = 0

                # test a single address
                pkt = CommandPacket(True, 0x0000)
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0])

                pkt = CommandPacket(False, 0x0000, [0x5555AAAA])
                yield pkt.put(readpath)
                yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [0x5555AAAA])

                # test a bunch of random addresses
                for ii in range(nloops):
                    randaddr = randint(0, (2**20) - 1)
                    randdata = randint(0, (2**32) - 1)
                    pkt = CommandPacket(False, randaddr, [randdata])
                    yield pkt.put(readpath)
                    yield pkt.get(writepath, read_value, [randdata])

            except Exception as err:
                print("Error: {}".format(str(err)))

            yield delay(2000)
            raise StopSimulation

        wp_read, wp_valid = Signals(bool(0), 2)
        wp_read_data = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])
        wp_empty, wp_full = Signals(bool(0), 2)

        def tbmon():
            wp_read.next = writepath.read
            wp_read_data.next = writepath.read_data
            wp_valid.next = writepath.read_valid
            wp_full.next = writepath.full
            wp_empty.next = writepath.empty

        return tbclk, tbdut, tbmap, tbftx, tbfrx, tbmem, tbstim, tbmon
Ejemplo n.º 14
def icestick_blinky_host(clock, led, pmod, uart_tx, uart_rx,
                         uart_dtr, uart_rts):
    This example is similar to the other examples in this directory but
    the LEDs are controlled externally via command packets sent from a
    host via the UART on the icestick.


    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fbustx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    fbusrx = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)
    uart_fifo = FIFOBus(width=8, size=4)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, uart_fifo, uart_rx, uart_tx)
    #map uart_fifo to separate readpath and writepath
    assign_rw = uart_fifo.assign_read_write_paths(fbusrx,fbustx)
    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fbusrx, fbustx, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:] 
        pmod.next = 0

    # @todo: PMOD OLED memmap control

    return (tick_inst, uart_inst, assign_rw, cmd_inst, 
            beh_led_control, beh_led_read, beh_assign)
Ejemplo n.º 15
def icestick_blinky_host(clock, led, pmod, uart_tx, uart_rx, uart_dtr,
    This example is similar to the other examples in this directory but
    the LEDs are controlled externally via command packets sent from a
    host via the UART on the icestick.

    (arguments == ports)

    glbl = Global(clock, None)
    ledreg = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    # create the timer tick instance
    tick_inst = glbl_timer_ticks(glbl, include_seconds=True)

    # create the interfaces to the UART
    fifobus = FIFOBus(width=8)

    # create the memmap (CSR) interface
    memmap = Barebone(glbl, data_width=32, address_width=32)

    # create the UART instance.
    uart_inst = uartlite(glbl, fifobus, uart_rx, uart_tx)

    # create the packet command instance
    cmd_inst = command_bridge(glbl, fifobus, memmap)

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_led_control():
        memmap.done.next = not (memmap.write or memmap.read)
        if memmap.write and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            ledreg.next = memmap.write_data

    def beh_led_read():
        if memmap.read and memmap.mem_addr == 0x20:
            memmap.read_data.next = ledreg
            memmap.read_data.next = 0

    # blink one of the LEDs
    tone = Signal(intbv(0)[8:])

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=None)
    def beh_assign():
        if glbl.tick_sec:
            tone.next = (~tone) & 0x1
        led.next = ledreg | tone[5:]

        pmod.next = 0

    # @todo: PMOD OLED memmap control

    return myhdl.instances()