Ejemplo n.º 1
def spline_derivatives(landscape,n_bins=100):
    :param landscape: original landscape
    :param n_bins: number of bins for fitting
    :return: tuple of (spline fit to A_z, split fit to A_dot, fit to A_ddot
    z = landscape.z
    A_z = landscape.A_z
    sort_idx = np.argsort(z)
    z_sort = z[sort_idx]
    A_sort = A_z[sort_idx]
    knots = np.linspace(min(z_sort),max(z_sort),endpoint=True,num=n_bins)
    spline_A_z = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=z_sort,y=A_sort,k=3,t=knots[1:-1])
    A_dot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(1)(z)
    A_ddot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(2)(z)
    return spline_A_z,A_dot_spline_z,A_ddot_spline_z
Ejemplo n.º 2
def spline_derivatives(landscape, n_bins=100):
    :param landscape: original landscape
    :param n_bins: number of bins for fitting
    :return: tuple of (spline fit to A_z, split fit to A_dot, fit to A_ddot
    z = landscape.z
    A_z = landscape.A_z
    sort_idx = np.argsort(z)
    z_sort = z[sort_idx]
    A_sort = A_z[sort_idx]
    knots = np.linspace(min(z_sort), max(z_sort), endpoint=True, num=n_bins)
    spline_A_z = LSQUnivariateSpline(x=z_sort, y=A_sort, k=3, t=knots[1:-1])
    A_dot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(1)(z)
    A_ddot_spline_z = spline_A_z.derivative(2)(z)
    return spline_A_z, A_dot_spline_z, A_ddot_spline_z
Ejemplo n.º 3
class dataSmoother:
    def __init__(self, file, knots=[]):
        self.filename = file
        with open(file, "r") as f:
            inData = genfromtxt(f, float, comments='#').T
            self.rho = inData[0]
            self.orig_data = inData[1]

        self.spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.rho, self.orig_data, knots, k=5)

    def plot_orig(self):
        fig = self._plot_base()
        fig.scatter(self.rho, self.orig_data, color='red')
        return fig

    def plot(self):
        fig = self._plot_base()

        fig.scatter(self.rho, self.orig_data, color='red')
        fig.plot(self.rho, self.spline(self.rho), color='black')
        fig.scatter(self.rho, self.spline(self.rho), color='green', marker="x")

        fig.legend(["Spline", "Original", "Cleaned"])

        return fig

    def save(self):
        answer = ""
        while answer not in ["y", "n"]:
            answer = input("OK to continue [Y/N]? ").lower()
        print("Backing up old file")
        os.rename(self.filename, self.filename + '.bak')
        contents = np.array([self.rho, self.spline(self.rho)]).T
        savetxt(self.filename + "_clean", contents, delimiter='    ')

    def get_spline(self):
        return self.spline

    def set_knots(self, knots):
        self.spline = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.rho, self.orig_data, knots, k=5)
        print("knots set")

    def _plot_base(self):
        plot = plt.figure()
        fig = plot.add_subplot(111)
        fig.set_xlabel(r'$\rho', fontsize=30)
        fig.set_ylabel(r'Data', fontsize=30)

        return fig

    def plot_derivative(self):
        fig = self._plot_base()
        fig.scatter(self.rho, self.spline.derivative()(self.rho), color="blue")
        return fig
def spline(bin_size, offsets):
    """compute piecewise polynomial splines of degree three"""
    x, y = zip(*offsets)
    xs = np.arange(x[0], x[-1], 120)

    # array of knots (with the start and end which is addes automatically 13 knots meanaing 12 pieces)
    t = [offsets[0][0] + bin_size, offsets[0][0] + bin_size * 2,
         offsets[0][0] + 3 * bin_size, offsets[0][0] + 4 * bin_size,
         offsets[0][0] + 5 * bin_size, offsets[0][0] + 6 * bin_size,
         offsets[0][0] + 7 * bin_size, offsets[0][0] + 8 * bin_size,
         offsets[0][0] + 9 * bin_size, offsets[0][0] + 10 * bin_size,
         offsets[0][0] + 11 * bin_size]

    # compute a spline polynomial of degree 3 over 5 equal pieces for the y points over steps of 1 sec on the x axis.
        spl = LSQUnivariateSpline(x, y, t, w=None, bbox=[None, None], k=3)
    except ValueError as e:
        logging.error("ERROR: LSQUnivariateSpline ValueError failed with error {} and params x {} y {} t {} ".format(e, x, y, t))
    spl_deriv = spl.derivative(1)  # derivative of degree one
    orig_curve = spl(xs)
    deriv_curve = spl_deriv(xs)

    return orig_curve, deriv_curve, xs
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: shockt.py Proyecto: gjhunt/app
class Tracker:
    def __init__(self,
        An APP Tracker object. 


        lb (float): the lower bound for the range of possible STLE locations.
        ub (float): the upper bound for the range of possible STLE locations.
        budget (int): the number of dictionary data points. 
        adapt_options: dictionary of options to be passed to the nlopt optimizer. Options include 'xtol_rel', 'maxeval', 'maxtime', and 'algo'.
        n_knots (int): number of knots for adaptive pressure profile. Defaults to -1 which chooses knots adaptively. 
        K (int): degree of adaptive spline fit. Defaults to K=1. 
        lam (float): L2 penalization parameter. 
        gamma (float): Adaptive pressure profile spline fit smoothness parameter. 

        An object of the Tracker class. 
        # fixed parameters of algorithm
        self.lb = lb
        self.ub = ub
        self.budget = budget
        self.n_knots = n_knots
        self.K = K
        self.lam = lam
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.i = 0  # internal counter for num processed timepoints
        # estimated properties
        self.est_adapt = None
        self.p_mean = None
        self.p_std = None
        self.x1_d = None
        self.p_d = None
        self.delta_d = None
        self.time_d = None
        self.adapt = None
        algo = nlopt.GN_CRS2_LM
        self.optim_params_init = {
            'maxeval': 100,
            'xtol_rel': 1E-10,
            'algo': algo,
            'maxtime': -1
        self.adapt_opt = self.init_opt(adapt_options, 1)

    def make_adapt_design(self, x, update=False):
        return x.reshape(-1)

    def init_opt(self, new_options, npar):
        ret_options = self.optim_params_init.copy()
        for k, v in new_options.items():
            ret_options[k] = v
        opt = nlopt.opt(ret_options['algo'], npar)
        return opt

    def predict(self, x, p, base_method=None, std_x=True):
        Predict STLE location and update adaptive fit. 

        x (float): the streamwise locations of the pressure transducers. 
        p (float): the measure pressures.
        base_method (function): a base method to produce a weak estimate. Defaults to pressure ratio method. Function takes two arguments x and p and produces a weak estimate (and a measurement of uncertainty). 
        std_x (boolean): Should fitting be done using standardized streamwise locations. 
        self.i = self.i + 1

        x_mean = 0
        x_std = 1
        if std_x:
            x_mean = np.mean(x)
            x_std = np.std(x)
        x = (x - x_mean) / x_std

        if base_method is None:
            base_method = lambda x, p: self.pressure_ratio(x, p, pa=1)

        # run base learner
        x1_base, delta = base_method(x, p)

        # update adaptive fit
        self.update_adapt(x, p, x1_base, delta)

        #initial guess for adaptive optimization (x0)
        x0 = self.est_adapt
        if x0 is None or ~np.isfinite(x0):
            x0 = x1_base

        # adaptive estimate
        if self.adapt is not None:
            self.est_adapt, adapt_cov = self.fit_adapt(x, p, x0)
            self.est_adapt = x0
            adapt_cov = float('inf')

        return {
            'est': self.est_adapt * x_std + x_mean,
            'est_cov': adapt_cov * x_std**2,
            'base': x1_base * x_std + x_mean,
            'delta': delta

    def update_adapt(self, x, p, x1_base, delta):
        # basic sanity check of input estimates
        # don't update if base estimate doesn't exist
        if ~np.isfinite(x1_base):

        ## DICTIONARY management
        # add to dictionary
        if self.x1_d is None:  # need to create dictionary
            self.x1_d = x - x1_base
            self.p_d = p
            self.delta_d = np.repeat(delta, len(x))  #uncertainty of base
            self.time_d = np.repeat(self.i, len(x))  #time of point
            self.x1_base = np.repeat(x1_base, len(x))  #base estimate of point
            self.x1_d = np.append(self.x1_d, x - x1_base)
            self.p_d = np.append(self.p_d, p)
            self.delta_d = np.append(self.delta_d, np.repeat(delta, len(x)))
            self.time_d = np.append(self.time_d, np.repeat(self.i, len(x)))
            self.x1_base = np.append(self.x1_base, np.repeat(x1_base, len(x)))

        # if over budget prune
        if self.p_d.shape[0] > self.budget:
            N_rmv = len(self.x1_d) - self.budget
            dff = np.diff(self.x1_d)
            mdff = .5 * (dff[1:len(dff)] + dff[0:(len(dff) - 1)])
            mdff = np.concatenate([[dff[0]], mdff, [dff[len(dff) - 1]]])
            eps = self.delta_d / mdff  # accuracy of base estimate / closeness to nearby points
            rmv = np.where(
                np.logical_or(eps >= -np.sort(-eps)[N_rmv - 1],
            if len(rmv) > N_rmv:
                rmv = np.random.choice(a=rmv, size=N_rmv, replace=False)
            # remove pts from dictionary and assoc. information
            self.x1_d = np.delete(self.x1_d, rmv, axis=0)
            self.p_d = np.delete(self.p_d, rmv, axis=0)
            self.delta_d = np.delete(self.delta_d, rmv, axis=0)
            self.time_d = np.delete(self.time_d, rmv, axis=0)
            self.x1_base = np.delete(self.x1_base, rmv, axis=0)

        # sort and remove non-unique values (more stable fitting)
        # remove non-unique from dict
        ux, iux = np.unique(self.x1_d, return_index=True)
        self.x1_d = ux
        self.p_d = self.p_d[iux]
        self.delta_d = self.delta_d[iux]
        self.time_d = self.time_d[iux]
        self.x1_base = self.x1_base[iux]
        # sort dict
        ordx = np.argsort(self.x1_d, axis=0).reshape(-1)
        self.x1_d = self.x1_d[ordx]
        self.p_d = self.p_d[ordx]
        self.delta_d = self.delta_d[ordx]
        self.time_d = self.time_d[ordx]
        self.x1_base = self.x1_base[ordx]

        ## ADAPTIVE PROFILE fitting
        # need more data than knots
        if len(self.x1_d) <= self.K:
        # determine location of knots based on some heuristics
        if len(self.x1_d) > 5 and self.n_knots > 0:
            l3len = int(np.ceil(len(self.x1_d) // 3))
            if self.n_knots is not None:
                qs = np.linspace(.25, .75, np.min([l3len, self.n_knots]))
                qs = np.linspace(.25, .75, l3len)
            kseq = np.quantile(self.x1_d, qs)
            self.kseq = kseq[1:(len(kseq) - 1)]
            self.kseq = []

        self.x_design = self.make_adapt_design(self.x1_d, update=True)

        self.p_mean = np.mean(self.p_d)
        self.p_std = np.std(self.p_d)
        self.p_z = (self.p_d - self.p_mean) / self.p_std

        # fit model and its derivative
        #just make sure everything is monotonic (for stability)
        mono_fit = IsotonicRegression().fit(self.x_design, self.p_z)
        mono_p = mono_fit.predict(self.x_design)
        if self.n_knots < 0:

            def err_mod(mod):  #RSS for fit model
                return np.sum((mod(self.x1_d) - self.p_z)**2) / len(self.p_z)

            smooth_spl = UnivariateSpline(self.x_design,
                                          s=len(self.p_z) * self.gamma)
            # some heuristics on what knots to keep
            knts = smooth_spl.get_knots()
            keep_knts = ~np.logical_or(knts < np.quantile(self.x1_d, .1),
                                       knts > np.quantile(self.x1_d, .9))
            knts = knts[keep_knts]
            linear_mod = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.x_design,
            self.adapt = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.x_design,
            adapt_err = err_mod(self.adapt)
            lin_err = err_mod(linear_mod)
            #if its not twice as good as a simple linear model just use the latter
            if lin_err > 0 and adapt_err / lin_err > 0.5:
                self.adapt = linear_mod
        else:  #n_knots > 0
            self.adapt = LSQUnivariateSpline(self.x_design,
        self.adapt_deriv = self.adapt.derivative(1)

    def adapt_pred(self, x):
        x_basis = self.make_adapt_design(x)
        pred0 = self.adapt(x_basis)
        return pred0

    def fit_adapt(self, x, p, x0):
        # set up optimization
        obj = lambda par, grad: self.adapt_sqe(x, p, par)
        x0 = np.max([self.lb, x0])
        x0 = np.min([self.ub, x0])
        # run optimization
        x_hat = self.adapt_opt.optimize([x0])[0]
        # calculate fitting sensitivity
        drv1 = self.adapt_deriv(x - x_hat)
        d2 = np.mean(drv1**2)
        d2 += self.lam
        sig2 = self.adapt_sqe(x, p, [x_hat], pen=False) / (len(x) - 1)
        cov = .5 * sig2 / d2
        return x_hat, cov

    def adapt_sqe(self, x, p, cent, pen=True):
        xc = x - cent
        ft = self.adapt_pred(xc).reshape(-1)
        p_z = (p - self.p_mean) / self.p_std
        val = np.mean((p_z - ft)**2)
        penalty = 0
        if pen:
            penalty = self.lam * np.abs(cent[0])**2
        return val + penalty

    # other helper functions
    def pressure_rise(self, x, p, pct=.5):
            pmin = np.min(p)
            delta = np.max(p) - pmin
            p_q = pmin + delta * pct
            i = np.min(np.where(np.diff((p >= p_q).astype(int)))[0]) + 1
            a = (p[i] - p[i - 1]) / (x[i] - x[i - 1])
            b = p[i] - a * x[i]
            x_q = (p_q - b) / a
            rat = np.max(p) / np.min(p)
            if rat < 2:
                x_q = float('Inf')
            return x_q, rat
        except Exception:
            return float('Inf'), float('Inf')

    def pressure_ratio(self, x, p, pa, ratio=2):
        p = p / pa
        p_q = ratio
        ii = np.where(np.diff((p >= p_q).astype(int)))[0]
        if len(ii) == 0:
            return float('inf'), float('inf'),
        i = np.min(ii) + 1
        a = (p[i] - p[i - 1]) / (x[i] - x[i - 1])
        b = p[i] - a * x[i]
        x_q = (p_q - b) / a
        delta = np.min(np.abs(x - x_q))
        return x_q, delta