Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(repo_type, rosdistro_name):
    index = get_index(get_index_url())
    if repo_type == 'doc':
            distro_file = get_doc_file(index, rosdistro_name)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            print("Could not load doc file for distro '%s': %s" % (rosdistro_name, e), file=sys.stderr)
            return False
    if repo_type == 'source':
            distro_file = get_source_file(index, rosdistro_name)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            print("Could not load source file for distro '%s': %s" % (rosdistro_name, e), file=sys.stderr)
            return False

    for repo_name in sorted(distro_file.repositories.keys()):
        repo = distro_file.repositories[repo_name]
            if (repo.type == 'git'):
                check_git_repo(repo.url, repo.version)
            elif (repo.type == 'hg'):
                check_hg_repo(repo.url, repo.version)
            elif (repo.type == 'svn'):
                check_svn_repo(repo.url, repo.version)
                print("Unknown type '%s' for repository '%s'" % (repo.type, repo.name), file=sys.stderr)
        except RuntimeError as e:
            print("Could not fetch repository '%s': %s (%s) [%s]" % (repo.name, repo.url, repo.version, e), file=sys.stderr)

    return True
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_manifest_from_rosdistro(package_name, distro_name):
    Get the rosdistro repository data and package information.

    @param package_name: name of package or repository to get manifest information for.
    It gives package symbols precedence over repository names.
    @type  package_name: str
    @param distro_name: name of ROS distribution
    @type  distro_name: str

    @return: (manifest data, 'package'|'repository').
    @rtype: ({str: str}, str, str)
    @raise IOError: if data cannot be loaded
    data = {}
    type_ = None
    index = get_index(get_index_url())
        release_cache = get_cached_release(index, distro_name)
    except RuntimeError as runerr:
        if (runerr.message.startswith("Unknown release")):
            return None

    if package_name in release_cache.packages:
        pkg = release_cache.packages[package_name]
        #print('pkg', pkg.name)
        pkg_xml = release_cache.get_package_xml(package_name)
        pkg_manifest = parse_package_string(pkg_xml)
        data['description'] = pkg_manifest.description
        website_url = [u.url for u in pkg_manifest.urls if u.type == 'website']
        if website_url:
            data['url'] = website_url[0]
        repo_name = pkg.repository_name
        meta_export = [exp for exp in pkg_manifest.exports if exp.tagname == 'metapackage']
        if meta_export:
            type_ = 'metapackage'
            type_ = 'package'
        repo_name = package_name
        type_ = 'repository'
    data['repo_name'] = repo_name
    if repo_name in release_cache.repositories:
        repo = release_cache.repositories[repo_name]
        data['packages'] = repo.package_names

    source_file = get_source_file(index, distro_name)
    if repo_name in source_file.repositories:
        repo = source_file.repositories[repo_name]
        data['vcs'] = repo.type
        data['vcs_uri'] = repo.url
        data['vcs_version'] = repo.version
        return None

    return (data, type_, None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_get_source_file():
    url = 'file://' + FILES_DIR + '/index_v2.yaml'
    i = get_index(url)
    src_file = get_source_file(i, 'foo')
Ejemplo n.º 4
def document_repo(workspace, docspace, ros_distro, repo,
                  platform, arch, homepage, no_chroot, skip_garbage,
                  doc_conf, depends_conf, tags_db):
    doc_job = "doc-%s-%s" % (ros_distro, repo)

    #Get the list of repositories that should have documentation run on them
    #These are all of the repos that are not in the depends rosinsall file
    repos_to_doc = get_repositories_from_rosinstall(doc_conf)

    repo_path = os.path.realpath("%s" % (docspace))
    print("Repo path %s" % repo_path)

    #Walk through the installed repositories and find old-style packages, new-stye packages, and stacks
    stacks, manifest_packages, catkin_packages, repo_map = build_repo_structure(repo_path, doc_conf, depends_conf)
    if ros_distro == 'indigo':
        if stacks or manifest_packages:
            print("Ignoring dry packages and stacks in '%s'" % ros_distro)
            stacks = {}
            manifest_packages = {}
        if not catkin_packages:
            raise BuildException('No catkin packages found')
    print("Running documentation generation on\npackages: %s" % (manifest_packages.keys() + catkin_packages.keys()))
    #print "Catkin packages: %s" % catkin_packages
    #print "Manifest packages: %s" % manifest_packages
    #print "Stacks: %s" % stacks

    #Get any non local apt dependencies
    ros_dep = rosdep.RosDepResolver(ros_distro, no_chroot=no_chroot)
    import rosdistro
    if ros_distro == 'electric':
        apt = rosdistro.AptDistro(platform, arch, shadow=False)
        apt = rosdistro.AptDistro(platform, arch, shadow=True)
    apt_deps = get_apt_deps(apt, ros_dep, ros_distro, catkin_packages, stacks, manifest_packages)
    print("Apt dependencies: %s" % apt_deps)

    #Get rosdistro release file if there are catkin packages to get status
    if catkin_packages and ros_distro not in ['electric', 'fuerte']:
        print("Fetch rosdistro files for: %s" % ros_distro)
        index = rosdistro.get_index(rosdistro.get_index_url())
        rosdistro_release_file = rosdistro.get_release_file(index, ros_distro)
        rosdistro_source_file = rosdistro.get_source_file(index, ros_distro)
        rosdistro_release_file = None
        rosdistro_source_file = None

    #Build a local dependency graph to be used for build order
    local_dep_graph = build_local_dependency_graph(catkin_packages, manifest_packages)

    doc_path = os.path.realpath("%s/doc/%s" % (docspace, ros_distro))
    if os.path.exists(doc_path):

    #Write stack manifest files for all stacks, we can just do this off the
    #stack.xml files
    write_stack_manifests(stacks, docspace, ros_distro, repo_map, tags_db, doc_job, homepage)

    #Need to make sure to re-order packages to be run in dependency order
    build_order = get_dependency_build_order(local_dep_graph)
    print("Build order that honors deps:\n%s" % build_order)

    #We'll need the full list of apt_deps to get tag files
    full_apt_deps = get_full_apt_deps(apt_deps, apt)

    if not no_chroot:
        print("Installing all dependencies for %s" % repo)

        # XXX this is a really ugly hack to make the hydro doc job for ros_comm pass
        # otherwise roslisp pulls in the rosgraph_msgs package as a Debian dependency
        # which then break catkin_basic since it include the msgs CMake multiple files
        # resulting in duplicate target names (https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/issues/471)
        if repo == 'ros_comm' and 'ros-hydro-roslisp' in apt_deps:

        if apt_deps:
            call("apt-get install %s --yes" % (' '.join(apt_deps)))
        print("Done installing dependencies")

    #Set up the list of things that need to be sourced to run rosdoc_lite
    #TODO: Hack for electric
    if ros_distro == 'electric':
        #lucid doesn't have /usr/local on the path by default... weird
        sources = ['export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH']
        sources.append('source /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash')
        sources.append('export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/electric/stacks:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH')
        sources = ['source /opt/ros/%s/setup.bash' % ros_distro]

    #We assume that there will be no build errors to start
    build_errors = []

    #Everything that is after fuerte supports catkin workspaces, so everything
    #that has packages with package.xml files
    local_install_path = os.path.join(docspace, 'local_installs')
    if os.path.exists(local_install_path):

    #Make sure to create some subfolders under the local install path
    def makedirs(path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):

    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, 'bin'))
    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, 'lib/python2.7/dist-packages'))
    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, 'share'))

    if catkin_packages \
       and not 'rosdoc_lite' in catkin_packages.keys() and not 'catkin' in catkin_packages.keys():
        source, errs = build_repo_messages(catkin_packages, docspace, ros_distro, local_install_path)
        if source:

    #For fuerte catkin, we need to check if we should build catkin stacks
    source, errs = build_repo_messages_catkin_stacks(stacks, ros_distro, local_install_path)

    #For all our manifest packages (dry or fuerte catkin) we want to build
    #messages. Note, for fuerte catkin, we have to build all the code and
    #install locally to get message generation
    source, errs = build_repo_messages_manifest(manifest_packages, build_order, ros_distro)

    #We want to pull all the tagfiles available once from the server
    tags_location = os.path.join(workspace, ros_distro)
    if os.path.exists(tags_location):
    command = ['bash', '-c',
               'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qrz [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s/tags %s' % (ros_distro, tags_location)]

    repo_tags = document_packages(manifest_packages, catkin_packages, build_order,
                                  repos_to_doc, sources, tags_db, full_apt_deps,
                                  ros_dep, repo_map, repo_path, docspace, ros_distro,
                                  homepage, doc_job, tags_location, doc_path,
                                  rosdistro_release_file, rosdistro_source_file)

    #Copy the files to the appropriate place
    folders = sorted(set(stacks.keys() + manifest_packages.keys() + catkin_packages.keys()))
    if folders:
        dsts = ['%s/api/%s' % (doc_path, f) for f in folders]
        for dst in dsts:
            with open(os.path.join(dst, 'stamp'), 'w'):
        command = ['bash', '-c', 'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qr --delete %s [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s/api' % (' '.join(dsts), ros_distro)]
    folders = ['%s/changelogs' % doc_path, '%s/tags' % doc_path]
    folders = [f for f in folders if os.path.exists(f)]
    if folders:
        command = ['bash', '-c', 'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qr %s [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s' % (' '.join(folders), ros_distro)]

    if not skip_garbage:
        #Remove the autogenerated doc files since they take up a lot of space if left on the server

    #Write the new tags to the database if there are any to write
    for name, tags in repo_tags.iteritems():
        #Get the apt name of the current stack/repo
        if ros_dep.has_ros(name):
            deb_name = ros_dep.to_apt(name)[0]
            deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (ros_distro, name.replace('_', '-'))

        #We only want to write tags for packages that have a valid deb name
        #For others, the only way to get cross referencing is to document everything
        #together with a rosinstall file
        if apt.has_package(deb_name):
            tags_db.set_tags(deb_name, tags)

    #Make sure to write changes to tag files and deps
    #We don't want to write hashes on an unsuccessful build
    excludes = ['rosinstall_hashes'] if build_errors else []

    #Tell jenkins that we've succeeded
    print("Preparing xml test results")
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace, 'test_results'))
        print("Created test results directory")
    except Exception:

    if build_errors:
        import yaml
        copy_test_results(workspace, docspace,
                          """Failed to generate messages by calling cmake for %s.
Look in the console for cmake failures, search for "CMake Error"

Also, are you sure that the rosinstall files are pulling from the right branch for %s? Check the repos below,
you can update information the %s.rosinstall and %s-depends.rosinstall files by submitting a pull request at

Documentation rosinstall:\n%s

Depends rosinstall:\n%s""" % (build_errors,
                              yaml.safe_dump(doc_conf, default_flow_style=False),
                              yaml.safe_dump(depends_conf, default_flow_style=False)),
        copy_test_results(workspace, docspace)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def _test_repositories(ros_distro, repo_list, version_list, workspace, test_depends_on,
                       repo_sourcespace, dependson_sourcespace, repo_buildspace, dependson_buildspace,
                       sudo=False, no_chroot=False):
    from catkin_pkg.package import InvalidPackage, parse_package_string
    from rosdistro import get_cached_release, get_index, get_index_url, get_source_file
    from rosdistro.dependency_walker import DependencyWalker
    from rosdistro.manifest_provider import get_release_tag

    index = get_index(get_index_url())
    print "Parsing rosdistro file for %s" % ros_distro
    release = get_cached_release(index, ros_distro)
    print "Parsing devel file for %s" % ros_distro
    source_file = get_source_file(index, ros_distro)

    # Create rosdep object
    print "Create rosdep object"
    rosdep_resolver = rosdep.RosDepResolver(ros_distro, sudo, no_chroot)

    # download the repo_list from source
    print "Creating rosinstall file for repo list"
    rosinstall = ""
    for repo_name, version in zip(repo_list, version_list):
        if version == 'devel':
            if repo_name not in source_file.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Devel Distro" % repo_name)
            print "Using devel distro file to download repositories"
            rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(source_file.repositories[repo_name])
            if repo_name not in release.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Ros Distro" % repo_name)
            repo = release.repositories[repo_name]
            if version not in ['latest', 'master']:
                assert repo.version is not None, 'Repository "%s" does not have a version set' % repo_name
            assert 'release' in repo.tags, 'Repository "%s" does not have a "release" tag set' % repo_name
            for pkg_name in repo.package_names:
                release_tag = get_release_tag(repo, pkg_name)
                if version in ['latest', 'master']:
                    release_tag = '/'.join(release_tag.split('/')[:-1])
                print 'Using tag "%s" of release distro file to download package "%s from repo "%s' % (version, pkg_name, repo_name)
                rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(release.repositories[repo_name], version=release_tag)
    print "rosinstall file for all repositories: \n %s" % rosinstall
    with open(os.path.join(workspace, "repo.rosinstall"), 'w') as f:
    print "Install repo list from source"
    call("rosinstall %s %s/repo.rosinstall --catkin" % (repo_sourcespace, workspace))

    # get the repositories build dependencies
    print "Get build dependencies of repo list"
    repo_build_dependencies = get_dependencies(repo_sourcespace, build_depends=True, run_depends=False)
    # ensure that catkin gets installed, for non-catkin packages so that catkin_make_isolated is available
    if 'catkin' not in repo_build_dependencies:
    print "Install build dependencies of repo list: %s" % (', '.join(repo_build_dependencies))
    apt_get_install(repo_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # replace the CMakeLists.txt file for repositories that use catkin
    print "Removing the CMakeLists.txt file generated by rosinstall"
    os.remove(os.path.join(repo_sourcespace, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
    print "Create a new CMakeLists.txt file using catkin"

    # get environment
    ros_env = get_ros_env('/opt/ros/%s/setup.bash' % ros_distro)

    # check if source workspace contains only package built with catkin
    non_catkin_pkgs = _get_non_catkin_packages(repo_sourcespace)

    # make build folder and change into it

    # make test results dir
    test_results_dir = os.path.join(workspace, 'test_results')
    if os.path.exists(test_results_dir):

    if not non_catkin_pkgs:
        print "Build catkin workspace"
        call("catkin_init_workspace %s" % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        repos_test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_results_dir, 'repos')
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('cmake %s -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/opt/ros/groovy/share/ros/core/rosbuild/rostoolchain.cmake -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=%s'%(repo_sourcespace,repos_test_results_dir)).split(' '), env=ros_env)
        res = 0
        if helper.returncode != 0:
            res = helper.returncode
        ros_env_repo = get_ros_env(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel/setup.bash'))
        # build repositories
        print "Build repo list"
        print "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: %s"%ros_env['CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH']
        call("make", ros_env)
        # Concatenate filelists
        print '-----------------  Concatenate filelists -----------------  '
        filelist = '%s'%repo_buildspace + '/filelist.lst'
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('%s/jenkins_scripts/code_quality/concatenate_filelists.py --dir %s --filelist %s'%(workspace,repo_buildspace, filelist)).split(' '), env=os.environ)
        print '////////////////// cma analysis done ////////////////// \n\n'

        # Run CMA
        print '-----------------  Run CMA analysis -----------------  '
        cmaf = repo_sourcespace#repo_buildspace
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('pal QACPP -cmaf %s -list %s'%(cmaf, filelist)).split(' '), env=os.environ)
        print '////////////////// cma analysis done ////////////////// \n\n'

        # Export metrics to yaml and csv files
        # get uri infos
        #uri= distro.get_repositories()[repo_list[0]].url
        repo_name = repo_list[0]
        repo_data = release.get_data()['repositories'][repo_name]
        print "repo_data", repo_data 
        uri = repo_data['url']
        uri_info = 'master' #repo_data['version']
        vcs_type = 'git' # repo_data['type']

        print '-----------------  Export metrics to yaml and csv files ----------------- '
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('%s/jenkins_scripts/code_quality/wet/export_metrics_to_yaml_wet.py --path %s --path_src %s --doc metrics --csv csv --config %s/jenkins_scripts/code_quality/export_config.yaml --distro %s --stack %s --uri %s --uri_info %s --vcs_type %s'%(workspace, repo_buildspace, repo_sourcespace, workspace, ros_distro, repo_name, uri,  uri_info, vcs_type)).split(' '), env=os.environ)
        print '////////////////// export metrics to yaml and csv files done ////////////////// \n\n'     
        # Push results to server
        print '-----------------  Push results to server -----------------  '
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('%s/jenkins_scripts/code_quality/wet/push_results_to_server_wet.py --path %s --doc metrics --path_src %s --meta_package %s'%(workspace, repo_buildspace, repo_sourcespace, repo_list)).split(' '), env=os.environ)
        print '////////////////// push results to server done ////////////////// \n\n' 

        # Upload results to QAVerify
        print ' -----------------  upload results to QAVerify -----------------  '
        shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(workspace, 'snapshots_path'), ignore_errors=True)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace, 'snapshots_path'))
        snapshots_path = '%s/snapshots_path'%workspace
        project_name = repo_list[0] + '-' + ros_distro
        helper = subprocess.Popen(('%s/jenkins_scripts/code_quality/wet/upload_to_QAVerify_wet.py --path %s --snapshot %s --project %s --stack_name %s'%(workspace, repo_buildspace, snapshots_path, project_name,  repo_list[0])).split(' '), env=os.environ)
        print '////////////////// upload results to QAVerify done ////////////////// \n\n'
        if os.path.exists(snapshots_path):

        print "Build workspace with non-catkin packages in isolation"
        # work around catkin_make_isolated issue (at least with version 0.5.65 of catkin)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel_isolated'))
        call('catkin_make_isolated --source %s --install-space install_isolated --install' % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        setup_file = os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'install_isolated', 'setup.sh')
        ros_env = get_ros_env(setup_file)

    if res != 0:
        print "helper_return_code is: %s"%(helper.returncode)
        assert 'analysis_wet.py failed'
        raise Exception("analysis_wet.py failed. Check out the console output above for details.")
    # create dummy test results
    env = dict()
    env['INSTALL_DIR'] = os.getenv('INSTALL_DIR', '')
    test_results_path = workspace + '/test_results'
    if os.path.exists(test_results_path):
    test_file= test_results_path + '/test_file.xml' 
    f = open(test_file, 'w')
    f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\n')
    f.write('<testsuite tests="1" failures="0" time="1" errors="0" name="dummy test">\n')
    f.write('  <testcase name="dummy rapport" classname="Results" /> \n')
    f.write('</testsuite> \n')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_get_source_file():
    url = 'file://' + FILES_DIR + '/index_v2.yaml'
    i = get_index(url)
    src_file = get_source_file(i, 'foo')
def document_repo(
    doc_job = "doc-%s-%s" % (ros_distro, repo)

    # Get the list of repositories that should have documentation run on them
    # These are all of the repos that are not in the depends rosinsall file
    repos_to_doc = get_repositories_from_rosinstall(doc_conf)

    repo_path = os.path.realpath("%s" % (docspace))
    print("Repo path %s" % repo_path)

    # Walk through the installed repositories and find old-style packages, new-stye packages, and stacks
    stacks, manifest_packages, catkin_packages, repo_map = build_repo_structure(repo_path, doc_conf, depends_conf)
    if ros_distro == "indigo":
        if stacks or manifest_packages:
            print("Ignoring dry packages and stacks in '%s'" % ros_distro)
            stacks = {}
            manifest_packages = {}
        if not catkin_packages:
            raise BuildException("No catkin packages found")
    print("Running documentation generation on\npackages: %s" % (manifest_packages.keys() + catkin_packages.keys()))
    # print "Catkin packages: %s" % catkin_packages
    # print "Manifest packages: %s" % manifest_packages
    # print "Stacks: %s" % stacks

    # Get any non local apt dependencies
    ros_dep = rosdep.RosDepResolver(ros_distro, no_chroot=no_chroot)
    import rosdistro

    if ros_distro == "electric":
        apt = rosdistro.AptDistro(platform, arch, shadow=False)
        apt = rosdistro.AptDistro(platform, arch, shadow=True)
    apt_deps = get_apt_deps(apt, ros_dep, ros_distro, catkin_packages, stacks, manifest_packages)
    print("Apt dependencies: %s" % apt_deps)

    # Get rosdistro release file if there are catkin packages to get status
    if catkin_packages and ros_distro not in ["electric", "fuerte"]:
        print("Fetch rosdistro files for: %s" % ros_distro)
        index = rosdistro.get_index(rosdistro.get_index_url())
        rosdistro_release_file = rosdistro.get_release_file(index, ros_distro)
        rosdistro_source_file = rosdistro.get_source_file(index, ros_distro)
        rosdistro_release_file = None
        rosdistro_source_file = None

    # Build a local dependency graph to be used for build order
    local_dep_graph = build_local_dependency_graph(catkin_packages, manifest_packages)

    doc_path = os.path.realpath("%s/doc/%s" % (docspace, ros_distro))
    if os.path.exists(doc_path):

    # Write stack manifest files for all stacks, we can just do this off the
    # stack.xml files
    write_stack_manifests(stacks, docspace, ros_distro, repo_map, tags_db, doc_job, homepage)

    # Need to make sure to re-order packages to be run in dependency order
    build_order = get_dependency_build_order(local_dep_graph)
    print("Build order that honors deps:\n%s" % build_order)

    # We'll need the full list of apt_deps to get tag files
    full_apt_deps = get_full_apt_deps(apt_deps, apt)

    if not no_chroot:
        print("Installing all dependencies for %s" % repo)

        # XXX this is a really ugly hack to make the hydro doc job for ros_comm pass
        # otherwise roslisp pulls in the rosgraph_msgs package as a Debian dependency
        # which then break catkin_basic since it include the msgs CMake multiple files
        # resulting in duplicate target names (https://github.com/ros/ros_comm/issues/471)
        if repo == "ros_comm" and "ros-hydro-roslisp" in apt_deps:

        if apt_deps:
            call("apt-get install %s --yes" % (" ".join(apt_deps)))
        print("Done installing dependencies")

    # Set up the list of things that need to be sourced to run rosdoc_lite
    # TODO: Hack for electric
    if ros_distro == "electric":
        # lucid doesn't have /usr/local on the path by default... weird
        sources = ["export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH"]
        sources.append("source /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash")
        sources.append("export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/opt/ros/electric/stacks:$ROS_PACKAGE_PATH")
        sources = ["source /opt/ros/%s/setup.bash" % ros_distro]

    # We assume that there will be no build errors to start
    build_errors = []

    # Everything that is after fuerte supports catkin workspaces, so everything
    # that has packages with package.xml files
    local_install_path = os.path.join(docspace, "local_installs")
    if os.path.exists(local_install_path):

    # Make sure to create some subfolders under the local install path
    def makedirs(path):
        if not os.path.exists(path):

    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, "bin"))
    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, "lib/python2.7/dist-packages"))
    makedirs(os.path.join(local_install_path, "share"))

    if catkin_packages and not "rosdoc_lite" in catkin_packages.keys() and not "catkin" in catkin_packages.keys():
        source, errs = build_repo_messages(catkin_packages, docspace, ros_distro, local_install_path)
        if source:

    # For fuerte catkin, we need to check if we should build catkin stacks
    source, errs = build_repo_messages_catkin_stacks(stacks, ros_distro, local_install_path)

    # For all our manifest packages (dry or fuerte catkin) we want to build
    # messages. Note, for fuerte catkin, we have to build all the code and
    # install locally to get message generation
    source, errs = build_repo_messages_manifest(manifest_packages, build_order, ros_distro)

    # We want to pull all the tagfiles available once from the server
    tags_location = os.path.join(workspace, ros_distro)
    if os.path.exists(tags_location):
    command = [
        'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qrz [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s/tags %s'
        % (ros_distro, tags_location),

    repo_tags = document_packages(

    # Copy the files to the appropriate place
    folders = sorted(set(stacks.keys() + manifest_packages.keys() + catkin_packages.keys()))
    if folders:
        dsts = ["%s/api/%s" % (doc_path, f) for f in folders]
        for dst in dsts:
            with open(os.path.join(dst, "stamp"), "w"):
        command = [
            'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qr --delete %s [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s/api'
            % (" ".join(dsts), ros_distro),
    folders = ["%s/changelogs" % doc_path, "%s/tags" % doc_path]
    folders = [f for f in folders if os.path.exists(f)]
    if folders:
        command = [
            'rsync -e "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -qr %s [email protected]:/home/rosbot/docs/%s'
            % (" ".join(folders), ros_distro),

    if not skip_garbage:
        # Remove the autogenerated doc files since they take up a lot of space if left on the server

    # Write the new tags to the database if there are any to write
    for name, tags in repo_tags.iteritems():
        # Get the apt name of the current stack/repo
        if ros_dep.has_ros(name):
            deb_name = ros_dep.to_apt(name)[0]
            deb_name = "ros-%s-%s" % (ros_distro, name.replace("_", "-"))

        # We only want to write tags for packages that have a valid deb name
        # For others, the only way to get cross referencing is to document everything
        # together with a rosinstall file
        if apt.has_package(deb_name):
            tags_db.set_tags(deb_name, tags)

    # Make sure to write changes to tag files and deps
    # We don't want to write hashes on an unsuccessful build
    excludes = ["rosinstall_hashes"] if build_errors else []

    # Tell jenkins that we've succeeded
    print("Preparing xml test results")
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(workspace, "test_results"))
        print("Created test results directory")
    except Exception:

    if build_errors:
        import yaml

            """Failed to generate messages by calling cmake for %s.
Look in the console for cmake failures, search for "CMake Error"

Also, are you sure that the rosinstall files are pulling from the right branch for %s? Check the repos below,
you can update information the %s.rosinstall and %s-depends.rosinstall files by submitting a pull request at

Documentation rosinstall:\n%s

Depends rosinstall:\n%s"""
            % (
                yaml.safe_dump(doc_conf, default_flow_style=False),
                yaml.safe_dump(depends_conf, default_flow_style=False),
        copy_test_results(workspace, docspace)
def _test_repositories(ros_distro, repo_list, version_list, workspace, test_depends_on,
                       repo_sourcespace, dependson_sourcespace, repo_buildspace, dependson_buildspace,
                       sudo=False, no_chroot=False):
    from catkin_pkg.package import InvalidPackage, parse_package_string
    from rosdistro import get_cached_release, get_index, get_index_url, get_source_file
    from rosdistro.dependency_walker import DependencyWalker
    from rosdistro.manifest_provider import get_release_tag

    index = get_index(get_index_url())
    print "Parsing rosdistro file for %s" % ros_distro
    release = get_cached_release(index, ros_distro)
    print "Parsing devel file for %s" % ros_distro
    source_file = get_source_file(index, ros_distro)

    # Create rosdep object
    print "Create rosdep object"
    rosdep_resolver = rosdep.RosDepResolver(ros_distro, sudo, no_chroot)

    # download the repo_list from source
    print "Creating rosinstall file for repo list"
    rosinstall = ""
    for repo_name, version in zip(repo_list, version_list):
        if version == 'devel':
            if repo_name not in source_file.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Devel Distro" % repo_name)
            print "Using devel distro file to download repositories"
            rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(source_file.repositories[repo_name])
            if repo_name not in release.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Ros Distro" % repo_name)
            repo = release.repositories[repo_name]
            if version not in ['latest', 'master']:
                assert repo.version is not None, 'Repository "%s" does not have a version set' % repo_name
            assert 'release' in repo.tags, 'Repository "%s" does not have a "release" tag set' % repo_name
            for pkg_name in repo.package_names:
                release_tag = get_release_tag(repo, pkg_name)
                if version in ['latest', 'master']:
                    release_tag = '/'.join(release_tag.split('/')[:-1])
                print 'Using tag "%s" of release distro file to download package "%s from repo "%s' % (version, pkg_name, repo_name)
                rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(release.repositories[repo_name], version=release_tag)
    print "rosinstall file for all repositories: \n %s" % rosinstall
    with open(os.path.join(workspace, "repo.rosinstall"), 'w') as f:
    print "Install repo list from source"
    call("rosinstall %s %s/repo.rosinstall --catkin" % (repo_sourcespace, workspace))

    # get the repositories build dependencies
    print "Get build dependencies of repo list"
    repo_build_dependencies = get_dependencies(repo_sourcespace, build_depends=True, test_depends=False)
    # ensure that catkin gets installed, for non-catkin packages so that catkin_make_isolated is available
    if 'catkin' not in repo_build_dependencies:
    print "Install build dependencies of repo list: %s" % (', '.join(repo_build_dependencies))
    apt_get_install(repo_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # replace the CMakeLists.txt file for repositories that use catkin
    print "Removing the CMakeLists.txt file generated by rosinstall"
    os.remove(os.path.join(repo_sourcespace, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
    print "Create a new CMakeLists.txt file using catkin"

    # get environment
    ros_env = get_ros_env('/opt/ros/%s/setup.bash' % ros_distro)

    # check if source workspace contains only package built with catkin
    non_catkin_pkgs = _get_non_catkin_packages(repo_sourcespace)

    # make build folder and change into it

    # make test results dir
    test_results_dir = os.path.join(workspace, 'test_results')
    if os.path.exists(test_results_dir):

    if not non_catkin_pkgs:
        print "Build catkin workspace"
        call("catkin_init_workspace %s" % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        repos_test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_results_dir, 'repos')
        call("cmake %s -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=%s" % (repo_sourcespace, repos_test_results_dir), ros_env)
        #ros_env_repo = get_ros_env(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel/setup.bash'))

        # build repositories and tests
        print "Build repo list"
        call("make", ros_env)
        call("make tests", ros_env)

        # get the repositories test and run dependencies
        print "Get test and run dependencies of repo list"
        repo_test_dependencies = get_dependencies(repo_sourcespace, build_depends=False, test_depends=True)
        print "Install test and run dependencies of repo list: %s" % (', '.join(repo_test_dependencies))
        apt_get_install(repo_test_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

        # run tests
        print "Test repo list"
        call("make run_tests", ros_env)

        print "Build workspace with non-catkin packages in isolation"
        # work around catkin_make_isolated issue (at least with version 0.5.65 of catkin)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel_isolated'))
        call('catkin_make_isolated --source %s --install-space install_isolated --install' % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        setup_file = os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'install_isolated', 'setup.sh')
        ros_env = get_ros_env(setup_file)

    # don't do depends-on on things not in release
    not_in_release = set(repo_list) - set(release.repositories.keys())
    if not_in_release:
        print "Removed [%s] repositories which are not in the " %\
            ', '.join(sorted(not_in_release)), \
            "release file for depends-on testing"
        repo_list = list(set(repo_list) - not_in_release)

    # see if we need to do more work or not
    if not test_depends_on:
        print "We're not testing the depends-on repositories"

    # get repo_list depends-on list
    print "Get list of wet repositories that build-depend on repo list: %s" % ', '.join(repo_list)
    walker = DependencyWalker(release)
    depends_on = set([])
        for repo_name in repo_list:
            print('repo_name', repo_name)
            repo = release.repositories[repo_name]
            for pkg_name in repo.package_names:
                print('pkg_name', pkg_name)
                depends_on |= walker.get_recursive_depends_on(pkg_name, ['buildtool', 'build'], ignore_pkgs=depends_on)
                print('depends_on', depends_on)
    except RuntimeError:
        print "Exception %s: If you are not in the rosdistro and only in the devel", \
            " builds there will be no depends on"
        depends_on = set([])

    print "Build depends_on list of pkg list: %s" % (', '.join(depends_on))
    if len(depends_on) == 0:
        print "No wet packages depend on our repo list. Test finished here"

    # install depends_on packages from source from release repositories
    rosinstall = ''
    non_catkin_pkgs = []
    for pkg_name in depends_on:
        repo = release.repositories[release.packages[pkg_name].repository_name]
        if repo.version is None:
        pkg_xml = release.get_package_xml(pkg_name)
        if pkg_xml is None:
            raise BuildException('Could not retrieve package.xml for package "%s" from rosdistro cache' % pkg_name)
            pkg = parse_package_string(pkg_xml)
        except InvalidPackage as e:
            raise BuildException('package.xml for package "%s" from rosdistro cache is invalid: %s' % (pkg_name, e))
        if _is_non_catkin_package(pkg):
        rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_pkg(repo, pkg_name)

    if non_catkin_pkgs:
        print 'Non-catkin packages depend on our repo list (%s). Skipping depends_on packages here' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs))
        create_test_result(test_results_dir, failure='Non-catkin packages depend on the repos (%s). Skip building and testing depends_on packages.' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs)))

    print "Rosinstall for depends_on:\n %s" % rosinstall
    with open(workspace + "/depends_on.rosinstall", 'w') as f:
    print "Created rosinstall file for depends on"

    # install all repository and system dependencies of the depends_on list
    print "Install all depends_on from source: %s" % (', '.join(depends_on))
    call("rosinstall --catkin %s %s/depends_on.rosinstall" % (dependson_sourcespace, workspace))

    # check if depends_on workspace contains only package built with catkin
    non_catkin_pkgs = _get_non_catkin_packages(dependson_sourcespace)
    if non_catkin_pkgs:
        print 'Non-catkin packages depend on our repo list (%s). Skipping depends_on packages here' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs))
        create_test_result(test_results_dir, failure='Non-catkin packages depend on the repos (%s). Skip building and testing depends_on packages.' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs)))

    # get build and test dependencies of depends_on list
    dependson_build_dependencies = []
    for d in get_dependencies(dependson_sourcespace, build_depends=True, test_depends=False):
        print "  Checking dependency %s" % d
        if d in dependson_build_dependencies:
            print "    Already in dependson_build_dependencies"
        if d in depends_on:
            print "    Is a direct dependency of the repo list, and is installed from source"
        if d in repo_list:
            print "    Is one of the repositories tested"
        if not d in dependson_build_dependencies and not d in depends_on and not d in repo_list:
    print "Build dependencies of depends_on list are %s" % (', '.join(dependson_build_dependencies))
    dependson_test_dependencies = []
    for d in get_dependencies(dependson_sourcespace, build_depends=False, test_depends=True):
        if not d in dependson_test_dependencies and not d in depends_on and not d in repo_list:
    print "Test dependencies of depends_on list are %s" % (', '.join(dependson_test_dependencies))

    # install build dependencies
    print "Install all build dependencies of the depends_on list"
    apt_get_install(dependson_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # replace the CMakeLists.txt file again
    print "Removing the CMakeLists.txt file generated by rosinstall"
    os.remove(os.path.join(dependson_sourcespace, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
    print "Create a new CMakeLists.txt file using catkin"
    call("catkin_init_workspace %s" % dependson_sourcespace, ros_env)
    depends_on_test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_results_dir, 'depends_on')
    call("cmake %s -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=%s" % (dependson_sourcespace, depends_on_test_results_dir), ros_env)
    #ros_env_depends_on = get_ros_env(os.path.join(dependson_buildspace, 'devel/setup.bash'))

    # build repositories
    print "Build depends-on packages"
    call("make", ros_env)

    # install test dependencies
    print "Install all test dependencies of the depends_on list"
    apt_get_install(dependson_test_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # test repositories
    print "Test depends-on packages"
    call("make run_tests", ros_env)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def _test_repositories(ros_distro, repo_list, version_list, workspace, test_depends_on,
                       repo_sourcespace, dependson_sourcespace, repo_buildspace, dependson_buildspace,
                       sudo=False, no_chroot=False):
    from catkin_pkg.package import InvalidPackage, parse_package_string
    from rosdistro import get_cached_release, get_index, get_index_url, get_source_file
    from rosdistro.dependency_walker import DependencyWalker
    from rosdistro.manifest_provider import get_release_tag

    index = get_index(get_index_url())
    print "Parsing rosdistro file for %s" % ros_distro
    release = get_cached_release(index, ros_distro)
    print "Parsing devel file for %s" % ros_distro
    source_file = get_source_file(index, ros_distro)

    # Create rosdep object
    print "Create rosdep object"
    rosdep_resolver = rosdep.RosDepResolver(ros_distro, sudo, no_chroot)

    # download the repo_list from source
    print "Creating rosinstall file for repo list"
    rosinstall = ""
    for repo_name, version in zip(repo_list, version_list):
        if version == 'devel':
            if repo_name not in source_file.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Devel Distro" % repo_name)
            print "Using devel distro file to download repositories"
            rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(source_file.repositories[repo_name])
            if repo_name not in release.repositories:
                raise BuildException("Repository %s does not exist in Ros Distro" % repo_name)
            repo = release.repositories[repo_name]
            if version not in ['latest', 'master']:
                assert repo.version is not None, 'Repository "%s" does not have a version set' % repo_name
            assert 'release' in repo.tags, 'Repository "%s" does not have a "release" tag set' % repo_name
            for pkg_name in repo.package_names:
                release_tag = get_release_tag(repo, pkg_name)
                if version in ['latest', 'master']:
                    release_tag = '/'.join(release_tag.split('/')[:-1])
                print 'Using tag "%s" of release distro file to download package "%s from repo "%s' % (version, pkg_name, repo_name)
                rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_repo(release.repositories[repo_name], version=release_tag)
    print "rosinstall file for all repositories: \n %s" % rosinstall
    with open(os.path.join(workspace, "repo.rosinstall"), 'w') as f:
    print "Install repo list from source"
    call("rosinstall %s %s/repo.rosinstall --catkin" % (repo_sourcespace, workspace))

    # get the repositories build dependencies
    print "Get build dependencies of repo list"
    repo_build_dependencies = get_dependencies(repo_sourcespace, build_depends=True, test_depends=False)
    # ensure that catkin gets installed, for non-catkin packages so that catkin_make_isolated is available
    if 'catkin' not in repo_build_dependencies:
    print "Install build dependencies of repo list: %s" % (', '.join(repo_build_dependencies))
    apt_get_install(repo_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # replace the CMakeLists.txt file for repositories that use catkin
    print "Removing the CMakeLists.txt file generated by rosinstall"
    os.remove(os.path.join(repo_sourcespace, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
    print "Create a new CMakeLists.txt file using catkin"

    # get environment
    ros_env = get_ros_env('/opt/ros/%s/setup.bash' % ros_distro)

    # check if source workspace contains only package built with catkin
    non_catkin_pkgs = _get_non_catkin_packages(repo_sourcespace)

    # make build folder and change into it

    # make test results dir
    test_results_dir = os.path.join(workspace, 'test_results')
    if os.path.exists(test_results_dir):

    if not non_catkin_pkgs:
        print "Build catkin workspace"
        call("catkin_init_workspace %s" % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        repos_test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_results_dir, 'repos')
        call("cmake %s -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=%s" % (repo_sourcespace, repos_test_results_dir), ros_env)
        #ros_env_repo = get_ros_env(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel/setup.bash'))

        # build repositories and tests
        print "Build repo list"
        call("make", ros_env)
        call("make tests", ros_env)

        # get the repositories test and run dependencies
        print "Get test and run dependencies of repo list"
        repo_test_dependencies = get_dependencies(repo_sourcespace, build_depends=False, test_depends=True)
        print "Install test and run dependencies of repo list: %s" % (', '.join(repo_test_dependencies))
        apt_get_install(repo_test_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

        # run tests
        print "Test repo list"
        call("make run_tests", ros_env)

        print "Build workspace with non-catkin packages in isolation"
        # work around catkin_make_isolated issue (at least with version 0.5.65 of catkin)
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'devel_isolated'))
        call('catkin_make_isolated --source %s --install-space install_isolated --install' % repo_sourcespace, ros_env)
        setup_file = os.path.join(repo_buildspace, 'install_isolated', 'setup.sh')
        ros_env = get_ros_env(setup_file)

    # see if we need to do more work or not
    if not test_depends_on:
        print "We're not testing the depends-on repositories"

    # get repo_list depends-on list
    print "Get list of wet repositories that build-depend on repo list: %s" % ', '.join(repo_list)
    walker = DependencyWalker(release)
    depends_on = set([])
        for repo_name in repo_list:
            print('repo_name', repo_name)
            repo = release.repositories[repo_name]
            for pkg_name in repo.package_names:
                print('pkg_name', pkg_name)
                depends_on |= walker.get_recursive_depends_on(pkg_name, ['buildtool', 'build'], ignore_pkgs=depends_on)
                print('depends_on', depends_on)
    except RuntimeError:
        print "Exception %s: If you are not in the rosdistro and only in the devel", \
            " builds there will be no depends on"
        depends_on = set([])

    print "Build depends_on list of pkg list: %s" % (', '.join(depends_on))
    if len(depends_on) == 0:
        print "No wet packages depend on our repo list. Test finished here"

    # install depends_on packages from source from release repositories
    rosinstall = ''
    non_catkin_pkgs = []
    for pkg_name in depends_on:
        repo = release.repositories[release.packages[pkg_name].repository_name]
        if repo.version is None:
        pkg_xml = release.get_package_xml(pkg_name)
        if pkg_xml is None:
            raise BuildException('Could not retrieve package.xml for package "%s" from rosdistro cache' % pkg_name)
            pkg = parse_package_string(pkg_xml)
        except InvalidPackage as e:
            raise BuildException('package.xml for package "%s" from rosdistro cache is invalid: %s' % (pkg_name, e))
        if _is_non_catkin_package(pkg):
        rosinstall += _generate_rosinstall_for_pkg(repo, pkg_name)

    if non_catkin_pkgs:
        print 'Non-catkin packages depend on our repo list (%s). Skipping depends_on packages here' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs))
        create_test_result(test_results_dir, failure='Non-catkin packages depend on the repos (%s). Skip building and testing depends_on packages.' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs)))

    print "Rosinstall for depends_on:\n %s" % rosinstall
    with open(workspace + "/depends_on.rosinstall", 'w') as f:
    print "Created rosinstall file for depends on"

    # install all repository and system dependencies of the depends_on list
    print "Install all depends_on from source: %s" % (', '.join(depends_on))
    call("rosinstall --catkin %s %s/depends_on.rosinstall" % (dependson_sourcespace, workspace))

    # check if depends_on workspace contains only package built with catkin
    non_catkin_pkgs = _get_non_catkin_packages(dependson_sourcespace)
    if non_catkin_pkgs:
        print 'Non-catkin packages depend on our repo list (%s). Skipping depends_on packages here' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs))
        create_test_result(test_results_dir, failure='Non-catkin packages depend on the repos (%s). Skip building and testing depends_on packages.' % ', '.join(sorted(non_catkin_pkgs)))

    # get build and test dependencies of depends_on list
    dependson_build_dependencies = []
    for d in get_dependencies(dependson_sourcespace, build_depends=True, test_depends=False):
        print "  Checking dependency %s" % d
        if d in dependson_build_dependencies:
            print "    Already in dependson_build_dependencies"
        if d in depends_on:
            print "    Is a direct dependency of the repo list, and is installed from source"
        if d in repo_list:
            print "    Is one of the repositories tested"
        if not d in dependson_build_dependencies and not d in depends_on and not d in repo_list:
    print "Build dependencies of depends_on list are %s" % (', '.join(dependson_build_dependencies))
    dependson_test_dependencies = []
    for d in get_dependencies(dependson_sourcespace, build_depends=False, test_depends=True):
        if not d in dependson_test_dependencies and not d in depends_on and not d in repo_list:
    print "Test dependencies of depends_on list are %s" % (', '.join(dependson_test_dependencies))

    # install build dependencies
    print "Install all build dependencies of the depends_on list"
    apt_get_install(dependson_build_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # replace the CMakeLists.txt file again
    print "Removing the CMakeLists.txt file generated by rosinstall"
    os.remove(os.path.join(dependson_sourcespace, 'CMakeLists.txt'))
    print "Create a new CMakeLists.txt file using catkin"
    call("catkin_init_workspace %s" % dependson_sourcespace, ros_env)
    depends_on_test_results_dir = os.path.join(test_results_dir, 'depends_on')
    call("cmake %s -DCATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR=%s" % (dependson_sourcespace, depends_on_test_results_dir), ros_env)
    #ros_env_depends_on = get_ros_env(os.path.join(dependson_buildspace, 'devel/setup.bash'))

    # build repositories
    print "Build depends-on packages"
    call("make", ros_env)

    # install test dependencies
    print "Install all test dependencies of the depends_on list"
    apt_get_install(dependson_test_dependencies, rosdep_resolver, sudo)

    # test repositories
    print "Test depends-on packages"
    call("make run_tests", ros_env)