"report_comment", type=str, help="Custom comment, will be printed at the top of the report.") @click.option( "-n", "--filename", type=str, help="Report filename. Use '[yellow i]stdout[/]' to print to standard out." ) @click.option("-o", "--outdir", type=str, help="Create report in the specified output directory.") @click.option("-t", "--template", type=click.Choice(config.avail_templates), metavar=None, help="Report template to use.") @click.option("--tag", "module_tag", type=str, multiple=True, help="Use only modules which tagged with this keyword") @click.option( "--view-tags", is_flag=True, callback=util_functions.view_all_tags, expose_value=False, is_eager=True, help="View the available tags and which modules they load", )
@click.group() def main(): find_airflow_sources_root() option_verbose = click.option( "-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Print verbose information about performed steps", ) option_python_version = click.option( '-p', '--python', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSIONS), help='Choose your python version', ) option_backend = click.option( '-b', '--backend', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_BACKENDS), help='Choose your backend database', ) option_github_repository = click.option( '-g', '--github-repository', help='GitHub repository used to pull, push images. Default: apache/airflow.' )
log_fh.setFormatter( logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] %(name)-20s [%(levelname)-7s] %(message)s")) log.addHandler(log_fh) # nf-core list @nf_core_cli.command() @click.argument("keywords", required=False, nargs=-1, metavar="<filter keywords>") @click.option( "-s", "--sort", type=click.Choice(["release", "pulled", "name", "stars"]), default="release", help="How to sort listed pipelines", ) @click.option("--json", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Print full output as JSON") @click.option("--show-archived", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Print archived workflows") def list(keywords, sort, json, show_archived): """ List available nf-core pipelines with local info.
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os import rich_click as click from airflow import settings from airflow.utils.cli import ColorMode from airflow.utils.timezone import parse as parsedate BUILD_DOCS = "BUILDING_AIRFLOW_DOCS" in os.environ click_color = click.option( '--color', type=click.Choice([ColorMode.ON, ColorMode.OFF, ColorMode.AUTO]), default=ColorMode.AUTO, help="Do emit colored output (default: auto)", ) click_conf = click.option( '-c', '--conf', help="JSON string that gets pickled into the DagRun's conf attribute") click_daemon = click.option( "-D", "--daemon", 'daemon_', is_flag=True, help="Daemonize instead of running in the foreground") click_dag_id = click.argument("dag_id", help="The id of the dag") click_dag_id_opt = click.option("-d", "--dag-id", help="The id of the dag")
is_flag=True, help="Print verbose information about performed steps.", envvar='VERBOSE') option_dry_run = click.option( "-D", "--dry-run", is_flag=True, help="If dry-run is set, commands are only printed, not executed.", envvar='DRY_RUN', ) option_python = click.option( '-p', '--python', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSIONS), help='Python version to use.', envvar='PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION', ) option_backend = click.option( '-b', '--backend', help="Database backend to use.", type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_BACKENDS), ) option_integration = click.option( '--integration', help="Integration(s) to enable when running (can be more than one).", type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS),
'Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser' ]) script_path = subprocess.check_output( ['powershell', '-NoProfile', 'echo $profile']).strip() command_to_execute = f". {autocomplete_path}" write_to_shell(command_to_execute, script_path.decode("utf-8"), breeze_comment) else: click.echo( f"Link for manually adding the autocompletion script to {shell} profile" ) @main.command(name='config') @click.option('--python', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION)) @click.option('--backend', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_BACKENDS)) @click.option('--cheatsheet/--no-cheatsheet', default=None) @click.option('--asciiart/--no-asciiart', default=None) def change_config(python, backend, cheatsheet, asciiart): """ Toggles on/off cheatsheet, asciiart """ if asciiart: console.print('[blue] ASCIIART enabled') delete_cache('suppress_asciiart') elif asciiart is not None: touch_cache_file('suppress_asciiart') else: pass if cheatsheet:
"-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Print verbose information about performed steps.", envvar='VERBOSE' ) option_dry_run = click.option( "-D", "--dry-run", is_flag=True, help="If dry-run is set, commands are only printed, not executed.", envvar='DRY_RUN', ) option_python = click.option( '-p', '--python', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSIONS), help='Python version to use.', envvar='PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION', ) option_backend = click.option( '-b', '--backend', help="Database backend to use.", type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_BACKENDS), ) option_integration = click.option( '--integration', help="Integration(s) to enable when running (can be more than one).", type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_INTEGRATIONS),
click_completion.init() @click.group() def main(): find_airflow_sources_root() option_verbose = click.option( "-v", "--verbose", is_flag=True, help="Print verbose information about performed steps", envvar='VERBOSE' ) option_python_version = click.option( '-p', '--python', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSIONS), help='Choose your python version', envvar='PYTHON_MAJOR_MINOR_VERSION', ) option_backend = click.option( '-b', '--backend', type=click.Choice(ALLOWED_BACKENDS), help='Choose your backend database', ) option_github_repository = click.option( '-g', '--github-repository', help='GitHub repository used to pull, push images. Default: apache/airflow.' )