Ejemplo n.º 1
def mantel(x, y, method='pearson', permutations=999, alternative='two-sided'):
    """Compute correlation between distance matrices using the Mantel test.

    The Mantel test compares two distance matrices by computing the correlation
    between the distances in the lower (or upper) triangular portions of the
    symmetric distance matrices. Correlation can be computed using Pearson's
    product-moment correlation coefficient or Spearman's rank correlation

    As defined in [1]_, the Mantel test computes a test statistic :math:`r_M`
    given two symmetric distance matrices :math:`D_X` and :math:`D_Y`.
    :math:`r_M` is defined as

    .. math::



    .. math::


    and :math:`n` is the number of rows/columns in each of the distance
    matrices. :math:`stand(D_X)` and :math:`stand(D_Y)` are distance matrices
    with their upper triangles containing standardized distances. Note that
    since :math:`D_X` and :math:`D_Y` are symmetric, the lower triangular
    portions of the matrices could equivalently have been used instead of the
    upper triangular portions (the current function behaves in this manner).

    If ``method='spearman'``, the above equation operates on ranked distances
    instead of the original distances.

    Statistical significance is assessed via a permutation test. The rows and
    columns of the first distance matrix (`x`) are randomly permuted a
    number of times (controlled via `permutations`). A correlation coefficient
    is computed for each permutation and the p-value is the proportion of
    permuted correlation coefficients that are equal to or more extreme
    than the original (unpermuted) correlation coefficient. Whether a permuted
    correlation coefficient is "more extreme" than the original correlation
    coefficient depends on the alternative hypothesis (controlled via

    x, y : array_like or DistanceMatrix
        Input distance matrices to compare. Both matrices must have the same
        shape and be at least 3x3 in size. If ``array_like``, will be cast to
        ``DistanceMatrix`` (thus the requirements of a valid ``DistanceMatrix``
        apply to both `x` and `y`, such as symmetry and hollowness). If inputs
        are already ``DistanceMatrix`` instances, the IDs do not need to match
        between them; they are assumed to both be in the same order regardless
        of their IDs (the underlying data matrix is the only thing considered
        by this function).
    method : {'pearson', 'spearman'}
        Method used to compute the correlation between distance matrices.
    permutations : int, optional
        Number of times to randomly permute `x` when assessing statistical
        significance. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero,
        statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value
        will be ``np.nan``.
    alternative : {'two-sided', 'greater', 'less'}
        Alternative hypothesis to use when calculating statistical
        significance. The default ``'two-sided'`` alternative hypothesis
        calculates the proportion of permuted correlation coefficients whose
        magnitude (i.e. after taking the absolute value) is greater than or
        equal to the absolute value of the original correlation coefficient.
        ``'greater'`` calculates the proportion of permuted coefficients that
        are greater than or equal to the original coefficient. ``'less'``
        calculates the proportion of permuted coefficients that are less than
        or equal to the original coefficient.

    tuple of floats
        Correlation coefficient and p-value of the test.

        If `x` and `y` are not the same shape and at least 3x3 in size, or an
        invalid `method`, number of `permutations`, or `alternative` are

    See Also

    The Mantel test was first described in [2]_. The general algorithm and
    interface are similar to ``vegan::mantel``, available in R's vegan
    package [3]_.

    ``np.nan`` will be returned for the p-value if `permutations` is zero or if
    the correlation coefficient is ``np.nan``. The correlation coefficient will
    be ``np.nan`` if one or both of the inputs does not have any variation
    (i.e. the distances are all constant) and ``method='spearman'``.

    .. [1] Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (2012) Numerical Ecology. 3rd English
       Edition. Elsevier.

    .. [2] Mantel, N. (1967). "The detection of disease clustering and a
       generalized regression approach". Cancer Research 27 (2): 209-220. PMID

    .. [3] http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vegan/index.html

    Define two 3x3 distance matrices:

    >>> x = [[0, 1, 2],
    ...      [1, 0, 3],
    ...      [2, 3, 0]]
    >>> y = [[0, 2, 7],
    ...      [2, 0, 6],
    ...      [7, 6, 0]]

    Compute the Pearson correlation between them and assess significance using
    a two-sided test with 999 permutations:

    >>> coeff, p_value = mantel(x, y)
    >>> round(coeff, 4)

    Thus, we see a moderate-to-strong positive correlation (:math:`r_M=0.7559`)
    between the two matrices.

    if method == 'pearson':
        corr_func = pearsonr
    elif method == 'spearman':
        corr_func = spearmanr
        raise ValueError("Invalid correlation method '%s'." % method)

    if permutations < 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of permutations must be greater than or "
                         "equal to zero.")
    if alternative not in ('two-sided', 'greater', 'less'):
        raise ValueError("Invalid alternative hypothesis '%s'." % alternative)

    x = DistanceMatrix(x)
    y = DistanceMatrix(y)

    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError("Distance matrices must have the same shape.")
    if x.shape[0] < 3:
        raise ValueError("Distance matrices must be at least 3x3 in size.")

    x_flat = x.condensed_form()
    y_flat = y.condensed_form()

    orig_stat = corr_func(x_flat, y_flat)[0]

    if permutations == 0 or np.isnan(orig_stat):
        p_value = np.nan
        perm_gen = (corr_func(x.permute(condensed=True), y_flat)[0]
                    for _ in range(permutations))
        permuted_stats = np.fromiter(perm_gen, np.float, count=permutations)

        if alternative == 'two-sided':
            count_better = (np.absolute(permuted_stats) >=
        elif alternative == 'greater':
            count_better = (permuted_stats >= orig_stat).sum()
            count_better = (permuted_stats <= orig_stat).sum()

        p_value = (count_better + 1) / (permutations + 1)

    return orig_stat, p_value
Ejemplo n.º 2
class DistanceMatrixTests(DissimilarityMatrixTestData):
    def setUp(self):
        super(DistanceMatrixTests, self).setUp()

        self.dm_1x1 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_1x1_data, ['a'])
        self.dm_2x2 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_2x2_data, ['a', 'b'])
        self.dm_3x3 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_3x3_data, ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        self.dms = [self.dm_1x1, self.dm_2x2, self.dm_3x3]
        self.dm_condensed_forms = [
            np.array([0.01, 4.2, 12.0])

    def test_from_file_with_file_path(self):
        """Should identify the filepath correctly and parse from it."""

        # should fail with the expected exception
        with self.assertRaises(DissimilarityMatrixFormatError):

        obs = DistanceMatrix.from_file(self.dm_3x3_fp)
        self.assertEqual(self.dm_3x3, obs)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(obs, DistanceMatrix))

    def test_from_file_invalid_input(self):
        """Raises error on invalid distance matrix file."""
        # Asymmetric.
        with self.assertRaises(DistanceMatrixError):

    def test_init_invalid_input(self):
        """Raises error on invalid distance matrix data / IDs."""
        # Asymmetric.
        data = [[0.0, 2.0], [1.0, 0.0]]
        with self.assertRaises(DistanceMatrixError):
            DistanceMatrix(data, ['a', 'b'])

        # Ensure that the superclass validation is still being performed.
        with self.assertRaises(DissimilarityMatrixError):
            DistanceMatrix([[1, 2, 3]], ['a'])

    def test_condensed_form(self):
        """Test retrieving the data matrix in condensed form."""
        for dm, condensed in zip(self.dms, self.dm_condensed_forms):
            obs = dm.condensed_form()
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(obs, condensed))

    def test_permute_condensed(self):
        # Can't really permute a 1x1 or 2x2...
        for _ in range(2):
            obs = self.dm_1x1.permute(condensed=True)
            npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([]))

        for _ in range(2):
            obs = self.dm_2x2.permute(condensed=True)
            npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([0.123]))

        dm_copy = self.dm_3x3.copy()


        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute(condensed=True)
        npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([12.0, 4.2, 0.01]))

        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute(condensed=True)
        npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([4.2, 12.0, 0.01]))

        # Ensure dm hasn't changed after calling permute() on it a couple of
        # times.
        self.assertEqual(self.dm_3x3, dm_copy)

    def test_permute_not_condensed(self):
        obs = self.dm_1x1.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, self.dm_1x1)
        self.assertFalse(obs is self.dm_1x1)

        obs = self.dm_2x2.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, self.dm_2x2)
        self.assertFalse(obs is self.dm_2x2)


        exp = DistanceMatrix([[0, 12, 4.2], [12, 0, 0.01], [4.2, 0.01, 0]],
        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        exp = DistanceMatrix([[0, 4.2, 12], [4.2, 0, 0.01], [12, 0.01, 0]],
        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

    def test_eq(self):
        """Test data equality between different matrix types."""
        # Compare DistanceMatrix to DissimilarityMatrix, where both have the
        # same data and IDs.
        eq_dm = DissimilarityMatrix(self.dm_3x3_data, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertTrue(self.dm_3x3 == eq_dm)
        self.assertTrue(eq_dm == self.dm_3x3)

    def test_validate(self):
        """Empty stub: DistanceMatrix._validate tested elsewhere."""
Ejemplo n.º 3
class DistanceMatrixTests(DissimilarityMatrixTestData):
    def setUp(self):
        super(DistanceMatrixTests, self).setUp()

        self.dm_1x1 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_1x1_data, ['a'])
        self.dm_2x2 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_2x2_data, ['a', 'b'])
        self.dm_3x3 = DistanceMatrix(self.dm_3x3_data, ['a', 'b', 'c'])

        self.dms = [self.dm_1x1, self.dm_2x2, self.dm_3x3]
        self.dm_condensed_forms = [np.array([]), np.array([0.123]),
                                   np.array([0.01, 4.2, 12.0])]

    def test_from_file_with_file_path(self):
        """Should identify the filepath correctly and parse from it."""

        # should fail with the expected exception
        with self.assertRaises(DissimilarityMatrixFormatError):

        obs = DistanceMatrix.from_file(self.dm_3x3_fp)
        self.assertEqual(self.dm_3x3, obs)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(obs, DistanceMatrix))

    def test_from_file_invalid_input(self):
        """Raises error on invalid distance matrix file."""
        # Asymmetric.
        with self.assertRaises(DistanceMatrixError):

    def test_init_invalid_input(self):
        """Raises error on invalid distance matrix data / IDs."""
        # Asymmetric.
        data = [[0.0, 2.0], [1.0, 0.0]]
        with self.assertRaises(DistanceMatrixError):
            DistanceMatrix(data, ['a', 'b'])

        # Ensure that the superclass validation is still being performed.
        with self.assertRaises(DissimilarityMatrixError):
            DistanceMatrix([[1, 2, 3]], ['a'])

    def test_condensed_form(self):
        """Test retrieving the data matrix in condensed form."""
        for dm, condensed in zip(self.dms, self.dm_condensed_forms):
            obs = dm.condensed_form()
            self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(obs, condensed))

    def test_permute_condensed(self):
        # Can't really permute a 1x1 or 2x2...
        for _ in range(2):
            obs = self.dm_1x1.permute(condensed=True)
            npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([]))

        for _ in range(2):
            obs = self.dm_2x2.permute(condensed=True)
            npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([0.123]))

        dm_copy = self.dm_3x3.copy()


        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute(condensed=True)
        npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([12.0, 4.2, 0.01]))

        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute(condensed=True)
        npt.assert_equal(obs, np.array([4.2, 12.0, 0.01]))

        # Ensure dm hasn't changed after calling permute() on it a couple of
        # times.
        self.assertEqual(self.dm_3x3, dm_copy)

    def test_permute_not_condensed(self):
        obs = self.dm_1x1.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, self.dm_1x1)
        self.assertFalse(obs is self.dm_1x1)

        obs = self.dm_2x2.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, self.dm_2x2)
        self.assertFalse(obs is self.dm_2x2)


        exp = DistanceMatrix([[0, 12, 4.2],
                              [12, 0, 0.01],
                              [4.2, 0.01, 0]], self.dm_3x3.ids)
        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

        exp = DistanceMatrix([[0, 4.2, 12],
                              [4.2, 0, 0.01],
                              [12, 0.01, 0]], self.dm_3x3.ids)
        obs = self.dm_3x3.permute()
        self.assertEqual(obs, exp)

    def test_eq(self):
        """Test data equality between different matrix types."""
        # Compare DistanceMatrix to DissimilarityMatrix, where both have the
        # same data and IDs.
        eq_dm = DissimilarityMatrix(self.dm_3x3_data, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
        self.assertTrue(self.dm_3x3 == eq_dm)
        self.assertTrue(eq_dm == self.dm_3x3)

    def test_validate(self):
        """Empty stub: DistanceMatrix._validate tested elsewhere."""
Ejemplo n.º 4
def mantel(x, y, method='pearson', permutations=999, alternative='two-sided'):
    """Compute correlation between distance matrices using the Mantel test.

    The Mantel test compares two distance matrices by computing the correlation
    between the distances in the lower (or upper) triangular portions of the
    symmetric distance matrices. Correlation can be computed using Pearson's
    product-moment correlation coefficient or Spearman's rank correlation

    As defined in [1]_, the Mantel test computes a test statistic :math:`r_M`
    given two symmetric distance matrices :math:`D_X` and :math:`D_Y`.
    :math:`r_M` is defined as

    .. math::



    .. math::


    and :math:`n` is the number of rows/columns in each of the distance
    matrices. :math:`stand(D_X)` and :math:`stand(D_Y)` are distance matrices
    with their upper triangles containing standardized distances. Note that
    since :math:`D_X` and :math:`D_Y` are symmetric, the lower triangular
    portions of the matrices could equivalently have been used instead of the
    upper triangular portions (the current function behaves in this manner).

    If ``method='spearman'``, the above equation operates on ranked distances
    instead of the original distances.

    Statistical significance is assessed via a permutation test. The rows and
    columns of the first distance matrix (`x`) are randomly permuted a
    number of times (controlled via `permutations`). A correlation coefficient
    is computed for each permutation and the p-value is the proportion of
    permuted correlation coefficients that are equal to or more extreme
    than the original (unpermuted) correlation coefficient. Whether a permuted
    correlation coefficient is "more extreme" than the original correlation
    coefficient depends on the alternative hypothesis (controlled via

    x, y : array_like or DistanceMatrix
        Input distance matrices to compare. Both matrices must have the same
        shape and be at least 3x3 in size. If ``array_like``, will be cast to
        ``DistanceMatrix`` (thus the requirements of a valid ``DistanceMatrix``
        apply to both `x` and `y`, such as symmetry and hollowness). If inputs
        are already ``DistanceMatrix`` instances, the IDs do not need to match
        between them; they are assumed to both be in the same order regardless
        of their IDs (the underlying data matrix is the only thing considered
        by this function).
    method : {'pearson', 'spearman'}
        Method used to compute the correlation between distance matrices.
    permutations : int, optional
        Number of times to randomly permute `x` when assessing statistical
        significance. Must be greater than or equal to zero. If zero,
        statistical significance calculations will be skipped and the p-value
        will be ``np.nan``.
    alternative : {'two-sided', 'greater', 'less'}
        Alternative hypothesis to use when calculating statistical
        significance. The default ``'two-sided'`` alternative hypothesis
        calculates the proportion of permuted correlation coefficients whose
        magnitude (i.e. after taking the absolute value) is greater than or
        equal to the absolute value of the original correlation coefficient.
        ``'greater'`` calculates the proportion of permuted coefficients that
        are greater than or equal to the original coefficient. ``'less'``
        calculates the proportion of permuted coefficients that are less than
        or equal to the original coefficient.

    tuple of floats
        Correlation coefficient and p-value of the test.

        If `x` and `y` are not the same shape and at least 3x3 in size, or an
        invalid `method`, number of `permutations`, or `alternative` are

    See Also

    The Mantel test was first described in [2]_. The general algorithm and
    interface are similar to ``vegan::mantel``, available in R's vegan
    package [3]_.

    ``np.nan`` will be returned for the p-value if `permutations` is zero or if
    the correlation coefficient is ``np.nan``. The correlation coefficient will
    be ``np.nan`` if one or both of the inputs does not have any variation
    (i.e. the distances are all constant) and ``method='spearman'``.

    .. [1] Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. (2012) Numerical Ecology. 3rd English
       Edition. Elsevier.

    .. [2] Mantel, N. (1967). "The detection of disease clustering and a
       generalized regression approach". Cancer Research 27 (2): 209-220. PMID

    .. [3] http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vegan/index.html

    Define two 3x3 distance matrices:

    >>> x = [[0, 1, 2],
    ...      [1, 0, 3],
    ...      [2, 3, 0]]
    >>> y = [[0, 2, 7],
    ...      [2, 0, 6],
    ...      [7, 6, 0]]

    Compute the Pearson correlation between them and assess significance using
    a two-sided test with 999 permutations:

    >>> coeff, p_value = mantel(x, y)
    >>> round(coeff, 4)

    Thus, we see a moderate-to-strong positive correlation (:math:`r_M=0.7559`)
    between the two matrices.

    if method == 'pearson':
        corr_func = pearsonr
    elif method == 'spearman':
        corr_func = spearmanr
        raise ValueError("Invalid correlation method '%s'." % method)

    if permutations < 0:
        raise ValueError("Number of permutations must be greater than or "
                         "equal to zero.")
    if alternative not in ('two-sided', 'greater', 'less'):
        raise ValueError("Invalid alternative hypothesis '%s'." % alternative)

    x = DistanceMatrix(x)
    y = DistanceMatrix(y)

    if x.shape != y.shape:
        raise ValueError("Distance matrices must have the same shape.")
    if x.shape[0] < 3:
        raise ValueError("Distance matrices must be at least 3x3 in size.")

    x_flat = x.condensed_form()
    y_flat = y.condensed_form()

    orig_stat = corr_func(x_flat, y_flat)[0]

    if permutations == 0 or np.isnan(orig_stat):
        p_value = np.nan
        perm_gen = (corr_func(x.permute(condensed=True), y_flat)[0]
                    for _ in range(permutations))
        permuted_stats = np.fromiter(perm_gen, np.float, count=permutations)

        if alternative == 'two-sided':
            count_better = (np.absolute(permuted_stats) >=
        elif alternative == 'greater':
            count_better = (permuted_stats >= orig_stat).sum()
            count_better = (permuted_stats <= orig_stat).sum()

        p_value = (count_better + 1) / (permutations + 1)

    return orig_stat, p_value