Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_derivative_simple(self):
        c = np.array([[4, 3, 2, 1]]).T
        dc = np.array([[3 * 4, 2 * 3, 2]]).T
        ddc = np.array([[2 * 3 * 4, 1 * 2 * 3]]).T
        x = np.array([0, 1])

        pp = PPoly(c, x)
        dpp = PPoly(dc, x)
        ddpp = PPoly(ddc, x)

        assert_allclose(pp.derivative().c, dpp.c)
        assert_allclose(pp.derivative(2).c, ddpp.c)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_derivative_simple(self):
        c = np.array([[4, 3, 2, 1]]).T
        dc = np.array([[3*4, 2*3, 2]]).T
        ddc = np.array([[2*3*4, 1*2*3]]).T
        x = np.array([0, 1])

        pp = PPoly(c, x)
        dpp = PPoly(dc, x)
        ddpp = PPoly(ddc, x)

        assert_allclose(pp.derivative().c, dpp.c)
        assert_allclose(pp.derivative(2).c, ddpp.c)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_multi_shape(self):
        c = np.random.rand(6, 2, 1, 2, 3)
        x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1])
        p = PPoly(c, x)
        assert_equal(p.x.shape, x.shape)
        assert_equal(p.c.shape, c.shape)
        assert_equal(p(0.3).shape, c.shape[2:])

        assert_equal(p(np.random.rand(5, 6)).shape, (5, 6) + c.shape[2:])

        dp = p.derivative()
        assert_equal(dp.c.shape, (5, 2, 1, 2, 3))
        ip = p.antiderivative()
        assert_equal(ip.c.shape, (7, 2, 1, 2, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def test_multi_shape(self):
        c = np.random.rand(6, 2, 1, 2, 3)
        x = np.array([0, 0.5, 1])
        p = PPoly(c, x)
        assert_equal(p.x.shape, x.shape)
        assert_equal(p.c.shape, c.shape)
        assert_equal(p(0.3).shape, c.shape[2:])

                     (5,6) + c.shape[2:])

        dp = p.derivative()
        assert_equal(dp.c.shape, (5, 2, 1, 2, 3))
        ip = p.antiderivative()
        assert_equal(ip.c.shape, (7, 2, 1, 2, 3))
Ejemplo n.º 5
class PiecewisePolynomialPath(Interpolator):
    """ A class that can generate piecewise polynomial paths, including position, speed and acceleration, calling the class scipy.interpolate.PPoly
    poly_coeff_set : ndarray, shape (degree_poly, amount_segment, amount_dof)

        degree_poly : the coefficients of the polynomials, containing the starting and ending angles of robot joints in each line segment

        amount_segment: the number of connections between adjacent nodes in the final path generated in RRT algorithm

        amount_dof: DOF of robot

    s_waypoints: ndarray
        Number of the waypoints.
    def __init__(self, poly_coeff_set):
        self.poly_coeff_set = np.array(poly_coeff_set)
        self.shape = np.array(self.poly_coeff_set.shape)
        self.amount_segment = self.shape[1]
        self.dof = self.shape[2]
        self.degree_poly = self.shape[0]
        self.s_start = 0
        self.s_end = self.amount_segment
        self.duration = self.amount_segment
        self.s_waypoint = np.arange(0, self.duration + 1, 1)
        self.picecwise_poly = PPoly(self.poly_coeff_set, self.s_waypoint)
        self.picecwise_poly_s = self.picecwise_poly.derivative()
        self.picecwise_poly_ss = self.picecwise_poly_s.derivative()
        import ipdb

    def get_duration(self):
        return self.duration

    def eval(self, s_sample):
        return self.picecwise_poly(s_sample)

    def evald(self, s_sample):
        return self.picecwise_poly_s(s_sample)

    def evaldd(self, s_sample):
        return self.picecwise_poly_ss(s_sample)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_extrapolate_attr(self):
        # [ 1 - x**2 ]
        c = np.array([[-1, 0, 1]]).T
        x = np.array([0, 1])

        for extrapolate in [True, False, None]:
            pp = PPoly(c, x, extrapolate=extrapolate)
            pp_d = pp.derivative()
            pp_i = pp.antiderivative()

            if extrapolate is False:
                assert_(np.isnan(pp([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_(np.isnan(pp_i([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_(np.isnan(pp_d([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_equal(pp.roots(), [1])
                assert_allclose(pp([-0.1, 1.1]), [1 - 0.1**2, 1 - 1.1**2])
                assert_(not np.isnan(pp_i([-0.1, 1.1])).any())
                assert_(not np.isnan(pp_d([-0.1, 1.1])).any())
                assert_allclose(pp.roots(), [1, -1])
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def test_extrapolate_attr(self):
        # [ 1 - x**2 ]
        c = np.array([[-1, 0, 1]]).T
        x = np.array([0, 1])

        for extrapolate in [True, False, None]:
            pp = PPoly(c, x, extrapolate=extrapolate)
            pp_d = pp.derivative()
            pp_i = pp.antiderivative()

            if extrapolate is False:
                assert_(np.isnan(pp([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_(np.isnan(pp_i([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_(np.isnan(pp_d([-0.1, 1.1])).all())
                assert_equal(pp.roots(), [1])
                assert_allclose(pp([-0.1, 1.1]), [1-0.1**2, 1-1.1**2])
                assert_(not np.isnan(pp_i([-0.1, 1.1])).any())
                assert_(not np.isnan(pp_d([-0.1, 1.1])).any())
                assert_allclose(pp.roots(), [1, -1])
Ejemplo n.º 8
class RaveTrajectoryWrapper(Interpolator):
    """An interpolator that wraps OpenRAVE's :class:`GenericTrajectory`.

    Only trajectories using quadratic interpolation or cubic interpolation are supported.
    The trajectory is represented as a piecewise polynomial. The polynomial could be
    quadratic or cubic depending the interpolation method used by the input trajectory object.

    traj: :class:`openravepy.GenericTrajectory`
        An OpenRAVE joint trajectory.
    robot: :class:`openravepy.GenericRobot`
        An OpenRAVE robot.
    def __init__(self, traj, robot):
        self.traj = traj  #: init
        self.spec = traj.GetConfigurationSpecification()
        self.dof = robot.GetActiveDOF()

        self._interpolation = self.spec.GetGroupFromName('joint').interpolation
        assert self._interpolation == 'quadratic' or self._interpolation == "cubic", "This class only handles trajectories with quadratic or cubic interpolation"
        self._duration = traj.GetDuration()
        all_waypoints = traj.GetWaypoints(0, traj.GetNumWaypoints()).reshape(
            traj.GetNumWaypoints(), -1)
        valid_wp_indices = [0]
        self.ss_waypoints = [0.0]
        for i in range(1, traj.GetNumWaypoints()):
            dt = self.spec.ExtractDeltaTime(all_waypoints[i])
            if dt > 1e-5:  # If delta is too small, skip it.
                self.ss_waypoints.append(self.ss_waypoints[-1] + dt)

        self.n_waypoints = len(valid_wp_indices)
        self.ss_waypoints = np.array(self.ss_waypoints)
        self.s_start = self.ss_waypoints[0]
        self.s_end = self.ss_waypoints[-1]

        self.waypoints = np.array([
            self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
            for i in valid_wp_indices
        self.waypoints_d = np.array([
            self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
                                         robot.GetActiveDOFIndices(), 1)
            for i in valid_wp_indices

        # Degenerate case: there is only one waypoint.
        if self.n_waypoints == 1:
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((1, 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                pp_coeffs[0, 0, idof] = self.waypoints[0, idof]
            # A constant function
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, [0, 1])

        elif self._interpolation == "quadratic":
            self.waypoints_dd = []
            for i in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                qdd = ((self.waypoints_d[i + 1] - self.waypoints_d[i]) /
                       (self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i]))
            self.waypoints_dd = np.array(self.waypoints_dd)

            # Fill the coefficient matrix for scipy.PPoly class
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((3, self.n_waypoints - 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                for iseg in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                    pp_coeffs[:, iseg, idof] = [
                        self.waypoints_dd[iseg, idof] / 2,
                        self.waypoints_d[iseg, idof], self.waypoints[iseg,
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, self.ss_waypoints)

        elif self._interpolation == "cubic":
            self.waypoints_dd = np.array([
                self.spec.ExtractJointValues(all_waypoints[i], robot,
                                             robot.GetActiveDOFIndices(), 2)
                for i in valid_wp_indices
            self.waypoints_ddd = []
            for i in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                qddd = ((self.waypoints_dd[i + 1] - self.waypoints_dd[i]) /
                        (self.ss_waypoints[i + 1] - self.ss_waypoints[i]))
            self.waypoints_ddd = np.array(self.waypoints_ddd)

            # Fill the coefficient matrix for scipy.PPoly class
            pp_coeffs = np.zeros((4, self.n_waypoints - 1, self.dof))
            for idof in range(self.dof):
                for iseg in range(self.n_waypoints - 1):
                    pp_coeffs[:, iseg, idof] = [
                        self.waypoints_ddd[iseg, idof] / 6,
                        self.waypoints_dd[iseg, idof] / 2,
                        self.waypoints_d[iseg, idof], self.waypoints[iseg,
            self.ppoly = PPoly(pp_coeffs, self.ss_waypoints)

        self.ppoly_d = self.ppoly.derivative()
        self.ppoly_dd = self.ppoly.derivative(2)

    def get_duration(self):
        return self._duration

    def eval(self, ss_sam):
        return self.ppoly(ss_sam)

    def evald(self, ss_sam):
        return self.ppoly_d(ss_sam)

    def evaldd(self, ss_sam):
        return self.ppoly_dd(ss_sam)