Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_hmm_likelihood(T=1000, K=5, D=2):
    # Create a true HMM
    A = npr.rand(K, K)
    A /= A.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)
    A = 0.75 * np.eye(K) + 0.25 * A
    C = npr.randn(K, D)
    sigma = 0.01

    # Sample from the true HMM
    z = np.zeros(T, dtype=int)
    y = np.zeros((T, D))
    for t in range(T):
        if t > 0:
            z[t] = np.random.choice(K, p=A[z[t - 1]])
        y[t] = C[z[t]] + np.sqrt(sigma) * npr.randn(D)

    # Compare to pyhsmm answer
    from pyhsmm.models import HMM as OldHMM
    from pybasicbayes.distributions import Gaussian
    oldhmm = OldHMM(
        [Gaussian(mu=C[k], sigma=sigma * np.eye(D)) for k in range(K)],
    true_lkhd = oldhmm.log_likelihood(y)

    # Make an HMM with these parameters
    hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="diagonal_gaussian")
    hmm.transitions.log_Ps = np.log(A)
    hmm.observations.mus = C
    hmm.observations.sigmasq = sigma * np.ones((K, D))
    test_lkhd = hmm.log_probability(y)

    assert np.allclose(true_lkhd, test_lkhd)
Ejemplo n.º 2
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ssm.models import HMM

# Set the parameters of the HMM
T = 500  # number of time bins
K = 5  # number of discrete states
D = 2  # number of observed dimensions

# Make an HMM with the true parameters
true_hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
z, y = true_hmm.sample(T)
z_test, y_test = true_hmm.sample(T)
true_ll = true_hmm.log_probability(y)

# Fit models
N_sgd_iters = 1000
N_em_iters = 100

print("Fitting HMM with SGD")
hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
hmm_sgd_lls = hmm.fit(y, method="sgd", num_iters=N_sgd_iters)
hmm_sgd_test_ll = hmm.log_probability(y_test)
hmm_sgd_smooth = hmm.smooth(y)

print("Fitting HMM with EM")
hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="gaussian")
hmm_em_lls = hmm.fit(y, method="em", num_em_iters=N_em_iters)
hmm_em_test_ll = hmm.log_probability(y_test)
Ejemplo n.º 3
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ssm.models import HMM
from ssm.util import find_permutation

# Set the parameters of the HMM
T = 500  # number of time bins
K = 5  # number of discrete states
D = 2  # number of observed dimensions

# Make an HMM with the true parameters
true_hmm = HMM(K, D, observations="diagonal_gaussian")
z, y = true_hmm.sample(T)
z_test, y_test = true_hmm.sample(T)
true_ll = true_hmm.log_probability(y)

# Fit models
N_sgd_iters = 1000
N_em_iters = 100

# A bunch of observation models that all include the
# diagonal Gaussian as a special case.
observations = [
    "diagonal_gaussian", "gaussian", "diagonal_t", "studentst", "diagonal_ar",
    "ar", "diagonal_robust_ar", "robust_ar"

# Fit with both SGD and EM
methods = ["sgd", "em"]
Ejemplo n.º 4
# Make an HMM
true_hmm = HMM(K, D, M, 
               observations="categorical", observation_kwargs=dict(C=C),

# Optionally, turn up the input weights to exaggerate the effect
# true_hmm.transitions.Ws *= 3

# Create an exogenous input
inpt = np.sin(2 * np.pi * np.arange(T) / 50)[:, None] + 1e-1 * npr.randn(T, M)

# Sample some data from the HMM
z, y = true_hmm.sample(T, input=inpt)

# Compute the true log probability of the data, summing out the discrete states
true_lp = true_hmm.log_probability(y, inputs=inpt)

# In[3]:

# Plot the data
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))

plt.xlim(0, T)
