Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_scale_invariance(self):
     # Regression test.  There was a bug in which b was not correctly
     # rescaled when a[0] was nonzero.
     b = np.array([2, 8, 5])
     a = np.array([1, 1, 8])
     zi1 = lfilter_zi(b, a)
     zi2 = lfilter_zi(2*b, 2*a)
     assert_allclose(zi2, zi1, rtol=1e-12)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def next_sample(self, samples):
     if len(self.zi) == 0:
         # scale to uV range to avoid huge transient
         self.zi = lfilter_zi(self.b, self.a) * samples[0]
     y, zf = lfilter(self.b, self.a, samples, zi=self.zi)
     self.zi = zf
     return y
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def filterData(self, icurr, Fs):
			Denoise an ionic current time-series and store it in self.eventData

				- `icurr` :	ionic current in pA
				- `Fs` :	original sampling frequency in Hz


		# calculate the initial state of the filter and scale it with the first data point
		# so there is no sharp transient at the start of the data
		zi=sig.lfilter_zi(b=self.filterModel[0], a=self.filterModel[1])*self.eventData[0]

		[self.eventData, zf]=sig.lfilter(
Ejemplo n.º 4
def SignalFilter_LPFButter(signal, LPF, samplefreq, NPole=8):
    """Filter with Butterworth low pass, using time-causal lfilter 
        Digitally low-pass filter a signal using a multipole Butterworth
        filter. Does not apply reverse filtering so that result is causal.
        signal : array
            The signal to be filtered.
        LPF : float
            The low-pass frequency of the filter (Hz)
        HPF : float
            The high-pass frequency of the filter (Hz)
        samplefreq : float
            The uniform sampling rate for the signal (in seconds)
        npole : int
            Number of poles for Butterworth filter. Positive integer.

        w : array
        filtered version of the input signal

    flpf = float(LPF)
    sf = float(samplefreq)
    wn = [flpf / (sf / 2.0)]
    b, a = spSignal.butter(NPole, wn, btype="low", output="ba")
    zi = spSignal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    out, zo = spSignal.lfilter(b, a, signal, zi=zi * signal[0])
    return np.array(out)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def filtering_ionization(ion_alt_tuple):
    Template of an ionization signal.
    template_width = 1.  #s
    template_points = template_width * 1000
    template = np.ones(int(template_points))
    template[:int(template_points / 2)] = 0

    freq_cut = 2.  #Hz
    order = 2
    freq_nyq = freq / 2

    freq_cut_norm = freq_cut / freq_nyq
    b, a = sgl.butter(order, freq_cut_norm, btype='highpass')
    zi = sgl.lfilter_zi(b, a)

    ion_tot = ion_alt_tuple[-1]
    ion_fil_tuple = sgl.lfilter(b, a, ion_tot, zi=zi * ion_tot[0])[0]

    template_fil = sgl.lfilter(b, a, template, zi=zi * template[0])[0]

    corr = np.correlate(ion_fil_tuple, template_fil, mode='same')
    corr = abs(corr)
    return corr
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _getInititalState(b, a, alpha=1):
    Get an initial filter state that corresponds to the steady state of the step response.
        b (array): Numerator coefficients.
        a (array): Denominator coefficients.
        alpha (int, float): Scaling factor.
        zi (array): The initial filter state
    See Also:
        .. [1] 

    return alpha * ss.lfilter_zi(b, a)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def get_coeffs(fs, f0, Q, ftype, dBgain=0.0):
     """ this calculates coeffs and initial conditions
         for signal.lfilter
     b, a = biquad(fs, f0, Q, ftype, dBgain)
     zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
     return b, a, zi
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, b, a, storeState=True, zeroPhase=False, initOut=None):
        '''Initialize the object

            b (:obj:`list`): list of 'b' constants of filter
            a (:obj:`list`): list of 'a' constants of filter
            storeState (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter state must be stored. Useful when filtering a chunked signal to avoid border effects.
            zeroPhase (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether the filter has to provide zero phase error to the input i.e. no delay in the output (Note: Enabling this will disable 'storeState' and 'initOut')
            initOut (:obj:`list`, optional): Initial condition of the filter


        self.__storeState = storeState
        self.__zeroPhase = zeroPhase
        self.__initOut = initOut

        if self.__storeState and self.__zeroPhase:
            self.__storeState = False

        if (not self.__initOut == None) and self.__zeroPhase:
            self.__initOut = None

        if self.__storeState:
            self.__zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)

        if not self.__initOut == None:
            self.__zi = None

        self.__b = b
        self.__a = a
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def filter_butter(self, data):
     b = signal.firwin(self.filter_win, 0.004)
     z = signal.lfilter_zi(b, 1)
     butter = zeros(data.size)
     for i, x in enumerate(data):
         butter[i], z = signal.lfilter(b, 1, [x], zi=z)
     return butter
Ejemplo n.º 10
def FilterAMP(df, b='none', a='none'):
    """Function that filters the data corresponding 
    to amperometric experiments.
    Return a dataframe with the values filtered in 
    columns called time and current."""
    if b == 'none':
        f = 4  #order of the filter
    elif b != 'none':
        f = b
    if a == 'none':
        g = 0.05  # The denominator coefficient
        #vector of the filter.
    elif a != 'none':
        g = a
    b, a = butter(f, g)
    y = df['current'].values
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zi * y[0])
    mid = len(df['current'].values) // 2
    # Apply the filter again, to have a result filtered
    #at an order the same as filtfilt.
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi * z[0])
    # Use filtfilt to apply the filter.
    xfiltered = filtfilt(b, a, df['time'].values)
    yfiltered = filtfilt(b, a, df['current'].values)
    d = {'time': xfiltered, 'current': yfiltered}
    return pd.DataFrame(data=d)
Ejemplo n.º 11
  def Filter(self, LowCorner, HighCorner, Order=3):
    Butterworth bandpass filter

    FS = 1./self.HDR['TSMP']

    if HighCorner >= FS/2.:
      print 'Warning: High corner must be < {0:.2f} Hz'.format(FS/2.)

    if LowCorner < 0.:
      print 'Warning: Low corner must be > 0 Hz'.format(FS/2.)

    # Corner frequencies
    Corners = [2.*LowCorner/FS, 2.*HighCorner/FS]

    # Butterworth filter
    b, a = _sig.butter(Order, Corners, btype='band')

    # Filtering records
    for I,S in enumerate(self.CHN):
      # self.CHN[I] = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S)
      zi = _sig.lfilter_zi(b, a);
      self.CHN[I],_ = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S, zi=zi*S[0])
Ejemplo n.º 12
def FilterVC(df, b='none', a='none'):
    """Function that filters the data corresponding 
    to cyclic voltammetry experiments.
    Return a dataframe with the values filtered in 
    columns called volt and current."""
    if b == 'none':
        f = 4  #order of the filter
    elif b != 'none':
        f = b
    if a == 'none':
        g = 0.05  # The denominator coefficient
        #vector of the filter.
    elif a != 'none':
        g = a
    b, a = butter(f, g)
    y = df['current'].values
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zi * y[0])
    mid = len(df['volt'].values) // 2
    # Apply the filter again, to have a result filtered
    #at an order the same as filtfilt.
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi * z[0])
    # Use filtfilt to apply the filter.
    x_f1 = filtfilt(b, a, df['volt'].values[0:mid])
    y_f1 = filtfilt(b, a, df['current'].values[0:mid])
    x_f2 = filtfilt(b, a, df['volt'].values[mid:])
    y_f2 = filtfilt(b, a, df['current'].values[mid:])
    xfiltered = np.concatenate([x_f1, x_f2])
    yfiltered = np.concatenate([y_f1, y_f2])
    d = {'volt': xfiltered, 'current': yfiltered}
    return pd.DataFrame(data=d)
Ejemplo n.º 13
def update_buffer(data_buffer, new_data, notch = False, filter_state = None):
    """ Title: BCI Workshop Auxiliary Tools
	Author: Cassani
	Date: May 08 2015
	Availability: https://github.com/NeuroTechX/bci-workshop 
	Updates the buffer with new data and applies butterworth filter
	buffer       -- array for eeg data buffer [samples][channels]
	new_data     -- array with new data from channel [samples][channels]
	apply_filter -- (Boolean) when True, apply filter to buffer
	filter_state -- array of filtered values
	new_buffer   -- array of updated buffer [samples][channels]
    if new_data.ndim == 1:

        new_data = new_data.reshape(-1, data_buffer.shape[1])
    if notch:
        if filter_state is None:
            filter_state = np.tile(lfilter_zi(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A),
                                   (data_buffer.shape[1], 1)).T
        new_data, filter_state = lfilter(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A, new_data, axis=0,
                                         zi = filter_state)

    new_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis=0)
    new_buffer = new_buffer[new_data.shape[0]:, :]

    return new_buffer, filter_state
Ejemplo n.º 14
    def filterData(self, icurr, Fs):
			Denoise an ionic current time-series and store it in self.eventData

				- `icurr` :	ionic current in pA
				- `Fs` :	original sampling frequency in Hz
        self.eventData = icurr
        self.Fs = Fs

        self.filterModel = sig.filter_design.bessel(N=self.filterOrder,
                                                    Wn=(self.filterCutoff /
                                                        (self.Fs / 2)),

        # calculate the initial state of the filter and scale it with the first data point
        # so there is no sharp transient at the start of the data
        zi = sig.lfilter_zi(b=self.filterModel[0],
                            a=self.filterModel[1]) * self.eventData[0]

        [self.eventData, zf] = sig.lfilter(b=self.filterModel[0],
Ejemplo n.º 15
 def __init__(self, b, a=1, channels=['ax', 'ay', 'az']):
     # If FIR a = 1, with IIR set A
     self.b = b
     self.a = a
     self.zi = signal.lfilter_zi(self.b, self.a)
     self.channels = channels
     self.axis_f_states = {key: self.zi for key in self.channels}
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def getData(self):
        t = time.time()
        bsz = bsz2 = bsz3 = lfilter_zi(self.bsB, self.bsA)

        while (self.running):
            t += self.period
            val, val2, val3 = methods.sample()
            # Filter values - cascade bandstop with bandpass
            val, bsz = lfilter(self.bsB,
                               lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val]),
            val2, bsz2 = lfilter(self.bsB,
                                 lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val2]),
            val3, bsz3 = lfilter(self.bsB,
                                 lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val3]),
            self.buffer.append(val + 2.5)
            self.buffer2.append(val2 + 5)
            self.buffer3.append(val3 + 7.5)
            if (self.session.recording):
            self.y[:] = self.buffer
            self.y2[:] = self.buffer2
            self.y3[:] = self.buffer3
            self.curve.setData(self.x, self.y)
            self.curve2.setData(self.x, self.y2)
            self.curve3.setData(self.x, self.y3)
            time.sleep(max(0, t - time.time()))
Ejemplo n.º 17
 def data(self):
     source = self.source.data()
     zi = lfilter_zi(*PassFilter.butterworth(self.cutoff, self.filter_type))
     while True:
         filtered_data, zi = self.butterworth_filter(next(source), self.cutoff, self.filter_type, zi)
         yield filtered_data
         self.state = self.source.state
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def Filter(self, LowCorner, HighCorner, Order=3):
    Butterworth bandpass filter

        FS = 1. / self.HDR['TSMP']

        if HighCorner >= FS / 2.:
            print 'Warning: High corner must be < {0:.2f} Hz'.format(FS / 2.)

        if LowCorner < 0.:
            print 'Warning: Low corner must be > 0 Hz'.format(FS / 2.)

        # Corner frequencies
        Corners = [2. * LowCorner / FS, 2. * HighCorner / FS]

        # Butterworth filter
        b, a = _sig.butter(Order, Corners, btype='band')

        # Filtering records
        for I, S in enumerate(self.CHN):
            # self.CHN[I] = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S)
            zi = _sig.lfilter_zi(b, a)
            self.CHN[I], _ = _sig.lfilter(b, a, S, zi=zi * S[0])
Ejemplo n.º 19
def SignalFilter_LPFButter(signal, LPF, samplefreq, NPole=8):
    """Filter with Butterworth low pass, using time-causal lfilter 
        Digitally low-pass filter a signal using a multipole Butterworth
        filter. Does not apply reverse filtering so that result is causal.
        signal : array
            The signal to be filtered.
        LPF : float
            The low-pass frequency of the filter (Hz)
        HPF : float
            The high-pass frequency of the filter (Hz)
        samplefreq : float
            The uniform sampling rate for the signal (in seconds)
        npole : int
            Number of poles for Butterworth filter. Positive integer.

        w : array
        filtered version of the input signal

    flpf = float(LPF)
    sf = float(samplefreq)
    wn = [flpf/(sf/2.0)]
    b, a = spSignal.butter(NPole, wn, btype='low', output='ba')
    zi = spSignal.lfilter_zi(b,a)
    out, zo = spSignal.lfilter(b, a, signal, zi=zi*signal[0])
Ejemplo n.º 20
def compressor(x,
    simple compressor effect, code thanks to Eric Tarr @hackaudio
       x:        the input waveform
       thresh:   threshold in dB
       ratio:    compression ratio
       attackrel:   attack & release time in seconds
       sr:       sample rate
    attack = attackrel * sr  # convert to samples
    fc = 1.0 / float(attack)  # this is like 1/attack time
    b, a = scipy_signal.butter(1, fc, analog=False, output='ba')
    zi = scipy_signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)

    dB = 20. * np.log10(np.abs(x) + 1e-6)
    in_env, _ = scipy_signal.lfilter(b, a, dB, zi=zi *
                                     dB[0])  # input envelope calculation
    out_env = np.copy(in_env)  # output envelope
    i = np.where(in_env > thresh)  # compress where input env exceeds thresh
    out_env[i] = thresh + (in_env[i] - thresh) / ratio
    gain = np.power(10.0, (out_env - in_env) / 20)
    y = x * gain
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def filt(self, cutoff_dt, btype='low', order=3, axis=-1, lfilter=False):
        Butterworth filter the time series
            cutoff_dt - cuttoff period [seconds]
            btype - 'low' or 'high' or 'band'

        if self.isequal == False and self.VERBOSE:
            print('Warning - time series is unequally spaced.\
                Use self.interp to interpolate onto an equal grid')

        if not btype == 'band':
            Wn = self.dt / cutoff_dt
            Wn = [self.dt / co for co in cutoff_dt]

        (b, a) = signal.butter(order, Wn, btype=btype, analog=0, output='ba')

        # filtfilt only likes to operate along the last axis
        ytmp = np.swapaxes(self.y, -1, axis)
        if lfilter:
            zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
            ytmp, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, ytmp, axis=-1, zi=zi * ytmp[..., 0])
            ytmp = signal.filtfilt(b, a, ytmp, axis=-1)

        return np.swapaxes(ytmp, axis, -1)
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, Fs, CuttOffFreq, btype, Order):
        Initialization of LowPassFilterClass

        :param: Fs : float
            Sampling Frequency of the Signal
        :param: CuttOffFreq : float
            Cutoff Frequency of the filter
        :param: btype : str
            The type of filter to be applied (lowpass, bandpass, highpass)
        :param: Order : int
            the order of the filter


        # the cutoff frequency is normalized using the sampling frequency
        freqs = np.array(CuttOffFreq / 2) / (0.5 * Fs)
        # signal.butter function returns the numerator and denominator
        # polynomials of the IIR filter
        self.b, self.a = signal.butter(
        # signal lfilter_zi compute an initial state for the `lfilter`
        # function that corresponds to the steady state of the step response.
        self.zi = signal.lfilter_zi(
Ejemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, step_dict):
     # set the filter b, a cohefficients
     self.filter = sig.bessel(int(step_dict['order']), float(step_dict['cutoff']))
     # set steady state-like step response initial condition
     # in order to give the right value it will need to be multiplied by the first value processed
     self.init = sig.lfilter_zi(self.filter[0], self.filter[1])
     self.first = True
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def getData(self):
        t = time.time()
        bsz = bsz2 = bsz3 = lfilter_zi(self.bsB, self.bsA)

        while self.running:
            t += self.period
            val, val2, val3 = methods.sample()
            # Filter values - cascade bandstop with bandpass
            val, bsz = lfilter(self.bsB, self.bsA, lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val]), zi=bsz)
            val2, bsz2 = lfilter(self.bsB, self.bsA, lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val2]), zi=bsz2)
            val3, bsz3 = lfilter(self.bsB, self.bsA, lfilter(self.bpB, self.bpA, [val3]), zi=bsz3)
            self.buffer.append(val + 2.5)
            self.buffer2.append(val2 + 5)
            self.buffer3.append(val3 + 7.5)
            if self.session.recording:
            self.y[:] = self.buffer
            self.y2[:] = self.buffer2
            self.y3[:] = self.buffer3
            self.curve.setData(self.x, self.y)
            self.curve2.setData(self.x, self.y2)
            self.curve3.setData(self.x, self.y3)
            time.sleep(max(0, t - time.time()))
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def butterworthFilter(self, fc, order, btype):
        ''' Applies a Butterworth filter to the signal.

        Side effects: the waveform will be resampled to have equally-sampled points.

            fc (float): cutoff frequency of the filter (cf. input to signal.butter)

            New object containing the filtered waveform

        uniformly_sampled = self.uniformlySample()
        x, y = uniformly_sampled.absc, uniformly_sampled.ordi
        dxes = np.diff(x)
        sampling_rate = 1 / dxes[0]
        fc = np.array(fc)

        b, a = signal.butter(order, fc * 2, btype,
                             fs=sampling_rate)  # construct the filter
        # compute initial condition such that the filtered y starts with the same value as y
        zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)

        # applies the filter to the ordinate y if it is a low pass filter
        if btype.startswith('low'):
            ordi_filtered, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zi * y[0])
        # cheat and debias the signal prior to high pass filtering
        # this prevents the initial filtered signal to start from zero
            mean_y = np.mean(y)
            ordi_filtered, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, y - mean_y, zi=zi * 0)

        uniformly_sampled.ordi = ordi_filtered
        return uniformly_sampled
Ejemplo n.º 26
def pre_emphasize(y, fs=16000):
    # approximate outer/middle hear filter
    # this is sampling frequency dependent
    b = [1, -.97]
    a = 1
    zi = sig.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    return sig.lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zi)[0]
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def bandlmt_wnoise(npoints=1000,
                       freqsupport=(0, 1.5, 1.7, 3, 3.2, 4.5, 4.7, 5),
                       ampsupport=(0.9, 1, 0.2, 0.2, 1, 0.9, 0, 0),
        if seed is None:
            seed = np.random.randint(0, int(1e6))
            print('Randomly chosen seed is {}.'.format(seed))
        if freqsupport[-1] > npoints / time / 2:
            raise FilterBandwidthExceedsSamplingBandwidthError


        freqsupport = list(freqsupport)
        fs = npoints / time
        freqsupport[-1] = fs / 2

        t = np.linspace(time / npoints, time, npoints)
        n = np.random.randn(npoints + numtabs)

        coeffs = scisig.firls(numtabs, freqsupport, ampsupport, nyq=fs / 2)
        zi = scisig.lfilter_zi(b=coeffs, a=1)
        z, _ = scisig.lfilter(b=coeffs, a=1, x=n, zi=zi * n[0])
        z = z[numtabs:]

        sig = Signal(t, z)
        sig *= 1 / np.mean(abs(sig.vals)) * arvmean
        sig += mu

        return sig
Ejemplo n.º 28
def lowpass(data, cutout):
    b, a = signal.butter(5, cutout, 'low')
    zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, data, zi=zi * data[0])
    z2, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi * z[0])
    y = signal.filtfilt(b, a, data)
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 29
def low_filter(sig_slice):
    from scipy.signal import lfilter, lfilter_zi, filtfilt, butter
    b, a = butter(3, 0.5)
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, sig_slice, zi=zi*sig_slice[0])
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi*z[0])
    return(filtfilt(b, a, sig_slice))
    def on_filter_echo(self):
        ceps = cepstrum.real_cepstrum(np.array(self.y_original))

        index, result = CepstrumDialog.show_dialog(self, ceps)

        if result:

            b = np.array([1])

            a = np.zeros(index + 1)
            a[0] = 1
            a[len(a) - 1] = self.echo_alpha

            zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)

            self.y_processed, _ = signal.lfilter(b,
                                                 zi=zi * self.y_original[0])

            w1, h1 = signal.freqz(b, a)

            result = FilterResponseDialog.show_dialog(parent=self,

            if result:
Ejemplo n.º 31
 def __init__(self, f0, fs, Q, nb_axis=1):
     self.nb_axis = nb_axis
     # f0 = freq to be removed
     # fs = sampling rate (Hz)
     # Q = quality factor
     self.b, self.a = iirnotch(f0, Q, fs)  # Get the filter coefficients
     self.z = [lfilter_zi(self.b, self.a) for _ in range(nb_axis)]
Ejemplo n.º 32
def lowpass_filter(x, RC, step):
  Wrapper to perform low pass filtering on data x. Step is the length of time between samples in the data series.
  Assumes RC and step are in the same time units.
    b, a = butter(1, 1. / (np.pi * RC / step))
    return lfilter(b, a, x, zi=lfilter_zi(b, a) * x[0])[0]
Ejemplo n.º 33
def record_eeg_filtered(r_length, freq, channel_i, notch = False, filter_state=None):
    streams = resolve_byprop('type', 'EEG', timeout=2)
    inlet = StreamInlet(streams[0], max_chunklen=12)

    """ Records EEG data from headset
    r_length  -- how many seconds of data to record
    freq      -- sample rate
    channel_i -- channels to keep data from
    data      -- array of recorded data [sample, channel]

    data, timestamps = inlet.pull_chunk(
        timeout=r_length + 1,
        max_samples=int(freq * r_length))

    data = np.array(data)[:, channel_i]

    if notch:
        if filter_state is None:
            filter_state = np.tile(lfilter_zi(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A),
                                   (data.shape[1], 1)).T

        data, filter_state = lfilter(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A, data, axis=0,
Ejemplo n.º 34
    def getThreshold(self):
        nf = pd.DataFrame({'x': self.raw_x, 'y': self.raw_y, 'z': self.raw_z})
        magnitude_counter = len(nf.x)
        # Low Pass filter the data
        d, c = signal.butter(4, 20, fs=self.sampled_frequency)
        zi = signal.lfilter_zi(d, c)  #LP filter

        nf['x_filt'], _ = signal.lfilter(d, c, nf.x, zi=zi * nf.x.iloc[0])
        nf['y_filt'], _ = signal.lfilter(d, c, nf.y, zi=zi * nf.y.iloc[0])
        nf['z_filt'], _ = signal.lfilter(d, c, nf.z, zi=zi * nf.z.iloc[0])
        nf['mag'] = np.sqrt(
            np.square(nf.x_filt) + np.square(nf.y_filt) + np.square(nf.z_filt))
        bias_x = nf.x_filt.sum() / magnitude_counter
        bias_y = nf.y_filt.sum() / magnitude_counter
        bias_z = nf.z_filt.sum() / magnitude_counter
        bias_mag = nf.mag.sum() / magnitude_counter
        nf['x_zero_bias'] = nf.x_filt - bias_x
        nf['y_zero_bias'] = nf.y_filt - bias_y
        nf['z_zero_bias'] = nf.z_filt - bias_z
        nf['mag_zero_bias'] = nf.mag - bias_mag
        nf['x_sq'] = np.square(nf.x_zero_bias)
        nf['y_sq'] = np.square(nf.y_zero_bias)
        nf['z_sq'] = np.square(nf.z_zero_bias)
        th = np.sqrt((nf[['x_sq', 'y_sq', 'z_sq']].max()).sum())
        return th
Ejemplo n.º 35
def filterSignal(sig, fType='lowpass', useFiltFilt=True, fs_Hz=1000.0, freq=100.0, order=1):
    """Applies lowpass or highpass filter to signal"""

    # CreateFilter
    if fType not in ['lowpass', 'highpass']:
        raise Exception('Invalid filter type: {}'.format(fType))
    fNyquist = fs_Hz / 2.0
    order = min(order, max(int(fs_Hz / freq) - 1, 1))  # limit order to avoid oscillations
    b, a = signal.butter(order, freq / fNyquist, fType)
    if not useFiltFilt:
        zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)

    if len(sig.shape) > 1:
        if useFiltFilt:
            newSig = np.vstack([signal.filtfilt(b, a, sig[i])
                                for i in range(sig.shape[0])])
            newSig = np.vstack([signal.lfilter(b, a, sig[i], zi=zi * sig[i, 0])[0]
                                for i in range(sig.shape[0])])

        if useFiltFilt:
            newSig = signal.filtfilt(b, a, sig)
            newSig, _ = signal.lfilter(b, a, sig, zi=zi * sig[0])

    return newSig
Ejemplo n.º 36
def get_coeffs(fs, f0, Q, ftype, dBgain=0.0):
    """ this calculates coeffs and initial conditions
        for signal.lfilter to filter audio blocks
    b, a = pydsd.biquad(fs, f0, Q, ftype, dBgain)
    zi = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    return b, a, zi
Ejemplo n.º 37
 def __init__(self, b, a, samp) : 
     """Coefficients (y value) and frequencies (x value) of the 
     desired response function. The coefficients should be real
     valued. Frequencies should be sorted in ascending order."""
     self._b = b
     self._a = a
     self._zi = s.lfilter_zi(b,a)
     self._samp = samp
Ejemplo n.º 38
def SignalFilter_HPFButter(signal, HPF, samplefreq, NPole = 8):
    flpf = float(HPF)
    sf = float(samplefreq)
    wn = [flpf/(sf/2.0)]
    b, a = spSignal.butter(NPole, wn, btype='high', output='ba')
    zi = spSignal.lfilter_zi(b,a)
    out, zo = spSignal.lfilter(b, a, signal, zi=zi*signal[0])
Ejemplo n.º 39
def butter_bandpass_filter(data, lowcut, highcut, fs, order=5):
    nyq = 0.5 * fs
    low = lowcut / nyq
    high = highcut / nyq
    print low , high , "test" , fs
    b, a = butter(order, high, btype='low', analog=False)
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    y_out, zo = lfilter(b, a, data, zi=zi*data[0])
    return y_out
Ejemplo n.º 40
 def __init__(self, threshold_freq, order=2, design='cheby1'):
     :param threshold_freq: Threshold frequency to filter out, as a fraction of sampling freq.  E.g. 0.1
     self.b, self.a = \
         butter(N=order, Wn=threshold_freq, btype='low') if design == 'butter' else \
         cheby1(N=order, rp=0.1, Wn=threshold_freq, btype='low') if design == 'cheby1' else \
     self.filter_state = lfilter_zi(b=self.b, a=self.a)
Ejemplo n.º 41
def iirfilter(N, Wn, rp, rs, btype, ftype, target):
    b, a = signal.iirfilter(N, Wn, rp, rs, btype, ftype=ftype)
    if np.any(np.abs(np.roots(a)) > 1):
        raise ValueError, 'Unstable filter coefficients'
    zf = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    while True:
        y = (yield)
        y, zf = signal.lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zf)
Ejemplo n.º 42
 def butter_lowpass_filter(self, highcut, order=5):
     shift_time = int(self.fs*0.5)
     nyq = 0.5 * self.fs
     high = highcut / nyq
     b, a = butter(order, high, btype='low', analog=False)
     zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
     y_out, zo = lfilter(b, a, self.sig_data2, zi=zi*self.sig_data[0])
     y2 = []
     for i in range(shift_time , int(self.fs * self.t) + shift_time):
     return y2
Ejemplo n.º 43
 def step(self, node):
     b, a, x = node.getIn('B'), node.getIn('A'), node.getIn('X')
     if node.state is None:
         node.state = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
     result = signal.lfilter(b, a, x, zi=node.state)
     if node.state is None:
         data = result
         node.state = signal.lfiltic(b, a, data, x)
         data, node.state = result
     print(x.shape, x.dtype, data.shape, data.dtype)
     node.setOut('Y', data)
Ejemplo n.º 44
 def __init__(self, blackboard, pattern, sample_rate=256, cutoff_freq=50, cutoff_width = 2):
     # TODO: Check whether only a single pattern is selected
     IIRFilter.__init__( self, blackboard, pattern )
     # use 10 Hz notch instead
     self._b, self._a = make_notch( sample_rate, cutoff_freq, cutoff_width )
     # create initial zi variable for filter
     self._zi = lfilter_zi(self._b, self._a)
     self._pat_extension = '/notch%d' % ( cutoff_freq )
Ejemplo n.º 45
def decimate(q, target):
    b, a = signal.cheby1(4, 0.05, 0.8/q)
    if np.any(np.abs(np.roots(a)) > 1):
        raise ValueError, 'Unstable filter coefficients'
    zf = signal.lfilter_zi(b, a)
    y_remainder = np.array([])
    while True:
        y = np.r_[y_remainder, (yield)]
        remainder = len(y) % q
        if remainder != 0:
            y, y_remainder = y[:-remainder], y[-remainder:]
            y_remainder = np.array([])
        y, zf = signal.lfilter(b, a, y, zi=zf)
Ejemplo n.º 46
    def __init__(self, width=5, order=3, analog=True):

        if width < 2.0 or not isinstance(width, int):
            raise ValueError('width must be an integer greater than 1.')
        if not isinstance(order, int):
            raise ValueError('order must be an integer')

        # find nearest odd integer
        self.width = int(np.ceil((width + 1) / 2) * 2 - 1)

        self.order = order

        # Use lfilter_zi to choose the initial condition of the filter.
        self._num, self._denom = butter(self.order, 2.0 / self.width)
        self._zi = lfilter_zi(self._num, self._denom)
Ejemplo n.º 47
def smoothData(xn):
    xn = cond
    # Create an order 3 lowpass butterworth filter.
    b, a = butter(3, 0.05)
    # Apply the filter to xn.  Use lfilter_zi to choose the initial condition
    # of the filter.
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, xn, zi=zi*xn[0])
    # Apply the filter again, to have a result filtered at an order
    # the same as filtfilt.
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi*z[0])
    # Use filtfilt to apply the filter.
    y = filtfilt(b, a, xn)
    return y
Ejemplo n.º 48
def buttersworth_smooth(signal, width=11, order=3):
    """Smooth the data using zero-delay buttersworth filter

    This code is copied from the scipy cookbook, with sytlistic improvements.

    signal : np.ndarray, ndim=1
        The input signal
    width : float
        This acts very similar to the window_len in the window smoother. In
        the implementation, the frequency of the low-pass filter is taken to
        be two over this width, so it's like "half the period" of the sinusiod
        where the filter starts to kick in.
    order : int, optional
        The order of the filter. A small odd number is recommended. Higher
        order filters cutoff more quickly, but have worse numerical

    output : np.ndarray, ndim=1
        The smoothed signal
    if width < 2.0:
        return signal

    # first pad the signal on the ends
    pad = int(np.ceil((width + 1)/2)*2 - 1)  # nearest odd integer
    padded = np.r_[signal[pad - 1: 0: -1], signal, signal[-1: -pad: -1]]
    #padded = np.r_[[signal[0]]*pad, signal, [signal[-1]]*pad]

    b, a = butter(order, 2.0 / width)
    # Apply the filter to the width.  Use lfilter_zi to choose the
    # initial condition of the filter.
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, padded, zi=zi*padded[0])
    # Apply the filter again, to have a result filtered at an order
    # the same as filtfilt.
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi*z[0])
    # Use filtfilt to apply the filter.
    output = filtfilt(b, a, padded)

    return output[(pad-1): -(pad-1)]
Ejemplo n.º 49
def test_smooth(get_fn):
    from scipy.signal import lfilter, lfilter_zi, filtfilt, butter

    pad = 5
    order = 3
    b, a = butter(order, 2.0 / pad)
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)

    signal = np.sin(np.arange(100))
    padded = np.r_[signal[pad - 1: 0: -1], signal, signal[-1: -pad: -1]]

    z, _ = lfilter(b, a, padded, zi=zi * padded[0])
    z2, _ = lfilter(b, a, z, zi=zi * z[0])

    output = filtfilt(b, a, padded)
    test = np.loadtxt(get_fn('smooth.txt'))

    eq(output, test)
Ejemplo n.º 50
def update_buffer(data_buffer, new_data, notch=False, filter_state=None):
    Concatenates "new_data" into "data_buffer", and returns an array with
    the same size as "data_buffer"
    if new_data.ndim == 1:
        new_data = new_data.reshape(-1, data_buffer.shape[1])

    if notch:
        if filter_state is None:
            filter_state = np.tile(lfilter_zi(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A),
                                   (data_buffer.shape[1], 1)).T
        new_data, filter_state = lfilter(NOTCH_B, NOTCH_A, new_data, axis=0,

    new_buffer = np.concatenate((data_buffer, new_data), axis=0)
    new_buffer = new_buffer[new_data.shape[0]:, :]

    return new_buffer, filter_state
Ejemplo n.º 51
 def __init__(self, blackboard, pattern, sample_rate=256, lowpass = 50 ):
     @param blackboard:
         blackboard instance which contains the data that must be plotted.
     @param pattern
         the pattern corresponding to the data buffer that must be filtered. Only one pattern should be selected.
     @param sample_rate
         sample rate of the data signal. Should be a positive numerical value.
     @param lowpass
         The filter's cutoff-frequency. Should be a positive numerical value.
     IIRFilter.__init__( self, blackboard, pattern )
     self._b, self._a = self._make_lowpass( sample_rate, lowpass )
     # create initial zi variable for filter
     self._zi = lfilter_zi(self._b, self._a)
     self._pat_extension = '/lpf%d' % ( lowpass )
Ejemplo n.º 52
def sosfilt_zi(sos):
    """Compute an initial state `zi` for the sosfilt function"""
    from scipy.signal import lfilter_zi
    sos = np.asarray(sos)
    if sos.ndim != 2 or sos.shape[1] != 6:
        raise ValueError('sos must be shape (n_sections, 6)')

    n_sections = sos.shape[0]
    zi = np.empty((n_sections, 2))
    scale = 1.0
    for section in range(n_sections):
        b = sos[section, :3]
        a = sos[section, 3:]
        zi[section] = scale * lfilter_zi(b, a)
        # If H(z) = B(z)/A(z) is this section's transfer function, then
        # b.sum()/a.sum() is H(1), the gain at omega=0.  That's the steady
        # state value of this section's step response.
        scale *= b.sum() / a.sum()

    return zi
Ejemplo n.º 53
def filter_1way(b,a,in_memmap,out_memmap):
    X_nc = in_memmap
    n_s, n_ch = X_nc.shape
    Y_mc = out_memmap
    assert Y_mc.shape == (n_s,n_ch)
    n_out_chunk = 10000
    n_in_chunk = n_out_chunk

    t_warmup = max(a.size,b.size)*3
    pbar = ProgressBar(maxval = n_s).start()
    z = np.zeros((max(a.size,b.size)-1,n_ch))
    for i_ch in xrange(n_ch):
        _,z[:,i_ch] = lfilter(b,a,X_nc[t_warmup-1::-1,i_ch],zi=lfilter_zi(b,a))
    for i_in,i_out in zip(xrange(0,n_s,n_in_chunk),xrange(0,n_s,n_in_chunk)):
        for i_ch in xrange(n_ch):
            Y_mc[i_out:i_out+n_out_chunk,i_ch],z[:,i_ch] = lfilter(b,a,X_nc[i_in:i_in+n_in_chunk,i_ch],zi=z[:,i_ch])
Ejemplo n.º 54
def _filtfilt(b, a, x, axis=-1, padtype='odd', padlen=None):
    """copy of modern SciPy filtfilt without "method" or "irlen" arguments"""
    from scipy.signal import lfilter_zi, lfilter
    b = np.atleast_1d(b)
    a = np.atleast_1d(a)
    x = np.asarray(x)

    # method == "pad"
    edge, ext = _validate_pad(padtype, padlen, x, axis,
                              ntaps=max(len(a), len(b)))

    # Get the steady state of the filter's step response.
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)

    # Reshape zi and create x0 so that zi*x0 broadcasts
    # to the correct value for the 'zi' keyword argument
    # to lfilter.
    zi_shape = [1] * x.ndim
    zi_shape[axis] = zi.size
    zi = np.reshape(zi, zi_shape)
    x0 = axis_slice(ext, stop=1, axis=axis)

    # Forward filter.
    (y, zf) = lfilter(b, a, ext, axis=axis, zi=zi * x0)

    # Backward filter.
    # Create y0 so zi*y0 broadcasts appropriately.
    y0 = axis_slice(y, start=-1, axis=axis)
    (y, zf) = lfilter(b, a, axis_reverse(y, axis=axis), axis=axis, zi=zi * y0)

    # Reverse y.
    y = axis_reverse(y, axis=axis)

    if edge > 0:
        # Slice the actual signal from the extended signal.
        y = axis_slice(y, start=edge, stop=-edge, axis=axis)

    return y
Ejemplo n.º 55
    def execute(self, oat, detailedresult=False):
        """ Apply bandpass Butterworth filter to an OAT object """
            from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, lfilter_zi
            raise ImportError("scipy.signal module is required for this method")

        nyq = 0.5 * self.fs
        low = self.lowcut / nyq
        high = self.highcut / nyq
        b, a = butter(self.order, [low, high], btype=self.btype)
        #y = lfilter(b, a, oat.ts['data'])
        zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
        y, zo = lfilter(b, a, oat.ts['data'], zi=zi * oat.ts['data'][0])

        #copy oat and return the modified copy
        temp_oat = oat.copy()
        temp_oat.ts['data'] = y

        self.result['type'] = "sensor"
        self.result['data'] = temp_oat

        return self.returnResult(detailedresult)
Ejemplo n.º 56
def _filter_init(b, a, alpha=1.):
    """Get an initial filter state that corresponds to the steady-state
    of the step response.

    b : array
        Numerator coefficients.
    a : array
        Denominator coefficients.
    alpha : float, optional
        Scaling factor.

    zi : array
        Initial filter state.


    zi = alpha * ss.lfilter_zi(b, a)

    return zi
Ejemplo n.º 57
def downsample_1way(in_memmap,out_memmap,ratio=16):
    b,a = butter(BUTTER_ORD,1/(2*ratio),'low')
    X_nc = in_memmap
    n_s, n_ch = X_nc.shape
    n_s2 = n_s//ratio
    Y_mc = out_memmap
    assert Y_mc.shape == (n_s2,n_ch)
    n_out_chunk = 10000
    n_in_chunk = n_out_chunk*ratio

    t_warmup = max(a.size,b.size)*3
    pbar = ProgressBar(maxval = n_s).start()
    z = np.zeros((BUTTER_ORD,n_ch))
    for i_ch in xrange(n_ch):
        _,z[:,i_ch] = lfilter(b,a,X_nc[t_warmup-1::-1,i_ch],zi=lfilter_zi(b,a))
    for (i_in,i_out) in zip(xrange(0,n_s,n_in_chunk),xrange(0,n_s2,n_out_chunk)):
        for i_ch in xrange(n_ch):
            Low_nc,z[:,i_ch] = lfilter(b,a,X_nc[i_in:i_in+n_in_chunk,i_ch],zi=z[:,i_ch])
            Y_mc[i_out:i_out+n_out_chunk,i_ch] = Low_nc[::ratio]
Ejemplo n.º 58
    def process(self, data):
        if self.zi is None:
            # initial pass, get ICs from filter coefficients
            zi = signal.lfilter_zi(self.b, self.a)
            self.zi = np.tile(zi, (data.shape[1], 1)).T
            # subsequent passes get ICs from previous input/output
            num_ch = data.shape[1]
            K = max(len(self.a)-1, len(self.b)-1)
            self.zi = np.zeros((K, num_ch))
            # unfortunately we have to get zi channel by channel
            for c in range(data.shape[1]):
                self.zi[:, c] = signal.lfiltic(
                    self.y_prev[-(self.overlap+1)::-1, c],
                    self.x_prev[-(self.overlap+1)::-1, c])

        out, zf = signal.lfilter(
            self.b, self.a, data, axis=0, zi=self.zi)

        self.x_prev = data
        self.y_prev = out
        return out
Ejemplo n.º 59
 def test_basic(self):
     a = np.array([1.0, -1.0, 0.5])
     b = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 2.0])
     zi_expected = np.array([5.0, -1.0])
     zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
     assert_array_almost_equal(zi, zi_expected)
Ejemplo n.º 60
def test_tide_filter():
#     import statsmodels.api as sa
    import wafo.spectrum.models as sm
    sd = 10
    Sj = sm.Jonswap(Hm0=4.* sd)
    S = Sj.tospecdata()

    q = (0.1 * sd) ** 2   # variance of process noise s the car operates
    r = (100 * sd) ** 2  # variance of measurement error
    b = 0  # no system input
    u = 0  # no system input

    from scipy.signal import butter, lfilter, filtfilt, lfilter_zi
    freq_tide = 1. / (12 * 60 * 60)
    freq_wave = 1. / 10
    freq_filt = freq_wave / 10
    dt = 1.
    freq = 1. / dt
    fn = (freq / 2)

    P = 10* np.diag([1, 0.01])
    R = r
    H = np.atleast_2d([1, 0])

    F = np.atleast_2d([[0, 1],
                       [0, 0]])
    A, Q = lti_disc(F, L=None, Q=np.diag([0, q]), dt=dt)

    t = np.arange(0, 60 * 12, 1. / freq)
    w = 2 * np.pi * freq  # 1 Hz
    tide = 100 * np.sin(freq_tide * w * t + 2 * np.pi / 4) + 100
    y = tide + S.sim(len(t), dt=1. / freq)[:, 1].ravel()
#     lowess = sa.nonparametric.lowess
#     y2 = lowess(y, t, frac=0.5)[:,1]

    filt = Kalman(R=R, x=np.array([[tide[0]], [0]]), P=P, A=A, Q=Q, H=H, B=b)
    filt2 = Kalman(R=R, x=np.array([[tide[0]], [0]]), P=P, A=A, Q=Q, H=H, B=b)
    #y = tide + 0.5 * np.sin(freq_wave * w * t)
    # Butterworth filter
    b, a = butter(9, (freq_filt / fn), btype='low')
    #y2 = [lowess(y[max(i-60,0):i + 1], t[max(i-60,0):i + 1], frac=.3)[-1,1] for i in range(len(y))]
    #y2 = [lfilter(b, a, y[:i + 1])[i] for i in range(len(y))]
    #y3 = filtfilt(b, a, y[:16]).tolist() + [filtfilt(b, a, y[:i + 1])[i] for i in range(16, len(y))]
    #y0 = medfilt(y, 41)
    zi = lfilter_zi(b, a)
    #y2 = lfilter(b, a, y)#, zi=y[0]*zi)  # standard filter
    y3 = filtfilt(b, a, y)  # filter with phase shift correction
    y4 =[]
    y5 = []
    for i, j in enumerate(y):
        tmp = filt(j, u=u).ravel()
        tmp = filt2(tmp[0], u=u).ravel()
#         if i==0:
#             print(filt.x)
#             print(filt2.x)
    y0 = medfilt(y4, 41)
    # plot
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    plt.plot(t, y, 'r.-', linewidth=2, label='raw data')
    #plt.plot(t, y2, 'b.-', linewidth=2, label='lowess @ %g Hz' % freq_filt)
    #plt.plot(t, y2, 'b.-', linewidth=2, label='filter @ %g Hz' % freq_filt)
    plt.plot(t, y3, 'g.-', linewidth=2, label='filtfilt @ %g Hz' % freq_filt)
    plt.plot(t, y4, 'k.-', linewidth=2, label='kalman')
    #plt.plot(t, y5, 'k.', linewidth=2, label='kalman2')
    plt.plot(t, tide, 'y-', linewidth=2, label='True tide')
    plt.legend(frameon=False, fontsize=14)
    plt.xlabel("Time [s]")