Пример #1
 def test_not_literal(self):
     r = get_code(r"[^a]")
     assert match(r, "A")
     assert not match(r, "a")
     r = get_code(r"[^a]+$")
     assert match(r, "Bx123")
     assert not match(r, "--a--")
Пример #2
 def test_not_literal_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[^a]")
     assert match(r, "G")
     assert not match(r, "a")
     assert not match(r, "A")
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[^a]+$")
     assert match(r, "Gx123")
     assert not match(r, "--A--")
Пример #3
 def test_lookbehind(self):
     r = get_code(r"([a-z]*)(?<=de)")
     assert match(r, "ade")
     res = match(r, "adefg")
     assert res is not None and res.get_mark(1) == P(3)
     assert not match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "X")
     assert not match(r, "eX")
Пример #4
 def test_groupref_exists(self):
     r = get_code(r"((a)|(b))c(?(2)d)$")
     assert not match(r, "ac")
     assert match(r, "acd")
     assert match(r, "bc")
     assert not match(r, "bcd")
     r = get_code(r"((a)|(b))c(?(2)d|e)$")
     assert not match(r, "ac")
     assert match(r, "acd")
     assert not match(r, "ace")
     assert not match(r, "bc")
     assert not match(r, "bcd")
     assert match(r, "bce")
Пример #5
def run_external(t, use_search):
    from rpython.rlib.rsre.test.re_tests import SUCCEED, FAIL, SYNTAX_ERROR
    pattern, s, outcome = t[:3]
    if len(t) == 5:
        repl, expected = t[3:5]
        assert len(t) == 3
    print 'trying:', t
        obj = get_code(pattern)
    except re.error:
        if outcome == SYNTAX_ERROR:
            return  # Expected a syntax error
    if outcome == SYNTAX_ERROR:
        raise Exception("this should have been a syntax error")
    if use_search:
        result = support.search(obj, s)
        # Emulate a poor man's search() with repeated match()s
        for i in range(len(s) + 1):
            result = support.match(obj, s, start=i)
            if result:
    if outcome == FAIL:
        if result is not None:
            raise Exception("succeeded incorrectly")
    elif outcome == SUCCEED:
        if result is None:
            raise Exception("failed incorrectly")
        # Matched, as expected, so now we compute the
        # result string and compare it to our expected result.
        start, end = result.span(0)
        vardict = {
            'found': result.group(0),
            'groups': result.group(),
        }  #'flags': result.re.flags}
        for i in range(1, 100):
                gi = result.group(i)
                # Special hack because else the string concat fails:
                if gi is None:
                    gi = "None"
            except IndexError:
                gi = "Error"
            vardict['g%d' % i] = gi
        #for i in result.re.groupindex.keys():
        #    try:
        #        gi = result.group(i)
        #        if gi is None:
        #            gi = "None"
        #    except IndexError:
        #        gi = "Error"
        #    vardict[i] = gi
        repl = eval(repl, vardict)
        if repl != expected:
            raise Exception("grouping error: %r should be %r" %
                            (repl, expected))
Пример #6
 def test_bigcharset(self):
     for i in range(100):
         chars = [
             unichr(random.randrange(0x100, 0xD000))
             for n in range(random.randrange(1, 25))
         pattern = u'[%s]' % (u''.join(chars), )
         r = get_code(pattern)
         for c in chars:
             assert match(r, c)
         for i in range(200):
             c = unichr(random.randrange(0x0, 0xD000))
             res = match(r, c)
             if c in chars:
                 assert res is not None
                 assert res is None
Пример #7
 def test_range_ignore(self):
     from rpython.rlib.unicodedata import unicodedb
     r = get_code(u"[\U00010428-\U0001044f]", re.I)
     assert r.pattern.count(27) == 1  # OPCODE_RANGE
     r.pattern[r.pattern.index(27)] = 32  # => OPCODE_RANGE_IGNORE
     assert match(r, u"\U00010428")
Пример #8
 def test_assert_not_group(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?!(de)f)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdeFghi")
     assert res is not None
     assert res.span(2) == (P(3), P(4))
     # this I definitely classify as Horrendously Implementation Dependent.
     # CPython answers (3, 5).
     assert res.span(1) == (-1, -1)
Пример #9
 def test_groupref(self):
     r = get_code(r"(xx+)\1+$")  # match non-prime numbers of x
     assert not match(r, "xx")
     assert not match(r, "xxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxxxx")
Пример #10
 def test_groupref_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)(xx+)\1+$")  # match non-prime numbers of x
     assert not match(r, "xX")
     assert not match(r, "xxX")
     assert match(r, "Xxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxXx")
     assert match(r, "xXxxxx")
     assert not match(r, "xxxXxxx")
     assert match(r, "xxxxxxXx")
     assert match(r, "xxxXxxxxx")
Пример #11
 def test_match_end(self):
     r = get_code("ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert match(r, "abc", end=333)
     assert match(r, "abc", end=3)
     assert match(r, "abc", end=2)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=1)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=0)
     assert not match(r, "abc", end=-1)
Пример #12
 def test_in_ignore(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[a-f]")
     assert match(r, "b")
     assert match(r, "C")
     assert not match(r, "g")
     r = get_code(r"(?i)[a-f]+$")
     assert match(r, "bCdEf")
     assert not match(r, "g")
     assert not match(r, "aaagaaa")
Пример #13
 def test_match_start(self):
     r = get_code(r"^ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "xxxabc", start=3)
     assert not match(r, "xx\nabc", start=3)
     r = get_code(r"(?m)^ab")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "xxxabc", start=3)
     assert match(r, "xx\nabc", start=3)
Пример #14
 def test_bug1(self):
     # REPEAT_ONE inside REPEAT
     r = get_code(r"(?:.+)?B")
     assert match(r, "AB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+?)+B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+)+?B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:AA+?)+?B")
     assert match(r, "AAAB") is not None
     # REPEAT inside REPEAT
     r = get_code(r"(?:(?:xy)+)?B")
     assert match(r, "xyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+?)+B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+)+?B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
     r = get_code(r"(?:xy(?:xy)+?)+?B")
     assert match(r, "xyxyxyB") is not None
Пример #15
 def test_assert_not(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?!def)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdeFghi")
     assert res is not None and res.get_mark(1) == P(4)
     assert not match(r, "abcdefghi")
Пример #16
 def test_any_all_repetition(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?s)ab.*cd")
     assert match(r, "abXXXXcdef")
     assert match(r, "abcdef")
     assert match(r, "abX\nXcdef")
     assert not match(r, "abX\nXcDef")
Пример #17
 def test_any_all(self):
     r = get_code(r"(?s)ab.cd")
     assert match(r, "abXcdef")
     assert match(r, "ab\ncdef")
     assert not match(r, "ab\ncDef")
Пример #18
 def test_repeated_single_character_pattern(self):
     r = get_code(r"foo(?:(?<=foo)x)+$")
     assert match(r, "foox")
Пример #19
 def test_empty_maxuntil(self):
     r = get_code("\\{\\{((?:.*?)+)\\}\\}")
     m = match(r, "{{a}}{{b}}")
     assert m.group(1) == "a"
Пример #20
 def test_or(self):
     r = get_code(r"a|bc|def")
     assert match(r, "a")
     assert match(r, "bc")
     assert match(r, "def")
     assert not match(r, "ghij")
Пример #21
 def test_match_bug3(self):
     if VERSION == "2.7.5":
         py.test.skip("pattern fails to compile with exactly 2.7.5 "
                      "(works on 2.7.3 and on 2.7.trunk though)")
     r = get_code(r'([ax]*?x*)?$')
     assert match(r, "aaxaa")
Пример #22
 def test_any(self):
     r = get_code(r"ab.cd")
     assert match(r, "abXcdef")
     assert not match(r, "ab\ncdef")
     assert not match(r, "abXcDef")
Пример #23
 def test_flatten_marks(self):
     r = get_code(r"a(b)c((d)(e))+$")
     res = match(r, "abcdedede")
     assert res.flatten_marks() == map(P, [0, 9, 1, 2, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 9])
     assert res.flatten_marks() == map(P, [0, 9, 1, 2, 7, 9, 7, 8, 8, 9])
Пример #24
 def test_repeated_set(self):
     r = get_code(r"[a0x]+f")
     assert match(r, "a0af")
     assert not match(r, "a0yaf")
Пример #25
 def found(s):
     res = match(r, s)
     assert res is not None
     return res.get_mark(1)
Пример #26
 def test_simple_match_1(self):
     r = get_code(r"ab*bbbbbbbc")
     print r
     m = match(r, "abbbbbbbbbcdef")
     assert m
     assert m.match_end == P(11)
Пример #27
 def test_at(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc$")
     assert match(r, "abc")
     assert not match(r, "abcd")
     assert not match(r, "ab")
Пример #28
 def test_assert_group(self):
     r = get_code(r"abc(?=(..)f)(.)")
     res = match(r, "abcdefghi")
     assert res is not None
     assert res.span(2) == (P(3), P(4))
     assert res.span(1) == (P(3), P(5))
Пример #29
 def test_category(self):
     r = get_code(r"[\sx]")
     assert match(r, "x")
     assert match(r, " ")
     assert not match(r, "n")
Пример #30
 def test_match_bug2(self):
     r = get_code(r'(x??)??$')
     assert match(r, "x")