Ejemplo n.º 1
def allign_axis(mol: Molecule, anchor: Atom):
    """Allign a molecule with the Cartesian X-axis; setting **anchor** as the origin."""
        idx = mol.atoms.index(anchor)
    except ValueError as ex:
        raise MoleculeError("The passed anchor is not in mol") from ex

    xyz = mol.as_array()  # Allign the molecule with the X-axis
    rotmat = optimize_rotmat(xyz, idx)
    xyz[:] = xyz @ rotmat.T
    xyz -= xyz[idx]
    xyz[:] = xyz.round(decimals=3)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback) -> None:
     """Exit the context manager; update the Cartesian coordinates of :attr:`AsArray.mol`."""
     Molecule.from_array(None, self._xyz, atom_subset=self.mol)
     self._xyz = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
def retrieve_results(mol: Molecule, results: Results, job_preset: str) -> None:
    """Unpack the :class:`results` from a PLAMS-facilitated calculation.

    Performs an inplace update of **results**:

        * The Cartesian coordinates of :attr:`Results.job.molecule` are updated.
        * Energies and frequencies are added to :attr:`Results.job.molecule.properties`.

    mol : |plams.Molecule|_
        A PLAMS molecule.

    results : |plams.Results|_
        A PLAMS :class:`Results` instance.

    job_preset : str
        The name of a job preset from :mod:`CAT.jobs`.
        Accepted values are ``"single point"``, ``"geometry optimization"`` or
        ``"frequency analysis"``.

    if job_preset not in JOB_PRESETS:
        raise ValueError(f'Invalid value for job_preset: {job_preset!r}')

    # Unpack arguments
    job = results.job
    name = job.name

    # Define more arguments
    freq = np.empty(1)
    nan_dict = {
        'frequencies': np.nan,
        'energy': {
            'E': np.nan,
            'H': np.nan,
            'S': np.nan,
            'G': np.nan

        if job.status in {'failed', 'crashed'}:
            raise _get_results_error(results)

        # Read all relevant results
        energy = mol.properties.energy.E = results.get_energy(unit='kcal/mol')
        if job_preset in ('geometry optimization', 'frequency analysis'):
            mol_new = results.get_main_molecule() or Molecule()

        if job_preset == 'frequency analysis':
            freq = mol.properties.frequencies = results.get_frequencies()
            energy = mol.properties.energy = get_thermo(mol, freq, energy)

        # Evaluate all results
        if not (energy and isinstance(freq, np.ndarray)):
            raise _get_results_error(results)
        log_succes(job, mol, job_preset, name)

    except Exception as ex:  # Failed to retrieve results
        if job_preset == 'geometry optimization':
            mol.properties.is_opt = False
        log_fail(job, mol, job_preset, name)
        logger.debug(f'{ex.__class__.__name__}: {ex}', exc_info=True)

        if job_preset == 'geometry optimization':
            mol.properties.is_opt = True
        if job.status != 'copied':
            return None

        # results.job is a copy from a previously run job.
        # Exchange the attributes of results.job wth those of the revious job
        job_old = config.default_jobmanager.hashes[job._hash]()
        log_copy(job, mol, job_preset, name, job_old)
        for key, value in vars(job_old).items():
            if key != 'molecule':
                setattr(job, key, value)
    return None