Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_asa_fragments(qd: Molecule) -> Tuple[List[Molecule], Molecule]:
    """Construct the fragments for an activation strain analyses.

    qd : |plams.Molecule|
        A Molecule whose atoms' properties should be marked with `pdb_info.ResidueName`.
        Atoms in the core should herein be marked with ``"COR"``.

    :class:`list` [|plams.Molecule|] and |plams.Molecule|
        A list of ligands and the core.
        Fragments are defined based on connectivity patterns (or lack thereof).

    # Delete all atoms within the core
    mol_complete = qd.copy()
    core = Molecule()
    core.properties = mol_complete.properties.copy()

    core_atoms = [at for at in mol_complete if at.properties.pdb_info.ResidueName == 'COR']
    for atom in core_atoms:
        atom.mol = core

    core.atoms = core_atoms
    mol_complete.properties.name += '_frags'
    core.properties.name += '_core'

    # Fragment the molecule
    ligand_list = mol_complete.separate()

    # Set atomic properties
    for at1, at2 in zip(chain(*ligand_list), mol_complete):
        at1.properties.symbol = at2.properties.symbol
        at1.properties.charge_float = at2.properties.charge_float
    for at1, at2 in zip(core, qd):
        at1.properties.symbol = at2.properties.symbol
        at1.properties.charge_float = at2.properties.charge_float

    # Set the prm parameter which points to the created .prm file
    name = mol_complete.properties.name[:-1]
    path = mol_complete.properties.path
    prm = mol_complete.properties.prm
    for mol in ligand_list:
        mol.properties.name = name
        mol.properties.path = path
        mol.properties.prm = prm

    return ligand_list, core
Ejemplo n.º 2
def separate_mod(self) -> Tuple[Molecule]:
    """Modified PLAMS function: creates new molecules out of this instance rather than a copy of this instance. Atoms, bonds and properties are *not* copied.

    Separate the molecule into connected components.
    Returns is a list of new Molecule instrances (all atoms and bonds are disjoint with
    the original molecule).
    Each element of this list is identical to one connected component of the base molecule.
    A connected component is a subset of atoms such that there exists a path
    (along one or more bonds) between any two atoms.

    |tuple|_ [|plams.Molecule|_]
        A list of molecules with atoms and bonds from **self**.

    """  # noqa: E501
    frags = ()
    for at in self:
        at._visited = False

    def dfs(v, mol):
        v._visited = True
        v.mol = mol
        for e in v.bonds:
            e.mol = mol
            u = e.other_end(v)
            if not u._visited:
                dfs(u, mol)

    for src in self.atoms:
        if not src._visited:
            m = Molecule()
            dfs(src, m)
            frags += (m, )
            m.properties = self.properties.copy()

    for at in self.atoms:
        del at._visited
    for b in self.bonds:

    return frags