Ejemplo n.º 1
def create_spline(y, yp, x, h):
    """Create a cubic spline given values and derivatives.
    Formulas for the coefficients are taken from interpolate.CubicSpline.
    sol : PPoly
        Constructed spline as a PPoly instance.
    from scipy.interpolate import PPoly

    n, m = y.shape
    c = num.empty((4, n, m - 1), dtype=y.dtype)
    slope = (y[:, 1:] - y[:, :-1]) / h
    t = (yp[:, :-1] + yp[:, 1:] - 2 * slope) / h
    c[0] = t / h
    c[1] = (slope - yp[:, :-1]) / h - t
    c[2] = yp[:, :-1]
    c[3] = y[:, :-1]
    c = num.rollaxis(c, 1)

    return PPoly(c, x, extrapolate=True, axis=1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def trim_start(poly, start):
    from scipy.interpolate import PPoly, CubicHermiteSpline  #, BPoly
    times = poly.x
    if start <= times[0]:
        return poly
    if start >= times[-1]:
        return None

    first = find(lambda i: times[i] >= start, range(len(times)))
    ts = [start, times[first]]  # + start) / 2.]
    ps = [poly(t) for t in ts]
    derivative = poly.derivative()
    vs = [derivative(t) for t in ts]
    correction = CubicHermiteSpline(ts, ps, dydx=vs)

    times = [start] + list(times[first:])
    c = poly.c[:, first - 1:, ...]
    c[:, 0, ...] = correction.c[-poly.c.shape[0]:, 0,
                                ...]  # TODO: assert that the rest are zero
    poly = PPoly(c=c, x=times)
    return poly
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_antiderivative_simple(self):
        # [ p1(x) = 3*x**2 + 2*x + 1,
        #   p2(x) = 1.6875]
        c = np.array([[3, 2, 1], [0, 0, 1.6875]]).T
        # [ pp1(x) = x**3 + x**2 + x,
        #   pp2(x) = 1.6875*(x - 0.25) + pp1(0.25)]
        ic = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1.6875, 0.328125]]).T
        # [ ppp1(x) = (1/4)*x**4 + (1/3)*x**3 + (1/2)*x**2,
        #   ppp2(x) = (1.6875/2)*(x - 0.25)**2 + pp1(0.25)*x + ppp1(0.25)]
        iic = np.array([[1 / 4, 1 / 3, 1 / 2, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1.6875 / 2, 0.328125, 0.037434895833333336]]).T
        x = np.array([0, 0.25, 1])

        pp = PPoly(c, x)
        ipp = pp.antiderivative()
        iipp = pp.antiderivative(2)
        iipp2 = ipp.antiderivative()

        assert_allclose(ipp.x, x)
        assert_allclose(ipp.c.T, ic.T)
        assert_allclose(iipp.c.T, iic.T)
        assert_allclose(iipp2.c.T, iic.T)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def linear_interp(obs_t, cum_obs):
    Construct a linear count interpolant
    (which for monotonic counts is a stepwise rate)
    obs_t = np.asarray(obs_t)
    cum_obs = np.asarray(cum_obs)
    coeffs = np.zeros((2, cum_obs.size + 1))
    knots = np.zeros(obs_t.size + 2)
    # interpolating integral construction is awkward
    # because the spline constructors only like cubics,
    # so I build the PPoly manually

    knots[1:-1] = obs_t

    # extend with null counts
    # so that it extrapolates, but conservatively
    knots[0] = obs_t[0] - 1
    knots[-1] = obs_t[-1] + 1

    # rate
    coeffs[0, 1:-1] = (
        cum_obs[1:] - cum_obs[:-1]
    ) / (
        obs_t[1:] - obs_t[:-1]

    # step
    coeffs[1, 1:] = cum_obs
    # edge
    coeffs[1, 0] = cum_obs[0]

    big_n_hat = PPoly(
    return big_n_hat
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, breaks, coefs):
     self.coefs = coefs
     self.breaks = breaks.reshape(1, -1)
     self.__f = PPoly(self.coefs.T, self.breaks[0, :])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def _p(self) -> PPoly:
     return PPoly(c=1.0 / self.Ne[None], x=self.t)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def naturalCubicSpline(X, Y, xx):
    # Cubic Spline Interpolation with the Free Run-out End Condition
    # Syntax
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    #   yy = naturalCubicSpline(X,Y,xx)
    #   pp = naturalCubicSpline(X,Y)
    # Input Parameters
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    #   X  : interpolation points
    #   Y  : value of f(X)
    #   xx : points where we want an evaluation of P(x),
    #        where P is the interpolator polynomial
    # Description
    # --------------------------------------------------------------
    #   yy = naturalCubicSpline(X,Y,xx) uses a cubic spline interpolation
    #   to find yy at the values of the interpolant xx. The end
    #   condition is Free run-out (see p.6 in the text). The values
    #   in x must be distinct.

    # Sort [X,Y] to avoid errors in ppval()
    Xsorted = sort(X, axis=0)
    I = unravel_index(argsort(X, axis=0), X.shape)
    Ysorted = Y[I]

    n = size(Xsorted)
    delta = Xsorted[1:n] - Xsorted[0:n - 1]

    # Construct the tri-diagonal matrix to find g'' (with free run-out b.c.)
    matSize = n - 2
    M = zeros([matSize, matSize])
    b = zeros(matSize)
    for i in range(matSize):
        if i > 0:
            M[i, i - 1] = delta[i] / 6.
        M[i, i] = (delta[i] + delta[i + 1]) / 3.
        if i < matSize - 1:
            M[i, i + 1] = delta[i + 1] / 6.

        b[i] = (Ysorted[i + 2] - Ysorted[i + 1]) / delta[i + 1] - (
            Ysorted[i + 1] - Ysorted[i]) / delta[i]

    # Solve the system for g'' and add boundary points
    gpp = linalg.solve(M, b)
    gpp = hstack((0., gpp, 0.))

    # Construct the piecewise polynomials
    coefs = zeros([n - 1, 4])
    for i in range(n - 1):
        Delta = delta[i]

        coefs[i, 0] = (gpp[i + 1] - gpp[i]) / (6. * Delta)
        coefs[i, 1] = gpp[i] / 2.
        coefs[i, 2] = -(gpp[i + 1] + 2. * gpp[i]) / 6. * Delta + (
            Ysorted[i + 1] - Ysorted[i]) / Delta
        coefs[i, 3] = Ysorted[i]
    coefs = coefs.T
    pp = PPoly(coefs, Xsorted)

    # Return
    return pp(xx)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_size_history_call(rnd_eta):
    p = rnd_eta
    q = PPoly(x=p.t, c=[1.0 / p.Ne])
    for t in np.random.rand(100) * len(p.t):
        assert abs(p(t) - q(t)) < 1e-4
Ejemplo n.º 9
def jump_spline2(x,
                 interp_x=[-1, -0.5, 0, 0.3, 1],
                 interp_y=[0, 4, 0, 1, -1],
                 bc_left=[(1, 0), (1, 0)],
                 bc_right=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]):
    """Stepping model.
    x : numpy array (N,), dtype=float
        Grid points in which the model will be evaluated. N is the number of grid points.
    w : numpy array (N,), dtype=float
        Weights used to evaluate integrals by the Gaussian quadrature. 
    interp_x: numpy array (5,), dtype=float, or list
        The x positions of the boundaries, maixma and minima of the potential,
        sorted from the left to the right. Contains 5 values: the left boundary,
        the first maximum, the minimum, the second maximum and the right boundary.
        The default is [-1, -0.5, 0, 0.3, 1], which corresponds to the stepping
        potential used in M. Genkin, O. Hughes, T.A. Engel, Nat Commun 12, 5986 (2021).
    interp_y: numpy array (5,), dtype=float, or list
        The corresponding y-values of the potential at the points specified by
        interp_x. The default is [0, 4, 0, 1, -1], which corresponds to the stepping
        potential used in M. Genkin, O. Hughes, T.A. Engel paper, Nat Commun 12, 5986 (2021).
    bc_left: list
        A list that contains two tuples that specify boundary conditions for the potential
        on the left boundary. The format is the same as in bc_type argument of 
        scipy.interpolate.CubicSpline function. The default is [(1, 0), (1, 0)],
        which corresponds to a zero-derivative (Neumann) BC for the potential.
    bc_right: list
        Same as bc_left, but for a right boundary. The default is [(1, 0), (1, 0)],
        which corresponds to a zero-derivative (Neumann) BC for the potential.

    peq : numpy array, dtype=float
        Probability density distribution evaluated at grid ponits x.
    xv = np.array(interp_x)
    yv = np.array(interp_y)
    cs = np.zeros((xv.shape[0] + 1, 4), dtype=x.dtype)

    #Find additonal anchoring points on left and right boundaries
    x_add_l, y_add_l = add_anchor_point(xv[:3], yv[:3])
    x_add_r, y_add_r = add_anchor_point(xv[-3:][::-1], yv[-3:][::-1])

    #Add these poionts to the x and y arrays
    xv_new = np.concatenate(([xv[0], x_add_l], xv[1:-1], [x_add_r, xv[-1]]))
    yv_new = np.concatenate(([yv[0], y_add_l], yv[1:-1], [y_add_r, yv[-1]]))

    #Use three points for boundary splines, and two points for splines in the bulk
    cs[0:2, :] = CubicSpline(xv_new[:3], yv_new[:3], bc_type=bc_left).c.T
    for i in range(1, xv.shape[0] - 2):
        cs[i + 1, :] = CubicSpline(xv[i:i + 2],
                                   yv[i:i + 2],
                                   bc_type=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]).c.T
    cs[-2:] = CubicSpline(xv_new[-3:], yv_new[-3:], bc_type=bc_right).c.T

    poly = PPoly(cs.T, xv_new)
    peq = np.exp(-poly(x))
    # normalization
    peq /= sum(w * peq)
    return peq
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self, traj, robot):
        self.traj = traj  #: init
        self.spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
        self.dof = robot.GetActiveDOF()

        self._interpolation = self.spec.GetGroupFromName('joint').interpolation
        assert self._interpolation == 'quadratic' or self._interpolation == "cubic", "This class only handles trajectories with quadratic or cubic interpolation"
        self._duration = traj.GetDuration()
        all_waypoints = traj.GetWaypoints(0, traj.GetNumWaypoints()).reshape(
            traj.GetNumWaypoints(), -1)
        valid_wp_indices = [0]
        self.ss_waypoints = [0.0]
        for i in range(1, traj.GetNumWaypoints()):
            dt = self.spec.ExtractDeltaTime(all_waypoints[i])
            if dt > 1e-5:  # If delta is too small, skip it.
                self.ss_waypoints.append(self.ss_waypoints[-1] + dt)

        self.n_waypoints = len(valid_wp_indices)
        self.ss_waypoints = np.array(self.ss_waypoints)
        self.s_start = self.ss_waypoints[0]
        self.s_end = self.ss_waypoints[-1]

        self.waypoints = np.array([
            self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
            for i in valid_wp_indices
        self.waypoints_d = np.array([
            self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
                                         robot.GetActiveDOFIndices(), 1)
            for i in valid_wp_indices

        # Degenerate case: there is only one waypoint.
        if self.n_waypoints == 1:
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((1, 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                pp_coeffs[0, 0, idof] = self.waypoints[0, idof]
            # A constant function
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, [0, 1])

        elif self._interpolation == "quadratic":
            self.waypoints_dd = []
            for i in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                qdd = ((self.waypoints_d[i + 1] - self.waypoints_d[i]) /
                       (self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i]))
            self.waypoints_dd = np.array(self.waypoints_dd)

            # Fill the coefficient matrix for scipy.PPoly class
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((3, self.n_waypoints - 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                for iseg in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                    pp_coeffs[:, iseg, idof] = [
                        self.waypoints_dd[iseg, idof] / 2,
                        self.waypoints_d[iseg, idof], self.waypoints[iseg,
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, self.ss_waypoints)

        elif self._interpolation == "cubic":
            self.waypoints_dd = np.array([
                self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
                                             robot.GetActiveDOFIndices(), 2)
                for i in valid_wp_indices
            self.waypoints_ddd = []
            for i in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                qddd = ((self.waypoints_dd[i + 1] - self.waypoints_dd[i]) /
                        (self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i]))
            self.waypoints_ddd = np.array(self.waypoints_ddd)

            # Fill the coefficient matrix for scipy.PPoly class
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((4, self.n_waypoints - 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                for iseg in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                    pp_coeffs[:, iseg, idof] = [
                        self.waypoints_ddd[iseg, idof] / 6,
                        self.waypoints_dd[iseg, idof] / 2,
                        self.waypoints_d[iseg, idof], self.waypoints[iseg,
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, self.ss_waypoints)

        self.ppoly_d = self.ppoly.derivative()
        self.ppoly_dd = self.ppoly.derivative(2)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def to_pp(self) -> PPoly:
     x = np.concatenate([self.intervals[0, :1], self.intervals[:, 1]])
     return PPoly(x=x, c=self.heights[None])
Ejemplo n.º 12
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import CubicHermiteSpline, PPoly

N = 3
time = np.linspace(0, 3, 2 * N + 1)
gains = np.random.random((2 * N + 1, 2))

quadratic_polys = np.array([
    np.polyfit(time[:3], gains[i:i + 3], 2) for i in range(0, 2 * N - 1, 2)
]).swapaxes(0, 1)

# quadratic_polys = np.flip(quadratic_polys, 0)
i = 0
poly1 = np.polyfit(time[i:i + 3], gains[i:i + 3], 2)
i = 2
poly2 = np.polyfit(time[i:i + 3], gains[i:i + 3], 2)
i = 4
poly3 = np.polyfit(time[i:i + 3], gains[i:i + 3], 2)

gain_spline = PPoly(quadratic_polys, time[::2])
plot_time = np.linspace(0, 3, 100)

# plt.plot(plot_time, np.polyval(poly1[:, 0], plot_time))
# plt.plot(plot_time, np.polyval(poly2[:, 0], plot_time))
# plt.plot(plot_time, np.polyval(poly3[:, 0], plot_time))
plt.plot(time, gains[:, 0])
plt.plot(plot_time, gain_spline(plot_time))
Ejemplo n.º 13
def separate_poly(poly):
    from scipy.interpolate import PPoly
    k, m, d = poly.c.shape
    return [PPoly(c=poly.c[:, :, i], x=poly.x) for i in range(d)]
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def to_pp(self):
     return PPoly(x=np.r_[self.t, np.inf], c=[self.Ne])
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def test_simple(self):
     c = np.array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]])
     x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1])
     p = PPoly(c, x)
     assert_allclose(p(0.3), 1 * 0.3**2 + 2 * 0.3 + 3)
     assert_allclose(p(0.7), 4 * (0.7 - 0.5)**2 + 5 * (0.7 - 0.5) + 6)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self, x, y, axis=0, bc_type='clamped', extrapolate=None):
        x, y = map(np.asarray, (x, y))

        if np.issubdtype(x.dtype, np.complexfloating):
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain real values.")

        if np.issubdtype(y.dtype, np.complexfloating):
            dtype = complex
            dtype = float
        y = y.astype(dtype, copy=False)

        axis = axis % y.ndim
        if x.ndim != 1:
            raise ValueError("`x` must be 1-dimensional.")
        if x.shape[0] < 2:
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain at least 2 elements.")
        if x.shape[0] != y.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError("The length of `y` along `axis`={0} doesn't "
                             "match the length of `x`".format(axis))

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(x)):
            raise ValueError("`x` must contain only finite values.")
        if not np.all(np.isfinite(y)):
            raise ValueError("`y` must contain only finite values.")

        dx = np.diff(x)
        if np.any(dx <= 0):
            raise ValueError("`x` must be strictly increasing sequence.")

        n = x.shape[0]
        y = np.rollaxis(y, axis)

        bc, y = self._validate_bc(bc_type, y, y.shape[1:], axis)

        if extrapolate is None:
            if bc[0] == 'periodic':
                extrapolate = 'periodic'
                extrapolate = True

        dxr = dx.reshape([dx.shape[0]] + [1] * (y.ndim - 1))
        slope = np.diff(y, axis=0) / dxr

        # If bc is 'not-a-knot' this change is just a convention.
        # If bc is 'periodic' then we already checked that y[0] == y[-1],
        # and the spline is just a constant, we handle this case in the same
        # way by setting the first derivatives to slope, which is 0.
        if n == 2:
            if bc[0] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[0] = (1, slope[0])
            if bc[1] in ['not-a-knot', 'periodic']:
                bc[1] = (1, slope[0])

        # This is a very special case, when both conditions are 'not-a-knot'
        # and n == 3. In this case 'not-a-knot' can't be handled regularly
        # as both conditions are identical. We handle this case by
        # constructing a parabola passing through given points.
        if n == 3 and bc[0] == 'not-a-knot' and bc[1] == 'not-a-knot':
            A = np.zeros((3, 3))  # This is a standard matrix.
            b = np.empty((3, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            A[0, 0] = 1
            A[0, 1] = 1
            A[1, 0] = dx[1]
            A[1, 1] = 2 * (dx[0] + dx[1])
            A[1, 2] = dx[0]
            A[2, 1] = 1
            A[2, 2] = 1

            b[0] = 2 * slope[0]
            b[1] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[1] + dxr[1] * slope[0])
            b[2] = 2 * slope[1]

            s = solve(A,
            # Find derivative values at each x[i] by solving a tridiagonal
            # system.
            A = np.zeros((3, n))  # This is a banded matrix representation.
            b = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)

            # Filling the system for i=1..n-2
            #                         (x[i-1] - x[i]) * s[i-1] +\
            # 2 * ((x[i] - x[i-1]) + (x[i+1] - x[i])) * s[i]   +\
            #                         (x[i] - x[i-1]) * s[i+1] =\
            #       3 * ((x[i+1] - x[i])*(y[i] - y[i-1])/(x[i] - x[i-1]) +\
            #           (x[i] - x[i-1])*(y[i+1] - y[i])/(x[i+1] - x[i]))

            A[1, 1:-1] = 2 * (dx[:-1] + dx[1:])  # The diagonal
            A[0, 2:] = dx[:-1]  # The upper diagonal
            A[-1, :-2] = dx[1:]  # The lower diagonal

            b[1:-1] = 3 * (dxr[1:] * slope[:-1] + dxr[:-1] * slope[1:])

            bc_start, bc_end = bc

            if bc_start == 'periodic':
                # Due to the periodicity, and because y[-1] = y[0], the linear
                # system has (n-1) unknowns/equations instead of n:
                A = A[:, 0:-1]
                A[1, 0] = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[0])
                A[0, 1] = dx[-1]

                b = b[:-1]

                # Also, due to the periodicity, the system is not tri-diagonal.
                # We need to compute a "condensed" matrix of shape (n-2, n-2).
                # See http://www.cfm.brown.edu/people/gk/chap6/node14.html for
                # more explanations.
                # The condensed matrix is obtained by removing the last column
                # and last row of the (n-1, n-1) system matrix. The removed
                # values are saved in scalar variables with the (n-1, n-1)
                # system matrix indices forming their names:
                a_m1_0 = dx[-2]  # lower left corner value: A[-1, 0]
                a_m1_m2 = dx[-1]
                a_m1_m1 = 2 * (dx[-1] + dx[-2])
                a_m2_m1 = dx[-2]
                a_0_m1 = dx[0]

                b[0] = 3 * (dxr[0] * slope[-1] + dxr[-1] * slope[0])
                b[-1] = 3 * (dxr[-1] * slope[-2] + dxr[-2] * slope[-1])

                Ac = A[:, :-1]
                b1 = b[:-1]
                b2 = np.zeros_like(b1)
                b2[0] = -a_0_m1
                b2[-1] = -a_m2_m1

                # s1 and s2 are the solutions of (n-2, n-2) system
                s1 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                s2 = solve_banded((1, 1),

                # computing the s[n-2] solution:
                s_m1 = ((b[-1] - a_m1_0 * s1[0] - a_m1_m2 * s1[-1]) /
                        (a_m1_m1 + a_m1_0 * s2[0] + a_m1_m2 * s2[-1]))

                # s is the solution of the (n, n) system:
                s = np.empty((n, ) + y.shape[1:], dtype=y.dtype)
                s[:-2] = s1 + s_m1 * s2
                s[-2] = s_m1
                s[-1] = s[0]
                if bc_start == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, 0] = dx[1]
                    A[0, 1] = x[2] - x[0]
                    d = x[2] - x[0]
                    b[0] = ((dxr[0] + 2 * d) * dxr[1] * slope[0] +
                            dxr[0]**2 * slope[1]) / d
                elif bc_start[0] == 1:
                    A[1, 0] = 1
                    A[0, 1] = 0
                    b[0] = bc_start[1]
                elif bc_start[0] == 2:
                    A[1, 0] = 2 * dx[0]
                    A[0, 1] = dx[0]
                    b[0] = -0.5 * bc_start[1] * dx[0]**2 + 3 * (y[1] - y[0])

                if bc_end == 'not-a-knot':
                    A[1, -1] = dx[-2]
                    A[-1, -2] = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    d = x[-1] - x[-3]
                    b[-1] = ((dxr[-1]**2 * slope[-2] +
                              (2 * d + dxr[-1]) * dxr[-2] * slope[-1]) / d)
                elif bc_end[0] == 1:
                    A[1, -1] = 1
                    A[-1, -2] = 0
                    b[-1] = bc_end[1]
                elif bc_end[0] == 2:
                    A[1, -1] = 2 * dx[-1]
                    A[-1, -2] = dx[-1]
                    b[-1] = 0.5 * bc_end[1] * dx[-1]**2 + 3 * (y[-1] - y[-2])

                s = solve_banded((1, 1),

        # Compute coefficients in PPoly form.
        t = (s[:-1] + s[1:] - 2 * slope) / dxr
        c = np.empty((4, n - 1) + y.shape[1:], dtype=t.dtype)
        c[0] = t / dxr
        c[1] = (slope - s[:-1]) / dxr - t
        c[2] = s[:-1]
        c[3] = y[:-1]

        super(CubicSplineWithNodeSens, self).__init__(c,
        self.axis = axis

        # Compute y-derivatives at nodes
        if n < 3:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'node_derivatives requires more than 3 x')
            At this point A and b have been constructed with boundary conditions.
            A: stays the same.
            b:  b becomes a matrix, d(rhs_i) / dy_j


            if y.ndim > 1:  #  TODO - Confirm solution when y has more than 1 axis
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Solution of node_derivatives currently only allows 1D y")

            # Find vector of cross-derivative values, d/dy_j (dy(x_i)/dx)
            # Take derivative of Linear system to compute node derivatives
            # A is the same as before. New RHS is tridiagonal.
            rhs = np.zeros((n, n))  # TODO: Test for other dimensionalities
            # obtain diagonal indices for internal points
            ij_diag = tuple([np.diag_indices(n - 2)[i] + 1 for i in range(2)])
            minus_over_plus = 3 * dx[:-1] / dx[1:]
            plus_over_minus = 3 * dx[1:] / dx[:-1]
            rhs[ij_diag] = plus_over_minus - minus_over_plus  # The diagonal
            rhs[ij_diag[0], ij_diag[1] +
                1] = minus_over_plus  # upper diagonal  # Confirm (+). Confirm slice
            rhs[ij_diag[0], ij_diag[1] -
                1] = -plus_over_minus  # lower diagonal # Confirm (-). Confirm slice

            if bc_start[0] == 1:
                rhs[0, 0] = 0
            elif bc_start[0] == 2:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'bc_start not implemented. '
                    'We only handle fixed 1st derivatives.')
                # Below is the boundary condition for dy/dx|x_0
                # b[0] = -0.5 * bc_start[1] * dx[0] ** 2 + 3 * (y[1] - y[0])
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'bc_start not implemented. '
                    'We only handle fixed 1st derivatives.')
            if bc_end[0] == 1:
                rhs[-1, -1] = 0
            elif bc_end[0] == 2:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'bc_end not implemented. '
                    'We only handle fixed 1st derivatives.')
                # Below is the boundary condition for dy/dx|x_{n-1}
                # b[-1] = 0.5 * bc_end[1] * dx[-1] ** 2 + 3 * (y[-1] - y[-2])

                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'bc_end not implemented. '
                    'We only handle fixed 1st derivatives.')

            d2ydydx = solve_banded((1, 1),

            # The y_derivative dq(x)/dy_j
            # Create an additional vector Piecewise Polynomial
            # The PPoly weights are very similar to q(x), both fcns of x, y, y'

            inv_dx = 1 / dx
            inv_dx_rhs = inv_dx.reshape([dx.shape[0]] + [1] * (rhs.ndim - 1))
            d2_sum = (d2ydydx[:-1] + d2ydydx[1:])
            d = np.zeros((4, n - 1) + rhs.shape[1:], dtype=t.dtype)
            # Start with portion common to all j
            d[0] = (inv_dx_rhs**2) * d2_sum
            d[1] = -inv_dx_rhs * (d2_sum + d2ydydx[:-1])
            d[2] = d2ydydx[:-1]
            # Adjust when j==i: dq_i / dy_i
            ij_diag = np.diag_indices(n - 1) + y.shape[1:]
            d[0][ij_diag] += 2.0 * inv_dx**3
            d[1][ij_diag] -= 3.0 * inv_dx**2
            d[3][ij_diag] += 1.0

            # Adjust when j=i+1: dq_i / dy_{i+1}
            idx_upper = (ij_diag[0], ij_diag[1] + 1)
            d[0][idx_upper] -= 2.0 * inv_dx**3
            d[1][idx_upper] += 3.0 * inv_dx**2

            self._ysens = PPoly(d, x, extrapolate=extrapolate)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def perform(self, t0, tau, left_domain, right_domain):
        @type left_domain Domain
        @type right_domain Domain
        :param t0:

        assert issubclass(type(left_domain.time_integration_scheme), ContinuousRepresentationScheme)
        assert issubclass(type(right_domain.time_integration_scheme), ContinuousRepresentationScheme)

        # use boundary conditions of t_n-1 as initial guess for t_n
        u_neumann_continuous = lambda tt: left_domain.right_BC["neumann"] * np.ones_like(tt)

        # enforce boundary conditions
        left_domain.u[0] = left_domain.left_BC["dirichlet"]
        right_domain.u[-1] = right_domain.right_BC["dirichlet"]

        t1 = t0+tau
        # do fixed number of sweeps
        for window_sweep in range(5):
            # subcycling parameters
            max_approximation_order = 5

            # operator for left participant
            t_sub, tau_sub = np.linspace(t0, t1, self.n_substeps_left + 1, retstep=True)
            u0_sub = left_domain.u

            coeffs_m1 = np.zeros([max_approximation_order + 1, self.n_substeps_left])
            coeffs_m2 = np.zeros([max_approximation_order + 1, self.n_substeps_left])
            for ii in range(self.n_substeps_left):
                t0_sub = t_sub[ii]
                sampling_times_substep = left_domain.time_integration_scheme.get_sampling_times(t0_sub, tau_sub)
                for i in range(sampling_times_substep.shape[0]):
                    # f(u,t_n) with boundary conditions from this timestep
                    A, R = second_derivative_matrix(left_domain.grid, dirichlet_l=left_domain.left_BC["dirichlet"], neumann_r=u_neumann_continuous(sampling_times_substep[i]))
                    # use most recent coupling variables for all
                    left_domain.time_integration_scheme.set_rhs(A, R, i)

                # time stepping
                u1_sub = left_domain.time_integration_scheme.do_step(u0_sub, tau_sub)

                # do time continuous reconstruction of Nodal values
                u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m1 = left_domain.time_integration_scheme.get_continuous_representation_for_component(
                    -1, t0_sub, u0_sub, u1_sub, tau_sub)
                u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m2 = left_domain.time_integration_scheme.get_continuous_representation_for_component(
                    -2, t0_sub, u0_sub, u1_sub, tau_sub)
                coeffs_m1[:u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m1.coef.shape[0], ii] = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m1.coef
                coeffs_m2[:u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m2.coef.shape[0], ii] = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m2.coef
                u0_sub = u1_sub

            if self.n_substeps_left == 1:
                u_dirichlet_continuous_m1 = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m1
                u_dirichlet_continuous_m2 = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_m2
                u_dirichlet_continuous_m1 = PPoly(coeffs_m1[::-1,:], t_sub)  # we have to reverse the order of the coefficients for PPoly
                u_dirichlet_continuous_m2 = PPoly(coeffs_m2[::-1,:], t_sub)  # we have to reverse the order of the coefficients for PPoly

            u_left_new = u1_sub  # use result of last subcycle for result of window

            # operator for right participant
            t_sub, tau_sub = np.linspace(t0, t1, self.n_substeps_right + 1, retstep=True)
            u0_sub = right_domain.u

            coeffs_p1 = np.zeros([max_approximation_order + 1, self.n_substeps_right])
            for ii in range(self.n_substeps_right):
                t0_sub = t_sub[ii]
                sampling_times_substep = right_domain.time_integration_scheme.get_sampling_times(t0_sub, tau_sub)
                for i in range(sampling_times_substep.shape[0]):
                    # f(u,t_n) with boundary conditions from this timestep
                    A, R = second_derivative_matrix(right_domain.grid, dirichlet_l=u_dirichlet_continuous_m1(sampling_times_substep[i]), dirichlet_r=right_domain.right_BC["dirichlet"])
                    # use most recent coupling variables for all
                    right_domain.time_integration_scheme.set_rhs(A, R, i)

                # time stepping
                u1_sub = right_domain.time_integration_scheme.do_step(u0_sub, tau_sub)
                u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_p1 = right_domain.time_integration_scheme.get_continuous_representation_for_component(
                    1, t0_sub, u0_sub, u1_sub, tau_sub)
                u1_sub[0] = u_dirichlet_continuous_m1(t0_sub+tau_sub)  # we have to set the (known and changing) dirichlet value manually, since this value is not changed by the timestepping
                coeffs_p1[:u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_p1.coef.shape[0], ii] = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_p1.coef
                u0_sub = u1_sub

            if self.n_substeps_right == 1:
                u_dirichlet_continuous_p1 = u_dirichlet_continuous_sub_p1
                u_dirichlet_continuous_p1 = PPoly(coeffs_p1[::-1,:], t_sub)  # we have to reverse the order of the coefficients for PPoly

            u_right_new = u1_sub  # use result of last subcycle for result of window
            u_right_new[0] = u_dirichlet_continuous_m1(t0+tau)  # we have to set the (known and changing) dirichlet value manually, since this value is not changed by the timestepping

            if numeric_parameters.neumann_coupling_order != 2:
                print("Operator of order %d is not implemented!!!" % numeric_parameters.neumann_coupling_order)

            fraction = left_domain.grid.h / right_domain.grid.h  # normalize to right domain's meshwidth
            p = np.array([-fraction, 0, 1.0])
            c = compute_finite_difference_scheme_coeffs(evaluation_points=p, derivative_order=1)
            # for u_stencil[1] we have to use the left_domain's continuous representation, because the right_domain's
            # representation is constant in time. This degrades the order to 1 for a irregular mesh.
            u_stencil = [
            # compute continuous representation for Neumann BC
            u_neumann_continuous = lambda x: 1.0/right_domain.grid.h * (u_stencil[0](x) * c[0] + u_stencil[1](x) * c[1] + u_stencil[2](x) * c[2])
        # update solution
        # update coupling variables
        left_domain.right_BC["neumann"] = u_neumann_continuous(t1)
        right_domain.left_BC["dirichlet"] = u_dirichlet_continuous_m1(t1)
        return True
Ejemplo n.º 18
    Pe = np.array(40.5)
    Ve = np.array(8.0)
    Ae = np.array(20.1)
    x, c = ThreeSegmentSpline(Ps, Vs, As, Pe, Ve, Ae, Jmax)
    print("x =\n", x)
    print("c =\n", c)
    print("c.shape=\n", c.shape)

    # Prepend 0
    xr = np.insert(x, 0, 0)

    # Increase Dimensions
    cr = np.expand_dims(c, axis=2)
    cspl = PPoly(cr, xr)
    t_sampled = np.linspace(0, xr[-1], 100)
    y = cspl(t_sampled)
    yd = cspl(t_sampled, 1)
    ydd = cspl(t_sampled, 2)

    assert_almost_equal(y[0], Ps)
    assert_almost_equal(yd[0], Vs)
    assert_almost_equal(ydd[0], As)
    assert_almost_equal(y[-1], Pe)
    assert_almost_equal(yd[-1], Ve)
    assert_almost_equal(ydd[-1], Ae)
    plt.plot(t_sampled, cspl(t_sampled))

    ### Multi Dimensional Test
Ejemplo n.º 19
def add_anchor_point(x, y):
    """Auxilliary function to create stepping potential used by energy_model.peq_models.jump_spline2 module
       Find additional anchoring point (x_add, y_add), such that x[0] < x_add < x[1], and y_add = y_spline (x_add_mirror),
       where y_spline is spline between x[1] and x[2], and x_add_mirror is a mirror point of x_add w.r.t. x[1], e.g. |x_add-x[1]|=|x[1]-x_add_mirror|.
       This additional point will force the barriers to have symmetrical shape.
           x: x - values at three right or three left boundary points, e.g. interp_x[0:3], or interp_x[-3:][::-1] (reverse order on the right boundary)
           y: corresponding y values
           x_add, y_add - additional point in between x[0] < x_add < x[1] that can be used for spline interpolation 
    #Start with the middle point
    x_add_mirror = 0.5 * (x[1] + x[2])
    not_found = True
    cpoly = PPoly(
        CubicSpline(np.sort(x[1:3]), np.sort(y[1:3]), bc_type=[(1, 0),
                                                               (1, 0)]).c,
        np.sort([x[1], x[2]]))
    first_peak_is_maximum = True if y[0] <= y[1] else False
    while not_found:
        #Check if y-value at anchor point exceeds value at the boundary and that x-value is within an interval
        if first_peak_is_maximum:
            if cpoly(x_add_mirror) > y[0] and np.abs(
                    x_add_mirror - x[1]) < np.abs(x[1] - x[0]):
                x_add = 2 * x[1] - x_add_mirror
                if x[1] > x[0]:
                    poly2 = PPoly(
                        CubicSpline([x[0], x_add, x[1]],
                                    [y[0], cpoly(x_add_mirror), y[1]],
                                    bc_type=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]).c,
                        [x[0], x_add, x[1]])
                    poly2 = PPoly(
                        CubicSpline([x[1], x_add, x[0]],
                                    [y[1], cpoly(x_add_mirror), y[0]],
                                    bc_type=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]).c,
                        [x[1], x_add, x[0]])
                x_dense = np.linspace(x[0], x[1], 100)
                if all(poly2(x_dense) <= y[1]):
                    not_found = False
            if cpoly(x_add_mirror) < y[0] and np.abs(
                    x_add_mirror - x[1]) < np.abs(x[1] - x[0]):
                x_add = 2 * x[1] - x_add_mirror
                if x[1] > x[0]:
                    poly2 = PPoly(
                        CubicSpline([x[0], x_add, x[1]],
                                    [y[0], cpoly(x_add_mirror), y[1]],
                                    bc_type=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]).c,
                        [x[0], x_add, x[1]])
                    poly2 = PPoly(
                        CubicSpline([x[1], x_add, x[0]],
                                    [y[1], cpoly(x_add_mirror), y[0]],
                                    bc_type=[(1, 0), (1, 0)]).c,
                        [x[1], x_add, x[0]])
                x_dense = np.linspace(x[0], x[1], 100)
                if all(poly2(x_dense) >= y[1]):
                    not_found = False
        x_add_mirror = 0.5 * (x[1] + x_add_mirror)
    return x_add, cpoly(2 * x[1] - x_add)