Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup_method(self, method):
        policy_set = {"plen": 12, "psets": 4, "pdict": 1, "phist": 3, "prenew": 3, "pattempts": 1, "pautorecover": 0}
        self.multi_policy = simulation()

        self.policy = simulation()
        self.policy.set_policy("plen", 12)
        self.policy.set_policy("psets", 4)
        self.policy.set_policy("pdict", 1)
        self.policy.set_policy("phist", 3)
        self.policy.set_policy("prenew", 3)
        self.policy.set_policy("pattempts", 1)
        self.policy.set_policy("pautorecover", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.policy = simulation()
     self.policy.set_policy("plen", 12)
     self.policy.set_policy("psets", 4)
     self.policy.set_policy("pdict", 1)
     self.policy.set_policy("phist", 3)
     self.policy.set_policy("prenew", 3)
     self.policy.set_policy("pattempts", 1)
     self.policy.set_policy("pautorecover", 0)
Ejemplo n.º 3
# initial conditions
position_start = sim.vector( 0, 0 ) 	# initial position (need to be >0)
velocity_start = sim.vector( 10, 100 ) 	# initial velocity
velocity_wind= sim.vector( -100, 0 )	# wind velocity
g = sim.vector( 0, -98.0665 ) 			# gravitation force
cross_section_area = 6*0.001  			# cross section area
drag_coefficient = 0.45					# drag coefficient
mass = 0.05								# bullet mass
fluid_density = 0.1						# air density
dt = 0.01								# time step

# simulation
bullet = sim.bullet( mass, position_start, velocity_start, cross_section_area * drag_coefficient )
cond = sim.external( fluid_density, velocity_wind, g )
s = sim.simulation(bullet, cond, dt)
xx , yy = s.read_out()

# plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax.set_xlim(-100, 100)

xdata, ydata = [], []
t_max = len( xx ) 

def run(argument):
	global t
Ejemplo n.º 4
        B_val = str('B=')+str(B)

        # Run through the files
        for suffix in filt:

            # Print the intentions of the script to keep track of code's location
            print(str('Changing the directory to:')+str(' simulations/workingsims_psf/')+str(B_val)+str('/')+str(suffix)+str('/background_15K/\n'))

            # Change the directory to the directory housing the band data

            # Print to tell simulation is being run
            print(str('Now running the simulation for ')+str(suffix)+str('\n'))

            # Run the simulation itself
            sim_data = simulation(mode=mode ,filt=str(suffix), npix=npix, sizeau=sizeau, d=d, mass=mass, cloud_density=cloud_density, outside_density=outside_density, cloud_temp=cloud_temp, outside_temp=outside_temp, kappa_0=kappa_0, lambda_0=lambda_0, B=B, amr=amr, dust=dust)

            # Print to tell simulation is being run
            print(str('Now determining the SED for')+str(suffix)+str('\n'))

            # Determine the limit to filter for
            min_val = np.amin(sim_data)
            max_val = np.amax(sim_data)
            std_val = np.std(sim_data)

            # Determine the SED
            sedGeneration(filt=str(suffix), sim_name='cloud', kappa_0=kappa_0, lambda_0=lambda_0, B=B, withPSF=True)

            # Change the directory back to the folder containing this file
Ejemplo n.º 5
import os
import sys
import random
from math import log

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sim import Color, semaphore
from sim import Sim as simulation
from sim import queue

simulation_time = 3600

simul = simulation(simulation_time)

car_queue = queue()
man_queue = queue()

def exp_generator(mean):
    return -log(1 - random.random()) * mean

class semaphore_w_button():
    def __init__(self):
        self.button_active = True

        self.car_sem = semaphore(start_color=Color.RED)
        self.people_sem = semaphore(start_color=Color.RED)
        self.press_button_event = None
        self.change_state_time = 0