    def setup_method(self, method):
        policy_set = {"plen": 12, "psets": 4, "pdict": 1, "phist": 3, "prenew": 3, "pattempts": 1, "pautorecover": 0}
        self.multi_policy = simulation()

        self.policy = simulation()
        self.policy.set_policy("plen", 12)
        self.policy.set_policy("psets", 4)
        self.policy.set_policy("pdict", 1)
        self.policy.set_policy("phist", 3)
        self.policy.set_policy("prenew", 3)
        self.policy.set_policy("pattempts", 1)
        self.policy.set_policy("pautorecover", 0)
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.policy = simulation()
     self.policy.set_policy("plen", 12)
     self.policy.set_policy("psets", 4)
     self.policy.set_policy("pdict", 1)
     self.policy.set_policy("phist", 3)
     self.policy.set_policy("prenew", 3)
     self.policy.set_policy("pattempts", 1)
     self.policy.set_policy("pautorecover", 0)
# initial conditions
position_start = sim.vector( 0, 0 ) 	# initial position (need to be >0)
velocity_start = sim.vector( 10, 100 ) 	# initial velocity
velocity_wind= sim.vector( -100, 0 )	# wind velocity
g = sim.vector( 0, -98.0665 ) 			# gravitation force
cross_section_area = 6*0.001  			# cross section area
drag_coefficient = 0.45					# drag coefficient
mass = 0.05								# bullet mass
fluid_density = 0.1						# air density
dt = 0.01								# time step

# simulation
bullet = sim.bullet( mass, position_start, velocity_start, cross_section_area * drag_coefficient )
cond = sim.external( fluid_density, velocity_wind, g )
s = sim.simulation(bullet, cond, dt)
xx , yy = s.read_out()

# plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
line, = ax.plot([], [], lw=2)
ax.set_ylim(0, 100)
ax.set_xlim(-100, 100)

xdata, ydata = [], []
t_max = len( xx ) 

def run(argument):
	global t
        B_val = str('B=')+str(B)

        # Run through the files
        for suffix in filt:

            # Print the intentions of the script to keep track of code's location
            print(str('Changing the directory to:')+str(' simulations/workingsims_psf/')+str(B_val)+str('/')+str(suffix)+str('/background_15K/\n'))

            # Change the directory to the directory housing the band data

            # Print to tell simulation is being run
            print(str('Now running the simulation for ')+str(suffix)+str('\n'))

            # Run the simulation itself
            sim_data = simulation(mode=mode ,filt=str(suffix), npix=npix, sizeau=sizeau, d=d, mass=mass, cloud_density=cloud_density, outside_density=outside_density, cloud_temp=cloud_temp, outside_temp=outside_temp, kappa_0=kappa_0, lambda_0=lambda_0, B=B, amr=amr, dust=dust)

            # Print to tell simulation is being run
            print(str('Now determining the SED for')+str(suffix)+str('\n'))

            # Determine the limit to filter for
            min_val = np.amin(sim_data)
            max_val = np.amax(sim_data)
            std_val = np.std(sim_data)

            # Determine the SED
            sedGeneration(filt=str(suffix), sim_name='cloud', kappa_0=kappa_0, lambda_0=lambda_0, B=B, withPSF=True)

            # Change the directory back to the folder containing this file
import os
import sys
import random
from math import log

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sim import Color, semaphore
from sim import Sim as simulation
from sim import queue

simulation_time = 3600

simul = simulation(simulation_time)

car_queue = queue()
man_queue = queue()

def exp_generator(mean):
    return -log(1 - random.random()) * mean

class semaphore_w_button():
    def __init__(self):
        self.button_active = True

        self.car_sem = semaphore(start_color=Color.RED)
        self.people_sem = semaphore(start_color=Color.RED)
        self.press_button_event = None
        self.change_state_time = 0