def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() io_scheduler = AsyncIOThreadSafeScheduler(loop=loop) scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) video_stream_observable = rx.using( lambda: VideoStreamDisposable(), lambda d: rx.from_iterable(video_stream_iterable(d.cap))) disposable = video_stream_observable.pipe( ops.subscribe_on(scheduler), ops.sample(1 / ARGS.fps), # sample frames based on fps ops.filter(has_face), # filter frames without faces frame: Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))), # map frame to PIL image ops.observe_on(io_scheduler), img: ImageFacesPair(img, analyse_frame(img)) ), # analyse faces on frame ops.filter( lambda img_faces_pair: any([ face.top_prediction.confidence >= ARGS.min_confidence and face. top_prediction.confidence <= ARGS.max_confidence for face in img_faces_pair.faces ]) ), # proceed only if min_confidence <= person_confidence <= max_confidence ops.do_action(on_next=save_frame)).subscribe( on_error=lambda e: logger.exception(e)) try: loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)"Data collector shutdown") disposable.dispose()
def grouped_sample( key_mapper: ops.Mapper, sampler: Union[ops.timedelta, float, rx.Observable], ): """ Combination of "group_by", "flat_map" and "sample", groups an observable sequence by the "key_mapper" function, maps the resulting observable sequences with the "sample" operator and flatten it into a single observable sequence. """ return rx.pipe( ops.group_by(key_mapper), ops.flat_map(lambda x: x.pipe(ops.sample(sampler))), )
def main(): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() io_scheduler = AsyncIOThreadSafeScheduler(loop=loop) scheduler = ThreadPoolScheduler(multiprocessing.cpu_count()) semaphore = Subject() semaphore_stream = semaphore.pipe( ops.flat_map(lambda _: rx.of(True).pipe( ops.delay(ARGS.block_time, scheduler=scheduler), ops.start_with(False))), ops.start_with(True)) video_stream_observable = rx.using( lambda: VideoStreamDisposable(), lambda d: rx.from_iterable(video_stream_iterable(d.cap))) gated_video_stream = video_stream_observable.pipe( ops.subscribe_on(scheduler), ops.sample(1 / ARGS.fps), # sample frames based on fps ops.combine_latest(semaphore_stream), ops.filter(lambda tup: tup[1]), # proceed only if semaphore allows tup: tup[0]) # take only frame ) disposable = gated_video_stream.pipe( ops.filter(has_face), # filter frames without faces frame: Image.fromarray( cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))), # map frame to PIL image img: img.resize( (640, 360))), # resize image (inference will be faster) ops.observe_on(io_scheduler), img: ImageFacesPair(img, analyse_frame(img)) ), # analyse frame for faces ops.filter(lambda img_faces_pair: any([ face.top_prediction.confidence > ARGS.threshold for face in img_faces_pair.faces ])), # proceed only if there is a known face in the frame ops.throttle_first(1), ops.flat_map(unlock_request), # unlock the door ops.do_action( on_next=lambda _: semaphore.on_next(True) ) # trigger semaphore which will block stream for "block-seconds" seconds (doors are unlocked for that long after unlock request) ).subscribe(on_error=lambda e: logger.exception(e)) try: loop.run_forever() except Exception as e: logger.exception(e)"Smart lock face recognition engine shutdown") disposable.dispose()
groups = rx.from_(range(3)).pipe( ops.group_by(key_selector) ) groups.subscribe(subscribe_group_observable) # Sample: A way to grab items and emit latest values at certain points print('-- Sample') # 10 ms 마다 인터벌 발생 (시간의 단위는 초이다.) rx.interval(0.01).pipe( # 1초 동안 동작 ops.take_until(rx.timer(1)), # 100ms 마다 이벤트 출력 (현재 받은 최신값) ops.sample(0.1) ).subscribe(print) time.sleep(2) # Max print('-- Max') rx.from_([1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 3, 3, -10]).pipe( ops.max(lambda x, y: x - y) ).subscribe(print)
def create(): return rx.never().pipe(ops.sample(1))
def create(): return rx.throw(ex).pipe(ops.sample(0))
def create(): return rx.empty().pipe(ops.sample(0))
def create(): return xs.pipe(ops.sample(50))
import time import rx from rx import operators as ops # rx.from_(['abc', 'def', 'ghi']).subscribe(print) # abc # def # ghi print() # 1초마다 인터벌 발생 (시간의 단위는 초이다.) rx.interval(1).pipe( # 30 초가 될때까지 동작 ops.take_until(rx.timer(30)), # 3초마다 이벤트 출력 ops.sample(3)).subscribe(print) # 1 # 4 # 7 # 10 # 13 # 16 # 19 # 22 # 25 # 28 time.sleep(40)
import rx import rx.operators as ops from rx.subject import Subject numbers = Subject() sampler = Subject() numbers.pipe(ops.sample(sampler=sampler)).subscribe( on_next=lambda i: print("on_next {}".format(i)), on_error=lambda e: print("on_error: {}".format(e)), on_completed=lambda: print("on_completed")) numbers.on_next(1) numbers.on_next(2) sampler.on_next(True) numbers.on_next(3) numbers.on_next(4) numbers.on_next(5) sampler.on_next(True)