Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_not_literal(self):
     r = get_code(r"[^a]")
     assert match(r, "A")
     assert not match(r, "a")
     r = get_code(r"[^a]+$")
     assert match(r, "Bx123")
     assert not match(r, "--a--")
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_not_literal_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[^a]")
     assert match(r, "G")
     assert not match(r, "a")
     assert not match(r, "A")
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[^a]+$")
     assert match(r, "Gx123")
     assert not match(r, "--A--")
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def test_lookbehind(self):
     r = get_code(r"([a-z]*)(?<=de)")
     assert match(r, "ade")
     res = match(r, "adefg")
     assert res is not None and res.get_mark(1) == P(3)
     assert not match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "X")
     assert not match(r, "eX")
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def test_groupref_exists(self):
     r = get_code(r"((a)|(b))c(?(2)d)$")
     assert not match(r, "ac")
     assert match(r, "acd")
     assert match(r, "bc")
     assert not match(r, "bcd")
     r = get_code(r"((a)|(b))c(?(2)d|e)$")
     assert not match(r, "ac")
     assert match(r, "acd")
     assert not match(r, "ace")
     assert not match(r, "bc")
     assert not match(r, "bcd")
     assert match(r, "bce")
Ejemplo n.º 5
def run_external(t, use_search):
    from rpython.rlib.rsre.test.re_tests import SUCCEED, FAIL, SYNTAX_ERROR
    pattern, s, outcome = t[:3]
    if len(t) == 5:
        repl, expected = t[3:5]
        assert len(t) == 3
    print 'trying:', t
        obj = get_code(pattern)
    except re.error:
        if outcome == SYNTAX_ERROR:
            return  # Expected a syntax error
    if outcome == SYNTAX_ERROR:
        raise Exception("this should have been a syntax error")
    if use_search:
        result = support.search(obj, s)
        # Emulate a poor man's search() with repeated match()s
        for i in range(len(s) + 1):
            result = support.match(obj, s, start=i)
            if result:
    if outcome == FAIL:
        if result is not None:
            raise Exception("succeeded incorrectly")
    elif outcome == SUCCEED:
        if result is None:
            raise Exception("failed incorrectly")
        # Matched, as expected, so now we compute the
        # result string and compare it to our expected result.
        start, end = result.span(0)
        vardict = {
            'found': result.group(0),
            'groups': result.group(),
        }  #'flags': result.re.flags}
        for i in range(1, 100):
                gi = result.group(i)
                # Special hack because else the string concat fails:
                if gi is None:
                    gi = "None"
            except IndexError:
                gi = "Error"
            vardict['g%d' % i] = gi
        #for i in result.re.groupindex.keys():
        #    try:
        #        gi = result.group(i)
        #        if gi is None:
        #            gi = "None"
        #    except IndexError:
        #        gi = "Error"
        #    vardict[i] = gi
        repl = eval(repl, vardict)
        if repl != expected:
            raise Exception("grouping error: %r should be %r" %
                            (repl, expected))
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def test_bigcharset(self):
     for i in range(100):
         chars = [
             unichr(random.randrange(0x100, 0xD000))
             for n in range(random.randrange(1, 25))
         pattern = u'[%s]' % (u''.join(chars), )
         r = get_code(pattern)
         for c in chars:
             assert match(r, c)
         for i in range(200):
             c = unichr(random.randrange(0x0, 0xD000))
             res = match(r, c)
             if c in chars:
                 assert res is not None
                 assert res is None
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def test_range_ignore(self):
     from rpython.rlib.unicodedata import unicodedb
     r = get_code(u"[\U00010428-\U0001044f]", re.I)
     assert r.pattern.count(27) == 1  # OPCODE_RANGE
     r.pattern[r.pattern.index(27)] = 32  # => OPCODE_RANGE_IGNORE
     assert match(r, u"\U00010428")
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_assert_not_group(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?!(de)f)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdeFghi")
     assert res is not None
     assert res.span(2) == (P(3), P(4))
     # this I definitely classify as Horrendously Implementation Dependent.
     # CPython answers (3, 5).
     assert res.span(1) == (-1, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def test_groupref(self):
     r = get_code(r"(xx+)\1+$")  # match non-prime numbers of x
     assert not match(r, "xx")
     assert not match(r, "xxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxxxx")
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def test_groupref_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)(xx+)\1+$")  # match non-prime numbers of x
     assert not match(r, "xX")
     assert not match(r, "xxX")
     assert match(r, "Xxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxXx")
     assert match(r, "xXxxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxXxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxXx")
     assert match(r, "xxxXxxxxx")
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def test_match_end(self):
     r = get_code("ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert match(r, "abc", end=333)
     assert match(r, "abc", end=3)
     assert match(r, "abc", end=2)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=1)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=0)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=-1)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 def test_in_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[a-f]")
     assert match(r, "b")
     assert match(r, "C")
     assert not match(r, "g")
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[a-f]+$")
     assert match(r, "bCdEf")
     assert not match(r, "g")
     assert not match(r, "aaagaaa")
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def test_match_start(self):
     r = get_code(r"^ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "xxxabc", start=3)
     assert not match(r, "xx\nabc", start=3)
     r = get_code(r"(?m)^ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "xxxabc", start=3)
     assert match(r, "xx\nabc", start=3)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def test_bug1(self):
     # REPEAT_ONE inside REPEAT
     r = get_code(r"(?:.+)?B")
     assert match(r, "AB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+?)+B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+)+?B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+?)+?B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     # REPEAT inside REPEAT
     r = get_code(r"(?:(?:xy)+)?B")
     assert match(r, "xyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+?)+B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+)+?B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+?)+?B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_assert_not(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?!def)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdeFghi")
     assert res is not None and res.get_mark(1) == P(4)
     assert not match(r, "abcdefghi")
Ejemplo n.º 16
 def test_any_all_repetition(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?s)ab.*cd")
     assert match(r, "abXXXXcdef")
     assert match(r, "abcdef")
     assert match(r, "abX\nXcdef")
     assert not match(r, "abX\nXcDef")
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def test_any_all(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?s)ab.cd")
     assert match(r, "abXcdef")
     assert match(r, "ab\ncdef")
     assert not match(r, "ab\ncDef")
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def test_repeated_single_character_pattern(self):
     r = get_code(r"foo(?:(?<=foo)x)+$")
     assert match(r, "foox")
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def test_empty_maxuntil(self):
     r = get_code("\\{\\{((?:.*?)+)\\}\\}")
     m = match(r, "{{a}}{{b}}")
     assert m.group(1) == "a"
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_or(self):
     r = get_code(r"a|bc|def")
     assert match(r, "a")
     assert match(r, "bc")
     assert match(r, "def")
     assert not match(r, "ghij")
Ejemplo n.º 21
 def test_match_bug3(self):
     if VERSION == "2.7.5":
         py.test.skip("pattern fails to compile with exactly 2.7.5 "
                      "(works on 2.7.3 and on 2.7.trunk though)")
     r = get_code(r'([ax]*?x*)?$')
     assert match(r, "aaxaa")
Ejemplo n.º 22
 def test_any(self):
     r = get_code(r"ab.cd")
     assert match(r, "abXcdef")
     assert not match(r, "ab\ncdef")
     assert not match(r, "abXcDef")
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def test_flatten_marks(self):
     r = get_code(r"a(b)c((d)(e))+$")
     res = match(r, "abcdedede")
     assert res.flatten_marks() == map(P, [0, 9, 1, 2, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 9])
     assert res.flatten_marks() == map(P, [0, 9, 1, 2, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 9])
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def test_repeated_set(self):
     r = get_code(r"[a0x]+f")
     assert match(r, "a0af")
     assert not match(r, "a0yaf")
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def found(s):
     res = match(r, s)
     assert res is not None
     return res.get_mark(1)
Ejemplo n.º 26
 def test_simple_match_1(self):
     r = get_code(r"ab*bbbbbbbc")
     print r
     m = match(r, "abbbbbbbbbcdef")
     assert m
     assert m.match_end == P(11)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 def test_at(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc$")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "abcd")
     assert not match(r, "ab")
Ejemplo n.º 28
 def test_assert_group(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?=(..)f)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdefghi")
     assert res is not None
     assert res.span(2) == (P(3), P(4))
     assert res.span(1) == (P(3), P(5))
Ejemplo n.º 29
 def test_category(self):
     r = get_code(r"[\sx]")
     assert match(r, "x")
     assert match(r, " ")
     assert not match(r, "n")
Ejemplo n.º 30
 def test_match_bug2(self):
     r = get_code(r'(x??)??$')
     assert match(r, "x")